MSC The Overturning Caisson Cantelcaisson
MSC The Overturning Caisson Cantelcaisson
MSC The Overturning Caisson Cantelcaisson
Master Thesis
B.P. Korff
Overturning caisson
Construction method reconsidered
B.P. Korff
Master of Science
in Civil Engineering
This master thesis is conducted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master degree in
Civil Engineering, at the Delft University of Technology. The project was executed in cooperation
with BAM Infraconsult B.V.
The first overturning caissons are, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful civil engineering
structures ever made. The structures were designed in great detail and involved state of the art
technologies for that time. A combination of the latest science and technologies allowed
engineers to design and construct the very first reinforced concrete caisson quay walls. Luckily,
the design was very well documented and preserved for over a century by the TU Delft Library.
The original report and drawings gave a lot of insight and revealed the major engineering and
construction challenges. It was delightful to have such a historical project as a starting point. This
background, combined with an already interesting topic, made it pleasurable to work on the
I would like to thank my graduation committee for their support during the graduation process. In
particular, I would like to thank my daily supervisor, ir. L.A.M. Groenewegen, for his guidance and
support. Not the less, feedback from all committee members was very helpful and enlightening.
Furthermore, I would like to use this opportunity to thank all the professors, teachers and
supervisors who contributed to the fundamental prerequisites for this thesis and future profession.
B.P. Korff,
Executive summary
The first overturning caissons were designed in 1903 by professor Kraus. The caissons had a
geometry which differs from current caisson designs. The structures were designed as self-
floating reinforced concrete boxes with a declined back-wall and counterforts. Due to these shape
characteristics, the caissons could be referred to as hybrid counterfort caissons. However,
another unique property of this concept is the horizontal construction method and horizontal
floating position during transport. Due to this method, the caissons had to be turned in vertical
position before placement. Because of this characteristic, the concepts are referred to as
overturning caisson (Dutch: kantelcaisson).
The particular self-floating caissons were only applied for three quay wall projects. The concept
was abandoned after the port expansion project for Tandjong Priok (Indonesia) in 1914. The
Dutch contractor, Hollandsche Beton Maatschappij, learned from experience that vertically
constructed rectangular caissons resulted in higher qualities, simplified formwork and easier
transport at the same costs. However, without research, these arguments cannot be approved for
current projects due to technical and economic advances for over one hundred years. This study
is therefore performed to evaluate whether such a concept is feasible for current quay wall
projects. Apart from the feasibility of the concept itself, smart sub-elements might be reusable for
regular caisson designs.
The caisson geometry resulted in a material efficient retaining structure. The application of
reinforced concrete was consciously considered. In the period 1903 to 1914, material savings
resulted in a snowball-effect for other components in the construction process. Less concrete and
less formwork area directly resulted into cost savings. Economic advantages were found in
different elements within the construction process. Compared to a rectangular caisson, benefits of
the original overturning caissons were:
Due to developments over time, caisson quay structures became larger and the robustness
increased. The increased caisson dimensions are mainly caused by increased stability demands
and larger design vessels. The need for more stringent stability calculations was outlined after
several failures and excessive caisson deformations. A preliminary stability analysis based on
original input parameters of the first overturning caissons revealed that the caissons lacked
overturning stability (GEO) and resistance to forward sliding (GEO).
Besides the demand for larger caissons, technological developments resulted in improved
production rates and higher labour efficiency. Developments in equipment, formwork and
advanced concrete mix designs resulted in a cost reduction for the application of reinforced
concrete. Because of this, material savings and a horizontal construction method do not directly
lower the overall construction costs. High repetition factors and depreciation rates contribute
highly to the economic feasibility of a caisson.
Since the urge for material savings reduced and more robustness is desired, only the most
striking material saving aspects of the original concept are examined for modern overturning
caisson designs. Elements such as tapered walls and stiffeners designed for the base plate are
replaced by thicker uniform concrete elements. The declined back-wall and counterforts are
considered as the most effective material saving feature and therefore kept for the modern
designs. Additionally, keeping these characteristics allows a similar launching and transportation
When a caisson is designed according to current regulations and standards, the overturning
concepts allow 8% to 15% material savings. If loads on the quay wall increase, the required
caisson width becomes larger. This affects the feasibility of the concept. The material savings for
the wide overturning caisson (15.65m) reduce to roughly 8%. Draught for the wider concept can
be reduced from 12.40 metre for a rectangular caisson to 11.40 metre for the overturning caisson,
which is a rather small reduction.
The largest material savings (15%) can be obtained when a rubble backfill is applied. These also
result in a significant reduction of draught during transport. For this case, draught can be reduced
from 12.60 metre to 9.60 metre for the overturning caisson. The draught of the rectangular
caisson could be reduced, if sufficient floating stability can be guaranteed without ballast water
(e.g. by sponsons). The overturning caisson has sufficient metacentric height, which allows
transport without ballast water. The draught of the overturning caisson is therefore lower than a
rectangular caisson with the same width. Due to these significant benefits, the construction
method and economic feasibility for the concept with rubble backfill is further analysed.
Material savings for a gravity based structure are not free of charge. It is found that rectangular
caissons have higher factors of safety compared to overturning caissons having the same width.
Therefore, cost savings can also be made by further optimizing material consumption of the
considered rectangular caissons, or savings on backfill materials. Furthermore, the caisson shape
is not load reducing. The declined back-wall does not result in soil pressure reduction. On the
contrary, the caisson heel results in a “trapped” soil wedge which prevents ground to reach an
active pressure state. Destabilizing effects caused by soil are therefore slightly higher for a
caisson with heel.
Due to efficient vertical construction methods and high repetition, a horizontal construction
method is not beneficial. It is found that this construction method requires approximately 25%
more labour for concrete activities. The slipform construction technique allows higher productivity
rates and provides convenient concrete quality, inspection and safety. However, a slipform
method cannot be applied for constructing an overturning caisson. The irregular geometry results
in a rather traditional construction method. Therefore, no intrinsic benefits are found for a
horizontal construction method.
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Document Structure ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Challenge ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Significance ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Design approach and philosophy ..................................................................................... 3
1.5. Economies of scale (process) .......................................................................................... 6
1.6. Economies of scale (structural) ........................................................................................ 9
2. The First Caisson Quay Walls (1903) .................................................................... 10
2.1. The port of Valparaíso .................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Caisson characteristics .................................................................................................. 13
2.3. Structural capacity .......................................................................................................... 21
2.4. Economic characteristics ............................................................................................... 22
2.5. Synthesis ........................................................................................................................ 24
3. Technical Requirements (1903 – 2017)................................................................ 26
3.1. Structural developments ................................................................................................ 26
3.2. Operational and stability conditions ............................................................................... 29
3.3. Quay height .................................................................................................................... 30
3.4. Transport ........................................................................................................................ 31
3.5. Durability aspects ........................................................................................................... 32
3.6. Synthesis ........................................................................................................................ 34
4. Construction Technology (1903-2017) ................................................................. 35
4.1. Workability and execution .............................................................................................. 35
4.2. Heavy lifting and launching equipment .......................................................................... 41
4.3. Synthesis of design differences ..................................................................................... 44
5. Economic Shifts (1903 – 2017) ............................................................................. 45
5.1. Construction costs: gravity based quay walls ................................................................ 45
5.2. Historical deviations per element ................................................................................... 46
5.3. Cost components: formwork and reinforced concrete ................................................... 47
5.4. Synthesis ........................................................................................................................ 47
6. Technical Feasibility (2017) .................................................................................. 48
6.1. Considered designs ....................................................................................................... 48
6.2. Caissons with sand backfill ............................................................................................ 49
6.3. Caissons with rubble backfill .......................................................................................... 52
6.4. Evaluation of design changes ........................................................................................ 55
6.5. Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 59
7. Construction Technology (2017) .......................................................................... 61
7.1. Construction and formwork techniques .......................................................................... 61
7.2. Construction process ..................................................................................................... 64
7.3. Resource consumption .................................................................................................. 68
7.4. Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 70
8. Economic Feasibility (2017) .................................................................................. 71
8.1. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 71
8.2. Direct construction costs ................................................................................................ 71
8.3. Marginal caisson costs ................................................................................................... 72
8.4. Equipment and depreciation .......................................................................................... 72
8.5. Economic feasibility estimate ......................................................................................... 73
9. Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 75
9.1. Answers to research questions ...................................................................................... 76
9.2. Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 77
Appendix....................................................................................................................... 78
A. Existing Concepts ..................................................................................................... 79
A.1. Rectangular caissons ......................................................................................................... 80
A.2. Circular caissons................................................................................................................. 81
A.3. Hybrid floated-in-caissons .................................................................................................. 83
A.4. Overturning caissons .......................................................................................................... 86
A.5. Prefabricated non-floatable elements ................................................................................. 91
A.6. Overview of concepts ......................................................................................................... 94
B. Analysis: The overturning caisson (1903) ............................................................... 96
B.1. Calculation approach .......................................................................................................... 96
B.2. Material parameters ............................................................................................................ 97
B.3. Verification of operational stability (resistance) .................................................................. 98
B.4. Verification of representative loads (actions)...................................................................... 99
B.5. Serviceability verification .................................................................................................. 101
B.6. Ultimate limit state verification .......................................................................................... 102
B.7. Required stability adjustments .......................................................................................... 103
B.8. Structural capacity ............................................................................................................ 105
B.9. Simplified model: floating position .................................................................................... 107
B.10. Design considerations in relation to transport ................................................................ 109
B.11. Significance of horizontal construction (formwork) ......................................................... 110
C. Durability aspects................................................................................................... 112
C.1. Historical overview of corrosion protection ....................................................................... 112
C.2. Corrosion protection ......................................................................................................... 113
C.3. Protection measures ......................................................................................................... 113
C.4. Environmental aggressivity............................................................................................... 114
C.5. Mechanical abrasion and impact ...................................................................................... 114
C.6. Concrete cover requirements and recommendations ...................................................... 114
C.7. Alternative protection measures ....................................................................................... 119
D. Caisson Design Conditions (2017) ......................................................................... 121
D.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 121
D.2. Local conditions ................................................................................................................ 121
D.3. Operational Requirements................................................................................................ 123
D.4. Regulations and verifications............................................................................................ 124
D.5. Combinations and Factors (BS-6349) .............................................................................. 128
D.6. Building materials ............................................................................................................. 132
E. Persistent loads ...................................................................................................... 134
E.1. Distributed live loads ......................................................................................................... 134
E.2. Tidal water pressures ....................................................................................................... 135
E.3. Horizontal STS-crane loads .............................................................................................. 136
E.4. Vertical STS-crane loads (line loads) ............................................................................... 137
E.5. Vertical point loads ........................................................................................................... 140
E.6. Loads from ships............................................................................................................... 142
E.7. Wave loads ....................................................................................................................... 142
F. Overturning Caisson Design (12.60m) ................................................................... 144
F.1. Geometry .......................................................................................................................... 144
F.2. Weight and Centre of Gravity............................................................................................ 145
F.3. First floating equilibrium position....................................................................................... 145
F.4. Turning process ................................................................................................................ 148
F.5. Second floating equilibrium position (without assistance) ................................................ 151
F.6. Operational stability .......................................................................................................... 153
F.7. Structural design ............................................................................................................... 155
G. Rectangular Caisson Design (12.60m) .................................................................. 170
G.1. Geometry .......................................................................................................................... 170
G.2. Weight and Centre of Gravity ........................................................................................... 171
G.3. Floating equilibrium position ............................................................................................. 171
G.4. Operational stability .......................................................................................................... 174
H. Overturning Caisson Design (15.65m) .................................................................. 175
H.1. Geometry.......................................................................................................................... 175
H.2. Weight and Centre of Gravity ........................................................................................... 176
H.3. Floating equilibrium position............................................................................................. 176
H.4. Turning process ............................................................................................................... 177
H.5. Operational stability.......................................................................................................... 178
I. Rectangular Caisson Design (15.65m) ................................................................... 179
I.1. Geometry ........................................................................................................................... 179
I.2. Weight and Centre of Gravity ............................................................................................ 180
I.3. Floating equilibrium position .............................................................................................. 180
I.4. Operational stability ........................................................................................................... 182
J. Size and scaling aspects ......................................................................................... 183
J.1. Compartment scaling ........................................................................................................ 183
J.2. Shear stress ...................................................................................................................... 183
J.3. Shear capacity .................................................................................................................. 184
J.4. Floating stability ................................................................................................................ 185
K. Silo pressure .......................................................................................................... 189
K.1. Janssen pressure theory .................................................................................................. 189
K.2. Derivation of the Janssen pressure theory....................................................................... 189
K.3. Alternative silo pressure theories ..................................................................................... 191
K.4. Caisson compartment pressure ....................................................................................... 191
L. Soil pressure states and models ............................................................................. 193
L.1.Soil pressure states ........................................................................................................... 193
L.2. Global stability: Rankine’s theory ..................................................................................... 193
L.3. Global stability: hybrid soil pressure model ...................................................................... 194
L.4. Behaviour of soil retaining walls ....................................................................................... 196
L.5. Overview of design methods ............................................................................................ 196
M. Design and safety .................................................................................................. 198
M.1. Change of working height ................................................................................................ 198
N. Cost deviations ...................................................................................................... 199
N.1. Historical cost deviations of building materials (1900-2005)............................................ 199
N.2. Geographical cost deviations of building materials .......................................................... 200
N.3. Cost deviations of heavy lifting equipment....................................................................... 201
1. Introduction
The reconsideration of an early 20th century construction method arose from
engineering curiosity. A Dutch report Caissonbouw from the construction company
Hollandsche Beton Groep (HBG) gives an overview of caisson applications between
1902 and 1977. It describes a remarkable construction method of the first reinforced
caisson structures for quay walls in the beginning of the twentieth century. Economic
advantages might be achievable when this concept is applied. Besides economic
reasons, it is from engineering point of view interesting to investigate the concept to gain
insight in former design approaches.
Many different quay wall structures have been built in the past. Some concepts are
abandoned and others are refined and optimized over the last century. The particular
concept of our interest is the so called “overturning caisson” (Dutch: kantelcaisson),
designed by professor Kraus in 1903. It comprised the first reinforced concrete caissons
for quay wall application. For several reasons, it was a state of the art concept in that
The concept is exceptional due to the horizontal construction method and turning during
the immersion phase. For some reason, the concept has been abandoned after a few
projects. The caissons might became too large for equipment at that time, or the method
was considered as being too complex. Perhaps, other methods were just slightly more
favourable. The degree of feasibility of this concept has shifted after more than a
century of improvements in equipment and construction techniques. Therefore, this
study is done to clarify the technical and economic feasibility of the “overturning-
caisson” principle for future projects.
3. Technical requirements
4. Construction technology analysis of changes
5. Economic shifts over the last century
6. Technical feasibility
7. Construction technology analysis of current caisson
8. Economic feasibility designs
1.2. Challenge
This research topic arose from the desire to design caisson quay wall structures more
efficiently. This study is performed in order to determine if aspects from the first
(overturning) caissons can nowadays be used for caisson designs. The caissons have
been designed and built over a century ago, which indicates that the concept is
technically realizable. However, developments over the last hundred years have
influenced the degree of attractiveness significantly. Because of this, it is unknown
whether the concept is currently technically or economically feasible.
In addition, it must be clarified whether technological and economical shifts over the last
century advance or obstruct the expected benefits. If the significance a certain aspect is
increased, it may be smart to further exploit the particular benefit.
1.3. Significance
This concept might be a more economical solution than current concepts. In which
degree the concept distinguishes itself from other structures has to be determined.
Analysis of the first caisson concepts possibly results in a cost reduction and a simplified
execution of the quay structure. This research shall thereby identify and quantify the
advantages and disadvantages of different elements within the construction process of
caisson quay structures.
1.4. Design approach and philosophy
The objective of this study is to design a caisson quay wall structure which is more
economical than traditional box-shaped caissons. From the perspective of a client, who
requests a quay wall, its value depends on its final performance (life cycle costs). The
focus of this research is therefore to design a caisson quay wall which performance is
equal or better than regular caisson quay walls, at lower costs.
Iterative design process of a rectangular caisson
Ship dimensions
Keel clearance
Tidal variations
Wave height
Overtopping requirements
Sediment dynamics
Superstructure requirements
The main goal is to increase construction and equipment efficiency through material
savings and / or shape changes. It is thereby required to prevent sub-optimisations and
apply an integrated design approach by considering the whole construction process
from design to execution. The proposed design method should result in a less iterative
Figure 1.3 shows a linear design path, which would be an ideal situation. Ideally, the
least number of iterations and design changes are desired. Adjustments for floatability
should influence the design marginally. This scenario results in the possibility to design
a quay structure directly for its purpose. However, this is in engineering practice an
unrealistic scheme since there are always iterations required to derive an optimal
The generally difficult constructability and maintainability below sea level in combination
with severe environmental circumstances results in the need for a proper consideration
of the design life and durability aspects. The combined influences of these conditions
indicate that it is desired to design a quay structure which demands relatively little
maintenance over its service life. Based on these considerations, ordinary berth
structures in commercial ports are generally designed for a design life of 50 years or
higher (Thoresen, 2014).
The Eurocode (NEN-1990) prescribes a design working life of 50 years for building- and
other common structures and 100 years for bridges and other civil engineering
structures. The British Standard (6349-1-1) prescribes a design working life of 50 years
for quay walls and 100 years for flood defence structures. Considering these
recommendations and codes, it is intended to design a durable reinforced concrete
caisson, which could safely and efficiently be used over a life time of at least 50 years.
A different design approach could be an optimization in terms of technical and economic
service life time, where it is aimed to equalize both life times to reduce costs. However,
such a design approach would only be appropriate for specific projects and it would
drastically change the feasible region of alternative concepts. The feasibility of the
overturning caisson for a design life less than 50 years is therefore not considered.
Ship dimensions
Keel clearance
Tidal variations
Wave height
Overtopping requirements
Sediment dynamics
Superstructure requirements
Buoyancy requirements
Floating stability Compartment
Turning requirements
Stability requirements after immersion dimensions
Strength and stiffness requirements at use phase
1.5. Economies of scale (process)
The feasibility of caisson quay wall structures largely depends on the possibility of
exploiting scaling advantages. Within the construction industry, economies of scale is
generally referred to as the repetition effect. This is an umbrella term which covers the
possibility to improve productivity by repeating a process.
Technical Planning
Learning improvements
Figure 1.4. Economies of scale, after Pearson and Wisner (1993); ref. [A26]
Economies of scale, and thereby the depreciation and learning effects, are majorly
important for the design of a caisson quay wall. The relative influence of investments in
equipment reduces if it can be well exploited (depreciation). Constructing a single
caisson would therefore be relatively expensive since many resources need to be
addressed for a unique product. Learning factors such as man-hour efficiency (learning
effect and assembly optimization), planning (critical paths) and shape similarities can
reduce the price per unit as well, if the quantity becomes larger.
The change in production cost consists of fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed cost
consist for instance of equipment which is required for construction. The variable costs
increase for every produced object and consist of building materials, labour and utilities.
The most economical way of production depends on the required number of caissons.
When the required number of caissons is relatively high, investments in equipment for
reducing production costs shall eventually pay off. These investments must thereby lead
to a lowering of the labour, material, equipment or construction site costs.
1.5.2. Learning economies
Improvement of operational times can be achieved by repeating a particular process.
The time reduction can be expressed by so called improvement, learning or experience
curves. These curves usually show a decrease in man-hours or costs over a number of
operations. A typical hypothetical learning curve is shown in figure 1.5. Normally, it has
a downwards concave shape. It can be expressed as a logarithmic regression function
of the form: y a .x b . In which a and b depend on aspects such as the complexity of the
operations, quality of work preparation and skill level of personnel. A more quantitative
analysis of the learning effect for caisson construction is treated in chapter 8; Economic
Figure 1.5. Hypothetical learning curve showing a classical concave shape; ref. [A26]
Figure 1.6. Column head for renovation works Figure 1.7. Multiple cone shaped column
1.5.4. Economic benefits
Compared to a traditional box caisson, the overturning caisson has a different balance
between fixed and variable costs. Also balances within a cost category will be different.
For instance, savings in building materials can result in increased labour costs. This
could eventually result in no difference in the fixed costs per caisson. The produced
quantity (number of caissons) is not from importance if the fixed costs per overturning
caissons are identical to a box caisson. From a production process point of view, the
fixed and variable costs can be defined as depicted in figure 1.8.
Fixed costs
•Construction site / utilities
•Design and engineering
Variable costs
•Building materials
•Labour costs
Figure 1.8. Fixed and variable costs from production point of view
Based on the fixed and variable costs distinction, the following three scenarios are
possible for which the concept is beneficial:
a. Higher fixed costs and lower variable costs result in an economic design after a
certain number of caissons;
b. Lower fixed costs and higher variable costs result in an economic design up to a
certain number of caissons;
c. Lower fixed costs and lower variable costs; production costs are always lower.
The balance between these costs determines the feasibility range for the overturning
principle. The particular cost balances are thereby also depending on the geographical
location of the construction project.
1.6. Economies of scale (structural)
Besides possible scaling advantages due to repetition, a particular structure (caisson)
can become more efficient for certain dimensions. This efficiency difference can be
explained by the mathematical principle known as the square-cube law (Galileo Galilei,
1638). This law basically describes that, if an object is scaled dimensionally, the
relationship between volume and area is non-linear.
Figure 1.9. Galileo’s example of the square- Figure 1.10. Increasing structural complexity for
cube law [9] tall building [A27]
This is for example the reason why it becomes more challenging to build a high-rise
building than low-rise. The weight of the used materials increase cubically, while the
strength of materials increase by the area of the cross section, and thus squared.
Therefore, buildings have different efficient structural frameworks for particular heights.
On the contrary, this scaling law is part of the reason why seagoing vessels have
become larger over the past century. They become more efficient for increasing
dimensions since the hull surface increases less in comparison with their potential
deadweight tonnage. Since vessels have become larger, the maximum quay walls size
has also increased over the last century.
2. The First Caisson Quay Walls (1903)
2.1. The port of Valparaíso
The first caisson concepts originate from a harbour improvement project in Valparaíso
(Chile) in the beginning of the twentieth century. Valparaíso had become an important
port due to its key position on trade routes through the Eastern Pacific. The combination
of the geographical position and the second industrial revolution resulted in a strong
growth of harbour activities. Due to relatively shallow water conditions, only smaller
vessels were able to berth near the city in the late nineteenth century (fig. 2.1.).This
resulted in the desire of an extensive harbour improvement which consisted of
thousands metres of new quay walls. The primary goal of the project was to allow more
and larger vessels to berth safely in the bay.
Figure 2.1. Panoramic view over the bay of Valparaíso (late 19th century)
Unfortunately, the construction works delayed due to a major earthquake which struck
Valparaíso in 1906. There was extensive economic damage and thousands of people
died. A few years later, the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914 reduced the port
activities drastically. This combination of events resulted in such a large setback that the
port lost its vital role as major transhipment point. Because of this, the originally planned
harbour improvement works were never fully executed. However, the quay wall designs
were very well documented by Comision Kraus, which resulted in the application of the
particular caisson designs in other ports over world (appendix A).
There were mainly two quay structures designed which are worth mentioning. One type
is referred to as “cases of armed concrete” and the other as “floating blocks of
masonry”. The cases and floating blocks, nowadays referred to as caissons, were state
of the art civil engineering structures at that time. Professor Kraus recommended
reinforced concrete caissons for sheltered sites of the harbour and masonry caissons for
unsheltered quay parts. It was noted in the report that masonry structures were
commonly used and that it had already proven its capability to resist great pressures
from beating of the sea.
2.1.2. Reinforced concrete caissons (cases of armed concrete)
From the report of the commission Kraus (1903), the main design considerations
seemed to be to resist the beating of the sea and provide enough rigidity for transport
and placement. Furthermore, enough strength was required to resist the water pressure
during transport.
In order to satisfy these conditions, specific concepts have been made for different
locations. The designs differed from robust masonry cases up to economical L-shaped
caissons. Wave actions and rigidity during transport were the most important design
conditions for all concepts.
With respect to the L-shaped caissons, the compartments were filled with so called
“weak concrete” at the final position which guaranteed its stability and strength. The
concrete fill was also beneficial for enlarging the resistance against ship collision and
berthing forces. The reinforced concrete wall thickness of 150 millimetres (near water
level) in combination with a maximum concrete compressive strength of 15 N/mm2 was
therefore not sufficient to ensure a durable and save structure by itself.
Figure 2.2. Box caisson (Valparaíso, 1903) Figure 2.3. L-shaped caisson (Valparaíso,
2.1.3. Masonry caissons (floating blocks of masonry)
For unsheltered site of the harbour, which was prone to high wave forces, it was
decided to use a more robust design. This resulted in a caisson made out of masonry
rubble stone. It was planned to be floated to its final position and then filled with a cheap
material, as for instance “sand concrete”. This was similar to the planned breakwaters.
The outer quay walls have been designed to perform a double duty. It must take the
place of a real breakwater in cases of storms, and has to function as a mooring place in
normal conditions.
A remarkable aspect is that masonry cases, reinforced blocks and reinforced L-shaped
caissons all have a width of 6.50 metre. Apparently, this was considered to be a safe
value, although the weights of concepts differ considerably. The gravity based structures
have therefore different factors of stability. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the
bearing capacity was not influencing the decision. Nevertheless, it was noted that soil
improvement was required for some parts of the harbour basin which consisted of mud.
The dimensions of the walls of the breakwaters were determined with relation to the
strength of the waves. Global measurements (by means of a dynamometer) resulted in
an advisable wave pressure of 30 tonne per square metre (300 kN/m2) at the height of
the surface of the sea. At that time, it was observed that a relatively large total of great
resistance could be obtained when masonry breakwaters were applied. The
breakwaters had cylindrical shaped compartments, which were mainly designed for an
even spread hydraulic water pressure during transport.
The masonry cases were not able to float by themselves. Therefore sponsons or air
cases were designed to increase the buoyancy and floating stability during transport.
Furthermore, a steel frame was required to improve its strength during floatation.
Although the sponsons could be reused, the masonry caissons were more costly than
the reinforced or “armed” concrete alternatives. For this reason, the masonry blocks
have only been designed for locations prone to high wave loads.
2.2. Caisson characteristics
This section regarding caisson characteristics is based on the harbour improvement
report of Valparaíso by Comision Kraus (ref. [1]), which was published in 1903. The
analysis reveals opportunities and threats of the concept. Lessons learnt from analysing
the first caissons are used for further caisson concepts.
Caisson dimensions
height 11.35m
width 6.50m
length 10.00m
Retaining measures
total height 14.00m
water depth: CD -10.00m
coping level: CD +4.00m
The shape and caisson characteristics are discussed using the drawing (fig. 2.5) and
corresponding numbers of each element. Noteworthy is that for each reinforced
element, the concrete cover amounted probably 10mm. The impact of this aspect on
durability is discussed in chapter 3 and appendix C.
Superstructure (1)
The superstructure was made out of ordinary masonry.
A canal had been economized for placing water and
gas-pipes and the conducting electric cables. The pipes
were designed to be placed above an altar, while a
deeper part of the canal could serve for workman.
Backwall (2)
Caisson walls were tapered; the outer walls started for at
a thickness of 250 millimetres at the bottom and
attenuates to 150 mm at the top. This reduced the
amount of reinforced concrete and thereby the total
construction costs. The declined lower part had various
Compartments (3)
The caisson was designed with four compartments (3
inner walls). The thickness of inner walls amounted
150mm. Reasons for partitioning the caissons were; (1) Figure 2.5. Main elements of the
the lateral walls had to be able to resist the pressure and caisson, indicated by numbers
(2) they had to diminish the movement of ballast water
during transport. The first 4 metres of the compartments
were originally designed to be filled with concrete which
was casted under water. In this way, the walls were not
exposed to high pressures. The remaining of the compartments were designed to be
filled with a concrete made out of 200 kg/m3 of Theil lime, which probably particularly
desired due to its ability to resist actions of sea water due to a low iron content1.
Frontwall (4)
The frontwall was designed with an inclination of 1/20, which ensured its stability during
placement and its service life. Similar to the backwall, the wall thickness varied from 150
millimetre at the top, to 250 millimetre at the bottom of the caisson.
Counterforts (5)
The baseplate and longitudinal walls were connected by means of five triangular
consoles, or counterforts. These provided strength and rigidity of the connection of the
baseplate between the compartments itself.
