Schatzberg 2003
Schatzberg 2003
Schatzberg 2003
Eric Schatzberg
Enterprise & Society 4 (June 2003): 226–271. 2003 by the Business History
Conference. All rights reserved.
ERIC SCHATZBERG is associate professor in the Department of the History of
Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Contact information: 7129
Social Science Building, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706–1393,
USA. E-mail: [email protected].
In the long gestation of this article I received invaluable help from Robert Friedel,
Helmutt Maier, Ken Lipartito, Colleen Dunlavy (and the participants in her indus-
trial history workshop), and Jonathan Zeitlin. An earlier version of this article
was commissioned by the Carnegie Museum of Art; I thank Sarah Nichols and
her staff for their support.
The Cultural History of Aluminum 227
roots in the work of Leslie White, Ernst Cassirer, and others, but it
became widely known through the work of anthropologist Clifford
Geertz. Geertz defines culture as a “historically transmitted pattern
of meanings embodied in symbols, a system of inherited conceptions
expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate,
perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about and attitudes toward
life.” For Geertz, then, culture provides the context that gives human
action meaning.7
The idea of culture as a symbolic system is, however, problematic
for business history. Since the “linguistic turn” of the 1970s, cultural
analysis has become increasingly distanced from material practices.
In particular, cultural studies tend to reduce material practices to
questions of meaning, following the metaphor of social life as a text.8
This tendency reaches its extreme in the work of poststructuralist
social theorists, most notably Jean Baudrillard, who portrays post-
modern capitalism as “hyperreality,” an endless chain of signifiers
with no ultimate reference to material life.9 Such an approach is of
little use for business historians, for whom the economic and mate-
rial worlds of production, distribution, and consumption remain
Such excesses do not, however, imply that business historians
should dispense with the idea of symbolic culture. Material and eco-
nomic processes cannot be subsumed into the sphere of symbols,
but neither can symbolic meanings be reduced to the transcultural
but merely shifts it to the relationship between symbolic practices and material
practices. See Richard Biernacki, “Language and the Shift from Signs to Practices
in Cultural Inquiry,” History and Theory 39 (Oct. 2000): 289–310. On routines,
see Naomi Lamoreaux, Daniel Raff, and Peter Temin, “New Economic Approaches
to the Study of Business History,” Business and Economic History 26 (Fall 1997):
73–75. Thanks to Kenneth Lipartito for suggesting that I deal with this issue.
7. For the idea of culture as a symbolic system, see Clifford Geertz, Interpreta-
tion of Cultures (New York, 1973), 89; Victoria E. Bonnell and Lynn Hunt, “Intro-
duction,” in Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society
and Culture, ed. Bonnell and Hunt (Berkeley, Calif., 1999), 2–3; Biernacki, “Lan-
guage and the Shift from Signs to Practices,” 293; William H. Sewell, “The Con-
cept(s) of Culture,” in Beyond the Cultural Turn, ed. Bonnell and Hunt, 35–61.
8. For a recent, well-argued version of this criticism, see Biernacki, “Language
and the Shift from Signs to Practices.” For a related critique of science and tech-
nology studies, see Margaret Jacob, “Science Studies after Social Construction:
The Turn Toward the Comparative and the Global,” in Beyond the Cultural Turn,
ed. Bonnell and Hunt, 95–120. For a philosophical critique of the application of
the text metaphor to social action, see John B. Thompson, Studies in the Theory
of Ideology (Cambridge, U.K., 1984), chap. 5, esp. 190–91.
9. Jean Baudrillard, Simulations (New York, 1983). For a discussion of
Baudrillard’s movement away from material culture, see Mark Gottdiener, Post-
modern Semiotics: Material Culture and the Forms of Postmodern Life (Oxford,
U.K., 1995), 34–52.
