Level 7 Assessment Specification: Appendix Ga36D
Level 7 Assessment Specification: Appendix Ga36D
Level 7 Assessment Specification: Appendix Ga36D
Programme: MBA
Module: Entrepreneurship
Contribution to
Module code: IIBM7002 50%
Overall Module
Assessment (%):
Lecturer: Dr. Sarath Buddhadasa Internal Verifier: Mr. Ravi
Academic Academic honesty is required. In the main body of your submission you must
honesty / give credit to authors on whose research and ideas your work is based.
referencing: Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles,
etc. that you have used, cited or quoted in order to complete this assessment.
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Module Learning Outcomes
(from module syllabus)
1. Critically apply and evaluate concepts and knowledge about enterprise and entrepreneurship from
a range of perspectives: for example, as an entrepreneur, intrapreneur, support provider or policy
Select a successful entrepreneur in Sri Lanka, who initiated a business operation after the year 1960
1. The word count for the assignment (essay) should be 3000 words (+/- 10%). The word count does
not include the bibliography, any contents list or appendices.
2. Selection of the entrepreneur should be approved by the module leader to ensure appropriate fit and
to avoid several students working with the same example. Summary details about the selected
entrepreneur must be provided in writing to the module leader before starting writing the assignment;
the module leader must provide permission to use the chosen entrepreneur.
3. All references and citation shall use Harvard Referencing Style. You are expected to present your
critical analysis and the decisions while referring to theoretical concepts utilized.
4. The assignment should be typed using 1.5 spaces between lines in 12 Times New Roman point-font.
5. An electronic version of your assignment should be submitted via learning management system on
or before the submission date.
6. This is an individual assessment (Coursework).
7. University rules will be strictly applied in the event of academic misconduct and late submission.
8. Students are required to follow the instructions in the general assignment guidance document
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NOTE: The guidance offered below is linked to the five generic assessment criteria overleaf.
Guidance specific to this assessment: Where applicable, relevant literature should be used and
referenced correctly to support the author’s arguments.
Guidance specific to this assessment: Analysis of theories should be applied to the entrepreneur model
along with the learning points
Guidance specific to this assessment: Entrepreneur management styles should be identified with
convincing arguments.
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4. Practical Skills
At level 7, you should be able to demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge, together with a
practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and
interpret knowledge in the discipline. This includes acting autonomously in planning and implementing tasks
at a professional or equivalent level, originality in tackling and solving problems, and decision-making in
complex and unpredictable contexts or situations.
You should be able to demonstrate mastery of the leading edge subject-related concepts and ideas as they
relate to real world situations and/or particular contexts. How do they work in practice? You will deploy
models, methods, techniques, and/or theories, in those contexts or circumstances, to assess current
situations, perhaps to formulate plans or plausible, justifiable recommendations to solve problems, or to
propose new models, or to create artefacts, which may be innovative and creative, thereby demonstrating
your understanding of how the boundaries of knowledge are advanced through research and/or application.
This is likely to involve, for instance, the use of real world artefacts, examples and cases, the application of
a model within an organisation and/or benchmarking one theory or organisation against others.
Guidance specific to this assessment: The skills, characteristics, attributes and behaviours of the
entrepreneur should be clearly articulated with justifications
Guidance specific to this assessment: The essay must be well presented format using correct grammar
and spelling. There must be evidence of excellent written communication skills.
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This section details the extent to which the assessment criteria are demonstrated by you, which in turn determines
your mark. The marks available for each category of skill are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to
comment on the achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that
would benefit from development/improvement.
Generic Assessment Criteria
Analysis of theories should be applied to the entrepreneur model along with the
learning points
. The essay must be well presented format using correct grammar and spelling.
There must be evidence of excellent written communication skills.
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Level 7
In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 7 students should be able to demonstrate: a systematic understanding of
knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline or area of
professional practice; a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship; originality in the application of knowledge,
together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline; conceptual
understanding that enables the student to evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of
them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses. They will be able to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the
absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences. They will demonstrate self-direction and originality in
tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level to continue to advance their knowledge and
understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level. They the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of initiative and personal
responsibility; decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations/professional environments; and the independent learning ability required for continuing professional
Cognitive and Wholly or almost Largely descriptive Limited attempt at Some critical Sound critical Excellent critical Exceptional critical
intellectual skills wholly descriptive work, with critical evaluation/ evaluation/ critique evaluation/ critique evaluation/ critique evaluation/ critique
(Critical evaluation work. Little or no superficial use of critique of current of current research of current research of current research of current research
of current research evaluation or critical evaluation research and and and and and methodologies,
and methodologies critique or attempt of research and methodologies, methodologies, methodologies, methodologies, Proposes innovative
and develop at a systematic methodologies. tending towards though slightly Proposes new Proposes hypotheses, where
critiques of them approach. Absent or weak description. underdeveloped in hypotheses, where innovative appropriate.
and, where Failure to develop development of Limited attempt to places, Proposes appropriate. Can hypotheses, where Exemplary
appropriate, to
propose new
arguments, hypotheses and propose new adequate but deal with complex appropriate. Can systematic and
hypotheses; make leading to illogical judgements. hypotheses. Can limited new issues synthesise creative synthesis of
sound judgements or invalid Information deal with complex hypotheses, where systematically and complex issues complex issues.