The declination also resulted in less use of reinforced concrete. For instance, a larger
wall-span for the side walls could be realized. Namely, the lower part of the caisson,
which encounters the highest pressure during immersion, has the lowest wall-span. The
upper compartment walls have the largest wall-span of 3.00 metre. Furthermore, no
further increase of wall-pressure occurs after turning. This is due to its triangular shape,
which causes water pressure inside the compartments to rise faster than outside (in
contrast to the described La Goulette caisson in appendix A).
According to Tsinker (1997, 2014), the rear wall and base slab were designed to reduce
the horizontal soil thrust on the wall. In practice however, the declination does not result
in a reduction of horizontal soil pressure since the soil is trapped within the heel and
counterforts. The applicable soil pressure theory for overturning caissons is addressed
in more detail in appendix L.
The declination probably affected the casting method of the backwall considerably.
Casting under an angle of 20 degrees could only be realized with a very low slump
concrete mixture or with an additional formwork (tegenkist) which closes the wall. In this
case, the buoyancy of the formwork must be considered. This was probably challenging,
since internal ties (which could connect both formwork sides) were probably not well
developed to resist substantial hydraulic pressures during immersion.
Baseplate (7)
The baseplate was made out of reinforced concrete. It had a slight concave shape in
order to facilitate its stable position in the rubble bed. This guaranteed two supports in
case of bed variations. The rubble prism behind the wall provided anchorage to the
Forces acting on the plate are mainly transferred to the perpendicular (compartment)
walls and counterforts. The orthotropic plate (depicted in figure 2.6) is, due to its shape,
highly efficient in terms of material use. These reinforced concrete stiffeners required
formwork with a lot of corners (stiffener size was just 150mm). Attention was required in
terms of reinforcement (cutting, bending and placement), formwork construction and
concrete pouring. Especially if one realizes that the baseplates were casted in vertical
position. This implies that concrete kickers (opstort) could not be used for constructing
the stiffeners. If the baseplate was therefore casted at once, the small stiffeners on the
plate where probably prone to honeycomb formations (grindnesten).
Practical treatise on Limes Hydraulic Cements and Mortars, Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers
(U.S.A.), No 9, by Q.A. Gillmore, A.M., fifth edition, 1879
Figure 2.6. Detailed view of the reinforced concrete baseplate (original drawing) above:
reinforcement layout, below: cross-sectional dimensions
The total width of the baseplate amounted 6.50 metre, which is approximately equal to
0.6H. The width / height ratio is thereby small compared to current caisson designs,
which are generally in the order of 0.8H. Especially if one includes the superstructure
(+2.65m), the total width/height ratio becomes more or less 0.5.
The concrete compressive strength (fck) had been determined to be 15 N/mm2 and its
characteristic tensile strength (ftk) amounts 2.0 N/mm2. The capacity of iron totalled 250
N/mm2 (fyk).
2.2.3. Reliability
A safety factor of 2 was applied on material properties with temporary loading (e.g.
during transport). Where a factor of 2.5 was applied on material properties with long
term loading (e.g. final at stage). Combined with the mentioned safety factor of 2.5, a
design compressive strength of 6 N/mm2 remained.
Comparing a theoretical vertical construction method with the applied method provides
insight in the advantages that could be obtained. Significantly more walls would be
required if the caisson would be constructed in vertical position. Differences between
casting walls and floors are:
Therefore, the maximum casting height of walls can be limited by formwork pressure.
Horizontal casting is on the other hand not limited by a certain formwork pressure since
it only has to carry the weight of the fresh concrete (fig 2.8 and 2.9). A concrete slab
having a thickness of 250mm would therefore exert a vertical pressure of 6.25 kN/m2,
while a concrete wall, having a height of for instance 3.00m, exerts a horizontal pressure
of 3.00 x 25 = 75 kN/m2. Hence, the length of a concrete element could be increased
without pressure restrictions, while a wall casting height of just 3 metres already results
in considerable formwork pressures. Especially in the years of the design of the first
caissons, when little experience and limited techniques were available, this aspect could
have influenced the design considerably.
pouring and
pouring and
Figure 2.8. Formwork pressure: weight of slab Figure 2.9. Formwork pressure: hydrostatic
Additional differences between figures 2.8 and 2.9 are the accessibility and working
conditions for activities such as; reinforcement fixing, concrete pouring and
consolidation. The horizontal casting method improves these conditions considerably
when little techniques are used. Also the concrete free-fall distance could easily be
reduced in case of horizontal casting, which prevents segregation of aggregates.
The caissons were planned to be constructed onshore. This resulted in the possibility to
construct caissons simultaneously. The report revealed that it was intended to construct
171 regular blocks at once and 320 in total. The sheltered quay wall caissons were
planned to be built in portions of 114 caissons at a time and 260 in total. The
construction of over 100 caissons simultaneously was the most economical solution in
1903, this is however currently unusual.
Temporary slipway
(launching site)
Figure 2.10. Execution plan of reinforced concrete caissons (half of the construction site)
2.2.5. Launching method
Launching was meant to take place with help of temporary timber bridges. The
declination of this slipway was designed to be 1:10, which was similar to the floating
position of the caissons, which was approximately 10 degrees. This resulted in low
concrete tensile stresses during the launching process; it was calculated that stresses of
0.45 N/mm2 would not be exceeded. The slipway launching method was considered to
be the most economical solution due to shallow water conditions near the construction
Figure 2.11. Transport and launching plans of the caissons (Valparaíso, 1903)
The maximum draught of the overturning caisson was roughly 3.80 metres (ref 1), which
is less than 0.35H (where H = caisson height). This is a significant reduction compared
to rectangular caissons where a rule of thumb of 0.5H can be used2. Savings can be
made during construction of the caissons, whether it is decided to build the overturning
caissons on ground level, where slipway launching or a ship-lift is required or when it is
decided to use a temporary dry-dock. The particular launching method shall always be
more economic due to the reduced depth.
Pqs cV
2 2
Pqs 1.0 5.00 25 kPa = 25 kN/m
This pressure is a considerable amount of additional load, but is not necessarily a
dominant design load. In other words, slipway launching is not necessarily influencing
the structural design and geometry.
2.2.6. Transport
One of the most striking aspects of the original caisson is its equilibrium floating
positions. The first floating position was under an angle of approximately 10 degrees.
This could be achieved through an economic design in terms of material use and a
slender caisson (height / width ratio ≈ 2).
The floating position after launching is shown in figure 2.11. A benefit of this position
was that it corresponded to the desired horizontal construction and launching method.
Also, the caissons could be floated in shallower water conditions, which reduced the
required length of the slipway and/or the dredging works. The draught of the original
caisson during transport amounted approximately 3.90 metres.
The low relative draught was caused be two major design characteristics. Firstly, its
limited weight resulted in a small amount of displaced water (∇). Secondly, the centre of
This is valid if one assumes 20% concrete and 80% compartment volume. A concrete/water density ratio of
2.5 gives a draught of 0.20 x 2.5 x H = 0.50H
gravity (G) was located near the middle of the caisson (fig. 2.12.). The angle of floatation
would further decrease if G would be shifted towards the middle. The small angle of
floatation was therefore obtained by the enlarged upper part of the caisson. The slope of
the back-wall itself was not important in this floating phase, but the weight distribution
α 3.93m
Due to the relatively large moment of inertia of displaced water, the horizontal floating
position is rather stable. Form appendix B.9, the metacentric height of the simplified
model appeared to be in the order of 3 metres above the centre of gravity, which is more
than sufficient in terms of transport requirements. The caisson will therefore have the
ability to remain upright after small disturbances. Considering this, the metacentric
height is expected to be a less significant design aspect, compared to rectangular
In example, figure 2.13 shows two floating objects. The left object is in equilibrium and
has a horizontal floating position. The right object has a shifted centre of gravity which
implies that a rotation is initiated if no other external force is applied. The shape of the
displaced water must change in such a way, that its centre of buoyancy (B) returns
above or below the shifted centre of gravity (G’).
G G’
contribute to floating stability after turning and during the immersion process. In
appendix B.10, an analysis of allowable positions for the centre of gravity is made. It is
found that the relative displacement influences this region. The more relative
displacement, the smaller the allowable region for G. Such a region can be used as tool
for determining the geometry of an overturning caisson.
The first overturning caissons were designed for a nearly vertical floating position after
turning. During ballasting, its floating position became more and more vertical. A vertical
position was obtained in combination with approximately 10% of the compartment
volume with water. This was in combination with a remaining freeboard of approximately
1.65 metre, which implies that during low water level, a remaining keel clearance of 0.30
metre was obtained. Irrespective of its vertical floating position and keel clearance, it
was decided to assist the caissons during turning and immersion with a sheerleg (fig.
A.12). The used sheerleg is estimated to have a capacity of 50 tonnes, which is roughly
a quarter of the caisson weight (220 tonne).
The caisson with a rectangular shaped compartment has its buoyancy point relatively
close to the front-wall. The original caisson, with a triangular back-wall shifts the
buoyancy point towards the back-wall, which is desired for a vertical floating equilibrium.
Therefore, the declination functions in two manners:
The buoyancy centre is well-positioned due to declined back-wall. This can be seen by
comparing a rectangular geometry with a triangular which have equal surface areas. If
these surfaces represent a certain displacement, both have different geometric centres
(centroids), which indicate a different location of the buoyancy point.
A comparison between those geometries is depicted in figure 2.15. Both having the
same area (H x W). Nevertheless, the buoyancy point for the rectangular geometry, with
a straight back-wall is positioned at a horizontal distance of W/2, where the buoyancy
point for the triangular geometry is positioned on a horizontal distance of 2W/3 from the
The centre of mass also changes due to the adjusted geometry. However, the distance
from the front-wall remains equal for both geometries. The remaining differentiating
aspect is a change in length of the walls; where the hypotenuse is by definition longer
than the adjacent. The increased mass of the declined back-wall results in a slight shift
towards the (undesired) back of the caisson. The mass increase is however less
significant than the shape change.
W W 2W 2W
straight backwall B
Figure 2.15. Declined versus straight back-wall: geometry differences affecting the floating
2.3. Structural capacity
Loads during immersion were governing for the structural design of the concrete
caisson. This is expressed in the report as follows:
“The sides and the bottom of this case are so calculated that they can resist
the corresponding pressure of the water at this depth, a pressure will
naturally not increase when the case has a greater depth, owing to the
water introduced.”
The case was designed to resist the hydrostatic pressure directly after the turning
operation. This state is obviously governing due to the caisson geometry and the
increasing hydrostatic pressure from the presence of ballast water. In other words, the
water level inside the compartments rises faster than the immersion rate of the caisson.
The walls could be designed with a thickness of 150mm at the top and 250mm at the
bottom of the caisson. This limited wall thickness was possible due to the limited
hydrostatic pressure on the top of the caisson. The schematic load case on the front-
wall of the caisson is as follows:
The original strength parameters for the reinforced caisson are listed in the table below.
The structural capacity is analysed in appendix B. The most striking aspect from the
analysis is that the shear capacity of the walls is just sufficient at the critical depth. The
walls are thereby rather thin, but nevertheless able to resist the hydrostatic pressure.
After immersion, the compartments were filled with a low quality concrete. This had to
result in a durable structure with limited use of reinforced concrete.
2.4. Economic characteristics
The harbour improvement project in Valparaíso consisted of several quay structures.
Especially the largest quay site was designed with great precision. The most economical
solution, which also had to fulfil all requirements, seemed to be a reinforced concrete L-
shaped caisson. This carefully designed caisson type was estimated to cost about 1445
Chilean pesos ($), where the rectangular caisson type was estimated to cost 2500
pesos per running metre. The costs of excavation and the rubble backfill were initially
not included for both cases.
The report revealed a list of prices and elements from prior the tender phase of the quay
walls. The cost of rubble stones are found in a cost estimate supplement and added to
the existing table. Based on this, the total quay cost per running metre (excl. excavation
and dredging) is calculated. This cost overview is presented in table 2.1.
Price per line metre quay (1903) Box caisson
Floating case of armed concrete $ 1 405,- $ 679,-
Filling up of sand concrete $ 210,- $ 276,-
Superstructure composed of masonry with $ 218,- $ 218,-
a mortar of cement, including the coping-
Construction and keeping in repairs of the $ 225,- $ 117,-
moulds and launchers for the floating
Operation of launching, transporting and $ 442,- $ 155,-
placing the cases, with mortmain of the
material needed
Rubble stones for compartment fill, $ 536,- $ 326,-
backfill and bed foundation
Total Chilean pesos ($): $ 3 036,- $ 1 771,-
Table 2.1. Caisson quay wall costs per running metre
It can be seen that the rectangular caissons were about 3 times more expensive to
launch, transport and place compared to the economic L-shaped solution. However,
both caisson types have been designed for this project. This reveals that the L-shaped
caisson design was not forced, for instance, by shallow water conditions during
transport. The L-shaped caisson was purely designed to satisfy all the conditions at the
lowest possible price.
The rectangular caissons (shown in figure 1.1) were only designed for locations with a
generally rough sea. The L-shaped caisson was particularly designed for the sheltered
parts of the harbour. The planned sheltered quay wall length totalled 3481 metres,
which is, also for today’s standards a large quay length.
Based on the original cost estimate, the differences per running metre quay for the
sheltered harbour are expressed in the bar chart below. It can be seen that the largest
savings were made by reducing the amount of concrete. The material savings thereby
resulted in a chain reaction and reduced the costs of other components as well.
From the volumes and given prices per metre quay, the following price per units has
been calculated:
The price per unit of reinforced concrete was exceptionally high. It was for example
more than 5 times higher than the cost of “sand-concrete” which is a mixture of sand,
cement and water. It was also over 10 times more expensive than the procurement of
rubble stones. Due to these large price differences, it was highly beneficial to save on
the amount of reinforced concrete.
2.5. Synthesis
The counterfort caissons resulted in a material efficient retaining structure. The
application of reinforced concrete was consciously considered. The optimization
resulted in materials savings, but as a consequence, a relatively complex shape had to
be constructed. The complex shape had no significant influence on the construction
costs. A rectangular caisson for the same port expansion project had a relatively simple
shape, but was estimated to cost almost twice as much. The reason for this cost
difference can be addressed to material and weight savings.
The minimum wall thickness amounted just 150mm, where the lower walls reached
thicknesses up to 250mm. Although relatively thin walls were constructed with inferior
material properties, it was sufficient for the temporary loads during transport and
immersion. After placement, the compartments were filled with a sand-cement mixture
which increased structural longevity.
For a regular caisson, the compartment and caisson dimensions are intrinsically linked
to the draught magnitude. For the overturning caisson, the potential water displacement
by the compartments is only from importance during immersion since the caisson has
two floating equilibrium positions. The draught restriction in vertical floating position is
limited by the water levels and depth during placement.
Benefits of the
Cause Result
caisson (1903)
Economically designed
caisson due to:
Over 50% savings on
- Counterforts (L-shape);
Reinforced concrete reinforced concrete
- Declined backwall;
- Thin and tapered walls;
- Orthotropic base plate;
Less foundation bed and
Reduced amount of Approximately 40%
backfill required due to
rubble stones required savings of rubble stone
reduced weight
Less walls, resulting in less
formwork area; Over 50% savings on
Temporary equipment
Less construction height, formwork and falsework
(e.g. formwork)
requiring less temporary costs
Less weight and less draught
due to the economical design Almost 65% savings on
resulting in a relatively simple launching costs
slipway launching method
The design resulted in a small
Transport Low draught
width-to-height ratio
Results compared to a rectangular caisson designed for the port of Valparaíso in
1903, having the same retaining height.
The reduced launching costs were obtained by the reduced weight and shape of the
caissons. Due to the efficient use of materials, the caissons could be constructed with
an element length of 10 metre. This was approximately 3 times longer than the
rectangular caissons, which reduced the number of launches drastically. All in all,
significant advantages could be obtained. The low draught (approximately 1/3 the
caisson height) of the overturning caisson is also listed as an advantage, while the
draught of the first block caisson was actually lower. However, the relative draught is still
low compared to current rectangular caisson designs.
Developments over more than a century of caisson construction resulted in a shift of
benefits and priorities. Somehow, the concept became less attractive to build. A
literature study (appendix A) revealed that the concept is only built for three projects in
the years 1908, 1911 and 1914. The Hollandsche Beton Groep (HBG) decided to build
only rectangular caissons. An overview of the first caisson projects is presented in the
table below. It can be seen that the method of construction was initially horizontal,
disregarding the geometry. After the Chilean port expansion projects, the method for
rectangular caissons changed to vertical.
After this period, horizontal construction methods were rarely applied. Two other
caissons are found which make use of a turning principle; one project in Gdynia (1927)
and one in Tunis (≤1967). Remarkable is that a feasibility study is performed for a
counterfort caisson quay wall in 1986. This so called Camilla caisson has great
similarities to the first counterfort caissons, but no record is found of any application.
The geometry of the first caissons of the first caissons did not affect the construction
method. Later, the construction method started to depend on the shape of the caisson.
The geometry is thus affecting the method of construction, launching and transport. It is
therefore presumed that optimal construction methods are found for rectangular
caissons, while a counterfort caisson might still be feasible with a horizontal construction
method. Reasons for the withdrawal and new opportunities for counterfort caissons are
sought in the following aspects:
Technical feasibility
- Operational conditions;
geometry, weight,
- Stability requirements;
- Durability requirements;
Construction technology
- Construction technology; equipment, falsework,
- Executional aspects; formwork, crane capacity,
- Launching techniques; floating equipment
- Transport and immersion requirements;
- Shifts in labour, materials and equipment;
- Design, risks and safety; resource consumption
3. Technical Requirements (1903 – 2017)
Designing a reinforced concrete quay wall structure for sea harbours requires a well-
considered design approach. The quay wall must meet all functional requirements
during its service live in an economical way. The structure must thereby fulfil its tasks
under actions and influences which are likely to occur during the execution and
operational phase.
A certain balance must be found between aspects as; construction costs, durability and
robustness. Also awareness of a high number of various loads throughout the design life
of the quay structure is a prerequisite. This chapter provides an overview of changed
technical aspects and requirements from 1903 to 2017. The addressed aspects are
considered from the perspective of technical feasibility, which involves geometry,
weight, displacement, stability and durability of the concept.
Figure 3.1. Concrete quay wall structures, gravity based; Liverpool (left), Bougie (mid) and
Talcahuano (right).
The first economical counterfort caissons were (from load transfer point of view) still
very similar to the heavy weight unreinforced structures, since the caisson
compartments were filled at its final position with a sand-cement mixture. The relatively
low quay loads and high weight resulted in a slender retaining structure (B ≈ 0.5H),
which is from load transfer point of view very similar to unreinforced concrete structures.
3.1.2. Compartment fill and backfill material
The reason for filling compartments with concrete was to increase the stability and
strength of the structure. The overturning stability (equilibrium) increases when the
compartments are filled with a heavy material. At the same time, a greater structural
resistance can be obtained due to the connection of structural elements.
The cementitious fill was required because of the low quality concrete (5 to 15 N/mm2)
and slender walls in combination with relatively high loads and the probability of
(accidental) ship collisions. For this reason, caissons in the port of Rotterdam (around
the year 1920), have been designed with dedicated compartments at the front of the
wall for the application of an unreinforced concrete fill. Therefore, risks of ship collision
influenced the design significantly. Cementitious fills slowly vanished from the designs,
starting with projects where compartments were only filled with concrete if these
locations were subjected to a high risk of ship collision.
In the years following after the Second World War, the unreinforced compartment fill
was vanished from all caisson quay designs at the port of Rotterdam. Reasons for this
can be for example: an increased concrete quality, increased wall thickness (e.g. due to
increasing quay height), increased insight in material behaviour and/or improved
manoeuvrability of ships.
Analysing different types of caissons built for a project in Tandjong Priok (1914), it can
be seen that also the rectangular caisson (1e Binnenhaven Westerboord) has been filled
with unreinforced concrete. Filling the right (instead of left) compartment with such a
heavy material would increase the stability substantially more. This would be more
reasonable if one considers the distribution of foundation pressure. The reduction of
eccentric loads could also result in less differential settlements in transversal direction.
On the condition that a rectangular shaped caisson is an economic design, the width
can be further increased without major cost increase. At this point, it is often more
economical to increase the width until locally sourced sand can be used as backfill
material, as Tsinker (2014) describes:
“In general, reduction in caisson width does not save much concrete required
for its fabrication. However, significant saving in the total cost of a quay wall
may result from a reduction in volume (and cost) of stone bedding.”
The statement can be verified by comparing the two situations; a caisson with rubble
backfill and a caisson with a sand backfill which therefor needs to be widened (fig. 3.3.).
The two situations are schematically depicted in the figures below. The main point at
issue is when a certain solution becomes more economical. Initially, the difference is
verified by considering a simplified example. This is however insufficient for disproving
the general feasibility of the overturning concept.
rubble backfill sand backfill
caisson width
0.8H H 0.8H increase
Figure 3.3. Design choice: rubble backfill or increased caisson width
And, based on a triangular backfill with a slope of 45 degrees, the rubble stone
volume per running metre amounts approximately:
The costs of reinforced concrete are estimated to be €300/m3 and the rubble
stone backfill is expected to be €50/m3 more expensive than locally sourced
sand. The cost of a backfill thereby becomes:
For this example, the caisson can be widened to 150% of its original size.
After this point, a rubble backfill becomes more economical. Note however that
the feasibility is highly affected by cost the difference between rubble and
reinforced concrete. Also the particular shape of the caisson and backfill
changes the outcome.
The question remains whether the enlarged width increases the stability in such a way
that the lack of a rubble backfill is justified. Due to a higher soil shearing angle, the
horizontal thrust can be reduced by 50%. This can be seen by the difference in K values
(appendix L.5.) for soils with a shearing angle of 30 degrees compared to 45 degrees. A
rubble backfill therefore reduces loads significantly, which can justify the higher
procurement costs.
If soil pressure is the main source of destabilizing actions, the change to a rubble fill can
highly influence the required width of the gravity retaining wall. If however other quay
loads are present in a considerable amount, the impact of a rubble fill will become less
significant to the overall design.
3.2. Operational and stability conditions
From the stability analysis (appendix B) from the original caisson, it can be seen that the
original caisson offers an inadequate reliability in terms of (GEO) stability. If the caisson
would be designed according to the British Standard and Eurocode, the caisson width
should be increased to approximately 8.50 metres. This equals approximately 75% of
the caisson height, which is still rather slender when the superstructure is included. The
differences of safety levels are presented in table 3.1. Based on the preliminary
calculations, values above 1.00 indicate sufficient stability.
Forward Overturning
SLS verification pressure
sliding (GEO) (EQU)
Original caisson design
1.20 1.55 0.75
(width = 6.50m)
Adjusted caisson design
1.60 2.65 1.10
(width = 8.50m)
Table 3.1. Stability analysis of original overturning caisson
For the enlarged caisson, the total width-to-height ratio, including the superstructure
amounts (8.50/14.0=) 0.61. The PIANC Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures
(2002) notes that a relatively small ratio of 0.75 will exhibit a predominant tilting failure
mode rather than horizontal displacements. This results in extreme cases in collapse of
the wall, where wider caissons are often only associated with excessive deformations. If
a slender design is preferred, the increased risks in relation to earthquake loadings must
be well-considered.
Measure Disadvantage
Increased maintenance costs and uncertainty
Drainage to equalize water levels
in drainage behaviour;
Apply a backfill with higher shearing Procurement of rubble stones; more
angle expensive than locally sourced sand;
Increase the weight of the structure, Increased eccentricity results in higher soil
e.g. by filling the compartment with pressure near the toe and lower soil pressure
concrete near the heel of the caisson;
Less sliding capacity and overturning stability
Filling compartments only with water
(EQU) due to decreased weight
An additional construction phase shall be
Provide alternative soil anchorage
required, which increases equipment and
(e.g. by anchor plate)
labour costs;
Less buoyancy, increased draught, different
Increasing the heel width
floating position;
Less buoyancy, increased draught, different
Increased toe-width
floating position.
Table 3.2. Possible measures to increase global caisson stability
3.3. Quay height
The quay height for international ports has increased drastically over the last century.
Figure 3.4 shows the quay depths for the Port of Rotterdam from the year 1855 to 2000.
The first port activities were near the city centre and moved away from the city (Botlek,
Europort and Maasvlakte) to facilitate larger vessels and increased transhipment
Figure 3.4. Increasing quay height for the port of Rotterdam (Kademuren, verleden,
heden en toekomst)
It is expected that the draught of large vessels will not increase drastically in the coming
years (De Gijt, 2010). Due to nautical constraints, such as depth and dimensions of sea
straits, the draught is expected to be restricted to a value in the order of 25 metres.
Therefore, the demand for quay wall structures with a height of 20 to 30 metre is
expected to continue.
For this thesis a quay wall height of 21 metre is considered to be a good representation
of the current demand for port expansions. After subtracting a few metres for water level
differences and flood safety, such a height is still large enough for New Panamax ships
(draught = 15.2m). Also various Post Panamax (ULCV) categories are able to berth at
this quay height.
When a single compartment is analysed and the wall-spans are all doubled, its volume
(and displacement) becomes four times larger, while its circumference is doubled. Since
the walls are loaded by a pressure twice as large, and the spans are also scaled by this
factor, the wall-thickness must be increased by a factor 4. The amount of concrete (and
weight) is then increased by a factor 8.
2P 2P
B 2B
2B 2B
This effect results in limiting dimensions for caisson compartments. In general, larger
caissons do not allow larger wall spans. Compartments can efficiently be designed with
wall-spans up to approximately 3.50 to 4.00 metre. Actual limits depend on the particular
design conditions. In terms of material use, adding transverse walls becomes more
efficient than increasing spans.
3.4. Transport
The caisson transport can be divided into three different phases. During the first phase,
the caissons must be transported from the construction site to the launching area. The
weight and size of the elements are important aspects during this operation. After this,
the caissons are launched and then transported over water to its final location. A
schematic overview of traditional caissons is presented in figure 3.6 below.
The technical characteristics of the caisson elements will determine the eventual
transport costs. A lower caisson weight shall, for instance, result in a reduced demand
for hydraulic jacks for transport over land. Weight reductions also affect the required
lifting and launching capacity. Furthermore, the weight and shape could reduce the
required towing capacity. These examples had large impact over a century ago, but are
currently considered to be insignificant. The factors which are estimated to have high
impact are related to draught and floating stability. An overview of the estimations is
presented in table 3.3 below.
is for instance larger than the caisson height itself. When the water depth is sufficient,
the construction and launching procedure may still be affected by a change in draught.
For instance, a dry-dock may become shallower or a slipway may become shorter.
depth near
local depth port expansion
For a particular shape, the lowest theoretical draught can be obtained when the centre
of gravity is located at half the caisson height. The caisson would then simply float in a
straight equilibrium position. For a counterfort-caisson, the centre of gravity is off centre.
The weight on one side increases when the heel-width must be increased to meet
operational requirements. This changes the floating equilibrium position and increases
the draught. The relation between floating position and centre of gravity is explained in
more detail in appendix B.10.
The reduced draught is not free of charge; the caisson needs to be turned near its final
location. The ideal second floating position (during immersion) would be completely
vertical. As the asymmetry of the caisson becomes larger for a width of 8.50m, it
becomes more challenging to find a vertical floating equilibrium.
Durability of concrete can be defined as the ability to resist attack from environment in
which it is placed. The attack can be either physical or chemical. Examples of different
attacks are presented in table 3.4 below.
Form the examples of physical attacks, abrasion and (ship) impact are from importance
for quay wall design. On the other hand, chlorides and carbon-dioxide are from major
importance when considering chemical attack. These can influence the concrete quality
and induce corrosion of carbon steel reinforcement.
3.5.1. Recommendations
From extensive research and experience over the last century, knowledge is obtained
which currently enables one to design a durable reinforced concrete structure in marine
environments. A relatively large concrete cover of at least 60 mm, in combination with a
proper concrete mixture is required to obtain a quay design which can fulfil a service life
of at least 50 years. Legally, the cover depth could be reduced to the requirements of
the Eurocode. However, these cover depths are rather low compared to quay design
Besides legal obligations by several European codes, the cover depth requirements are
well-founded by theoretical background and field measurements. This makes a
significant cover depth reduction for carbon steel reinforced concrete inacceptable,
irrespective to the particular project location.
100 90
55 60 60
For quay wall structures, other measures such as coatings, stainless steel or non-
metallic reinforcement does not seem to result in a significant reduction of the concrete
cover. Besides the fact that a significant cover reduction due to those measures would
legally questionable, the earlier mentioned desired robustness will be compromised. In
addition, those solutions would threaten the economic feasibility drastically.
