3666-RAM-MBW-00-REP-CW-005 Rubble Mound Design Report Rev 0
3666-RAM-MBW-00-REP-CW-005 Rubble Mound Design Report Rev 0
3666-RAM-MBW-00-REP-CW-005 Rubble Mound Design Report Rev 0
Document type
July 2017
Revision 02
Date 04/08/2017
Made by Karishna Bunwaree
Checked by Melinda Odum
Approved by Martin Duke
Description For Comment
Ref 3666-RAM-MBW-00-REP-CW-005
Revision History
- 10/07/2017 For Comment
3666-RAM-MBW-00- Incorporating STFA
01 11/07/2017 For Comment
REP-CW-005 Comments
02 04/08/2017 For Comment
Carlton House
Ringwood Road
Southampton SO40 7HT
United Kingdom
[email protected]
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose of Design Report 1
1.2 Scope of Work 1
2. Codes, Standards and Reference Documents 2
2.1 Codes and Standards 2
2.2 Guidance Documents 2
2.3 Project Reports and Drawings 2
3. General Layout 3
3.1 Layout Description 3
3.2 Materials 3
3.3 Rubble-mound Breakwater – PM 0 to PM 1495 4
3.4 Rubble-mound / Caisson Junction 4
3.5 Caisson breakwater – PM 1495 to PM 4233 5
4. Hydraulic Stability 7
4.1 Wave Parameters 7
4.1.1 Review of available data 7
4.1.2 Wave data selected for the design 7
4.1.3 Wave parameters in the harbour 8
4.2 Rubble-mound breakwater – Sea Side 9
4.2.1 Accropode II - Trunk 9
4.2.2 Accropode II - Roundhead 9
4.2.3 Underlayer 10
4.2.4 Core and filter layer 11
4.2.5 Toe design 11
4.3 Rubble-mound breakwater – Harbour Side 12
4.3.1 Rock Armour Units 12
4.3.2 Core material and Filter layer 12
4.3.3 Toe design 12
4.3.4 Propeller wash check 12
4.4 Caisson Rubble-mound Foundation 13
4.4.1 Caisson base at -17.3 mZH 13
4.4.2 Caisson base at -24.3 mZH 13
4.4.3 Toe design 13
4.5 Scour 14
4.5.1 Scour due to waves 14
4.5.2 Scour due to propeller wash 14
4.5.3 Scour protection 14
5. Geotechnical stability of the rubble mound 16
5.1 Rubble Mound Breakwater 16
5.1.1 Load Combinations and Partial Factors 16 Load combinations 16 Partial factors 17
5.1.2 Seismic analysis 18
5.1.3 Design Approach 18
5.1.4 Calculations 19 Modifications 19
5.1.5 Results 20
6. Review of Physical Model TestS Results 22
6.1 Objectives 22
6.2 Review of the models 23
6.3 Review of Model Test Results 25
6.3.1 Rubble-mound breakwater 25
6.3.2 Caisson on rubble-mound breakwater 26
1.1 Purpose of Design Report
The verification of the design of the components of the rubble-mound including the
concrete armour, rock armour, filter layer and core material.
Review of the results of the physical test models (Model M1, Model M3, Model M4 and
Model M5)
Note that the hydraulic stability of the caissons was not analysed as part of this report. For
caisson stability, refer to document 3666-RAM-MBW-00-BOD-C-002, Caisson basis of design.
For the geotechnical stability of the rubble mound below the caissons refer to document
3666-RAM-MBW-01-REP-CG-009 Main Breakwater Caisson Geotechnical Design Report.
The review has been carried out to the following international codes and standards:
CIRIA C683, The Rock Manual – The use of rock in hydraulic engineering, 2007
CIRIA C742, Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures, 2015
EuroTop, Wave Overtopping of Sea Defences and Related Structures: Assessment Manual, 2007
PIANC Report no. 180, Guidelines for protecting berthing structures from scour caused by ships,
Climatologie des états de mer sur le site de Nador West Med. Nador West Med July 2014
Rapport d’essais sur modèles physiques – Modèles M1 et M1b - Section de la Digue Principale à
caissons, MANPP-DE-REP-04003-DP-01-FR
Rapport d’essais sur modèle physique – Modèle M3 Jonction DP talus / DP Caissons, MANPP-DE-
Vue en plan des ouvrages de protection y/c banquettes de traitement des sols. Nador West Med.
