Assessment Brief
ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/24....................................................................................................... 1
Submission and feedback dates...............................................................................................1
Submission details....................................................................................................................1
Completing your assessment................................................................................................... 3
Marks and Feedback................................................................................................................ 5
Report format & content......................................................................................................... 6
Marking grid............................................................................................................................. 7
Submission and feedback dates
Submission details
Completing your assessment
How does the learning and teaching relate to the assessment?
This assessment was created to help students understand the material in sessions 1-10.
1. Study all the methods to make a good selection of a new method, instead of using
the one that you know off.
2. Come to the workshops in weeks 1-6 to get on the spot formative feedback on your
progression with your report.
a. To assist with the preparation for these assessments, students will attend a
writing retreat workshop on week 6 afternoon, where they will follow
direction to construct their report and will receive formative feedback.
3. Submit a completed draft for formative feedback on the designated time.
a. Please prepare one complete draft for formative feedback for details on
corrections. A link for draft submission will be set up in Blackboard where you
can submit the draft (date TBC) and the module leader will send you your
feedback in 48 working hours. Do not send multiple emails and files of the
same report as it will not be possible to respond to such volume of emails.
How do I avoid an Assessment Offence on this module? 2
The most important academic offence is plagiarism, which is the theft of ideas (Intellectual
Property). Plagiarism constitutes the copied text from ore than 7 words in sequence from
any source. To avoid this, you need to paraphrase and reference. Then you can use anyone’s
ideas without trouble.
The University uses Turnitin and SafeAssign to check for plagiarism. So you should:
1. Use the support mentioned above and also use the library training sessions on
writing if you feel unable to submit your own work for this module.
2. Use the Blackboard SafeAssign function (on the panel left menu) to check the
similarity of your output to other
3. Do not use unreferenced material from websites including figures and tables
because the plagiarism is found by the checking software
4. Do not copy paste other essays or copy the essays of your classmates because the
plagiarism is found by the checking software
5. Do not copy paste from books and articles without proper referencing.
6. Use proper referencing
You can use these to evaluate your own work before you submit.
The marking grid is at the end of the document
Report format & content
Use Arial 10, single space, normal A4 margins. The report will be 3,000 words in length, +/-
10% excluding references, appendices, tables and figures.
You should ensure that your ID number appears on all pages including the title page. Text
should be kept as succinct as possible; bulleted text will be appropriate in places. The word
count should be provided on the title page. If you exceed the max word limit, your assessor
will not assess beyond the word limit. The report should be properly laid out as a business
style report with an executive summary (see below).
Marking grid
Your assessment will be marked according to the following marking criteria.
% Descriptor Criteria
80 PASS All aspects of the Exceptionally Conclusions provide a concise Highest standards of
- brief fully addressed. thorough and synthesis in relation to the literacy and
10 Outstandi Outstanding rigorous analysis of requirements of the brief. professional
0 ng awareness of the issue. Exceptional originality of presentation.
context. Very little Exceptional insight thought. References (in-text and
irrelevant material. and understanding Recommendations are references section)
Evidence of of relevant theory appropriate and are conform precisely to
independent / and/or practice. substantiated in an Harvard requirements.
innovative thought. Impressive range of exceptionally convincing
reading, some manner.
beyond the
source materials.
70 PASS All aspects of the Excellent rigour and Conclusions generally Very clearly written
- brief fully addressed. systematic analysis provide an excellent and professionally
79 Excellent Excellent awareness of the issues. synthesis in relation to the presented; no
of context. Very little Excellent depth and requirements of the brief. significant lapses.
irrelevant material. sophistication. Excellent originality of References (in-text and
Evidence of Evidence of reading thought. Recommendations references section)
independent / beyond the are appropriate and are largely conform to
innovative thought. recommended substantiated in a very UWE Harvard
source materials. convincing manner. requirements.
60 PASS Most aspects of the Good / very good, Conclusions generally Clearly written and
- brief fully addressed. coherent and provide a good / very good professionally
69 65-69%: Good / very good systematic analysis synthesis in relation to the presented with only
Very good awareness of of the issue. Some requirements of the brief. minor lapses.
context. Some minor signs of depth and Recommendations are References (in-text and
omissions of detail / sophistication. appropriate and are references section)
inclusion of Good / very good substantiated in a good / largely conform to
irrelevant material. use of evidence very good manner. Harvard requirements.