The following schematization (fig. 3.9.) has been made to provide an overview in terms
of concrete cover, robustness and degradation. In terms of robustness, a minimum
front- and back-wall thickness of 300mm is recommended. The design of separation
walls is limited by executional and economical aspects and can therefore not be
reduced any further than 250mm.
Particular degradation sources for marine structures: ∆cdeg cmin ∆cdev
mechanical loads (berthing / mooring)
abrasion (e.g. by wave impact) high tide concrete in
chloride ingress atmospher
carbonation e
freeze-thaw actions
concrete degradation
concrete in
temperature gradients tidal zone
humidity gradients
Measures to prevent degradation: low tide
Provide sufficient concrete cover (≥60mm)
Apply high concrete grade (≥C35/C45)
Apply a low water / cement ratio (≤0.45) submerged
Adjust cement type (e.g. apply CEM II or III3)
Mitigate concrete crack width
The used concrete strength is nowadays much higher. The applied concrete class in
1903 was comparable to C12/15, which is currently the lowest available grade according
to the European EN-206-1 regulations. This low grade is currently rarely used for
structural applications. The significantly higher concrete grades (normal strength
concrete up to C45/55) are, besides its strength increase, compulsory for a durable
structure. However, the improvement of mechanical characteristics has not resulted in
more slender structural elements.
Due to changed stability and robustness demands, structural elements became thicker
and larger, while the required caisson width also increased. These changes where in
favour of the longevity of the structure. Considering the original design, using a modern
stability calculation approach, its width must be increased by approximately 30%. In
contrast to rectangular caissons, a change of geometry results in a different floating
equilibrium position. The design became increasingly influenced by serviceability
According to CUR-Leidraad 1, CEM I would not be desirable, while actual field measurements (e.g. Gaal
2004) show no significant durability increase when blast furnace slag cement is applied
4. Construction Technology (1903-2017)
4.1. Workability and execution
4.1.1. Historical overview of mixing and casting
The first patents for making concrete in mobile steam driven mixers appeared around
the year 1900 in the United States. The first mixer trucks arose after the invention of
Stephen Stepanian in 1916. These trucks were developed to replace the horse-drawn
concrete mixers as shown in figure 4.1.
After this invention, various mobile mixer trucks were designed by others. Due to these
developments, ready mixed concrete plants (batching plants) became more popular. It
was only after the Second World War that the mixer trucks became faster and less
cumbersome. Also, the trucks became after this period capable of transporting several
cubic metres of concrete.
Figure 4.1. Left: stone crusher, aggregates and empty cement barrels (Surabaya, Indonesia,
1911). Right: batching by a steam driven mixer and horse drawn transport (USA, 1916)
It is not surprisingly that concrete mixing and casting has changed drastically over the
last century. Technology has improved the efficiency and speed of concrete mixing and
casting. Over hundred years ago, processing concrete was labour intensive and state of
the art technologies had to be used for simply making a workable concrete mixture. Also
transport from the mixer to the actual pouring place was a labour intensive task.
fc Abrams' formula (1918)
Bw / c
The formula was not yet presented when the first caissons were constructed. However,
disregarding the knowledge, the formula could not instantaneously lead to higher
concrete strength. Workability for lower water cement ratios remained a dominant
aspect. It was only after the development of plasticizers and superplasticizers that lower
cement ratios became practically feasible. This resulted that for the first caissons, a 28
days concrete strength of just 15 N/mm2 was reached.
Modern concrete mixtures and execution methods (e.g. casting, curing) resulted in large
improvements in terms of strength and quality. Nowadays, concrete grades up to
C45/55 are characterised by the Eurocode as normal concrete. The modern concrete
mixtures, high green-strength and curing compounds allows fast demoulding and reuse
of formwork.
4.1.3. Traditional formwork (1903-1920)
The first caissons were designed and built with traditional timber formwork. Due to the
scarce application of reinforced concrete, advanced formwork systems were hardly
developed. However, due to its simplicity, timber formwork has several advantages,
such as; easy handling (light weight), flexible usage and easy replacement of
components. Also the procurement costs of timber formwork is lower than for steel.
Traditional timber formwork is generally labour intensive and the formwork parts can be
used for a limited number of times (≈ 5 times). Also in terms of quality management,
timber formwork can require more attention since it is more sensitive to moisture,
humidity changes and individual craftsmanship.
As discussed in section 2.2.4, the first caissons (Valparaíso) were planned to be built in
portions of 114 caissons time. This resulted of approximately 4 times full occupation of
the construction site (L-shaped and rectangular caissons). The scale of the
simultaneous construction of caissons is shown in figure 2.10.
Figure 4.2. Construction of caissons (horizontally) with the traditional timber formwork method
(Tandjong Priok, 1914)
The caissons for Tandjong Priok (fig. 4.2) were first constructed under temporary shelter
and the counterforts were finished while the caissons were floating. The construction
process must have been similar to the following sequence:
One caisson required more than a month construction time due to its labour intensive
formwork techniques and irregular construction process. On the contrary, the caissons
were built with limited use of equipment. Due to lean equipment use and relatively slow
construction speed, it was efficient to construct multiple caissons simultaneously.
Repetition benefits were thereby mainly obtained by constructing identical caissons. The
construction of one single caisson consisted of various different components. Repetition
advantages within a single caisson could only be obtained by (vertical) construction of
the separation walls and counterforts.
Figure 4.4. Construction of caissons by the Maas formwork system (The Netherlands, Waalhaven,
left photo: 1920-1921, right photo: after 1945)
In order to obtain an efficient production rate, multiple (±6) caissons were constructed
simultaneously. The activities and corresponding duration were as follows:
Activity Duration
Formwork preparation 1 day
Formwork demoulding 1 day
Reinforcement fixing 1 day
Pouring concrete floor 1 day
Pouring concrete walls (± 3 metre high) 1 day
Concrete hardening 1 - 2 days
Table 4.1 – Caisson construction Maas method, 1920)
Theoretically, if a modern 18 metre high caisson would be constructed with the Maas
formwork method, 6 casting cycles would be required. Considering that formwork
preparation, demoulding, rebar fixing and pouring and hardening concrete took
approximately 6 days, only the caisson walls could be constructed in at least 36 working
be applied since caissons are generally large concrete structures with a generic shape
over the height.
The vertical slipform method is suited for marine due to the high degree of durability that
can be achieved with the process. Due to the continuous process of slipforming, all
concrete is poured “fresh in fresh”, which means that there are no construction joints.
There is also no need for form ties and rebar bolsters when using this construction
method, resulting in a durable structure.
The choice for applying a traditional slipforming technique or a gantry system largely
depends on the required number of caissons and use of equipment. The construction of
a caisson requires approximately 14 days if traditional slipforming is applied. The
construction time can be reduced to one week or 6 working days if the gantry slipform
system is used.
A gantry system requires a relatively large initial investment in temporary structures, but
it allows the construction process to advance more efficiently. The main advantages of
this particular slipforming technique are:
- The slipform decks can be used for material storage and provide good working
conditions (e.g. low risk of falling and a roof provides protection for the sun/rain);
- The gantry is equipped with cranes, additional required crane use is marginal;
- The gantry provides support for the slipform; there are no jacks in the concrete
Due to the applied formwork techniques, reinforcement is generally lifted without pre-
assembling it into a mesh or net. The rebars are generally placed manually while the
slipforming process continues. The used lifting equipment varies from small mobile
cranes up to fixed construction cranes or gantry cranes. The particular choice for
equipment largely depends on the size of the caisson and used slipform technique.
For a concrete caisson, the described slipforming process (fig. 4.6.) can normally be
finished in one week. For an 18 metre high caisson and s slipform jack-up height of
50mm, the process would be repeated 360 times. This results in a high repetition factor
in terms of equipment exploitation and learning factors. The continuous process allows 4
to 5 metre climbing each 24 hours. This is in contrast to the formwork repetition for the
previous Maas method would only allow 6 times repetition.
First layer of
Is sufficient
50 mm jacking material
availible to
Yes continue?
Second layer of
50mm jacking
Is the desired
height reached?
Third layer of
concrete Yes
Horizontal rebar
Complete the
Figure 4.6. Example of the slipforming process (after: Slip-Form Application to Concrete
Structures (2008))
The slipforming technique affects the rest of the building process as well. Regular
reinforcement placement, concrete pouring and finishing is required in order to maintain
the continuous work-flow. Jacking rates and the availability of building materials must be
tuned to obtain the most efficient solution. A rather small aspect, such as the choice for
a concrete pump or buckets can already make a significant difference4.
Slip-Form Productivity Analysis for Concrete Silos, Sharifi, S, et al. (2006)
The applicability of learning curves for floating caisson construction is studied by Panas
and Pantouvakis (2013). Here, the slipform construction method on a floating semi-
submersible barge was analysed and simulated. No reference to a particular port
expansion project has been made, but the project shows great similarities to caissons
shown in figure A.1 and A.2 (appendix A.1.), which are constructed for the port of
Piraeus in Greece.
It was found that for slipforming activities, a labour learning rate was achieved of
approximately 80%. This rate is in line with the values presented in table 4.2. It
appeared that performance prediction without knowledge of past performance provides
rather high simulation errors (fig. 4.7). If the past construction performance of 4 caissons
is used as input, the final working hour consumption could be estimated with an error
varying from 19% to 26%. The accuracy varies for respectively a simulation or statistical
approach. However, the more project performance data was used as input, the more
accurate the predictions became.
y a xb
a= constant depending on the initial working hours
b = the learning index (slope of the asymptote)
x = cumulative unit number
However, the learning effect is over estimated since the expression results in:
lim a x b 0
This endless reduction of working-hours cannot be true. Based on figure 4.7, it is
therefore assumed that the learning effect reaches the lowest working-hour
consumption after 40 caissons. This lowest level is assumed to be half (50%) the
original value.
4.1.7. Conclusions
The fist projects were planned to be constructed with many caissons simultaneous.
Benefits of repetition were found by constructing identical caissons. This was the most
economical solution due to the relatively slow working speed, low reuse of formwork and
low labour costs.
Nowadays, equipment is more exploited. New slipforming techniques allow the reuse of
formwork for over 100 caissons. Since the slipform is raised with steps of approximately
50mm, the forms are reused for hundreds of times for each caisson. The continuous
work-flow results in efficient and a rather constant resource consumption. Due to these
developments of equipment and techniques, caissons can be constructed relatively fast
(approx. 1 per week). Because of these reasons, typically just 1, 2 or 3 caissons are
nowadays constructed simultaneously.
Research on repetition effects show that labour efficiency increases drastically when a
process is repeated. The exact learning rate and reduction on labour consumption after
a certain number of caissons is however hard to predict
The high investment costs are therefore compensated by the increased efficiency and
high depreciation over the project. Furthermore, the quality control and management
has improved for modern formwork techniques. Additionally, the improved construction
technologies are able to cope with the more stringent formwork and falsework
A mild slope near the construction site can be beneficial for slipway launching since a
floating dock cannot reach the construction site without dredging works. The magnitude
of required adjustments to the construction site, such as dredging works and temporary
quay walls shall determine the most economical solution. The feasibility of a launching
method also depends on caisson properties such as the:
A caisson with low weight and low draught, as for the first overturning caissons, can
relatively easily be launched by a slipway. However, caissons currently have a draught
in the order of 10 metres (see appendix E-H). This launching method becomes less
feasible if local conditions allow this depth after a large distance from the shoreline.
Then, the extensive slipway and/or dredging works do not outweigh the benefits of a
floating dry dock (FDD). The floating dock could launch the caissons and reduce the
draught to a few metres. Therefore, on the condition that the location of the construction
site is determined and fixed, the feasibility of a particular caisson launching method can
change if the characteristics of the caisson change drastically.
A floating dry dock is currently often used for construction and / or launching caissons.
An overview of used launching methods is presented in the pie chart below. The data is
based on 58 reference projects from the period 1963-2015 by a specialized contractor5.
The presented pie chart is therefore based on biased data, and only gives an
impression of used launching methods over the world.
A benefit of this launching method is that the procurement of the FDD can be smeared
over multiple projects. This depreciation is a considerable advantage compared to the
other launching methods since these do not allow complete reuse. A syncrolift, dry-dock
and slipway have a more permanent character. These methods become increasingly
beneficial when there is a local demand for launching other ships or structures after the
initial quay project has finished.
The principle of caisson launching with a FDD is shown in figure 4.9. The caissons are
(for instance) transported by multiple 250 tonne hydraulic jacks and arrive after several
construction stages at the FDD. Note that the capacity of these jacks is even larger than
the total weight of the first overturning caissons (220 tonne). Transport of heavy
structures has definitely simplified over one century due to the invention and
advancement of hydraulic lifting jacks.
Figure 4.9. Caisson transport and launching; 5 phase transport to floating dock (left) and 250
tonne jack (right) (Bygging-Uddemann 2017)
4.2.2. Floating cranes (sheerlegs)
Technical improvements over the last century allow caissons to be lifted completely by
the sheerleg itself. Floating sheerlegs had a maximum capacity in the order of 70 tonne
in the beginning of the 20th century, which has increased to an enormous lifting capacity
of 10,000 tonne (2015).
Although the use of reinforced concrete was rather limited, the first caissons (1903)
were too heavy (220 tonne) to be lifted entirely into position. The use of buoyancy was
therefore almost compulsory in that time. Nowadays, the lifting capacity of floating
cranes is often larger than the entire weight of regular sized caissons, which weigh in
the order of 2,000 to 4,000 tonne6. However, using this kind of heavy lifting equipment is
still expensive, which makes it often uneconomically to apply for caisson quay walls (see
appendix N). The design considerations for a floating-in caisson has therefore shifted
from technological restricted feasibility to economic feasibility.
4.2.3. Conclusions
The choice for applying a launching technique is currently not limited by technology or
availability of equipment. Modern floating equipment, such as floating dry docks and
sheerlegs are able to lift entire caissons of extraordinary dimensions. It is therefore
mostly an economic consideration which is highly influenced by local conditions and
possible depreciation rates.
However, as discussed in section 3.4, the caissons characteristics can influence the
feasibility of a particular launching method. If for instance the draught of a caisson is
significantly reduced, a floating dry dock might become superfluous and a relatively
simple slipway can be used. Therefore, benefits within the launching phase are only
achievable when significant draught decrease is obtained.
6 See for instance the weight calculations of reference caissons (appendix E-H)
4.3. Synthesis of design differences
Construction technology and equipment is currently more drastically improved. A
century ago, it was challenging to build a 220 tonne caisson in less than a month, where
the current construction speed has increased to one 10,000 tonne caisson a week. Due
to the relatively fast construction techniques, it is not necessary to build many (usually
less than 5) caissons simultaneously. The high investment cost of the high performance
formwork can therefore still be profitable.
These aspects have influenced the design of caisson quay walls considerably over the
last century. Combined with the analysis from the previous chapters, an overview of
differences is presented in the table below.
Overall, the challenge of constructing a reinforced concrete caisson quay wall shifted
over the last century from a technical to an economic challenge. The most economical
solution can be found when the complete life cycle is considered.
5. Economic Shifts (1903 – 2017)
5.1. Construction costs: gravity based quay walls
In order to quantify the present value of the first quay walls, the historical data and
original cost estimate is transferred to a 2008 values to verify relative differences
between more recent gravity quay wall construction projects. The values can therefore
be compared to figure 5.1, which shows cost variations of gravity quay walls relative to
the retaining height (De Gijt, 2010).
The 2008 values of the first caissons are calculated based on the cost estimate from
1903 (ref. A1). The reference provides all cost estimates in Chilean pesos, which cannot
easily be transferred into present values. Hyperinflation, fixed exchange rates (crawling
peg) and even changes to other currencies (e.g. peso – escudo – new peso) over the
last hundred years make it almost impossible to provide a reasonable estimate.
However, from the year 1885, the Chilean peso was changed to a gold coinage, which
pegged the peso to the British pound with a rate of 13.33 peso to 1 pound. From this
knowledge, the quay construction costs could be calculated following inflation rates of
the British pound7. Based on this path, the following quay wall construction costs per
running metre are found:
After correction for inflation, the cost of the first rectangular caisson quay wall is about
average for the particular height of 14 metre. The economic L-shaped caisson is
significantly less costly. It is positioned in the lower section of the data points, which
indicates the economic advantages.
€ 60.000
€ 50.000
€ 40.000
€ 30.000
€ 20.000
€ 10.000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Gravity type retaining walls (2008) Value Valparaiso caissons (2008)
Figure 5.1. Cost of gravity quay walls (after De Gijt, 2010)
Inflation: the Value of the Pound 1750-1998, House of Commons (Twigger, R., 1999)
5.2. Historical deviations per element
The overturning concept resulted in a material efficient quay wall structure. Especially
the application of reinforced concrete was consciously considered. The accurate and
lean engineering had large economic advantages due to the relatively high price of
reinforced concrete as building material. From the volumes and given prices per metre
quay, the following price per units has been calculated for the first caissons (1903):
The provided prices rates per unit (table 5.1) include labour hours. The first column
shows the original value, retrieved from historical data and the cost estimate. The
second column shows the present value after correcting for inflation. Furthermore, an
estimate is made for the procurement of the listed elements. It can be seen that the
costs of two elements; reinforced concrete and launching are estimated to be drastically
reduced, while on the other hand, the costs of rubble stones, and traditional formwork
has increased. This economical shift reduces the urgency to reduce the application of
reinforced concrete. However, if a reduction of building materials can be obtained
without raising costs of other elements, still significant cost savings are expected.
It must be noted that the launching costs from table 5.1 are uncertain estimations. The
values are based on based on the cost-data presented in appendix M from which a
simplified estimate is made, as presented below:
The procurement raw materials such as gravel, sand and cement lowered significantly
over the last century. The trends can be seen in the plotted graphs in appendix N, from
de Gijt (2010). On the other hand, the cost of steel and riprap has generally increased
over the last century. These trends correspond to the rate changes given in the table
above. The drastic cost reduction of reinforced concrete cannot only be explained by a
shift in value of building materials. Probably, the improved construction methods,
construction technologies and material science are responsible for the lower costs. On
the other hand, traditional formwork costs have increased over the last century. The
exceptionally low price of formwork explains why shape complexity was of minor
The concrete price of the first caissons was determined by 85% from the use of
concrete and reinforcement itself. Just 15% of the costs originated from formwork and
falsework. Due to the minor contribution of formwork costs, the caisson geometry could
become rather complex without significant cost changes. In combination with high costs
of reinforced concrete it was highly beneficial to save on building materials.
Figure 5.2. Comparison between the cost distribution in 1903 and 2017
5.4. Synthesis
After corrections for inflation, the total costs for the first caisson quay walls turn out to be
similar to current projects. The economical L-shaped caissons are however on the lower
side of the scatter. Historical deviations per element show large cost variations
The cost variations cannot be explained by shifts in procurement costs of raw building
materials. Developments of construction techniques and technologies must therefore be
responsible for the lowered costs of reinforced concrete. From a comparison between
the first caisson projects and a resent project, it is found that the costs of formwork
increased from 15% to 38% of the concrete cost distribution. Lowered concrete costs
indicate that savings are nowadays less significant to the overall construction costs.
6. Technical Feasibility (2017)
6.1. Considered designs
The technical feasibility study comprises caisson designs based on conditions
presented in appendix D. This chapter is thereby focussed on determining main
dimensions of the caissons. The first overturning caissons were constructed over a
century ago, and are therefore theoretically constructable. However, as discussed in
chapter 3 and 4, technical requirements have changed over the last century. An
overview of the most noteworthy developments are presented in table 6.1 below.
Technical feasibility
Development Consequence
Width increase and changed
Operational conditions Increased quay loads
floating equilibrium position
More stringent
Width increase and changed
Stability requirements operational stability
floating equilibrium position
Quay height Larger quay height Weight increase
Increase of concrete
Durability aspects Weight increase
cover and design life
Increased concrete and
Material properties Weight reduction
reinforcement strength
Table 6.1. Overview of technical feasibility developments.
It is not intended to find the significance of all individual elements presented in the table.
By designing a new overturning caisson concept according to the Eurocode and British
Standard, the developments are inherently taken into account as a whole.
For the feasibility study, four different caisson designs are made and analysed. The
primary goal is to compare the performance of an overturning caisson with a traditional
box caisson. Secondly, the influence of width increase is analysed. In order to compare
structures properly, their width and height of concepts is kept equal. One concept is
thereby bound to the governing design width of the other concept. The following
performances are compared:
The first step is to design an overturning caisson which satisfies the floating and
operational stability requirements. After this, a rectangular caisson is designed having
the same width. Because of this sequence, the rectangular concept will contain
superfluous operational stability. Alternatively, transport conditions such as draught and
floating stability can differ for each design. The used approach allows a comparison in
terms of global stability and the floating equilibrium positions (draught). On the other
hand, material savings are not entirely fair to compare since not all designs are optimal.
The rectangular caissons are not primarily designed for their operational conditions,
while the overturning caissons are optimized on these conditions. This is done in order
to obtain acceptable transport characteristics in terms of draught and floating stability.
For a slender box caisson which is designed for operational conditions only, a vertical
floating position becomes less feasible. This statement might not be trivial and is
therefore further substantiated in section 6.5.
The analysis of the overturning caisson is thereby more elaborated since these
concepts had more uncertainties in terms of stability, strength and floating conditions.
The analysis can be found in the appendix as follows;
The first two listed caissons are designed with a smaller width, which is achieved by
applying a high quality backfill. For the other designs, locally-sourced sand is used from
dredging activities. Therefore, the geometry and backfill are varied, while the other
conditions are kept equal. The conditions can be found in appendix D and E of the
6.2.2. Transport
The draught benefits of the overturning concept are negligible for the 15.65 metre wide
concept (fig. 6.1.). In fact, an unballasted caisson has a larger draught than a regular
caisson having the same width. However, the examined rectangular caisson does not
have a stable floating position by itself. The floating stability can be increased by adding
ballast water, which results in an increase of the draught compared to the overturning
design. All in all, it is expected that this advantage does not contribute significantly to the
overall economic feasibility.
11.40m 10.60m
Figure 6.1. Draught comparison: overturning caisson (left), rectangular caisson (right)
6.2.3. Immersion
The second floating equilibrium position would be similar to the drawing (fig. 6.2) below.
It can be noticed that the floating position is considerably deviating to vertical. This is
caused by the asymmetrical shape and relatively heavy counterfort walls.
The shape of displaced water (fig 6.3 left) is rotated in such a way that the buoyancy
point (B) acts on the same vertical axis as the centre of gravity (G). Due to the rotation
of the caisson, the shape of displaced water is varied by the upper triangle (hatched
red), which changes the floating position. The declined back-wall causes a reduction of
buoyancy (hatched green) and a shift of the buoyancy point which is actually almost
equal to the deviation of the waterline.
A straight back-wall would be a solution to obtain a more symmetrical shape and more
vertical floating position. The separation walls could then be designed at an equal
distance from the front and back-wall. However, the total width (at the top) of almost 9
metres must then be divided into straight compartments with 4.50 metre spans. This is a
rather large wall-span for an immersion depth of at least 17.00 metre and the technical
feasibility of such a concept is not evaluated.
Figure 6.3. Shape of water displacement: floating position after turning
The vertical position could be obtained with approximately 9.00m3/m1 water. This makes
the first stage of immersion possible in two manners: 1. filling the front compartments
before the heel flows over. 2. Filling the heel with water and obtain a vertical position
during immersion by applying ballast. The first option would introduce an increased
change of displacement. If the turning-process is controlled by a floating crane, a larger
crane capacity would be required. On the other hand, if the turning phase is completed,
a vertical position is obtained which simplifies the remaining immersion phase.
Adding ballast water to the front compartments of the caisson cannot be done from the
top of the caisson since it is closed to prevent water flowing into the compartments
during transport. Therefore, openings must be made at the inner side of the separation
walls. This allows water to be pumped into the compartments by some detour (fig. 6.4
red dotted path). When the compartments must be filled with sand for the operational
phase, the front compartments becomes more difficult to reach. This makes the filling
more time consuming than the relatively simple method for rectangular caissons.
6.2.4. Operational stability
All concepts are designed to resist prescribed actions during their service life, the
rectangular caissons have significantly more stability. This is caused by the increased
use of materials (weight) and due to the different position of its centre of gravity.
Additionally, the sloped back-wall of the L-shaped caisson causes increased soil
pressure before failure. To sum up, the overturning caisson has:
These factors combined result in the safety parameters presented in the table below.
The table lists the governing mechanisms and the ratio of safety above the requirements
provided in the British Standard (BS-6349) and Eurocode. A factor of 1.0 satisfies the
design criteria sufficiently.
L-shaped Rectangular
Caisson failure mechanisms caisson – caisson –
sand backfill sand backfill
GEO – SLS Overturning 1.1 1.2
GEO – ULS Overturning 1.6 2.3
GEO – ULS Sliding 1.0 1.3
EQU – ULS Overturning 1.8 2.3
Table 6.3. Caisson failure mechanisms (wider caissons)
However, these savings require an entirely different construction method and assistance
of a (120 tonne) floating crane during immersion. It is therefore not evident whether this
results in a reduction of marginal costs.
The caisson heel can be filled with approximately 13 m3/m1 water before it reaches the
critical state for which water can freely enter the heel of the caisson. The heel has a total
volume of approximately 28 m3/ m1. Therefore, a volume of 15 m3/ m1 shall quickly fill up
the remaining part (hatched in blue). Due to this change of the centre of gravity and
buoyancy, a new equilibrium floating position shall be found.
The velocity of the turning process and sway magnitude due to the dynamic actions are
unknown (not calculated). If these conditions result in unacceptable behaviour, a floating
crane can be used as possible solution to control the turning process. The added weight
of water that enters the heel can then be carried by the floating crane. The total added
weight due to a volume of 15 m3/ m1 water amounts:
Wwater w V Lcaisson
Wwater 10.30 15.00 23.25 3,592 kN/caisson
Assuming that the centre of gravity of the entering water is on the same location as the
compensated lift of the floating crane, a controlled turning process would require a 400
tonne capacity floating crane. However, if a sheerleg must reach the caisson from the
front of the wall, jib hoist could be required which can result in a larger size (>400T)
400 tonne
16.00m 5.00m
When the turning progresses, the required uplift becomes lower. However the caisson is
designed to be self-floating, a certain crane assistance remains necessary since a
vertical position is not intrinsically obtained. An upward force of approximately 120 tonne
would provide equilibrium in a vertical floating position. The equilibrium position is
shown in figure 6.6. This is in contrast to the first caissons, which were designed to float
almost vertically after turning.
120 tonne per caisson
6.4. Evaluation of design changes
6.4.1. Comparison of caisson geometry (1903 vs 2017)
The cross-section of a modern overturning design is compared to a linearly scaled
model of the original design (see figure 6.7 below). The width of the new caisson design
has increased over 25%. Additionally, the wall and floor thickness has increased, which
results in increased use of reinforced concrete per running metre quay.
1903 2017
Figure 6.8. Comparison of floating positions; linearly scaled caisson (dark grey) and new
design (light grey)
For the previously discussed overturning caisson concepts, the enlarged heel resulted in
a more diagonal floating position. Based on this, it can be seen that the significance of
an intended horizontal floating position decreases when the width becomes larger.
The desire of a horizontal floating position decreases when the floating position is
analysed from the perspective of a rectangular caisson. Namely, a vertical floating
position becomes more favourable when the caisson width increases, while the
horizontal floating position becomes less favourable.
This is caused by the following aspects that are affected by widening a caisson:
For circumstances where load reducing measures are taken (rubble backfill), the degree
of benefits reduced due to changed design requirements over the last century. It is
therefore questionable whether this solution is currently economical when one compares
it to a rectangular caisson.
H1 d H2 b V1 V2 h
When rectangular floating objects are considered, such as presented in figure 6.9, the
required width for intrinsic floating stability can be calculated. The point for which a
vertical floating element becomes stable, is considered in the next sections. The
relevant properties of the analysed rectangular caissons are presented in appendix G
and I. The general calculation of floating stability is substantiated in appendix J.4.
Notation Description
M h Height of caisson
G h d Draught of caisson
d B b Width of caisson
ref. plane K K Keel (bottom of caisson)
B Buoyancy point
G Centre of gravity
M Metacentric height
Figure 6.10. Notations for floating stability analysis
The primary requirement for floating stability is a positive metacentric height (M above
G). This height is influenced by the width (b), draught (d) and height of point G. The
height of the centre of gravity varies when ballast water is added. The essential
variables are therefore:
(1) draught;
(2) width;
(3) height of centre of gravity.
