Chapter 3 Questions
Chapter 3 Questions
Chapter 3 Questions
1a) Describe the key concepts in the Data Acquisition System (DAS) architecture
of pp. 11, explaining the characteristics of the input and output signals in each step.
1b) Show a practical case study of IEEE with details on the main building blocks in
the implementation.
1c) Detail the impact of sampling in the signal spectrum illustrating:
i) the concept of aliasing and Nyquist-Shannon’s theorem,
ii) the differences between instant and zero-holder sampling
approaches (in both temporal and spectra domains),
iii) the effect of sampling on the thermal noise.
IMPORTANT: Justify the answers in 1c) not only qualitatively, but also
mathematically using the equations shown in chapter.
2a) Using MATLAB, determine the transfer function H(s) of a low pass filter based
on the classical approach with minimum order, satisfying the following
specifications: i) fpass = 8MHz, ii) fstop = 16MHz, iii) the bandpass attenuation is
exactly 0.5dB, iv) minimum stop-band attenuation = 45dB.
IMPORTANT: Please, assure that the filter implementation corresponds to the
minimum order (only a specific classical filter implements this condition). Do not
forget to check the filter priority (both w1 and w1eff in Matlab, as described in the
tutorial) to meet the specifications.
2b) Check that these specifications are met analyzing the implemented transfer
function and measuring the bandpass and stop-band attenuations.
2c) Comment the differences with the other classical filter approaches.
2d) Propose an active RC filter implementation following a biquad cascade
architecture determining the recommended pole-zero collection, stage order and
gain distribution.
2e) For the stage with greater quality factor, determines a implementation based on
the Tow-Thomas biquad of pp. 40 with C1 = C2 = 10pF, R8 = 10k and k1 = k2 =1.
2f) Substitute the obtained resistor and capacitances values in the Tow-Thomas
biquad transfer function and check that the ideal transfer function in 2d) for the
selected biquad is obtained:
2g) How could you deal with the negative sign in the global transfer function in a
differential implementation?
a) Using the analysis technique based on the charge evaluation, analyze step-by-step in time
domain the Backward-Euler Integrator of the figure considering:
i) an ideal op-amp with finite gain Ao = ∞ and input patristic capacitance cpi = 0,
ii) the effect of the input parasitic (Ao = ∞, cpi ≠ 0),
iii) the combined effect of finite Ao and input parasitic (Ao ≠ ∞, cpi ≠ 0),
Note that “step-by-step” means that should derive your owns expressions. Do not make use of
the final result available in the slides.
b) In the first case, 2.a), determine the transfer function in z and frequency domains. Analyze
both the phase and magnitud.
In all the cases, suppose Φ1 and Φ2 are two non-overlapping clock phases, and justify the
considered approximations and which phase is used to implement the Backward-Euler