No. 201300401-6-P-09.TRAITEMENT.DWG. December 2015
3.1 Layout Description
The Main Breakwater (MBW) is formed from a combination of rubble mounds and pre-cast
concrete caissons. The rubble-mound breakwater extends from PM 0 to PM 1495 and the caisson
breakwater (comprising caissons submerged onto a founding rubble mound) extends from PM
1495 to PM 4233. The MBW extends from PM 0 to PM 4233, which corresponds to the centre of
the roundhead.
From the foreshore to a depth of approximately -35 mZH, the breakwater is oriented towards the
North-North-West, perpendicular to the coast. The breakwater then follows the East-North-East
direction, almost parallel to the bathymetric line at -35 mZH. A roundhead protects the end of
the breakwater.
To ensure the stability of the rear slope of the breakwater and to meet the overtopping criteria,
the crest of the rubble-mound breakwater is positioned at + 8.50 mZH and that of the caisson
breakwater at + 9.50 mZH in the section between PM 1495 and PM 3620 and at +7.0 mZH for
the section between PM 3620 and PM 4233. A bullnose is added to the wall in some areas to
reduce overtopping.
The rubble-mound breakwater includes a traffic lane, 11 m in width, from PM 0.00 to PM 1495.
9.20 m additional width is planned for the pipe rack and 20m for the PVS Conveyor Belt.
The caisson breakwater is a minimum of 22 m in width at its crest up to the roundhead. This
width includes the additional width required to meet the traffic needs, the pipe rack and for the
installation of the quick-release hooks on the MBW.
3.2 Materials
The properties of the materials of the rubble-mound breakwater and caisson foundation are listed
in the Rubble-Mound Basis of Design report.
Bulk Bulk
Density Density * Friction Cohesion, Dilation,
Material Modulus
(dry) (submerged) Angle c’ (kPa) y (°)
(kN/m3) (kN/m3)
25.0 15.0 - - -
20.0 10.0 37 ° - 5 60
compacted fill
1-500 kg Fill
for Rubble- 17.0 10.5 45 ° - 10 100
Accropode II
12.0 7.0 - 50 - 100
It should be noted that these values differ slightly from those described in the Overall Basis of
Properties of the in-situ soils are described in the Geotechnical Basis of Design 3666-RAM-GEO-
Accropode II units on the sea side and rock armour units on the harbour side.
PM 0 to PM 923 +6.50 mZH Accropode II 4 m3 (+ 8.20 mZH) 1-2 T Riprap (+ 6.80 mZH)
PM 923 to PM 1043 +6.50 mZH Accropode II 6.3 m3 (+ 8.50 mZH) 1-2 T Riprap (+ 6.50 mZH)
PM 1043 to PM 1318 +6.50 mZH Accropode II 6.3 m3 (+ 8.50 mZH) 1-2 T Riprap (+ 6.50 mZH)
PM 1318 to PM 1445
PM 1445 to PM 1495 +6.50 mZH Accropode II 10 m3 (+ 8.50 mZH) 1-2 T Riprap (+ 6.50 mZH)
Notes :
The data in Table 2 is based on the Client requirements set out in the Spécifications Techniques
Particulières. However, it is understood that 10m3 Accropode II units will be used at PM 1318 to
PM 1495 instead of 8m3 Accropode II. The top level will be kept at +6.5m mZH
Given that the physical model tests available tested 6 m3 and 8 m3 Accropode II units, the latter
sizes were checked initially. Upon receiving the information from site regarding the 10 m3
Accropode II units, further design checks were carried out.
Therefore the design checks covered in this document for the Accropode II include units of sizes
4 m3, 6.3 m3, 8 m3 and 10 m3.
Furthermore, in the CID drawings, chainage PM 0 to PM 410 do not consist of Accropode II units
on the sea side. The Accropode II units start from PM 410. 2-4 T rocks are used from PM 0 to PM
190 and 4-6 T rocks are used from PM 190 to PM 410.
The transition in level between the rubble mound breakwater and the caisson breakwater (from
+6.50 mZH to +4.50 mZH), will be made over a transition zone between the two structures over
a length of approximately 50m.