Relations can be defined based on these variables. A stability region can then be plotted
for rectangular floating objects. The draught and width are considered to be most
important design aspects and therefore taken as variables. The height of the centre of
gravity is kept constant and considered separately for the unballasted and ballasted
slender caisson
wide caisson
unstable stable
The relative draught of both caissons is similar (0.59), while the relative width varies
(0.70 and 0.87). The intersection points in the graph show that both objects are unstable
without ballast. However, the wide caisson is almost stable by itself. This point is already
located near the blue boundary.
The stability region for the ballasted situation is presented in figure 6.12. It can be seen
that the slender caisson is just outside the boundary and has a positive metacentric
height. However, the wide caisson has considerably more stability and does therefore
require less adjustments for transport.
slender caisson
wide caisson
unstable stable
6.4.3. Synthesis
Considering the first caissons designed in 1903, one can imagine that the stability
criterion is hard to meet for a vertical floating caisson. At this point in time, a floating box
caisson with a high slenderness and thin concrete walls (starting from just 150mm),
have resulted in low relative width and weight. Without adjustments to the design, these
objects would be unstable in vertical position. This can be seen from the figures 6.11
and 6.12. When a high slenderness object is considered, objects can only be stable for
very low and high draughts. Different design requirements and economic shifts over the
last century resulted in wider and heavier caissons, which additionally improved floating
stability conditions. Subsequently, the urgency of horizontal transport diminished over
When one starts designing a caisson from the objective of horizontal transport, the
following aspects reduce the advantages or even result in disadvantages of the floating
Transport requirements can be met without adjustments when a caisson reaches the
relative width of roughly 0.80 and a relative draught of roughly 0.60. In terms of
transport, regular caissons are not expected to profit from a horizontal floating position.
6.5. Conclusion
From a technical point of view, the most striking advantages of the caisson geometry
are draught and material savings. Compared to a rectangular caisson, the overturning
caisson combined with a rubble backfill results in the largest reductions. This is caused
by the reduced horizontal quay load and the subsequently increased caisson
slenderness. Nevertheless, draught and material use are nowadays significantly higher
than for the original concept from 1903. Reasons for the mitigation of benefits are;
The strengths of the overturning concept are therefore reduced, but still present. In
terms of material savings and transport, the overturning caisson combined with a rubble
backfill is the most beneficial. However, also construction technologies and economic
aspects must be considered to give a decisive answer whether the concept is feasible.
Material savings
When designing a caisson according to current standards, the overturning concepts
allow 8% to 15% material savings. The largest material savings can be obtained when
a rubble backfill is applied. If quay loads increase, the required caisson width must
become larger which results in a reduction of material savings relative to a rectangular
Lowered draught
For a rectangular caisson, ballast water must be applied to obtain sufficient floating
stability. The L-shaped caisson has a lower draught and larger metacentric height during
its first floating position. Due to the increased stability, no ballast water is required during
transport. Because of this, the overturning concepts have a lower draught than their
rectangular counterparts. The development of caisson designs in relation to draught can
be made clear by the following tables. From table 6.6, it can be seen that the technical
design changes mitigate draught benefits drastically.
Nevertheless, from table 6.7, it can be seen that draught benefits are still present. This
is predominantly caused by insufficient floating stability of the rectangular counterpart.
For caissons with a sand backfill (table 6.8), draught benefits become insignificant. Only
stability requirements result in a lower draught of 1.00 metre. It is however reasoned
that this problem can also be solved by external sponsons or floating bodies. In
combination with such temporary stabilizing elements, draught can then be lower than
the comparable overturning caissons.
7. Construction Technology (2017)
7.1. Construction and formwork techniques
As discussed in the previous chapter, significant material savings can be made when
the overturning concept is applied. The required formwork area can be reduced by
almost 50%. This reduction is obtained by the increase of horizontal elements (which
require less formwork), in combination with element- and material- reduction. Comparing
the two caisson designs from respectively appendix F and G, the following overview can
be made:
Current techniques allow the formwork to be able to resist high fluid pressures with
limited deformations. Formwork can be designed to be reused for over 100 times, which
is more than sufficient for the considered reference project. The overturning caisson can
therefore be constructed without large concern of formwork limitations.
The shape complexity basically results in the traditional formwork method described in
section 4.1. Other construction methods, such as the later developed Maas formwork
system, a climbing or slipform technique cannot be applied. Also repetitive tunnel
formwork systems cannot efficiently be applied due to the irregular shape of an
overturning caisson. Repetition can therefore be found in the number of caissons, and
not within the formwork elements of a caisson.
A disadvantage of applying ties is the additional labour required for installation, removal
and concrete patching. On the other hand, adding ballast to the upper formwork section
results in an increased load on scaffolds.
It can also be decided to cast concrete without an upper formwork element (tegenkist).
The technical feasibility of this casting method is presented in the Dutch journal
Betoniek 2012-12. The angle under which the caisson back-wall is designed is similar
to this project in Nijmegen. This method appeared to require special attention to the
concrete mixture to obtain an optimal workability. Also concrete finishing and curing was
rather challenging. Therefore, custom equipment was made to be able to finish the top
layer in a safe and consistent manner.
In order to minimize the required working time on the sloped forms, it is advised to
prefabricate reinforcement meshes as much as possible. The concrete finishing and
curing activities can be minimized by applying a closing formwork element (fig. 7.3). On
the other hand, using a closed form limits the location for pouring and vibrating concrete.
The concrete must then flow over the declined form downward through the rebars. At
this moment, concrete aggregates should not be separated from the cement matrix.
After pouring, compaction becomes challenging since mechanical vibrators must be
lowered from the top. To overcome these obstacles, self-compacting concrete may be
pouring and
pouring and vibrating
Figure 7.2. Without upper form; Figure 7.3. Closed form; concrete
concrete pouring and compaction pouring and compaction only possible
possible over entire wall from top
Both casting solutions (fig. 7.2 and 7.3) therefore have their pros and cons. This brief
consideration does not prove that a particular casting method prevails, but disregarding
the chosen solution, it can be concluded that significant investments are required to
obtain the desired concrete quality and performance.
7.1.3. Concrete casting plan
In contrast to caissons constructed with a slipforming technique, the concrete casting for
an overturning caisson cannot be continuous. Time differences between elements result
in two aspects which require more attention;
Restrained deformations result in an increased risk of cracking and can enlarge crack-
width. Depending on the chosen construction method and process, a certain hardening
time difference occurs which result in strain differences. Time between two casts is
therefore desired to be as short as possible. If this is an insufficient measure, restrained
deformations can be prevented by application of low shrinkage concrete mixtures. A
final and more detailed study on maturity and thermal behaviour must be performed to
conclude whether (cost-significant) adjustments are required to the mixture.
Figure 7.4. Deformations of a wall cast on an already hardened floor slab; degree of
restraint, direction of tensile trajectories and cracks indicated8
Construction joints do not necessarily reduce concrete quality, but it requires extra
attention. The surface of the joint must be rough, clean and moistened. Furthermore,
sufficient starter bars cross the construction joint.
This division results in mainly horizontal construction joints. A large benefit of this type of
joint is that rebars can vertically extent the concrete element without adjustments to
formwork panels. However, the connection between the back-wall and counterforts
would still require vertical construction joints.
A connection between wall elements requires more effort. Formwork must be adjusted
for vertical joints, since reinforcement is able to pass for the future connection, without
leaking fresh concrete. This can be achieved by designing custom reinforcement
connection systems, or by systems which are already on the market. However, these
systems must be able to retain considerable concrete liquid pressures to allow a fast
construction process.
Division of construction into 3 phases results in an unequal casting schedule. The front-
wall (223m3), vertical elements (521m3) and back-wall (205m3) differ considerably in
their quantity. It is therefore proposed to divide the vertical elements into 3 subsections.
This results in a more evenly spread concrete supply and processing time.
8 CIE5130: Concrete Structures under Imposed Thermal and Shrinkage Deformations (TU Delft)
rebar endings
upper backwall
counterfort forms C
seperation walls (7x)
counterforts (7x)
base form 1 base form 2
lower backwall
bottom slab
Figure 7.6. Proposed construction site layout for the overturning caisson (12.60m)
Caisson transport on the assembly line is done by hydraulic jacks, similar to the method
shown on figure 4.9. Next to the assembly line, 2 x 10 metre construction roads are
planned for concrete mixer trucks and concrete pumps.
7.2.1. Equipment
On the construction site drawing (fig. 7.6), two 80 metre reach tower cranes are
indicated. This tower reach is nowadays feasible and allows relatively easy transport of
(pre-assembled) building materials. However, regular tower cranes have a capacity up
to 300 tonne-metre. This implies that just a few tonne (3.75t) can be lifted at its
maximum reach.
The weight of formwork systems can be considerable, if the elements are not divided
into sub-sections. In example, the weight of formwork elements for the port of Botany
(appendix A) amounted 30 to 100 tonne. This, while the length of the constructed
counterfort elements is not even half the length of the new overturning design. It is
therefore expected that the formwork elements can weigh up to 100 tonne, if not
subdivided. Also the prefabricated reinforcement meshes can weigh 10 to 20 tonne, if
the reinforcement sections are kept as depicted in figure 7.6. Therefore, these formwork
systems and prefabricated reinforcement meshes cannot be lifted (at once) by regular
tower cranes. Three measures can be taken to overcome this problem:
Working under these suspended loads must be avoided as much as possible to facilitate
safe working conditions. The proposed construction yard is designed to be able to cope
with this aspect. Construction workers on the assembly line may have to temporarily
avoid areas where elements are lifted. Proper supervision and guidance on planning
must be provided.
However, in terms of equipment procurement, such cranes are rather scarce and may
cost over 3 million euros (appendix N). On top of this, the scarcity if this equipment shall
increase mobilization cost and may result in high depreciation rates over the project.
Combined with the previously described operational and safety aspects, this solution is
considered to be uneconomical if only exploited for one quay 1200 metre long quay
In conclusion, it can be seen that none of these proposed solutions is highly economical.
The construction method can thus be simplified, but labour consumption shall increase.
The economies of this trade-off depend on the required number of caissons, where high
investment costs can be justified if marginal costs reduce (as explained in section 1.5). It
is assumed that division of elements to sections of 5 to 10 tonne results in an optimum
in terms of equipment-to-labour cost division. This scenario allows lifting by regular
tower cranes and crawler cranes and therefore reduces the equipment costs drastically.
7.2.2. Formwork and falsework yard
A formwork and falsework site (figure 7.6, yellow) is useful for storage and maintenance
of the formwork panels. The high quality forms can be re-used for the construction of all
caissons. The following formwork components are distinguished on the drawing:
As described in section 7.2.1, the time required for placement and securing formwork
within tolerances can be reduced when the elements are connected and have a fixed
centre to centre distance.
All reinforcement elements must be fixed and ready for assembly within one working
week. This also holds for the 7 compartment walls and 7 counterforts, which means that
one rebar fixing team must be able to fix one element a day. This process allows daily
repetition, which reduces the working hours and lowers the probability of failures.
Furthermore, the rebars are fixed on ground level which is beneficial in terms of safety.
In terms of lifting capacities, the backwall and bottom slab reinforcement meshes must
be sub-divided in at least 2 elements.
Since the front-wall is the largest structural element and therefore requires the most
labour and construction time, it is preferred to be casted separately on location A. On
the same location, the side walls and compartment walls are constructed. When the
concrete is sufficiently hardened, the element is transported to location B. At this point,
the remaining caisson elements are constructed using prefabricated reinforcement
(fixed on site) and the stored formwork systems. When all elements are casted, the
caisson is transported to location C. Here, curing, inspection and repairs can be done.
The construction phases are as follows:
A. First construction site
The reinforcement for the front-wall and toe is fixed on the assembly line. When
the reinforcement mesh is finished, the front-wall and toe are casted. On a
following working day, construction of side-walls and compartment walls is
started. The reinforcement for these elements is already prefabricated. The total
duration of phase A is allowed to be 7 days.
D. Launching facility
Due to the weight and draught similarities, the feasibility of a caisson launching
method is unaffected. Similar to regular caissons, a floating dry dock is used.
Formwork preparation and placement of the prefabricated reinforcement are relatively
simple tasks which can be repeated weakly. However, these tasks are superfluous
when a gantry slipform technique is applied. This technique requires a single formwork
erection for all walls. The amount of labour hours is therefore considered to be negligible
compared to this traditional formwork method. Also reinforcement can directly be placed
on spot. Hence, the proposed method for the construction of overturning caissons is
more labour intensive.
Normally, reinforcement fixing of walls is more labour intensive than flat slabs9. Different
working conditions and shapes result in varying productivity ratios in the order of 30 to
150 kg/m3. The highest productivity rate can thereby be obtained for a low complexity
flat plate slab with equal rebar spacing. The shape complexity of the overturning
caisson shall thereby result in a reduction of productivity rates. It is therefore estimated
that an average labour rate of 90 kg/h shall be achieved at the prefabrication site. This is
similar to the labour rate for a gantry slipform technique, where good working conditions
are provided. On the other hand, as shown in the table above, shape influences are
taken into account for concrete labour working rates.
These working-hours are directly related to the particular building materials. Due to the
presented construction process, these activities can be efficiently executed. However, in
addition to these direct activities, reinforcement- and formwork placement must be
incorporated. Also the additional labour hours for construction joints must be taken into
Source: The productivity of Steel Reinforcement Placement in Australian Construction (2014)
account. The estimated productivity rates for additional activities of an overturning
caisson are:
As presented in the table above, the additional formwork preparation and demoulding
working hours are estimated to be 2x8h per formwork-element. With a total of 28
formwork elements, the total labour becomes 16 x 28 = 448 hour. The other activities
are considered in a similar manner. It must be noted that these working hours are rather
hard to predict. In practice, these working hours could differ drastically. This is therefore
a large risk for determining the feasibility of such a construction method. To sum up, the
direct labour hours for an overturning caisson are estimated to be:
The additional labour activities contribute to roughly 25% of the total working hours.
These working hours are thereby considered to be the most significant change to the
consumption compared to a slipform-constructed caisson.
The direct labour hours for a rectangular caisson are thereby estimated to be:
Due to the slipforming construction method, the labour hours appear to be approx. 25%
lower than the overturning caisson, while more building materials are consumed.
7.4. Conclusions
The shape complexity results in a drastic change of caisson construction method. The
applicable construction technologies for an overturning caisson are rather traditional.
Investments in just one high quality set of formwork and equipment result in high
concrete quality and enables a caisson production rate of 1 each week. This
construction speed is similar to regular caissons.
The shape complexity results in more construction tasks. Elements such as the declined
back-wall and counterforts, require more labour during construction. Due to the
proposed construction method and technologies, no quality and safety setbacks occur.
However, in order to obtain the same quality, the concrete mixture must be carefully
designed and labour consumption increases.
8. Economic Feasibility (2017)
8.1. Overview
The overturning design combined with a rubble backfill is considered for an economic
feasibility analysis. Although material savings can be obtained for each caisson, other
cost contributions, such as labour, influence the marginal costs as well. This results in a
dependence on the number of constructed caissons. It is thereby intended to stress the
cost differences between concepts rather than an accurate cost estimate for the total
construction costs.
Price per
Variable direct costs Quantity Total cost
Concrete 949 m3 60 €/m3 € 56,900,-
Reinforcement 95,400 kg 0.60 €/kg € 57,200,-
Labour 2840 hr 25 €/hr € 71,000,-
Variable direct caisson costs: € 185,100,-
Table 8.1. Total direct costs for an overturning caisson
As can be seen, the value of construction materials is almost two times higher than the
labour costs. It is therefore still significant to invest in material savings. The total variable
costs for a rectangular caisson are:
Price per
Variable direct costs Quantity Total cost
Concrete 1166 m3 60 €/m3 € 69,700,-
Reinforcement 106,900 kg 0.60 €/kg € 64,140,-
Labour 2270 hr 25 €/hr € 56,750,-
Variable direct caisson costs: € 190,600,-
Table 8.2. Total direct costs for a rectangular caisson
Labour price rate for The Netherlands according to International Construction Cost Survey, Gardiner and
Theobald (2011)
8.3. Marginal caisson costs
The total marginal costs of a caisson are not identified since the cost difference is from
importance. Cost differences can be found in concrete volumes and labour consumption
on the construction site, but also in the following phases:
Procurement estimated
Equipment overturning depreciation
quantity and mobilization project
caisson over project
value expenses
Fixed tower cranes (500
2 € 1,500,000.- 15% € 225,000.-
Mobile crawler cranes
1 € 1,000,000.- 15% € 150,000.-
High quality formwork 1
€ 3,500,000.- 90% € 3,150,000.-
system (3500 m2)
Temporary foundations
45 € 100,000.- 90% € 90,000.-
prefab yards
Transport over land:
30 € 1,000,000.- 50% € 500,000.-
hydraulic jacks 30x100T
Launching: 5000T floating
1 € 2,000,000.- 30% € 600,000.-
Transport over water:
2 € 500,000.- 15% € 75,000.-
Floating crane 500T
1 € 5,000,000.- 15% € 750,000.-
Total expenses: € 5,540,000.-
Table 8.3. Estimated expenses on large equipment for an overturning caisson
For a rectangular caisson, the depreciation of a gantry slipform is expected to be
drastically lower. The required of formwork area is drastically reduced since the custom
designed slipforming shutters may be just 1.00m high. The remaining temporary
equipment can be reused for other caisson structures.
Procurement estimated
Equipment rectangular depreciation
quantity and mobilization project
caisson over project
value expenses
Fixed tower cranes (300
1 € 1,500,000.- 15% € 75,000.-
Gantry framework incl.
1 € 5,000,000.- 50% € 2,500,000.-
slipform (~300m2)
Transport over land:
30 € 1,000,000.- 50% € 500,000.-
hydraulic jacks 30x100T
Launching: 5000T
1 € 2,000,000.- 30% € 600,000.-
floating dock
Transport over water:
2 € 500,000.- 15% € 75,000.-
Total expenses: € 3,750,000.-
Table 8.4. Estimated expenses on large equipment for a rectangular caisson
The values presented in the previous tables intend to provide a rough cost estimate of
the major differences. The cost and depreciation rates are thereby an indication of
temporary equipment cost differences. For the formwork estimate of an overturning
caisson, the Port of Botany (appendix A.5) is used as reference project. Here, 2000
tonne temporary steelworks are used for the counterfort wall construction. A patented
formwork- tie system was used which was developed during the project. This
accentuates the uniqueness of such a project and the scale of temporary works. The
value of such a formwork system after finishing the project is therefore assumed to be
negligible. Nota bene, the exact same dimensions must be used for the next project for
the formwork system to be reusable. For the construction process of a rectangular
caisson, a lot of equipment can be reused. It is therefore estimated that the formwork
costs are higher for an overturning caisson, while the construction method itself is rather
a. Higher fixed costs and lower variable costs result in an economic design after a
certain number of caissons;
b. Lower fixed costs and higher variable costs result in an economic design up to a
certain number of caissons;
c. Lower fixed costs and lower variable costs; production costs are always lower.
Considering these three scenarios (a/b/c), the overturning caissons will not be
economical after a certain number caissons. The estimated marginal cost difference is
too low for an explicit answer to the feasibility after a certain number of caissons. The
project expenses on large equipment are estimated to be higher for the overturning
caisson. However, this cost aspect is also debatable. Scenario (c) can occur if the
salvage value of equipment appears to be lower than expected.
The graph on figure 8.1 shows 2 different construction methods for a normal rectangular
caisson and the overturning principle. The cost per caisson is plotted vertically and the
number of caissons is shown on the horizontal axis. The cost per caisson is based on
values from sections 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4. These cost estimates are not intended to provide
total construction costs. The results are focussed on the differences between the
concepts. The actual construction costs of a caisson will therefore be higher. It is
expected that both lines in the figure would shift vertically, while the point of intersection
would remain on the same horizontal position. Hence, the feasibility outcome remains
equipment and
direct costs →
0 20 40 60 80 100
number of caissons →
Rectangular caisson Overturning caisson
The graph shows that the costs of a caisson become almost equal after 100 caissons.
Theoretically, the price per caisson is still slightly higher than for a rectangular caisson;
a feasible region is not found since the direct cost difference is insignificant. However,
this is based on many assumptions regarding labour, assembly time, equipment and
building material costs. For instance, if the custom designed formwork system can be
reused for multiple projects, the economic potential increases. In terms of the reference
project, for which approximately 60 caissons are needed, the overturning caissons is not
economically feasible.
On top of this, this feasibility analysis is based on the prerequisite that a rubble backfill
shall be applied. If this type of backfill is locally not available, or if quay loads are
significantly larger, other designs become more favourable.
9. Conclusions
From a technical point of view, the most striking advantages of the caisson geometry
are draught and material savings. Compared to a rectangular caisson, the overturning
caisson combined with a rubble backfill results in the largest benefits. This is caused by
the reduced horizontal quay load and the subsequently increased caisson slenderness.
Draught and material use are nowadays significantly higher than for the original concept
from 1903. Reasons for these changes in the design are;
The strengths of the original concept are therefore reduced, but still present. The
concept is technically feasible and can be designed according to current standards.
Based on current design requirements, the overturning concepts allows 8% to 15%
material savings. The largest material savings can be made when a rubble backfill is
applied. If quay loads increase, the required caisson width becomes larger which results
in a reduction of material savings relative to a rectangular caisson. It is found that
rectangular caissons have larger operational stability than overturning caissons with the
same width. Therefore, when these structures are compared, it must be noted that
additional cost savings can be made by further optimizing material consumption of the
considered rectangular caissons.
The L-shaped caissons have a larger metacentric height during its first (horizontal)
floating position compared to a rectangular caisson. Due to the increased floating
stability, no ballast water is required during transport. As a consequence, the
overturning concepts have a lower draught than their rectangular counterparts. The
development of caisson designs in relation to draught can be found in table 6.6 to 6.8. It
can be seen that technical design changes (e.g. increased width) mitigate draught
benefits. The most beneficial overturning caisson concept allows a draught reduction of
roughly 25% compared to a ballasted rectangular caisson.
Labour costs are estimated to be higher for an overturning caisson than for a
rectangular caisson constructed with the slipforming technique. The construction of an
overturning caisson requires larger (and heavier) prefabricated elements. Placement
and securing these elements requires additional labour and reduces efficiency.
All in all, the economic feasibility cannot be demonstrated by combining the considered
aspects of material savings, labour consumption and equipment costs. The economic
feasibility is too dependent of various cost parameters and sensitive to changes. When
labour and equipment costs are lower, the overturning concept becomes increasingly
On the other hand, the caisson shape has lower global stability than a
rectangular caisson with an identical width. This is caused by a lower weight,
changed centre of gravity and increased soil pressure. Namely, the caisson
back-wall is not load reducing (appendix L). On the contrary, the caisson heel
results in a “trapped” soil wedge which prevents ground to reach an active
pressure state. Destabilizing effects caused by soil are therefore higher for a
caisson with heel. However, this effect by itself is not decisive for the feasibility
of the concept.
- Does the concept improve safety and environmental aspects?
The concept does not improve safety by itself. The average working height is
reduced compared to rectangular caissons. Most reinforcement can be cut,
bent, and fixed on ground level. However, on the assembly line, working
conditions are still hazardous. Sufficient passive fall protective systems must
therefore be provided to work in a safe manner. Also, working under hoisted
elements must be prevented as much as possible.
9.2. Recommendations
If the overturning concept would be applied for a future quay wall project, a number of
aspects need to be verified or improved before the economic benefits can be quantified.
These aspects are;
Dynamic modelling can be performed in order to evaluate the extended sway while the
caissons are turned without crane assistance. Also stresses in the caisson can then be
evaluated more accurately. An advantage of such a model is that it can reveal whether
sufficient fluid dynamic drag occurs to safely turn the caissons.
The side-walls must be considered by a more accurate calculation method. The use of
FEM software could be applied to determine the level of safety more precisely.
Additionally, a risk assessment for the safety of personnel should be done since the
construction method differs from rectangular caisson quay walls. Nevertheless, the
construction safety for employees is not expected to differ drastically from other large
concrete structures.
If these aspects are all incorporated, a cost estimate can be made with a higher
accuracy. After this, a certain band can be considered for which the probability of cost
exceedance remains acceptable.
A. Existing Concepts
There is a great variety of caisson concepts which all seemed economically feasible at a
certain place and time. Locational and technological aspects are majorly contributing to
the degree of feasibility of a concept.
1. Rectangular caissons;
2. Circular caissons;
3. Hybrid floated-in-caissons;
4. Overturning caissons;
5. Prefabricated non-floatable elements;
The first three listed types are categorized by their shape. The fourth concept, the
overturning caisson, can basically be designed in any shape, but turning the caisson
during its floating phase will not be practical for all shapes.
A.1. Rectangular caissons
Rectangular caissons form the basis for the shape analysis, they usually have a similar
cross section as the caisson shown in figure A.1. The caissons are constructed in
vertical position. The construction can take place onshore, in a floating or non-floating
dry dock. The rectangular shape simplifies the design, execution and transport. This can
result in time-savings and it reduces the sensitivity for errors during execution compared
to complex caisson shapes.
The main actions are transferred perpendicularly to the structural elements. In contrast
to circular and arch shaped structures, this introduces relatively high shear forces and
bending moments in the cross sections. The caissons are generally designed with
multiple internal walls. Design adjustments are usually required for the transient
construction phases. For instance; additions and changes for the floating and immersion
phase can be seen as inefficient, since it is not contributing to the desired operational
performance. In general, rectangular caissons have the following disadvantages:
The pictures (A.1 and A.2.) show concrete caisson construction for the Port of Piraeus
(Athens, Greece). For this project, 40 caissons were constructed using the slipforming
technique. Each caisson was built on a semi-submersible barge or floating dry dock
(FDD). When the construction progressed sufficiently, the barge was lowered and the
caissons where finished while floating. After finishing, the elements were floated to their
final locations.
The construction efficiency and man-hour consumption for this construction method has
been analysed by Panas and Pantouvakis (2013). The overall caisson characteristics
are depicted in the table below:
A.2. Circular caissons
Circular caissons have many similarities to traditional rectangular caissons. In terms of
construction methods; the efficient slipforming technique can be used as for rectangular
caissons. Often, they have a symmetrical circular cross section, which induce hoop
forces in the walls for equally distributed pressures around the structure. Nevertheless,
large bending moments and shear forces occur near the wall-to-base connections of the
On the other hand, if pressure prevails from inside the structure, tensile forces would be
introduced. This would mitigate the advantage of the circular shape of a concrete
structure. The schematized pressure distribution would be a possible load case for quay
walls, since it is probable that they are filled with completely saturated soil, where the
hydraulic pressure from outside is generally lower.
Hydrostatic pressure
(filled caisson)
Hydrostatic pressure
(filled caisson)
The joints between circular caissons must be designed properly, since the structures
have no large connection surface by themselves. The caissons constructed for the
Europaterminal in Antwerp (1990) showed the importance of detailing a proper
connection between the circular elements.
Durban (2004)
The construction rate for the caissons in Durban was approximately 4 metres a day per
caisson. The application of multiple slipforms resulted in a production speed of
approximately 3.5 caissons per week. There was roughly 75,000 m3 of concrete and
9,000 tonnes of reinforcement required for the 1,200 metre long quay. The caisson yard
included two batching plants and a caisson-lift for launching. The concrete operations
were carried out continuously over 24 hours a day. General characteristics of the project
are presented in table A.2.
Figure A.4. Bi-circular caisson construction for Figure A.5. Traditional slipforming used for
the Port of Durban (South-Africa, 2004) one of the caissons
The caissons for the port of Durban were designed with 2 circular compartments. The
radius for the circular sections amounted approximately 7 metres. This resulted in a
relatively large load on the base slab during transport and a high slab thickness of 1.50
metres. The concrete volume of the base-slab was thereby almost equal to the volume
of the entire walls. Furthermore, a temporary longitudinal compartment wall was added
to increase floating stability during immersion12
Marine Concrete Structures – Design, Durability and Performance(2016)
A.3. Hybrid floated-in-caissons
L-shaped quay walls, generally referred to as buttress, cantilever or counterfort walls,
are normally non-floatable structures and transported by large vessels or constructed on
site. The Kraus caisson can be seen as hybrid form which smartly takes advantage of
the economic L-shape for its load transfer and is therefore also shortly discussed.
The application of prefabricated L-shaped wall units is normally limited by the capacity
of the available lifting equipment. And in particular, limited by the capacity of floating
cranes. The hybrid L-shaped overturning caisson tackles this problem, but requires
design adjustments to obtain sufficient buoyancy for floatation.
