A Simple Real Time Fault Signature Monit PDF
A Simple Real Time Fault Signature Monit PDF
A Simple Real Time Fault Signature Monit PDF
5, MAY 2011
Abstract—The reference frame theory constitutes an essential to motor failures. Therefore, fault diagnosis and condition
aspect of electric machine analysis and control. In this study, apart monitoring have been studied in the recent decade to pre-
from the conventional applications, it is reported that the reference vent costly interruptions due to motor faults [1]–[7]. As a
frame theory approach can successfully be applied to real-time
fault diagnosis of electric machinery systems as a powerful toolbox widely applied method, phase current analysis has received
to find the magnitude and phase quantities of fault signatures with much attention in search of providing a practical solution to
good precision as well. The basic idea is to convert the associated continuous monitoring and incipient fault detection [1]–[4].
fault signature to a dc quantity, followed by the computation of Although alternative methods such as vibration analysis with
the signal’s average in the fault reference frame to filter out the accelerometers and thermal analysis provide satisfactory results
rest of the signal harmonics, i.e., its ac components. As a natural
consequence of this, neither a notch filter nor a low-pass filter is [5]–[7], continual low-cost protection without the use of extra
required to eliminate fundamental component or noise content. sensors and hardware is always the most attractive method for
Since the incipient fault mechanisms have been studied for a long a greater market share.
time, the motor fault signature frequencies and fault models are Although the practical problems of utility-driven motor fault
very well-known. Therefore, ignoring all other components, the diagnosis are well known [3]–[6], the inverter-driven systems
proposed method focuses only on certain fault signatures in the
current spectrum depending on the examined motor fault. Broken need further analysis to overcome problems such as high
rotor bar and eccentricity faults are experimentally tested online noise floor of current spectrum, operating-point-dependent fault
using a TMS320F2812 digital signal processor (DSP) to prove the signature frequencies, transient-state dynamics of fault signa-
effectiveness of the proposed method. In this application, only tures, closed-loop and current regulator effects, etc. [8]–[15].
the readily available drive hardware is used without employing In the case of closed-loop control, the feedback and the current
additional components such as analog filters, signal conditioning
board, external sensors, etc. As the motor drive processing unit, regulator bandwidths can potentially yield erroneous results
the DSP is utilized both for motor control and fault detection unless their impacts are particularly taken into consideration
purposes, providing instantaneous fault information. The pro- during the analyses [8]–[10]. Furthermore, the impacts of the
posed algorithm processes the measured data in real time to avoid control parameters and physical modifications on decoupled
buffering and large-size memory needed in order to enhance the flux and torque components of stator current are different from
practicability of this method. Due to the short-time convergence
capability of the algorithm, the fault status is updated in each each other [10]. When the motor is run by an adjustable-speed
second. The immunity of the algorithm against non-ideal cases drive, the stator is excited at various frequencies depending on
such as measurement offset errors and phase unbalance is theo- the speed command and the applied load. This situation makes
retically and experimentally verified. Being a model-independent the fault signatures shift in the current spectrum and creates
fault analyzer, this method can be applied to all multiphase and difficulty in accurate fault signature tracking. Even though the
single-phase motors.
noise and various harmonic contents in the current spectrum
Index Terms—AC motor drive, broken rotor bar, condition of the inverter-fed motor degrade the accuracy of most analy-
monitoring, eccentricity, fault diagnosis, induction motor, refer- ses, among these, the low-order harmonics excite additional
ence frame theory, signal processing.