in the absence of judgements. accepted issues but not relevant. Can deal with some systematically and Ability to investigate
complete data.) Unsubstantiated uncritically, uses systematically or with complex creativity. Ability to creatively. Ability contradictory or
generalisations, generalised creatively. Some issues but not fully make sound to investigate incomplete
made without use statements made evidence to systematically or judgements based contradictory or information and
of credible with scant support emerging creatively. Ability on data (that may incomplete make strong,
evidence. evidence and judgements but to make be incomplete) information and persuasive,
unsubstantiated these may be judgements based make strong, arguments and
opinions. Ideas underdeveloped or on data (that may persuasive, sophisticated,
sometimes illogical with a little be incomplete) but arguments and nuanced,
and contradictory. inconsistency / with some sophisticated judgements.
mis-interpretation. tendency to judgements. Potential for journal
Level 7 GOOD to VERY
(Pass) (Distinction) (Distinction)
Category 0-29% 30-44% 45-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-84% 85-100%
May assert rather assert/state publication or
than argue a case. opinion rather than doctoral research.
argue on the basis
of reason and
Practical skills Limited or no use Rudimentary An awareness and An appropriate A very good An advanced Exceptional
(Originality / of methods, application of mostly appropriate application of application of a application of application skills in
creativity in the materials, tools methods, application of well- standard methods, range of methods, knowledge, complex,
application of and/or techniques. materials, tools established materials, tools materials, tools methods, unpredictable,
knowledge, tools Little or no and/or techniques methods, and/or techniques. and/or techniques. materials, tools contexts, drawing
and techniques and appreciation of the but without materials, tools Clear appreciation Very good and/or techniques. skilfully on the latest
in tackling and context of the consideration and and/or techniques, of the context of consideration of The context of the research within the
solving problems in
complex and
application. competence. with occasional the application. the context of the application is well discipline. Can
unpredictable Limited Flawed errors. Mainly consistent, application, with considered, and identify complex
professional understanding of appreciation of the Basic appreciation accurate and perceptive insightful. problems and
situations; practical the application of context of the of the context of logical application insights. Can Can identify propose
use of established theory to practice application. the application. of theory to identify problems complex problems sophisticated,
techniques of or making Weak Theoretical practice, making and propose and propose original solutions.
research and appropriate links understanding of knowledge and appropriate links appropriate excellent solutions. An outstanding
enquiry to create between the two. the application of understanding between the two. solutions in An excellent grasp application of
and interpret
Very weak theory to practice, applied in practice, Can identify complex and of techniques techniques
knowledge in the
discipline.) problem-solving with only but not always problems and unpredictable applicable to own applicable to own
skills in complex occasional making logical propose mostly contexts. research or research or
and unpredictable evidence of links between the appropriate Evidence of advanced advanced
contexts. making two. solutions in originality and scholarship. scholarship.
appropriate links Can identify complex and creativity. Shows originality Shows originality in
between the two. problems and unpredictable in application of application of
Weak problem- propose basic contexts, with knowledge and knowledge and
solving skills in solutions without elements of techniques, and of techniques, and of
complex and fully appreciating originality. how established how established
unpredictable the complexity of techniques of techniques of
contexts. unpredictable enquiry create and enquiry create and
contexts. interpret interpret knowledge
knowledge in the in the discipline with
discipline. assimilation and
development of
cutting edge
processes and
Transferable Communication Communication Can communicate Can communicate Can communicate Can communicate Can communicate
Level 7 GOOD to VERY
(Pass) (Distinction) (Distinction)
Category 0-29% 30-44% 45-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-84% 85-100%
skills for life and medium is medium is poorly in a suitable effectively in a well, confidently professionally with an exceptionally
professional inappropriate or designed and/or medium but with suitable format, and consistently in confidently and high level of
practice misapplied. not suitable for the some room for but may have a suitable format. consistently in a professionalism.
(Exercise of self- Work is poorly audience. improvement. minor errors. Work is coherent, suitable format. Work is remarkably
direction, autonomy structured, Work is poorly Mostly ordered Mostly coherent, fluent, well- Work is coherent, coherent, very fluent
and personal disorganised presented in a presentation and organised work, in structured and very fluent and is and is presented
responsibility; plan and/or confusingly disjointed manner. structure in which a suitable structure organised. Can presented professionally. Can
and implement expressed. Very It is loosely, and at relevant ideas / and is for the most work very well professionally. work outstandingly
tasks at a weak use of times incoherently, concepts are part clearly autonomously Can work well and
professional level;
language and/or structured, with reasonably expressed. Can and/or as part of a autonomously with professionally within
learning; use very inappropriate information and expressed. Work work effectively team, with a good initiative. Where a team, showing
appropriate media style. Little or no ideas often poorly may lack independently contribution to relevant can work advanced leadership
to communicate evidence of expressed. Weak coherence in and/or as part of a group activities. professionally skills. Demonstrates
effectively and autonomy (or use of language places. Can work team, with clear Demonstrates within a team, exemplary
professionally to a collaboration, and/or as part of a team, contribution to comprehensive showing professional,
variety of where relevant) in inappropriate style. but with limited group activities. professional, leadership skills as postgraduate
audiences; fluency the completion of Weak independent involvement in Demonstrates the postgraduate appropriate, employment skills
of expression; tasks. Little or no initiative (or group activities. skills required in employment skills. managing conflict and a strong
approach; clarity
evidence of the collaboration, if Demonstrates professional, and meeting appetite for further
and effectiveness in skills required in relevant). Limited some but not all of postgraduate obligations. development.
presentation and professional, evidence of the the basic skills employment, with Demonstrates
organisation.) postgraduate skills required in required in some areas of excellent
employment. professional, professional, strength and some professional,
postgraduate postgraduate of minor postgraduate
employment. employment, with weakness. employment skills
some areas of and a strong
minor weakness. appetite for further