Iot Based Protection of Three Phase Induction Motor

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 962-966 ISSN: 2395-5252

Iot Based Protection of Three Phase Induction Motor

Mahesh Gawali1, Rohit Bansode2, Vijeet Kamble3,
Prof.Mrutyunjay Patted4
Students, Department of Electrical Engineering BSIOTR,Wagholi Pune-412207,India
Asst. Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering BSIOTR,Wagholi Pune-412207,India

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Date of Submission: 21-06-2020 Date of Acceptance: 13-07-2020
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ABSTRACT: The restructuring of the to protect the other parts of the system from further
Maharashtra state electricity board is changing damage. For example, the failure of switching devices
the power scenario in the state. Within a span of in the inverter.While other faults may undergo a long
time of development before break down.For example,
one year, the restructuring has started yielding the motor insulation failure. Usually the fault diagnosis
good result and there seems a great promise for of the drive system can be a manual one by monitoring
the future of the power sector in the state. The the voltage, current or other variables of the
analysis of these randomly varying parameter is components. The accuracy of such diagnosis is much
done using various statically methods. These more subjective, subject to the experience of the
statistical methods include probability engineers. To accumulate the knowledge of the faulty
conditions by simulation is a very efficient approach
distribution functions like weibull Distribution, and the simulated data can be used as bench marks for
beta Distribution empirical diagnosis. Condition Monitoring of electrical
KEYWORDS: Induction Motor, Protection system machines is becoming increasingly essential from both
,IoT, Voltage ,Speed etc. practical and theoretical points of view. It plays very
important role in the safe operation of industrial plants
I. INTRODUCTION and hence heavy production losses can be avoided.
The induction motor is one of the most However, the choice of adequate monitoring methods
significant motors utilized in modern applications. It is is a challenging task. Most of the indicators used for
utilized to change over electrical energy into monitoring electrical machines are currents,
mechanical energy. Its minimal effort and superior temperatures, voltages and 4 vibrations depending on
notwithstanding its unwavering quality make them the their varying accessibility, reliability and sensitivity.
most well known exchanging current motor utilized in
the modern and business fields. These motor have the II. LITERATUR SURVEY
adaptability of utilization fields; they can be utilized in 2.1 BACKGROUND STUDY
low force applications, for example, family unit Induction motors are utilized in several
machines or in enormous force applications, for industrial applications in a very big selection of in
example, oil industry. In spite of the reality of high operation areas due to their easy and strong
unwavering quality of acceptance engines, the working structure, and low production prices. Providing a
conditions may uncover the machine into various flaw protection system is extremely necessary in
conditions. These shortcomings may prompt machine industries. the aim for development of this project is
shut down, accordingly causing mechanical creation
to produce safety to industrial motors, raise motors,
misfortunes. To ensure the motor the shortcomings
pumps etc. the most purpose of our project is to
must be recognized in the underlying stage. Early
recognition empowers the upkeep architects to accept
safeguard associate induction motors from faults
the fundamental remedial activities as fast as could like single phasing, overvoltage, over temperature
reasonably be expected. The principle purpose behind and below voltage. during this project we have a
the motor faults is mechanical and electrical stresses. tendency to ar employing a 3 part offer by
The electrical burdens incorporates over-stacking, victimisation 3 single part transformers. If any of the
single staging, stage inversion, under voltage and phases, out of the three phases is missing or if
overvoltage. temperature of the motor throughout operation
exceeds threshold price or if the voltage
1.1 OBJECTIVES exceeds/drops threshold price motor stops at once. If
Electrical faults may exist in any component any of the phases isn't obtainable the corresponding
of the system. Some faults, which may cause transformer stops supply power to the circuit. the
catastrophic results should be cleared out immediately
DOI: 10.35629/5252-45122323 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 962
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 962-966 ISSN: 2395-5252

