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Original operating instructions

Concept B adhesive melter

Edition 1.6

Manufacturer Robatech AG
Pilatusring 10, CH-5630 Muri, Switzerland
Description Adhesive melter
Machine type Concept B series (entire series)
Software CLS-MAIN, Version 7.05
Overall documentation art. no. 156389
Original operating instructions art. no. 156391


Telephone +41 (0)56 675 77 00

Fax +41 (0)56 675 77 01
E-mail [email protected]

Date of issue January 2013

© Copyright by Robatech AG

All rights reserved. Copying, distributing or electronically transmitting these instructions,

whether whole or in part, is forbidden without the written consent of the publisher.

We reserve the right to make technical changes that deviate from the illustrations and speci-
fications provided in these instructions in cases where these changes are necessary for the
improvement of the machine.
Table of contents

1 Product description __________________________________________________________________ 7

1.1 Intended use .................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Improper use ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Operating instructions ................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 How to use these instructions .......................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Scope and currentness ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Device identification ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Device versions ........................................................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Technical data ............................................................................................................................................. 11
1.7 Conformity, standards adhered to ............................................................................................................... 12

2 Safety_____________________________________________________________________________ 13
2.1 Notes in the operating instructions ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Hazards when working with the device ...................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Risk of burns ................................................................................................................................. 14
2.2.2 Risk of spraying ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.2.3 Electric shock ................................................................................................................................ 15
2.2.4 Irritation to mucous membranes .................................................................................................... 15
2.3 General safety regulations .......................................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Safety equipment ........................................................................................................................................ 16
2.5 Responsibility of the owner ........................................................................................................................ 16
2.6 Qualified personnel ..................................................................................................................................... 16
2.7 Personal protective equipment .................................................................................................................... 17
2.8 What to do in the event of an accident ........................................................................................................ 17
2.8.1 Burns ............................................................................................................................................. 17
2.8.2 Electrical accidents ........................................................................................................................ 18
2.8.3 Extinguishing adhesive melters that are on fire............................................................................. 18

3 Transport and scope of delivery _______________________________________________________ 19

3.1 Safety regulations ....................................................................................................................................... 19
3.2 Packaging.................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Transport ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Scope of delivery ........................................................................................................................................ 20

4 Design and functions ________________________________________________________________ 21

4.1 Device overview ......................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Device function ........................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Tank with distributor .................................................................................................................................. 22
4.4 Operating terminal ...................................................................................................................................... 23
4.5 Control electronics ...................................................................................................................................... 24
4.5.1 Specifications CLS-MAIN main control ....................................................................................... 25
4.6 Pressure relief feature (optional) ................................................................................................................. 27
4.6.1 Use ................................................................................................................................................ 27
4.7 Installing the pressure relief feature, art. 163243 ........................................................................................ 28
4.7.1 Preparatory work ........................................................................................................................... 28
4.7.2 Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 28
4.8 Installing the control set for the pressure relief feature, art. 134661........................................................... 30
4.8.1 Preparatory work ........................................................................................................................... 30
4.8.2 Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 30
4.9 Special case: KPC16 ................................................................................................................................... 32

Concept B / v1.6 Table of contents 1

5 Installation ________________________________________________________________________ 34
5.1 Preparatory work ........................................................................................................................................ 34
5.2 Installation site ............................................................................................................................................ 34
5.3 Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................. 35
5.4 Installing the heated hose............................................................................................................................ 37
5.4.1 Torque table for connecting heated hoses ..................................................................................... 38
5.4.2 Installation information ................................................................................................................. 39
5.4.3 Electrical hose connection ............................................................................................................. 41
5.5 Pneumatic connection ................................................................................................................................. 42
5.6 Electrical connection................................................................................................................................... 43
5.6.1 Checks to be performed before connection ................................................................................... 43
5.6.2 Connecting the power supply cable ............................................................................................... 44
5.7 CLS-MAIN system interface ...................................................................................................................... 45
5.7.1 Data ............................................................................................................................................... 45
5.7.2 Free configuration ......................................................................................................................... 45
5.7.3 Signals ........................................................................................................................................... 46
5.7.4 Relay control connection ............................................................................................................... 48
5.7.5 PLC control connection ................................................................................................................. 49
5.8 Parameters 500 to 571: Configuring inputs and outputs ............................................................................. 50
5.8.1 Activating parameters 5xx............................................................................................................. 50
5.8.2 Parameter 501: Heating, hose heating enable ................................................................................ 50
5.8.3 Parameter 502: Maximum permissible negative temperature deviation........................................ 51
5.8.4 Parameter 586: Counter for measuring glue consumption (flow measurement device option) ..... 51
5.8.5 Configuring outputs....................................................................................................................... 52
5.8.6 Configuring inputs......................................................................................................................... 53
5.9 Digital tank fill level sensor (optional) ....................................................................................................... 54
5.9.1 Calibrating the digital fill level sensor .......................................................................................... 54
5.10 Analogue tank fill level sensor (optional) ................................................................................................... 55
5.10.1 Parameter 590: Calibrating the analogue fill level sensor ............................................................. 56
5.11 Parameters 900 to 916: Software key ......................................................................................................... 57
5.11.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 57
5.11.2 Parameter 900: Access code .......................................................................................................... 57
5.11.3 Parameters 901, 902: Trial mode .................................................................................................. 57
5.11.4 Parameters 903 to 907: Software key ............................................................................................ 57
5.11.5 Parameter 912: Optional AS-IK10 glue pattern control ................................................................ 58
5.11.6 Parameter 913: InfoPlus option ..................................................................................................... 58
5.11.7 Parameter 914: Optional AS-IK40 glue pattern control ................................................................ 58
5.11.8 Parameter 916: Optional CAN bus ................................................................................................ 58
5.12 Signal cable: EMC-compliant wiring ......................................................................................................... 59
5.13 Emergency off ............................................................................................................................................ 60
5.13.1 Emergency off in the case of a Robatech product in a production system with a dedicated
emergency off circuit .................................................................................................................................. 60
5.13.2 Emergency off in the case of stand-alone operation ...................................................................... 60
5.13.3 Emergency off connection............................................................................................................. 60
5.14 Commissioning for the first time ................................................................................................................ 61

6 Operation _________________________________________________________________________ 63
6.1 Filling the tank with hot melt ...................................................................................................................... 63
6.2 Switching the device on and off.................................................................................................................. 64
6.3 Setting the feed rate/glue pressure .............................................................................................................. 65
6.4 Discharging the system pressure................................................................................................................. 65
6.5 Operating concept ....................................................................................................................................... 66
6.5.1 Overview of program functions .................................................................................................... 66
6.6 Device status ............................................................................................................................................... 67

2 Table of contents Concept B / v1.6

6.6.1 Overall status ................................................................................................................................. 67
6.6.2 Heating zone statuses .................................................................................................................... 68
6.6.3 Heating zone and system errors..................................................................................................... 68
6.7 Access block ............................................................................................................................................... 69
6.8 Displaying and setting temperatures ........................................................................................................... 70
6.8.1 Heating zones ................................................................................................................................ 70
6.8.2 Displaying actual temperatures (Treal) ......................................................................................... 70
6.8.3 Entering target temperatures (Tnominal) ...................................................................................... 71
6.8.4 Monitoring the heating power ....................................................................................................... 71
6.9 Entering parameters .................................................................................................................................... 72
6.9.1 Before changing parameters .......................................................................................................... 72
6.9.2 Querying and changing parameters ............................................................................................... 73
6.9.3 Storing program settings ............................................................................................................... 74
6.9.4 Loading program settings .............................................................................................................. 74
6.9.5 Resetting program to default values .............................................................................................. 74
6.9.6 Parameter 20: Temperature difference, tank/heated hoses ............................................................ 75
6.9.7 Parameter 21: Temperature difference, tank/application heads..................................................... 75
6.9.8 Parameter 23: Unit of temperature measurement .......................................................................... 75
6.9.9 Parameter 24: Downtime until temperature lowering ................................................................... 75
6.9.10 Parameter 25: Downtime until shutdown ...................................................................................... 76
6.9.11 Parameter 26: Activating heating enable H-ENABLE .................................................................. 76
6.9.12 Parameter 27: Activating pump enable P-ENABLE ..................................................................... 76
6.9.13 Parameter 28: Number of heated hose/application head pairs ....................................................... 76
6.9.14 Parameter 30: Maximum target temperature ................................................................................. 76
6.9.15 Parameter 31: Tank melting time .................................................................................................. 77
6.9.16 Parameter 32: Configuring access block PAR-LOCKED2 ........................................................... 77
6.9.17 Parameter 33: Delay time, spray air – glue ................................................................................... 77
6.9.18 Parameter 54: Access block for timer/temperature lowering ........................................................ 77
6.9.19 Parameter 60: Activating the granule feeder ................................................................................. 78
6.9.20 Parameter 61: Granule feeder start delay ...................................................................................... 78
6.9.21 Parameter 62: Granule feeder follow-up time ............................................................................... 78
6.9.22 Parameter 63: Maximum granule feeding time (monitoring) ........................................................ 78
6.9.23 Parameter 64: Granule slide holding time ..................................................................................... 78
6.9.24 Parameter 65: GF Split mode: Feed time ...................................................................................... 79
6.9.25 Parameter 66: GF Split mode: Pause time ..................................................................................... 79
6.9.26 Parameter 70: Resetting service messages A90 to A92................................................................. 79
6.9.27 Parameter 71: Operating hours until "Check filter" ...................................................................... 79
6.9.28 Parameter 72: Operating hours until "Clean entire system" .......................................................... 79
6.9.29 Parameter 73: Operating hours until "Free service message"........................................................ 79
6.9.30 Parameter 75: "Low glue fill level" switching threshold ............................................................... 80
6.9.31 Parameter 80: Internal control temperature ................................................................................... 80
6.9.32 Parameter 81: Downtime ............................................................................................................... 80
6.9.33 Parameter 82: Battery voltage ....................................................................................................... 80
6.9.34 Parameter 83: Tank fill level ......................................................................................................... 80
6.9.35 Parameter 90: Program type .......................................................................................................... 80
6.9.36 Parameter 91: Program version ..................................................................................................... 80
6.9.37 Parameter 93: CLS-MAIN board serial number............................................................................ 80
6.9.38 Parameter 94: CLS-MAIN board serial number............................................................................ 80
6.9.39 Parameter 95: Modified configuration of inputs and outputs ........................................................ 81
6.9.40 Parameter 590: Analogue fill level sensor calibration ................................................................... 81
6.9.41 Parameter 603: SNMP communication monitoring ...................................................................... 81
6.9.42 Parameter 682: User parameter display ......................................................................................... 81
6.9.43 Parameter 683: SNMP operating status display ............................................................................ 81
6.10 Heating zone enable .................................................................................................................................... 82

Concept B / v1.6 Table of contents 3

6.10.1 Parameter 200: H-ENABLE 1 to 3 evaluation .............................................................................. 82
6.10.2 Parameters 201 to 207: Heating zone enable................................................................................. 82
6.10.3 Parameters 211 to 217: Pump enable ............................................................................................ 83
6.10.4 Programming enables .................................................................................................................... 83
6.10.5 Activating enable combinations .................................................................................................... 83
6.10.6 Parameter 280: Enable inputs display ........................................................................................... 84
6.10.7 Parameter 383: measuring glue consumption display (flow measurement device option) ............ 84
6.11 Querying and setting the time ..................................................................................................................... 84
6.12 Timer .......................................................................................................................................................... 85
6.13 Temperature lowering ................................................................................................................................. 86
6.13.1 Determining lowered temperatures ............................................................................................... 86
6.13.2 Manually activating temperature lowering .................................................................................... 86
6.13.3 Temperature lowering via week time control ................................................................................ 86

7 Maintenance _______________________________________________________________________ 87
7.1 Notes ........................................................................................................................................................... 87
7.2 Maintenance schedule ................................................................................................................................. 88
7.3 Rinsing the filter ......................................................................................................................................... 89
7.4 Replacing the filter ..................................................................................................................................... 89
7.5 Cleaning the system .................................................................................................................................... 90
7.5.1 Cleaning agents ............................................................................................................................. 90
7.5.2 Full cleaning .................................................................................................................................. 91
7.5.3 Special cleaning I: Heavy deposits in the tank .............................................................................. 94
7.5.4 Special cleaning II: Flushing the heated hoses .............................................................................. 95

8 Repair ____________________________________________________________________________ 97
8.1 Notes ........................................................................................................................................................... 97
8.2 Replacing heated hoses and application heads ........................................................................................... 98
8.3 Removing protective hoods and the tank lid ............................................................................................... 99
8.3.1 Removing the tank lid ................................................................................................................... 99
8.3.2 Removing the protective hoods ..................................................................................................... 99
8.4 Replacing the temperature sensor ............................................................................................................. 100
8.5 Resetting the temperature limiter .............................................................................................................. 100
8.6 Checking the electrical connections.......................................................................................................... 101
8.6.1 Checking the heated hose and application head .......................................................................... 101
8.7 Pin assignment on CLS boards ................................................................................................................. 102
8.7.1 CLS-MAIN main control ............................................................................................................ 102
8.7.2 ICS-PUS piston pump control ..................................................................................................... 105
8.8 Malfunctions during adhesive application ................................................................................................ 106

9 Decommissioning and disposal _______________________________________________________ 109

9.1 Decommissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 109
9.2 Disposal .................................................................................................................................................... 109

10 Spare parts _______________________________________________________________________ 111

10.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 111
10.2 Tools and auxiliary materials .................................................................................................................... 111
10.3 Mechanical device parts............................................................................................................................ 112
10.3.1 Filter cartridges ........................................................................................................................... 112
10.3.2 Glue distributor ........................................................................................................................... 112
10.3.3 Coarse filter ................................................................................................................................. 112
10.3.4 Covering hoods ........................................................................................................................... 113
10.4 Electrical parts .......................................................................................................................................... 113

4 Table of contents Concept B / v1.6

11 Accessories _______________________________________________________________________ 115
11.1 Heated hoses and accessories ................................................................................................................... 115
11.1.1 Standard heated hoses, 6 mm ...................................................................................................... 115
11.1.2 Glue screw fittings ...................................................................................................................... 115
11.2 Piston pumps............................................................................................................................................. 116
11.3 GRC gear pump ........................................................................................................................................ 116

12 Appendix_________________________________________________________________________ 118
12.1 Power distribution and permissible load ................................................................................................... 118
12.1.1 400 V AC infeed, 3 phases with neutral conductor ..................................................................... 118
12.1.2 230 V AC infeed, 1 phase with neutral conductor....................................................................... 119
12.1.3 200 to 240 V AC infeed, 1Ø US ................................................................................................. 119
12.1.4 200 to 240 V AC infeed, 3Ø US ................................................................................................. 120
12.2 Quick overview ......................................................................................................................................... 121

13 Index ____________________________________________________________________________ 125

Concept B / v1.6 Table of contents 5

6 Table of contents Concept B / v1.6
1 Product description

1.1 Intended use

Concept B series devices are designed for melting and
feeding thermoplastic hot melts used in industrial ap-
plications. Four different versions with tank volumes of
5, 8, 12 and 18 litres are available. The melt is fed by
means of a piston pump or gerotor pump. Up to four
heated hoses and application heads can be connected to
a device.
Taking into consideration the relevant technical data
(see Chapter 1.6), these devices are intended for use in
the following applications:

Concept B devices are designed for melting and

feeding thermoplastic hot melts, based on EVA
(ethylene vinyl acetate) or PE (polyethylene), in
industrial applications. The devices may only be
operated in indoor areas. It is possible to process
hot melts with a viscosity of between 100 and
20,000 mPas.

If you wish to process polyamide or other specialist

types of hot melts, it is essential that you obtain written
consent from Robatech.

1.2 Improper use

The activities listed below, if carried out by the owner or operator of the device, are examples of improper use.
Please note, however, that this list is not exhaustive:
– Any use other than the "Intended use", without the written consent of the manufacturer, or operation outside
of the technical utilisation limits, is considered to be improper.
– In particular, the devices are not suitable for processing PUR hot melts as these would react with humidity in
the device and harden to the point of insolubility.
– No adhesives containing solvents may be processed. Heating these materials creates a risk of fire and explo-
– Structural changes or conversions on the part of the owner/user are forbidden without the written consent of
– Non-qualified personnel are forbidden from operating and controlling the device.
– Failure to comply with the safety and operating instructions, work safety and accident prevention regulations,
or local statutory regulations constitutes improper use.

Concept B / v1.6 Product description 7

1.3 Operating instructions
The information in these operating instructions relates to:

All Robatech Concept B adhesive melters with a piston pump or a gerotor pump
and with program 136056 CLS-MAIN, Version 7.05

These instructions do not contain information on operating the application heads.

A separate set of instructions is available for each application head type.

– These instructions are available in various languages.

– The operating instructions are a component part of the system. Keep the instructions close to hand until the
system is ultimately disposed of so that you will be able to refer to them quickly whenever you need to.
These instructions must be handed over with the system if it is sold or leased.
– These instructions must be understood and observed in their entirety by those personnel who are responsible
for transporting, installing, operating, maintaining and repairing the device.
– It is essential that you contact Robatech if there is anything in the operating instructions that is not clear. We
also welcome any suggestions or constructive criticism.

1.3.1 How to use these instructions

Chapters 1 to 4 contain the essential information that every user must know in order to work with the device.
Chapters 6 and 7 contain information outlining how the device operates under normal conditions; i.e. fault-free
Chapters 5 and 8 to 12 contain information on work that does not fall into the category of normal operation,
such as installation, maintenance, repair, and ordering spare parts.
At the end of the operating instructions, you will find some information that is designed to make it easier for
you to use the instructions, such as an index and additional technical information.

Read through the instructions carefully. In particular, please observe the informa-
tion in Chapter 2, "Safety", to ensure you are able to operate the device safely and
without causing any accidents.

8 Product description Concept B / v1.6

1.3.2 Scope and currentness
These operating instructions are considered complete and up to date if they contain the following documents:

Documentation Scope Edition

Operating instructions, Concept B Pages 1 to 128 1.6
Parameter list, Concept B Pages I to XI Program 7.05
Wiring diagram, Concept B Pages 1 to 10 Art. 135210

1.4 Device identification

Typ: Concept B 5/2
Part No.: 134592
Serial No.: 2010-07-0
Typ Designation
Year: 2010
1Ø N/PE, 230V, 50/60Hz, 32A Part No. Article number
1Ø PE, 200-240V, 50/60Hz, 32A
3Ø PE, 200-240V, 50/60Hz, 32A Serial No. Serial number [year – week – series]
3Ø N/PE, 400/230V, 3~, 50/60Hz, 16A

Year Year [2010]

Concept B / v1.6 Product description 9

1.5 Device versions
The devices have a modular structure and are available in various versions with a range of different options. The
overview below outlines which versions of the standard designs are available.

A Basic devices
– Concept B5 with 5-litre tank volume
– Concept B8 with 8-litre tank volume
– Concept B12 with 12-litre tank volume
– Concept B18 with 18-litre tank volume

B Controls
– Temperature control (standard)
– AS-IK10 pattern control for 2 application heads (op-
– AS-IK40 pattern control for 1 to 8 application heads

C Feed pumps
– KPC12 piston pump (standard)
– KPC5 piston pump
– KPC16 piston pump
– GRC12 gerotor pump

D Connections for heated hoses and application

– For 1 hose and 1 application head (Concept B5 only)
– For 2 hoses and 2 application heads
– For 4 hoses and 4 application heads

These instructions do not contain information on operating the AS-IK10 and AS-
IK40 pattern controls. You will find descriptions of these optional features in sepa-
rate instructions.

10 Product description Concept B / v1.6

1.6 Technical data
B5 B8 B 12 B 18
Tank volume 5 litres 8 litres 12 litres 18 litres
Tank opening 150 × 110 mm 135 × 223 mm 220 × 210 mm 210 × 349 mm
Tank depth
up to ribs 110 mm 115 mm 115 mm 115 mm
up to tank bottom 170 mm 170 mm 170 mm 165 mm
1), 3)
Melting rate (approximate value) 5 kg/hr 8 kg/hr 12 kg/hr 18 kg/hr
Feed pump KPC 12 Standard Standard Standard Standard
KPC 5 Option Option Option Option
KPC 16 – Option Option Option
GRC 12 Option Option Option Option
Feed rate KPC 12 5.0 to 50.0 kg/h
KPC 5 5.0 to 50.0 kg/h
KPC 16 16.0 to 160 kg/h
GRC 12 1 to 12 kg/hr
Feed pressure KPC 12 12 to 72 bar max.
KPC 5 5 to 30 bar max.
KPC 16 16 to 96 bar max.
GRC 12 1 to 50 bar max.
Drive of GRC 12 gear pump 100-watt DC motor with transmission i = 1:28
Constant speed 3350 revs/min
or adjustable between 500 and 3350 revs/min
Viscosity KPC 100 to 20,000 mPas
GRC 500 to 20,000 mPas
Hydraulic hose connections 6× G1/4" 6× G1/4" 9× G1/4" 9× G1/4"
Electrical hose connections 2 or 4
Heating zones for hoses/heads 4 or 8
Working temperature, basic device 20 to 210°C / 68 to 410°F
Working temperature, hose/head 20 to 200°C / 68 to 392°F
Temperature control accuracy ±0.5°C
Operating voltages 1ØN/PE, 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 32 A or
acc. to EU standard EN 60204-1 2) 1ØPE, 200-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 32 A or
3ØPE, 200-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 32 A or
3ØN/PE, 400/230 V AC, 3~, 50/60 Hz, 16 A
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz
Power consumption, basic device 1.8 kWatt 3.0 kWatt 3.0 kWatt 4.5 kWatt
Compressed air supply 6 bar, non-oiled and cleaned in acc. with ISO 8573-1 Class 4
Compressed air consumption KPC max. 11.4 l/min
5 max. 27.5 l/min
KPC 12 max. 111.0 l/min
KPC 16
Weight (with KPC12) approx. 34 kg approx. 40 kg approx. 45 kg approx. 64 kg
Sound pressure < 70 dB(A)

Concept B / v1.6 Product description 11

B5 B8 B 12 B 18
Overvoltage category Category II: Equipment used in installations.
Overvoltages may occur as a result of switching operations
Degree of soiling Degree 2: No conductivity due to soiling.
May occur as a result of condensation
Ambient temperature 0 to 45°C / 32 to 113°F
Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures of up to 31°C;
linear descent to 50% relative humidity at 40°C
Device intended for indoor installation only
Dimensions L×W×H [mm] 557 × 338 × 566 697 × 338 × 566 694 × 403 × 566 824 × 403 × 566
Height of installation site Max. 2000 m above sea level

Melting rate depends on adhesive
Deviation from mains voltage must not exceed ±10% of rated voltage
Power specifications measured at 230 V AC

1.7 Conformity, standards adhered to

The devices meet all applicable fundamental health and safety requirements. The devices have been developed,
constructed and manufactured in compliance with the EU Directives listed below. If the product is modified in a
way that has not been agreed with Robatech, this declaration shall no longer be valid.