21. Thomas Edison, for example, engaged in the politics of meaning when he
sought, with some success, to cast doubt on the safety of alternating current by
linking it to the new electric chair. See Paul A. David, “The Hero and the Herd
in Technological History: Reflections on Thomas Edison and the Battle of the
Systems,” in Favorites of Fortune: Technology, Growth, and Economic Develop-
ment since the Industrial Revolution, ed. Patrice Higonnet, David S. Landes, and
Henry Rosovsky (Cambridge, Mass., 1991), 72–119. For another example of the
politics of meaning, see Eric Schatzberg, “Culture and Technology in the City:
Opposition to Mechanized Street Transport in Late-Nineteenth-Century
America,” in Technologies of Power: Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Hughes
and Agatha Chipley Hughes, ed. Michael Allen and Gabrielle Hecht (Cambridge,
Mass., 2001), 57–94.
made repeated claims that quickly became standard tropes in the rhet-
oric surrounding the metal. Advocates of aluminum invoked its physi-
cal beauty, its incorruptibility (that is, its resistance to corrosion), its
lightness, and its abundance, all of which supported an overarch-
ing claim: aluminum was the “metal of the future.” Critics sometimes
challenged this rhetoric by portraying aluminum as an “ersatz” and
deceptive material. Nevertheless, the symbolism of modernity domi-
nated the discourse of aluminum throughout the twentieth century.
As Robert Friedel has shown, following Deville’s production of
commercially usable amounts of aluminum in the 1850s nonspecial-
ists, scientists, and engineers all waxed poetic about aluminum’s
coming contributions to the progress of civilization. This rhetoric
intensified in the 1890s after Charles Martin Hall and Paul T. L.
Héroult independently developed the electrolytic method for refin-
ing aluminum.22 Aluminum, seemingly immune to corrosion and
with only one-third the weight of steel, was “among the most eagerly
discussed questions of the day,” according to an 1893 editorial in
the British weekly the Spectator inspired by Alfred Gilbert’s alumi-
num statue of Eros. The Spectator’s writer rhapsodized about this
“new and exquisite metal,” whose “very existence is an example of
the possibility of the inconceivable.” With repetitious hyperbole, the
editorial hailed aluminum as “beautiful to the eye, whiter than sil-
ver, and indestructible by contact with the air . . . strong, elastic and
so light that the imagination almost refuses to conceive it as a metal.”
New methods for refining aluminum were likened to a “philoso-
pher’s stone” that would make real the “old fancy of the transmuta-
tion of metals” by extracting “silvery” aluminum from “shapeless”
clay. Just as “the world has seen its age of stone, its age of bronze,
and its age of iron, so it may before long have embarked on a new
and even more prosperous era—the age of aluminium.”23
Such enthusiastic rhetoric was no anomaly, but rather the typical
response to aluminum in advanced industrial nations. Other histori-
ans have noted this striking faith in aluminum’s future, even though
such confidence was difficult to justify on technical grounds. In her
study of early responses to aluminum, Marie Boas Hall remarked upon
the “incredible and wild optimism” that aluminum inspired among
industrial chemists, an optimism “which it was, unjustifiably as one
might think, to continue to engender until optimism became truth.”24
25. Leo Marx, The Pilot and the Passenger: Essays on Literature, Technology,
and Culture in the United States (New York, 1988), 185; Merritt Roe Smith,
“Technology, Industrialization, and the Idea of Progress in America,” in Responsi-
ble Science: The Impact of Technology on Society, ed. Kevin B. Byrne (San Fran-
cisco, Calif., 1986), 9–10; John Staudenmaier, “Perils of Progress Talk: Some His-
torical Considerations,” in Science, Technology, and Social Progress, ed. Steven L.
Goldman (Bethlehem, Pa., 1989), 270–74.
26. Amos W. Wright, “The Age of Aluminum,” Harper’s Weekly 34 (6 Sept.
1890): 707–8. I was not able to locate any biographical information about Wright.
27. David E. Nye, American Technological Sublime (Cambridge, Mass., 1994);
James W. Carey and John J. Quirk, “The Mythos of the Electronic Revolution,” in
than one of the most stable of metals, aluminum was one of the most
reactive, a fact hidden by the protective properties of the oxide layer.
Aluminum was an impostor, “a metal whose real properties have
almost nothing in common with those it appears to have.”32
In response to such criticism, some of aluminum’s more techni-
cally adept supporters decried excessive enthusiasm for the metal.