The caissons consist of reinforced concrete box elements which will be filled with ballast. The
foundation beneath the caisson breakwater is made up of 1/500 kg core protected by rock
1 -2 T Riprap
PM 1495 to PM 1940 +4.50 mZH -17.3 mZH
(-17 mZH)
1 -2 T Riprap
PM 1940 to PM 3620 +4.50 mZH -24.3 mZH
(-24 mZH)
1 -2 T Riprap
PM 3620 to PM 4233 +4.50 mZH -24.3 mZH
(-24 mZH)
Figure 2 Cross section through rubble-mound breakwater in the transition zone (roundhead)
4.1 Wave Parameters
The wave data was taken from the report Climatologie des états de mer sur le site de Nador West
Med, July 2014.
Points 10 to 21 are in the zone relevant to the rubble-mound section of the MBW. Points 22 to 24
are relevant to the rubble-mound foundation for the caisson breakwater section.
On the general layout drawing of the MBW, it was found that the bed level of the rubble-mound
section is from 0 mZH to approximately -22 mZH. Point 18 was selected with a bed level of
approximately -24 mZH. For the analysis of the caisson foundation, Point 24 was selected with a
depth of approximately -37 mZH as it included the highest wave heights.
To carry out checks based on damage level, longer return periods were calculated (see Section
4.4). The wave data obtained for the selected data points was therefore used to extrapolate the
required wave parameters, as discussed below. The 1:200, 1:400 and 1:2000 wave heights were
determined by linear extrapolation.
Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6 show the wave data for Point 13, Point 18 and Point 24 respectively.
The values in black were taken from the available data in the Climatologie des états de mer sur le
site de Nador West Med, July 2014 report. The values for the return periods in red were
calculated by extrapolation.
The significant wave height (Hs) and the peak time period (Tp) were taken as the upper bound
value of the 90% confidence interval.
Wave height, Hs (s) Time period, Tp (s) Wave height, Hs (s) Time period, Tp (s)
Wave height, Hs (s) Time period, Tp (s) Wave height, Hs (s) Time period, Tp (s)
Wave height, Hs (s) Time period, Tp (s) Wave height, Hs (s) Time period, Tp (s)
The wave height in the harbour was assumed as maximum 1.0m given its sheltered location.
Roundhead section (at the transition from rubble-mound to caisson breakwater) with sea
bed level at -24 mZH using wave data Point 18 ;
Trunk section with sea bed level at -20 mZH using wave data from Point 18 ;
Trunk section with sea bed level at -10 mZH using wave data from Point 13.
A 3:4 slope was analysed for the Accropode slopes and at 2:3 slope for the rock slopes.
The Accropode II units are placed in a single layer. The check was carried out using wave height
as 120% of the 1 in 100 year wave height.
The stability of the Accropode II units in the trunk was checked based on the method outlined in
Section and using Table 5.35 of the Rock Manual. The calculation assumed the “start of
damage” condition, or a damage level of 0%.
It was found that the Accropode II units (4 m3 and 6.3 m3) defined in Table 2 met the stability
The transition on the trunk section from the 4m3 units to 6.3m3 units shall be carried out at a 45°
angle. The heavier armour units should be placed first, resulting in a transition line at 45° across
the side slopes. The smaller elements are then placed on top of the larger ones. A sketch of the
transition is given in Figure 5.
Given the change in size of the concrete armour units, care should be taken to avoid any
protrusion or overhang of the larger units at the transition. The external profile at transitions
should be kept constant as far as practically possible by gradually varying the underlayer, filters
and core profiles.
Figure 5 Extract from Rock Manual (Figure 6.22d) showing the transition on trunk section between
different sizes of armouring in elevation view
Waves breaking over roundheads yield relatively larger velocities and wave forces compared to
the trunk of the breakwater. To achieve the same stability as for the trunk section, either the
mass of the armour units needs to be increased or the side slope at the roundhead needs to be
less steep. In the current design, the slope was kept constant. Therefore the size of the armour
units was increased.
It was found that 8 m3 Accropode II units were adequate for the roundhead section in the
transition zone. However, it is understood from the Contractor that 10m3 Accropode units will be
used, which is satisfactory as these are larger, more stable units.
The calculated Accropode II sizes (6.3 m3 and 8 m3) were also compared to the physical test
models. The test results validated the sizes calculated. Refer to section 5 of this document for the
review of the physical model tests.