EU Directives:
– Directive 2006/42/EC regarding the safety of machines
– Directive 2004/108/EC regarding electromagnetic compatibility
Harmonised standards applied:
– EN 60204-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4, EN ISO 13732-1, EN 12100-1,
EN 12100-2, EN ISO 14124-1, EN 13849-1

12 Product description Concept B / v1.6

2 Safety

The adhesive melters are state-of-the-art devices that conform to recognised safety regulations and must be oper-
ated by qualified users who are able to use them safely and without any difficulties. Incorrect actions on the part
of insufficiently trained users may result in damage to property or injury to persons. This chapter provides in-
formation on the safety concept and the prerequisites for using the device safely and to its best effect.
All personnel who are authorised to perform commissioning, operation, maintenance or repair are obligated to
read this chapter.

2.1 Notes in the operating instructions

The framed information boxes in these instructions contain various information symbols which provide warnings
about potential hazards and dangerous situations. These symbols must be observed without fail. Failure to ob-
serve them may lead to injury, death and/or damage to the product and the environment.

Symbol Signal word Meaning and consequences if not observed

Warning concerning dangerous electrical voltage.

Risk of injuries or death, as well as destruction of the device.

Warning concerning hot surfaces and materials.

Risk of minor to serious burns.

Warning concerning overpressure in the adhesive system.

Risk of hot adhesive spray and flying parts.

Warning against breathing in fumes.

Risk of fumes that are hazardous to persons and the environment.

Warning concerning a general hazard.

Risk of minor injuries.

Warning concerning a general hazard.

Risk of damage to the product or the environment.

Tips for users or other useful information.

Does not indicate a dangerous or hazardous situation.

Hazard protection. Sign with instructions to wear

gloves, protective goggles or protective clothing

Concept B / v1.6 Safety 13

2.2 Hazards when working with the device
The devices are constructed in accordance with the state of the art and comply with the applicable safety regula-
tions. Despite this, they do present some residual hazards that cannot always be avoided and are often hidden:

2.2.1 Risk of burns

Risk of burns
The device reaches temperatures of up to 210°C. When the device is heated, there
Warning is a risk of burns if you touch parts that are not covered or come into contact with
the adhesive. The device must not be transported or moved while it is hot, as this
could cause hot adhesive to escape from it.
Whenever you are carrying out work on hot parts of the device or there is the
chance that you could come into contact with hot adhesive, you must wear heat-
resistant protective gloves. Some parts of the device will remain hot for a long
time even after the device has been switched off.

2.2.2 Risk of spraying

Risk of spraying
The hot adhesive in the lines is under high pressure. There is a risk of hot spray at
Warning the application heads or if the pressure system is opened.
If you need to open the pressure system, you must ensure the entire device is in a
depressurised state first (see Chapter 6.3). Whenever you are carrying out ad-
justment or maintenance tasks on pressurised parts such as the pump, distributor
block, heated hose or application head, it is essential that you wear both gloves
and protective goggles.

A sign on the rear of the device shows a warning con-

cerning high pressure loads and temperatures that may

14 Safety Concept B / v1.6

2.2.3 Electric shock
Electric shock
Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening. The pro-
Danger tective coverings may only be removed if the device has been disconnected from
the power supply.
Only personnel with the requisite level of training and experience that allows
them to identify risks and avoid hazards associated with electricity may connect
the device to the power mains or carry out any other tasks at the electrical circuit
of the device.

– A label attached to the coverings at the front and both sides shows a
warning concerning the high voltage levels and indicates the correct
way to proceed.

2.2.4 Irritation to mucous membranes

Irritation to mucous membranes caused by fumes
Caution Even if processing is carried out at the specified temperatures, adhesives produce
fumes that may be malodorous and irritate the mucous membranes.
Do not breathe in fumes and only operate the adhesive melter in sufficiently venti-
lated areas. Make sure you close the tank lid. Do not exceed the recommended
processing temperature. Observe the data sheet provided by the hot melt manu-

2.3 General safety regulations

It is essential that you observe the following general safety regulations:
– Only authorised and trained personnel may operate the device or perform maintenance or repairs on it.
– The system may be only be operated if it is in perfect working order and if these operating instructions are
observed. If it is necessary to assume that non-hazardous operation can no longer be ensured, then the system
must be put out of operation and secured to prevent it being switched back on inadvertently.
– In addition to the operating instructions, observe your country's statutory requirements and regulations con-
cerning accident prevention and environmental protection.
– It is forbidden to make structural alterations without the written consent of Robatech.
– If major technical disruptions, defects and abnormal levels of strain are identified during operation, then the
owner must report these to Robatech without delay.

Concept B / v1.6 Safety 15

2.4 Safety equipment
The devices are constructed in accordance with the latest safety standards and feature the following safety and
protection equipment as standard:
– Function switch - Interrupts the power supply only to the device control
– Automatic shutdown of all heating systems in the event of an internal control temperature > 65°C
– Automatic shutdown of all heating systems in the event of a tank temperature > 230°C or a heating zone
temperature that is > 12°C above the set max. temperature.
– Emergency off connection - an emergency off contact is available at terminal X33 on the boards. If the con-
tact is open, the feed pump stops immediately.
– Program run monitoring - in the event of an error, all outputs are disabled and the program is restarted

2.5 Responsibility of the owner

– The owner undertakes to permit only those personnel who are appropriately authorised and trained to work
on the device. These personnel shall also be familiar with the generally valid rules and regulations concern-
ing workplace safety, accident prevention and environmental protection.
– The device may only be used if it is in a safe state and in perfect working order, and if these operating in-
structions are observed. If it is necessary to assume that non-hazardous operation can no longer be ensured,
then the device must be put out of operation and secured to prevent it being switched back on.

2.6 Qualified personnel

All personnel who are commissioned to work on the device undertake to read the chapters in these instructions
that are relevant to their work before starting. This particularly applies to the safety regulations.
Only authorised and trained personnel may operate the device or perform maintenance or repairs on it. Because
of their physical fitness, training and experience, these personnel are able to carry out installation, operation,
maintenance and repair tasks safely on the device. The qualified personnel must be familiar with the safety and
accident prevention regulations and have knowledge of the company's own work directives. The owner of the
device is responsible for personnel training. To ascertain whether personnel are appropriately trained and to con-
solidate their knowledge, they can be provided with product-specific Robatech training.

Device operator
The operator should be sufficiently familiar with the device to enable him/her to operate all installed accessories
without difficulty during production. This requires the operator to possess a sound level of technical understand-
ing and to have read and understood at least Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 6 in these operating instructions.

The technician must have advanced knowledge about the device. He/she must have successfully completed basic
mechanical/electrical training and have a working knowledge of pneumatic and hydraulic systems so that he/she
is able to install, set up, maintain and repair the machinery. He/she must read and understand Chapters 1 to 9 of
these instructions.

16 Safety Concept B / v1.6

2.7 Personal protective equipment
Risk of hot device parts and hot adhesive spray. When working on the de-
vice, it is essential that you wear work clothing which covers the arms and

When carrying out any work on hot or pressurised device parts - in par-
ticular, installation, maintenance or repair work - it is essential that you
wear gloves and protective goggles. Risk of spraying and burns.

Robatech offers appropriate protective equipment for this purpose: art. no. 100660 (see Chapter 10).
This consists of a pair of protective gloves, a pair of protective goggles, and 6 nozzle cleaning needles.

2.8 What to do in the event of an accident

Please observe the information below. If an accident should occur unexpectedly,
this information will help you take the right steps to contain the damage that has
already been caused and potentially prevent any further damage.

2.8.1 Burns
– It is not possible to assess how severe a burn is immediately after the accident occurs: the body has to take
time to respond to the effect of the temperature first. Burns are particularly susceptible to infection if dam-
aged soft tissue becomes necrotic. You should only treat burns yourself if they are small surface wounds.
– Burns often result in scarring which may be unsightly or make it difficult to move. Burns to the face and
hands must always be treated by a doctor.
– Wherever possible, burns should be cooled immediately under clean running water. They should then be
covered with sterile material such as a gauze compress. Do not apply wound powder, oil, ointment or any-
thing similar. If no sterile dressings are available, use freshly pressed handkerchiefs or linen. Do not burst

Concept B / v1.6 Safety 17

2.8.2 Electrical accidents
– Switch off the power immediately (e.g. switch off the upstream main switch; see Chapter 5.6).
– If the victim is you, you must do everything you possibly can to free yourself from the electrical circuit (e.g.
by lifting yourself away from it, allowing yourself to drop, or attempting to pull out the mains plug by run-
ning away).
– If you need to come to the rescue of others, do not neglect your own safety. Stand on a non-conductive spot
and only use non-conductive, dry objects (clothing, wooden handles, etc.) to pull or push the electrocuted
person away from the electrical circuit.
– Move injured persons to an appropriate location. If anyone involved in the accident stops breathing, start arti-
ficial respiration measures immediately. If an injured person suffers a cardiac arrest, artificial respiration
measures must be started without delay and external cardiac massage must be performed.
– Call a doctor immediately.

2.8.3 Extinguishing adhesive melters that are on fire

In the event of a fire, use a CO2 fire extinguisher. All personnel working on the
adhesive melter must know where the nearest fire extinguisher is situated.

Danger Electric shock and risk of burns

Do not attempt to extinguish adhesive melter fires using water. Hot steam and ex-
plosive adhesive spray present a risk of life-threatening electric shocks as well as

18 Safety Concept B / v1.6

3 Transport and scope of delivery

3.1 Safety regulations

– When transporting the device, local safety regulations apply under all circumstances.
– If the device is not installed immediately upon delivery, it must be carefully stored at a protected location.
The system must be covered properly to prevent dust and moisture from penetrating it.

3.2 Packaging
The devices are packaged in a sturdy cardboard box:

B5 B8 B 12 B 18
Dimensions L×W×H [mm] 805 × 460 × 670 805 × 460 × 670 805 × 460 × 670 940 × 460 × 670
Weight with packaging min. 43 kg* min. 49 kg* min. 54 kg* min. 73 kg*
* Applies to basic device without any accessories supplied.

It is essential that you observe the handling symbols on the packaging:

Do not drop

This way up Protect against Fragile Delicate instrument Do not drop


Only the original box may be used for transporting the device.

3.3 Transport
Observe the following points during transport:
– Transport the device carefully in order to prevent damage caused by the effects of force or careless loading
and unloading.
– Check the device for transport damage immediately after delivery. Immediately report any defects to Ro-
batech in writing.

Observe the following points if transporting the device after commissioning:

– The adhesive melter must not be packaged or transported while it is hot.
– Parts which convey hot melt can only be dismantled when the equipment is hot.

Concept B / v1.6 Transport and scope of delivery 19

3.4 Scope of delivery
– The scope of delivery must be checked on the basis of the items listed on the shipping documents. The ship-
ping documents are attached to the top of the box.
– Report any missing parts to Robatech without delay.

20 Transport and scope of delivery Concept B / v1.6

4 Design and functions

4.1 Device overview

1. Function switch 14. Sockets for heated hoses

2. Power supply connection 15. Glue outlets G1/4" for heated hoses
3. CLS-MAIN control electronics 16. Heated hose
4. TRM4 operating terminal 17. Electrical connecting cable with plug
5. Tank lid 18. Socket for application head
6. Piston pump
7. Piston pump/gerotor pump power supply Not described in these instructions:
8. Tank heating elements 19. Application head
9. Melting tank with ribs 20. Heating part
10. Coarse filter 21. Spraying element
11. Glue distributor 22. Glue application nozzle
12. Glue pressure relief valve 23. Solenoid valve for starting glue application
13. Glue fine filter 24. Electrical connecting cable with plug

4.2 Device function

– Once the device has been switched on, the hot melt in the tank is first heated up to the programmed target
temperature. As soon as the tank contents have reached their target temperature, the tank is heated further
still over the duration of the programmed waiting time (parameter 31). Only once this time has elapsed are
the heated hoses and application heads heated together. This sequential heating process prevents extreme
glue pressure peaks caused by the hot melt as it expands during heating.
– Once all the temperatures have been reached, the device is ready for operation and the feed pump is enabled
for production. This means that the pump is able to start the feeding process.
– The liquid hot melt is drawn through the coarse filter and into the piston pump, where it is pressurised. The
maximum adhesive pressure can be freely adjusted using the piston pump operating pressure setting on the
pressure regulator.
– The hot melt flows through the fine filter to the distributor with the heated hose connections, and into the
heated hoses. The application system is located at the ends of the hoses. This system is used to apply the hot
melt to the product by spraying or squirting it.

Concept B / v1.6 Design and functions 21

4.3 Tank with distributor

1. Tank
2. Tank lid 1
3. Heating elements
5 4 3
4. NTC temperature sensor
5. Temperature limiter, 230°C

6. Glue distributor
7. Heated hose connections,
6× or 9× G1/4"
8. Glue filter with screw plug
9. Drain cock
10. Drain opening

22 Design and functions Concept B / v1.6

4.4 Operating terminal
The operating terminal is what is used to actually operate the device. It is where the temperatures, operating
status, timer and all device parameters are displayed and can be changed. Chapter 6 provides detailed descrip-
tions of all the terminal's functions.

1 LEDs showing the current operating status. 6 LCD showing code for device status, parameter
number or current day of the week. LED show-
2 LEDs showing the selected heating zone.
ing selected function.
3 Selector keys for the heating zone and heating Selector keys for changing the values.
zone number (if more than 1 heated hose/head is
7 For activating and deactivating temperature low-
being used).
ering function.
LCD showing the heating zone number.
8 For activating and deactivating timer function.
4 Selector keys for program functions and operating
parameters. LED showing selected function. 9 Reserved operator panel for optional AS-
IK40/AS-IK10 pattern control; see the relevant
5 LCD showing the value for the selected function
or parameters in field 4.
LEDs showing units of measurement. 10 Reserved operator panel for pump control.
Selector keys for changing the values.

Concept B / v1.6 Design and functions 23

4.5 Control electronics
The CLS control electronics for the Concept devices are located under the front hood.

1 Voltage selector strip

Different voltage selector sets are available, depend-
ent upon the mains voltage

2 Bracket with power supply unit

Power supply unit for CLS-MAIN board, 24 V DC,
60 W

3 CLS-MAIN control
Central control board with temperature control for all
heating zones, control and monitoring of all system
functions, inputs and outputs for system interface,
connection options for accessories, safety circuit, and
so on

Example: Concept B

24 Design and functions Concept B / v1.6

4.5.1 Specifications CLS-MAIN main control
1 Infeed 20 to 28 V DC, max. 5 W (outputs at no load)
2 Operating temperature 0 to 60°C, automatic shutdown if Ti > 65°C
Relative humidity 5 to 95%
3 Number of external heating Max. 4 hoses and 4 heads
4 Temperature sensors Robatech NTC
Monitoring of sensor lead for
interruption (R > 342 kohms) and short circuit (R < 21 ohms)
5 Temperature measurement reso- < 0.25°C
6 Temperature Constancy < 0.5°C - absolute deviation dependent upon NTC sen-
control accuracy sor and its calibration
7 Temperature range 20 to 180° C (parameter can be adjusted between 20 and 230°C,
tank: 210°C)
Hoses and heads may be operated at a maximum of 200°C
8 Heating system control Pulse-width-modulated output signal with 1.875 s period (full-wave
9 Heating sequence The heat-up sequence of the heating zones is sequential:
1. Tank, 2. Hoses and application heads

As a basic rule, hoses and the application heads are heated up simul-
taneously. For this, the application heads follow the lowest hose –
actual value.
Exception: The application heads are heated up at a reduced rate be-
tween 60°C and 100°C. This means that the temperature rises only
by 2°C/min in this temperature range.

The sequence is switched forward when the preceding heating zones

are Ready (see Point 10)
10 Heating zone ready A heating zone is heated (ready) if the actual temperature is lower
than the target temperature by less than 10°C, or higher than the
target temperature by less than 12°C. In the case of the tank only,
this also applies if the tank melting time has elapsed according to
parameter 31.
11 Temperature lowering A lowered temperature can be programmed for each heating zone
Temperature lowering can be initiated using the keyboard, week
time control or input LOW-TEMP (X1.6)
Status message via output TEMP-LOW (X1.16)
12 Automatic shutdown Option of recording machine movement by means of input T-
at machine downtime TRIGGER (X1.4) or, if the optional AS-IK40 pattern control is
present, by means of gluing initiation. The internal timer is reset at
each edge on input T-TRIGGER or each time gluing is initiated.
Pulse duration: min. 9 msec.
Time until temperature lowering and shutdown can be programmed.

Concept B / v1.6 Design and functions 25

13 System interface: Total of 7 outputs, 4 electrically isolated source outputs (PNP), can be
Outputs freely configured in parameters 510 to 516
Status display with LED, infeed voltage: 11 to 27 V DC;
output current: max. 150 mA per output, short circuit-proof;
output voltage: infeed voltage – 1.7 V DC
14 System interface: Total of 9 inputs, 4 electrically isolated inputs, can be freely assigned
Inputs in parameters 530 to 571; status display with LED
10 to 27 V DC, source (PNP), Rin = 2.7 kohms
Signal duration > 25 ms
15 System interface: Power supply for infeed of system interface inputs and/or outputs = 24
Power supply output V DC, Imax < 0.3 A
16 Temperature monitoring in- The same for all heating zones
put Input for temperature switch on heating systems (no overtemperature
(heating)) Rin = 5.7 kohms (24 V DC)
17 Timer operation Battery-backed clock with week program
For each day of the week, up to two switching times can be pro-
grammed for:
starting temperature lowering, starting normal operation and
shutting down the device
Optional timer shutdown by means of a control input (configuration in
parameter 532)
18 Tank fill level monitoring Inputs for optional digital fill level sensors, EMPTY-TANK at X11.3
and FULL-TANK at X11.4, 20 to 27 V DC, Rin = 5.7 kohms
Input for optional analogue fill level sensor with fill level measure-
ment via input X22
19 Tank fill level outputs "Tank empty" output (default X20.7). Output remains enabled as long
as the relevant input signal is active. Output current: max. 0.5 A
20 Safety functions Monitoring via "watchdog" to ensure program run is correct.
In the event of an error, all outputs are disabled within 0.25 seconds
and the program is restarted.
Logic infeed voltage monitoring: if the limit value is undershot, all
outputs are disabled.
Monitoring of ambient temperature Ti with automatic shutdown of all
heating systems if Ti > 65°C.
Thermostat input with independent shutdown circuit (heating infeed
21 Pump emergency off P-EMOFF connection at X33 for external contact
If the contact is open, the pump infeed is directly interrupted. Contact
load: 24 V DC, max. 0.8 A
22 Parameter storage Flash memory
23 Battery (clock infeed) Lithium battery type CR 2430 - service life > 10 years

26 Design and functions Concept B / v1.6

4.6 Pressure relief feature (optional)

4.6.1 Use
Pressure relief feature
If the optional pressure relief feature is being used,
the glue pressure is only built up if the adhesive
melter is ready for operation. During heating or if
production is interrupted, the glue pressure is reduced
automatically. As soon as the compressed air supply
to the device is interrupted, the piston pump stops and
the pressure relief feature on the glue distributor
opens a bypass. The pressurised adhesive flows back
into the tank and the pressure is reduced.
The pressure relief feature must be supplied with
compressed air at between 5 and 6 bar. It will not
work if the pressure is any lower than this. Fig. 1: Pressure relief feature, art. 137921

Operating the pressure relief feature (optional)

With Robatech control set: The pressure relief feature
is operated via a solenoid valve that is connected in
parallel with the pump infeed. As soon as the pump
infeed is switched off, the solenoid valve interrupts
the compressed air supply to the piston pump and
pressure relief feature, and the glue pressure is re-
Mechanical engineer: If the mechanical engineer is
operating the compressed air supply to the pressure
relief set himself/herself, there is no need for a con-
trol set with solenoid valve. The operated compressed Fig. 2: Control set, art. 134661
air is connected to the standard air inlet of the device.

Concept B / v1.6 Design and functions 27

4.7 Installing the pressure relief feature, art. 163243

4.7.1 Preparatory work

 Disconnect the compressed air supply from the device.
 Heat the device tank to 60°C max. The adhesive must be soft but should not have a liquid consistency. A bet-
ter option is to heat the hot melt and pump it out of the device tank.

4.7.2 Installation

On the underside of the glue distributor, loosen the Remove the black locking pin with an M8 screw by
four screws to remove the covering. pulling it down hard. Clean the bore hole. The lock-
ing pin is no longed needed.

Have the parts of the pressure relief feature ready to Preassemble the pressure relief feature. Hold the parts
use. Screw the compressed air connection on to the together by hand.

28 Design and functions Concept B / v1.6

Press the pressure relief feature into the bore hole and Installation without proportional valve: Remove
clamp it in place using the four fastening screws and the red dummy plug from the compressed air distribu-
spring washers. tion piece. Install the compressed air hose between the
distribution piece and pressure relief feature. You
have now installed the pressure relief feature.
Installation with proportional valve: Leave the red
dummy plug in place. Establish the compressed air
connection for the pressure relief feature in accor-
dance with the pneumatic system diagram on Page 4.

Pneumatic system diagram with compressed air oper-

ated by the customer:

The valve head supplied is not usually needed. There

is a valve head already installed between the glue dis-
tributor and glue tank.
If you are retrofitting the pressure relief feature on an
older device, however, you may find that the valve
head has become clogged with hot melt deposits. The
valve head will need to be replaced in this event. The
glue distributor needs to be removed in order to do
this. In this case, please contact your Robatech repre-

Concept B / v1.6 Design and functions 29

4.8 Installing the control set for the pressure relief feature,
art. 134661

4.8.1 Preparatory work

 Disconnect the compressed air supply from the device. Interrupt the power supply to the

4.8.2 Installation

Screw the angle bracket on to the rear of the device. Preassemble the solenoid valve by attaching the two
air connections and silencer.

Standard pneumatic system diagram:

Pneumatic system diagram with proportional valve:

– The proportional valve must be supplied with com-
pressed air independently of the pressure relief feature.

Screw the solenoid valve on to the bracket.

Attach the right-angle plug to the compressed air con-
nection at the bottom right-hand side of the device.
Attach the white compressed air hose (supplied) be-
tween connection "2" and the right-angle plug.
Attach the compressed air supply for the device to
connection "1" on the solenoid valve. The pressure
must be between 5 and 6 bar.