Ditte’s paper provoked a reply from fellow academician Henri Mois-
san, a strong partisan of aluminum. Moissan attacked Ditte’s experi-
mental work, but he also condemned the “overzealous neophytes”
who exaggerated the advantages of aluminum “while pompously
baptizing it ‘the metal of the future.’” Aluminum, claimed Moissan,
deserved neither excessive praise nor undue criticism. A similar
complaint was heard from Joseph W. Richards, a leading American
expert on aluminum. “The oft-repeated statement that aluminium
will replace steel for bridges, steamships, machinery, etc., is a fal-
lacy,” stated Richards, because aluminum possessed no advantage
over steel in terms of its ratio of strength to weight.33
Even if the early hyperbole faded a bit in response to the sober
reality of limited industrial uses, enthusiasm for aluminum resur-
faced with every new application and metallurgical advance. The
First World War in particular helped revive the cultural status of the
white metal. According to a popular journal, the war made alumi-
num “one of the most desirable metals for any nation that wished to
wage war.”34 Powdered aluminum made an excellent explosive, and
the war forged definitive links between aluminum and aviation. Al-
though few airplanes were constructed primarily of aluminum, the
material did find limited use in cowlings, small castings, and espe-
cially engine parts. Germany also built a fleet of military Zeppelins
with structures of a new aluminum alloy. Military applications of
aluminum gave manufacturers invaluable practical experience with
the uncommon metal, which helped aluminum gain new markets
after the war, especially in the automobile industry. Perhaps even
more valuable for aluminum was its symbolic association with flight,
though wood, canvas, and steel remained the dominant airplane ma-
terials until the early 1930s. According to economist Donald Wal-
lace, the use of aluminum in Zeppelins and Liberty airplane engines
35. Wallace, Market Control, 43–46, quotation at p. 46. Wallace cites an ex-
traordinary claim that 90,000 tons of aluminum were used for Allied aircraft in
1918 alone. The improbability of this figure is apparent when one considers that
the major belligerents produced about 170,000 airplanes for the entire war, the
vast majority being small observation planes and fighters built almost entirely of
wood and canvas, with empty weights typically less than 3,000 pounds.
36. Maier, “New Age Metal or Ersatz,” 191–92. Plastics experienced a similar
tension, simultaneously symbolizing both a high-tech “miracle material” and “a
third-rate substitute.” Jeffrey L. Meikle, American Plastic: A Cultural History
(New Brunswick, N.J., 1995), quotation at p. 154.
37. Sterling Brubaker, Trends in the World Aluminum Industry (Baltimore,
Md., 1967), 35; “Aluminum Comes Back,” Literary Digest 93 (7 May 1927): 22;
M. K. Wisehart, “The Wonder Story of Aluminum,” American Magazine 93 (May
1922): 142; see also “The Aluminum Age,” Science 77 (10 Feb. 1933): supp. 7.
The Cultural History of Aluminum 239
Aluminum Statistics
Since at least the First World War, aluminum has signified both the
quintessentially modern and the cheap substitute. These conflicting
meanings are embedded in symbolic structures that people use to
make sense of the world. One cannot simply decode the meaning of
aluminum from its place in the symbolic structure, however; rather,
such structures provide a framework that allows historical actors to
construct specific and often conflicting interpretations.51
These specific meanings of aluminum never arise in isolation, but
always in relation to competing industrial materials. Aluminum has
a unique combination of properties, but applications rarely require
aluminum to the exclusion of alternatives. Relative prices are impor-
tant but not decisive.52 In some contexts, such as airplane design be-
fore World War II, aluminum’s technical characteristics outweighed
its higher price, giving it a “high-tech” aura. In other applications,
however, aluminum’s appeal rests largely on its cost. In these in-
stances, such as aluminum electrical wiring, aluminum is often per-
ceived as ersatz. The automobile represents an intermediate situa-
50. Calculated from United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO
Yearbook, Forest Products, 2000 (Rome, 2002). For the 2.7 percent growth projec-
tion, see United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Forestry Statistics
Today for Tomorrow: 1945–1993–2010 (Rome, 1995), 15. Recent trends suggest
that this projection is optimistic, but the growth rates of wood and aluminum
production have been similar in recent years, producing little change in their
51. Ann Swidler argues that culture provides a varied “toolkit” that actors use
selectively to achieve their goals. I prefer the more constraining metaphor of cul-
ture as framework. See Swidler, “Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies,”
American Sociological Review 51 (April 1986): 273–86.
52. Merton J. Peck, Competition in the Aluminum Industry, 1945–1958 (Cam-
bridge, Mass., 1961), 22–23; Brubaker, Trends, 52.
ties of wood with the advantages of metal. In late 1920 their view
received authoritative endorsement in the annual report of the Na-
tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the U.S. govern-
ment’s principal aeronautical research agency. According to that
56. U.S. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Annual Report, 6th
(Washington, D.C., 1920), 52–53.
