BMP6033 - Assignment Brief
BMP6033 - Assignment Brief
BMP6033 - Assignment Brief
Student Number:
1. All completed assignments must be accompanied by this front cover sheet when submitted
2. You are required to submit your work in Microsoft words to Turnitin via Moodle to ensure
the originality of your work.
3. All references must be fully cited in Harvard notation.
4. Plagiarism in any form will result in severe penalties.
5. Students who fail to submit assessments by the specified date (without an extension
being granted or without accepted Mitigating Circumstances) will be subject to the
following penalties:
Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would
normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than 40%.
More than 7 calendar days late = This will be counted as non-submission and no marks
will be recorded.
By submitting this assignment you are confirming that you have read the University policy on
plagiarism and that the work presented here is your own, and you acknowledge that the
University uses plagiarism detection software.
LO1: Critically analyse concepts and models which relate to the Report and Exam
process of organisational strategy
LO2: Critically evaluate external and internal environmental factors Exam
which impact on strategy
LO3: Critically review an organisation's strategic plan Report
LO4: Critically appraise the impact of change management and Exam
sustainability on strategic management
You are required to answer the questions in relation to your chosen company/organisation.
Please use CALIBRI LIGHT, FONT SIZE 11, with page margins of; Top (2.5 cm), Bottom (2.5
cm), Right (2.5 cm), Left (2.5 cm).
Please note that the marking scheme is used as a guideline and marks would be awarded
based on the level, details, and relevance of the response.
Assignment Task
Critically review the analytical tools used by organisations to analyse their internal and
external environment and apply the recommended analytical tools to an organisation that
you have work for, or, you are familiar with, or, you have knowledge of a company in
Vietnam. Your answer should include;
Section 1. Introduction
An introduction to strategic management and application of analytical tools
(10 marks)
Section 2. Application of Analytical tools
Apply Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), and Competitive
Profile Matrix (CPM) to the company of your choice and;
You should present your findings in a 2000 words Report format, and it is expected that the
Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference
List should include three refereed academic journals and five academic books.
There will be ample opportunity in online sessions to clarify any questions you may have
about the assignment structure, content or format. Please ensure that you use these
opportunities to seek any such clarification that you feel is necessary.
Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of the Report
1. Written assessments should be word-processed in Arial or Calibri Light font size 12.
There should be double-spacing and each page should be numbered.
2. The standard front cover page must be used to include; programme name, module title,
assessment title, your student number, your marking tutor and the date of submission.
3. You should include a word-count at the end of the assessment (excluding references,
figures, tables and appendices). Where a word limit is specified, the following penalty
systems applies:
Up to 10% over the specified word length = no penalty
10 – 20% over the specified indicative word length = 5 marks subtracted (but if the
assessment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than
the pass mark for the assessment).
More than 20% over the indicative word length = if the assessment would normally gain
a pass mark or more, then the final mark will capped at the pass mark for the
4. All written work should be referenced using the standard University of Bolton
referencing style– see:
6. Please note that when you submit your work to Moodle, it will automatically be checked
for matches against other electronic information. The individual percentage text
matches may be used as evidence in an academic misconduct investigation.
Extensions over 14 calendar days should be requested using the Mitigating
Circumstances procedure, with the exception of extensions for individual projects and
artefacts which, at the discretion of the Programme Leader, may be longer than 14
Requests for extensions which take a submission date past the end of the module
must be made using the Mitigating Circumstances procedures.
Please note that the failure of data storage systems is not considered to be a valid
reason for an extension. It is therefore important that you keep multiple copies of your
work on different storage devices before submitting it.
First class:
Students will provide an in-depth and critical analysis of analytical tools and their
applications to their chosen companies with consideration to the current and dynamic
macro environment and contemporary practices in the sector. Extensive research
demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be
evident and Academic style and referencing using an extensive range of relevant
sources will be excellent.
Second class:
Students will provide a good review and critical analysis of analytical tools and their
applications to their chosen companies with consideration to the current and dynamic
macro environment and contemporary practices in the sector. Research
demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be
evident and academic style and referencing using an extensive range of relevant
sources will be good.
Third class:
Students will provide a satisfactory review and analysis of analytical tools and their
applications to their chosen companies with consideration to the current and dynamic
macro environment and contemporary practices in the sector. Extensive research
demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be
evident. Academic style and referencing will be fair, with the essay being produced to
a satisfactory standard.
Important and helpful information
Please refer to the Module Guide for information regarding indicative reading, guidelines for
the preparation and submission of assignments, and the assessment criteria.