30 Design and functions Concept B / v1.6

Attach the valve cable plug to the solenoid valve. Concept B: Guide the valve cable through the base of
Remove the piston pump, the rear device covering the device and into the control component, and attach
and the front electrics covering. it to connector X9 on the ICS or CLS board (see fig-
Guide the valve cable along the path of the pump air ure).
hose and into the base of the device. Replace the front electrics covering, the rear device
covering and the piston pump.
Begin supplying the device with compressed air
again. Switch the power supply to the device back on.
This concludes the installation process.

Fully installed pressure relief feature with control set.

Concept B / v1.6 Design and functions 31

4.9 Special case: KPC16
Due to the high quantity of air consumed by the KPC16 piston pump, a different compressed air supply configu-
ration must be used in this case. The piston pump infeed must always be separate.

Pneumatic system diagram with Standard pneumatic system diagram:

compressed air operated by the cus-

Kolbenpumpe KPC16
Piston pump KPC16

Concept A/B

Customer valves

Air supply 6 bar

Pneumatic system diagram with proportional valve:

32 Design and functions Concept B / v1.6

Concept B / v1.6 Design and functions 33
5 Installation

Before installing the device, you must read Chapter 4, "Design and functions", and
Chapter 2, "Safety".

The device must be installed and commissioned by a trained and experienced techni-
cian. It is essential that the information in this chapter is read before installation.
When carrying out any installation work, please observe the safety information in
Chapter 2 as well as the generally applicable safety and accident prevention regula-

When carrying out any installation work on the device while it is hot, it is
essential that you wear clothing which covers the arms and legs, as well as
protective gloves and protective goggles.

5.1 Preparatory work

 Remove the accessories from the cardboard box and put them to one side. Remove the device from the card-
board box and check all of the parts provided against the shipping documents.
 Remove the folder containing the declaration of conformity, including the sticky tapes, from the tank handle.

5.2 Installation site

The following requirements must be met:
– Only operate the device in sufficiently ventilated indoor areas. Ambient temperature 0 to max. 45°C.
– Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures of up to 31°C; linear descent to 50% relative hu-
midity at 40°C
– Choose a horizontal, level and stable bearing surface that is not subject to vibrations
– Choose a location away from other equipment to prevent a build-up of heat
– Provide protection against dust, moisture and splash water
– Make sure there is enough space to access the device easily during operation and maintenance, and
enough space for accessories

34 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.3 Dimensions
The device must be screwed on to the bearing surface. There are 4 M8 threads on the device base that can be
used for this.

Concept B 5:

Concept B 8:

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 35

Concept B 12:

Concept B 18:

36 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.4 Installing the heated hose

Risk of spraying and burns

The hot adhesive in the system is pressurised at a level of up to 100 bar. If the
pressure system is opened, there is a risk of hot spray. Only install heated hoses if
the system has been depressurised (see Chapter 6.3). Always wear gloves and pro-
tective goggles.

 The heated hoses are connected to the distributor

block at the rear of the device. Up to 4 heated
hoses may be connected, dependent upon the
device version (see Chapter 1.6).
 Thanks to the hose connections offset by 45°
and the range of different screw fittings avail-
able, the system can be adapted to suit your pre-
cise requirements during installation.
 Robatech recommends using heated hoses with
an 6 mm nominal diameter.

Heated hose connections

 Always connect the first heated hose to the exter-

nal glue outlet on the extreme left.
 Remove the locking pin to expose a G1/4" internal
thread (1).

 Now screw a screw fitting (2) into this thread so

that you can then connect the heated hose. A range
of screw fitting versions are available (see Chapter
11, "Accessories").

 Now twist the heated hose (3) onto the screw fit-
ting, using the end featuring the cable with the
connector plug.
Fastening the heated hose
 Tighten the union nut in accordance with the
torque table (Chapter 5.4.1). The heated hose
must not become warped, as it is a sensitive part
and will be damaged beyond repair if this hap-
 Hold the heated hose tightly by hand, or use a
second fork spanner, for example, to help you.
Fixing the heated hose in place

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 37

5.4.1 Torque table for connecting heated hoses

Nominal width of heated

Thread Torque
6 mm 1/4" 20-25 Nm
8 mm M16x1.5 25-28 Nm
13 mm M22x1.5 50-60 Nm
16 mm M30x2 85-105 Nm
25 mm M36x2 120-140 Nm

The heated hoses are available in a range of different designs and lengths. You will
find a list of heated hoses, screw fittings and other installation materials in Chapter
11.1, "Accessories".

38 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.4.2 Installation information
It is essential that you observe the following installation information:

– Guide each hose individually

A brief summary of
– Do not bend the hose around parts with sharp edges
hose installation:
– Do not allow it to become warped

Wrong Right Note

Sharp bends must be

Use a threaded elbow

Changes in direction create

a risk of sharp bends.
Use a lug or roller with the ap-
propriate diameter.

Do not lay heated hoses directly

next to each other and do not in-
sert them into cable ducts. A
build-up of heat within an area
may damage the heated hose be-
yond repair.
Maintain a minimum clearance of
25 mm and do not lay the hoses in
an enclosed space.

Warping (torsion)
will damage the heated hose be-
yond repair.
The heated hose must run parallel
to its axis and its path must not
cause it to become warped.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 39

Wrong Right Note

If heated hoses are rolled up, pull-

ing on them could cause warping
and result in the bending radius
falling below the minimum value.
Unroll the heated hose before ex-
tending it.

If the heated hose selected is too

short, it will become bent at the
A straight section of hose with a
length equal to the hose diameter
(x) must be retained at each end.
Do not allow the bending diame-
ter to fall below the minimum of
8x the hose diameter.

Inappropriate installation results

in the hose sagging.
Use guide parts to support the
heated hose or hang it on a roller.

40 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.4.3 Electrical hose connection

When establishing the electrical connection for the heated hoses and application
heads, please observe the information in Chapter 12.1, "Power distribution and
permissible load". This will ensure protection against overloads is provided and that
the power is distributed evenly to all phases.

– Insert the heated hose connector into the num-

bered socket at the rear of the device.
– Insert the application head connector into the
socket at the end of the heated hose.

90° hose outgoing section with electrical connection

The connectors must not be removed or connected under load. This may damage the
heated hose or the device.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 41

5.5 Pneumatic connection
– The piston pump operates pneumatically and must
be fed with a regulated compressed air supply at 6
– Oil-free compressed air that conforms to Class 4
(in acc. with DIN ISO 8573-1) must be supplied at
6 bar. The compressed air must be prepared (free
of water and dust) and must not contain oil. Any
oil it contained would burn onto the hot sliding
surfaces of the piston pump, resulting in damage
to the pump.
– Connect the compressed air hose with an outer di-
ameter of 8 mm to the compressed air connection
at the rear of the device.
– If compressed air is available, the manometer on
the piston pump will show the current operating
pressure setting.
– The GRC gerotor pump does not require com-
pressed air.

42 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.6 Electrical connection
Concept devices are supplied without a connected power supply cable. To ensure the device is able to work with
the intended operating voltage, a power supply cable and the appropriate voltage selector set (as determined
when placing the order) must be connected.

Electric shock
Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening. The pro-
Danger tective coverings may only be removed if the device has been disconnected from the
power supply.
Only personnel with the requisite level of training and experience that allows them
to identify risks and avoid hazards associated with electricity may connect the de-
vice to the power mains or carry out any other tasks at the electrical circuit of the

The device must be installed with a lockable load interrupter switch to enable it to
be disconnected from the power supply altogether. The interrupter switch must be
installed close to the device and must be easy for the user to access. The switch
must be clearly labelled as equipment that is used for disconnecting the device from
the power supply.

5.6.1 Checks to be performed before connection

 You can select a connection kit that is appropriate for the
relevant mains voltage. The following kits are available:

Voltage Frequency Phases Current

400 V AC 50/60 Hz 3ØN PE max. 16 A
230 V AC 50/60 Hz 1ØN PE max. 32 A
200 to 240 V AC 50/60 Hz 3Ø PE max. 32 A
200 to 240 V AC 50/60 Hz 1Ø PE max. 32 A

 The maximum available power must not be exceeded and the phase currents must be distributed evenly. To
ensure this, please observe the tables in Chapter 12.1.
 Use a power supply cable with a cable cross-section that is appropriate for the maximum current.

Electric shock
Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening.
The device must be connected and fused in accordance with local regulations. If the
device is connected incorrectly, there is a risk of injuries or death as a result of elec-
trocution, as well as a risk of the device being destroyed.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 43

Voltage configurations of the connection kits:

5.6.2 Connecting the power supply cable

 Unscrew and remove the green covering hood at
the front (see Chapter 8.3.2).
 Screw the terminal strip for the connection kit on
to the installation bracket.
 Remove 100 mm of the cable sheath (while the
cable is de-energised). Strip the insulation from
the individual wires and fit a wire end ferrule on
 Lead the power supply cable through the base of
the device and fasten it using a cable tie.

Wire connection on terminal strip
Screw the earthing wire of the power supply cable
to the protective conductor terminal on the device
 Insert the other wires in the designated (labelled)
places on the terminal strip.
 Connect the white voltage plug to the CLS-MAIN
 Once you have installed and checked the electri-
cal connections, replace the green covering and
screw it back in place.
 If the device is to be commissioned, switch on the
load interrupter switch.

Fully installed power supply cable

44 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.7 CLS-MAIN system interface
Various inputs and outputs on the CLS-MAIN board enable the following tasks to be performed:
– Communication between the device and higher-level control
– Connection of accessories such as fill level sensors, a hand applicator or a granule feeder
– Connection of operating elements such as a key switch for data input blocking or a pump emergency off

5.7.1 Data
Outputs – 7 outputs, of which 4 are electrically isolated source outputs (PNP) with a common
X1.13 to X1.16 infeed (X1.13 to X1.16)
X20.3, X20.5, X20.7 – Freely programmable configuration of outputs using parameters 510 to 516
– Status display with LEDs
– Infeed voltage: 11 to 27 V DC
– Output current X1.13 to X1.16, max. 150 mA per output, short circuit-proof
– Output current X20.3 to X20.7, max. 500 mA per output, short circuit-proof
– Output voltage: infeed voltage - 1.7 V DC
Inputs – 9 inputs, of which 4 are electrically isolated source inputs with a common 0 V con-
X1.4 to X1.7 nection (X1.4 to X1.7)
X11.3, X11.4 – Freely programmable configuration of inputs using parameters 530 to 569
X20.4, X20.6, X20.8 – Status display with LEDs
– 10 to 27 V DC, source (PNP), Rin = 2.7 kohms
– Signal duration > 25 ms
Power supply – 24 V DC power supply for optional infeed of system interface inputs and/or outputs
output – Max. load: Imax < 0.3 A
Pump emergency off – Connection for external emergency off contact. If the contact is open, the pump
P-EMOFF at X33 infeed is directly interrupted.
– Contact load: 24 V DC, Imax < 0.8 A

5.7.2 Free configuration

– All inputs and outputs on the CLS-MAIN board (except for X33) and the CLS-EXT2 board are freely con-
– A function can be assigned to each input and output. The inputs can be configured using parameters 530 to
569; the outputs on the CLS-MAIN board using parameters 510 to 516; and the outputs on the optional CLS-
EXT2 board using parameters 520 to 527.
– When referring to inputs and outputs, the information in this chapter and the operating instructions as a whole
assumes the standard configuration has been used for them.
– Chapter 5.8 describes how to make changes to the inputs and outputs.

The standard configuration for the inputs and outputs, which is made using parame-
ters 510 to 569, is the best choice for most applications. Therefore, this configuration
should not be changed if possible. An experienced technician may make changes to it
if special applications require this, however. Caution: Incorrect configuration set-
tings may stop the device from working properly.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 45

5.7.3 Signals
The terminals are numbered and can be found at the bottom of the CLS-MAIN control board.

System interface:
X1 Designation I/O LED Default function
1 0V Output Power supply, 0 V
2 + 24 V DC Output Power supply, 24 V DC
3 INPGND Input Common 0 V connection for inputs X1.4 to X1.7
4 H-ENABLE Input D1 Heating enable: If input is disabled and parameter 26 is
"On", all heating systems are shut down
5 T-TRIGGER Input D2 Downtime monitoring: Each signal edge (min. 9 msec) resets
the timer
6 LOW-TEMP Input D3 If input is enabled, temperature lowering is activated
7 P-ENABLE Input D4 If parameter 27 = "On" and input is disabled,
pump and optional pressure build-up valve switch off
8 GND Output Power supply, 0 V
9 + 24 V DC Output Power supply, 24 V DC
10, 11 OUTGND Input Output feed, 0 V (- feed for outputs)
12 OUTVIN Input Output feed, 12 to 24 V DC (+ feed for outputs)
13 ON Output D11 Heating systems enabled; inverse function of "0(off)" LED
14 READY Output D12 Device ready for operation; same function as "Ready" LED
15 ALARM Output D13 Error; same function as "Error" LED except in the case of
errors E102, E103.
16 TEMP-LOW Output D14 Temperature lowering active; same function as "T low"
In each connection pair 1+8, 2+9 and 10+11, each connection is linked to the other in the pair.

46 Installation Concept B / v1.6

Digital tank fill level sensors:
X11 Designation I/O LED Default function
1 0V Output Power supply, 0 V
2 + 24 V DC Output Power supply, 24 V DC
3 EMPTY-TANK Input D5 If input enabled = tank fill level is low
4 FULL-TANK Input D6 If input enabled = tank excessively full

Additional inputs and outputs (granule feeder):

X20 Designation I/O LED Default function
1 0V Output Power supply, 0 V
2 + 24 V DC Output Power supply, 24 V DC
3 AUX-OUT1 Output D15 Granule feeder: Solenoid valve for granule feeding
4 AUX-IN1 Input D8 No function; freely configurable
5 AUX-OUT2 Output D16 Granule feeder: Solenoid valve, tank slide
6 AUX-IN2 Input D9 No function; freely configurable
7 AUX-OUT3 Output D17 No function; freely configurable
8 AUX-IN3 Input D10 Granule feeder: Tank lid monitoring

Analogue input (pressure sensor):

X21 Designation I/O LED Default function
1 0V Output Power supply, 0 V
2 + 24 V DC Output Power supply, 24 V DC
3 4 to 20 mA Input Analogue input
4 0 to 5 V Input Analogue input

Pump emergency off:

X33 Designation I/O LED Function
1 P-EMOFF1 Output D7 Connection for external pump emergency off. An interrup-
2 P-EMOFF2 Input tion switches off the 24 V DC pump infeed.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 47

5.7.4 Relay control connection


24 VDC 0V 1
PSUP Netzteil
+ 24 VDC 2
Eingänge: (Default)
H_ENABLE 4 Heizungen einschalten

T-TRIGGER 5 Reset Stillstandsüberwachung

LOW-TEMP 6 aktivieren

P-ENABLE 7 Pumpe einschalten

0V 8
+ 24 VDC 9
OUTVIN 12 Ausgänge: (Default)
ON 13 Heizungen sind freigegeben

READY 14 Gerät ist betriebsbereit

ALARM 15 Fehler ist aktiv

TEMP-LOW 16 Temperaturabsenkung ist aktiv

0V 1
+24 VDC 2


– If floating relay contacts are being used for the control and evaluation processes, the voltage required for
switching can be drawn from connection 2 at terminal X1. Connections 8 and 10 as well as 9 and 12 at termi-
nal X1 must be connected in this case.
– During the wiring process, please observe the information about electromagnetic compatibility in Chapter

48 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.7.5 PLC control connection

– 1AF fuse, art. 111202; supplier e.g. Schurter, type SP 0001.1004

– Appropriate holder for fuse: art. 144459
– If a PLC control is being used, the voltage supply for the PLC control must be fed to the CLS-MAIN board.
– GND for the PLC control is at terminal X1, connection 10, and the switching voltage for the PLC control is
at terminal X1, connection 12.
– During the wiring process, please observe the information about electromagnetic compatibility in Chapter

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 49

5.8 Parameters 500 to 571: Configuring inputs and outputs
All universal inputs and outputs on the CLS-MAIN and EXT2 boards are freely configurable. A specific func-
tion is assigned to each input and output using a parameter.

The standard configuration for the inputs and outputs, which is made using parame-
ters 510 to 569, is the best choice for most applications. Therefore, this configuration
should not be changed if possible. An experienced technician may make changes to it
if special applications require this, however. Caution: Incorrect configuration set-
tings may stop the device from working properly.

5.8.1 Activating parameters 5xx

Parameters 500, 501, 510 to 569, and 590 are not usually visible. Access to these parameters must be enabled
first, as outlined below.

 Select the Parameter function (for information on

calling up parameters and entering parameter data,
see Chapter 6.6).
 Cancel access block "Loc2" (see Chapter 6.7).
 Select parameter "500" and value "5630".
 Parameters 501 to 590 can now be selected and ed-
 The new statuses of the inputs and outputs in pa-
rameters 510 to 571 cannot be applied until the de-
vice has been switched off and on.

5.8.2 Parameter 501: Heating, hose heating enable

To help the device become ready for operation more quickly, this parameter can be used to activate hose heating
even before the tank target temperature has been reached. Normally, the heated hoses are not heated until the
tank has reached its target temperature and the waiting time in parameter 31 has elapsed.

Caution! The normal heating process takes place gradually and prevents high pres-
sure peaks, which may cause damage to the application head, filter cartridge or
heated hose. Robatech disclaims all liability for damage to the system caused by al-
terations to the heating process.

Input range Unit Function Default

OFF Function deactivated
10 to 80 °C Heating: Hoses heat up if the tank has reached the tank target OFF
18 to 144 °F temperature value minus the value in P501.

50 Installation Concept B / v1.6

Instruction how to set P501

If the pressure release kit is installed:

1. Set P501 to 80°C

If no pressure release kit is installed:

1. Obtain the technical data sheet of the adhesive.

2. Check the working temperature of the adhesive on the technical data sheet:
3. Set the nominal temperature of the tank. For this example:
Tnom tank = [nominal temperature] °C
4. Check the softening point of the adhesive on the technical data sheet
5. Determine the value for P501:

P501 = Tnom tank – softening point

6. We strongly recommend to use above formula for definition of the value for P501 and not to set
P501 higher.

5.8.3 Parameter 502: Maximum permissible negative temperature deviation

The maximum permissible negative temperature deviation for enabling can be adjusted.
Input range Function Default
2…15°C Max. permissible temperature undershoot 10

5.8.4 Parameter 586: Counter for measuring glue consumption

(flow measurement device option)
A digital input, P588, is used to cumulate the pulses from a flowmeter and display the results in P383, "Meas-
ured glue quantity". The pulse value is defined in P586. Press and hold the "-" key for more than 3 seconds to re-
set the value in P383 to 0.

Input range Function Default g Glue quantity per pulse 0.000

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 51

5.8.5 Configuring outputs
A function is assigned to each output.

Para. Output Initial setting Setting range Function

510 MAIN X1.13 1 ON OFF . . No function
511 MAIN X1.14 2 READY 1 ....... ON Device switched on
512 MAIN X1.15 3 ALARM 2 ....... READY Device ready for operation
513 MAIN X1.16 4 TEMP-LOW 3 ....... ALARM Error active
514 MAIN X20.3 13 GRANULE 4 ....... TEMP-LOW Temp. lowering active
515 MAIN X20.5 14 GranuleSlide 5 ....... TANK-EMPTY Tank empty
516 MAIN X20.7 OFF — 6 ....... TANK-FULL Tank full
520 EXT2 X7.7 OFF — 7 ....... TEMP-READY Working temperature reached
521 EXT2 X7.8 OFF — 8 ....... SVALVE1 Glue valve, hand applicator
522 EXT2 X7.9 OFF — 1
9 ....... PreTankEmpty Presignal, tank empty
523 EXT2 X7.10 OFF —
10 ..... ONLINE Parameter 400 = On
524 EXT2 X7.11 OFF —
11 ..... PTEMP-READY .. Target temperatures of all
525 EXT2 X7.12 OFF —
.......... preheated zones reached
526 EXT2 X7.13 OFF —
12 ..... GranuleEmpty Max. granule feeding time
527 EXT2 X7.14 OFF —
.......... exceeded
13 ...... GRANULE Granule suction valve
14 ...... GranuleSlide Granule tank lid
15 ...... No function; reserved
16 ...... No function; reserved
17 ...... GGUN1 Glue application head 1
18 ...... GGUN2 Glue application head 2
19 ...... SVALVE2 Glue valve, hand applicator
20 ...... SPRAY1 Spray air, hand applicator 1
21 ...... SPRAY2 Spray air, hand applicator 2

During the configuration of the outputs, the load at the outputs in Chapter 5.7.1 must
be complied with!

Configuration of glue application heads (values 17, 18): The separate operating in-
structions for the AS-IK10 and AS-IK 40 control outline the correct configuration of
the outputs and how the glue application heads should be wired.

Configuration of hand applicators (values 8, 19, 20, 21): The separate operating in-
structions for the ErgoStar hand applicator outline the correct configuration of the
outputs and how the hand applicators should be wired.

52 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.8.6 Configuring inputs
An input is assigned to the function.