fault signatures which can yield more reliable fault decision
[11]. Various techniques are presented and applied successfully
to particular rotor fault diagnosis problems of field-oriented-
proposed solutions should avoid storing or buffering data. In In this paper, a simple motor-drive-integrated fault di-
order to examine the practicability, various techniques are im- agnosis method is proposed and implemented using the
plemented using industry-purposed microprocessors [15]–[21], core microprocessor of the inverter (Texas Instruments DSP
which is the pioneering step of low-cost drive-integrated fault TMS320F2812). The reference frame theory approach (RFTA)
diagnosis systems. is employed to measure the normalized amplitude of fault-
A model-based fault monitoring method avoiding frequency related harmonics. Instead of checking the whole current spec-
analysis is presented as a possible scheme that can be tailored trum or evaluating the current waveform roughly, each time,
to variable-speed drives in [15]. It is claimed in [16] that only a few fault-related harmonics are checked and measured to
the time–frequency distribution-based solutions are practical speed up the process and to lower the computational burden. As
enough for commercial implementations. In [16], after elimi- a basic tool, various reference-frame-theory-based applications
nating the fundamental component and high-order frequencies are reported in the literature, such as learning Park’s vector
using a switch capacitor filter, the stator current is processed pattern based on artificial neural network to discern healthy and
in real time by a digital signal processor (DSP) that runs a fault faulty patterns [22], finding deviation in an actual Concordia
diagnosis algorithm developed for nonstationary signals based pattern that is used to determine the types and magnitude
on Hilbert transformation and Zhao–Atlas–Marks distribution. of faults in drive systems and stator, respectively [23], [24],
In [17] and [18], a DSP is utilized both for motor control and obtaining negative-sequence stator-fault-related indices from
motor fault diagnosis based on lock-in detection and multiple the line current [25], and detecting negative-frequency rotor
reference frames, respectively. Another DSP implementation is asymmetry signatures at standstill based on complex fault
presented in [19] to detect mechanical load faults in induction signature vectors [26]. The scheme proposed in this paper is
motors during speed transients based on Wigner distribution. applicable to all kinds of motor faults at all operating points
Previously applied to sensorless motor control, a high-frequency even if only single-phase measurement is provided. Therefore,
signal injection technique is discussed in [20] as a possible it performs as a generic fault harmonic analyzer at user-defined
solution that can be integrated to fault diagnostic schemes. fault frequencies. Its performance does not depend on motor
The reference frame transformation-based algorithm adopted control strategy or machine parameters such as stator/rotor
in this paper is quite simple and efficient; therefore, it is directly resistances and machine inductances. As long as the motor
added into the main motor control subroutine (fast loop) in generates a periodic fault signature and the frequency of the
DSP program. Typically, four different fault signatures can be fault signature can be calculated or known, the RFTA can
tracked simultaneously in parallel without violating the CPU capture it both at the steady state and transients as it is motor
utilization limits and degrading the control performance. Be- model independent. The saturation and high temperature are
cause the stator frequency and shaft speed are mostly available physical facts basically affecting the parameters of the motor
as drive control parameters, the frequency of each fault signa- model. Since the proposed method does not depend on the
ture harmonic is updated dynamically using these parameters. motor parameters, it is not affected from saturation and high
These updated frequencies are utilized to synchronize the fault temperature. Neither analog nor digital filter is needed to elim-
reference frame and the fault vectors to monitor the motor inate high-energy content or various unpredictable operating-
condition not only at steady state but also during transients. point-dependent noise harmonics.
Furthermore, since each measured piece of data is processed in
real time, instead of buffering, the method does not suffer from II. A DAPTATION OF R EFERENCE F RAME T HEORY
memory shortage. The tests under nonideal conditions such as
offset, unbalance, etc., proved that they do not affect the results. A. Reference Frame Theory
The average of transformed signal in the fault reference frame The reference frame theory has successfully been applied
converges and settles down to a dc level quite fast; therefore, to various motor control schemes for more than a couple of
the diagnosis process can be finalized typically in 1 s. decades. Since its basics are well known, only a generalized
On the other hand, inverter-driven motor phase currents are version of it is given here briefly in (1) and (2). The commonly
influenced by many factors such as static and dynamic loading, used transformation is the poly-phase to orthogonal two-phase
motor speed transients, etc. Hence, the phase currents and mod- transformation. For the n-phase to two-phase case, it can be
ulated operating-point-dependent fault signatures are accepted expressed in the arbitrary reference frame as
as nonstationary signals [27]. However, it is well known that
Fourier transform techniques are not sufficient to represent non- [fxy ] = [T (θ)] · [f123,...,n ] (1)
stationary signals. When a nonstationary signal is transformed
into the frequency domain, most of the information about the
transient components of the signal is lost [29], [30], and hence, [T (θ)]
a hybrid method is proposed in [32]. Even the techniques such 2 cos(P θ/2) cos(P θ/2−ξ) · · · cos (P θ/2−(n−1)ξ)
as short-time Fourier transform, where a nonstationary signal is =
n sin(P θ/2) sin(P θ/2−ξ) · · · sin(P θ/2−(n−1)ξ)
divided into short pseudostationary segments, are not suitable (2)
for the analysis of signals with complex time–frequency charac-
teristics [27], [28]. During the experimental stage, it is observed with P being the number of poles, θ being the angle between the
that the partial use of these methods suffers from hardware stationary and rotating frames, and ξ being the electrical angle
limitations of low-cost real-time monitoring systems. between adjacent magnetic axes of the uniformly distributed
îfc_αβ (t) = ifc_α (t) + jifc_β (t). (3) The average of these ac harmonics converges to zero and has
a negligible effect on the average after some sufficient time.