Reading List
Lynch, R. (2021) Strategic Management. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice
David, F.R. and David F.R. (2017) Strategic Management, A Competitive Advantage
Approach, Concepts and Cases. 16th Ed. Harlow: Pearson Higher Education
Whittington, R., Johnson, G., Regner P., Angwin, D. and Scholes, K. (2020) Exploring Strategy
Text and Cases. 12 ed. Harlow: Pearson
MacKay, B., Arevuo, M., MacKay D. and Meadows, M. (2020) Strategy. Oxford: Oxford
University Press
Thompson, J. Scott J.M. and Martin, F. (2020) Strategic Management, Awareness and
Change. 9th ed. Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA
Parnell, J.A. (2013) Strategic Management; Theory and Practice. 4th ed. London: Sage
Publications Ltd
Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2019) Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases. 12th
ed. Ebook. Harlow: Pearson
University of Bolton
Off Campus Division
Excellent Good Satisfactor Poor Very poor
Structure (layout, planning, flow)
Relevance (to brief/learning
Evidence (research sources
Understanding (cognitive
awareness of subject area)
(description/analysis/critique -
appropriate to level)
Presentation (use of English and
tables/figures/ appendices)
Referencing (in text, in
Bibliography/Reference List)
Please note that the mark advised to you on this feedback form is subject to ratification by the
Assessment Board
BMP6033 – Strategic Management
Student Identifier:
Please note that the feedback would be made available on Moodle according to the
criteria specified on the feedback sheets above.
Relevance Knowledge and Analysis, Creativity and Self-awareness Research/ Written English Presentation and
Learning outcomes Understanding Problem-Solving and Reflection Referencing Structure
must be met for an
overall pass
Work is directly Demonstrates an exceptional Presents an exceptional synthesis Provides insightful An extensive range of Writing style is clear, succinct and The presentational style
relevant and expertly breadth and depth of and critical evaluation of findings reflection and critical contemporary and appropriate to the requirements of the and layout are correct for
addresses the knowledge and from a broad range of relevant self-awareness in relevant reference assessment. An exceptionally well the type of assignment.
(Exceptional Quality)
requirements of the understanding of theory and sources in order to draw clear, relation to the sources selected and written answer with competent Evidence of planning and
brief. practice beyond the systematic, justified and insightful outcomes of own drawn upon. spelling, grammar and punctuation. logically structured.
85% - 100%
threshold expectation for the conclusions. work and personal For example, paragraphs are well Where relevant, there is
Class I
Learning outcomes are level. Provides a sophisticated critical responsibility. Sources cited accurately structured and include linking and effective inclusion of, and
met. insight and expertly interprets in both the body of text signposting. Sentences are complete reference to, figures,
Demonstrates mastery in complex matters and ideas. and in the Reference and different types are used. A wide tables and images.
conceptual understanding of Demonstrates exceptional creative List/ Bibliography. range of appropriate vocabulary is
a range of specialised areas. flair and a high level of originality. used.
Demonstrates exceptional problem-
solving skills and initiative.
Work is relevant and Demonstrates an excellent Presents an excellent synthesis and Provides excellent A wide range of Writing style is clear, succinct and The presentational style
comprehensively breadth and depth of critical evaluation of findings from reflection and critical contemporary and appropriate to the requirements of the and layout are correct for
addresses the knowledge and a broad range of relevant sources in self-awareness in relevant reference assessment. An excellently well the type of assignment.
requirements of the understanding of theory and order to draw clear, systematic, relation to the sources selected and written answer with competent, Evidence of planning and
(Excellent Quality)
brief. practice for this level. justified and perceptive outcomes of own drawn upon. spelling, grammar and punctuation. logically structured
70% - 84%
conclusions. work and personal For example, paragraphs are well Where relevant, there is
Class I
Learning outcomes are Demonstrates an in-depth Provides a critical insight and responsibility. Sources cited accurately structured and include linking and effective inclusion of, and
met. conceptual understanding of clearly interprets complex in both the body of text signposting. Sentences are complete reference to, figures,
a range of specialised areas. matters and ideas. and in the Reference and different types are used. A wide tables and images.
Demonstrates creative flair and a List/ Bibliography. range of appropriate vocabulary is
high level of originality. used.
Demonstrates excellent problem-
solving skills and initiative.
Work is relevant and Demonstrates a thorough Presents a perceptive synthesis and Provides very good A wide range of Writing style is clear, succinct and The presentational style
addresses most of the breadth and depth of critical evaluation of findings from reflection and critical relevant reference appropriate to the requirements of the and layout are correct for
(Very Good Quality)
requirements of the knowledge and a range of relevant sources in order self-awareness in sources selected and assessment. A very well written the type of assignment.
brief well. understanding of theory and to draw clear, justified and relation to the drawn upon. answer with competent spelling, Evidence of planning and
60% - 69%
Class II/i
practice for this level. thoughtful conclusions. outcomes of own grammar and punctuation. For logically structured in the
Learning outcomes are Demonstrates a sophisticated Interprets complex matters and work and personal Sources cited accurately example, paragraphs are well main.
met. conceptual understanding of ideas well. responsibility, as in the main in both the structured and include linking and Where relevant, there is
a range of specialised areas. Demonstrates a good level of required by the body of text and in the signposting. Sentences are complete effective inclusion of, and
creativity and originality. assessment. Reference List/ and different types are used. A range reference to, figures,
Demonstrates strong problem- Bibliography. of appropriate vocabulary is used. tables and images.
solving skills.