Para. Function Designation Initial setting Setting range

530 Heating enable H-ENABLE 1 MAIN X1.4
531 Heating trigger T-TRIGGER 2 MAIN X1.5
532 Temperature lowering LOW-TEMP 3 MAIN X1.6
533 Pump enable P-ENABLE 4 MAIN X1.7
535 Data input blocking PAR-LOCKED2 OFF —
536 Timer operation deacti- TIMER OFF — buS SNMP comm.
vated OFF ..... No input
537 Hand applicator 1 trigger SSWITCH1 8 MAIN X20.8 1 ........... MAIN X1.4
538 Reset alarm RESET OFF — 2 ........... MAIN X1.5
3 ........... MAIN X1.6
539 Heating zone enable 1 H-ENABLE 1 OFF —
4 ........... MAIN X1.7
540 Heating zone enable 2 H-ENABLE 2 OFF —
6 ........... MAIN X11.3
541 Heating zone enable 3 H-ENABLE3 OFF —
7 ........... MAIN X11.4
546 Program selection 1 PROG1 13 EXT2 X5.5 9 ........... Not available
547 Program selection 2 PROG 2 14 EXT2 X5.6 10 ......... Not available
548 Program selection 3 PROG 3 15 EXT2 X5.7 11 ......... MAIN X20.4
549 Program selection 4 PROG 4 16 EXT2 X5.8 12 ......... MAIN X20.6
550 Program selection 5 PROG 5 17 EXT2 X5.9 13 ......... EXT2 X5.5*
551 Program selection 6 PROG 6 OFF — 14 ......... EXT2 X5.6*
552 Program selection 7 PROG 7 OFF — 15 ......... EXT2 X5.7*
553 Program selection 8 PROG 8 OFF — 16 ......... EXT2 X5.8*
554 Glue enable G-ENABLE OFF — 17 ......... EXT2 X5.9*
18 ......... EXT2 X5.10*
19 ......... EXT2 X5.11*
556 Heating enable, socket 1 SOCKET 1 OFF —
20 ......... EXT2 X5.12*
557 Heating enable, socket 2 SOCKET 2 OFF — 21 ......... EXT2 X5.13*
558 Heating enable, socket 3 SOCKET 3 OFF — 22 ......... EXT2 X5.14*
559 Heating enable, socket 4 SOCKET 4 OFF — 23 ......... EXT2 X5.15*
564 Pump on manually PMANUAL OFF — 24 ........ MAIN X20.8
565 Trigger signal 1 AS-IK10 TRIGGER 1 OFF — 25 ........ EXT2 X3.3*
566 Trigger signal 2 AS-IK10 TRIGGER 2 OFF — 26 ........ EXT2 X3.4*
567 Reset, palletising PALLET OFF — 27 ........ EXT2 X4.3*
568 Hand applicator 2 trigger SSWITCH2 OFF — 28 ........ EXT2 X4.4*
569 Timer inversion INVERT OFF —
570 Glue application enable OFF —
per channel
571 Flushing function input OFF —
for each application head

The "buS" selection can only be made with the following parameters: P530, P533, P534, P554,
P556, P563, P570. If these parameters are being controlled via SNMP bus communication, the
watchdog in parameter 603 must be activated.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 53

5.9 Digital tank fill level sensor (optional)
– A digital fill level sensor can be connected to con-
nection X11.
– The signal is evaluated in the amplifier box.
– The default switching limit is set to “No adhesive”.
– The digital fill level sensor must be calibrated be-
fore putting the equipment into service. Also, a
calibration is needed prior to each change of adhe-
sive type (see chapter 5.9.1).

Input X11 for digital fill level sensor

Parameter 75 needs to be set to ‘OFF’ when using the digital fill level sensor.
Parameters 83 and 590 can be ignored when using the digital fill level senor.

5.9.1 Calibrating the digital fill level sensor

The digital fill level sensor can be calibrated by turning the adjusting screw. If the status-LED lights up, the sen-
sor detects adhesive. If the status-LED does not light up, the sensor does not detect any adhesive or is not con-

A wrong calibration may cause damage to the equipment. The digital fill level sensor
must be calibrated before putting the equipment into service and before changing the
adhesive type.

To calibrate the digital fill level sensor, proceed as


Condition: The fill level sensor (3) is not covered

with adhesive.

1. Remove the protective electro hood (see chap-

ter 8.3.2).
 The amplifier box (3) is accessible.

Installation position of the amplifier inside the electrical cabinet.

54 Installation Concept B / v1.6

2. Remove the cover screw.
 The adjusting screw (1) is accessible.

3. Turn the adjusting screw (1) anticlockwise until

the Status-LED (2) turns off.

4. Fill the tank with adhesive until the fill level sen-
sor (3) is completely covered with adhesive.
 The status-LED (2) lights up.

If the status-LED (2) does not light up:

1. Turn the adjusting screw (1) clockwise until the

Status-LED (2) lights up.

2. Pump out adhesive until the sensor (3) is not cov-

ered anymore.
 The status-LED on the amplifier box (2) turns
off (if the status-LED does not turn off, repeat
the whole calibration process).
 The fill level in the tank is signalled using status
messages A50 (tank empty) or A51 (tank full).
 The display shows .
 The digital fill level sensor is calibrated.

5.10 Analogue tank fill level sensor (optional)

– A capacitive fill level sensor can be connected to connec-
tion X22.
– The analogue signal is evaluated on the CLS-MAIN
– Parameter 75 is used to evaluate the sensor signals and
define the switching threshold for the message "Tank
– The sensor arrives from the factory already calibrated
and ready for operation. If the fill level display is incor-
rect (after a component has been replaced, for example),
the sensor will need to be recalibrated. The process of re-
Input X22 for analogue fill level measurement
calibrating the fill level sensor, which is performed using
parameter 590, is described below.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 55

5.10.1 Parameter 590: Calibrating the analogue fill level sensor
The analogue fill level sensor must be calibrated with an empty tank and a full tank.
 Select the Parameter function (see Chapter 6.9). Cancel access block "Loc2" (see Chapter 6.7).
 In parameter "500", select value "5630".

 Parameter 590 can now be selected and edited.

 The sensor must be covered with adhesive (see dia-
gram). In parameter 590, select value " " for
calibration with a full tank. Press the arrow key .
The calibration process can be repeated up to 9 times
(display field 1 = number of calibrations) and may
last between 4 and 45 seconds. During the calibration
process, the measured fill level is shown as a % in
display field 2.

 Once calibration has been completed successfully,

the display shows "F " until it is acknowl-
edged (use any key to do this). In the event of an er-
ror, "E501" is displayed. In this case, perform cali-
bration using an empty tank first.
 Pump the adhesive out of the tank until the tank is
empty and the sensor is no longer covered with adhe-
sive (see diagram). In parameter 590, select value
" " for calibration with an empty tank. Press the
arrow key .The process is the same as calibration
with a full tank.

 Once calibration has been completed successfully,

the display shows " " until it is acknowledged
(use any key to do this). In the event of an error,
"E500" is displayed.

 The fill level in the tank is then signalled using Fill level sensor measuring range
status messages A50 and A51.
 The current fill level measurement can be checked
using parameter 83..

56 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.11 Parameters 900 to 916: Software key

5.11.1 General
– A simple time-controlled glue pattern control (AS-IK10) is integrated into each basic Concept device. This
control is not activated in the standard version: it has to be purchased and then enabled using the software
– Another option that is available is the integrated AS-IK40 glue pattern control, which is designed for de-
manding applications. This control consists of the ICS-EXT2 extra board. However, the software key is re-
quired to enable the relevant number of controllable glue application channels.
– The software key is a 20-digit number and is assigned by Robatech on the basis of the CLS-MAIN serial
number when the order is placed. Entering the software key in parameters 903 to 907 enables the relevant
pattern control.
– Separate instructions are available for each of the two glue pattern controls.

5.11.2 Parameter 900: Access code

Parameters 901 to 916 are protected by an access code in parameter 900. Access is granted as follows:
 Cancel access block "Loc2" (see Chapter 6.7).
 In parameter "900", select value "5630". Parameters 901 to 916 can now be selected and edited.

5.11.3 Parameters 901, 902: Trial mode

In trial mode, the customer can test the optional AS-IK10 or AS-IK40 glue pattern control, or a service techni-
cian can enable the control without a software key after a defective CLS-MAIN board has been replaced.
Once trial mode has been selected, a counter is activated. After 750 operating hours, the trial mode time is over
and error message E90 is displayed. When this happens, the software key will need to be purchased and entered
in order to keep using the pattern control.

Para. Input range Function Default

OFF Deactivate trial mode
901 OFF
On Activate trial mode
902 750 to 0 hours Display of remaining trial mode hours

5.11.4 Parameters 903 to 907: Software key

– The software key for enabling the glue pattern controls is a 20-digit number that is entered in parameters 903
to 907.
– The software key is assigned by Robatech on the basis of the CLS-MAIN serial number (parameters 93 and
– Once the key has been entered, the device must be switched off and then back on again.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 57

5.11.5 Parameter 912: Optional AS-IK10 glue pattern control
The AS-IK 10 is a simple time-based glue pattern control for constant machine speeds. It is integrated into the
basic control of all Concept devices and must be enabled using a code. Up to two glue application heads and two
photoelectric cells (triggers) can be connected.

Normal opera- Para. 901 = OFF Parameter 912 indicates whether the glue pattern control is enabled
Test mode Para. 901 = On Parameter 912 enables and disables the glue pattern control
Value range On = enabled, OFF = disabled

5.11.6 Parameter 913: InfoPlus option

InfoPlus is operating data software that records and visualises additional information on the RobaVis. To use this
function, the device must be equipped with a RobaVis touchscreen. The InfoPlus function on the RobaVis is en-
abled on the device using a code.

Normal opera- Para. 901 = OFF Parameter 913 indicates whether InfoPlus is enabled
Test mode Para. 901 = On Parameter 913 enables and disables InfoPlus
Value range On = enabled, OFF = disabled

5.11.7 Parameter 914: Optional AS-IK40 glue pattern control

The AS-IK 40 is a path-based glue pattern control for variable machine speeds and demanding applications. The
control consists of the ICS-EXT2 extra board. A code must be used to enable the relevant number of controllable
glue application channels. Up to eight glue application heads, four photoelectric cells (triggers), two encoders
and two proportional valves can be connected.

Normal opera- Para. 901 = OFF Parameter 914 indicates how many glue application channels are enabled
Test mode Para. 901 = On Parameter 914 defines the number of available glue application channels
Value range 0 to 8 glue application channels

5.11.8 Parameter 916: Optional CAN bus

The CAN bus interface can be enabled as an option. This interface can be used as data communication to a host
machine. The EXT-2 Print and a CAN bus interface must be available as additional hardware. The CAN bus in-
terface description CD-ROM is recommended for project work.

Normal mode Para. 901 = OFF Parameter 916 shows whether CAN bus is released or not
Test mode Para. 901 = On Parameter 916 switches CAN bus on or off
Input range On = released, OFF = not released

58 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.12 Signal cable: EMC-compliant wiring
Electromagnetic compatibility, or EMC for short, refers to a device's ability to function correctly in an environ-
ment with other electrical devices, without introducing any disturbances into the environment. Correct signal ca-
ble wiring is crucial to this ability. Please observe the following points:

Danger Electric shock

Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening. The de-
vice must be disconnected from the power mains before any connecting cables are

– Only use shielded signal cables whose insulation

has been stripped as shown. Dimension X depends
on the terminal position.

Signal cable with stripped insulation

– Guide the signal cable through the bottom plate and

into the electrical cabinet.
– Connect the stripped cable shield to the device
housing using a cable tie.
– The cable shield must be earthed at both ends of the
cable. This is the only way to attenuate electromag-
netic disturbance fields. Connecting the shield at
just one end will result in poor shielding, while not
connecting it at all will not suppress any distur-
bance fields.
EMC-compliant signal cable connection

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 59

5.13 Emergency off
The Robatech product must be integrated into an emergency off circuit, or a separate emergency off function
must be set up for the Robatech product.

5.13.1 Emergency off in the case of a Robatech product in a production system

with a dedicated emergency off circuit
The Robatech product usually forms part of a more extensive production system. According to the Machinery
Directive 2006/42/EC, systems of this type must have a
dedicated emergency off circuit. In an emergency, pressing the emergency off button for the production system
stops the dangerous motion and immediately puts the entire production system and the Robatech product inte-
grated into this system in a safe state.

Only trained specialist personnel may integrate the Robatech product into the emer-
gency off circuit of the production system.

5.13.2 Emergency off in the case of stand-alone operation

If the Robatech product is being used independently (stand-alone operation), a separate emergency off function
must be set up. The next chapter describes how to connect up this separate emergency off function.

Only trained specialist personnel may integrate the Robatech product into the emer-
gency off circuit of the production system.

In an emergency, pressing the emergency off button (installed by specialist personnel) stops the source of danger
for the Robatech product and immediately puts the Robatech product in a safe state.

5.13.3 Emergency off connection

The Robatech product must be connected to the emergency off circuit as follows:

The following steps are required to do this:

– Connect the electrical connection for the emergency off to terminal X33 on the board.

Triggering the emergency off will not reduce pressure.

60 Installation Concept B / v1.6

5.14 Commissioning for the first time

Before carrying out commissioning for the first time, you must ensure that the Ro-
batech product is either integrated into an emergency off circuit or a separate emer-
gency off function has been set up for it. See Chapter 5, "Installation" - "Emergency

In order to work safely and correctly, and to prevent injuries to persons or damage
to the device, the device must be in perfect working order. Before carrying out com-
missioning for the first time, please perform the following tasks:

 Adjust the tank lid if required. The tank lid can be

rotated 180° to ensure optimum accessibility. Un-
screw the stop plate and use a screwdriver to push
the sealing ring away from the shaft. Remove the
tank lid and place it on the opposite side.
 Have the power connection and electrical connec-
tions been installed correctly?
 Make sure compressed air is available and has a
connection to the piston pump. Set the pressure
regulator to 0 bar.
 Ensure the heated hoses are installed correctly and that the application systems (application head, hand appli-
cator, etc.) have been installed as outlined by the relevant instructions. Are all glue outlets that are not re-
quired sealed?

Once all the tasks above have been performed, the device can be switched on for a brief trial run :
 Switch on the device. For two seconds, all of the LEDs must light up and the program version must appear on
the display at the bottom right-hand side. Compare the program version with the relevant information in these
operating instructions.
 If no temperatures have been programmed yet (default setting), the "Ready" LED will then light up. If tem-
perature values have been entered, the device will start to heat up. The "Tr<Tn" LED will light up and "A2:
Target temperature not reached" will appear on the display.
 Now switch off the device again. Chapter 6, "Operation", describes how the device is programmed and the
functions used for production.

Once the device has been heated up for the first time, the clamping nut of the piston
pump must be tightened using a hook spanner.

Only personnel with the appropriate professional training and authority may decide
whether the system is ready for operation.

Concept B / v1.6 Installation 61

62 Installation Concept B / v1.6
6 Operation

6.1 Filling the tank with hot melt

Risk of burns and spraying
Temperatures of up to 210°C. Coming into contact with hot adhesive will lead to
severe burns.
Use a metal or plastic scoop, not your bare hands, to fill the tank with adhesive
granulate. Always wear gloves and protective goggles.

Irritation to mucous membranes caused by fumes

Caution Adhesives will produce fumes even if processing is carried out at the recom-
mended temperature.
Do not breathe in fumes and only operate the device in sufficiently ventilated ar-
eas. Make sure you close the tank lid. Do not exceed the recommended processing
temperature. Observe the data sheet provided by the hot melt manufacturer.

 Use a metal or plastic scoop, not your bare hands,

to fill the tank with adhesive granulate. Fill the tank
up to a maximum of 5 cm below the edge. Since the
hot melt expands during heating, filling the tank
any higher could cause it to overflow.
 The melting ribs on the tank bottom must always be
covered with hot melt.
 NEVER mix two different types of hot melt. If you
need to start using a different type of hot melt, the
entire system must be cleaned first (see Chapter
 Once the tank is full, check the programmed target
temperatures. The values must correspond to the
recommendations of the adhesive manufacturer.

Maximum filling height

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 63

6.2 Switching the device on and off
Switching on: The green function switch on the bottom right-hand side at the front is used to switch the device
on and off. Once it has been switched on, all the LEDs will light up for 2 seconds and the installed program ver-
sion will appear. Following this, the current operating status will appear on the operating terminal (see Chapter
6.5) and the device will start to heat up. The tank will heat up first, followed by the heated hoses and, finally, the
application heads. As soon as all of the heating zones have reached their programmed target temperature, the set
waiting time has elapsed (see parameter 31) and no errors are pending, the device is ready for operation and the
"Ready" LED will light up. The feed pump is now enabled for production.

When the tank is full, it will take around 40 to 60 minutes before the hot melt is
molten and the device is ready for operation.

Switching off in the case of a brief interruption: Once the device has been switched off using the green func-
tion switch, the cooled hot melt will solidify. The device can be stored without any problems when the hot melt
has solidified.
Switching off in the case of an extended interruption: In the case of an extended interruption, the hot melt in
the system should be pumped out and the device, heated hoses and application heads should be flushed using
cleaning oil. Chapter 7, "Maintenance", describes the process of flushing the system.
Switching off in an emergency: An emergency off contact is available at terminal X33 on the CLS-MAIN
board. If the contact is open, the feed pump stops immediately. The owner is responsible for operating this safety
During maintenance, all poles of the device must be disconnected using the external upstream switch.

64 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.3 Setting the feed rate/glue pressure
This chapter can be found in the operating instructions for the KPC piston pump, art. no. 156450 (Chapter 6.2).

6.4 Discharging the system pressure

Risk of burns and spraying
The hot adhesive in the lines (which reaches temperatures of up to 210°C) is pres-
surised at up to 100 bar. If the pressure system is opened improperly, there is a
risk of hot adhesive spraying out.
Always wear gloves and protective goggles when discharging the glue pressure.

All machine operators must be able to discharge the system pressure safely. The pressure must be discharged be-
fore any maintenance or repair work, and after faults and defects have occurred. The information sign above the
distributor describes the correct way to do this.

 Switch off the device using the device switch and

set the pressure regulator on the piston pump to 0
bar. Check that the manometer is showing 0 bar.
 Put on protective gloves and protective goggles.
 Place a temperature-resistant container under the
drain opening (1) on the distributor block.
 Carefully open the drainage plug (2). Hot melt
must flow out of the drain opening (1). Once hot
melt stops flowing out, this means that the pres-
sure has been discharged.
Distributor block with pressure drain

The drain cock may be clogged, preventing any adhesive from flowing out at all.
In this case, the glue pressure must be discharged by switching on the application
heads. Replace the entire drain cock (art. 111960) immediately. You must not con-
tinue to operate the device if the drain cock is defective.

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 65

6.5 Operating concept
– The operating terminal is what is used to actually operate the device.
– Access blocks are used to protect all entries against accidental and unauthorised changes.
– All value settings are retained once the device has
been switched off, meaning that they do not need to
be stored as a separate step.
– Take care to prevent incorrect entries. Each time a
value is changed, the new one becomes active imme-
diately. It is not possible to cancel the entry. For this
reason, you should always enter all values in the pa-
rameter list.
– The initial Robatech device settings can be used in
most cases. With these, the programmed values are
already entered in the parameter table.

6.5.1 Overview of program functions

As a first step, the two selector keys are used to select the pro-
gram function to be displayed or changed. The following func-
tions can be selected:

Display Function
Display actual temperature of tank, heated hoses and application heads (see Chapter
Display and change target temperature of tank, heated hoses and application heads (see
Chapter 6.8.3).
Display and change lowered temperature of tank, heated hoses and application heads
(see Chapter 6.13).
Display heating power of tank, heated hoses and application heads. Unit of measurement
is % of maximum heating power (see Chapter 6.8.4).
Display and change time and day of the week (see Chapter 6.11).

Display and change switch-on times (see Chapter 6.12).

Display and change switch-off times (see Chapter 6.12).

Display and change temperature lowering times (see Chapter 6.13).

Select feed rate. With gear pump only; not available.

Display pump speed. With gear pump only; not available.

Display machine speed. Only if encoder with pattern control is installed; see relevant in-
Counter Display operating hours. Display in 1000 hours.
Parameter Select and change parameter (see Chapter 6.9).

66 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.6 Device status
As soon as the device is switched on, the general oper-
ating status is indicated by means of the LEDs and the
corresponding status code appears on the display.

Ready The device is ready for operation.

The device is heating up; the target temperatures have not yet been reached.
Error An error has occurred The error number appears on the display at the bottom right-hand side (see
Chapter 6.6.3). If the error has originated in a heating zone, the corresponding LED also flashes
red and the heating zone number appears.
0 (off) The device is switched off. The code indicating the possible cause appears on the display at the
bottom left-hand side (see Chapter 6.6.1 and 6.6.2).
Temperature lowering has been activated.
The tank is empty "|__|" or full "| |". Only displayed with optional fill level sensor.

6.6.1 Overall status

Display Cause
A1 Temperature reached
A2 Heating phase
A3 Temperature lowering activated via operating terminal
A4 Temperature lowering activated via input LOW-TEMP (X1.6)
A5 Temperature lowering activated via week time control
A6 Temperature lowering because downtime defined in parameter 24 exceeded
A7 Device switched off via enable input H-ENABLE (X1.4)
A8 Device switched off because downtime defined in parameter 25 exceeded
A9 Pump and pressure build-up valve switched off via input P-ENABLE (X1.7)
A10 Target temperature exceeded by more than 12°C
A11 Pump switched off via key
A12 Pump switched off via emergency off contact P-EMOFF (X33.1 and 2 interrupted)
A15 Wait for tank melting time defined in parameter 31 to elapse
A16 Device switched off by week time control
A17 Pump: Manual operating mode active. Key lights up.
A18 PROFIBUS: Parameter 400 = On and no communication with bus master
A19 AS-IK10/AS-IK 40 control: Manual pattern operating mode active. Key lights up.
A50 Fill level in glue tank is low
A51 Glue tank is excessively full
A52 Maximum granule feeding time exceeded (container empty, blockage, etc.). Acknowledge with +/–
A90 Service message "Check filter cartridge"; go to Chapter 7.3 and 7.4
Switched off by default; recommended after 600 operating hours; duration can be set in
parameter 71; reset message in parameter 70
A91 Service message "Clean entire system"; go to Chapter 7.5
Switched off by default; recommended after 3000 operating hours; duration can be set in
parameter 72; reset message in parameter 70
A92 Service message "Freely adjustable service message"; switched off by default
Duration can be set in parameter 73; reset message in parameter 70

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 67

6.6.2 Heating zone statuses
Display Cause
H1 Heating zone shut down internally
H2 Heating zone shut down due to error in another heating zone
H3 Heating zone shut down by week time control
H4 Heating zone shut down, downtime defined in parameter 25 exceeded
H5 Heating zone shut down via control input
H6 Heating zone shut down due to heating sequence
H7 Temperature lowering activated via control input
H8 Temperature lowering activated via operating terminal
H9 Temperature lowering activated via week time control
H10 Temperature lowering, downtime defined in parameter 24 exceeded
H11 Target temperature not reached
H12 Target temperature reached
H13 Target temperature exceeded by more than 12°C
H14 Heating zone shut down via control inputs

6.6.3 Heating zone and system errors

 In the event of a heating zone error, the relevant LED flashes red and the heating zone number appears.
 If errors E01 to E06 occur, all the heating systems are shut down.
 Errors can be acknowledged using the or arrow key once their cause has been rectified.