Complex current harmonic vectors describe a circular trajec- In other words, the reference frame synchronized to the fault
tory in the space vector plane as shown in Fig. 1. component shifts the frequency spectrum of the phase current
Therefore, a multiphase system in phase variables transforms by the frequency of fault component. This frame converts only
to a circular locus in the equivalent two-axis representation. the associated fault harmonic vector to a stationary vector at
In Fig. 1, the radius of the circle around the origin is the 0 Hz whose projection on orthogonal base vectors is dc, and
peak magnitude, and the vector rotation frequency is equal to the averages are nonzero in time. The resultant fault vector
the angular frequency of the inspected fault vector (vectorial modulation is normalized with respect to the fundamental
representation of the fault-related signal in the stator current). vector which is computed at the stator reference frame. The
Note that the drawings in Fig. 1 are exaggerated to explain ratio gives the relative magnitude of the fault harmonic as
explicitly the basics of the theory; indeed, the magnitude of (7), shown at the bottom of the page, where ifund_dk and
fundamental harmonic is several times higher than those of ifund_qk are the dq components of fundamental harmonic, θfund
all line and fault harmonics. If the rotating reference frame is is the angular position of the stator reference frame, and Ifund
defined where the axes are made to rotate at the same rate as and Ifc are the relative magnitudes of the fundamental and
the angular frequency of the inspected fault vector, a stationary fault harmonic vectors, respectively. In addition to the fault
current vector results, where its orthogonal components are dc harmonic magnitude calculation, the phase angle information
quantities. In this paper, the rotating reference frame is defined of associated harmonic vector can also be found using the
2 2 ⎤1/2
⎢ ifc_dk +
1 1
ifc_qk ⎥
Ifc ⎢ N N ⎥
k=1 k=1
θ=θfc ⎥
Ifund = 20 log ⎢
⎢ 2 2 ⎥
dB (7)
ifund_dk + N1 ifund_qk
k=1 k=1
A. Offset Errors
First, the line current measurement offset error is studied,
which is mostly caused by either signal conditioning boards or
current sensing system. In this case, the stator phase current is
added an offset term ς
istator_A (t) = ifc cos(θfc − ϕfc )
+ inoise cos(θnoise − ϕnoise ) + ς. (16)
+ ςe−θfc . (17)
Fig. 3. Simulation of harmonic vector tracks when the reference frame is
rotating at θ = θfc . (a) Fault component at 33.33 Hz. (b) First harmonic at nonstationary
60 Hz. (c) Third harmonic at 180 Hz. (d) Fifth harmonic at 300 Hz.
As mathematically derived in (10)–(12), the impact of noise
magnitude of the fault component in the fault reference frame is
component, including all harmonics, other than the fault-related
found as
! one does not affect the result, provided that the algorithm is run
ifc for a long enough time. As shown in (17), the dc component
|Ifc | = ī2fc_d + ī2fc_q = . (13)
2 turns out to be a vector rotating in the fault reference frame in
Note that the same procedure is repeated for the fundamental the opposite direction. Similar to other harmonics, the mean of
component in order to normalize the result. Thus, at the end, the its projections on the rotating axes converges to zero. Although
term N and constant coefficients are simplified, and an exact (16) and (17) are derived for the three-phase system, if (16) is
value of the fault component with respect to the fundamental substituted into (11)–(13), the same result can be obtained for
component is found. When the αβ components are taken as the single-phase case as well.
iα (t) = ia (t) and iβ (t) = ia (t), then the dc components in the The derivations are simulated both for the three- and single-
fault reference frame will converge to phase cases, as shown in Fig. 4, under practical assumptions.
Both the three- and single-phase stator current models have
īstator_d = (cos(ϕfc ) + sin(ϕfc )) (14) −40-dB fault signature at 144 Hz, 10% THD, 40-dB SNR, and
2 0.3-p.u. dc offset, as shown in Fig. 4(a) and (c). In the three-
īstator_q = (cos(ϕfc ) − sin(ϕfc )) (15) phase simulation, only one of the line current is added a dc
offset where the result would be the same as in the case when
where the relative ratio between the fault component and the all the phases are added. In Fig. 4(c) and (d), the time averaging
fundamental component magnitudes remains the same as cal- results show that the dq components of both methods converge
culated in the previous case and multiphase case. to the final average value quite fast even under various distort-
Simulation of typical harmonic vector tracks after single- ing impacts and dc offset simply by eliminating them in the
phase transformation given through (11)–(13) is shown in rotating fault frame. After repeating the same procedure for the
Fig. 3, where θ = θfc and stator current is composed of 1.0-p.u. fundamental component to normalize the fault component as
first harmonic, a number of 0.01-p.u. (−40-dB) low-order odd given in (7), both of the normalized fault signature magnitudes
harmonics, and −80-dB fault signal at 33.33 Hz. It is clear that are found as −40.087 dB, with and without offset. Note that the
only fault component harmonic has dc offset and that the rest accuracy of the final average values is further enhanced using
are located symmetrically around the origin with average values simple windowing techniques in order to get rid of the negative
converging to zero. Therefore, after a certain number of cycles, impacts of high-energy components.
