El Panel Boq
El Panel Boq
El Panel Boq
One (1) nos. 630 Amps, 415 V, 35KA, 4P, MCCB EDO
Bus coupler breaker complete with under voltage and
shunt trip release, anti pumping protection, ON/OFF/
indication etc. to be interlocked with the incommers to
allow closing of breakers in such a way that either
transformer or DG Sets supply can be fed to the buses in
all operating condition and necessary interlocking can be
achieved as per approved SLD. .
Notes :
1 Sufficient No. of contacts terminals shall be provided in
the panel as required for necessary remote operation and
indications etc.
2 Operation interlocks as per specification & drawings
indicating sufficient nos. of potential free contacts for
interlocking/indication annunciation/control etc shall be
provided by the bidder as required.
d) Metering & Indication for DG supply breakers :
Each Breaker shall be provided with:-
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
S.NO. Description Unit Qty
Supply Supply
i) One(1) No. multifuction meter with with Rs- 485 port
suitable for measurement of voltage, current, power
factor, frequency,hour run, Power (kW,kVA, kVAR),
Energy (kWH, KVAH, KVARH) and Harmonics (Conzerv
EM 6400 or equivalent).
ii) One (1) set 3 Nos. CTs of ratio 315/5A & 630/5A,15VA,
Class 1.0 as required.
iii) Three (3) nos. phase indicating lamps with backup SP
MCB. .
Note: Above BOQ is for the purpose of scope indentification.
However, all items required for sucessful operation,
protection inter locks as per operation shceme thru
potential free contacts shall be provided in sufficient Nos.
as required.
Two (2) Sets of 630Amp., 35kA, 4P, Aluminium Bus bar
with colour coded, heat shrinkable sleeves. (with 100%
neutral). Separate earth Bus of 50 x 8 mm Aluminium
shall be provided.
f) Outgoing:
Each outgoing feeder shall be provided with ON/OFF/Trip
indication lamps, and multifunction Meter with RS-485
port, suitable for measurement of voltages, currents, PF,
Power (kVA,kW, kVAR), Energy (kWH, KVAH, kVARH)
and Harmonics (Conzerv EM 6400 or equivalent), with
one set of suitable ratio, 15VA, class 1.0 CTs. The
Number of outgoing feeders shall be as follows:-
1 The Main LT PANEL has to operate in isolation as well
as coupled mode.
c) Busbar :
- 100A, TP Al. Busbar insulated with heat shrinkable
sleeves and shall be color coded.
1 Each capacitor bank should have its individual
MCCB/MCB & Contactor suitable for capacitor duty
including fuses for each capacitor unit as per
specifications and approved SLD.
2 Enclosure of capacitor panel shall be liberally designed to
take care of internal heat emission by capacitor unit
without forced cooling and to limit the temperature rise
with in permissible limit. However, louvers are allowed to
facilitate extra cooling.