However, it is understood from the Contractor that 10m3 Accropode II units will be used, which is
satisfactory as these are larger, more stable units.
The transition at the roundhead from 6.3m3 units to 10m3 units shall also be carried out at a 45°
angle as shown in Figure 5. Given the change in size of the concrete armour units, care should be
taken to avoid any protrusion or overhang of the larger units at the transition. The external
profile at transitions should be kept constant as far as practically possible by gradually varying
the underlayer, filters and core profiles.
4.2.3 Underlayer
The underlayer supporting the concrete armour units was designed based on the method outlined
in Section and Table 5.36 of the Rock Manual. The size of the underlayer depends on the
size of the concrete armour it supports. The rock sizes provided in Table 7 were calculated.
Table 7 Armourstone for underlayer with concrete armour made up of single-layer interlocking units,
based on Table 5.36 of Rock Manual
Therefore, 0.5 – 1.5 T rocks ,1 - 2 T rocks and 1 – 3 T rocks are adequate to support Accropode
II units of 4 m3, 6.3 m3 and 8 m3 respectively. The underlayer rocks should be placed in two
Where 10m3 Accropode II units are used, a modified 1-3 T underlayer is deemed acceptable. The
Contractor shall ensure that the material is selected and placed to meet the grading limits given
in Figure 6 below:
It is noted that 1-3 T rock was checked as an underlayer for the 10m3 Accropodes in the physical
The sizes calculated were checked against the physical model tests. Refer to section 5 of this
document for the review of the physical model tests.
The core material design shown in the tender drawings is made up of 0-500kg and 1-500kg
riprap. The filter layer lies between the rock armour and the core. However, this arrangement
using two types of material was found to be unnecessary and only the 1-500kg material is
proposed for the final design.
The check of the core and filter layer sizes used the Terzaghi filter criteria method given in
Section 4.4.3 of BS 6349-7.
It was found that a filter layer of rock size of 0.1 to 0.5 T placed in two layers, 1m thick is
adequate. This applied to the whole length of the trunk.
A falling apron toe design was selected, as shown in Figure 7. This involves the armourstone to
be placed directly on to the bed with toe width equal to 3 times the scour depth. This is based on
the recommendation in Rock Manual.
The scour depth was estimated using reflected wave conditions using the method given in
Section of the Rock Manual. The maximum scour depth along the trunk of the rubble-
mound breakwater was calculated as 2.5 m. Therefore a scour depth of approximately 2.5m may
form. A minimum falling toe width of approximately 7.5 m is recommended for scour protection.
Figure 7 Falling apron, with the optional Dutch toe. (Extract from BS 6349-7:1991 Figure 13)
The slope is taken as 2:3. The wave height assumed inside the harbour is 1.0 m.
The wave height on the sea side of the breakwater was taken as the 1 in 100 year return period
wave height.
Two methods were used for check the stability of the rock armour units:
The wave height inside the harbour was applied in the Hudson formula. Breaking wave conditions
were assumed for a robust design. 2 layers of 0.1 to 0.5 T rock in 1.0m thickness layer were
found to be adequate.
The Van Gent/Pozueta method assesses the stability of the rear-side slope due to wave
overtopping. Using the 1 in 100 year wave height, 1 – 2 T rocks were found to be adequate for
the design.
Therefore, it is recommended to provide 1 -2 T rocks in two layers from the top of the rubble-
mound to below the low water level and 0.1 to 0.5 T rocks in two layers below that.
Given that the rock sizes are similar to those on the sea side of the rubble-mound, the sizes
defined in section 4.2.4 also apply on the harbour side.
Therefore 1 m thickness of 0.1 to 0.5 T rocks placed in two layers is adequate to support the 1 –
2 T rocks.
Given that the wave height considered in the design is of 1.0 m, at least 3.0 m toe width would
be recommended, as a rule of thumb, for a falling apron arrangement, as shown in Figure 7.
Propeller jet velocities were determined using the Rock Manual and PIANC Report No. 180.
This was used to check that the rubble-mound face and toe are not disturbed by propeller jets
from the berthing ships or tug boats.
Following a conservative approach using an applied power of 2500kW, the critical diameter of
material (below which scour is likely to occur) was calculated as 0.30m. This was less than the
mean diameter of the exposed armour layer units.
