Ce 503 C Quantity Surveying and Costing Dec 2020

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Total No. of Questions : 8] [1] [Total No.

of Printed Pages : 6

Roll No ..................................
B.Tech., V Semester
Examination, December 2020
Choice Based Grading System (CBGS)
Quantity Surveying and Costing
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
{H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| H$mo hb H$s{OE&
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
g^r àíZm| Ho$ g_mZ A§H$ h¢&
iii) In case of any doubt or dispute the English version
question should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xoh AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§J«oOr ^mfm
Ho$ àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm&

1. Calculate Excavation for foundations, Cement Concrete and

Brick Work in mud mortar in foundations, up to plinth level,
using center line, Crossing and Out to out and in to methods.
{ZåZ{M{ÌV Ho$ {bE Ho$ÝÐ aoIm {d{Y, H«$mqgJ {d{Y Ed§ ~mø go ~mø VWm
^rVa go ^rVa {d{Y go pßb¨W Vb VH$ Zr§d Ho$ {bE IwXmB© H$s, gr‘|Q>
H§$H«$sQ> H$s Ed§ Zr§d VH$ {‘Q>Q>r ‘gmbo ‘| BªQ> H$m¶© H$s JUZm H$ao&



2. a) Work out the rate analysis for: 7

i) Plain cement concrete 1:1.5:3
ii) Plastering 12mm. and 20mm. thick with a proportion
of (1:5) cement mortar.
{ZåZ H$s Xa {díbofU kmV H$ao&
i) gmXo gr‘|Q> H§$H«$sQ> 1:1.5:3 AZwnmV ‘|
ii) 12 {‘‘r. Am¡a 20 {‘‘r ‘moQ>m nbñVa (1:5) gr‘|Q> ‘gmbo Ho$
AZwnmV ‘|
b) Explain the following: 7
i) CSR
ii) Factors involved in the rate analysis of an item.
{ZåZ{b{IV H$s ì¶m»¶m H$a|&
i) grEgAma
ii) {H$gr dñVw Ho$ Xa {díbofU ‘| g‘{„V H$maH$&

3. a) List out the various types of engineering works involving

earthwork. 7
{d{^Þ àH$ma Ho$ B§Or{Z¶[a¨J H$m¶m] H$mo gyMr~Õ H$ao {OZ‘§o ^y-H$m¶©
g‘{„V hmoVm h¡&
b) Calculate the quantity of earthwork for 200 meter length
for a portion of a road in a uniform ground. The heights
of the banks at the two ends are 1.00 and 1.60m. The
formation width is 10 meter and side slopes are 2:1.
Assume that there is no transverse slope. 7

CE-503(C)-CBGS PTO Contd...


EH$ g‘Vb ^y{‘ ‘| g‹S>H$ Ho$ EH$ {hñgo Ho$ {bE 200 ‘rQ>a bå~mB©
Ho$ {bE ^y-H$m¶© H$s ‘mÌm H$s JUZm H$a|& Xmo N>moam| na ~¢H$m| H$s
D§$MmB© 1.00 Am¡a 1.60 ‘r. h¡& JR>Z H$s Mm¡S‹ >mB© 10 ‘r. h¡ Am¡a gmBS>
T>bmZ 2:1 h¡& ‘mZ b| {H$ H$moB© AZwàñW T>bmZ Zht h¡&

4. Find out the quantity of masonry work in a segmental arch of

clear span 3.5m and rise of 1.5m the thickness of the arch
ring is 40cm and wall width is 40cm. 14
3.5 ‘rQ>a H$s ñnï> bå~mB© dmbr go½‘|Q>b ‘oham~ {OgH$s D$Üdm©Ya
D§$MmB© 1.5 ‘rQ>a h¡ {H$ {MZmB© H$m¶© H$s ‘mÌm kmV H$a| ¶{X ‘oham~ Ho$ [a¨J
H$s ‘moQ>mB© 40 go‘r. Am¡a Xrdma H$s Mm¡‹S>mB© 40 go‘r. h¡&

