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Review Soft Switching Methods for Parameter Monitoring of

AC Machine Drives
Student Name: Sujit D. Chauhan Guide Name: Dr. U. B. Malkhandale Co-Guide Name: Dr. R. A. Keshwani
Department of Electrcial Engineering Department of Electrcial Engineering Department of Electrcial Engineering
Priyadarshini College of Priyadarshini College of Priyadarshini College of
Engineering, Nagpur, India Engineering, Nagpur, India Engineering, Nagpur, India
Email: [email protected]
Abstract— Industrial applications continue to primarily upkeep, are highly efficient, small, dependable, and so on
use induction motors (AC Motor), and dependable economical than other motor types.
performance depends on efficient monitoring and control of This project combines sensors and cloud technologies
these motors' properties. There are several ways to to monitor the properties of an induction motor, including
accomplish this, and the focus of this project is on voltage, current, acceleration, and temperature. The speed
controlling and monitoring a single-phase induction engine. for the induction motor may be readily changed by adjusting
Important parameters of the induction motor, such as the power input frequency. Regular tracking of these
temperature, current, and voltage, are continually monitored parameters promotes continued production in industries,
by means of a module that is fitted with sensors and improving motor dependability and thereby increasing
transducers. After being gathered, the data is sent to an industrial output.
information processing unit, which shows its parameters on Furthermore, the initiative tries to prevent anomalies in
a display. Through a LCD display gateway, the system induction motors by recognizing early problems. If a failure
integrates both automatic and human control techniques to occurs, sensors monitor the current, voltage, speed, and
start or stop the AC Motor, reducing the possibility of temp parameters and send signals to the Arduino Uno. From
system failures. It is projected that this system's deployment the cloud, an order is sent to disconnect the drive from the
will improve operational effectiveness by guaranteeing system. Additionally, a distress signal is delivered to mobile
ongoing observation, averting problems, and encouraging devices after the issue has been resolved, functioning as a
preventative maintenance. preventive precaution for future recurrence.
Keywords— Arduino Controller, LCD Display,
Parameter Monitoring, AC motor, Parameter Controlling II. OBJECTIVES
etc. The main goal is to use recent technological
advancements to increase the reliability of motor
I. INTRODUCTION applications. High-efficiency induction motors are utilized
Induction motors (AC Motor) are extensively employed in many different industrial applications, and this project
in contemporary industrial sectors, both mechanical and offers easy administration and continuous surveillance of
electromechanical. Prior to the introduction of induction these motors. By ensuring system reliability, anomalous
drives, DC motors were dominant in servicing industrial situations may be quickly identified and fixed.
demands. However, due to their better performance Given that AC equipment account for roughly 90% of
characteristics, induction motors have replaced DC motors industrial utilization, tracking economic data becomes
in manufacturing automation. critical. The regular upkeep of induction devices is essential
AC motors, particularly those powered by induction, for increasing industrial output. Proactive steps to avoid
have several advantages, including a simple rotor structure system failure and safeguard large horsepower engines from
that leads to cheaper prices, robustness, and low excessive expenses are critical.
maintenance needs. An investigation of the structure and The project's precise aims are as follows:
functioning of induction motors indicates that flaws in these • Monitor and operate an induction motor via an LCD
motors may be classified into three major categories: display, allowing for safe and cost-effective data transfer in
(a) Electrical faults: Resulting from single phases, industrial areas.
under- or overvoltage, uneven supply voltage or current, • Use automated and manual control techniques to start
stress, and other conditions. and stop the induction machine, preventing system faults.
(a) Mechanical faults: Caused by difficulties such as • Determine the voltage, current, frequency, acceleration,
broken rotors bars, weight imbalance, air gap bizarre and heat of the induction motor's coil.
behavior , bearing damage, winding failure, and armature .
wound failure.
(c) Environmental faults: These might be caused by III. LITERATURE SURVEY
changes in ambient temperature, external moisture, or • Shyamala.D "IoT platform for monitoring industrial
machine vibrations. motor conditions" [1], Many products are effectively
The performance with an induction motor is networked, enabling condition and equipment monitoring
inextricably connected to all of these mechanical, electronic, to increase output. Constant equipment monitoring,
and environmental factors. As a result, control methods for including data accessible for preventive maintenance and
induction motors with AC are heavily dependent on these alerts. The motor is effectively and continuously
motor characteristics. Thus, monitoring induction motor inspected by using a web address.
characteristics is critical for continuous operation and
estimating the pre-fault state, thus minimizing breakdowns. • Kunthong, Jakkrit, et al. "Power Engineering with Drive
Nikola Tesla's discovery of the induction motor led to Techniques (PEDS), 2017 IEEE 12th International
its widespread adoption, accounting for around 50% of Conference on [2]. IoT-based traction battery state
worldwide electric power consumption. Induction motors tracking in electric automobiles; Part 1. An internet-
are used in nearly 90% of industrial applications due to its connected Web of Things (IoT) was used to monitor the
inherent qualities, such as being a 'self-start' motor with no engine's health for propulsion in electric automobiles. The
permanent the magnets, brushes, commutators rings, etc. process for developing and testing the prototype—which
position sensors. Induction motors have easy yet robust uses an ESP8266 control module to measure motor
operation, retain a good electrical efficiency, require little condition—is described.
started when the main motor is shut down. This helps in
• Prakash, Chetna, and Sanjeev Thakur. "Smart Shut- decreasing the loss that would occur during the downtime.
Down: Industrial Machines' Recoveries Using the Internet This increases the reliability.
of Things." Confluence is the host of the 8th International
Symposium on Computers in the Cloud, Data Sciences, • B. Lu, T. G. Habetler et al. 2008. "IoT-based wireless
and Engineering in 2018. IEEE[3] Continuous monitoring induction motor monitoring. " Scientific Conference
is necessary to identify any decline performance or motor Electronics (ET), 2008 XXVI International. IEEE, 2008.
breakdown for the purpose of preventative service of [4], In this way, the production process is not impeded
motors in industries. The backup machine is started by the and the required maintenance or replacement can be
recovery mechanism after the primary motor is switched performed with the least possible disruption. This study
off. This lessens the potential loss that might occur during has provided statistics not only for creating mathematical
the outage. This encourages consistency. models but also for enabling the CMS operator to
establish a motor maintenance schedule.
• Şen, Mehmet, and Basri Kul. "Internet of Things-based
cordless inductive motor monitoring." IEEE, 2017's • J. Pedro Amaro 2010. "The application of wireless
XXVI International Scientific Conference Electrical (ET). sensor networks for condition monitoring in three-phase
[4], As a consequence, there is no disruption to the induction motors." Electrical Insulation Conference and
production process and any required replacement or repair Electrical Manufacturing Expo, 2007. IEEE, 2007.[5],
may be done with little difficulty. This study has provided The most commonly used technique for the detection of
statistics that the CMS operator may use to create a motor faults in large three-phase induction motors is to measure
maintenance plan in addition to helping to build the supply current fed into the motor and analyse the
mathematical models. signal spectrum. This aspect allows companies to reduce
downtime when repairing machinery and ensures that
• Xue, Xin, V. Sundararajan, and Wallace P. Brithinee. productivity does not suffer.
"The use of wireless sensor networks in three-phase IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM
immersed motors for condition monitoring." 2007
Electrical Industrial Expo and Conference on Insulation.
IEEE, [5] in 2007. The most common method for finding
flaws in large three-phase induction motors is to watch the
motor's supply current and look at the signal spectrum.
This part ensures that worker efficiency is not impacted
when fixing machinery, helping businesses save