Relevance Knowledge and Analysis, Creativity and Self-awareness Research/ Written English Presentation and
Learning outcomes Understanding Problem-Solving and Reflection Referencing Structure
must be met for an
overall pass
Work addresses key Demonstrates a sound Presents a logical evaluation of Provides good A range of relevant Writing style is mostly appropriate to The presentational style
requirements of the breadth and depth of findings from a range of relevant reflection and critical reference sources the requirements of the assessment. and layout are correct for
brief. Some irrelevant knowledge and sources in order to draw clear and self-awareness in selected and drawn Grammar, spelling and punctuation the type of assignment.
(Good Quality)
50% - 59%
content. understanding of theory and justified conclusions. relation to the upon. are generally competent and minor Logically structured in the
Class II/ii
practice for this level. Interprets some complex matters outcomes of own lapses do not pose difficulty for the most part.
Learning outcomes are and ideas. work and personal Most sources accurately reader. Paragraphs are structured and Inclusion of figures, tables
met. Demonstrates a sound Demonstrates some creativity. responsibility, as cited both the body of include some linking and signposting. and images but not all
conceptual understanding of Demonstrates effective problem- required by the text and in the Sentences are complete. relevant or referred to.
specialised areas. solving skills and initiative. assessment. Reference A range of appropriate vocabulary is
List/Bibliography. used.
Work addresses the Demonstrates a sufficient Presents an evaluation of findings Provides some Some relevant reference Writing style is occasionally not The presentational style
requirements of the breadth and depth of from a range of sources in order to reflection and critical sources selected and appropriate for the assessment. and layout are largely
(Satisfactory Quality)
brief, although knowledge and draw some valid conclusions. self-awareness in drawn upon. Grammar, spelling and punctuation correct for the type of
superficially in places. understanding of theory and Interprets some complex matters relation to the are generally competent, but may assignment.
40% - 49%
Class III
Some irrelevant content. practice for this level. and ideas but with descriptive outcomes of own Some weaknesses in pose minor difficulties for the reader. Adequately structured.
passages evident which lack clear work and personal referencing technique. Some paragraphs may lack structure, Inclusion of some figures,
Learning outcomes are Demonstrates a conceptual purpose. responsibility, as and there is limited linking and tables and images but not
met. understanding of some Demonstrates creativity in places. required by the signposting. Some appropriate all clear, relevant and/or
specialised areas. Demonstrates sufficient problem- assessment. vocabulary is used referred to.
solving skills and initiative.
Work addresses some of Demonstrates a lack of Presents a limited evaluation of Provides limited Sources selected are Writing style is unclear and does not For the type of assignment
the requirements of the knowledge and findings from set sources. reflection and critical limited and lack match the requirements of the the presentational style,
35% - 39%
brief. Irrelevant and understanding of theory and Descriptive or narrative passages self-awareness in validity/relevance. assessment. Deficiencies in spelling, layout and/or structure are
superficial content. practice for this level. evident which lack clear purpose. relation to the grammar and punctuation makes lacking.
Demonstrates Insufficient Demonstrates little creativity. outcomes of own Poor referencing reading difficult and arguments Inclusion of figures, tables
One or more learning conceptual understanding of Demonstrates insufficient problem- work and personal technique employed. unclear in places. Paragraphs are and images but not clear,
outcomes have not specialised areas. solving skills and initiative. responsibility, when poorly structured. relevant and/or referred to.
been met. required.
Work does not address Demonstrates inadequate Analysis is weak and poorly Provides inadequate An absence of relevant Writing style is unclear and does not For the type of assignment
the requirements of the knowledge and constructed with inadequate reflection and self- sources selected and match the requirements of the the presentational style,
brief. Irrelevant and understanding of theory and sources drawn upon. awareness in relation drawn upon. assessment in question. layout and/or structure are
superficial content. practice for this level. Demonstrates little or no creativity. to the outcomes of Deficiencies in spelling, grammar lacking.
Demonstrates a lack of problem- own work and Poor referencing and punctuation makes reading
One or more learning Demonstrates Insufficient solving skills and initiative. personal technique employed. difficult and arguments unclear. Inclusion of figures, tables
outcomes have not conceptual understanding of responsibility, when Unstructured paragraphs. and images but not clear,
been met. relevant areas. required. relevant and/or referred to.