According to the date on the drawings, Hennebique made the first design of a reinforced
concrete caisson in June 28 in 190014. This is a few years before publication of the
Kraus report in 1903. The drawings presented in fig. A.6 are the only evidence found
during this historical analysis. The degree in which the design is elaborated remains
unclear. It is also found that this particular design is never constructed14. There are no
objections given in the references, but it is imaginable that transport conditions were not
fully considered for this (preliminary) design. However, it is probably the first design of a
reinforced concrete caisson quay wall ever made.
14De Ingenieur 1902, No 27, page 460 and Technische Lessen en Vraagstukken op het gebied
van den Inschischen Havenbouw, page 24
Camilla caisson (1970)
The Camilla caisson shown in figure A.7 was designed and patented in the 1970s by
Ballast Nedam Group. It shows great similarities with the first design of professor Kraus.
The sloping back-wall and voids in the base plate were designed to reduce the
horizontal soil pressure acting on the caisson. This should result in a higher safety factor
against sliding and might reduce the required concrete volume.
In the master thesis on this particular caisson, written by F.N. Endtz (1986), retaining
heights were studied of 10, 15 and 30 metre. Due to a reduced horizontal thrust and an
economic shape, material savings could be realised from 7% up to 30%. The report
revealed that the concept could be feasible for larger quay heights (30m), but that its
significance depends on the governing failure mechanism. The magnitude of savings
was largely depending on a required longitudinal separation wall. However these
beneficial characteristics, no applications of this concept have been found.
Figure A.7. Drawing of the Camilla caisson (Master thesis, F.N. Endtz (1986))
The declination of the back-wall could reduce the horizontal soil thrust in operational
phase considerably. The figure below shows the active soil coefficient relative to the
angle of the retaining wall according to Coulombs wedge theory. For this example, an
angle of internal friction of ϕ’ = 32° and δ = 2/3 ϕ’ is used. The graph shows that an
angle of 70 degrees reduces the active horizontal soil pressure almost by a factor 2.
Muller Breslau
0,20 pressure coefficient
Rankine pressure
wall angle
45 65 85 [degrees]
This advantage of the declined back-wall can only be used when openings in the bottom
plate are present. The original concept of professor Kraus (described in the next
section) lacks these openings and would therefore not allow a full active soil pressure
state with wall friction in the heel. During failure of the wall, soil within the heel is
trapped. The trapped wedge would remain more or less in a neutral pressure state.
However the great geometrical similarities to the original overturning caissons, the
concept allows great advantages by the openings in the bottom plate. On the other
hand, temporary adjustments must be made to allow horizontal transport.
Tsinker (1994)
The use of prefabricated L-shaped walls is limited by the capacity of lifting equipment
and floating cranes. On the other hand, cast in situ concrete L-shaped elements involve
high construction costs which make both solutions unfeasible in many cases. This is
unfortunate, since the L-shape is efficient in terms of material use. In order to cope with
this problem, Tsinker (1958, 1994) proposed segmented walls which must be
assembled on site (figure A.8). The floating base (bottom slab) and a vertical buoyant
component (retaining wall) are connected by several hinges. The compartments are
filled at its final position with grout or sand.
Figure A.8 - Installation phases of an segmented L-shaped caisson (after Tsinker (1958/1994))
A.4. Overturning caissons
The overturning caisson is considered to be a hybrid L-shaped caisson. The most
remarkable aspect of this concept is the horizontal construction- and transportation
method. This design is referred to as overturning caisson and evaluated in the next
Valparaíso (1903)
Dr. Ir. A.C.C.G. van Hemert, founder of the Hollandsche Beton Maatschappij (HBM) and
Dr. Ir. J. Kraus made a sophisticated caisson quay wall design for the port of Valparaíso
in Chile. A drawing from the original design is shown in figure A.9. This project has
never been executed due to the consequences of an earthquake, but the finished
design was preserved. The engineering work was therefore not useless. It formed the
basis for future projects at the HBM (later HBG) such as the Talcahuano, Surabaya and
Tandjong Priok port expansion projects.
Figure A.9. Drawing of the first caissons for the port of Valparaíso (Comision Kraus, 1903)
The Valparaíso design is characterized by the declined back-wall and relatively large
base plate. Because of this geometry, the caissons float vertically after ballasting with
water. This makes placement and immersing less complex. Although the caissons float
almost entirely in vertical position after partial ballasting, a floating crane was used for
the final placement.
All the caisson walls were tapered designed. The outer walls started at a thickness of
250mm at the bottom and attenuated to150mm at the top. This saves approximately
20% concrete per wall and is especially advantageous for the overturning principle,
since a lower weight at the floating stage simplifies immersion and increases the
achievable freeboard after turning.
Remarkable is the fact that the caisson is not a rectangular box, which is currently usual,
but more L-shaped. This makes material use more efficient and execution simplified due
to the more horizontal nature of the structure.
Talcahuano (1908)
The quay design for the port of Valparaíso was used for the naval port of Talcahuano,
which was finished with delay, probably in 1908. The delay was caused by an
underestimation of the execution complexity by the Chilean contractor, who had no
experience with building reinforced concrete structures. Several photos are found (A.10
- A.12) which were taken during construction.
Figure A.10. Caisson construction for Talcahuano, Chile (1908). Source: Wonderen der techniek:
Nederlandse ingenieurs en hun kunstwerken : 200 jaar civiele techniek (Dutch Edition), Walburg
Pers, Zutphen, 1994
Figure A.12. Turning and immersion of the caissons (Talcahuano, Chile (1908))
Three different types of (overturning) caisson structures where constructed for this
project, namely:
The quay wall structure was identical to the original design for Valparaíso in 1903. The
breakwater and fence wall were also caisson structures which used the overturning
principle. Remark: the fence wall caissons where placed on relatively soft soil.
Therefore, there was chosen to fill only the lower part of the caisson (3.00/11.65m) by
sand and stones. The rest of the volume filled with water. All caissons were built in dry
conditions onshore. There was a temporary structure for launching the concrete boxes.
After transportation to the final location, the caissons were immersed by filling the
compartments with water. The structures were placed on the prepared bed and filled
with so called “weak concrete” or rubble stones and sand.
Figure A.13. Quay wall Figure A.14. Breakwater Figure A.15. Fence wall
Surabaya (1911)
On the photo (fig. A.16), two almost completed overturning caissons (left) and two
caissons under construction (right) are shown. Some notable changes have been made
compared to the original Kraus design. Here, the length of a caisson is approximately
doubled. The picture clearly shows 10 compartments for each caisson. If the same
compartment width remained, the total caisson length amounts (2.50 x 10.00) 25 metre.
From the cross-section and the photo below, it can be seen that the outer counterforts
decline directly from the top of the caisson. This change is presumably to improve
connection between the elements. Furthermore, some minor geometry changes have
been made, which increased the slenderness. The bottom slab reduced for instance
from 6.50m at Chile to 5.70m at Surabaya. The height increased to 13.00 metre (from
the cross-section depicted at fig. A.16).
Figure A.16. Left: a photo of the construction side at Surabaya (1911) Right: a
typical cross-section of the overturning caisson
A part of rectangular caissons, which were also part of the project, slided over 20 metres
when placing the backfill during quay construction. This was caused by a weak mud
layer which was present over the full quay width. This project was therefore a reminder
of the importance of a proper soil investigation and lead to more conservative design
approaches later on.
Tandjong Priok (1914)
The quay wall at the harbour of Tandjong Priok was constructed with four overturning
caissons of 31 metre each. This was probably even larger than the ones built in
Surabaya. The combined quay length amounts 124 metre. Compared to the Surabaya
project, the width of the bottom slab increased to 7.90 metre (+2.20) metre and the
height reduced to 11.30 metre (-1.70). The width/height ratio thereby increased to 0.70.
Presumably, the increased robustness resulted from lessons learnt at the port of
The following Dutch sentences from the “Technische Figure A.17. Caisson for
lessen en vraagstukken op het gebied van den the 1st Binnenhaven
Indischen havenbouw”, written by Ir. Wouter Cool, in Oosterboord (1914)
Weltevreden (Indonesia,1918) reveal an answer to the
question why the concept is abandoned:
Summarized in English; the text explains why the contractor (HBG) decided to change
the overturning principle to the “Prioktype”. It was basically due to easier formwork and
transport at equal costs compared to the earlier type. This indicates a well-thought
decision for changing the concept. Furthermore, the document reveals that horizontal
displacements occurred up to 0.75 metre at the Priok harbour. Disregarding the
changed construction method, it was decided that the main dimensions of caissons
must be changed and that the calculation approach must be standardized. Reports from
former caisson stability calculations lacked proof of horizontal sliding verifications.
Nevertheless, new calculation and construction techniques can change the economic
feasibility of the overturning caisson.
Gdynia (1927)
This symmetrical caisson (shown in fig. A.18) was built at the Port of Gdynia in Poland.
The length of each caisson was 18.15 metre. The height of a caisson was equal to
10.50 metre and its total width was 7.45 metre. The total retaining height was 12.00
metre. The width to height ratio amounted 0.62, which is still relatively slender.
It contained four internal walls which divided the caisson into five compartments. This
makes the compartments roughly 3.60 metre wide. Voids where left over at the inner
walls in order to reduce the self-weight and improve its floating stability. The caissons
where filled and backfilled with sand.
The caissons were constructed on a slope with the open front on top. Therefore, the
closed back-walls could be casted in a relatively simple manner. The La Goulette
caisson was completed before launching. From figure A.19, it can be seen that that the
caisson was divided into five compartments by four internal walls.
The direction of rotation was different than for the first caissons, since the caisson
floated with the front-wall facing upward. The caisson was ballasted by pumping water
into the closed bottom compartment. The caisson was partially turned by the added
water. The caisson is positioned against a sill structure on the bottom.
Remarkable is that the lower corner of the caisson was placed against a bottom sill.
Attention is required to prevent damaging the caisson, sea bed and sill. The procedure
is therefore less elegant as the Kraus concept, but its feasibility is not necessarily
Figure A.18. Gdynia caisson (1927) Figure A.19. La Goulette caisson (≤1697)
A.5. Prefabricated non-floatable elements
This type of gravity walls comprises L-shaped concepts with or without counterforts. If
the elements are prefabricated on shore, the element length is determined to meet on
and offshore lifting requirements. Due to this involvement, the elements length is
generally less then floated-in-caissons. Therefore, the total quay wall has a larger
number of joints between the elements. Besides, the available contact surface is smaller
due to the element geometry. Extra attention is therefore needed to assure a proper and
long lasting element connection. Furthermore, since the number of elements is larger
and placement must be done by floating lifting equipment, the installation time
The width of cantilever and counterfort walls can be expressed as a function of the total
retaining height (H) and generally varies between 0.70 to 0.75H for counterfort and
cantilever walls (Tsinker (1997), Smith (2014). While walls made out of prefabricated
elements have dimensions varying between 0.75 to 0.85H for internal anchorage and
0.40 to 0.45H for external anchorage. With “internal anchorage” is meant that the wall is
connected to the base with a tensile member, where the external anchorage can be
similar to a tensile member with anchor plate, which is located behind the soil failure
planes of the cantilever wall.
Kitakyushu (1998)
The hybrid L-shaped caisson shown in figure A.20 and A.21 is outfitted with a composite
(steel-concrete) slab on the front wall and a steel strut on the back wall. The quay wall is
prefabricated at a specialized facility where heavy gantry cranes are available for
transport into water.
JFE Engineering Corporation claims that experiments and analyses prove that hybrid L-
shaped caissons have equivalent earthquake resistance compared to other gravity type
structures, such as caissons. The caissons are relatively low in unit weight and can be
applied in deep water. The shown caisson has a height of 17.1 metre, a length of 35
metre, a width of 10.8 metre. This results width-to-height ratio of 0.65, which is rather
slender. The total self-weight amounts 1670 ton, from which the amount of steel equals
170 tons. Furthermore, 600m3 concrete is applied, which equals a volume of
approximately 17 m3 per running metre. This is achieved with a relatively high steel-
concrete ratio of 283kg/m3. The rectangular voids at the front wall are designed to
reduce the wave kinetic energy.
Port of Busan (2008)
A total of 62 caissons have been constructed for a quay wall at the port of Busan
(Korea). The caissons are equipped with post-tension steel bars for the lifting the
caissons. The weight of the depicted caissons amounts approximately 2,500 tonnes and
brought to their final position by a floating crane. The caisson compartments have not
been designed to increase their buoyancy, but only to be filled with gravel and sand
after placement.
Port of Botany, Sydney (1981, 2010)
In 1981, prefabricated counterfort walls have been constructed for a port expansion
project in Sydney. These elements were designed with a single counterfort and were
18.65 metre high. The elements weighted 360 tonne to meet requirements of available
on- and off-shore lifting capacities. A more recent project (2010) resulted in a design
with an almost doubled element weight, which shows that the economies of heavy lifting
capacities has shifted over the last decades.
For the most recent project, 200 precasted counterfort units were placed to form the
1,850 m long quay wall. The counterfort units are precast L-shaped unit with a length of
9 m, a height of 20 m and a base length of 15 m, with two triangular counterforts.
Figure A.24. The 460 tonne ringer crane and Figure A.25. The 700 tonne sheer leg barge
counterfort elements lifting a 650 tonne counterfort element
The counterfort units were constructed in three sections, each of roughly equal weight
(80m3 / 2,000kN). The formwork systems and lifting equipment required more than
2,000 tonne steelwork. The temporary moulds totalled 5 assembly beds, 4 base-forms
and 4 wall-forms. The weight of formwork varied considerably. The “top shed” weight
amounted 102 tonne, while the outer form pivots and buttress access towers had a
weight of respectively 54 and 35 tonne. Reinforcement was mostly prefabricated,
resulting in reinforcement cages of roughly 30 tonne. By using heavy lifting equipment,
the casting sequence was planned to be as follows:
A 460 tonne ringer crane was used to lift the individual sections into place. Due to the
application of a large (fixed) ringer crane, multiple construction activities were located
around this crane. Three different rings were distinguished, namely:
Once a unit was finished, it was transported by a 700 tonne SPMT (Self-Propelled-
Modular-Transporter) to a temporary storage facility. Here, the element was cured for a
minimum of 28 days. After curing, the element is lifted by a 700 tonne shear leg barge to
its final location and lowered into position.
At its peak production level, the precast operation utilised 220 employees, fixing 50
tonne reinforcement, pouring 300 m3 concrete and lifting 2,000 tonne per day. This
resulted in a production rate of seven 640 tonne units per six day cycle. By producing 7
elements of 9 metres a week, over 60 metres of quay wall could be constructed each
The concrete mix design had a total binder content of approximately 500 kg/m3,
composed of 50% Portland cement, 25% GGBF slag and 25% fly-ash. A minimum cover
of 58 mm was required in the splash zone. A nominal concrete cover of 70 mm was
required for the counterforts. Overview of Port of Botany project data:
Compared to the previously addressed circular caissons for the Port of Durban, the use
of concrete reduced over 50%, while the amount of reinforcement reduced by 25% per
running metre quay. This, while the counterfort walls are slightly higher.
On the other hand, the reinforcement density per cubic metre concrete increased by
66%. This can lead to execution problems when a low concrete slump mixture is used.
Only by paying more attention to detailing and the mix design (which has also been
done in practice), good performance can be achieved. These aspects are not free of
charge and are expected to have reduced the benefits of material savings to some
degree. Furthermore, it has to be addressed that a comparison between these different
projects is not entirely fair since design requirements differ.
Note that an optimization in the vertical plane of the structure is sought. Optimizations in
the horizontal plane (e.g. by application of circular sections) are not considered. It is
already demonstrated that material savings can be obtained by applying circular
sections, but there are also various disadvantages which make these concepts
unfeasible or undesired. Therefore an optimization in vertical cross-section is sought,
which will hopefully reduce the overall lifecycle costs.
vertical cross- caisson relative typical typical
section type material use advantage disadvantage
No large
Segmented adjustments
80% between
(Tsinker) for buoyancy
elements →
Table A.4. Comparison of caisson concepts with reference to material use
19 Due to the bonded compartment fill which connects the front- and back-wall
B. Analysis: The overturning caisson (1903)
B.1. Calculation approach
The original calculation approach, used in 1903, is unknown. In order to verify if the
caisson can currently be applied for a civil engineering work, new calculations are made
on basis of the British Standard (BS-6349) and Eurocodes. The chart below shows how
the input parameters from the original report are used for stability verification. The
calculations are performed in simplified form and based on just one load combination.
The calculation results can therefore only be used as indicative values.
Safety requirements
Quay wall
According to the Eurocode 7, the following limit states for gravity based structures must
be considered:
For analysis, the limit state for ground failure (e) is not considered. This failure mode is
assumed to be highly depending on local circumstances, and not necessarily influenced
by the application of the overturning concept itself.
In addition to the shape and applied building materials, the following input parameters
have been obtained from the report:
The report also provides notes on the calculation method and pressures on the
foundation. The report states that it is assumed that the weight of the backfill is
accounted for up to a vertical virtual plane along the heel. The foundation pressure is
calculated to be at most 350 kN/m2 at the toe and 59 kN/m2 at the heel of the structure.
The average foundation pressure from the report (1903) can thereby be calculated as:
P P 350 59
PK M,1 M,2 146 kN/m
2 2
From this point, the governing vertical resultant force (V) and destabilizing moment (M)
can be recalculated with use of the superposition principle. The values below are
obtained without knowledge of the original stability calculation. The occurring moment
corresponding to the given foundation pressure amounts:
P PM ,2
MK M ,1 W
350 59 1
MK 6 1.00 6.50 1025 kNm
From all structural elements, only the exact weight of the superstructure is unknown and
therefore estimated to be 135 kN/m1. This is based on the superstructure dimensions
with a service-opening equal to 15% of the cross section. The considered lever arms are
rounded values to +/- 5 centimetres.
Based on the weight calculation, the average effective foundation pressure is:
In this case, the allowable moment with foundation pressure over the full width is:
MR,tot MR,eff PM W
MR,tot 529 131 1.00 6.502 1,449 kNm
The calculated moment found from the foundation pressures in the report remained
below this value. Therefore, the given pressures from the report remain within the limits
of SLS (kern) criteria.
During the design phase of the first caissons, the Müller-Breslau formula was not yet
presented. Nevertheless, this formula has been derived on basis of the analytical theory
of Coulomb (1776), which was most probably the method for calculating soil pressures
in 1903. Therefore, the outcome in terms of active soil pressures is not expected to
differ significantly. The active soil pressure coefficient can be expressed as:
cos2 ( )
Ka 2
sin( )sin( )
cos ( ) 1
cos( )cos( )
In which:
Obliqueness of the structure: α = 0°, 3°, 29°
Angle of the ground level: β = 0°
Angle between the resultant force exerted on
the retaining wall and the normal to this wall: δ = 2/3 ϕ
Angle of internal friction of rubble: ϕ = 45°
The sign conventions for the use of the Müller-Breslau formulation are depicted below.
The Ka values for the different conditions are shown on the drawing on the next page.
Active soil
pressure state
Fundamental actions
The characteristic combination is used for irreversible limit states. Characteristic design
situation is:
j 1
K,j QK ,1 0,iQK ,i
i 1
The calculated soil pressure on the back of the wall results in a destabilizing moment of
MS = 1,096 kNm. The horizontal soil thrust amounts Fs = 252 kN. An overview of all
actions is given in table B.1.
Combination of actions
For the verification of loads, only one load case is considered. Therefore, this is not a
comprehensive validation according to the code. However, it is sufficient for obtaining
insight in the level of safety of the original caisson. The considered combination of
actions for high water (+0.50m CD) behind the caisson is;
Σ MS = 2,102 kNm
The representative destabilizing moments, calculated on basis of the BS6349, are
almost twice as large as the calculated serviceability limit state actions in the previous
section (1,025 kNm). And 1.5 times larger than the limiting value in which complete
foundation pressure is present.
A possible explanation for the difference can be found in the large destabilizing
moments caused by the live load and tidal lag. Perhaps, these loads were only partially
included in stability calculations. A remarkable aspect is that the value for only the active
soil pressure is close to the calculated SLS moment (1,025 kNm ↔ 1,096 kNm).
RH VR tan(
VR,eff 849 kN/m1
RH ,soil 415 kN/m1
2 2
' 45 30
3 3
RV VR tan( 849 tan(30) 490 kN/m1
This verification shows that the quay wall is just stable during its service life.
Overturning (EQU)
MR,toe MR,eff B VR 529 0.5 6.50 849 3,288 kNm
MS 2,102 kNm
Overall factor of savety:
MR,toe 3,288 kNm
MS,eff 2,102 kNm
This implies that the back of the caisson lacks foundation pressure, and that high
foundation pressures would occur on the front side of the structure.
It can be concluded that the original foundation pressure calculations are the result of
low destabilizing effects. Destabilizing actions are small enough when one considers
permanent loads only. This could imply that only these loads were included for stability
analysis, or that the permanent loads were predicted to be considerably lower than the
values obtained by applying the Müller-Breslau formulation.
RH VR tan(
VR,eff 849 kN/m1
RH ,soil 585 kN/m1
2 2
' 45 30
3 3
RV VR tan( 849 tan(30) 490 kN/m1
This verification shows that the quay wall fails before reaching the ultimate limit state
Overturning (EQU)
MR,toe MR,eff B VR 529 0.5 6.50 849 3,288 kNm
MS 2,988 kNm
Overall factor of savety:
MR,toe 3,288 kNm
MS,eff 2,988 kNm
1 1
eULS B 6.50 2.17m
3 3
M 2,459 kNm
eS 2.90 m eULS
V 849 kN
The ULS verification shows that the caisson is just stable for EQU conditions and that
the GEO conditions are not satisfied.
For simplicity, the same values for destabilizing effects are taken into account. In
practice, these values differ due to the widened heel and thus larger Rankine active
state. Also the live load acts somewhat differently onto the quay. Nevertheless, these
differences are neglected for this analysis.
Forward sliding (GEO)
The sliding mechanism would occur in case of insufficient base friction. The maximum
calculated horizontal thrust is used in combination with the lowest water level.
RH VR tan(
VR,eff 1,162 kN/m1
RH ,soil 415 kN/m1
2 2
' 45 30
3 3
RV VR tan( 1,162 tan(30) 671 kN/m1
Overturning (EQU)
MR,toe MR,eff B VR 655 0.5 8.50 1,162 5,594kNm
MS 2,102 kNm
Overall factor of savety:
MR,toe 5,594 kNm
MS,eff 2,102 kNm
1 1
ekern B 8.50 1.40m
6 6
M 1,447 kNm
eS 1.25 m
V 1,162 kN
eS ekern eccentricity ok
The distance from the toe to the resultant force is:
x 0.5B e 0.5 8.50 1.25 3.00 m
B.8. Structural capacity
The basic principles regarding strength of the caisson will be analysed and roughly
calculated. Note that it is not intended to be comprehensive. The original strength
parameters for the reinforced caisson are listed in the table below.
Wall thickness
The walls could be designed with a thickness of 150mm at the top and 250mm at the
bottom of the caisson. This limited wall thickness was possible due to the limited
hydrostatic pressure on the top of the caisson.
The maximum water level difference during immersion would be roughly 7.70 metres.
This would result in a maximum hydraulic pressure on the walls of P = 10.30 x 7.70 ≈ 80
kN/m2. Due to the wall tapering, which varies from 150 to 250mm, the local wall
thickness (hw) at the maximum hydraulic pressure amounts:
hw 250 100 232 mm
Considering similar material properties as for the design in 1903; reinforcement steel
with a design yield stress of 250 N/mm2 and the area reinforcement area (As) per
running metre equal to 15 bars Ø12.7mm (≈1900mm2). This amount is equal to a
reinforcement percentage of approximately 0.8%, which is acceptable for concrete
classes of C12/15 (avoiding brittle failure).
The separation walls can be considered as supports for the front- and back-wall of the
caisson, which results in a schematization of a beam on multiple supports. The bending
moment and the wall capacity can roughly be verified as:
ME 1/ 12 q l 2 1/ 12 80 2.52 42 kNm
MR As fyd zu 1900 250 184 / 106 87 kNm
MR 87
F .o.S 2.08
ME 42
This calculation shows that the desired factor of safety of 2 is satisfied according to
current preliminary design rules. A more exact calculation is not expected to deviate
E R,d,c
The shear force acting on the walls is:
VE 0.5 q l eff 0.5 80 2.50 100 kN
E VE / (d b ) 100 / (216 1000) 0.46 N/mm2
E R,d,c
Note: the shear capacity near the supports is actually higher, but not included for this
The design value for the shear resistance is given by:
min 0.035 k 3/2 fck 1/2
R,d,c CR,d,c k (100 1 fck )1/3 k1 cp
In which:
CR,d,c 0.18 / c 0.18 / 1.5 0.12
k 1 1.96
A 1900
1 s 0.009
d b 216 1000
fck characteristic compressive cylinder strength = 12 N/mm2
k1 0.15
cp 0.00 N/mm2 (conservative estimate during immersion)
R,d,c 0.12 1.96 (100 0.009 12)1/3 0.52 N/mm2
min 0.035 1.963/2 121/2 0.33 N/mm2
This shows that the shear stress is theoretically just sufficient during the immersion
process. The originally desired factor of safety of 2 is not satisfied without shear
The value of shear resistance vR,d,c is calculated according to the EN 1992-1-1 eq. 6.2.b.
The formula for determining the characteristic shear resistance is actually based on
higher steel reinforcement grades (B500). Therefore, the estimated capacity deviates
from the actual result, but is seen as a reasonable value. The minimum value of shear
resistance (without reinforcement) is calculated according to equation 6.3N. Both
calculations are based on an effective depth (d) of 216mm and concrete strength class
Distance to centre of gravity from bottom of caisson: 5.266 m
Caisson weight: 2600 kN
Displaced water: 260 m3
Required buoyancy area for 10 metre long caisson = 260/10 = 26 m2
1 (eq1): caisson weight = weight displaced water
2 (eq2): horizontal distance of metacentric height = distance of centre of gravity
Model of buoyancy
In order to find the buoyant point, a simplified model is used consisting of one rectangle
and one triangle. The simplified shape of displaced water is shown in the schematic
representation on the next page. Maple output (shown on the next page) gives a total
draught of approximately (1.16 + 2.26) 3.42 m.
Floating stability
The distance to the metacentric height can be found by approximately:
1 1
I xx l b3 10 11.353
BM 12 12 4.7m
Vw Vw 260
GM BM BG 4.7 1.4 3.3m
In which Ixx is not the exact value since the moment of inertia is has changed due to the
asymmetrical shape of the cross section. The estimated error is acceptable since it is
has only been calculated for preliminary analysis purposes.
The total weight of the caisson amounts approximately 2600 kN. The total water
displacement amounts approximately 355 m3, which implies a theoretical ballast
capacity of 95 m3. When the compartments are filled with 70m3 water, the centre of
gravity will lower to roughly 3.70 metre. The total water displacement amounts ca. 33
m2/m. The following floating position will be obtained if no water enters the heel.
Figure B.7. Change of the buoyancy point (B) and centre of gravity (G) during
Figure B.8. Displacement (∆ =50%) and possible locations of the centre of gravity (G)
A similar approach can be followed to determine the possible locations of the centre of
gravity when (for instance) 25% water is displaced. It can be seen that a low relative
weight allows more freedom in possible locations. For this case, the limiting values for G
are equal to 1/3B and 1/3H from the middle. However, these eccentric locations still
cause significant draught increase.
Figure B.9. Displacement (∆ =25%) and possible locations of the centre of gravity (G)
Vertical execution
Prize per Total
Description Amount Total Weight
unit costs
Concrete C35/45 1 104 m 3
€ 150 € 15,600,- 0.18
Reinforcement 150 15,600 kg €1 € 15,600,- 0.18
B500 kg/m3
Formwork slab 1 65 m2 € 20 € 1,300,- 0.02
Formwork walls 2 910 m2 € 15 € 13,650,- 0.16
Preparation 1 65 m2 € 40 € 2,600,- 0.03
formwork slab
Preparation 2 910 m2 € 40 € 36,400,- 0.43
formwork walls
Total: € 85,150,- 1.00
And for the horizontal construction method:
Horizontal execution
Prize Total
Description Amount Amount Weight
per unit costs
Concrete C40/45 1 104 m 3
€ 150 € 15,600- 0.20
Reinforcement 150 15,600 €1 € 15,600,- 0.20
B500 kg/m3 kg/m3
Formwork slabs 2 230 m2 € 20 € 4,600,- 0.06
Formwork walls 1 580 m2 € 15 € 8,700,- 0.11
Preparation 2 230 m2 € 40 € 9,200,- 0.12
formwork slabs
Preparation 1 580 m2 € 40 €23,200,- 0.30
formwork walls
Total: € 76,900,- 1.00
By only changing the position of the structure during casting, a cost saving of
approximately € 85,150 – € 76,900 = € 8,250 per running metre quay wall can be
obtained. This could be a significant saving to the overall construction costs. However,
as a direct consequence of the casting position, the caisson needs to be turned before it
can fulfil its purpose. The actual cost savings due to savings in formwork costs are
therefore not directly clarified by this estimate.