Display Cause
E 01 Temperature limiter open
E 02 Temperature sensor line interrupted
E 03 Short circuit in temperature sensor line
E 04 Temperature too high. More than 12°C above the upper limit defined in parameter 30.
E 05 Insufficient heating. Temperature increase less than 5°C within 10 minutes. Possible causes: defec-
tive fuse, defective heating system, sensor not in contact with heating system, etc.
E 06 Internal device temperature too high
E 07 Memory write error (reset parameters to default values or replace MAIN board)
E 08 System interface outputs X1, X8 to X11 or X20 overloaded
E 10 Battery voltage too low
E 11 Time invalid
E15 Supply voltage > 288 V AC; reason: neutral conductor missing
E16 Supply voltage < 150 V AC; reason: phase missing
E90 Trial mode time for IK-T control elapsed or incorrect software key
E 100 EXT2 control: Valve outputs overloaded
E 101 EXT2 control: System interface outputs overloaded
E 102 EXT2 control: Glue pattern removed due to excessively short lengths/pauses
E 103 EXT2 control: Encoder 1 speed > vmax
E104 EXT2 control: Encoder 2 speed > vmax
E 400 PROFIBUS: Parameterisation error
E 401 PROFIBUS: Configuration error
E 402 PROFIBUS: Value of a parameter outside the permissible range
E500 Analogue level sensor: Calibration of lower measuring range incorrect (fill level > 5%)
E501 Analogue level sensor: Calibration of upper measuring range incorrect (fill level < 95%)

68 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.7 Access block
To prevent data being changed accidentally or by unauthorised persons, entries can only be made once the access
block has been cancelled. If an attempt is made to change the values, Loc1 or Loc2 appears on the display.

Cancelling "Loc1" Cancelling "Loc2" Activating access blocks

Press these keys at the same Press these keys at the same Press these keys at the same
time: time: time:

 If Loc2 is cancelled, then Loc1 will always be cancelled along with it.
 If no keys are pressed within two minutes, the access block is automatically reactivated.
 Data access can also be blocked using a key switch (see parameter 32).
 If a PROFIBUS card is installed, the LocE access block appears. Data input via the operating terminal is
blocked. Set parameter 400 to OFF (see also Profibus instructions).

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 69

6.8 Displaying and setting temperatures
The temperatures of the tank (max. 180°C), each individual heated hose (max. 200°C), and each individual ap-
plication head (max. 200°C) can be programmed with an accuracy of 1°C within a 20 to 230°C range (tank up to

The following parameters affect how the temperatures are displayed and entered:
- Parameter 23 defines the unit of temperature measurement in °Celsius or °Fahrenheit (see Chapter 6.9.8)
- Parameter 30 specifies the maximum temperature (see Chapter 6.9.14)

6.8.1 Heating zones

The following heating zones can be controlled on Con-
cept devices:

1 Tank
2 Heated hoses, 1 to max. 4
3 Application heads, 1 to max. 4

You can navigate between the individual heating zones

using the arrow keys.

6.8.2 Displaying actual temperatures (Treal)

 Use keys (1) to select the Treal function.
 Use the left/right keys (2) to select the required
heating zone (tank, heated hose or application
head). The corresponding LED lights up on the de-
vice representation (3).
 In the case of the heated hose and application head,
the relevant number must also be selected using the
up/down keys (4). The selected hose or head num-
ber appears on display (5).
 The following appear on display (6):
– The actual temperature of the heating zone in °C
or °F
– OFF, if the heating zone has been shut down
– E XX, if there is a heating zone error
 The heating zone status appears on display (7) (see
Chapter 6.6.2, "Heating zone statuses").

70 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.8.3 Entering target temperatures (Tnominal)
The temperature values are protected by access block "Loc1" (see Chapter 6.7).
If no heated hose and/or application head is attached to a connection, the heating zone concerned must be shut
down with "OFF".
 Use keys (1) to select Tnominal.
 Use the left/right keys (2) to select the required
heating zone (tank, heated hose or application
head). The corresponding LED lights up on the de-
vice representation (3).
 In the case of the heated hose and application head,
the relevant number must also be selected using the
up/down keys (4). The selected heated hose or ap-
plication head appears on display (5).
 The following appear on display (6):
– The temperature entered in °C or °F
– OFF, if the heating zone has been shut down
 Keys (7) are used to change the value:
– Input range is 20 to 230°C (tank 210°C)
– OFF shuts down the heating zone

To make it easier to enter data, a single value can also be used to set the temperatures for all the heating
 Use keys (2) to select the heated hose or application head.
 Use keys (4) to select value "A" for "All" on display (5).
 Use keys (7) to determine the temperature of the active heating zones. Once you have exited the area where
the data is entered, the temperatures are assigned as follows:
– Tank = input value
– All active heated hoses = input value + parameter 20
– All active application heads = input value + parameter 21

6.8.4 Monitoring the heating power

 Use selector keys (1) to select the P function.
 Use the left/right keys (2) to select the required
heating zone (tank, heated hose or application
head). The corresponding LED (3) lights up.
 In the case of the heated hose and application head,
the relevant number must also be selected using the
up/down keys (4). The selected heated hose or ap-
plication head appears on display (5).
 The following appears on display (6):
The current heating power as a percentage. 100% is
the maximum heating power.

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 71

6.9 Entering parameters
The parameters are used to make initial settings on the device.

6.9.1 Before changing parameters

Answer the following questions. You should only make changes to the parameters if you can answer the relevant
questions with YES. Please observe the order of the questions.

Question Parameter Initial value

First check the number of heated hose and application head connectors at the
28 Device-specific
rear of the device (2 or 4). Factory setting Chapter 6.9.13
If you are entering all the relevant temperatures (tank, all heated hoses and ap-
plication heads), do you want to change the initial settings with a single tem- 20 10°C
perature input? Chapter 6.8.2, 6.9.6, 6.9.7
Tank temperature = input value/heated hose temperatures = input value + pa- 21 15°C
rameter 20/application head temperatures = input value + parameter 21
Do you want to change the unit used for displaying temperatures from
23 °Celsius
°Celsius to °Fahrenheit? Chapter 6.9.8
Do you want to use the system interface input T-TRIGGER to activate tem-
perature lowering automatically after the time defined here (without input sig- 24
nals)? Chapter 6.9.9
Do you want to use the system interface input T-TRIGGER to shut down the
device automatically after the time defined here (without input signals)? 25
Chapter 6.9.10
Do you want to use the system interface input H-ENABLE to switch on and OFF
shut down the heating systems? Chapter 6.9.11 (deactivated)
Do you want to use system interface input P-ENABLE to switch the feed OFF
pump on and off? Chapter 6.9.12 (deactivated)
Do you want to change the maximum target temperature?
30 180°C
Chapter 6.9.14
Once the tank's target temperature has been reached (entire tank contents
melted), how long should the tank continue to be heated before hose heating is 31
enabled? Chapter 6.9.15
Should the system interface input PAR-LOCKED2 be activated in order to
32 OFF
block data input? Chapter 6.9.16
Do you want to cancel access block "Loc1" for the " (timer)" and " 1
(temperature lowering)" keys? Chapter 6.9.18 54 [keys are pro-
tected by Loc1]

72 Operation Concept B / v1.6

Question Parameter Initial value
Has a granule feeder been installed and do you want to switch it on?
60 OFF
Chapter 6.9.19
Do you need to adjust the function sequence of the installed granule feeder? 61 OFF
Parameter 61: start delay, 62: follow-up time, 63: maximum feeding time, and 62 0.03
64: holding time of granule slide Chapters 6.9.20 to 6.9.23 63 1.00
64 2.00
Do you need to reset a service message ("A90", "A91" or "A92")?
70 –
Chapter 6.9.26
Are the service messages "Change filter", "Clean entire system" or "Free ser- 71 OFF
vice message" to be displayed after a particular number of operating hours? 72 OFF
Chapters 6.9.27 to 0 73 OFF
Parameters 80 to 95 only provide information: they cannot be set. 80 to 95 –
Do you want to activate heating zone enable inputs H-ENABLE1 to 3?
200 OFF
Chapter 6.10.1

6.9.2 Querying and changing parameters

Access block "Loc2" prevents parameters from being changed accidentally or by unauthorised persons (see
Chapter 6.7).

Additionally, you must always enter all modified parameter values in the table in
register 6 within this folder.

Enter parameters as follows:

 Use selector keys (1) to select the Parameter func-

 The current parameter selected using keys (3) ap-
pears on display (2).
 The set value appears on display (4). Once access
block "Loc2" has been cancelled, the new value is
set using keys (5) and is accepted immediately.
 The selected parameter is partially shown in the de-
vice representation.

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 73

6.9.3 Storing program settings
All settings entered and IK pattern control programs are
 Switch off the device.
 Press the two highlighted keys at the same time and
switch the device back on. Hold down the two keys
for at least two seconds until "2222" appears on the
 All parameters and programs have now been stored
and can be reloaded if you make any changes (see the
next chapter).

6.9.4 Loading program settings

This reloads the stored settings and the IK pattern control
 Switch off the device.
 Press the two highlighted keys at the same time and
switch the device back on. Hold down the two keys
for at least two seconds until "5555" appears on the
 The current data is deleted and the stored program
settings are reloaded (see previous chapter).

6.9.5 Resetting program to default values

All program settings can be reset to their default values
(the initial values in the control). The program settings
that the user has stored using "2222" are retained.
 Switch off the device.
 Press the four highlighted keys at the same time and
switch the device back on. Hold down the four keys
for at least two seconds until "8888" appears on the
 All data is deleted and the initial control values are

If a program is updated or write errors occur repeatedly in the memory (error

E07), you may need to reset the parameters.

74 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.9.6 Parameter 20: Temperature difference, tank/heated hoses
If a common temperature for all heating zones is entered (see Chapter 6.8.2), all the heated hose temperatures are
set to "input value + parameter 20".

Input range Unit Function Default

0 to 50 °C 10°C
Temperature difference, tank/heated hoses
0 to 90 °F 18°F

6.9.7 Parameter 21: Temperature difference, tank/application heads

If a common temperature for all heating zones is entered (see Chapter 6.8.2), all the application head tempera-
tures are set to "input value + parameter 21".

Input range Unit Function Default

0 to 50 °C 15°C
Temperature difference, tank/application heads
0 to 90 °F 27°F

6.9.8 Parameter 23: Unit of temperature measurement

Input range Function Default
C Unit of measurement °Celsius
F Unit of measurement °Fahrenheit

6.9.9 Parameter 24: Downtime until temperature lowering

If no edge is registered on input T-TRIGGER (X1.5) or TRIGGERx of the ICS-EXT extra board during the time
programmed in parameter 24, temperature lowering is activated until edges are registered again or the key is

Input range Unit Function Default

OFF Function deactivated
0.05 to 10.00 hrs.min Downtime until temperature lowering is activated

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 75

6.9.10 Parameter 25: Downtime until shutdown
If no edge is registered on input T-TRIGGER (X1.5), TRIGGERx of the ICS-EXT extra board or H-ENABLE
during the total time programmed in parameters 24 and 25, the heating systems are shut down until edges are
registered again or the key is pressed.

Input range Unit Function Default

OFF Function deactivated
0.05 to 10.00 hrs.min Downtime until heating systems shut down

6.9.11 Parameter 26: Activating heating enable H-ENABLE

Input range Function Default
OFF H-ENABLE input at X1.4 is not active
Heating enable: If the input signal (0 V) is missing at input X1.4, all heating OFF
systems are shut down.

6.9.12 Parameter 27: Activating pump enable P-ENABLE

Input range Function Default
OFF P-ENABLE input at X1.7 is not active
Pump enable: If the input signal (0 V) is missing at input X1.7, the pump OFF
and optional pressure build-up valve are switched off

6.9.13 Parameter 28: Number of heated hose/application head pairs

Entry dependent upon number of connections available at the rear of the device. In the case of Concept 8/4 (see
rating plate), the value = 4. This parameter can also be used to disable connections that are not required.

Input range Function Default

1 to 4 Number of heated hoses and application heads that can be connected 2

6.9.14 Parameter 30: Maximum target temperature

Upper limit value for Tnominal
Input range Unit Function Default
20 to 230 °C Exception if P30 > 210. 180°C
68 to 446 °F -Maximum setting for tank: 210°
-Maximum setting for heated hoses and heads: 230°

If the set maximum temperature value is exceeded by more than 12°C (22°F), all
heating zones are shut down automatically. Error message E04 appears.

76 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.9.15 Parameter 31: Tank melting time
To ensure the entire contents of the tank are melted, during the heating process the system waits for the time de-
fined here after the tank target temperature has been reached (status message A15). Only once this time has
elapsed are the heated hoses and application heads heated.
The tank melting time is activated if the tank temperature is 30°C below the target temperature or 10°C below
the lowered temperature.

Input range Unit Function Default

Tank melting time: waiting time after tank target temperature
0.15 to 3.00 hrs.min 0.15
has been reached

6.9.16 Parameter 32: Configuring access block PAR-LOCKED2

Access blocks "Loc1" and/or "Loc2" can be activated using a key switch at the freely configurable input PAR-
LOCKED2. If the input is enabled, access is blocked. If the input is disabled, the access blocks can be cancelled
as outlined in Chapter 6.7.

Input range Function Default

OFF Input PAR-LOCKED2 inactive; no blocking via key switch
1 Access to all data protected by "Loc2" is blocked OFF
2 Access to all data protected by "Loc1" and "Loc2" is blocked

6.9.17 Parameter 33: Delay time, spray air – glue

If a spray applicator is being used, the spray air must be switched on first; only once this has been done should
the hot melt be sprayed into the spray air stream. The spray applicator is switched off in reverse order: first the
glue is switched off, followed by the spray air to allow the hose to be cleaned. Parameter 33 is used to define
these two delay times.

Input range Unit Function Default

0.00 to 5.00 Seconds Delay time, spray air – glue 0.30

6.9.18 Parameter 54: Access block for timer/temperature lowering

Normally, the two "Manual timer" and "Manual temperature lowering" keys are protected by access block
"Loc1" to prevent them being activated by unauthorised persons. However, this protection can be disabled if re-
quired (see also Chapters 6.12 and 6.13).

Input range Function Default

0 The two and keys are not protected by "Loc1".
1 The two and keys are protected by "Loc1".

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 77

6.9.19 Parameter 60: Activating the granule feeder
The optional granule feeder enables the melting tank to be filled with granulate directly from a separate con-
tainer. The system is controlled using the melting tank's level monitoring function: if necessary, this transmits a
signal to the control that triggers the filling cycle.
Parameters 61 to 64 only appear if the granule feeder has been switched on using parameter 60 = On.

Input range Function Default

OFF No granule feeder is installed.
On The granule feeder is activated.

6.9.20 Parameter 61: Granule feeder start delay

The "Tank empty" signal from the level sensor must be present throughout the time defined in parameter 61, un-
til the granule feeder starts. This regulates the switching frequency.

Input range Unit Function Default

OFF Function is deactivated
Minimum "Tank empty" signal duration until granule feeding OFF
0.00 to 2.00 min.sec

6.9.21 Parameter 62: Granule feeder follow-up time

The "Tank full" signal from the level sensor must be present throughout the time defined in parameter 62, until
the granule feeder stops. This regulates the switching frequency.

Input range Unit Function Default

OFF Function is deactivated
Minimum "Tank full" signal duration until granule feeding 0.03
0.00 to 2.00 min.sec

6.9.22 Parameter 63: Maximum granule feeding time (monitoring)

If the granule feeder is switched on for longer than the time defined in parameter 63, message "A52" is output
and feeding stops immediately. Possible cause: The granule container is empty or the filling process is not work-
ing properly.

Input range Unit Function Default

OFF Function is deactivated
0.00 to 5.00 min.sec Maximum permissible granule feeding time

6.9.23 Parameter 64: Granule slide holding time

Once filling has stopped, the slide on the tank lid closes. Before this, the slide remains open throughout the time
defined in parameter 64 to allow all the granulate in the feeding hose to drop into the tank.

Input range Unit Function Default

1.00 to 9.99 sec Granule slide holding time 2.00

78 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.9.24 Parameter 65: GF Split mode: Feed time
The refilling of the granulate can be split. Normally, the GF is active until the level sensor no longer reports
"empty". When Split mode is activated (P65), granulate is fed during the feed time (P65) that has been set. Af-
terwards a pause time (P66) is allowed to expire, after which feeding resumes. This feed time and pause time al-
ternate until the level sensor no longer reports "empty".

Indication range Unit Function Default

OFF Split mode is switched off OFF
0.01…0.30 min.sec Feed time of the granulate feeder in Split mode.

6.9.25 Parameter 66: GF Split mode: Pause time

The refilling of the granulate can be split. Normally, the GF is active until the level sensor no longer reports
"empty". When Split mode is activated (P65), granulate is fed during the feed time (P65) that has been set. Af-
terwards a pause time (P66) is allowed to expire, after which feeding resumes. This feed time and pause time al-
ternate until the level sensor no longer reports "empty".

Indication range Unit Function Default

0.00…5.00 min.sec Pause time of the granulate feeder in Split mode.

6.9.26 Parameter 70: Resetting service messages A90 to A92

Parameter 70 resets the operating hours counter for service messages A90 to A92 once the work is complete. Re-
setting must be confirmed with key or , after entering the reset code.

Reset code Function Default

1794 Resetting service message "A90 Check filter"
233 Resetting service message "A91 Clean system" 0
97 Resetting service message "A92 Free service message"

6.9.27 Parameter 71: Operating hours until "Check filter"

Input range Unit Function Default
OFF Function deactivated
Operating hours until service message "A90 Check filter" ap- OFF
200 to 1000 hrs
pears. Recommended setting: 600 hours.

6.9.28 Parameter 72: Operating hours until "Clean entire system"

Input range Unit Function Default
OFF Function deactivated
Operating hours until service message "A91 Clean entire sys- OFF
1000 to 9999 hrs
tem" appears. Recommended setting: 3000 hours.

6.9.29 Parameter 73: Operating hours until "Free service message"

Input range Unit Function Default
OFF No freely definable service message "A92"
Operating hours until service message "A92 Free service mes- OFF
1 to 9999 hrs
sage" appears.

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 79

6.9.30 Parameter 75: "Low glue fill level" switching threshold
Digital fill level sensor: Parameter 75 needs to be set to ‘OFF’ when using the digital fill level sensor.

Analogue fill level sensor: Evaluation of a fill level signal at input X22 (see Chapter 5.10). If the fill level in the
glue tank falls below the value defined here, message ‘A50’ is displayed. The adhesive needs to be topped up.

Input range Unit Function Default

OFF No fill level signal evaluation
0 to 100 % Threshold for message in the event of low glue tank fill level

6.9.31 Parameter 80: Internal control temperature

Displays the current internal control temperature. If the temperature exceeds 65°C (149°F), all heating systems
shut down automatically and error message E06 appears.

6.9.32 Parameter 81: Downtime

Displays the time [hours.minutes] since the most recent edge on input T-TRIGGER (X1.5), or the most recent
point at which gluing was triggered (if the optional EXT1 pattern control is present).

6.9.33 Parameter 82: Battery voltage

Displays the voltage of lithium battery BAT1 on the MAIN board. Minimum voltage 2.6 V ±5%. If the voltage
falls below this, error message E10 appears and the battery must be replaced.

6.9.34 Parameter 83: Tank fill level

Digital fill level sensor: Parameter 83 is to be ignored when using the digital fill level senor.

Analogue fill level sensor: Displays the current fill level measurement in the glue tank. Display range 0 to 100%
(see Chapter 5.10).

6.9.35 Parameter 90: Program type

Displays the program in use: 1 = Concept B

6.9.36 Parameter 91: Program version

Displays the installed program version [X.YY], e.g. "6.03"

6.9.37 Parameter 93: CLS-MAIN board serial number

Displays the 8-digit serial number of the CLS-MAIN board.
Parameter 93 shows digits 1 - 4.

6.9.38 Parameter 94: CLS-MAIN board serial number

Displays the 8-digit serial number of the CLS-MAIN board.
Parameter 94 shows digits 5 - 8.

80 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.9.39 Parameter 95: Modified configuration of inputs and outputs
Display range Function Default
0 No modification to inputs and outputs
1 Outputs have been modified in parameters 510 to 527
2 Inputs have been modified in parameters 530 to 571 0
3 Inputs and outputs have been modified in parameters 510 to 571

6.9.40 Parameter 590: Analogue fill level sensor calibration

Digital fill level sensor: Parameter 590 is not relevant when using the digital fill level senor.

Analogue fill level sensor:

Para. Function Setting Input range Default
590 Start analogue level sensor see chapter 5.10.1

6.9.41 Parameter 603: SNMP communication monitoring

If a valid SNMP data packet is not received within the time defined in parameter 603, status A18 is displayed
and all parameters are reset to their stored values.

Input range Unit Function Default

OFF Function deactivated
0.02 to 10.00 min.sec Maximum permissible time between SNMP data packets

6.9.42 Parameter 682: User parameter display

The SNMP interface can be used to set the user parameter (index 11) to a freely selectable value. The loaded pa-
rameter set can be labelled and identified using this setting. Whenever any parameter is changed using the front-
plate, the user parameter value is automatically reset to 0. This provides an easy way of detecting any manual
change to a parameter.

6.9.43 Parameter 683: SNMP operating status display

Input range Function Default
0 SNMP communication not available or blocked
1 SNMP write access blocked with parameter 600 = OFF
2 SNMP write access blocked with logic input FBDISABLE
3 SNMP write and read access possible (bus operation active)
4 SNMP operation deactivated due to watchdog
5 SNMP operation via Ethernet

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 81

6.10 Heating zone enable
– The freely configurable inputs H-ENABLE1 to 3 (see Chapter 0, parameters 539 to 541) enable each indi-
vidual heating zone (tank, heated hoses and application heads) to be switched on, shut down and preheated,
and enable the pump to be switched on and off by means of control signals. Up to seven different combina-
tions can be defined on the device and activated via inputs H-ENABLE1 to 3.
– Parameters 201 to 207 are available for enabling the heating zones. Parameters 211 to 217 are available for
enabling the pump.
– Example: If inputs H-ENABLE1 to 3 are used to call up the binary coded value "4", the settings in parameter
204 are activated for the heating zones and the settings in parameter 214 are activated for the pumps.

6.10.1 Parameter 200: H-ENABLE 1 to 3 evaluation

To enable the heating zones and pump to be controlled using inputs H-ENABLE1 to 3, parameter 200 must be
configured correctly.

Input range Function Default

OFF No evaluation of enable inputs H-ENABLE 1 to 3
On Evaluation of enable inputs H-ENABLE 1 to 3

6.10.2 Parameters 201 to 207: Heating zone enable

Each individual heating zone can be switched on/shut down or preheated in parameters 201 to 207.