Caisson base at -17.3 mZH, assuming bed level at -25 mZH and using wave data from
Point 18
Caisson base at -24.3 mZH, assuming bed level at -40 mZH and using wave data from
Point 24
The slope of the rubble-mound foundation was taken as 2:3 slope on both sea side and harbour
side. The 1 in 100 year wave height was used in the calculations.
The stability of the caisson rubble-mound foundation was checked using the results of the
physical model study.
In the physical model tests (refer to section 5), 1 – 2 T rock size were found to be adequate to
withstand 1 in 100 year waves.
An additional check was carried out using the Madrigal/Valdés method to test the 1 – 2 T rocks.
It was found that they were adequate for a 1 in 2000 year wave, satisfying a damage criterion of
Nod = 5 for “failure”.
In the physical model tests (refer to section 5), 1 – 2 T rock size were found to be adequate to
withstand 1 in 100 year waves.
An additional check was carried out using the Madrigal/Valdés method. The 1 – 2 T rocks were
found to satisfy a damage criterion of Nod = 5 (failure) using a 1 in 2000 year wave condition).
Based on the method used in section 4.2.5, the maximum scour depth expected is 5m for the sea
facing side of the breakwater. Therefore a toe length of approximately 10 m is recommended.
4.5 Scour
The quality of the bed material of the site was found to be inadequate for supporting the planned
structures. The bed was dredged from PM1100 to PM 4283 to replace the existing material
replaced with vibro-compacted sand (VCS).
The grading of the VCS was analysed from several test samples (May 2017). The particle size
reported varied between 0.1 and 0.5 mm.
The Shields critical shear stress method was used to determine whether scour of the bed material
(vibro-compacted sand) will occur. Based on those findings, a scour protection measure is
The current-induced shear stress on the bed was negligible and therefore ignored.
The shear stress under oscillatory flow was determined. The overall length of the MBW was
analysed based on the 1 in 100 year wave data given in Climatologie des états de mer sur le site
de Nador West Med, July 2014 report.
It was found that the VCS will scour along the whole length of the MBW. The average shear
stress was calculated as 0.5 – 1.3 m/s, assuming reflected wave conditions.
To protect the VCS from scouring, a scour protection layer of 2700 kg/m3 rock of D50 of at least
10mm is required.
It was assumed that vessels only manoeuvre in depths greater than -24mZH. Data for the Mol
Triumph vessel was used for the design check.
Using the German method described in PIANC Report No. 180, the potential velocity at the sea
bed was calculated as 4.5 m/s (assuming 28% of propeller power). This is greater than the value
found for wave action.
It was determined that a scour protection layer of 2700 kg/m3 rock of D50 of at least 70mm is
required to protect the VCS from scouring.
It was concluded that a scour protection layer needs to be provided to cover the VCS. One option
would be to provide a filter layer and a rip-rap layer. However this was discussed with the
Contractor and found to be impractical due to quarry rock availability.
An alternative was therefore proposed whereby a single, thicker layer of a widely-graded material
is provided to act as both a filter layer and scour protection layer. It is understood that the
granular material that may be available is of the order 0-200mm. However, the D15 (16mm) of
the granular material is too large to act as a filter layer to the VCS sand. The smaller material in
the grain size distribution is of sufficient size.
At the rubble-mound section of the MBW, the granular material needs to cover all of the exposed
At the caisson section, given its deeper bed levels, the granular material extends over the design
dredge width plus an additional 15m. This width is sufficient to protect the seabed required to
provide geotechnical stability. In both cases, the granular material will act as a falling apron to
protect against scour holes forming at the edges.
The geotechnical stability of the rubble mound breakwater has been assessed for three separate
sections along the length of the rubble mound breakwater to determine the form the rubble
mound is to take to ensure stability of the breakwater. The details of the analysis sections is
summarised in Table 8.
These locations have been identified from the CID drawings as being representative of the rubble
mound breakwater along its length and include all of the expected variation in rubble mound size
and founding material.
Geometry of the rubble mound breakwater has been taken from the CID drawings that were
issued to Ramboll at the start of the contract. An initial assessment of the geometry as presented
in these drawings has been carried out in the Geosuite slope stability software Slope/W. Where
necessary, changes have been made to the geometry of the slope or the founding material to
ensure that the required level of stability as defined by the Employers Specification have been
Loads have been applied as described in the Overall Basis of Design and include:
Permanent Loads
Pipe rack loads - 876kN per leg. We have assumed each leg is resting on a 3 metre by 3
metre pad foundation.