The complete structure, combined with construction technologies and labour costs are
therefore considered in chapter 7 and 8 to obtain representative values.
C. Durability aspects
Nowadays, it is known that durability of reinforced concrete is not some given
characteristic of the material itself. Many different aspects influence the durability and
life time. Only if the structure is designed and built properly, the desired performance
can be achieved. Durability aspects are perhaps even more important than the
compressive strength, since the majority of problems are associated with degradation,
rather than lack of strength.
Durability of concrete can be defined as; the ability to resist attack from environment in
which it is placed. The attack can be either physical or chemical. Examples of different
attacks are presented in table C.1 below.
Form the examples of physical attacks, abrasion and (ship) impact are from importance
for quay wall design. On the other hand, chlorides and carbon dioxide are from major
importance when considering chemical attack. These can influence the concrete quality
and induce corrosion of carbon steel reinforcement.
The initial purpose of a concrete cover was thereby only to transfer bond forces. During
this juvenile period of reinforced concrete applications, the possibility of micro crack
formation in existing concrete structures was discussed in relation to durability21, but its
magnitude and significance was still unclear. The discussion on how this could affect the
durability for reinforced concrete structures in marine environments resulted in many
years of research following.
The first Dutch concrete regulation, the Gewapend Beton Voorschriften (GBV 1912)22
was published by the Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs (KIVI) as a “permanent
appendix” of the KIVI yearbook. The recommended concrete cover varied between 10
and 15mm, depending on the geometry. Remarkable is that only one sentence was
assigned to this subject. In the following years, the recommendations by KIVI regarding
the concrete cover became more extensive. This was not directly leading to larger cover
depths; the Dutch KIVI standard 1930 addresses for instance that one has to be
cautious when “very large” cover depths of 50mm in aggressive environments are
applied, because of the risk of cracks due to shrinkage.
The increasing knowledge regarding corrosion protection eventually resulted that the
minimum cover depth has increased drastically over the years. This is due to awareness
that steel reinforcement is not by definition in a passive state if an arbitrary concrete
cover is applied. The severity of chloride ingress and carbonation are strongly
influenced by the cover depth to the steel reinforcement. In the dissertation of Gaal
Plasscheart, B. F. (1902), Beknopt practisch leerboek der burgerlijke en waterbouwkundige
Gewapend-beton-voorschriften, vastgesteld in de vergadering van 23 maart 1912 van de afdeeling voor
bouw- en waterbouwkunde van het Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs / D. Kruyf
(2004), the prescribed concrete cover depths by Dutch standards for wet environments
exposed to chlorides are presented of the last century. Based on his work, a graph is
plotted of prescribed values of cover depths for structural walls and slabs designed for
exposure to marine environments (fig.C.1). The prescribed concrete cover shows a
pronounced increase.
Figure C.1. Concrete cover regulations for concrete in marine environments (1900 -2016)
It is not known which cover depths were applied before 1912 (it could even be have
been less than 10mm), since no Dutch concrete design regulations existed. It might be a
coincidence, but a remarkable aspect is that the original overturning caisson was
designed for several projects between 1903 and 1914, which is a typical period that
lacks cover recommendations and durability knowledge.
Regular (carbon) steel reinforcement, which is embedded in concrete, will thereby not
corrode due to the existence of a protective layer, which passivates the steel in the
strong alkaline conditions of the concrete pore water. Passivity can be destroyed by
several mechanisms. This occurs for example when chlorides penetrate through
concrete and reach steel reinforcement. At this point, corrosion can be initiated.
As a result of the corrosion reaction, rust forms and increases the steel volume by 6 to 7
times. This can generate bursting forces which can exceed the tensile strength of
concrete, resulting in cracking and spalling of the concrete. This eventually leads to
further corrosion and loss of bond between the concrete and steel.
In relation to the design of the overturning caisson, finding a proper concrete mixture
and adjusting the reinforcement for crack width control would not threaten the technical
feasibility. By current techniques, a concrete mixture can be obtained which satisfies
durability requirements in combination with acceptable permeability.
The consequence of an increased concrete cover threatens the feasibility for the self-
floating concrete structure significantly. Namely, the required cover results in a weight
increase and/or reduced strength. These aspects influence the design considerations
reinforcement bar
Oxigen (O2)
Water (H2O)
Degradation by carbon
dioxide (CO2)
Possible corrosion
Regarding this, the Eurocode 2 prescribes for instance that concrete abrasion may be
allowed for by increasing the concrete cover which functions as a sacrificial layer. In that
case the minimum cover cmin should be increased by 5, 10 or 15mm, depending on the
severity of abrasion. The corresponding abrasion classes are respectively defined as
XM1, XM2 and XM3. A sacrificial layer might therefore be applied at the upper part of
the quay wall to take possible abrasion into account.
With respect to the design of reinforced concrete structures in marine environments, the
additional requirements and guidelines are desired due to the harmful effects of for
instance; changing water levels, chlorides in waters and soils, ice loadings, ship impacts
and abrasion. Due to the importance of durability requirements to the technical feasibility
of the overturning caisson, the following codes are addressed:
Code / recommendation
European Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures
EN 1992-1-1: 2005
Part 1-1 general rules and rules for buildings
German recommendations of the “Committee for
EAU 2012
Waterfront Structures Harbours an Waterways
BS 6349: 2013 British Standard for Maritime Works
Norwegian Standard for concrete structures – Design
NS 3473: 2003
and detailing rules
Table C.1. Addressed codes for the durability analysis
The Eurocode 2 is applicable for all the listed recommendations and standards and can
be seen as basic framework.
The concrete cover could also improve fire resistance, but this effect is seemed to be of
negligible influence for quay wall design. Based on the Eurocode 2, a schematized
representation of the decision making process for a decent concrete cover for quay wall
design is depicted below.
concrete nominal
quay wall governing execution
cover concrete
structures aspects tolerances
functions cover
•Protection of steel •Cover for corrosion •Cmin = maximum of •Deviations during •Cnom= Cmin + ΔCdev
against corrosion; protection {Cmin,bond ; Cmin,dur ; execution require
structural durability 10 mm} an additional
theoretical concrete
•Safe transmission of •Cover for •Bond: Cmin,bond = Ø cover: ΔCdev≈ 10mm
bond forces transmission of
bond forces •Marine
•Adequate fire environment: XS2 or
resistance XS3 → cmin,dur
Environmental Requirement for cmin,dur [mm]
Exposure Class (EN-1992)
Structur X0 XC1 XC2 / XC4 XD1 / XD2 / XD3 /
al class XC3 XS1 XS2 XS3
S1 10 10 10 15 20 25 30
S2 10 10 15 20 25 30 35
S3 10 10 20 25 30 35 40
S4 10 15 25 30 35 40 45
S5 15 20 30 35 40 45 50
S6 20 25 35 40 45 50 55
Table C.2. Minimum concrete cover for different exposure classes (Eurocode 2)
For quay walls in marine environments, exposure classes XS2 and XS3 are from major
importance. These classes represent environments in which corrosion can be induced
by chlorides from sea water.
Besides dependence on the exposure class, the required concrete cover is also affected
by the structural class (S1 to S6). The code prescribes class S4 as starting point from
which can be deviated when particular design criterion are satisfied. The design criteria,
on which the structural class is dependent, are presented in table 2.2.
The most probable concrete cover requirement (cmin,dur + ∆cdev) for marine structures
with a design life of 50 year, would become 40 +10 = 50mm. For structural elements
which are cyclic wet and dry, the nominal cover should be at least 55mm (based on 50
year design life).
From the table, it can be seen that the structural class could theoretically be reduced to
S1. This is allowed on condition of a design life of 50 years, a strength class ≥C45/55,
slab geometry and special quality control of the concrete production is ensured. This
could theoretically result in a nominal concrete cover of 30 + 10 = 40mm. However, from
research and field practice, such as obtained from Pier Scheveningen (Polder 2005), it
is learnt that such low values results in severe structural damage within 50 years of
service life.
The concrete strength class, mixture and curing affects the durability significantly. This
correlation is for instance assimilated in the Dutch CUR-Leidraad 1. Besides the CUR
guideline, the informative annex E provided by the Eurocode 2, recommends a minimum
concrete strength class of C35/45 for XS2 and XS3 exposure classes. Altogether, the
Eurocode is reserved regarding the concrete cover quality to durability relations.
It is remarkable that these prescribed values for concrete covers are relatively high
compared to the Dutch VBC 1995, which is withdrawn just a couple of years ago (2012).
Based on this norm, a total concrete cover of just 30mm would be allowed for structures
exposed to XS3 and plate geometry.
designed according to the EN 1992 only, but the EAU 2012 prescribes this value for as
a minimum for all environments, which makes it more stringent in terms of durability
Furthermore, the EAU 2012 prescribes the following exposure classes (figure C.3.) for
concrete maritime structures in sea water environments. Where ship contact is allowed
for in design, an additional concrete cover of at least 5mm is prescribed as sacrificial
concrete cover (XM1).
The concrete cover recommendations for a structural design life of 100 years are
roughly 15 to 20mm higher, depending on the particular exposure class.
Table C.6 presents the requirements for minimum concrete cover for various exposure
classes by the NS 3473. When a structure is designed for a service life of 100 year in
marine environments, the minimal cover would amount 60 to 70mm. On top of this, a
certain value for deviation in execution (∆cdev) has to be accounted for. The standard
value for cover deviation amounts 10mm, which could result in the largest nominal cover
of 80mm.
It is also stated that a minimum cover thickness (cmin) of 75mm is commonly used for
berth structures in Norway. These concrete cover values are based on a design life of
100 years and recommended for increased security against chloride penetration. The
handbook is thereby cautious on recommendations regarding the cover depth.
The handbook is not a legal document for quay design, but the recommendations
threaten future feasibility of the overturning caisson principle for a design life over 50
Handbook of Port and Harbor Engineering (Tsinker, 1997)
From point of structural longevity Tsinker [4] proposes a minimum wall thickness of
300mm for the face walls and base slabs of caissons in marine environments. Concrete
cover is advised to be at least 50mm in splash and atmospheric zones. Also the base
slab should have this value. For other components, such as inner walls, the concrete
cover could be reduced to 30mm, if allowed by recognized codes and / or
Although the term stainless steel might suggest that corrosion is impossible, the passive
film which ensures corrosion resistance can still be broken down with degradation as
result. The degradation might be negligible, since the passive layer has the ability of re-
passivation in particular environments. However, for environments with relatively high
chloride contents, re-passivation becomes impossible on which corrosion can progress.
This occurs when chloride concentrations becomes higher than the chloride corrosion
threshold value. The threshold value mainly depends on the steel-alloy, alkalinity and
the ambient temperature.
The corrosion initiation threshold for regular carbon steel reinforcement B500 varies
from 0.2% to 2.0% per mass binder. The chloride corrosion threshold for stainless steel
is significantly higher and varies from roughly 1% to 7% per mass binder. In terms of
durability requirements, the concrete cover (cmin,dur) could be reduced significantly. The
governing values for applying a concrete cover become more or less transmission of
bond forces (cmin,bond) and execution tolerances (Δcdev≈ 10mm). Therefore, the total
concrete cover could be reduced to approximately 30 to 40mm.
Figure C.4. Typical chloride concentration profiles for marine environments (Thoresen 2003)
These advantages are certainly not free of charge. In comparison with the unit price of
regular carbon steel, the price of stainless steel reinforcement is about six to ten times
higher (Markeset et al. 2006). Differences are largely depending on bar size and alloy,
which can be clearly seen in the table below (Rostam 2000). Besides negative
economic aspects, the cover depth is not purely depending on durability requirements.
Also the previously discussed mechanical impact and abrasion aspects have to be
taken into consideration when designing a reinforced concrete quay structure in a
marine environment.
At this moment, there is still little information available regarding long-term efficiency of
coatings (Thoresen 2014). This, although current experience indicates that the proper
application of surface protective coatings can provide valuable advantages. Besides
lack of experience, protective coating requires regular maintenance throughout the
service life of the structure since there is a probability of de-bonding or peeling off. The
combination of little durability knowledge, higher initial costs and higher maintenance
costs suggest that a protective coating is economically unfeasible at this moment.
Although new developments might affect the FRP as a material, it does not have yielding characteristics.
This does not imply brittle behaviour by definition.
D. Caisson Design Conditions (2017)
D.1. Introduction
This chapter clarifies the design of a quay wall for a sea harbour in the Gulf of Guinea
(West-coast of Africa). The quay wall shall function as berthing and mooring facility of a
container terminal. The desired quay wall has a length of 1,400 metres and a total
retaining height of 21.00m. The proposed quay wall structure concerns a floated-in
reinforced concrete caisson.
Construction site
±10 km transport
Figure D.1. Distance and transport route from the construction site to the quay wall
The cross section of the caisson with backfill is schematically presented below. The
superstructure is not indicated and the overall shape might change in order to fulfil
strength and/or stability requirements.
At the project site, a semi-diurnal M2 tide prevails. The tidal water levels are as follows:
The significant wave height for various return periods are presented in the tale below.
Top of layer
[m CD]
(Very) loose sand -10.30
Dense gravel / cobbles -13.30
Very weak to weak weathered Gneiss -14.40
Weak to medium strong Gneiss -21.00
The soil parameters to be used for the quay wall design are given in the table below.
γDry γSat φ C Cu
[kN/m3] [kN/m3] [°] [kPa] [kPa]
Very loose sand 16 16 27 0 -
Loose sand 16 17 28 0 -
Medium dense sand 18 19 30 0 -
Dense gravel / cobbles 19 20 45 0 -
Hard clay 19 19.5 12 70 250
Very weak to weak 19 20 45 0 750
weathered Gneiss
Weak to medium strong 20 21 60 250 20,000
Rock fill 16 20 43 0 -
A Ship to Shore (STS) crane for ultra large container vessels shall be operational at the
waterfront of the terminal. The waterside STS crane rail will be positioned at 3.50 metres
from the cope line. The quay wall shall be designed for two different rail spans; 18.00
metres and 30.50 metres.
The 600 tonnes mobile crane can be placed randomly between 3.5 m to 50.0 m behind
the quay cope line.
From the waterfront crane rail up to a distance of 50 metres from the waterfront,
containers and general cargo should be able to be (temporarily) stacked. At a distance
of 50 metres, containers shall be stacked up to 4 high.
The structure is designed following the Limit State Design approach according to the
Eurocode. The Limit states are related to different cases:
The relevant design situations and combinations are selected taking into account the
circumstances under which the structure is required to fulfil its function. The considered
load cases are based on a level I reliability method, which implies that different partial
factors shall be applied for different scenarios. There are several design situations which
have to be considered for the caissons.
STR limit moment
Shear force
STR limit moment
Shear force
EQU limit
Persistent state
Deep slip
GEO limit
The floated-in-caissons shall have sufficient floating stability during transport without
help of sponsons. The metacentric height (GM) shall be at least 1.00 metre, in order to
guarantee sufficient transverse floating stability. The range of stability in degrees of heel
depends on the geometry of the caisson and self-weight. The downflooding angle must
be at least 10 degrees.
Floating cranes shall only be used for the assistance of the turning and immersion
operation. This is for obtaining a vertical position and gradual immersion.
The hydrostatic pressure will reach its maximum after the turning process. The actual
pressure peak depends on the water level inside the compartments. The pressure
distribution will be schematized according to the yield line envelope depicted in figure
Figure D.3. Pressure distribution of a two way spanning slab (EAU 2012)
Pressures induced during the construction and launching phase are considered to be
not governing. It is expected that adjustments can be made in the execution process to
mitigate stresses if this becomes necessary.
Pw = γw x d*
The loads which are from importance for determining the caisson dimensions and cross-
sections are:
Caisson self-weight;
Superstructure self-weight;
Water pressure (from outside and inside);
Soil pressure (external);
Compartment pressure (Janssen silo pressure);
Wave loads (modelled with the Sainflou approximation);
The soil pressure around the quay shall be influenced by the following loads on / near
the apron:
The considered water level differences are:
The load sensitivity analysis (appendix K) showed that the landside STS-crane loads,
loads from the mobile harbour crane, reach stacker and trucks do not influence overall
stability significantly. These actions are therefore not considered for stability
calculations. The following loads are included for stability verification (GEO and EQU):
bollard load +
STS crane load
For a caisson width of approximately 14 metres, the largest live load (60kN/m2) from the
stack does not influence the stability. The largest live load must only be included for
structures wider than 14 meters.
Loads on top of the caisson and its heel have a favourable effect on the stability and are
therefore not considered for the overturning failure mechanism. The live load of
30.00kN/m2 is positioned behind the heel of the caisson for stability calculations.
D.5. Combinations and Factors (BS-6349)
The design loads on the quay wall will be determined in accordance with the Eurocode 0
and 7. In these codes, a distinction has been made between permanent actions
(denoted by G) and variable actions (denoted by Q). A partial factor for safety or
serviceability is denoted by γ and a combination factor is denoted by ψ.
j 1
K,j QK ,1 0,iQK ,i
i 1
j 1
K,j 1,1QK ,1 2,iQK ,i
i 1
j 1
K,j 2,iQK ,i
i 1
The design values of actions shall vary for each limit state and shall be in accordance
with Eurocode 0. For each critical load case, the design values of actions shall be
determined by combining values that are considered to occur simultaneously. The
following three design situations shall be considered:
j 1
G,j GK,j Q,1QK ,1 Q,i 0,iQK ,i
i 1
For STR and GEO limit states, the fundamental combination of actions can
alternatively be the less favourable of the two following expressions:
j 1
G,j GK,j Q,1 0,1QK ,1 Q,i 0,iQK ,i
i 1
j 1
j G,j GK,j Q,1QK ,1 Q,i 0,iQK ,i
i 1
Where ξ is a reduction factor for unfavourable permanent actions G and
recommended to be equal to 0.85.
j 1
K,j Ad 2,iQK ,i
i 1
In which Ad represents the design value for the accidental action or load.
j 1
K,j Aed 2,iQK ,i
i 1
Partial factor
Action Symbol Description γA γB γC
set A set B set C
G Dead weight 1.05 / 1.35 / 1.00
0.95 0.95
Gw Buoyancy / water 1.05 / 1.35 / 1.00
pressure 0.95 0.95
Qm Mooring loads 1.50 1.50 1.30
QB Berthing loads 1.35 1.35 1.35
QS Live loads (general 1.50 1.50 1.15
QC,1 STS crane loads 1.35 1.35 1.15
QC,2 Mobile crane loads 1.35 1.35 1.15
Variable QV Vehicle loads (e.g. 1.35 1.35 1.15
reach stackers)
QP Pedestrian loads 1.35 1.35 1.15
QT Temperature loads 1.50 1.50 1.20
Qwi Wind loads 1.50 1.50 1.30
Qwa Wave loads 1.50 1.50 1.30
Qti Tidal lag 1.50 1.50 1.30
The partial factors for set B and set C are used for verifying STR and GEO limit states
only. The partial factors are thereby based on the BS 6349-1-2 and deviate from the
Eurocode 7. These partial factors are only considered for the fundamental load
combination. For accidental and seismic load cases, the partial factors are equal to
Similar symbols are used for further calculations. Corresponding subscripts are used
when for instance a pressure (P) is considered caused by a vertical load (Q).
The combination factors applicable to the considered limit states are as follows:
Combination factor
Action Symbol Description
ψ0 ψ1 ψ2
G Dead weight - - -
Permanent Gw Buoyancy / water - - -
Qm Mooring loads 0.50 0.20 0
QB Berthing loads 0.75 0.75 0
QS Live loads (general 0.70 0.50 0.30
QC,1 STS crane loads 0.75 0.75 0
QC,2 Mobile crane loads 0.75 0.75 0
Variable QV Vehicles (e.g. reach 0.75 0.75 0
QP Pedestrians 0.40 0.40 0
QT Temperature loads 0.60 0.60 0.50
Qwi Wind loads 0.77
Qwa Wave loads 0.60 0.20 0
Qti Tidal lag 0.60 0.20 0
In which:
ψ0 = factor for the combination value of a variable action
ψ1 = factor for the frequent value of a variable action
ψ2 = factor for the quasi permanent value of a variable action
The main focus of this feasibility study is the characteristic load situations and therefore
combination factor ψ0.
D.5.4. Partial factors (EQU)
The partial factors for EQU verification should only be used in combination with the
fundamental combination prescribed by the Eurocode 1990, Eq. 6.10, set A. The partial
material factors for soil parameters applicable to the EQU limit state are as follows:
In which:
A1: Actions limit state set A1
M1: Material limit state set M1
R2: Resistance limit state set R2
“+”: implies: to be combined with
In this approach, partial factors are applied to actions or to the effects of actions (A1)
and to ground resistances (R2). The material parameters (M1) are kept unfactored (γ
equal to 1.0).
The considered partial factors on actions are based on the BS 6349-1-2. The resistance
factors applicable to the GEO limit states are:
The partial resistance factors applicable to the STR limit states are:
D.6. Building materials
The structural design of the reinforced concrete caisson will be in accordance to the
Eurocode 2 (EN-1992).
These values are not based on structural limit states which have to be considered as
well. This could result in higher values than these minima prescribed in this section.
An assessment has been done to find the characteristics of the materials that will be
used for the quay wall. During this assessment, the right balance between the required
strength, durability, workability and economics has been found. The results and material
characteristics are tabularised below.
Material Grade
Concrete quality C35/45
Concrete weight 25.00 kN/m3
Cement CEM II or CEM III
Cement content 360 kg/m3
Water / cement ratio ≤ 0.45
Reinforcement steel B500B or B500C
Nominal concrete cover 60 mm
The exposure classes of the quay structure are listed below. The nominal concrete
cover shall be at least 60mm, independent of the exposure class.
D.6.4. Overview
Symbol / Value
Design parameters
Height H 21.00 m
Depth D 17.00 m
Ground level GL +4.00m CD
Unit weight sea water γw 10.30 kN/m3
Unit weight dry granular soil γs,dry 18.00 kN/m3
Unit weight of wet soil γs,wet 20.00 kN/m3
Angle of shearing resistance of sand backfill ϕ (= ϕ’) 30°
E. Persistent loads
E.1. Distributed live loads
The distributed live loads apply to all free areas of platform or decks. The structure shall
be designed to resist (at least) the loads which are indicated in the table below.
The prescribed live load of 60 kN/m2 acts on a distance (Lst) of 50.00 metre from the
waterfront. In combination with an internal friction angle of φ = 30 degrees, the live load
of 60 kN/m2 would only be from importance if the caisson width would be larger than:
tan( )
L Wc,max
in which:
H retaining height = 21.00m
L distance from stack to waterfront = 50.00m
Wc,max largest caisson width which is not affected by the stack load
H 21.00
Wc,max L 50.00 13.60m
tan( ) tan(30)
Quay wall structures smaller than 13.60 metre are therefore outside the influence zone
of the largest load. The live load induced by the storage facility is therefore not
considered in further design calculations, on the condition that a soil with relatively large
internal friction angles will be applied (φ ≥ 30°).
The live load Qs1 = 15 kN/m2 in front of the waterside crane rail acts up to 3.50 metre
from the waterfront. The remaining quay structure shall be designed to resist at least the
live load Qs2 = 30 kN/m2.
The horizontal soil pressure induced by distributed loads is calculated with the
active/neutral and fully neutral soil pressure coefficient. In example, the following
pressure would occur on the caisson if a neutral state is considered:
The neutral soil pressures originating from live loads are added to the neutral soil
pressures from the backwall. Similarly, an active pressure from live loads is added to the
active soil pressure from the backwall itself. Partial factors are not applied on the neutral
soil pressure state, they are only used in combination with the active state.
The pressures from live loads vary with the geometry of the caisson. Live loads are
considered to act from behind the caisson. Due to a heel, the live load acts up to a
certain height of the retaining structure. Actions on a particular distance from the
retaining wall are presented in figure E.1.
Qv= 30kN/m2
The following loads per running metre quay wall are obtained from spreadsheets:
The tidal variations in SLS conditions are assumed to be 1.00 metre. This results in a
maximum pressure difference of (Ptidal,SLS) 10.30 kN/m2. This is equal to a head
difference (Δh) of approximately 2/3 of the tidal range.
This value is rather conservative compared to empirical data and numerical calculations.
Field measurements24 showed that the hydrostatic load generally equals about one-third
of the tidal range above the low water level. From numerical calculations based on
Darcy’s model for groundwater flow25, it is obtained that the water level variation behind
a caisson quay structure can be larger than half the tidal difference.
Design for ULS conditions shall be based on extreme water levels on both sides of the
structure, with the astronomic tide level considered as temporary loading and the other
elements as transient loads.
The extreme low water level is thereby considered to be higher than chart datum. This is
because the extreme high water level is based on a model in which sea level rise
(+0.50m) and extreme surge (+0.30m) are included.
Groundwater table
The considered groundwater (GW) tables are identical to the extreme water levels at
sea, which are:
These groundwater tables (GW) are considered from behind the backwall and from
within the compartments of the caisson. The soil pressure is considered differently for
each limit state. The maximum water pressure is γw times the water level difference.
The maximum horizontal load exerted by the STS-crane during operational (SLS)
conditions amounts 79.25 kN/m1. The maximum horizontal load exerted by the STS-
crane in stowed ULS conditions amounts 198.50 kN/m1.
The STS-crane load results in a maximum horizontal force perpendicular to the quay of:
Furudoi, T. and Katayama, T.,1971. “Field Observation of Residual Water Level” Technical Note of PHRI,
No. 115, Japan.
Internal reference: Westerschelde Container Terminal (2001) Ontwerpbasis Zeekade Concept Caissons
The maximum destabilizing moment per running metre quay becomes:
The line loads provided above correspond to the maximum loads on an individual bogie.
When two cranes are considered next to each other the combinations of loads will be
assumed. The wheel configuration of the crane is depicted below.
The design quay STS crane for ultra large container vessels has a weight of 20,000 kN.
During operation, the crane bogies induce a maximum line load of 1100 kN/m1, in
combination with a horizontal wheel load of 107 kN. The centre to centre distance of the
crane wheels are 1.35 metre. The equivalent horizontal line load therefore amounts: 107
/ 1.35 = 79.25 kN/m1.
During storm conditions, the crane shall be stowed. For this case, the crane bogies
induce a maximum line load of 1,200 kN/m1, in combination with a horizontal load of 268
kN wheel load perpendicular to the quay. The equivalent horizontal line load therefore
amounts: 268 / 1.35 = 198.50 kN/m1. The horizontal wheel loads under storm conditions
are exceptionally high. Therefore these loads under storm conditions are considered as
accidental load case.
The line loads provided above correspond to the maximum loads on an individual bogie.
When two cranes are considered next to each other the combinations of loads will be
assumed. The length of one STS crane bogie amounts approximately 10 metres. If two
bogies are positioned next to each other, the maximum total length amounts
approximately 20 metres.
Governing vertical line load
The induced ship-to-shore (STS) crane loads are schematized as line loads along the
quay. The waterside crane rail is supposed to transfer its load directly to the
The landside crane rail is positioned at a distance of 33.50 metre from the waterside.
The crane can thereby induce stresses on the back-wall of the structure. The landside
STS-crane load results in a horizontal load on the quay wall.
Based on elastic theory, the vertical and horizontal stresses on an arbitrary distance
from the line loads can be calculated with help of the derivation of Flamant (1892). This
derivation is equivalent to the Boussinesq problem from 2 dimensional perspective. The
basic principle is presented in figure E.3.
The applied quantity F represents a line load with the dimension of a stress. The earth
stresses at any point can be found by:
2F z 3 2F
zz cos3
r 4 r
2F x 2 z 2F
xx sin2 cos
r4 r
xx ( ) sin2 cos
Obviously, the earth pressure acting on the back-wall depends on the position of the
wall in relation to the crane track. Assuming a position of the back-wall on 10 metres
from the waterfront, the remaining distance from the line load would be 23.50 metres.
