Pulse and Digital Circuits
Pulse and Digital Circuits
Pulse and Digital Circuits
1. a) Describe about ringing circuit? 2M
b) Draw the diode based positive clipper and draw its waveforms? 3M
c) What are the applications of time base generators? 2M
d) Draw the Schmitt trigger circuit? 2M
e) Why a monostable multivibrator is called as a delay circuit? 3M
f) Give the comparison between TTL and CMOS families? 2M
2. a) Prove that a low pass circuit acts as an integrator. Derive an expression for the 7M
output voltage levels under steady state conditions of a low pass circuit excited by
a ramp input.
b) An RC low-pass filter is fed with a symmetrical square wave. The peak-to-peak 7M
amplitude of the input waveform is 10 V and its average value is zero. It is given
that RC=T/2 where T is the period of the square wave. Determine the peak-to-peak
amplitude of the output waveform.
3. a) State and prove clamping circuit theorem? And explain the Transfer characteristics 7M
of clampers.
b) Give the circuits of different types of shunt clippers and explain their operation 7M
with the help of their transfer characteristics
4. a) What are different types of multivibrators? Explain the stable state and quasi 7M
stable state of a multivibrator.
b) Describe the sequence of events in an n-p-n transistor to change from cut-off to 7M
saturation and vice versa. How does temperature affect the saturation junction of a
5. a) Prove that an astable multivibrator works as voltage to frequency converter 7M
b) Design a Collector coupled monostable multi using npn sliconi transistors has the 7M
same fallowing parameters. VCC=12V, VBB=3V, RC=2kΩ, R1=R2=R=20kΩ,
hFE=30,rbb’=200Ω and C=1000pF, neglect ICB0. (a) Calculate and plot to scale the
wave shapes at each base and collector. (b) Find the width of the output pulse.
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6. a) With the help of neat circuit diagram and waveforms explain transistor miller time 6M
base generator?
b) Discuss about the recovery time of a sweep circuit. How do you achieve short 8M
recovery time?
7. a) Give the comparison of different logic families? 6M
b) Draw the circuit diagram of a unidirectional sampling gate which delivers an 8M
output only at the coincidence of a number of control voltages and explain its
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3. a) Draw the basic circuit diagram of positive clamper and negative clamper 7M
circuits and explain its operation using waveforms?
b) Compare series diode and shunt diode clippers? 7M
4. a) Distinguish between unsymmetrical and Symmetrical triggering? Why it is 7M
b) Consider the Schmitt trigger with germanium transistor having hfe=20. The 7M
circuit parameter are Vcc = 15V, Rs = 2kΩ, Rc1= 4kΩ, Rc2=1 kΩ, R1= 3 kΩ
,R2 = 10 kΩ and Re= 6 kΩ. Calculate LTP and UTP?
6. a) With the help of a neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the working 8M
of a transistor bootstrap time base generator?
b) List out the different methods for generating time base waveforms 6M
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7. a) Draw the circuit of FOUR-DIODE sampling gate. Derive expressions for its 7M
gain (A) and Vmin?
b) Draw and explain the circuit diagram of NAND , NOR gate using DTL logic 7M
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1. a) Why sinusoidal waveforms are popular? 2M
b) What are the disadvantages of unidirectional diode gate and two-diode gates? 3M
c) Describe astable multivibrator? 2M
d) Define diode forward recovery time and diode reverse recovery time? 2M
e) What are the methods of generating a time-base waveform? 2M
f) What do you mean by one-way and two-way clamping? 3M
2. a) With the help of circuit diagrams, explain the working of RC and RL low-pass 7M
b) Write short notes on: (i) RL circuits, (ii) RLC series circuits, (iii) RLC parallel 7M
circuits, and (iv) Ringing circuits
3. a) With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a two-level 7M
b) Draw the circuit of a shunt diode positive peak clipper. Assume Rf=50Ω, 7M
Vᵧ=0.6V, Rr=2MΩ, R=20KΩ and VR=+15V. Sketch the transfer
characteristics when the input voltage varies between -20V and +20V.
Indicate the slopes, voltage levels V0(max) and V0(min) and the region where
the diode conducts. Also sketch the input/output waveforms, if a sine wave of
20V peak is applied as an input. If a load resistance of 30KΩ is connected
across the output terminals, sketch the transfer characteristics and the output
wave for a 20V peak sine wave input?
4. a) Briefly explain about: (i) Diode switching and (ii) Transistor switching times 6M
b) With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of fixed-bias 8M
binary? Draw its waveforms.
7. a) With the help of a neat diagram, explain the working of a six-diode gate? 6M
b) Draw a TTL NAND gate and explain its operation 8M
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3. a) Give the circuits of different types of shunt clippers and explain their 6M
operation with the help of their transfer characteristics?
b) Describe what is clamping operation? State and prove the clamping circuit 8M
4. a) Discuss about the design of Transistor as a switch? 7M
b) Design collector coupled fixed-bias Bistable Multivibrator to operate from 7M
±6V supply. Given IC(sat) = 1mA, hFE =35. Assume Si transistor.
5. a) Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram the principle of operation of 7M
monostable multivibrator, and derive an expression for pulse width?
b) Design a collector coupled astable multivibrator to meet the following 7M
Specifications: f=10KHZ, VCC=12V, IC(sat)=4mA and hFE(min)=20.Assume
that VCE (sat)=0.3V and VBE (sat)=0.7V.
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7. a) With the help of a neat diagram, explain the working of a Bidirectional gates 7M
using transistors?
b) Describe ECL logic? With the help of a neat diagram, explain the working of 7M
a two-input ECL OR/NOR gate?
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