Input range Function Default

OFF The heating zone is shut down
On The heating zone is enabled
P The heating zone is being preheated
L The heating zone temperature is being lowered to the "Tlow" value

Switching on/shutting down a heating zone using "On" or "OFF"

All heating zones that are set to "On" are heated and must reach their target temperatures in order for the device
enable "Ready" to be set. Heating zones that are not required must be set to "OFF". All heating zones are set to
"On" in the initial settings.
Preheating heating zones using "P"
Heating zones may start to be heated even while production is still taking place in another active heating zone. If
the "P" status is activated, the relevant heating zones are only heated; the device enable is not dependent on
them. The freely configurable output PTEMP-READY (see Chapter 0) is used to indicate whether the preheated
heating zones are ready. The output is enabled if all heating zones set to "P" have reached their target tempera-
tures. In this case, it is possible to perform a heating zone switchover without interruption.
Switchover is performed as follows:
1. Select a combination of heating zones in which the heating zones that are currently in use are set to "On" and
the heating zones that are to be used later are set to "P".
2. Wait until output PTEMP-READY indicates that all heating zones set to "P" are ready.
3. Select a new heating zone combination in which all heating zones in use are set to "On".
Lowered temperature "L"
The temperature of the selected heating zone is reduced to the lowered temperature value "T low".

82 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.10.3 Parameters 211 to 217: Pump enable
The pump can be blocked or enabled in parameters 211 to 217.

Input range Function Default

OFF Pump blocked
On Pump enabled

6.10.4 Programming enables

 Use keys (1) to select Parameter.
 Use keys (3) to select one of the parameter number
options (201 to 207 or 211 to 217). The selection
appears on display (2).
 Select the required heating zones using the right/left
keys (4). In the case of heated hoses and application
heads, use the up/down keys (5) to select the rele-
vant number as well. The selections appear on dis-
play (6).
 The current setting appears on display (7): "On",
"OFF", "P" or "L" for the heating zones and "On"
or "OFF" for the pump. Keys (8) are used to make
the selection.

6.10.5 Activating enable combinations

The combinations programmed using parameters 201 to 207 and 211 to 217 are activated using interface inputs
H-ENABLE1 to 3. The parameters are determined using the following switching statuses:

Switching status of inputs

parameters Value #1 Value #2 Value #4
201 + 211 on off off
202 + 212 off on off
203 + 213 on on off
204 + 214 off off on
205 + 215 on off on
206 + 216 off on on
207 + 217 on on on
All heating zones and the pump are enabled if inputs H-ENABLE 1 to 3 are disabled.

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 83

6.10.6 Parameter 280: Enable inputs display
The binary coded status of inputs H-ENABLE1 to 3 is displayed.

Display Active enable H-ENABLE 1 H-ENABLE 2 H-ENABLE 3

0 – off off off
1 Parameters 201 + 211 on off off
2 Parameters 202 + 212 off on off
3 Parameters 203 + 213 on on off
4 Parameters 204 + 214 off off on
5 Parameters 205 + 215 on off on
6 Parameters 206 + 216 off on on
7 Parameters 207 + 217 on on on

6.10.7 Parameter 383: measuring glue consumption display

(flow measurement device option)

A digital input, P588, is used to cumulate the pulses from a flowmeter and display the results in P383, "Meas-
ured glue quantity". The pulse value is defined in P586. Press and hold the "-" key for more than 3 seconds to re-
set the value in P383 to 0.

Display Function
xxx.x kg Measured glue quantity

6.11 Querying and setting the time

The device features an internal battery-backed clock. In addition to displaying the current time and day of the
week, it also enables:
 the entire device to be switched on and off automatically (see Chapter 6.12, "Timer")
 the operating temperatures to be lowered automatically (see Chapter 6.13, "Temperature lowering").

The time is queried and set as follows:

 Use keys (1) to select the function.
 The current time in hours and minutes appears on
display (2).
 The current day of the week (e.g. 1 = Monday, 2 =
Tuesday, etc.) appears on display (4).
 Once you have cancelled access block "Loc2",
you can set the current time using keys (3) and the
day of the week using keys (5).

84 Operation Concept B / v1.6

6.12 Timer
You can use the timer to switch the device on and off at up to two different times during each day of the week.

 Use selector keys (1) to select function for en-

tering the switch-on times or for entering the
switch-off times.
 Display (2) shows the day of the week on which the
time is to be set. Keys (3) are used to select the
relevant day. The table below lists the options
available for this.
 The switch-on or switch-off time appears on dis-
play (4). Once you have cancelled access block
"Loc1", you can set the relevant time using keys
(5). If "----" appears, this means the timer function
is not active.
 Once the switch-on or switch-off times are entered,
key (6) is used to activate the timer after access
block "Loc 1" has been cancelled (see parameter
54). The green LED lights up.

Overview of days of the week and switching times

Display Description
X.1 First switching time on any day of the week X [1 to 7]
X.2 Second switching time on any day of the week X [1 to 7]
A.1 First switching time from Monday to Friday (1 to 5)
A.2 Second switching time from Monday to Friday (1 to 5)
F.1 First switching time on Saturday and Sunday (6+7)
F.2 Second switching time on Saturday and Sunday (6+7)

You can select "A" or "F" to set the switching times for multiple days to the same value using a single entry.
This makes the process of entering values easier. The individual switching times can be altered individually at a
later point.

The timer can also be switched on and off using a freely definable input in parameter
536. See Chapter 5.8.6.

Temporarily suspending the switching status

During timer operation (switching device on/off or temperature lowering), the switching status can be suspended
temporarily using an input signal. The input is defined in parameter 569. The temporary suspension is then can-
celled when the following sequence of events occurs:
– Next timer point is reached
– Positive signal edge on "Inversion" input, defined in parameter 569
– Timer operation deactivated via key or control input
– Positive signal edge on "Heating enable" input, defined in parameter 530

Concept B / v1.6 Operation 85

6.13 Temperature lowering
Constantly applying high temperatures to the hot melt will have a negative effect on its quality. The temperature
must be lowered whenever the device is going to be out of use for an extended period; for example, during setup
or maintenance work on the machine system (not on the Concept device). Once temperature lowering has been
deactivated, it does not take long for the device to be ready for use again.

6.13.1 Determining lowered temperatures

Once you have selected the " " function, you can assign a separate lowered temperature to each heating
zone. The lowered temperature is entered in exactly the same way as the target temperatures; this process is de-
scribed in detail in Chapter 6.8.3, "Entering temperatures".

The optimum lowered temperature depends on the adhesive, and you should use a
process of trial and error to determine it. Remember that a lowered temperature of
more than 30°C below the target temperature will activate the waiting time in pa-
rameter 31 automatically.

6.13.2 Manually activating temperature lowering

 You can activate temperature lowering manually.
 Once you have cancelled access block "Loc1" (see
parameter 54), press the key shown here to activate
the function.
 The LED on the key and the corresponding key on
the status display light up and the feed pump is

6.13.3 Temperature lowering via week time control

Activating temperature lowering:
You can assign the times once you have selected the " " function. The times are entered in exactly the
same way as those used for switching the device on or off via the timer (see Chapter 6.12).

Display Description
X.1 The first switch-on time for temperature lowering on any given day of the week X [1 to 7]
X.2 The second switch-on time for temperature lowering on any given day of the week X [1 to 7]
A.1 The first switch-on time from Monday to Friday (1 to 5)
A.2 The second switch-on time from Monday to Friday (1 to 5)
F.1 The first switch-on time on Saturday and Sunday (6+7)
F.2 The second switch-on time on Saturday and Sunday (6+7)

Deactivating temperature lowering:

You can revert back to normal operating mode by switching on the device via the timer (see Chapter 6.12).

Temperature lowering can also be activated via the LOW-TEMP input of the system
control. The status message is shown via the TEMP-LOW output. See also Chapters
5.7 and 5.8.

86 Operation Concept B / v1.6

7 Maintenance

This chapter outlines the most important tasks and monitoring activities that you
need to carry out in order to ensure the system runs smoothly. Adhering to a sched-
ule of the maintenance activities described here will guarantee the system has a long
service life and can operate without any problems.

Contact your nearest Robatech Service Office in the event of problems relating to
maintenance. You can find the relevant addresses in register 8, "Communication".

7.1 Notes
Warning Risk of injury or property damage
Only authorised and trained service technicians may perform maintenance work
on the device. In addition to the instructions in this chapter, the regulations in
Chapter 2 must also be observed.

Risk of burns and spraying

Warning The maintenance activities are performed at operating temperatures of up to
210°C. There is a risk of burns if you touch device parts that are not covered or
come into contact with hot adhesive. The hot adhesive in the lines is under high
pressure. If the pressure system is opened improperly, there is a risk of injury
from hot spray. Chapter 6.3 describes the correct procedure for discharging the
system pressure.

It is essential that you wear protective goggles and heat-resistant gloves

during all maintenance activities.

– Robatech offers a special maintenance kit (art. no. 100660): see Chapter 10.2, "Tools and auxiliary materi-
als". This consists of 1 pair of protective gloves, 1 pair of protective goggles and 1 nozzle cleaning set.

– These instructions do not contain information on the maintenance tasks performed on the application heads.
The instructions for the application heads describe these tasks.

Concept B / v1.6 Maintenance 87

7.2 Maintenance schedule
Soiling and deposits in the adhesive system are the most common reason for malfunctions. Therefore, the entire
system must be kept clean at all times and it is essential that the maintenance tasks described below are carried

Warning Risk of injury or property damage

If the maintenance tasks are not carried out or are not carried out correctly, then
malfunctions such as blockages may occur. Malfunctions of this type do not usu-
ally follow a regular pattern and are often difficult to localise.

The maintenance intervals apply to one-shift operation. If the system is being used more heavily than this, the
frequency with which maintenance tasks are performed will need to be increased accordingly.

When What How

Weekly Rinsing out the filter to remove Rinse out any impurities using the drainage plug; see
impurities Chapter 7.3, "Rinsing the filter"

Visual check of screw fittings Check all screw fittings on the distributor block, heated
hoses and application heads for escaping hot melt. Re-
place any screw fittings that are not tight.

Visual check of cables and hoses Check all power cables, connecting cables, the pneu-
matic hose and the heated hoses for signs of external
damage. Replace damaged cables or hoses.

Monthly Visual check of coarse filter Check the coarse filter in the tank for deposits. Remove
any impurities from the coarse filter and tank; see
Chapter 7.5, "Cleaning the system".

Cleaning the tank lid Clean the tank lid using cleaning oil.

Twice a year
or Replacing the filter See Chapter 7.4, "Replacing the filter"
message "A90"

Flush and clean the entire hot melt
or See Chapter 7.5, "Cleaning the system"
message "A91"

88 Maintenance Concept B / v1.6

7.3 Rinsing the filter
Rinse any accumulated adhesive impurities on the filter out of the drain opening. The filter does not need to be
removed for this purpose. Condition: The device has reached the operating temperature.

 Set the pressure regulator on the piston pump to 0 bar.

 Place a temperature-resistant container under the drain
opening (1) on the distributor block.
 Open the drainage plug (2). Hot melt will flow out of
the drain opening (1).
 Increase the pump pressure and keep draining the hot
melt until you can no longer see any impurities flow-
ing out of the drain opening.
 Close the drainage plug again. Replace the filter car-
tridge if it is heavily soiled.
Draining impurities

7.4 Replacing the filter

Condition: The device has reached the operating temperature. The tank must not be empty.
The order number for the standard filter with O-ring is 133272.

 Set the pump pressure on the regulator to 0 bar.

 Discharge the system pressure. To do this, place a temperature-resistant container under the drain opening (1)
on the distributor block. Open the drainage plug (2) until hot melt starts flowing out. When it stops flowing
out, this means the system pressure has been reduced. Leave the drainage plug (2) open.
 Remove the screw plug (3). The filter cartridge is still
fixed in the bore hole.
 Screw an M5 screw (5) or the special filter key (art.
no. 113264) into the thread of the filter cartridge (4)
and pull the filter cartridge (4) together with the O-
ring (6) out of the bore hole.
 Clean the bore hole using fibre-free cleaning material
and push the new filter cartridge together with the O-
ring into the bore hole.
 Screw the screw plug (3) back in tightly.
 Once the filter has been replaced, there will be air in
the system. Increase the pump pressure slightly so that
the air can escape from the drain opening (1). As soon
as only hot melt is escaping from the drain opening,
close the drainage plug (2). The device is ready for
operation again.
Replacing the filter cartridge

Concept B / v1.6 Maintenance 89

7.5 Cleaning the system
Soiling in the adhesive tank or on the device is the most common reason for malfunctions. For this reason, you
must keep the device clean at all times.

7.5.1 Cleaning agents

Only use Robatech cleaning oil to clean the tank.
Only use the cleaning oil in the tank: never pump it through the entire system.
Using it in the heated hoses may result in clumps that could remain even after
full cleaning has been carried out.

Warning Risk of fire

Never use cleaning agents containing solvents, such as nitrocellulose combination
thinner, acetone, and so on. There is a risk of fire if these agents come into con-
tact with hot parts.

The cleaning agent must have a high flash point and must be non-toxic at the
processing temperature. It must not create a chemical reaction with the adhesive
or device parts and must not have a corrosive or otherwise damaging effect on
device parts.

Robatech cleaning oil is available in the following quantities: 2.5 litres Art. no. 100664
(Data sheet for cleaning oil art. no. 128848) 5.0 litres Art. no. 101515
10.0 litres Art. no. 101516

90 Maintenance Concept B / v1.6

7.5.2 Full cleaning
The entire hot melt system must be fully cleaned and flushed at least once a year. More frequent cleaning may be
required depending on the circumstances described below:

The frequency with which internal cleaning needs to be performed in the device de-
pends on the processing temperature, the thermostability of the hot melt, and the
material quantity that is processed. The shorter the throughput time and the lower
the processing temperature, the lower the risk of deposits in the tank and of malfunc-
tions occurring as a result.

During cleaning work, it is essential that you wear clothing that

covers the arms and legs as well as heat-resistant gloves and pro-
tective goggles.

– The adhesive melter is switched on and has reached the operating temperature.
– The necessary tools, cleaning agents, spare glue filter and O-rings are available to hand.
– Around half a day has been set aside for the work.

1. Discharge the system pressure

 Reset the pressure regulator to 0 bar.
 Place a temperature-resistant container under the drain opening on the glue distributor.
 Open the drainage plug. Once hot melt stops flowing out, this means that the pressure has been dis-

The drain cock may be clogged, preventing any adhesive from flowing out at all. In
this case, discharge the glue pressure by switching on the application heads. Replace
the entire drain cock (art. 111960) immediately. It is not possible to carry out full
cleaning if the drain cock is defective.

2. Remove the filter from the glue distributor

 Remove the filter screw plug. Pull out the filter cartridge using the M5 filter key.
 Replace the sintered bronze filter in the usual way. Immerse the woven filter in the heated cleaning agent.
To do this, you can use a deep fat fryer filled with cleaning oil, for example.
 Replace the sealing ring on the screw plug (art. 102781).
 Leave the filter bore hole open.
3. Empty the tank
 Close the drainage plug.
 Increase the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0.5 - 1.0 bar until hot melt is continuously flow-
ing through the filter bore hole. Empty the tank completely.
 Set the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0 bar.
 Activate temperature lowering (approx. 100°C).
4. Remove the pump
 Remove the pump and clean it with a lint-free cloth.
 Replace the O-ring on the base of the pump (art. 102063) and coat with silicone grease.

Concept B / v1.6 Maintenance 91

5. Clean the tank lid and covering
 If the covering is heavily soiled, remove the lid and clean it.
6. Remove deposits in the tank
 Remove the coarse filter (mesh) from the tank and clean it.
 Remove any adhesive residue from the tank using a wooden scraper and lint-free cleaning cloth.
7. Replace the pump
 Install the pump and fasten it in place.
8. Special tank cleaning in the event of heavy deposits – see the next chapter ("Special cleaning I")
 If there are heavy deposits, the tank can be soaked in cleaning oil. This step is not necessary during stan-
dard cleaning.

9. Fill the tank with new adhesive

 Replace the filter screw plug (without the filter).
 Fill the tank with new adhesive and heat it up to the operating temperature.
 The nozzles on the application heads can be removed and cleaned (see Point 12) while the melting proc-
ess is taking place.

10. Pump impurities out of the tank

 Remove the filter screw plug.
 Increase the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0.5 - 1.0 bar. Switch on the pump until there is no
longer a mixture of impurities, adhesive and (where applicable) oil flowing out.
 Set the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0 bar. Replace the filter screw plug (without the filter).
11. Special heated hose cleaning – see the next chapter ("Special cleaning II")
 Heavy deposits in the heated hoses can be removed by flushing through the hoses with pressure. This
causes the adhesive or cleaning agent to become viscous because the operating temperature is reduced.

12. Clean the application heads

 Discharge the glue pressure by switching on the application heads manually.
 Unscrew the nozzles from the application heads. Clean the bore holes using nozzle needles and scrape off
any deposits on the outside. Replace the nozzles if necessary.
 It may be necessary to immerse the nozzles in hot cleaning oil and purge them using compressed air.
 Clean the outsides of the application heads using a scraper or wire brush.
13. Remove the filter from the application head (if present)
 Remove the filter screw plug from the application head.
 Pull out the filter cartridge using the M5 filter key.
 Replace the sealing ring on the screw plug.
 Leave the filter bore hole open.
 Carry out this process for each application head.
14. Check the spraying element for leaks
 Replace the entire spraying element or the seals if there are holes through which the adhesive is leaking.

92 Maintenance Concept B / v1.6

15. Flush the system
Note: The application heads can be flushed individually or at the same time.
 Place a temperature-resistant container under the filter opening for the application heads.
 Increase the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0.5 - 1.0 bar until hot melt is continuously flow-
ing through the filter opening for the application heads.
 Reset the pressure regulator to 0 bar.
 Replace the filter screw plug (without the filter) on the application head temporarily.
 Set the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0.5 - 1.0 bar.
 Activate each spraying element and flush thoroughly.
 Only remove the spraying element and flush it directly from the heating part if it is necessary to do so.
Caution: The bore hole for the air supply must remain free of adhesive.

16. Get the system ready for operation again

 Discharge the system pressure by resetting the pressure regulator to 0 bar and opening the drainage plug
until adhesive stops escaping from it.
 Close the drainage plug again.
 Insert the new or cleaned filter cartridge in the glue distributor on the adhesive melter.
 Attach new or cleaned filter cartridges to the application heads.
 Increase the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0.5 - 1.0 bar. Activate and flush each spraying
element to remove air bubbles from the system.
 Screw new or cleaned nozzles tightly on to the spraying elements.
 Check that the application heads are working properly. You have now finished the cleaning process.

Concept B / v1.6 Maintenance 93

7.5.3 Special cleaning I: Heavy deposits in the tank

If there are heavy deposits in the tank, you can soak them in Robatech cleaning oil.
Caution: If you are using cleaning oil, there is a risk of oil mixing with adhesive and
flecks of oil appearing during subsequent production processes as a result.

Only use the cleaning oil in the tank: never pump it through the entire system. Using
it in the heated hoses may result in clumps that could remain even after full cleaning
has been carried out.

Cleaning agent and consumable material:

– Robatech cleaning oil

1. Carry out steps 1 to 7 of the standard cleaning procedure

2. Pour in the cleaning agent

 Replace the filter screw plug (without the filter).
 Fill the tank with the cleaning agent until the level is above the tank ribs.
 Heat the cleaning agent. Robatech cleaning oil needs to be heated to 140°C. If you are using another type
of cleaning agent, observe the manufacturer's specifications.

Never heat Robatech cleaning oil to more than 160ºC. Only heat and use the cleaning
oil once. Observe the toxicology specifications on the data sheet (art. 128848).

3. Flush the pump with cleaning agent

 Remove the filter screw plug.
 Increase the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0.5 - 1.0 bar until the cleaning agent is flowing
out without any impurities.
 Reset the pump pressure to 0 bar. Replace the filter screw plug (without the filter).
4. Leave the heated device to stand for around 1 hour
 Use a wooden scraper to remove any encrusted deposits in the tank that have not been loosened.
5. Drain the cleaning agent out of the tank
 Remove the filter screw plug.
 Increase the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0.5 - 1.0 bar and pump out the cleaning agent un-
til the tank is empty.
 Reset the pump pressure to 0 bar. Replace the filter screw plug (without the filter).
 Activate temperature lowering (approx. 100°C).
6. Clean the tank using a lint-free cloth

7. Resume the standard cleaning procedure from Step 9

94 Maintenance Concept B / v1.6

7.5.4 Special cleaning II: Flushing the heated hoses

Heavy deposits in the heated hoses can be removed by flushing through the hoses
with high pressure. This causes the adhesive to become viscous because the process-
ing temperature is reduced.

Cleaning agent and consumable material:

– New adhesive

1. Carry out steps 1 to 10 of the standard cleaning procedure

2. Lower the heated hose temperatures

 To increase the viscosity of the adhesive, lower the temperatures of the heated hoses. Recommendation: 15
to 20ºC below normal operating temperature.

3. Discharge the system pressure

 Reset the pressure regulator to 0 bar.
 Place a temperature-resistant container under the drain opening on the glue distributor.
 Open the drainage plug. Once hot melt stops flowing out, this means that the pressure has been dis-
charged. Close the drainage plug again.

4. Remove the heated hose

 Have a temperature-resistant container ready.
 Remove the heated hose from the application head and place it in the container.
5. Flush the heated hose
 Once the lower temperature has been reached, increase the pump pressure on the pressure regulator to 0.5
- 1.0 bar until hot melt flows out of the hose continuously.
 Flush thoroughly until you can no longer see any impurities.
 Reset the pressure regulator to 0 bar.
6. Screw the heated hose back on to the head.

7. Carry out this procedure for each heated hose.

8. Reset the temperature of the heated hoses to its normal value.

9. Resume the standard cleaning procedure from Step 12.

Concept B / v1.6 Maintenance 95

96 Maintenance Concept B / v1.6
8 Repair

This chapter outlines what you need to know in order to resolve problems and carry out repair work if technical
malfunctions or defects occur.

Contact your nearest Robatech Service Office in the event of problems relating to
repair work. You can find the relevant addresses in register 8, "Communication".

8.1 Notes
Warning Risk of injury or property damage
Only personnel with the requisite level of training and experience that allows
them to identify risks and avoid hazards associated with electricity may carry out
repair work on the device.

Risk of burns and spraying

Warning Repair work on the heated hoses/application heads or pumps is carried out at
operating temperatures of up to 210°C. There is a risk of burns if you touch bare
parts or come into contact with hot adhesive. The hot adhesive in the lines is un-
der high pressure. If the pressure system is opened improperly, there is a risk of
injury from hot spray.

Only use original Robatech parts. Using unsuitable parts may lead to malfunc-
tions or cause the valves to fall out of service prematurely. Robatech assumes no
liability if original parts are not used.

Concept B / v1.6 Repair 97

8.2 Replacing heated hoses and application heads

It is essential that you wear protective goggles and heat-resistant gloves

during this work.