• R. Deekshath et. al. 2018 "IoT platform for condition

monitoring of industrial motors" [1], Numbers of things
are efficiently interconnected, which leads to condition
and controlled monitoring to increase productivity.
Continuous monitoring of the equipment, receiving alerts
and data availability for predictive maintenance. Motor is Fig.1. Block Diagram of system
effectively and continuously monitored by using web
• Sharmad Pasha, et al. 2016 "IoT-based traction motor • This research presents a revolutionary speed control
drive condition monitoring in electric vehicles: Part 1." method for an one-phase AC induction engine. It provides a
Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2017 IEEE low-cost, high-efficiency drive that can power an induction
12th International conference [2]. In electric vehicles, The motor with a single phase using PWM regulated sinusoidal
motor drive condition for traction was supervised by voltage. An Arduino controller controls the circuit's
applying the implementation of a wireless Internet of functionality.
Things (IoT). The design and testing of the prototype • The goal is to replace the frequently utilized TRIAC angle
using an ESP8266 microcontroller module to acquire of attack control drives. The circuit is intended to power a
motor condition is presented. single-phase duction motor, whether capacitive or resistive,
with variable AC voltage.
• S. S. Darbastwar et al. 2016. "Smart Shut-Down and • The block diagram depicts the integration of the four
Recovery Mechanism for Industrial Machines Using sensors for tracking critical metrics, including voltage,
Internet of Things." 2018 8th International Conference on current, velocity, and temperature. These sensors play an
Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering important role for tracking the motor's condition.
(Confluence). IEEE[3], For predictive maintenance of • The LCD display module shows the real-time status
motors in the industries, monitoring needs to be updates that the Arduino Uno gets from the induction motor.
performed continuously so as to determine any The LCD display gives a thorough overview of the
degradation in performance or failure of the motors. The operating characteristics of the induction motors by
recovery mechanism provides a back-up machine which is
visualizing crucial data including temperature, voltage, • System efficiency will decrease by 1-2 %.).
current, and speed.
This project takes a unique approach for IX. APPLICATIONS
acceleration control, emphasizing efficiency and efficiency, • This variable speed motor with variable power control
and employs sensors for thorough motor parameter offers cost-effective solutions for light industrial and
monitoring. The addition of an Arduino microprocessor and consumer applications.
an LCD display improves the general functionality and user
experience for the system. X. CONCLUSION
This project aims to create an Internet of Things-driven
VI. FLOW DIAGRAM induction motor parameter tracking system. The created
system will be capable of performing tasks such as starting
and halting the motor, as well as keeping track of
characteristics such as temperature, speed, voltage, or
current. The values that have been recorded for these
parameters are efficiently transmitted to the interface's LCD
display. Long-term monitoring of basic parameters for
induction motors can be achieved using a variety of ways.
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