57. T. P. Wright, “Aircraft Engineering,” Annals of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science 131 (May 1927): 30.
plywood, and steel weighs five times more.58 Wood’s superior buck-
ling strength does a great deal to explain its dominance in early air-
plane structures. Likewise, aluminum’s significant advantage over
steel helps explain why it quickly became the preferred metal for
Despite the enthusiasm prompted by post–World War I Junkers
airplanes in the early 1920s, manufacturers found it difficult to de-
velop all-metal airplanes that could compete effectively with mixed
wood and metal designs. Preventing buckling failures required com-
plex systems of reinforcement and the use of curved parts, elements
that substantially increased production costs. In the early 1920s
the U.S. Army and Navy spent roughly $2 million on experimental
metal airplanes without arriving at a single satisfactory model. In 1925
Henry Ford threw the expertise of his automobile empire behind the
development of aluminum airliners. Despite his manufacturing prow-
ess, Ford was never able to produce his famed Trimotors at a cost
close to that of airplanes with mixed wood and steel structures.
Despite claims for aluminum’s “incorruptibility,” the metal had
serious durability problems, especially in alloyed form. In the early
1920s evidence of dangerous corrosion began to emerge in duralu-
min airplane structures. In 1925 the U.S. Bureau of Standards identi-
fied the problem as intercrystalline embrittlement, an insidious form
of corrosion that penetrates into the metal along the grain bound-
aries, weakening the material while leaving the surface largely
By the late 1920s the “peak of inflated expectations” for alumi-
num airplanes had given way to a shallow “trough of disillusion-
ment” because of problems with weight, cost, and durability. Quipped
one leading aeronautical engineer, “for durability and dependability
I’ll have my all-metal airplanes made of wood.”59
Yet disillusionment did not translate into reduced R&D for alumi-
num airplanes. The discovery of intercrystalline corrosion in 1925
led to an increase rather than a reduction in aluminum research. Al-
though no American airplane then in production relied on duralu-
min alloys, the Bureau of Standards, in close collaboration with
Alcoa, launched a crash program to solve the problem. Researchers
soon discovered that bonding a pure aluminum coating to the alumi-
58. See J. E. Gordon, Structures: Or, Why Things Don’t Fall Down (New York,
1978), 285–95.
59. Joseph S. Newell, comment in H. V. Thaden, “Metallizing the Airplane,”
ASME Transactions, Aeronautics 52 (1930): 171. See also “Discussion on Aircraft
Materials,” American Society for Testing Materials, Proceedings 30, pt. 2 (1930):
The Cultural History of Aluminum 247
60. John D. North, “The Case for Metal Construction,” Journal of the Royal
Aeronautical Society 28 (Sept. 1923): 3; J. B. Johnson, “Metals Used in World
Cruiser Airplanes,” Iron Age 114 (16 Oct. 1924): 994.
63. Wallace, Market Control, 10. On the history of aluminum cookware, see
Penny Sparke, “Cookware to Cocktail Shakers: The Domestication of Aluminum
in the United States, 1900–1939,” in Aluminum by Design, ed. Nichols, 112–39.
aluminum would become competitive when its price per pound fell
to less than twice that of copper.64
The rise of long-distance alternating current power transmission
in the 1890s rapidly expanded the market for electrical cable. In
1898 the PRC launched a determined campaign to market aluminum
conductors to electric utilities, and by the end of the year the com-
pany had orders for over one million pounds of aluminum wire. In
fiscal year 1900 the company sold some 2.1 million pounds of wire,
which amounted to 47 percent of the firm’s total sales.65
The stunning success of the new material is revealing. In 1898
aluminum was a largely untested material for electrical conductors;
there was no information on the long-term durability of wires and
joints. Although its lighter weight offered some advantages, alumi-
num wire’s larger diameter and lower strength were potential prob-
lems, especially under real-life conditions of icing and wind. Even
though the PRC sold wire at a discount compared to aluminum ingot,
the price advantage over copper was relatively small, especially con-
sidering the unknowns faced by electric utilities that adopted the
new material. Undoubtedly the early adopters of aluminum conduc-
tors were motivated primarily by anticipated cost savings; yet, given
the uncertainty surrounding the new technology, these large orders
also suggest the faith of the electrical industry in the future of alumi-
num, an indication of the power of symbolic meanings.