The connecting cables for the heated hoses and application heads must not be
connected or removed under load. Always switch off the device first.

1. Switch off the device using the upstream main switch

2. Discharge the system pressure
Reset the pressure regulator to 0 bar. Place a temperature-resistant container under the drain opening on the
distributor block. Open the drainage plug until hot melt escapes.
3. Disconnect the connecting cables from the application head and heated hose
4. Loosen the heated hose or application head
Loosen the union nut at the hose entrance and/or exit. It is essential that the lock nut is held in place using a
second fork spanner. Otherwise, the hose will become warped and damaged.
5. Install a new heated hose or application head
Once the heated hose or screw fittings have been filled with hot melt, they must be heated to a sufficiently
high temperature before installation. A hot air blower is a useful tool for this purpose. First screw the union
nut on to the connection thread manually and then tighten it using a spanner. Hold the lock nut in place using
a second fork spanner.
6. Attach the connecting cables
Do not switch on the device during this process.

98 Repair Concept B / v1.6

8.3 Removing protective hoods and the tank lid
Danger Electric shock
Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening. The
protective covering may only be removed if the device is disconnected from the
power supply.

There are various repair tasks that require the protective hoods and the tank lid to be removed.

8.3.1 Removing the tank lid

The device must be completely disconnected from the
power supply in order to carry out this work.
– The tank lid can be rotated 180° to ensure optimum
accessibility when filling the tank with granulate.
– The tank lid needs to be removed completely in or-
der to remove the rear protective hood.

Removing the tank lid:

 Open the tank lid once the device has cooled down.
 Loosen and remove the four outermost screws (1)
using a Torx 30 screwdriver. If you are working
with the Concept 18 device, you will need to loosen
eight screws.
 You can now remove the entire tank lid (2) and the
extension plate (3).

8.3.2 Removing the protective

The device must be completely disconnected from
the power supply in order to carry out this work.

Removing the front electro hood:

 Loosen and remove the M4 flat-head screw (1).
 Loosen the two M4 nuts (2) on the base of the
device and remove the hood by pulling it up-

Removing the rear equipment hood:

 Loosen and remove the entire piston pump.
 Loosen and remove the entire tank lid (see
Chapter 8.3.1).
 Loosen the two M4 nuts (3) on the base of the
device and remove the hood by pulling it up-

Concept B / v1.6 Repair 99

8.4 Replacing the temperature sensor
Danger Electric shock
Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening. The
protective covering may only be removed if the device is disconnected from the
power supply.
The device must be completely disconnected from the power supply in order to carry out this work.

There are temperature sensors in the device tank, heated hoses and application heads.
 The relevant instructions describe how to replace the application head temperature sensor.
 The sensor in the heated hose cannot be replaced as a stand-alone part; instead, the entire hose must be re-
 Follow the steps below to replace a defective tank temperature sensor:

 Loosen and remove the rear protective hood (see

Chapter 8.3.2).
 Lift the tank insulation mat (1) in the bottom left-
hand corner. This exposes the temperature sensor
(2) and the temperature limiter.
 Loosen the retaining screw (3) and pull out the
temperature sensor.
 Insert the new temperature sensor and fasten it in
place. Reinstall the protective covering, pump and
tank lid.
Replacing the tank temperature sensor

8.5 Resetting the temperature limiter

The device must be completely disconnected from the power supply in order to carry out this work.

If the tank temperature rises above 230°C or the device is exposed to significant shocks (e.g. if it is dropped), the
temperature limiter shuts down all heating zones as a safety measure. Follow the steps below to reset the tem-
perature limiter once the device has cooled down:

 Disconnect the device from the power supply.

Loosen the fastening screws and remove the pro-
tective covering.
 Lift the tank insulation mat in the bottom left-
hand corner. This exposes the temperature limiter.
 Reset the temperature limiter by pressing on the
contacts with a screwdriver.

Temperature limiter

100 Repair Concept B / v1.6

8.6 Checking the electrical connections
Danger Electric shock
Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening. The
work described below may only be performed if the device has been disconnected
from the power supply.

8.6.1 Checking the heated hose and application head

Defective heating cartridges and temperature sensors on the heated hose or application head will result in corre-
sponding malfunction messages being issued. The source of the problem can be identified by measuring the re-
sistance levels at the connector contacts.

Resistance values of heating elements

Heated hose heating element Pin 7 + 5 = 53 to 587 ohms
Application head heating element Pin 7 + 2 = 53 to 587 ohms

Resistance values of temperature sensors at 25°C

Heated hose temperature sensor Pin 4 + 6 = ~100 kohms
Application head temperature sensor Pin 1 + 3 = ~100 kohms

Heated hose connector plug

Resistance calculation:
Electrical resistance [ohms] = voltage2 : power = [230 V] 2 : [watts]
Example of heated hose at 850 W: 230 × 230 : 850 = 62.2 ohms

Wiring diagram:

Concept B / v1.6 Repair 101

8.7 Pin assignment on CLS boards
Danger Electric shock
Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening. The
protective coverings may only be removed if the device has been disconnected
from the power supply.

The electronic circuits are electrostatically sensitive components. Before touching

the circuits, discharge yourself from static loads by touching the earthing connec-
tion on the device.

8.7.1 CLS-MAIN main control

All the inputs and outputs at connections X1, X11 and X20 are freely configur-
able. The information below refers to the standard configuration for the inputs
and outputs (see also Chapters 5.7 and 5.8).

102 Repair Concept B / v1.6

Overload-proof and

Protective element
short circuit-proof

Protected against
polarity reversal

integrated Y/N
Current I max.


X1 System interface
X1.1 O 0V
X1.2 O +24 V DC # Y
X1.3 I INPGND (common 0 V for all inputs)
X1.4 I H-ENABLE * D1
X1.6 I LOW-TEMP * D3
X1.7 I P-ENABLE * D4
X1.8 O GND
X1.9 O +24 V DC # Y
X1.10 I OUTGND (- feed for outputs) ##
X1.11 I OUTGND (- feed for outputs) ##
X1.12 I OUTVIN (+ feed for outputs) ##
X1.13 O ON * D11 150 Y Y
X1.14 O READY * D12 150 Y Y
X1.15 O ALARM * D13 150 Y Y
X1.16 O TEMP-LOW * D14 150 Y Y
X2 Infeed for PSUP power supply unit
X2.1 I 0V
X2.2 I +24 V DC
X3 Connection to power contactor 600 N Y
X4 Mains voltage infeed
X5 Connection to on/off switch
X6 230 V infeed for PSUP power supply unit
X7 230 V infeed for pump drive
X8 Infeed for pump 1/pressure build-up valve
X8.1 O 0V
X8.2 O PUMP1 (pump) D18 500 Y Y
X8.3 O PVALVE1 (pressure build-up valve) D19 500 Y Y
X9 Infeed for pump 2 (parallel control with X8)
X9.1 O 0V
X9.2 O PUMP2 D20 500 Y Y
X9.3 O PVALVE2 D21 500 Y Y
X11 Connection for digital tank fill level sensors
X11.1 O 0V
X11.2 O +24 V DC # Y
X11.4 I FULL-TANK * D6
X13 TRM3 or TRM4 operating terminal
X14 Connection for optional extra board 1 (ICS-EXT2)
X15 Connection for optional extra board 2 (ICS-PINT)
X16 RS232 interface
X17 RS485 interface
X18 Tank overtemperature switch
# Total max. 750 mA

Concept B / v1.6 Repair 103

# # In the case of an external infeed, only with upstream 1 AF miniature fuse at X1.12 (see Chapter 5.7.5)

Protected against po-

Current I max. [mA]

Overload-proof and

larity reversal Y/N

Protective element
short circuit-proof

integrated Y/N

X20 Additional inputs and outputs (granule feeder)
X20.1 O 0V
X20.2 O +24 V DC # Y
X20.3 O AUX-OUT1 * D15 500 Y Y
X20.4 I AUX-IN1 * D8
X20.5 O AUX-OUT2 * D16 500 Y Y
X20.6 I AUX-IN2 * D9
X20.7 O AUX-OUT3 * D17 500 Y Y
X20.8 I AUX-IN3 * D10
X21 Analogue inputs (pressure sensor)
X21.1 O AGND
X21.2 O +24 V DC # Y
X21.3 I 4 to 20 mA
X21.4 I 0 to 5 V
X22 Connection for analogue capacitive fill level sensor
X22.1 O AGND
X22.2 O SNS
X30 Jumper for filter at RS485 interface
X33 Connection for external pump emergency off contact (connection between X33.1 and X33.2
interrupted => 24 V DC infeed for pump safely interrupted)
X33.1 O P-EMOFF1 D7
X33.2 I P-EMOFF2
X35 Tank heating
X35.1 O HEATER 1-1 D22
X35.2 O HEATER 1-2
X35.3 O HEATER 2-1 D23
X35.4 O HEATER 2-2
X35.5 O HEATER 3-1 D24
X35.6 O HEATER 3-2
X36 to Heating, head/hose 1 to 4
X3x.3 O HEATER HEAD 1 to 4 (head 1 to 4) D26, D28, D30, D32
X3x.4 O HEATER HOSE 1 to 4 (hose 1 to 4) D25, D27, D29, D31
X40 Tank temperature sensor
X40.1 – NTC1 –
X40.2 – NTC1 +
X40.3 –
X40.4 –
X41 to Head/hose 1 to 4 temperature sensor
X44 X4x.1 – NTCx – (hose 1 to 4)
X4x.2 – NTCx + (hose 1 to 4)
X4x.3 – NTCy – (head 1 to 4)
X4x.4 – NTCy + (head 1 to 4)
*= freely configurable, O = output, I = input, Dxx = LED, Xxx = connector or terminal

104 Repair Concept B / v1.6

F1 to F2 5AT fuses, power supply unit infeed
F3 to F16 10AF fuses, heating systems
BAT1 CR2430 battery, 3 V, 270 mAh Minimum voltage 2.6 V, art. no. 111359

8.7.2 ICS-PUS piston pump control

X1 Infeed, 20 to 28 V DC
X1.1 I 0 V DC
X1.2 I +24 V DC
X2 Solenoid valve 1 (bottom valve)
X2.1 O 0 V DC
X2.2 O +24 V DC switched
X3 Solenoid valve 2 (top valve)
X3.1 O 0 V DC
X3.2 O +24 V DC switched
V2 "Valve 2 on" LED
V1 "Valve 1 on" LED
UP "Piston up" LED
DOWN "Piston down" LED
O = output, I = input, Dxx = LED, Xxx = connector or terminal

Concept B / v1.6 Repair 105

8.8 Malfunctions during adhesive application
Malfunction Cause Remedy
Adhesive clumping Temperature too high Reduce tank temperature.
in tank
Temperature sensor defective Replace temperature sensor.
Fill level too low Top up the level in the tank.
Hot melt significantly oxidised Do not open the tank lid unnecessarily.
Adhesive producing Tank temperature too high Reduce tank temperature. Make sure adhesive
steam or smoke manufacturer specifications are being adhered to.
Hot melt unstable (slight clump- Use more stable hot melt. Do not open tank lid un-
ing) necessarily.
Holt melt has jelly-like Overheating; excessively long Empty and flush system; lower temperature or
consistency retention time in tank switch off device if it is not in use.
Incompatible hot melts have Empty and flush system; check compatibility by
been mixed mixing in a separate container.
Unstable adhesive Use higher-quality hot melt.
Hot melt not Temperature too low Increase temperature slightly.
infiltrating product
Base covered with Increase temperature slightly; try using a different
coating adhesive (flush the system first).
Surface too smooth Check whether application is taking place on the
correct side. If film is being used, check whether
the surface has had corona treatment.
Quantity too low Use a nozzle with a larger diameter; increase tem-
perature slightly; increase pump pressure.
Hotmelt bead is too Tank temperature too low Reset temperature.
Too great a distance between Move closer to the product (ideally, 1 -5 mm
spray nozzle and product away).
Air blasting onto nozzle, cooling
it down Protect the nozzle from the air.
Incorrect temperature
Set the correct temperature.
Too little adhesive at Nozzle diameter too small Use a larger nozzle.
the application point
Nozzle partially clogged Clean or replace the nozzle.
Nozzle needle opens with a delay Air pressure on solenoid valve too low (min. 5 bar).
Feed rate too low Increase pump pressure; replace filter.

106 Repair Concept B / v1.6

Malfunction Cause Remedy
Adhesive leaves Application head too far away Move closer to the product (ideally, 1 - 5 mm); as
traces from the base close as possible if using tacky adhesives.
Application head not closing prop- Replace spraying element or application head.
Increase temperature slightly.
Hot melt too cold
Increase temperature slightly or use hot melt with a
Hot melt too viscous lower viscosity level.

Provide protection for application head;

Cold air blasting onto application increase temperature slightly; preheat base; heat
head or ambient temperature too ambient air.
Change the hot melt.
Old or incorrectly stored adhesive
Air in adhesive Tank empty or not enough adhe- Fill tank and activate application head until air bub-
sive melted bles disappear. Check and, if necessary, increase
tank temperature.
Adhesive has accumulated too Use new hot melt that has been kept in dry storage
much moisture due to incorrect conditions.
storage methods
Irregular application Clogged nozzle(s) Clean nozzle(s). Increase pump pressure and use
in cases where multi- smaller nozzles or increase temperature.
ple heads have been
Application head Nozzle needle for application head Clean and/or replace worn parts. A better option is
dripping and/or valve face worn or soiled to replace the spraying element.

Application head piston moves

with difficulty due to adhesive Clean the nozzle needle, replace the sealing kit or
burned onto the nozzle needle replace the spraying element.

Moisture bubbles Moisture on base evaporating due Dry product.

when hot melt ap- to hot melt
plied to base
Glued areas burst Hot melt not cooling quickly Reduce pump pressure or use a nozzle with a
open after leaving enough (setting time too long) smaller diameter. Reduce temperature slightly. Re-
compression section duce machine speed. Increase pressure on base. In-
crease time/path length from application to com-
pression. Cool the base. Change hotmelt bead pat-
tern from constant to intermittent.
Increase temperatures and application quantity or
Hot melt cooling too quickly (set- use adhesive with a longer setting time.
ting time too short)
Make sure the product is not twisted or moved, or
Hot melt application shorn off, that any other undesirable movements are made
broken during the compression time.

Concept B / v1.6 Repair 107

108 Repair Concept B / v1.6
9 Decommissioning and disposal

9.1 Decommissioning
Normal switch-off
Normal device switch-off takes place at the function switch. The hot melt solidifies when the device cools down.

In the case of an extended interruption

The device can be stored for extended periods without any problems.
Hot melts that are sensitive to moisture must be pumped out of the system and the device must be cleaned (see
Chapter 7.5.2, "Full cleaning", but do not pour in new adhesive).
During storage, the device must be kept dry and approximately at room temperature, and protected against dust.

Recommissioning after an extended interruption

After an extended pause in operation and/or if parts of the system have been dismantled, the device must be put
back into operation in accordance with the instructions in Chapter 5.

9.2 Disposal
It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure the device and adhesive are disposed of using a clean method.

Observe national statutory regulations concerning disposal.

Danger Electric shock

Operating voltage of 200 to 400 V. Touching live parts is life-threatening. Before
dismantling the device, make sure that all electrical connections have been dis-

The device must be disposed of by dismantling it and sorting the parts according to the materials they contain.

Frame Steel plate

Tank Aluminium
Control unit Electronic components and cables
Tank contents Dispose of according to the adhesive manufacturer's specifications

Concept B / v1.6 Decommissioning and disposal 109

110 Decommissioning and disposal Concept B / v1.6
10 Spare parts

10.1 Introduction
– By using original Robatech spare parts, you will be ensuring optimum quality and safe-
guarding your right to any warranty claims.
– It is important to keep the most frequently required spare parts in stock to ensure that the
device is continuously ready for operation.
– Repair work may only be performed by personnel who are able to operate the device
safely and possess the necessary expertise.
– When ordering replacements for parts that are under warranty, it is essential to quote the
serial numbers concerned.
– Orders can be processed more quickly if the following information is provided:
1. Order quantity 2. Article number 3. Article designation 4. Devices

10.2 Tools and auxiliary materials

Art. no. Designation Quantity
112635 Full Concept tool kit, consisting of: –
112636 Hook spanner for piston pump 1
113264 Filter key M5 1
112793 Allen key SW12 1
112794 Fork spanner SW10 1
100660 Full maintenance kit, consisting of 1
100299 1 pair of protective gloves 1
100602 Protective goggles 1
100661 6-piece nozzle cleaning set, Ø 0.2 mm 1
113895 Torx TX20 pin key for piston pump valve 1
136122 Torx TX30 pin key for tank lid 1

Art. no. Designation Use Quantity

107574 Silicone grease, 100 g O-rings, sealing rings 100 g
137936 High-temperature installation paste Screws, sensors 450 g
100664 Cleaning oil, 2.5 litres 2.5 l
101515 Cleaning oil, 5.0 litres System cleaning 5.0 l
101516 Cleaning oil, 10.0 litres 10.0 l
118221 Nozzle cleaning needles, Ø 0.08 mm Nozzles, 0.18 to 0.20 mm 6 pcs
103513 Nozzle cleaning needles, Ø 0.15 mm Nozzles, 0.25 mm 6 pcs
100661 Nozzle cleaning needles, Ø 0.20 mm Nozzles > 0.30 mm 6 pcs

Concept B / v1.6 Spare parts 111

10.3 Mechanical device parts

10.3.1 Filter cartridges

Pros and cons of sintered bronze filters and woven stainless steel filters
Sintered bronze Woven filter
+ Inexpensive – Expensive
– Cannot be cleaned + Can be cleaned
– Poor chemical resistance + Good chemical resistance

Art. no. Designation

133272 Filter cartridge with O-ring, 130 µm, sintered bronze (standard)
133270 Filter cartridge with O-ring, 220 µm, sintered bronze
133268 Filter cartridge with O-ring, 80 µm, woven filter
133261 Filter cartridge with O-ring, 125 µm, woven filter
133264 Filter cartridge with O-ring, 265 µm, woven filter
133266 Filter cartridge with O-ring, 400 µm, woven filter
100109 Spare O-ring for all filter cartridges

10.3.2 Glue distributor

Art. no. Designation Integrated filter
134316 Glue distributor for Concept B 5, B 8 133272, sintered bronze, 130
134390 Glue distributor for Concept B 12, B 18 133272, sintered bronze, 130

Individual glue distributor parts:

Art. no. Designation
101754 Screw plug for filter 3/4", cpl., with sealing ring
102781 Sealing ring for filter screw plug
111960 Drain cock, cpl., on glue distributor
107332 Item 15 O-ring, 6.75×1.78
107213 Item 20 O-ring, 2.57×1.78
100077 Item 35 Back-up ring, 20/16×1.7
100072 Item 40 O-ring, 10.78×2.62
113480 Item 45 Back-up ring
101948 Drain tube, cpl., on glue distributor
101755 Screw plug, cpl., R1/4"
100072 O-ring for screw plug
100077 Back-up ring for screw plug

10.3.3 Coarse filter

Art. no. Designation Dimensions
130756 Coarse filter in tank for Concept 5, 8, 12, 18 110×70×31

112 Spare parts Concept B / v1.6

10.3.4 Covering hoods
Art. no. Designation Material
134319 Equipment hood, Concept A/B/C 5 Plastic
134320 Equipment hood, Concept A/B/C 8 Plastic
134108 Equipment hood, Concept A/B/C 12 Plastic
134197 Tank lid, Concept A/B/C 5 Plastic
134028 Tank lid, Concept A/B/C 8 Plastic
134411 Tank lid, welded, Concept A/B/C 12 Chromium steel
132970 Hood for electrical cabinet, Concept A/B/C Plastic
134506 Hood for KPC, Concept A/B/C Plastic
155939 Covering hood, GRC, cpl. Steel

10.4 Electrical parts

Art. no. Designation
102120 Tank temperature limiter, 230°C
111802 Heating element, Concept 4/5, cpl., 0.6 kW, 3 pcs required
111803 Heating element, Concept 8, cpl., 1 kW, 3 pcs required
111804 Heating element, Concept 12, cpl., 1 kW, 3 pcs required
120101 Heating element, Concept 18, cpl., 1.5 kW, 3 pcs required
112050 Temperature sensor with cable, Concept B5
112051 Temperature sensor with cable, Concept B8
112052 Temperature sensor with cable, Concept B12
112442 Temperature sensor with cable, Concept B18
134582 CLS-MAIN board
111359 Battery, 3 V (CLS-MAIN)
139092 5AT fuse, 5×20 mm
106267 10AF fuse, 5×20 mm
133825 Power supply unit, 60 W
135269 2 A fusible cut-out for power supply unit
132757 Voltage selector set, 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 1LNPE
132758 Voltage selector set, 400 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 3LNPE
132759 Voltage selector set, 200 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 1ØPE
132760 Voltage selector set, 200 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 3ØPE
134584 TRM4 operating terminal, complete
111705 Digital fill level sensor, non-flush mountable
147081 Digital fill level sensor, flush mountable
135784 Connection cable on X11, length: 0.5 m

Concept B / v1.6 Spare parts 113

114 Spare parts Concept B / v1.6
11 Accessories

These instructions only list some of the Concept accessories that are available.
Please contact your Robatech representative for information on other accessories.

11.1 Heated hoses and accessories

11.1.1 Standard heated hoses, 6 mm

Art. no. Length Power Ohms, ±5% Thread

136451 1.0 m 90 W 588 G1/4"
136452 1.2 m 110 W 481 G1/4"
136453 1.5 m 136 W 389 G1/4"
136454 1.8 m 170 W 311 G1/4"
136455 2.0 m 195 W 271 G1/4"
136456 2.5 m 221 W 239 G1/4"
136457 3.0 m 272 W 194 G1/4"
136458 3.5 m 331 W 160 G1/4"
136459 4.0 m 400 W 132 G1/4"
136460 4.5 m 442 W 120 G1/4"
136461 5.0 m 500 W 106 G1/4"

Other heated hoses, such as water-resistant versions, hoses with an integrated spray air line,
hoses with a non-return valve and hoses with different nominal diameters, are available on request.

11.1.2 Glue screw fittings

Art. no. Designation Thread
115128 Screw fitting, HM, straight R1/4" – R1/4"
115129 Screw fitting, HM, 45° R1/4" – R1/4"
115130 Screw fitting, HM, 90° R1/4" – R1/4"

Concept B / v1.6 Accessories 115

11.2 Piston pumps
for Concept B5 to 18 for Concept B5 to 18 for Concept B8 to 18

Art. no. Designation Feed pressure Power

134507 KPC5 piston pump max. 30 bar 5 to 50 kg/hr
134508 KPC12 piston pump (standard) max. 72 bar 5 to 50 kg/hr
112393 KPC16 piston pump * max. 96 bar 16 to 160 kg/hr
* Concept B5 devices cannot be operated with a KPC16 pump.