Variable Loads
Load combinations have been determined in accordance with Section 6.5 of the Overall Basis of
Design with partial factors applied to the both the permanent and variable loads.
Characteristic combinations:
, , Ψ , ,
, , , , , Ψ , ,
, Ψ , ,
The Partial factors stated in Tables 9 to 11 have been applied to the material strengths and
imposed loads as described in the Technical Specification for both the ULS and seismic cases.
Construction loads 0
The stability of the rubble mound breakwater has been assessed in both static and seismic
conditions. Two seismic load cases have been assessed; N1 and N2 as described in the Seismic
Basis of Design.
Seismic Load N1
0.14 0.084
0.0984 0.5 0.042
Seismic Load N2
0.19 0.114
0.114 0.5 0.057
The direction of both the horizontal and vertical seismic loads has been assessed to ensure that
the critical failure surface has been identified and that the design criteria outlined in Section 6.1.2
are met.
The cross sections produced by CID were the starting point for the slope stability assessments
that have been carried out. Where these were shown to not meet the design criteria set out in
the Technical Specification, changes to the geometry have been made to increase the resistance
of the rubble mound to slope failure.
N1 seismic loads
Resistance factor > 1 for slope failures passing through founding material
Resistance factor < 1 for slope failures in fill material only providing they do not encompass
the pipe rack or roadway.
This approach is justified on the basis that the structure is to be resistant to N2 seismic loads to a
level defined at ‘repairable damage’. It has been deemed that a failure purely in the shoulder of
the rubble mound breakwater can be classed as repairable damage as the slope can be regraded
and re-built in a short space of time following the earthquake. Any settlement to the roadway or
pipe rack caused by a lack of support from the failed material can also be repaired following an
N2 seismic event. This approach is deemed to be in accordance with the levels of damage and
failure modes set out in PIANC No. 34 Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures.
5.1.4 Calculations
Slope stability calculations have been carried out using the software package Slope/W by
GeoStudio using characteristic values of material parameters as defined in the Overall Basis of
Design and Section 3.2 of this report.
The starting point for each assessed cross section was the geometry given in the CID drawings,
where side slopes were typically shown with a gradient of 3(v):4(h). Modifications
Ground Improvement
Vibro compacted sand (VCS) will be placed from chainage 980 to the start of the caissons to
replace marine deposits with insufficient strength to support the Rubble Mound. This will help
to prevent failure through the underlying material. The VCS has to be greater than 4m thick
to prevent ground failure, otherwise further ground improvement would be required. As the
thickness of VCS only exceeds 4m after chainage 990, other ground improvement is required
up to this point.
Ground improvement will be carried out between chainages 410 and 990 due to the high risk
of seismic liquefaction in the area (Ref Report No. 3666-RAM-XXX-00-REP-CG-007) VCS will
be placed from chainage 920 onwards. However, a 4 metre thick layer of VCS is required to
provide adequate stability. This thickness is met at chainage 990, therefore ground
improvement is needed until this chainage. The ground needs to have an angle of friction
greater than 34 degrees to prevent failures through the underling material.
Structures between chainage 0 and 410 are less than 10m tall and do not require any ground
improvement to provide a stable foundation.
Slope Geometry
The geometry of the slope was modified due to a change required for buildability and instability
issues of the slope. The CID drawings represented most of the slope angles on both sides of the
rubble mound as 3:4. In order to meet buildability requirements for the rock armour when
Accropode are not present, the steepest slope angle on the port side was reduced to 2:32:3. The
location and size of the berms were adjusted to prevent failure.
Sea Side
On the sea side a 4(h) in 3(v) slope is required as this is the most effective angle for the
Accropode. In order to increase the stability of the slopes, weight was added to the toe of the
slope and material underneath the toe of the slope was replaced to produce a stable earthwork
Port Side
On the port side, the slope angles cannot be steeper than 2:3 for buildability purposes. A range
of slope options were considered if a 2:3 slope was not stable. In addition, the width and location
of the benched areas were modified to prevent fill failures.