Especially the horizontal earth pressure is from interest in terms of the design of the soil
retaining element. For this design, the values of r and θ determine the quantity of the
load. The proportionality in relation to θ can be expressed as:
xx ( ) sin2 cos
Neglecting the effect of radius (r), which could slightly influence the maximum pressure
depth, the maximum value can be obtained by setting the derivative equal to zero:
xx 2sin cos2 sin3 0
1 2
sin cos2
tan2 1
tan 2
max 60.8
The equivalent triangle dimensions are 1- 2- 3, from which follows;
3 3
r x 23.50m
2 2
The ship-to-shore crane can exert a significant pressure on the quay wall through the
landside crane rail. The maximum pressure acts at a depth of roughly 23.50 / √2 ≈ 16.6
metres. The maximum pressure depth is equal to +4.00 – 16.60 = -12.60m CD.
Using the maximum SLS load of 1,100 kN/m1, a resultant angle of 60.8 degrees and a
radius (r) of 23.50 x √3/2, the following horizontal soil pressure can be obtained:
2F x 2 z 2F
xx sin2 cos
r4 r
2 1100
xx sin2 (60.8)cos(60.8) 9.40 kN/m2
Using the maximum ULS load of 1,200 kN/m1, a resultant angle of 60.8 degrees and a
radius (r) of 23.50 x √3/2, the following horizontal soil pressure can be obtained for ULS
2F x 2 z 2F
xx sin2 cos
r4 r
2 1200
xx PC,1 sin2 (60.8)cos(60.8) 13.95kN / m2
These pressures occur not over the full depth of the quay. Considering the relatively
small values, these pressures are neglected for overall stability verifications. These
pressures are therefore only taken into account for wall design (STR).
E.5. Vertical point loads
Mobile harbour crane loads
The design mobile harbour crane is a LHM600, GHMK 8410 or equivalent. The design
loads for the mobile crane, concerning a LHM600 crane, are presented below. The
standard pad dimensions are 5.50 m x 1.80 m.
The axial load of a reach stacker is at most 1,000 kN per axle (4 wheels).
The axial load of a truck is at most 195 kN per axle (4 wheels).
The effective wheel pressure of both vehicles are at most 1,100 kN/m2
Other vertical loads, for example originating from reach stackers and truck loads, are
significantly smaller. The contact area for these vehicles is also smaller, which can
theoretically result in higher pressures. Nevertheless, these small contact areas are
assumed to be smeared out by an asphalt or other surface layer. The load distribution of
the smaller vehicles is presented in figure E.4.
The mobile harbour crane, is schematized as being a small area load which has the
following load characteristics:
The horizontal soil pressure induced by this load is calculated by applying equations
evolved by Boussinesq (1885) and Fadum (1948). The equations are based on a
homogeneous isotropic linear elastic soil and can be used to determine stress
components that act at a point below a surface.
In the worst scenario, the crane is operated with its pads perpendicular to the quay wall
and just next to the quay wall. In case of a caisson, the back-wall would possibly be
subjected to a part of the pad load. The figure below shows points of equal vertical
pressure on a cross-section through the foundation.
B= 5.50m
distributed pad load
P= 375 kN/m2
quay wall
This implies that the largest dimension of the pad, which is 5.50 metre, might induce an
earth pressure on the quay. The pressure can be significant up to a depth of roughly
2.0B, which is equal to 11.00 metres.
The pad load could theoretically induce a vertical soil pressure of approximately 0.3P to
the retaining structure:
This pressure is conservative since the pad pressure is smeared out through the asphalt
layer. Nevertheless, it indicates the value of a decent superstructure and back-wall.
E.6. Loads from ships
Mooring loads
The mooring load applies within the following minimum angular range for mooring lines:
The spacing between the bollards within a twin set is 3.0m. The centre to centre
distance between twin sets of bollards amounts 25.00 metre. The following loads are
considered for the design:
The mooring loads are considered to act at a height of 0.50 metre above the coping
beam. The height relative to the chart datum amounts +4.50 metre.
The mooring load shall be schematized as equally distributed force over the quay
length. This is an ideal situation which might not be realistic. The calculated forces and
moments are therefore only for preliminary design purposes only.
The bollard force results in a maximum horizontal force perpendicular to the quay of:
Assuming that the mooring lines act on +0.50 metre from ground level. The moment
acting from the bottom of the structure becomes:
Berthing loads
A fender system will transmit a certain force to the structure. The quantity of the reaction
force depend on fender and ship characteristics. In order to design a quay with
adequate loading capacity to resist typical berthing forces, the structural components
shall be designed in such a way that compression load equal to the bollard force can be
applied at any point.
A Rayleigh distribution shall be assumed for the local wave spectrum. The design wave
height (Hd) can therefore be determined from the significant wave height Hd ≈ 1.87 Hs.
The pressure of non-breaking waves is determined with the following parameters:
The still water level in front of the caisson will increase by water level h0:
1 1
h0,SLS k Hin 2 coth(k d ) (2 / L0 ) (1.87 0.65)2 coth((2 / L0 ) 17.00) 0.13 m
2 2
1 1
h0,ULS k Hin 2 coth(k d ) (2 / L0 ) (1.87 1.70)2 coth((2 / L0 ) 17.00) 0.86 m
2 2
F. Overturning Caisson Design (12.60m)
F.1. Geometry
The geometry of the caisson is depicted below; the upper drawing shows a transverse
cross-section and the lower drawing a horizontal cross-section.
F.2. Weight and Centre of Gravity
The total length of caisson is 24.25 metre. The total amount of concrete is 985 m3 and
the corresponding weight amounts 24,628 kN.
Centre of gravity
Gx = 5.13 metre (horizontal distance from front of structure)
Gy = 7.21 metre (vertical distance from bottom of caisson)
1. Buoyancy: The weight of displaced water (∆c) equals the weight of the
caisson (Wc);
2. Equilibrium: The upward buoyancy force (B) acts on the same vertical axis
as the centre of gravity (G).
It is found that the floating position depicted below is in equilibrium. The corresponding
draught is approximately 9.60 metre. The particular floating position is verified in the
next section.
floating equilibrium position displacement
4 3
buoyancy point
Floating equilibrium verification
The horizontal distance (x) to the centre of gravity (B) of displaced water can be
calculated by dividing the first moment by the total mass (M):
m x i i
xB i 1
Since the weight of the displaced water is constant, the horizontal distance to point B
can be calculated by considering the volume of displaced water. Furthermore, the
displacement is almost constant over the length of the caisson, which allows considering
planes of the cross section. Only the displacement of counterforts must be adjusted
since they do not displace the entire longitudinal section.
In order to calculate the position of the buoyancy point, the displaced water is divided
into 4 elements (see figure F.2.). The following properties can be distinguished per
Which shows a minor difference with the calculated weight of the caisson per running
metre. This difference insignificant;
c,1 Wc
1018 kN/m1 1016 kN/m1 0.2%
From the presented table, the distance of the buoyancy point to the reference plane can
be calculated as:
a x i i
1.13 1012
xB,1 i 1
11,477 mm
Ac 9.88 107
The distance to the buoyancy point (B) is identical to the position of the centre of gravity
(G), when the caisson floats under an angle of approximately 23 degrees. Therefore;
The vertical distance of point B relative to the reference plane can be calculated in a
similar way and is found to be:
yB,1 1429 mm
yG,1 568 mm
The vertical distance of the centre of gravity (G) is smaller, which implies that a sufficient
metacentric height is required for a stable floating position.
1 1
I yy L H13 A1 a 2 L H23 A2 a 2
12 12
I yy 24.25 10.833 (24.25 10.83) (10.83 / 2)2
1 2
24.25 8.71 (24.25 8.71) (8.71/ 2)
I yy 15,609 m4
Figure F.3. Floating position, distances to gravity centre and initial metacentric height
4 3
Figure F.4. Floating equilibrium, displacement and buoyancy point with 13.30m3/m1 water in heel
Similar to the initial floating position, the shown displacement model is divided into 4
elements, which are presented in the table below:
Which shows a difference with the calculated weight of the caisson. The difference
between these values is devoted to occupied water in the heel of the caisson.
heel c,2 c,1
heel 111.7m3 / m1 98.4m3 / m1 13.3m3 / m1
From the presented table, the distance of the buoyancy point to the reference plane can
be calculated as:
a x
i i
1.33 1012
xB,2 i 1
119,210 mm
Ac 1.117 108
The distance to the buoyancy point (B) must be identical to the position of the centre of
gravity (G), when the caisson floats under an angle of approximately 30 degrees.
However, the added water in the heel of the caisson causes the centre of gravity G to
shift. This new point, denoted as G’, can be calculated as follows:
From the presented table, the distance of the gravity centre G’ to the reference plane
can be calculated with the same values as previously:
a x
i i
1.33 1012
xB,2 i 1
119,210 mm
Ac 1.117 108
The vertical distance of point B relative to the reference plane can be calculated in a
similar way and is found to be:
yB,2 2540 mm
yG,2 2131 mm
The vertical distance of the centre of gravity (G’) is smaller, which implies that a
sufficient metacentric height is required for a stable floating position.
I yy 18,780 m4
The stability is therefore still sufficient just before the heel scoops water.
Figure F.5. Floating position, distances to gravity centre and final metacentric height
Heel overflow and turning
A different floating position will be obtained when the heels scoops water. At this point, a
similar position is not feasible due to the drastic change of buoyancy.
Turning the caisson involves an unsteady underwater motion of the caisson itself and
unsteady flow around it. Both effects can be taken into account and modelled by adding
mass to the equation of motion. This added weight is to incorporate the effect of
acceleration or deceleration, which requires movement of the surrounding water.
Nevertheless, this requires many assumptions a proper calibration which is out of scope
of this thesis.
Which shows a minor difference with the calculated weight of the caisson per running
metre. This is considered to be insignificant;
c,3 Wc
1024 kN/m1 1016 kN/m1 0.8% difference
From the presented table, the distance of the buoyancy point to the reference plane can
be calculated as:
a x
i i
7.28 1011
xB i 1
7,323 mm
Ac 9.94 107
The distance to the buoyancy point (B) is identical to the position of the centre of gravity
(G), when the caisson floats under and angle of approximately 20 degrees.
xB xG 7,323 mm
The vertical distance of point B relative to the reference plane can be calculated in a
similar way and is found to be:
y B 5,624 mm
yG 4,967 mm
The vertical distance of the centre of gravity (G) is smaller, which implies a stable
F.6. Operational stability
The load scheme for kern verification is similar to the drawing below. Note that
horizontal actions are not drawn, but nevertheless included.
The verification of actions and safety factors are shown in the tables below:
F.7. Structural design
The caisson concrete elements are designed with a concrete quality C35/45 and a
concrete cover of 60mm. The thickness of each element is determined by considering
shear force since shear reinforcement is undesired. Additionally, the thickness is
determined in view of floating equilibrium positions. An overview of element thickness,
effective depth (estimate) and clear spans is given in the table below.
Furthermore, the next table presents an overview from persistent loads retrieved from
appendix E. These pressures do not all act in the same direction. If the loads act in the
same direction, pressures can also act on a different height. Therefore these pressure
values cannot be combined to obtain one design value. It shows that the values are
considerable, but still lower than the pressure during immersion (see next sections).
Immersion pressures are therefore considered for further calculations.
On top of the immersion pressure, which increases linearly over the water depth, a
pressure of 80 kN/m2 is considered to cope with operational loads near and above chart
datum. This value is determined considering the loads presented the table below.
As a conservative approach, the maximum bending moments at the top 6.00m of the
caisson is assumed to be:
Mcomp,d 1 PA,tot ,d leff 2
Mcomp,d 1 80.00 3.752 93.75 kNm
As can be seen in figure F.9, the lower part of the caisson is subjected to at most 170
kN/m2. The maximum bending moment in the front-wall becomes:
Mcomp,d 1 PA,tot ,d leff 2
Mcomp,d 1 170.00 3.752 205 kNm
The top of the caisson has a reinforcement ratio of 0.09%, which is lower than the
required minimum to prevent brittle failure (>0.17% for C35/45). Therefore, In addition to
the calculated reinforcement, a base mesh of ϕ16-125 (=1608mm2) is assumed for
preventing brittle failure and incorporating unconsidered aspects such as unequal
settlements, shrinkage and crack-width control.
The maximum span is present up to halfway the caisson. At this point, the highest
hydrostatic pressure occurs for this span. The bottom of the caisson must be able to
resist the largest overall hydrostatic pressure, but has the shortest wall-span. However,
the width of 3.00m at the bottom part of the caisson is lower than for the back-wall, and
therefore not governing for shear verifications.
82 kN/m2
175 kN/m2
A load scheme could be similar to the model on the next page (fig. F.10), where the blue
rectangles represent the equally distributed water pressure. The figure shows a cross-
section and the pressure on the sides of the wall.
82 kN/m2
82 kN/m2
82 kN/m2
82 kN/m2
The effective span can be reduced for shear verifications since the load is uniform,
which is stated by the BS-EN1992-1-1 (section 6, ULS, 6.2 Shear):
Therefore, the effective length over which shear must be verified becomes equal to the
total width, minus the wall thickness and effective depth on both sides:
The perimeter within a distance of the effective depth (d) from the supports can be
verified with a higher shear capacity (VRd,max).
cw bw z 1 fcd
VR,d ,max
cot tan
In which:
CR,d,c 0.18 / c 0.18 / 1.5 0.12
200 200
k 1 1 1.68
d 432
1 0.60%
d b
fck 35 N/mm2
k1 0.15
cp 0.00 N/mm2 (conservative estimate during immersion)
R,d,c 0.12 1.68 (100 0.008 35)1/3 0.61 N/mm2
The overall factor of safety amounts:
R,d,c 0.61
F .o.S 1.13
E 0.54
The factor of safety is rather low. Partial factors are only applied on material properties,
while the loads are un-factored. The withdrawn code of practice BS-6349: Part 6: 1989
(Design of inshore moorings and floating structures) prescribed a partial factor (γFL)
equal to 1.0 for temporary hydrostatic loading during construction and transport.
Nevertheless, this low partial factor is not valid according to the Eurocode.
The actual factor of safety is expected to be higher, a more detailed calculation should
therefore be performed using the actual plate geometry and force distribution. The
compressive force can be included as well, due to the hydrostatic pressure acting on all
sides of the caisson.
Furthermore, it could be reasoned to deviate (to a limited extent) from partial factors
presented by the Eurocode (Table A1.2.B) Design values of actions. A partial factor of
1.35 is given for transient structural loads. However, in case of immersion of the
caissons, there is hardly any risk for loss of human lives. It is expected that a particular
failure only results in an economic loss. Also, the time of loading during immersion is
relatively short. The start of the immersion could therefore be well planned (mitigating
wave and current influences etc.), while the peak loading only occurs for several
minutes. However, this reasoning could result in an applicable partial factor of 1.20,
which is still higher than the calculated value.
F.7.4.Backwall design
The back-wall is loaded by horizontal soil- and water- pressure. On the other hand,
compartment pressure reduces the resultant actions on the back-wall during operational
conditions. During operational conditions, an entirely neutral pressure state results in a
soil pressure of approximately 120 kN/m2. This value, combined with hydraulic
pressures and silo pressures, is lower than the considered immersion pressure of 175
kN/m2, depicted in figure F.9. The most critical situation therefore appeared to be the
immersion phase. This situation is analysed for determining wall thickness.
Due to the yield line envelope, such as schematized in figure D.3, the lowest wall-
section shall not be governing. At a distance of half the span (0.5x 3.50m) from the
base-plate, shear forces are also transferred to the bottom slab. This lowers the shear
stress in the wall.
Therefore, the considered hydrostatic pressure on a one way spanning wall element
F.7.5. Counterfort design
The counterforts are subjected to a destabilizing moment. This causes tension in the
outer zone of the counterforts. The lever arm is measured perpendicular from the
counterforts to the front-wall. The front-wall itself is subjected to a compressive force.
From the presented actions in appendix E, the effective destabilizing moment at the toe
of the caisson is calculated to be:
ME ,d 10,500 kNm/m1
The centre to centre distance of the counterforts amounts 3.75 metre. The counterforts
must be able to transfer the total load of:
F.7.6. Base-slab design
The base-slab is loaded by hydraulic- and soil pressures. The front-section of the
caisson is loaded with the highest pressure and is therefore critical for the design. Due
to horizontal loads, the slab is loaded in tension. This effect shall however not be
considered for this preliminary analysis. The slab can be schematized as an element
with multiple line-supports (inner walls). Different situations must be considered for the
design of the base-slab:
In contrast to the previous wall design, the loads in operational conditions can be
considerably higher than the hydraulic pressure. The following aspects are therefore be
The moment transfer in the wall-to-base connections is not considered for this
preliminary study. The other aspects will be further addressed in the following
Based on figure F.8, a spreadsheet with different loads and combinations is made (in
accordance to appendix D). The spreadsheet provides the following data regarding the
governing design values for ULS foundation pressure:
Hydraulic conditions
Caisson height 18.00 m
Water level in front of quay 17.00 m
Water level behind quay 17.00 m
L-shaped caisson phi= 45 deg
Destabilizing moment 9237 kNm
Caisson specifications
Caisson width 12.60 m
Toe width 1.20 m
Superstructure width 4.25 m
lever Force Moment
Vertical actions
arm [m] [kN] [kNm]
STS crane load 4.70 1100 5170
Q_1 = 15 kN/m2 2.95 52.5 155
Q_2 = 30 kN/m2 5.50 48 264
Superstructure 3.33 255.00 847.88
Dry earth 9.03 386.10 3484.55
Caisson weight (G) 5.13 1016.00 5212.08
Water column above toe 0.60 210.12 126.07
Compartment fill 4.53 1700.00 7706.67
Backfill 9.65 1660.00 16019.00
Hydraulic uplift 6.30 -2206.26 -13899.44
F.7.6.1. Mean effective foundation pressure
The mean effective foundation pressure can be calculated from the sum of vertical
forces, divided over the total width of the caisson:
Rv 4,221 kN
PF ,mean 335 kN/m2
Bcaisson 12.60 m
↓43 kN/m2
↓9 kN/m2
0 kN/m2
1.75m 9.50m
Figure F.13. Effective pressure on caisson slab
Considering this, the foundation pressure is calculated by the scheme shown in figure
F.12. The maximum pressure at the toe becomes;
PF,max,d = 2 v
3 x
4,221 kN
PF,max,d = 2 750 kN/m2
3 3.75 m
Foundation pressure (toe)
The resulting pressure under the toe of the caisson becomes:
1.20m 0.55m
0.60m reinfrocement
leff ,toe ln a1
ln = clear distance
a1 = ½ hwall; ½ hslab= 0.5 x 550 =275mm
b btoe
PF ,toe,d eff PF ,toe,d
Pmean,toe,d beff
11.25 1.50
750 750
11.25 750 650
Pmean,toe,d 700 kN/m2
2 2
This is higher than the shear capacity without shear reinforcement (see for instance fig.
J.2.). Similar as for the side walls, the maximum shear stress for a section including
vertical shear reinforcement can be calculated as;
cw bw z 1 fcd
VR,d ,max
cot tan
1.00 1000 0.9 532 0.6 23.33
VR,d ,max 2.31 106 N
2.5 0.4
V 2.31 106
R,d ,max R,d ,max = 4.34 N/mm2
Ac 1000 532
VRd ,s z fywd cot
Asw VF ,toe,d 1050 103
s z fywd cot 0.9 532 0.8 500 2.5
2.19 mm2 / mm1
Asw 2190 mm2 / m
Foundation pressure (below compartments)
The pressure below compartments is determined according to the same triangular
pressure distribution over the width of the caisson (fig. F13). Furthermore, compartment
pressure can be subtracted, as derived in appendix K, the vertical soil pressure can be
calculated as:
z ( z ) z0 s (1- e - z / z )
z0 4.40 m
's 20.00 10.30 9.70 kN/m
z 17.40 m
z ( z ) z0 s (1- e - z / z ) z0 s
The slab section is considered as a clamped element on all sides. Therefore, positive
and negative bending moments occur in directions x and y. As a conservative approach,
the maximum bending moments in all directions is assumed to be:
Shear reinforcement (below compartments)
Conservatively, the shear stress can be calculated as:
Vcomp,d 1/ 2 PF ,tot ,d l x
Vcomp,d 1/ 2 581 2.53 735 kN/m1
comp,d Vcomp,d / (d b) 735 103 / (516 1000) 1.42 N/mm2
This is higher than the shear capacity without shear reinforcement (see for instance fig.
J.2.). Similar as for the side walls, the maximum shear stress for a section including
vertical shear reinforcement can be calculated as;
And shear reinforcement:
Vheel,d 1/ 2 Pback,d leff
Vheel,d 1/ 2 383 3.90 747 kN/m1
heel ,d Vheel,d / (d b) 747 103 / (516 1000) 1.45 N/mm2
Similar stress as found below compartments; apply from front-wall to back-wall; 2ϕ16-
250 (=1608mm2).
3.50m centre to centre
↓383 kN/m2
↓383 kN/m2
0 kN/m2
2 3.50m
750 kN/m
Longitudinal direction
Figure F.15. Effective pressure on caisson slab and downward soil pressure
Estimate of reinforcement in elements
Based on the previous reinforcement calculations, the structural elements are roughly
divided into high reinforced sections (120kg/m3) and low reinforced sections (92kg/m3).
This is not a lean quantitative estimate since more detailed calculations will increase the
amount of steel. Aspects such as, crack-width control, unequal settlements, thermal
shrinkage, auxiliary reinforcement shall reasonably result in an increase of steel use.
Based on these aspects, the following estimate is made for the amount of reinforcement
required for one caisson:
G. Rectangular Caisson Design (12.60m)
G.1. Geometry
The geometry of the rectangular caisson is depicted below; the upper drawing
represents a transverse cross-section and the lower drawing a horizontal cross-section.
G.2. Weight and Centre of Gravity
The total length of caisson is 24.25 metre. The total amount of concrete is 1,166 m3 and
the corresponding weight amounts 29,150 kN.
Per running metre quay, this is equal to a volume of 48 m3/m1 and 1,202 kN/m1.
Centre of gravity
Gx = 6.80 metre (horizontal distance from front of structure)
Gy = 7.90 metre (vertical distance from bottom caisson = KG)
Note that these values are slightly off centre due to the toe structure which extends the
bottom plate. Ballast water can be applied in order to obtain a straight floating position.
Wc 29,150
d 10.70 m
w Ac 10.30 (23.25 * 11.40)
The distance from the bottom of the caisson (K) to the buoyancy centre is
KB d / 2 5.35 m
BG 7.90 5.35 2.55 m
I yy 1 L B3 1 L B3
BM 12
Vw slab comp slab (d dslab ) (Lcomp Bcomp )
1 24.25 12.60 3
1.40 m
183 (10.70 0.60) (23.25 11.40)
The metacentric height must be at least 0.50 metre to provide sufficient floating stability.
There are two obvious measures which can be taken;
Option 2 seems to be the most economical solution to increase floating stability.
However, this option could be restricted in practice due to local constrains. The following
calculation is including 500 m3 ballast water in the 14 compartments (3.50 x 3.30m2).
The largest middle compartment (14.75 x 3.30m2) is kept empty in order to reduce the
free surface effect of ballast water. This corresponds to an internal water level of
approximately 2.80m.
Including ballast, the new distance from the bottom of the caisson (K) to its centre of
gravity (G) becomes:
KG 7.00 m
KB d / 2 6.30m
The distance from the buoyancy point (B) to the metacentre (M) can be found by:
I yy
I yy 1 L B3 1 L B3
BM 12
Vw slab comp slab (d dslab ) (Lcomp Bcomp )
1 24.25 12.60 3
1.20 m
183 (12.60 0.60) (23.25 11.40)
The metacentric height becomes:
At this point, no free surface effect has been considered for calculating the metacentric
height. Unfortunately, free water in the compartments has a destabilising effect on the
stability of the caisson. This can simply be explained by the additional shift of the centre
of gravity of ballast water when the caisson turns. This shifts results in an additional
moment which amplifies the rotation.
Therefore, the shift of the centre of gravity (G), due to the free surface effect can be
calculated as:
Icomp Icomp,i ncomp 121 l comp bcomp3
GG '
Vwater Vwater slab (d dslab ) (Lcomp Bcomp )
14 1
3.50 3.303 0.04 m
183 (12.60 0.60) (23.25 11.40)
The free surface effect reduces the metacentric height slightly. The new height becomes
0.46m, which is slightly below the desired minimum of 0.50m.
In overview, the following cross section can be drawn from the calculation results:
water level
G.4. Operational stability
The verification of actions and safety factors are shown in the tables below:
H. Overturning Caisson Design (15.65m)
H.1. Geometry
The geometry of the overturning caisson, designed for a sand backfill, is depicted below;
the upper drawing represents a transverse cross-section and the lower drawing a
horizontal cross-section.
H.2. Weight and Centre of Gravity
The total length of caisson is 24.25 metre. The total amount of concrete is 985 m3 and
the corresponding weight amounts 24,628 kN.
Centre of gravity
Gx = 6.45 metre (horizontal distance from front of structure)
Gy = 7.21 metre (vertical distance from bottom of caisson)
H.4. Turning process
A vertical position can be obtained with approximately 9 m3/m1 ballast water in the front
compartment. This situation is shown in figure H.3 below.
The displaced water after turning is shown in H.4. Here, the counterforts are also
responsible for a part of the displacement. The hatched (blue) area contributes over the
full length of the caisson.
The position after turning deviates more than 30 degrees from vertical. This can be
compensated by ballast water, or the caisson can be (partially) lifted by a floating crane.
The metacentric height becomes approximately:
I yy 1 L B3 1 24.35 10.3883
BM 12
0.85 m
Vw Vw 2,683 m3
The verification of actions and safety factors are shown in the tables below:
I. Rectangular Caisson Design (15.65m)
I.1. Geometry
The geometry of the rectangular caisson, designed for a sand backfill is depicted below;
the upper drawing represents a transverse cross-section and the lower drawing a
horizontal cross-section.
I.2. Weight and Centre of Gravity
The total length of caisson is 24.35 metre. The total amount of concrete is 1,275 m3 and
the corresponding weight amounts 31,883 kN.
Per running metre quay, this is equal to a concrete volume of 52 m3/m1 and a weight of
1,309 kN/m1.
Centre of gravity
Gx = 7.98 metre (horizontal distance from front of structure)
Gy = 7.46 metre (vertical distance from bottom caisson, denoted as KG)
Note that these values are slightly off centre due to the toe structure which extends the
bottom plate. Ballast water can be applied in order to obtain a straight floating position.
Wc w Ac d1 w Aslab dslab
Wc w Aslab dslab 31,883 10.30 24.35 15.65 0.60
d1 10.02 m
w Ac 10.30 23.25 12.30
d d1 dslab 10.02 0.60 10.62m
The distance from the bottom of the caisson (k) to the buoyancy centre is approximately:
KB d / 2 10.62 / 2 5.31 m
BG 7.46 5.31 2.15 m
I yy 1 L B3 1 23.25 15.653
BM 12
2.40 m
Vw Vw 31,883 / 10.30
In order to increase the floating stability, 500m3 ballast water is added to the
compartments. The distance from the bottom of the caisson (K) to its centre of gravity
(G) reduces to:
KG 7.07 m
KB d / 2 12.37 / 2 6.19m
The distance from the buoyancy point (B) to the metacentre (M) can be found by:
I yy
I yy 1 L B3 1 L B3
BM 12
Vw slab comp slab (d dslab ) (Lcomp Bcomp )
1 24.35 15.653
1.70 m
229 (15.65 0.60) (23.45 12.30)
The metacentric height becomes:
At this point, no free surface effect has been considered for calculating the metacentric
height. Free water in the compartments has a destabilising effect on the stability of the
caisson, but the decrease of the metacentric height shall be less than 0.30 metre.
Therefore, sufficient metacentric height shall remain, also when the free surface effects
is included.
I.4. Operational stability
The verification of actions and safety factors are shown in the tables below:
J. Size and scaling aspects
J.1. Compartment scaling
The first caissons were designed to be immersed to -10.35m CD, while it is nowadays
common to reach twice this depth. Increasing dimensions of a design is not a matter of
increasing the height and width of all elements. It can be inefficient to further increase
compartment dimensions. Reason for this is that shear can be transferred more
efficiently by intermediate walls (J.2) and the shear capacity decreases for larger cross
sections (J.3).
scaling iteration
B1 2B1
B1 2P1
2B1 2B1
Figure J.1. Scaling a compartment to larger dimensions and an iteration
When the compartment spans and immersion pressure are doubled, the effective
compartment wall thickness must be increased by a factor four to obtain the same shear
As can be seen, material consumption and weight increases by a factor 8, while the
displacement increases by a factor 4.