5. a) A building costing Rs. 3,50,000/- has recently been

constructed in a big city. The plot measuring 450 sq. m
was purchased @ Rs. 150/- per square meter. Work out
the rent of the property. Assume 8% as net return on the
cost of the construction and 4% on the land value. All
expected outgoing are Rs.10,000/-per year. 7
^dZ {OgH$s bmJV ê$ 3,50,000/-h¡, H$m {Z‘m©U hmb hr ‘| EH$
~‹S>o eha ‘| hþAm h¡& 450 dJ© ‘rQ>a H$m ßbm°Q> @ ê$ 150/- à{V dJ©
‘rQ>a ‘| IarXm J¶m Wm& g§n{Îm Ho$ {H$amE H$s JUZm H$a|& {Z‘m©U H$s
bmJV na ewÕ [aQ>Z© na 8% ‘mZ b| Am¡a ^y{‘ ‘yë¶ na 4% g^r
Ano{jV 춶 ê$. 10,000/- à{V df© h¢&
b) Explain Sinking fund method. 7
Sy>~Vr {Z{Y {d{Y H$s ì¶m»¶m H$a|&



6. Prepare a preliminary estimate of a four storied office building

having total carpet area of 2000.sq.m for obtaining the
administrative approval of the government, given the following
data. It may be assumed that 40% of the built up area will be
taken up by corridors, verandah, lavatories, staircase etc. 14
Plinth area rate is Rs. 1325/-per sq.m
Extra for special architectural treatment 0.5% of building cost.
Extra due to deeper foundation at site 1% of building cost.
Extra for water supply and sanitary installation 8% of building
Extra for internal electrical installation 12.5% of building cost.
Extra for other services 5% of building cost. Contingencies -
2.5% supervision charges - 10%.
{ZåZ{b{IV S>mQ>m H$mo XoIVo hþE, gaH$ma Ho$ àemg{ZH$ AZw‘moXZ àmá
H$aZo Ho$ {bE 2000.sq.m Ho$ Hw$b ’$e© joÌ dmbo Mma ‘§{Obm H$m¶m©b¶
^dZ H$m àma§{^H$ AZw‘mZ V¡¶ma H$a|& ¶h ‘mZm Om gH$Vm h¡ {H$ {Z{‘©V
joÌ H$m 40% J{b¶mam|, ~am‘Xm, à¶moJembmAmo§, gr‹T>r Am{X Ûmam {b¶m
pßb¨W joÌ H$s Xa ê$ 1325/- à{V sq.m
{deof dmñVw CnMma Ho$ {bE A{V[aº$ {Z‘m©U bmJV H$m 0.5% &
B‘maV H$s bmJV H$m 1% gmBQ> na Jhar Ztd Ho$ H$maU A{V[aº$&
nmZr H$s Amny{V© Am¡a goZQo >ar à{Vð>mnZ Ho$ {bE A{V[aº$ 8% ^dZ bmJV
Am§V[aH$ {dÚwV à{Vð>mnZ Ho$ {bE A{V[aº$ 12.5 % ^dZ bmJV H$m&
10% Aݶ godmAm| Ho$ {bE ^dZ {Z‘m©U bmJV H$m 5 % A{V[aº$&
AmH$pñ‘H$VmE§ 2.5 % n¶©dojU ewëH$ 10 %&

CE-503(C)-CBGS PTO Contd...


7. a) What are the various purpose of valuation. Explain in

detail. 7
‘yë¶m§H$Z Ho$ {d{^Þ CÔoí¶ ³¶m h¢? {dñVma go ì¶m»¶m H$a|&
b) Explain Mid sectional area method with an example. 7
EH$ CXmhaU Ho$ gmW ‘ܶ AZw^mJr¶ joÌ {d{Y H$s ì¶m»¶m H$a|&

8. Write short notes on 14

a) Scrap value
b) DPR
c) Overhead charges
d) Factors affecting cost of work
{ZåZ na bKw {ddaU {bI|&
A) jo߶ ‘yë¶&
~) S>rnrAma&
g) AmodahoS> ewëH$&
X) H$m¶© H$s bmJV H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$&



Figure for Q.No. 1



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