The practical problems of aluminum transmission lines posed a
severe challenge to the industry’s faith. Margaret Graham and Bettye
Pruitt, official historians of Alcoa R&D, observed that, “once installed
in the field, the solid-aluminum wire betrayed some highly dysfunc-
tional characteristics.” Alcoa had to provide the utilities with con-
siderable technical support in the use of aluminum cables. “If they
handled it like copper we were dead,” remembered one Alcoa chief
executive. Aluminum cable remained problematic until 1907, when
William Hoopes, Alcoa’s electrical engineer, found a solution by
66. Smith, From Monopoly to Competition, 88–91; Graham and Pruitt, R&D
for Industry, 76–90.
67. H. W. Biskeborn, “A Historical Review of Aluminum Applications in In-
sulated Conductors,” in Symposium on the Use of Aluminum for Insulated Con-
ductors: Ten Conference Papers Presented at the 1952 AIEE Fall General Meeting
and the 1953 Winter General Meeting (New York, 1953), 6–13; Edward E.
McIlveen, “Insulated Aluminum Cables in Industrial and Utility Applications,”
in ibid., 35; “Aluminum Takes on New Job,” Business Week (1 Oct. 1955), 140;
“Aluminum Wire,” Business Week (28 April 1956), 182. For relative prices, see
Brubaker, Trends, 61.
68. Martin D. Bergan, “Low-Voltage Splicing and Terminating—Industrial
and Commercial Buildings,” in Jointing, Splicing, and Terminating Copper and
Aluminum Conductors: Eight Papers Presented in a Special Study Group, Spring
1956 (New York, 1957), 18–21; E. G. Sturdevant, “Insulated Aluminum Conduc-
tors,” in Symposium on the Use of Aluminum for Insulated Conductors, 26.
69. Bergan, “Low-Voltage Splicing,” 19, 21; see also McIlveen, “Insulated Alu-
minum Cables,” 41–42.
70. Jacob Rabinow, Some Thoughts on Electrical Connections, NBSIR 78–
1507 (Washington, D.C., 1978), reprinted in U.S. House of Representatives, Com-
mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Hearings: Hazard Posed by “Old
Technology” Aluminum Wiring Systems, 95th Cong., 2d sess. (Washington, D.C.,
1978), 234 [hereafter, Commerce Committee, Hazard Hearings].
71. Sturdevant, “Insulated Aluminum Conductors”; UL letter reprinted in
Commerce Committee, Hazard Hearings, 205.
The Cultural History of Aluminum 253
271–77. For continued consumer anxiety about aluminum household wiring, see
Bruce Hansberger, “Fixit: Aluminum Wiring Used in Some Houses Is Hazardous,”
Star Tribune (Minneapolis), 5 Dec. 2001, E11. Copper trade associations continue
to portray copper wire as safer than aluminum. See The Color of Trust: A Compar-
ison of Copper versus Aluminum Electrical Wire and Cable, Publication No. 33E
(Don Mills, Ontario: Canadian Copper and Brass Development Association, 1997),
81. Al Wrigley, “Steel Use in Autos Seen Declining,” American Metal Market
107 (1 March 1999): 8; Al Wrigley, “Aluminum Revs Up for More Automotive
Industry Gains,” ibid. 109 (31 July 2001): 1; Drew Winter, “War of Words Heats
Up,” Ward’s Auto World 35 (Oct. 1999): 81. I calculated the 6.5 percent figure
from Wrigley’s estimate of 255 pounds of aluminum in the average American car
in 2001, and the EPA-estimated average vehicle weight in 2001 of 3,909 pounds.
For this latter figure, see Harry Stoffer, “Weight Gain Makes Vehicles Thirsty,”
Automotive News 77 (14 Oct. 2002): 4.