40 FAIL More than half of the Some knowledge Limited conclusions that are Comprehensible and
- brief addressed. and understanding broadly relevant and related neatly presented.
49 Weak Some important of the issues, but to supporting analysis and References (in-text and
aspects referred to, very little depth of evidence. No references section)
but omissions of key analysis. Weak use recommendations are largely conform to
detail. Errors or of supporting provided. Harvard requirements.
misunderstandings evidence.
of the brief.
35 FAIL Some requirements A generally limited Conclusions superficial or Poor levels of literacy
- Poor of the brief met. and superficial inappropriate. Poorly and presentation.
39 Substantial analysis. Poor supported by the analysis. Source attribution
omissions, errors or understanding of No recommendations are does not conform to
misunderstandings. issues. Poor use of provided. Harvard requirements.
Much of the content sources.
is of limited
25 FAIL Does not meet the Very little analysis Little attempt to present any Poor levels of literacy
- substantive aspects or understanding of conclusions. Poorly and presentation.
34 Very poor of the brief. May be issues. supported by the analysis. Source attribution
regarded as a partial No recommendations are does not conform to
submission. provided. Harvard requirements.
0- FAIL Virtually nothing of Virtually no analysis Conclusions very weak or Extremely poor levels
25 relevance to the or understanding of absent. No of literacy and
Extremely brief. May only be issues. recommendations are presentation.
poor regarded as a partial provided. References and source
submission. attribution absent.
You can use these to evaluate your own work before you submit.
You will receive feedback in a variety of forms throughout the module, therefore it is important to attend
timetabled sessions to ensure you do not miss out on these opportunities.
You will also receive feedback on assessed work; this may be individually or as a group/cohort, which will
enable you to understand how you have met the assessment criteria and identify areas for your further
MyUWE is used to communicate unconfirmed marks, provide cover sheets for assessments and to submit
work. Further information on all aspects of your myUWE portal is available on the website.
You will receive informal formative feedback verbally in all workshop & seminar sessions – ensure you
listen carefully.
Weekly scheduled informal formative feedback sessions will be arranged every Friday afternoons to give
formative feedback to students who wish help.
The meetings will last for 10-15 minute Teams sessions for informal formative feedback, once for every
student. Time slots for informal feedback will be run every Friday afternoon 14.00-17.00 pm UK time.
Please ask and schedule your session as soon as you can as slots are going to be taken soon.
Please prepare one draft for formative feedback for each assignment to discuss in a formative meeting or
to submit to the module leader fr details on corrections. A link for draft submission for each assignment
will be set up in Blackboard where you can submit the draft (date TBC) and the module leader will send
you your feedback in 48 working hours. Do not send multiple emails and files of the same assessment
as it will not be possible to respond to such volume of emails.
Before your formative feedback session, please make a bullet point list with the specific questions you
have about the assignment. You might be asked to fill in a self-assessment form before the meeting to
make sure that you have prepared sufficiently for the feedback to be taken in by you effectively.
Each assessment you submit will be returned to you with written feedback, and consists of comments
made by tutors on students' assessed work which enables students to understand how they have met
the defined assessment criteria and identifying areas for further improvement. The period for providing
feedback will be set by the release of the grades by the Department. This period may be shorter or
longer for some forms of assessment. Outcomes which have not been confirmed by an examining board
shall be considered as unconfirmed.
MyUWE is used to communicate unconfirmed marks, provide cover sheets for assessments and to submit
1. In line with UWE Bristol’s Assessment Content Limit Policy (formerly the Word Count Policy),
word count includes all text, including (but not limited to): the main body of text (including
headings), all citations (both in and out of brackets), text boxes, tables and graphs, figures
and diagrams, quotes, lists.
2. UWE Bristol’s UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy requires that you submit work that is
entirely your own and reflects your own learning, so it is important to:
Ensure you reference all sources used, using the UWE Harvard/OSCOLA system
(amend as appropriate) and the guidance available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing
Avoid copying and pasting any work into this assessment, including your own
previous assessments, work from other students or internet sources
Develop your own style, arguments and wording, so avoid copying sources and
changing individual words but keeping, essentially, the same sentences and/or
structures from other sources
Never give your work to others who may copy it
If an individual assessment, develop your own work and preparation, and do not
allow anyone to make amends on your work (including proof-readers, who may
highlight issues but not edit the work) and
When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own,
and text-matching software and other methods are routinely used to check submissions
against other submissions to the university and internet sources. Details of what constitutes
plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skills pages about avoiding