5.1.5 Results
The slope stability analysis suggests that the rubble mound is stable (factor of safely >1) for both
the SLS and ULS analysis. However, certain slopes became unstable during the seismic cases.
The least stable scenario for all cross sections was with an N2 seismic load, with positive
horizontal loads and negative vertical loads. The stability of the modified slopes geometry was
verified using the loading conditions as it represents the worst case load condition.
0.924 (fill)
990 (-10mZH) 1.159 1.034 1.006
1.001 (ground)
0.928 (fill)
1040 (-11mZH) 1.145 1.020 1.010
1.017 (ground)
Figures 8 to 10 are representative failure mechanisms for the rubble mound. For failures through
the ground, the factor of safety results has to exceed 1 for both N1 and N2 seismic loads.
Failures through the fill have to exceed 1 for the N1 seismic load but can be below 1 for N2
seismic loads. The results below are from the analysis carried out at chainage 1480 on the port
side. All results are shown in appendix A.
The following sections are a summary of the review of the physical model test results.
6.1 Objectives
To check the stability of the rubble-mound breakwater, including the armour layer, the
filter layer, the abutment and the scour mattress.
The design criteria complied with the Client’s requirements set out in Spécifications Techniques
Particulières and the Rubble Mound Basis of Design.
The test conditions and wave data of the physical model tests are given in the tables below.
120% 1 in 100
Model Wave data 1 in 1 year 1 in 10 years 1 in 100 years
Hs Hs Hs
Hs (m) Tp (s) Tp (s) Tp (s) Tp (s)
(m) (m) (m)
The figures below are sketches of the cross-sections of the physical model tested.
The rubble-mound section of the transition zone was modelled in Model M3.
No Accropode II units were displaced during the tests. There was only one case of block
oscillation at the roundhead part of the transition zone in the 1 in 100 year wave condition. This
was observed in a test at low water and followed by the test at high water, before it eventually
On the sea-facing side of the breakwater, a maximum rock displacement of 2% was observed in
the rocks (4 – 6 T and 0.1 – 0.5 T) at the base of the Acccropode II armour. Where the rock
displacement occurred, there was a slight reshaping with no significant effect on the global
stability of the Accropode II armour.
The rock armour on the rear-side of the breakwater was not affected by the overtopping waves.
No rock displacement was observed.
The caisson on rubble-mound breakwater was modelled in Model M1, Model M1b, Model M3,
Model M4 and Model M5.
The rock displacements observed in the above tests are summarised below (except M1b which
does not provide those observations):
M1 0.2% 0%
M3 0.3% 0%
M4 1.3% 1.2%
M5 1.1% 0.2%
The rock displacements observed in the physical model tests listed in the table above are within
the displacement criteria (<3% for 1 in 100 year wave height; <5% for 120% 1 in 100 year
wave height)
Rubble-mound breakwater:
The design calculations of the Accropode II 6.3m3 and 8m3, and rock armour sizes were
validated by the physical model tests results. The stability criteria were met.
Additional checks were carried out for Accropode II 10m3 units as it is understood that
those units are being built on site. While there is no physical model data available to
support the design calculations, the armour layer satisfies the stability criteria and being
larger than the original 8m3 specification is judged to be stable.
The 3:4 slope on the harbour-side of the breakwater was reviewed for buildability. A 3:4
slope would be difficult to build. A 2:3 slope was therefore tested and verified for stability.
The breakwater is expected to be more stable with this arrangement.
The design calculations returned larger rock sizes than the physical model tests. However,
it was shown that the stability criteria were met in the physical model tests for the 1 in
100 year return period wave condition. Therefore the rock sizes tested in the physical
model are adequate for the rubble-mound foundation for caissons.
The physical model tests results indicated that the overtopping criteria were not met in
some parts of the caisson breakwater. The solution proposed was a change in the height
and shape of the crest wall.
The end of the MBW consists of a roundhead with the slope of the 1 – 2 T changing from
2:3 to 2:5.
The vibro-compacted sand (VCS) needs to be protected by a minimum 0.75m thick granular
material to limit scour due to wave action and propeller jet wash.
Slope stability analysis has been undertaken on the rubble mound element of the Main
Breakwater as shown in the CID Drawings. In several locations the berm height and width has
had to be modified and ground improvement introduced in order for the slopes to be stable under
loads in the seismic condition.