The Cultural History of Aluminum 257
ductivity more than made up for increased costs. By the early 1930s
less than 15 percent of American aluminum was consumed by the
automobile industry.84
After World War II aluminum once again seemed poised to make
major inroads into the automobile industry. Yet, except for an in-
crease in decorative use, the proportion of automotive aluminum
changed little before the petroleum crises of the 1970s. Growth in
the use of plastics far outpaced that of aluminum; from 1970 to 2002,
American automobiles contained more plastic than aluminum. The
spike in fuel prices in the 1970s fundamentally changed the nature
of competition among automotive materials. The weight of the aver-
age American car fell by half a ton from 1975 to 1985. Almost all of
the weight shed was iron and steel. The percentage of aluminum
doubled, from 2 percent to more than 4 percent.85
These changed conditions revived faith in the transformative
power of aluminum, adding environmental benefits to aluminum’s
cultural significance. With environmental arguments in hand, advo-
cates of aluminum sought to do more than replace cast iron in en-
gines and gearboxes. They took aim at the main prize, replacing steel
in automobile bodies, predicting that aluminum bodies would weigh
40 percent less than steel bodies. Since the 1970s auto manufacturers
and aluminum companies have spent huge sums to turn this predic-
tion into reality. Alcoa worked for over a decade helping Audi de-
velop an aluminum body for its luxury A8 model, spending some
$250 million on the project, including construction of a $70 million
factory in Germany to produce the necessary components. In the late
1990s Ford spent between $40 and $50 million to research high-
volume production of aluminum body parts. Chrysler and Alcoa col-
laborated to design the aluminum-bodied Prowler, a specialty car
aimed at niche markets. In late 1999 Audi launched the first alumi-
num-intensive automobile in high-volume production, the A2.86 Ford
in turn announced plans to build aluminum bodies for its new Jaguar
XJ model, using an airplane-type monocoque construction rather
84. Wallace, Market Control, 61–62; Graham and Pruitt, R&D for Industry,
148–49; Jeffries, “Light Metals in the Automotive Industry,” 72–73, 75–77.
85. “Aluminum Woos Auto Industry,” Business Week (23 March 1956), 73–
76; J. Weinberg, K. L. Harris, and G. White, Steel in Motor Vehicles—A 35-Year
Perspective, Information Circular 9175 (Washington, D.C., 1987).
86. Steven Ashley, “Aluminum Vehicle Breaks New Ground,” Mechanical En-
gineering 116 (Feb. 1994): 50–51; Stuart Birch, “Aluminum Space Frame Tech-
nology,” Automotive Engineering 102 (Jan. 1994): 70–73; John P. Cortez, “Moving
into the Mainstream,” Autoweek (16 May 1994), 21; Myra Pinkham, “Aluminum
Makes Inroads in Automotive Market,” American Metal Market, Automotive Alu-
minum Supplement (23 March 1999), 9A; Edmund Chew, “Audi Touts Alumi-
num in New A2,” Automotive News 74 (20 Dec. 1999): 36B.
The Cultural History of Aluminum 259
than a space frame like the Audis. With plans to build up to forty
thousand XJs annually, Ford hopes to use the Jaguar to perfect meth-
ods for mass producing aluminum auto bodies.87
These aluminum-intensive vehicles (especially the Audis) gener-
ated considerable enthusiasm, linking aluminum not only to moder-
nity but also to environmental responsibility. Reviews of the Audi
A8 repeatedly praised its “space-age technology” and its “revolu-
tionary” design.88 Audi strongly promoted the symbolism of alumi-
num in its advertisements for the A8, an approach that one trade
journalist described as an “unusual strategy of trying to focus con-
sumer awareness on the material rather than on the brand.” Audi’s
first European television advertisement for the A8 was a classic re-
prise of early enthusiasm for aluminum, taking the viewer through
the stone, bronze, and iron ages up to the present “age of aluminum.”
There was no apparent irony in the use of century-old rhetoric to
make the case for aluminum’s modernity. A subsequent advertise-
ment featured a stock market guru who suggested investing in alumi-
num, while a third linked the A8 with the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration’s aluminum Mooncar.89 One observer tried to
make a case for the A8’s environmental friendliness, noting that 87
percent of its aluminum body could be recycled. If it was hard to
sell environmentalists on a two-ton luxury car, linking aluminum to
environmentalism was much easier for the fuel-sparing A2, with its
“environmentally friendly all-aluminum body.”90 Audi launched an
innovative campaign for the A2 in Britain, using advertising posters
and billboards printed on aluminum sheet, with the tag line “Lighter
on metal, lighter on fuel.”91
Yet, for all the apparent progress, aluminum faces major obstacles,
both technical and cultural, as an automobile material. Aluminum
bodies still cost considerably more to build than steel bodies, al-
though better fuel economy may compensate owners for higher
prices. Moreover, even if dramatically higher fuel prices make con-
sumers clamor for aluminum vehicles, there is not enough alumi-
num to supply the conversion. American manufacturers produced
87. James Mackintosh, “Ford’s Luxury Cars May Be Built in Aluminium,” Fi-
nancial Times (14 Sept. 2002), 3.