the average of the transformed signal magnitude converges to
the magnitude of stationary vector, and the impacts of other B. Unbalanced Phase Currents
nonstationary components converge to zero.
The variations of the signal amplitudes mostly depend on the
parameter unbalance of the phases or supply unbalance. The
relative effect of the phase unbalance on the fundamental
In the harsh industrial plant environment, it is highly possible component and the fault signature are proportional to each
to observe cases where the motors run under nonideal con- other. Because the proposed solution detects the faults based
ditions or measurement devices function inaccurately. In this on the normalized values, but not on the absolute magnitudes,
Fig. 5. (a) Unbalanced three-phase stator currents (in per unit): Phase A
has 1.5 times higher amplitude. (b) Time average of the fault signature dq
components when the frame is rotating at 144 Hz. (c) Same dq components
Fig. 4. (a) Three-phase stator currents (in per unit): Phase-A has 0.3-p.u.
as (b) when all three phases are balanced.
offset. (b) Time average of the fault signature dq components when the frame is
rotating at 144 Hz using the three-phase method. (c) Single-phase stator current TABLE I
with 0.3-p.u. offset. (d) Time average of the fault signature dq components ANALYSIS OF PROXIMATE HARMONICS
when the frame is rotating at 144 Hz using the single-phase method.
control module to shorten the convergence time. Moreover, the calculated by DSP are very close to the FFT spectrum analyzer
number of data can further be reduced to get faster response in outputs at (29.79 Hz, 89.11 Hz) and (53.47 Hz, 65.19 Hz),
order to track the fault signature updates during the transients respectively. The errors between the RFTA results and spectrum
at the expense of resolution degradation. analyzer outputs are mostly less than |1| dB. The time spent
Owing to the low complexity of the proposed algorithm, a to process 20 000 data and find the amplitudes of sidebands
number of fault signatures can be estimated simultaneously. is 1 s. Depending on the resolution requirements and the
These signatures can belong to either various types of faults system control parameters, execution time might be shortened
or the same type of fault sidebands around the fundamental and or extended.
low-order harmonics. In this study, four different fault signa-
tures at various frequencies are tracked simultaneously during
the residual time following the motor control algorithm in each C. DSP-Based Fault Analysis of FOC-Controlled Motor
main interrupt subroutine (ISR) period. Since the incipient fault In Fig. 11, the same experiments are repeated, running the
propagation time is very long when compared to the order of motor with a closed-loop field-oriented control algorithm at
main ISR execution time, updating different types of fault status various operating points as detailed in Section IV-B. The eccen-
in each second is quite reasonable. The stator frequency can tricity test is implemented at no load, and the reference speed
either be found by current control module or set to the reference is set to wref = 0.66 p.u. where the sideband frequencies are
value depending on the control type, and the rotor speed can 20.02 and 59.57 Hz. The broken bar motor is tested under full
either be measured using an encoder or estimated to update fault load and wref = 0.6 p.u. where the sidebands are at 33.45 and
models. A 2048-pulse/rev. optical encoder is integrated to the 39.31 Hz. Similar to the V /f tests, the sideband errors are at an
motor shaft as shown in Fig. 7(b). Obviously, inaccurate speed acceptable level. These online experimental results confirm that
feedback yields less precise results due to the frequency offset; the proposed method can be adapted to real-time applications
however, an analysis of this issue is kept out of this paper’s successfully. In this study, it is observed that the most chal-
scope. The ADCs embedded in TMS320F2812 have 12 b which lenging case is encountered when the motor is controlled by
limits the signal sensing to −65 dB due to dominating quanti- FOC. One of the significant issues is higher noise floor which
zation errors as shown in Appendix B. For further resolution to threatens the small fault signature detection, and the other one is
detect the incipient fault at very early stages or bearing faults bandwidth-dependent error suppression impacts of the closed-
which generate very small fault signatures (typically between loop regulators. As long as FOC does not completely suppress
−70 and −90 dB), the system should be supported by integrated the fault signature, RFTA can detect the fault. However, the user
or embedded higher resolution ADCs. needs to adjust the severity factor and threshold when the motor
is run using current regulators.