most relay that is supercharged through a collection COMPONENT LIST

of 4 relays gets disconnected due to one relay not 1. Current Transformer
being supercharged. and that we are employing a 2. Potential Transformer
microcontroller for detection of those faults and a 3. Contactor
LCD display alphanumeric display} display to 4. Relay
indicate which sort of fault is occurred. this 5. Arduino (Mega)
technique is enforced in any industries and paper 6. RTD
mills wherever motor protection is a necessary 7. Speed Sensor
demand. this technique can save time, cut back the IV. MAIN ELEMENT OF PROPOSED
quantity of labour of the administrator has got to do. SYSTEM
Protection of 3 part induction motor from over/
under voltage, over current, over speed,
temperature, frequency and part failure give the
smooth running of motor that conjointly improves
its lifespan and potency. thus protective the
Induction Motor by numerous faults. This model
model of microcontroller based mostly protection
system is extremely easy in style, reliable, extremely
versatile, and value effective and provides fast Fig.2 Current transformer (CT)
Current electrical device (CT) could be a
2.2 RELATED WORK sort of transformer that's wont to live alternating
Condition Monitoring of electrical machines
current (AC). It produces a current in its secondary
is becoming increasingly essential from both practical
that is proportional to the present in its primary. The
and theoretical points of view. It plays very important
role in the safe operation of industrial plants and hence instrument transformers isolate activity or protection
heavy production losses can be avoided. However, the circuits from the high voltage of the first system. A
choice of adequate monitoring methods is a current electrical device provides a secondary
challenging task. Most of the indicators used for current that's accurately proportional to the present
monitoring electrical machines are currents, flowing in its primary. the present transformer
temperatures, voltages and vibrations depending on presents negligible series impedance to the first
their varying accessibility, reliability and sensitivity. circuit.
This project deals with the diagnosis of
electrical faults by mean of current and voltage 4.2 POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER
measurements only. Fault diagnosis of AC induction
machines has been widely researched. However, an
integrated algorithm for motor control with automated
fault detection, prevention and condition monitoring is
still missing. Condition monitoring can reduce the
downtime of the processes and increase the maximum
interval between failures. Thus the number and cost of
unscheduled maintenances or minimized, which is
highly beneficial.
Fig.3 Potential transformers
Potential transformers are alsocalled
voltage transformers and that they are essentially
step down transformers with very correct turn’s
quantitative relation. Potential transformers step
down the voltage of high magnitude to a lower
voltage which may be measured with customary
measuring instrument. These transformers have
range sizable amount} of primary turns and smaller
number of secondary turns. A potential transformer
is often expressed in primary to secondary voltage
Fig.1 Proposed System ratio. for instance, a 600:120 noble metal would

DOI: 10.35629/5252-45122323 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 963
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 962-966 ISSN: 2395-5252

mean the voltage across secondary is 120 volts once 4.5 ARDUIN MEGA
primary voltage is 600 volts.