88. Stephen Baker and David Woodruff, “Alcoa Wants to Take Its Show on
the Road,” Business Week (1 Aug. 1994), 58; Cortez, “Moving into the Main-
stream,” 21; Zal S. Gander, “The Unbelievable Lightness of Being,” Asiaweek (11
Feb. 2000), ad. sect. 34.
89. Christian Kohl, “Audi Spotlights the ‘Age of Aluminum,’” American
Metal Market 109 (27 Dec. 2001): 249.
90. Chew, “Audi Touts Aluminum in New A2,” 36B.
91. John Tylee, “Audi Promotes A2 with Aluminium Poster,” Campaign
(U.K.) (4 May 2001), 6.
some seventeen million cars and light trucks in 1999. Replacing all
the iron and steel in those vehicles with aluminum, even assuming
a 40 percent weight reduction, would increase American aluminum
consumption by 133 percent.92
Furthermore, the shift to mass-produced aluminum bodies has
been difficult for early adopters like Audi. Until 2002 the Audi A8
was largely “hand-built” in numbers small for the auto industry;
only about 12,000 A8s were made in 2001. The A2 production pro-
cess, in contrast, uses robots extensively to give Audi an annual ca-
pacity of 60,000 units. When Audi launched the A2 in 2000, it expe-
rienced serious quality control problems with the aluminum body
that kept production 10 percent below the planned rate of 300 vehi-
cles a day. Production has gone more smoothly in the last two years,
but consumers have shown less enthusiasm for aluminum cars than
has Audi’s top management. Sales fell short of the 60,000-unit target
in 2001, and continued slow sales have prompted Audi to reduce
the 2002 target to 44,000 units. Manufacturing problems have also
plagued the aluminum body of the Jaguar’s new XJ sedan, delaying
its introduction and causing a projected 2002 operating loss for Jag-
uar of almost $500 million.93
Such problems can be expected in markets with increasing re-
turns. Steel is clearly “locked-in” for automobile bodies and has a
huge advantage over aluminum resulting from economies of scale
and almost a century of accumulated production experience. The
A2’s aluminum body still costs twice as much as a steel body, de-
spite huge expenditures by both Audi and Alcoa on aluminum man-
ufacturing technologies. Yet twice the cost is close to being competi-
tive, given the real benefit of significant weight savings, estimated at
43 percent of a traditional steel body. As Audi moves down the
learning curve, sustained by its enthusiasm for aluminum, the A2
body will surely become less expensive. The steel industry has rea-
94. “Cars of the Future Will Be Made of . . . Steel,” Purchasing 130 (8 Feb.
2001): 32B1.
95. Ken Low, “Sweetness and Light—The Ultralight Steel Auto Body Project,”
Steel Times 226 (Sept. 1998): 332–33; Raoul Witherall, “The End of the Road for
Aluminium Autobodies?” Aluminium Today 10 (March 1998): 28. For continued
work by the consortium, see Brian Corbett, “Seeing Stars—and Dollars,” Ward’s
Automotive Age 38 (Feb. 2002): 49; “Cars of the Future Will Be Made of . . . Steel,”
99. Tara Weingarten and Daniel McGinn, “More Than Beer Cans on Wheels,”
Newsweek 129 (9 June 1997): 54–55. See also Cortez, “Moving into the Main-
stream,” 21; Gander, “The Unbelievable Lightness of Being,” ad. sect. 34.
Government Documents
Bunten, Elaine D., John L. Donaldson, and Eugene C. McDowell. Hazard As-
sessment of Aluminum Electrical Wiring in Residential Use. NBSIR 75–
677. Washington, D.C., 1974.
Consumer Prod. Safety Comm’n v. The Anaconda Co., 593 F.2d 1314 (D.C.
Cir. 1979).
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.
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Archival Source
Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) Records, 1888–1990, Historical So-
ciety of Western Pennsylvania Archives, Pittsburgh, Pa.