B. DSP-Based Fault Analysis of V /f -Controlled Motor
D. Continuous Fault Monitoring in Time–Frequency Domain
In this experiment, the reference speed is set to ωref =
and Transient Analysis
0.99 p.u., and the motor is run at no load and full load for
eccentricity and broken bar tests, respectively. As shown in In addition to the previous sideband snapshots of eccentric
Fig. 10, both the eccentricity and broken rotor bar sidebands and broken bar faults, it is possible to trace the sideband
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Bilal Akin (S’03–M’08) received the B.S. and M.S. Hamid A. Toliyat (S’87–M’91–SM’96–F’08) re-
degrees in electrical engineering from Middle East ceived the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2000 and Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in
2003, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical 1982, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from
engineering from Texas A&M University, College West Virginia University, Morgantown, in 1986, and
Station, in 2007. the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
From 2005 to 2007, he was an R&D Engineer University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1991.
with Toshiba Industrial Division, Houston, TX. From In 1991, he was an Assistant Professor of electrical
2007 to 2008, he was a Postdoctoral Research As- engineering with the faculty of Ferdowsi Univer-
sociate with Texas A&M University. Since 2008, he sity of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. Since March 1994,
has been an Application Engineer with the C2000 he has been with the Department of Electrical and
Embedded Control Group, Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas. His re- Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, where he
search interests are advanced control methods in motor drives, real-time fault is currently a Raytheon Endowed Professor. He has supervised more than
diagnosis of industrial systems, digital power management, and various DSP- 36 graduate students, published over 310 technical papers, where 92 papers are
based industrial applications. in IEEE T RANSACTIONS, and presented more than 50 invited lectures all over
the world. He is also an inventor and has ten issued and pending U.S. patents
in these fields. He is the author of DSP-Based Electromechanical Motion
Seungdeog Choi (S’08) received the B.S. degree in Control (CRC, 2003) and the coeditor of Handbook of Electric Motors—
electrical engineering from Chung-Ang University, 2nd Edition (Marcel Dekker, 2004). His main research interests and experience
Seoul, Korea, in 2004 and the M.S. degree in elec- include the analysis and design of electrical machines, variable-speed drives for
trical engineering from Seoul National University, traction and propulsion applications, fault diagnosis of electric machinery, and
Seoul, in 2006. He is currently working toward the sensorless variable-speed drives.
Ph.D. degree at Texas A&M University, College Dr. Toliyat is a member of Sigma Xi. He is an Editor of the IEEE
Station. T RANSACTIONS ON E NERGY C ONVERSION and was an Associate Editor
He was an R&D Engineer with LG Electronics, of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON P OWER E LECTRONICS. He is also the
Korea, from 2006 to 2007, and with Toshiba Inter- Chair of the Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department, IEEE-IAS.
national Cooperation, Houston, TX, from 2008 to He was the General Chair of the 2005 IEEE International Electric Machines
2010. His research interests include applied signal and Drives Conference in San Antonio, TX. He was the recipient of the 1996
processing, power electronics, and motor drive analysis with special emphasis and 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society Prize Paper Awards and the 2006
on fault diagnosis. IEEE Industry Applications Society Transactions Third Prize Paper Award, the
prestigious Cyrill Veinott Award in Electromechanical Energy Conversion from
the IEEE Power Engineering Society in 2004, the TEES Fellow Award in 2004
and 2006, the Outstanding Professor Award in 2005 from Texas A&M, the
Umut Orguner (S’99–M’07) received the B.S.,
Distinguished Teaching Award in 2003, the E.D. Brockett Professorship Award
M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
in 2002, the Eugene Webb Faculty Fellow Award in 2000, and the Texas A&M
from Middle East Technical University, Ankara,
Select Young Investigator Award in 1999 from Texas A&M University. He has
Turkey, in 1999, 2002, and 2006, respectively.
also received the Space Act Award from the National Aeronatical and Space
Between 1999 and 2007, he was a Teaching and
Administration in 1999 and the Schlumberger Foundation Technical Awards in
Research Assistant with the Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Techni- 2001 and 2000. He is a Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.
cal University. Since January 2007, he has been a
Postdoctoral Associate with the Division of Auto-
matic Control, Department of Electrical Engineer-
ing, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden. His
research interests include estimation.