Fig.5 Arduino Mega 2560

Fig.4 contactor The Arduino Mega 2560 may be a

microcontroller board supported the Tmega2560. it's
A contactor is associate electrically- fifty four digital input/output pins (of that fifteen
controlled switch used for switch associate power will be used as PWM outputs), sixteen analog
circuit.A contactor is usually controlled by a circuit inputs, four UARTs (hardware serial ports), a
that has aa lot of lower power level than the sixteen rate oscillator, a USB association, an
switched circuit, like a 24-volt coil magnet influence jack, associate ICSP header, and a button.
dominant a 230-volt motor switch. in contrast to It contains everything required to support the
general relays, contactors ar designed to be directly microcontroller; merely connect it to a laptop with a
connected to high-current load devices. Relays tend USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or
to be of lower capability and ar typically designed battery to induce started. The Mega 2560 board is
for each ordinarily closed and ordinarily open compatible with most shields designed for the Mega
applications. Devices switch over fifteen amperes or and therefore the former boards Duemilanove .
in circuits rated over some kilowatts ar typically
referred to as contactors. excluding elective 4.6 RTD
auxiliary low-current contacts, contactors ar RTD square measure cheap, easily-
virtually completely fitted with ordinarily open obtainable temperature sensors. they're simple to use
("form A") contacts. in contrast to relays, contactors and adaptable . Circuits with RTD will have cheap
ar designed with options to regulate and suppress output voltages - not the potential unit outputs
the arc made once interrupting significant motor thermocouples have. thanks to these qualities, RTD
currents. square measure wide used for straightforward
temperature measurements. they don't seem to be
4.4 RELAY used for prime temperatures, however within the
A type of relay that may handle the high temperature ranges wherever they work they're wide
power needed to directly management an electrical used.
motor or different hundreds is termed a contactor.
Solid-state relays management power circuits with
no moving elements, instead employing a
semiconductor to perform change. Relays with tag
in operation characteristics and generally multiple in
operation coils square measure wont to shield
electrical circuits from overload or faults; in trendy Fig.6 RTD
power systems these functions square measure
performed by digital instruments still known as 4.7 SPEED SENSOR
"protective relays". Magnetic latching relays need
one pulse of coil power to maneuver their contacts
in one direction, and another, redirected pulse to
maneuver them back. recurrent pulses from identical
input don't have any impact. Magnetic latching
relays square measure helpful in applications
wherever interrupted power mustn't have an effect
on the circuits that the relay is dominant.
Fig.7 Speed Sensor

DOI: 10.35629/5252-45122323 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 964
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 962-966 ISSN: 2395-5252

The LM193 series consists of 2 freelance iii.)

Under voltage Condition
exactitude voltage comparators with associate offset The operating voltages less than 10% rated
voltage specification as low as two.0 mV scoop for operating voltages are considered under voltage
2 comparators that were designed specifically to condition in simulation. Fig. shows the three phase
control from one power offer over a large vary of voltages and currents & three phase RMS voltages and
voltages. Operation from split power provides is currents for UV condition. 87% UV of rated voltage
additionally attainable and also the low power offer initiated at 1.14s.
current drain is freelance of the magnitude of the 50
facility offer voltage. These comparators even have 30

a novel characteristic therein the input common- 20


mode voltage vary includes ground, although 0

operated from one power offer voltage. 200

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

i. Time Saving Process Fig.(c)Fig:-Under

Under voltage
voltage of three phaseCondition
induction motor.

ii. Power saving Operation

iii. Less Operating Staff Required iv.)
Voltage Unbalance Condition
iv. Compact Size Standard motor are capable of operating
v. Economical operation under condition of supply voltage unbalance of 1% for
long period. Derating is requiring for voltage
unbalance between 1 to 5% for safe operation which is
VI. RESULTS generally not taken care in field. We have considered
Single Phasing Condition voltage unbalance more than 1% as fault which. All
Opening of any of three phases is considered types of voltage unbalance like single phase and two
in single phasing condition. Fig. (a) shows the three phase under voltage and overvoltage unbalance, three
phase voltages and currents and Fig (b) shows three phase under voltage and overvoltage unbalance and
phase RMS voltages and currents for SP condition. SP one phase, two phase angle displacement considered in
in B phase initiated at 1.16s. the case. Fig (a) shows the three phase voltages and
currents and Fig. (b) shows three phase RMS voltages
0 and currents for VUB condition. Two phase under
x 10
voltage VUB initiated at 1.13s.
x 10 The study and development of workplace
For Induction Motor. The no load check is meant to
search out the no load current, core loss, friction and
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Fig.(a) Fig:-
Phasing out Out Condition
of three phase induction motor. winding losses and also the blocked rotor check is
disbursed to see the copper loss of motor. Also,
Overvoltage Condition temperature check primarily supposed to see the
The operating voltages more than 10% rated temperature rise at the bearing and also the winding
operating voltages are considered as overvoltage of the motor.By exploitation these bench we've
condition in simulation. Fig. b shows the three phase conducted 2 mode operation that is Run Mode and
voltages and currents and Fig. shows three phase RMS check mode. In run mode we will conducted over
voltages and currents for OV condition. 110.8% OV of voltage , over current , over temperature in addition
rated voltage initiated at 1.12s. as beneath voltage ,single phasing protection.

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