When the compartments are subdivided by internal walls, materials can be saved. This
can be seen by considering the following situation (III):
P3 = P2 =160 kN/m2
d3 = 500 mm
B3 = 2B1 = 5.00 metre
Adding separation walls reduces the spans to half the compartment width (B). The shear
force and stress remains unchanged:
Weight of a one metre high outer walls ≈ 4 x 5.00 x 0.50 x 25 x 1.00 = 250 kN/m
Weight of one metre high inner walls: 2 x 5.00 x 0.25 x 25 x 1.00 = 62.50 kN/m
Total weight: 312.50 kN/m
Displacement of a one metre high section: B2 x 1.00 = 5.00 x 5.00 x 1.00 = 25.00 m3
Weight / displacement ratio: 312.5 / 25 = 12.50
J.4. Floating stability
The draught of a floating object in horizontal position increases by width (b) increments,
while the draught (d) reduces when the same object is considered in vertical position.
The comparison between floating positions is schematized in figure 6.9. Besides
draught considerations, floating transport of light-weight slender objects can be limited
by stability requirements.
horizontal caisson transport vertical caisson transport
increasing width increasing width
H1 H2 b V1 V2
d h
When rectangular floating objects are considered, such as presented in figure 6.9, the
limiting width for intrinsic floating stability can be calculated. The point for which a
vertical floating element, having generalized dimensions, is considered in the next
sections. The relevant properties (appendix G and I) of the analysed rectangular
caissons are:
The objective of the following analysis is to clarify the stability region for rectangular
floating objects. This region defines the required relative weight and width of a caisson
for stable transport. Note however that the analysis is performed with averaged and
rounded values, which makes the presented outcome applicable for preliminary
purposes only.
Notation Description
M h Height of caisson
G h d Draught of caisson
d B b Width of caisson
ref. plane K K Keel (bottom of caisson)
B Buoyancy point
G Centre of gravity
M Metacentric height
Figure 6.10. Notations for floating stability analysis
The primary requirement for floating stability is a positive metacentric height (M above
G). This height is influenced by the width (b), draught (d) and height of point G. The
height of the centre of gravity varies when ballast water is added. The essential
variables are therefore:
(4) draught;
(5) width;
(6) height of centre of gravity.
This allows us to define relations between these elements which results in a clarified
stability region for rectangular floating objects. The draught and width are considered to
be most important design aspects and therefore taken as variables. The height of the
centre of gravity is kept as a constant and considered for the unballasted and ballasted
The relative draught parameter is denoted as x (horizontal axis), while the relative width
parameter is denoted as y (vertical axis). Based on these notations, a stability graph can
be plotted.
The location of the centre of gravity (G) differs for the considered rectangular caissons.
The relative position of the centre of gravity initially varies between:
Stability conditions
The floating object is stable when:
The centre of buoyancy (B) from the keel of the caisson can be described as:
KB 0.5d
In which:
V bd l
Ic l b3
When the parameters are combined, the stability can be verified by:
1 b2
d 0.43h
2 12d
1 b2
d 0.43h 0
2 12d
Stability formulation
The critical stability condition can be found when the inequality is changed to an
equality. The formulation can then be rewritten in terms of x and y by applying the
following steps:
1 b2
d 0.43h 0
2 12d
x b
y d
1 1 x2
y 0.43 0
2 12 y
The formulation can now be plotted as the following elliptical curve (fig. 6.12):
slender caisson
wide caisson
unstable stable
The relative draught of the caissons (0.59) and relative width (0.70 and 0.87) can be
found from the particular intersection points. These points are indicated by red dotted
lines in the stability region of figure 6.12. It can be seen that both caissons are instable
without adjustments. However, the wide caisson is almost stable by itself. This point is
already located near the blue boundary.
The stability region for these values is presented in figure 6.13. It can be seen that the
slender caisson is just outside the boundary and therefore has a positive metacentric
height. However, the wide caisson has considerably more stability and does therefore
require less adjustments for transport.
slender caisson
wide caisson
unstable stable
K. Silo pressure
K.1. Janssen pressure theory
The Janssen (1895) theory is generally applied for calculating pressures of bulk solid
materials within silos. The Janssen’s theory is derived under the assumption that two
parallel, rigid vertical walls retain granular soil and that the settlement of the soil is large
enough to fully induce friction between the walls and the soil. It follows that the weight of
the element is partially supported by the frictional resistances at the walls. In addition,
the following assumptions and simplifications are made in order to derive the
( z d z )A U dz z A s Adz
d z U k
z s
dz A
Boundary condition:
z (0) 0
Integrating factor lambda:
U k
Multiplication by exp{lambda z} results in:
z d z
e z s e
z z
(e z ) s e
z z
e z z s e z dz s e z C0
Figure K.1. Example of a horizontal soil
pressure distribution in a compartment
1 according to Janssen’s theory compared to
z (z) s C e z
neutral and active soil pressure
z (0) s C e
s C 0
C s
1 1
z ( z ) s s e z s (1 e z )
Which can be further simplified by redefining lambda to z0:
1 A
z0 (the Janssen reference depth)
k U
z / z0
z ( z ) z0 s (1 e ) (general expression for vertical soil pressure in silo’s)
Hence, the effective horizontal soil pressure σ’z can be expressed by the Janssen
'h ( z) kn 's z0 (1 e z / z0 )
kn U
'h ( z) k 's z0 (1 e z / z ) q e z / z
0 0
In which:
The compartments are schematized as rectangular cells with a particular width B. Also a
perimeter (U) and area (A) are defined as depicted below.
U A transverse compartment
B pressure (tension)
longitudinal compartment
pressure (tension)
caisson length
K.3. Alternative silo pressure theories
The Janssen pressure can be seen as lower bound value due to the assumption of full
friction. The graph below (fig. A6) shows the Janssen pressure (red) compared to other
theories and regulations. Under specific conditions, the German DIN 1055-6 is even
more conservative than the original Janssen expression, while it is actually based on the
same principle. This difference is considered to be negligible for caisson design. The
graph below also shows dynamic (filling / emptying) pressures which can be significantly
higher. This is not from importance for caisson design since the soil is considered static
during its service live. The dynamic effects which occur during the filling phase of the
compartments shall be considered independently.
excl. live load incl. live load
soil pressure at
bottom of A
z0 lim 'h (z) kn s z0 lim 'h (z) kn s z0 q
structure k U z z
Serviceability Limit State
Two compartment pressure states are considered for SLS conditions; a low water table
and a high water table. These are assumed to be identical to the hydrostatic pressure
difference on the front- and backwall. Using the expression, the compartment pressure
for a 3.50 x 3.50m compartment including live load becomes:
The maximum water pressure for 1.00 metre head difference is calculated as:
The maximum water pressure of the 1.50 metre head difference is calculated as:
The total compartment pressure for this particular geometry therefore amounts:
PJ,ULS = γG PJ, + γs QS + γti Pw,c = 1.35 x 21.90 + 1.50 x 0.5 x 30 + 1.50 x 15.45 = 75.24
L. Soil pressure states and models
L.1.Soil pressure states
The smallest horizontal earth stress value occurs in active state. Its limiting lower bound
value can be calculated by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. However, the active state
only occurs when the element is moving away from the soil. From a purely scientific
point of view, the lateral stress against a rigid retaining wall remains unknown until
deformation has been considered.
If the horizontal displacements are practically zero, a neutral stress state occurs. In a
linear elastic material and under the assumption that the horizontal stresses xx and yy
are equal, the following ratio between vertical and horizontal stresses can be found:
Where stands for the Poisson’s ratio and can vary between 0.15 and 0.45 for granular
soils26. The ratio varies significantly among different soils and various aspects play a
role for quantification. Nevertheless, a value of 0.30 seems to be appropriate for
medium dense sand and gravel. Point loads and line loads (SLS and ULS) shall be
considered using elastic soil theories of Boussinesq (1885), Flamant (1892) and Fadum
(1948), which are described in the sections regarding point and line loads.
A linear elastic model is not the best estimate since soil is not an elastic material and the
history of stress development in soil can affect the stress state more dominantly (Verruijt
2012). Nevertheless, the upper bound value for a neutral stress state can be found to be
1. In practice, the neutral stress state seems to be largely depending on the friction
angle of soil (ϕ). Without having a well-substantiated scientific basis, the K0 value can be
estimated by the formula proposed from Jaky (1948), which is:
K 0 1 sin
Following this reasoning, a neutral stress state is considered for the serviceability limit
state design. At this state, no large deformations are allowed. The caisson itself is
thereby expected to be rigid. The active soil pressure state is only considered when
designing for ultimate limit state. In this case, large deformations are allowed. In terms
of a caisson being a gravity based structure, movement is likely to occur before failing.
The theory can only be used for cohesionless (granular) soils and stiff soils. Also, a
complete failure wedge must be formed and the resulting force must be parallel to the
ground surface. The required conditions regarding soil properties can be satisfied for
particular projects. The other conditions are affected by the shape of the structure.
For reinforced concrete L-walls, there will be almost no movement of soil relative to the
back of the wall. A virtual plane can then be considered and Rankine’s theory can be
applied properly. A full soil wedge can only be formed, when the heel width satisfies
The Civil Engineering Handbook, second edition, Chen, W.F., Richard Liew, J.Y., CRC Press, 2003
B H tan 45
For example, for soils with an angle of shearing resistance ϕ’ of 30 degrees, the
inequality reduces to approximately B > 0.6H. If this inequality is not satisfied, the thrust
wedge (fig. 4.5. triangle ACD) is interrupted by the retaining wall itself. This causes
Rankine’s theory to be invalid for retaining structures with short heels.
virtual plane
failure plane
45°- ϕ’/2
45°- ϕ’/2
45°- ϕ’/2
Figure L.1. Soil wedge for cantilever walls (left: Rankine situation, right: short heel)
The method described by Vandepitte is used in order to calculate the horizontal thrust
on structures with a short heel. The lower zone is assumed to be a trapped soil wedge
in neutral soil pressure state. Here, a Rankine pressure state is assumed to prevail. The
higher region is assumed to be an active soil pressure state in which wall friction can be
Failure of the overturning caisson with s short heel is presented in the following
Active earth thrust on cantilever walls with short heel, Greco (2001)
Berekenen van constructies – Bouwkunde en Civiele Techniek, D. Vandepitte (1979)
A = active pressure zone
N = neutral pressure zone
The soil pressure on an overturning caisson can therefore be larger than the maximum
pressure on a rectangular caisson. In case of deformation of a rectangular caisson, a full
active pressure state can be formed.
To overcome the pressure increase due to a trapped wedge, an opening can be made
in the baseplate. This is basically the principle of a Camilla caisson (1970), which is also
addressed in appendix A. This type of caisson would experience the least amount of
pressure, since the declination is beneficial in lowering the Coulomb stress.
L.4. Behaviour of soil retaining walls
The behaviour of soil retaining walls depends on many different aspects. The previously
described hybrid soil pressure model is intended to be a proper representation of reality,
however, experiments indicate that also the stiffness of the foundation bed influences
the horizontal soil pressure. Huang and Luo29 found that the K factor increases
significantly when the subgrade stiffness decreases. The measured lateral thrust was in
some cases even greater than the soil pressure state at rest (K0). However, if the
subgrade is non-yielding (kv = ∞), the found lateral pressure is similar to the active
pressure state.
Pressure Formula for the lateral earth pressure Value for Value for
state coefficient (K) ϕ = 30° ϕ = 45°
Elastic Ke 0.30 0.30
Neutral K 0 1 sin 0.50 0.29
Active 1 sin
(without Ka 0.33 0.17
1 sin
cos2 ( )
Active (with Ka,f 2
sin( )sin( ) 0.28 0.14
friction) cos ( ) 1
cos( )cos( )
Behavior of soil retaining walls on deformable foundations, Huang and Luo (2009)
For ULS verification, a fully neutral pressure state and the hybrid pressure state are
verified. From these states, the highest value is considered for design. The active state
is considered including all prescribed partial factors. The verification which comprises a
neutral soil pressure state does not include partial factors. This failure mechanism is
included due to the desire of low deformations. It is categorized as an ultimate limit state
(ULS), if the loads appear to be higher than the active soil pressure state including
partial factors.
One could argue that a load combination without partial factors must be categorized as
a serviceability limit state. However, disregarding the terminology, the calculation
outcome shall be identical.
The essence of kern verification is guaranteeing bearing pressure over the complete
foundation and thereby avoiding a gap between the foundation to occur. Loss of
foundation pressure can only occur if the soil pressure state is active. A gap caused by
overturning failure cannot occur simultaneously with a neutral soil pressure state, since
rotation of the structure is required.
M. Design and safety
M.1. Change of working height
Less working height might indicate an improved level of safety and thus less risk for
personnel. The original caissons had a maximum compartment width of 3.00 metres.
The compartments could therefore be constructed with a maximum working height of
approximately 4.00 metres above ground level. This relatively low height and the lower
safety standards in 1903 probably resulted in no (or limited) fall-protection for the
labourers during the construction of the first caissons. From figure M.1., fall heights of
less than 5 metres show a significant reduction in the probability of death. This was the
case for the original overturning design.
60% 63%
Recoverable injury
40% 41%
30% 28% 30% Permanent injury
24% 19% 20%
20% 16% 29%
9% Fatalities
10% 3%
1% 1% 2%
0 to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 10 15+
Height of fall (m)
Figure M.1. Relation between fall-height [m] and the probability of recoverable injury (blue),
permanent injury (red) and death (green) from labour accident data in the Netherlands
The largest factor which affects the degree of injury is thereby the height of the fall. This
can theoretically be explained by the increasing kinetic energy (since the terminal
velocity is generally not reached) of a person during a fall, which is transferred to the
body when it touches a surface. Besides the theoretical background, also various
studies of historical data show clear correlations. Height is not the only influencing factor
for the degree of falling risks. It is among others affected by: fall-height, the surface of
impact, fall-position, age, gender and body mass.
Concrete caissons are nowadays much larger than a century ago. Irrespective of the
construction method (horizontally or vertically), the working height would be far above
acceptable safety limits. A horizontal caisson construction method is therefore not likely
to increase the level of safety intrinsically.
Unfortunately, fall hazard cannot be engineered out by applying the overturning concept.
Measures must therefore be taken in order to keep the probability of a fall from height
acceptably low. This can be in the form of a passive fall protection or active fall
protection, on which the passive fall protection method is the most desired option.
Passive systems, such as fencing and catching platforms, do not require special
participation of the worker and does not hinder the freedom of movement. In case of the
horizontal construction method, the length of the passive protection system must be
increased since the perimeter of the work area is larger. Therefore, the lowered height
of the construction method is not necessarily an advantage for safety of personnel.
N. Cost deviations
N.1. Historical cost deviations of building materials (1900-
N.2. Geographical cost deviations of building materials
The cost deviations in the bar charts below are retrieved from Spon's African and Latin
American Construction Cost Handbooks. The price rates include all necessary labour,
plant and material costs for carrying out the operations. Price rates from the handbooks
(1999) are corrected to 2016 values. The geographical cost deviations of building
materials seem to be little and make the exact location of the project less interesting.
Due to the relatively constant concrete and reinforcement prices, the feasibility of the
overturning caisson shall not depend on a particular country.
Latin American concrete prices in Q4-1999, corrected to Europe present value (2016)
Latin American concrete prices in Q4-1999, corrected to Europe present value (2016)
N.3. Cost deviations of heavy lifting equipment
Weekly average rental rates in the UK and Ireland. The annual rental rate survey (2016)
performed by
Costs of floating dry-docks (FDD) and sheerlegs are determined by asking prices of
online brokers, and Prices are retrieved from
the websites in august 2016. Required prices for the overturning caisson are indicated
by the red arrows.
€ 6.000.000
€ 5.000.000
€ 4.000.000
€ 3.000.000
€ 2.000.000
€ 1.000.000
0 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000
Floating dock (used)
Floating dock (new build US)
Power (Floating dock (used))
€ 60.000.000
€ 50.000.000
€ 40.000.000
€ 30.000.000
€ 20.000.000
€ 10.000.000
approx. €0
€ 5,000,000.- 0 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.000
Report Kraus citations
Report Kraus citations
The original report of prof. Kraus introduced the use of reinforced concrete as follows:
The last Paris exposition, as also the one that has just taken place in
Düsseldorf, have again demonstrated most plainly the great advantages
of this material for construction which, as is well known, is simply a
happy combination of iron and concrete, whereby it unites the supreme
conditions of resistance, duration and incombustibility. Different systems
for the construction of this mass are in existence, being known by the
names of their inventors: Monier, Wayss, Rabitz, Matrai, Hennebique,
Coignet and also many others, but they all resemble each other mutually
in so far as that they have as principle an iron frame enveloped in
concrete carefully made from materials of superior quality.”
It is interesting to notice that in this period of time, reinforced concrete was not
commonly known. It was a highly innovative composite material which was even
patented by their inventors. The different construction technology “systems” could only
be used under licence of the involved firm or inventor.
“The quaywalls of this dock will be of the same type as those of the
western side of the bay, that is to say, that they are formed of great cases
of armed concrete with a superstructure of masonry work. The wall of the
northern side of the enlarged part of the point will consist of great floating
blocks analogous to those of breakwaters.”
“In view of the great length of these quaywalls and of the considerable
costs entailed by their construction, many types of walls have been
studied and mutually compared, in order to choose from among them the
one offering the greatest advantages. After this preliminary work, the
following type was adopted, same satisfying not only the conditions of
resistance and of easy and safe execution, but also economical
This accentuates the advantages which had been obtained by application of the
The report also provides notes on the calculation method and pressures on the
“It is supposed that the vertical pression of the rubble behind the wall, on
the bottom-plate of the case of armed concrete, limits itself exclusively to
the weight of the cubic comprised between the interior side of said wall and
the vertical plane which answers to the inside edge of the plate.”
“Being distributed, according to the lineal law, the total vertical pression
exercised by the base of the wall on the bottom, it results that said pression
will be of 0.59 kg/cm2 at the interior edge of the plate and of 3.50 kg/cm2 at
the exterior edge.”
Apparently, it is assumed that the weight of the backfill is accounted for up to a vertical
virtual plane along the heel. The foundation pressure is calculated to be at most 350
kN/m2 at the toe and 59 kN/m2 at the heel of the structure.
Caisson A prefabricated floated-in quay wall structure with undefined shape. One can
assume that a reinforced concrete caisson is implied, if no particular material is
Box caisson or rectangular caisson A generalized term for caissons which have a
rectangular shape. A box caisson is constructed vertically; in the same position as
required for operational conditions.
Overturning caisson A generalized term for caissons which are constructed and
floated horizontally. This type of caisson is, after transportation, turned at/near its final
location. The term "overturning caisson" is literally translated from the Dutch word
"kantelcaisson". The word overturning, not to be confused with the overturning limit state
which must be considered at final position, originates from the turning process in floating
Horizontal floatation The first floating position of an overturning caisson without ballast
weight. In practice, the caisson might float in more or less diagonal position due to its
asymmetrical shape.
Kraus caisson The original overturning caisson concept, designed by professor Kraus
in 1903. Also referred to as overturning caisson. The economical L-shaped (counterfort)
caisson which has been designed for sheltered quay walls.
Comision Kraus The commission who is responsible for the realization of the report
"Proyecto de Mejoramiento del Puerto de Valparaíso" and therefore, but not exclusively,
the establishment of the Kraus concept itself. Note that this particular design was one
among many other state of the art concepts, which are extensively described in the
report by Comision Kraus.
Economic feasibility The costs of the concept in relation to other quay structures,
without necessarily all prerequisite knowledge of technical execution. The economic
feasibility mainly addresses the quantification of (known) strength and weaknesses.
EQU limit state Loss of equilibrium of the structure or the supporting ground,
considered as a rigid body. The internal strengths of the structure and the ground do not
provide resistance.
GEO limit state Failure or excessive deformation of the ground, where the soil or rock
is significant in providing resistance.
STR limit state Failure or excessive deformation of the structure, where the strength of
the structural material is significant in providing resistance.
UPL limit state The loss of equilibrium of the structure by vertical uplift due to water
pressures (buoyancy).
HYD limit state Hydraulic heave, internal erosion and piping in the ground as might be
[1] Proyecto de Mejoramiento Del Puerto de Valparaíso, Kraus, J, Comision Kraus,
[3] Quay Walls, Second Edition, J.G. de Gijt, M.L. Broeken, et al, SBRCURnet
Publication, Municipality of Rotterdam, 2014
[4] Handbook Handbook of Port And Harbor Engineering: Geotechnical and Structural
aspects, G.P. Tsinker, Chapman and Hall, 1997
[6] Smith’s Elements of Soil Mechanics, Ninth Edition, Ian Smith, Wiley Blackwell, 2014
[8] Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures, Third Edition, Clayton C.R.I., Woods,
R.I., Bond, A.J., Milititshky, J.,CRC Press, 2014
[9] How Mechanics Shaped the Modern World, David H. Allen, Civil Engineering
Department, Texas University, Collage Station, Springler International Publishing
Switserland, 2014
[A2] Analytical active earth thrust on cantilever walls with short heel, Greco, 2008.
[A3] Canadian Geotechnical Journal 45: 1649-1658. Behavior of soil retaining walls on
deformable foundations, Huang, C. and Luo, W., Department of Civil Engineering,
National Cheng Kung University, Engineering Geology 105 , No. 1, Taiwan, 2009
[A7] Indisch Bouwkundig Tijdschrift, Vereeninging van Bouwkundigen, No. 21, 1931
[A9] Technische lessen en vraagstukken op het gebied van den Indischen Havenbouw,
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W., Weltevreden [Indonesia], 1918
[A11] Doorontwikkelde theorie vervat in norm Belasting van silowanden Haaker, G., v/d
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[A12] Estimation of active earth pressure against rigid retaining walls considering
arching effects, Paik, K. H., Salgado, R., Geotechnique 53, No. 7, 643–653, 2003.
[A13] Vallen van Hoogte, van Gool, W.A., Commissie Signalering arbeidsomstandig-
heden risico’s, Gezondheidsraad, 2013
[A14] Port Botany Counterfort Retaining Walls Design and Construction D.Packer; P.
Masters. G.Riordan, 2015
[A16] Computer simulation and analysis framework for floating caisson construction
operations, Pantouvakis, J.P., Panas, A, Centre for Construction Innovation, Faculty of
Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 2013
[A23] Inflation: the Value of the Pound 1750-1998, Twigger, R., Economic Policy and
Statistics Section, House of Commons Library, 1999
[A26] The repetition effect in building and construction works – a literature review,
Gottlieb, S.C., Haugbølle, K., Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University,
[A27] Structural Developments in Tall Buildings: Current Trends and Future Prospects,
Ali and Moon, K.S., University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), Architectural Science
Review 50-3, University of Sydney, 2007
TU Delft publications
[D1] Dissertation, TU Delft, A History of Quay Walls - Techniques, types, costs and
future, Gijt, J.G., 2010
[D3] MSc thesis, T.H. Delft, Haalbaarheidsonderzoek naar een Camilla caisson voor
grote kerende hoogtes, deel 1+2, F.N. Endtz, 1986
[D4] Lecture notes CIE-3330, Hydraulic Structures, Caissons, M.Z. Voorendt, W.F.
Molenaar, K.G. Bezuyen, 2011
[D7] Lecture notes CIE-5313, Barriers, weirs, quay walls and jetties, J.G. de Gijt, A. van
de Toorn, e.a., 2015
[D8] Durability of marine concrete structures - field investigations and modelling, Polder,
R. B., de Rooij, M.R., TNO Technical Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Heron
volume 50-3, 2005
[D9] Effects of slag and fly ash on reinforcement corrosion in concrete in chloride
environment - Research from the Netherlands, Polder, R. B., TNO Technical Sciences,
Delft University of Technology, Heron volume 57-3, 2012
[D9] Manual Hydraulic Structures, Vrijling, J.K., Bezuyen, K.G., e.a., Delft University of
Technology, 2015
[R3] CUR- Leidraad 1, Duurzaamheid van constructief beton met betrekking tot chloride-
geïnitieerde wapeningscorrosie - Leidraad voor het formuleren van prestatie-eisen,
List of Figures
List of figures
Chapter 1 Description Reference
Figure 1.1 Fundamental shape differences Own work
Figure 1.2 Traditional design method for Based on lecture notes: Hydraulic
caissons Structures (2015)
Figure 1.3 Proposed design process for Own work
overturning caissons
Figure 1.4 Economies of scale Pearson and Wisner (1993)
Figure 1.5 Hypothetical learning curve A26: adapted after Thomas (2009)
showing a classical concave
Figure 1.6 Column head for renovation works
Figure 1.7 Multiple cone shaped column
Figure 1.8 Fixed and variable costs from Own work
production point of view
Figure 1.9 Galileo’s example of the square- How Mechanics Shaped the
cube law Modern World, David H. Allen,
Civil Engineering Department,
Texas University, Collage Station,
Springler International Publishing
Switserland (2014)
Figure 1.10 Increasing structural complexity for A27: Structural Developments in
tall buildings Tall Buildings: Current Trends and
Future Prospects, Ali and Moon,
K.S., (2007), University of Illinois
(Urbana-Champaign), Architectural
Science Review 50-3, University of
Figure 2.7 Lorries and construction method Proyecto de Mejoramiento Del
(Valparaíso, 1903) Puerto de Valparaíso, Kraus, J,
Figure 2.8 Formwork pressure: weight of slab Own work
Figure 2.9 Formwork pressure: hydrostatic Own work
Figure 2.10 The execution plan of the Proyecto de Mejoramiento Del
reinforced concrete caissons. Only Puerto de Valparaíso, Kraus, J,
half the planned construction site 1903
is shown
Figure 2.11 Transport and launching plans of Proyecto de Mejoramiento Del
the caissons Puerto de Valparaíso, Kraus, J,
Figure 2.12 First floating position of the Proyecto de Mejoramiento Del
caisson Puerto de Valparaíso, Kraus, J,
Figure 2.13 Change of floating position Own work
Figure 2.14 Schematic position after ballasting Own work
of the original caisson (left) and the
simplified model (right)
Figure 2.15. Declined versus straight back-wall: Own work
geometry differences affecting the
floating position
Figure 2.16 Hydrostatic pressure during Own work
Chapter 4 Description Reference
Figure 4.1 Stone crusher, aggregates and Rapport Caissonbouw,
empty cement barrels (Surabaya, Hollandsche Beton Groep (1977)
Indonesia, 1911).
Batching by a steam driven mixer VOBN,
and horse drawn transport (USA,
1916) vobn/vereniging-
Figure 4.2 Construction of caissons Rapport Caissonbouw,
(horizontally) with the traditional Hollandsche Beton Groep (1977)
timber formwork method (Tandjong
Priok, 1914)
Figure 4.3 Construction sequence overturning Own work
caisson (1914)
Figure 4.4 Construction of caissons by the Rapport Caissonbouw,
Maas formwork system (The Hollandsche Beton Groep (1977)
Netherlands, Waalhaven, left
photo: 1920-1921, right photo:
after 1945)
Figure 4.5 Gantry method applied in Saudi Rapport Caissonbouw,
Arabia, Dammam (1977) Hollandsche Beton Groep (1977)
Figure 4.6 Example of the slipforming process A15: Slip-Form Application to
Concrete Structures (2008)
Figure 4.7 Performance prediction of floating A17: Panas and Pantouvakis
caisson construction (2013)
Figure 4.8 Caisson launching methods Data; Bygging-Uddemann (2015)
Figure 4.9 Caisson transport and launching; 5 (2017)
phase transport to floating dock
(left) and 250 tonne jack (right)
Figure 4.10 Bison 66 tonne sheerleg (1910),
Hyundai 10,000 tonne sheerleg
Chapter 6 Description Reference
Figure 6.1 Draught comparison: overturning Own work
caisson versus rectangular caisson
Figure 6.2 Second floating position Own work
(unballasted caisson)
Figure 6.3 Shape of water displacement: Own work
floating position after turning
Figure 6.4 Vertical floating position with Own work
partially ballasted front-
Figure 6.5 Turning process assisted by a 400 Own work
tonne sheerleg
Figure 6.6 Change of buoyancy point and Own work
turning process
Figure 6.7 Comparison between a linearly Own work
scaled caisson and the new design
Figure 6.8 Comparison of floating positions; Own work
linearly scaled caisson and new
Figure 6.9 Caisson transport-shape relation Own work