11.3 GRC gear pump

Art. no. Designation

148240 GRC12 gear pump without speed control for Concept B/C
155900 GRC12 gear pump with speed control, 0 - 10 V for Concept B/C
156066 GRC12 gear pump with speed control, with potentiometer for Concept B/C

116 Accessories Concept B / v1.6

Concept B / v1.6 Accessories 117
12 Appendix

12.1 Power distribution and permissible load

– The following tables are designed to help you ensure that the maximum available power is not exceeded and
that the phase currents are distributed evenly.
– If additional hoses or application heads are installed, or if changes are made to any hoses or application
heads, the electrical power required and the distribution to the individual phases will need to be recalculated.

12.1.1 400 V AC infeed, 3 phases with neutral conductor

400 V three-phase mains, current [A] = power [watts] : 690

230 V single-phase mains, current [A] = power [watts] : 230

Tank heating:
Heating zone Power Voltage L1 [A] L2 [A] L3 [A] Condition
Concept 5 tank 1800 W 400 V 3L 2.6 2.6 2.6
Concept 8 and 12 tank 3000 W 400 V 3L 4.4 4.4 4.4 <8A
Concept 18 tank 4500 W 400 V 3L 6.5 6.5 6.5

Heating; hoses, heads:

Heating zone Power Voltage L1 [A] L2 [A] L3 [A] Condition
Heated hose 1 230 V 1LN XXXXXX XXXXXX
Application head 1 230 V 1LN XXXXXX XXXXXX
Heated hose 2 230 V 1LN XXXXXX XXXXXX
Application head 2 230 V 1LN XXXXXX XXXXXX
Heated hose 3 230 V 1LN XXXXXX XXXXXX
Application head 3 230 V 1LN XXXXXX XXXXXX
Heated hose 4 230 V 1LN XXXXXX XXXXXX
Application head 4 230 V 1LN XXXXXX XXXXXX

Total load:
All heating zones together L1 [A] L2 [A] L3 [A] Condition
Total phase load* < 15 A
* max. 16 A at rated voltage +10%

118 Appendix Concept B / v1.6

12.1.2 230 V AC infeed, 1 phase with neutral conductor
12.1.3 200 to 240 V AC infeed, 1Ø US

230 V single-phase mains, current [A] = power [watts] : 230

Tank heating:
Heating zone Power Voltage L [A] Condition
Concept 5 tank 1800 W 230 V 7.8
Concept 8 and 12 tank 3000 W 230 V 13.0 < 30 A
Concept 18 tank 4500 W 230 V 19.6

Heating; hoses, heads:

Heating zone Power Voltage L [A] Condition
Heated hose 1 230 V
Application head 1 230 V
Heated hose 2 230 V
Application head 2 230 V
Heated hose 3 230 V
Application head 3 230 V
Heated hose 4 230 V
Application head 4 230 V

Total load:
All heating zones together L [A] Condition
Total phase load < 32 A

Concept B / v1.6 Appendix 119

12.1.4 200 to 240 V AC infeed, 3Ø US

The rated powers of all Robatech devices are dimensioned for an operating voltage
of 230 V. The electrical power changes at an operating voltage of 200 or 240 V.

200 V, two phases, current [A] = power [watts] : 263

240 V, two phases, current [A] = power [watts] : 222
The Excel table "PowerLoad.xls" is available for the purpose of calculating the exact
current values. Please contact your Robatech representative to obtain this.

Tank heating:
Heating zone Power Voltage L1 [A] L2 [A] L3 [A] Condition
Concept 5 tank 1357 W 200 V 3Ø 3.9 3.9 3.9
Rated power 1800 W 1953 W 240 V 3Ø 4.7 4.7 4.7
Concept 8 and 12 tank 2243 W 200 V 3Ø 6.4 6.4 6.4 < 16 A
Rated power 3000 W 3231 W 240 V 3Ø 7.7 7.7 7.7 per phase
Concept 18 tank 3391 W 200 V 3Ø 9.8 9.8 9.8
Rated power 4500 W 4883 W 240 V 3Ø 11.8 11.8 11.8

Heating; hoses, heads:

Heating zone Power Voltage L1 [A] L2 [A] L3 [A] Condition
200-240 V XXXXXX
Heated hose 1

200-240 V XXXXXX
Application head 1

200-240 V XXXXXX
Heated hose 2

200-240 V XXXXXX
Application head 2
1Ø <9A
200-240 V XXXXXX per phase
Heated hose 3

200-240 V XXXXXX
Application head 3

200-240 V XXXXXX
Heated hose 4

200-240 V XXXXXX
Application head 4

Total load:
All heating zones together L1 [A] L2 [A] L3 [A] Condition
< 32 A
Total phase load
per phase

120 Appendix Concept B / v1.6

12.2 Quick overview

General production sequence Device status

1. Switch on using function switch or automatic timer Ready Device ready for operation
2. Program version appears; all LEDs light up Tr < Tn Heating phase, target temperatures not reached
3. Tank begins to heat up => temperature is reached Error Error has occurred
4. Waiting time in parameter 31 must elapse 0 (off) Device switched off
5. Hose begins to heat up => temperature is reached Tlow Temperature lowering activated
6. Head begins to heat up => temperature is reached Tank empty (with optional sensor)
7. If all temperatures have been reached and no errors
have occurred =>
Pump enable, "Ready" LED lights up

Program functions Device status messages

Select using keys 3.0 and 3.1 A2 Heating phase
Treal Display actual temperatures A3 Temperature lowering activated via operating terminal
Tnominal Display and enter target temperatures A4 Temperature lowering activated via LOW-TEMP
Tlow Display and enter lowered temperatures A5 Temperature lowering activated via week time control
P Display heating power levels A6 Temperature lowering, excessively long
Display and enter time/day of week downtime (P 24)
Display and enter switch-on times A7 Device switched off via H-ENABLE
Display and enter switch-off times A8 Device switched off, excessively long
Display and enter temperature lowering times downtime (P 25)
Gear pump: Enter speed A9 Pump switched off via P-ENABLE
Gear pump: Display speed A 10 Target temperature exceeded by more than 12°C
v Display machine speed A 11 Pump switched off via operating terminal
Counter Display operating hours [× 1000 hours] A 12 Pump switched off via P-EMOFF
Parameter Display and enter operating parameters A 15 Wait for tank melting time to elapse (P 31)
A16 Device switched off by week time control
A17 Manual pump operation active
A18 Profibus: Para. 400 = On and no communication
A19 Manual pattern operating mode active
A50 Fill level in glue tank is low
A51 Glue tank is excessively full
A52 Granule feeding time too long (container empty,
blockage, etc.)
A90 Service message "Check filter cartridge"
A91 Service message "Clean entire system"

Concept B / v1.6 Appendix 121

A92 Service message "Freely adjustable"

Heating zone status messages Error messages

H1 Heating zone shut down internally E 01 Temperature limiter opened
H2 Heating zone shut down; error in a different heating E 02 Temperature sensor line interrupted
zone E 03 Temperature sensor line short circuit
H3 Heating zone shut down by week time control E 04 Temperature too high, > 12°C above Tmax (P 30)
H4 Heating zone shut down; excessively long downtime
E 05 Insufficient heating; temp. rise < 5°C in 10 min
(P 25)
E 06 Internal device temperature too high
H5 Heating zone shut down via control input
E 07 Memory write error
H6 Heating zone shut down due to heating sequence
H7 Temperature lowering activated via control input E 08 Outputs overloaded at X1, X8 to X11 or X20
H8 Temperature lowering activated via operating terminal E 10 Battery voltage too low
H9 Temperature lowering activated via week time control E 11 Time invalid
H 10 Temperature lowering, excessively long downtime E 15 Operating voltage > 288 V AC, neutral conductor
(P 24) missing
H 11 Target temperature not reached E 16 Operating voltage < 150 V AC, phase missing
H 12 Target temperature reached E 90 AS-IK: test mode time over or incorrect key
H 13 Target temperature exceeded by more than 12° E 100 AS-IK: valve outputs overloaded
H 14 Heating zone switched off via inputs E 101 AS-IK: system interface outputs overloaded
E 102 AS-IK: glue pattern removed, excessively short
E 103 AS-IK: speed > Vmax
E 400 Profibus: parameterisation error
E 401 Profibus: configuration error
E 402 Profibus: value of a parameter outside range
E 500 Analogue level sensor: Calibration of lower
measuring range incorrect (fill level > 5%).
Not relevant when using the digital fill level sensor
E 501 Analogue level sensor: Calibration of upper
measuring range incorrect (fill level < 95%).
Not relevant when using the digital fill level sensor

Displaying and entering time/day of week Activating temperature lowering

1. Select function (3.6) using keys 3.0 + 3.1 Press key 2.6; green LED lights up
2. Display day of week at 4.0 and time at 5.0 Activating timer
3. Change values using keys 4.1 + 4.2/5.1 + 5.2 Press key 2.5; green LED lights up

122 Appendix Concept B / v1.6

Access block Calling parameters
Cancelling Loc1 Press keys 2.3 + 4.1 + 4.2 1. Select function Parameter (3.14) using keys 3.0 + 3.1
Cancelling Loc2 Press keys 2.1 + 2.2 + 2.3 + 2.4 2. Select number (display 4.0) using keys 4.1 + 4.2
Activating Loc Press keys 2.4 + 4.1 + 4.2 3. Value shown on display 5.0; change value using 5.1 + 5.2

Displaying and entering temperatures Storing all data

1. To display, select Treal (3.2); to enter, select Tnominal  During switch-on, hold down keys 2.1 + 2.4
(3.3) or Tlow (3.4) using keys 3.0 or 3.1  Confirmed by "2222" appearing on display 5.0
2. Select heating zone for tank 2.7/hoses 2.9 or heads 2.10 Loading stored data
using keys 2.1 + 2.2  During switch-on, hold down keys 2.2 + 2.3
3. Select hose and head number using keys 2.3 + 2.4  Confirmed by "5555" appearing on display 5.0
4. Temperature shown on display 5.0 Restoring all data to default values
5. Change target temperature using keys 5.1 + 5.2  During switch-on, hold down keys 4.1+4.2+5.1+5.2
 Confirmed by "8888" appearing on display 5.0

Parameters Parameters
20 Temperature difference, tank/heated hoses 75 Analogue fill level sensor: ‘Low glue fill level’
21 Temperature difference, tank/application heads switching threshold (needs to be set to ‘OFF’ when
23 Temperature display in °Celsius or °Fahrenheit using the digital fill level sensor)
24 Time until automatic temperature lowering 80 Display internal control temperature (max. 65°C)
25 Time until automatic device switch-off 81 Display downtime
26 Switch heating systems on/off via H-ENABLE? 82 Display battery voltage (minimum 2.6 V)
27 Switch pump on/off via P-ENABLE? 83 Analogue fill level sensor: Display tank fill level
28 Number of external heating zone pairs available (2 , 4) (to ignore when using the digital fill level sensor)
30 Upper temperature limit 90 Display program
31 Waiting time after tank target temperature has 91 Display program version
been reached 93 CLS-MAIN board serial number, digits 1 to 4
32 Configuration of input PAR-LOCKED2 94 CLS-MAIN board serial number, digits 5 to 8
33 Hand applicators: Delay time, spray air – glue 95 Display changes to inputs and outputs
54 Input block for timer/temperature lowering 200 Evaluate heating zone enable inputs?
60-64 Switch on and configure granule feeder 280 Status of heating zone enable inputs
70 Reset service messages A90 to A92 603 SNMP communication monitoring
71 Operating hours until "Check filter" 682 SNMP communication: User parameter display
72 Operating hours until "Clean entire system" 683 SNMP communication: Operating status display
73 Operating hours until "Free service message"

Concept B / v1.6 Appendix 123

124 Appendix Concept B / v1.6
13 Index

0 Control temperature ................................................. 80

0 (off) ....................................................................... 67 Current load ........................................................... 118
A Currentness of instructions ........................................ 9
Access block ............................................................ 69 D
Access block for temperature lowering .................... 77 Day of the week ...................................................... 66
Access block for timer ............................................. 77 Decommissioning .................................................. 109
Accessories ............................................................ 115 Delay time, spray air – glue ..................................... 77
Activating heating enable H-ENABLE .................... 76 Design ...................................................................... 21
Activating heating zone enable ................................ 83 Determining lowered temperatures .......................... 86
Activating parameters 5xx ....................................... 50 Device fire ............................................................... 18
Activating pump enable P-ENABLE ....................... 76 Device function ....................................................... 21
Activating the granule feeder ................................... 78 Device identification.................................................. 9
Actual temperature ................................................ 66 Device overview ...................................................... 21
ALARM output ........................................................ 46 Device status ............................................................ 67
Ambient temperature ............................................ 12 Device versions ....................................................... 10
Analogue tank fill level sensor ................................. 54 Different hot melt types ........................................... 63
Application head ...................................................... 21 Dimensions .............................................................. 35
Auxiliary materials ................................................. 111 Directives ................................................................. 12
Axx messages........................................................... 67 Discharging the glue pressure .................................. 65
B Discharging the system pressure ............................. 65
Battery voltage ......................................................... 80 Displaying temperatures .......................................... 70
Bracket with power supply unit ............................... 24 Displaying the time .................................................. 84
Brief overview ....................................................... 121 Disposal ................................................................. 109
Burns ........................................................................ 17 Downtime ................................................................ 80
C Downtime until shutdown ....................................... 76
Calibrating the fill level sensor .......................... 54, 56 Downtime until temp. lowering ............................... 75
Checking the electrical connections ....................... 101 Drain opening .......................................................... 22
Cleaning agents ........................................................ 90 Draining impurities .................................................. 89
Cleaning the system ................................................. 90 Drawings.................................................................. 35
Cleaning, full............................................................ 91 E
CLS-MAIN control .................................................. 24 E07 write errors ....................................................... 74
CLS-MAIN pin assignment ................................... 102 Electric shock ......................................................... 15
CLS-MAIN specifications ....................................... 25 Electrical accidents .................................................. 18
Coarse filter .............................................................. 21 Electrical connection ............................................... 43
Commissioning for the first time ............................. 61 Electrical connections, checking ........................... 101
Compressed air connection ...................................... 42 Electrical hose connections...................................... 11
Compressed air supply .......................................... 11 Electromagnetic compatibility ................................. 59
Configuring access block ......................................... 77 EMC-compliant wiring ............................................ 59
Configuring inputs ................................................... 53 Emergency ............................................................... 17
Configuring inputs and outputs ................................ 50 EMPTY-TANK input .............................................. 47
Configuring outputs ................................................. 52 Entering parameters ........................................... 72, 73
Conformity ............................................................... 12 Entering temperatures .............................................. 71
Connecting the PLC control ..................................... 49 Error......................................................................... 67
Connecting the power supply cable ......................... 44 Error messages......................................................... 68
Connecting the relay control .................................... 48 Extended interruption ............................................ 109
Control electronics ............................................. 21, 24 Exx messages........................................................... 68

Concept B / v1.6 Index 125

Feed pressure .......................................................... 11 LCD ......................................................................... 23
Feed rate ................................................................. 11 Loading program settings ........................................ 74
Fill level sensor, tank ............................................... 55 Loc1, Loc2............................................................... 69
Filling the tank ......................................................... 63 LocE ........................................................................ 69
Filling the tank with hot melt ................................... 63 Low glue fill level switching threshold ................... 80
Fine filter .................................................................. 22 Lowered temperature ............................................ 66
Flushing the heated hoses ........................................ 95 LOW-TEMP input ................................................... 46
Free service message................................................ 79 M
FULL-TANK input .................................................. 47 Mains frequency .............................................. 11, 12
Function switch ........................................................ 21 Maintenance ............................................................ 87
G Maintenance intervals .............................................. 88
Glue application malfunctions ............................... 106 Maintenance schedule.............................................. 88
Glue distributor .................................................. 21, 22 Malfunctions during adhesive application ............. 106
Granule feeder .......................................................... 47 Maximum granule feeding time............................... 78
Granule feeder follow-up time ................................. 78 Maximum target temperature .................................. 76
Granule feeder start delay ........................................ 78 Melting rate ............................................................ 11
Granule slide holding time ....................................... 78 Melting tank............................................................. 21
H Messages.................................................................. 67
Handling................................................................... 19 Modifications to inputs and outputs......................... 81
Hazards associated with the device .......................... 14 Monitoring the heating power ................................. 71
Heated hose .............................................................. 21 N
Heated hose connections .......................................... 37 Nozzle ...................................................................... 21
Heated hose screw fittings ....................................... 21 Number of hose and head pairs ............................... 76
Heated hose sockets ................................................. 21 O
Heated hose, electrical connection ........................... 41 ON output ................................................................ 46
Heated hose, installation information....................... 39 Operating hours ..................................................... 66
Heated hoses and accessories ................................. 115 Operating hours until filter check ............................ 79
Heating element ....................................................... 22 Operating hours until system cleaning..................... 79
Heating power ........................................................ 66 Operating instructions................................................ 8
Heating sequence ..................................................... 25 Operating terminal ............................................. 21, 23
Heating zone enable ................................................. 82 Operating voltage .................................................... 11
Heating zone enable status ....................................... 84 Operation ................................................................. 63
Heating zone errors .................................................. 68 Ordering replacements for parts under warranty ... 111
Heating zone status messages .................................. 68 Original Robatech spare parts ................................ 111
Heating zones ........................................................... 70 Overall status messages ........................................... 67
Heating zones for hoses/heads ................................. 11 Owner, responsibility............................................... 16
Heavy deposits in the tank ....................................... 94 P
H-ENABLE 1 to 3 evaluation .................................. 82 Packaging ................................................................ 19
H-ENABLE heating zone enable ............................. 84 Parameter ............................................................... 66
H-ENABLE input .................................................... 46 Parameter 280 .......................................................... 84
Higher-level system control ..................................... 45 Parameter 500 .......................................................... 50
Hxx messages........................................................... 68 Parameter 501 .......................................................... 50
Hydraulic hose connections ..................................... 11 Parameter 590 .................................................... 54, 56
I Parameters 20 to 24 ................................................. 75
ICS-PUS pin assignment ........................................ 105 Parameters 200 to 207 ............................................. 82
Information symbols ................................................ 13 Parameters 211 to 217 ............................................. 83
Installation................................................................ 34 Parameters 25 to 30 ................................................. 76
Installation site ......................................................... 34 Parameters 31 to 54 ................................................. 77
Installing the heated hose ......................................... 37 Parameters 510 to 527 ............................................. 52
Parameters 530 to 569 ............................................. 53

126 Index Concept B / v1.6

Parameters 60 to 64 .................................................. 78 Rinsing the filter ...................................................... 89
Parameters 603 to 683 .............................................. 81 Risk of burns .......................................................... 14
Parameters 70 to 75 .................................................. 79 Risk of fumes .................................................... 15, 63
Parameters 80 to 95 .................................................. 80 Risk of spraying ..................................................... 14
Parameters 900 to 914 .............................................. 57 S
Parameters, when to change ..................................... 72 Safety ....................................................................... 13
P-ENABLE input ..................................................... 46 Safety equipment ..................................................... 16
Phase load .............................................................. 118 Safety functions ....................................................... 26
PLC control connection ........................................... 49 Safety regulations, general....................................... 15
Pneumatic connection .............................................. 42 Scope of delivery ..................................................... 20
Power connection ..................................................... 43 Scope of instructions ................................................. 9
Power distribution .................................................. 118 Selling or leasing the system ..................................... 8
Power supply connection ......................................... 21 Setting the time ........................................................ 84
Preheating heating zones .......................................... 82 Shielded cables ........................................................ 59
Preparatory work for installation ............................. 34 SNMP
PRETANKEMPTY output....................................... 52 Operating status ................................................... 81
Product description .................................................... 7 User parameter display ........................................ 81
Program .................................................................... 80 SNMP communication monitoring .......................... 81
Program functions .................................................... 66 Software key ............................................................ 57
Program version ................................................. 64, 80 Sound pressure....................................................... 11
Protective clothing ................................................... 17 Spare parts ............................................................. 111
Protective equipment................................................ 17 Specifications, CLS-MAIN ..................................... 25
PTEMP-READY output .......................................... 52 Spraying element ..................................................... 21
Pump emergency off .................................... 26, 47, 60 Standards ................................................................. 12
Pump enable ............................................................. 82 Storing program settings .......................................... 74
Q Structural alterations ................................................ 15
Qualified personnel .................................................. 16 Switching off in an emergency ................................ 64
Querying parameters ................................................ 73 Switching off in the case of an extended interruption
Quick overview ...................................................... 121 ............................................................................. 64
R Switching the device off .......................................... 64
Ready ....................................................................... 67 Switching the device on ........................................... 64
READY output......................................................... 46 Switch-off times ..................................................... 66
Recommissioning ................................................... 109 Switch-on times ...................................................... 66
Relay control connection.......................................... 48 System errors ........................................................... 68
Relief valve ........................................................ 21, 22 System interface ...................................................... 45
Removing the electro hood ...................................... 99 System interface signals .......................................... 46
Removing the equipment hood ................................ 99 T
Removing the protective hoods ................................ 99 T low ....................................................................... 66
Removing the tank lid .............................................. 99 T nominal................................................................. 71
Repair ....................................................................... 97 T real........................................................................ 70
Replacing application heads..................................... 98 Tank ......................................................................... 22
Replacing heated hoses ............................................ 98 Tank depth ............................................................... 11
Replacing the filter ................................................... 89 Tank fill level sensor ............................................... 55
Replacing the temperature sensor .......................... 100 Tank lid.............................................................. 21, 22
Resetting default program values ............................. 74 Tank opening ......................................................... 11
Resetting service messages ...................................... 79 Tank volume........................................................... 11
Resetting the temperature limiter ........................... 100 Target temperature ............................................... 66
Resistance calculation ............................................ 101 Technical data .......................................................... 11
Resistance values of heating elements ................... 101 Temperature control accuracy ............................. 11
Resistance values of temperature sensors .............. 101 Temperature difference, tank/application heads ...... 75
Responsibility of the owner ..................................... 16 Temperature difference, tank/heated hoses.............. 75

Concept B / v1.6 Index 127

Temperature limiter.................................................. 22 Trial mode ............................................................... 57
Temperature lowering .............................................. 86 Trial run ................................................................... 61
Temperature lowering times ................................. 66 T-TRIGGER input ................................................... 46
Temperature sensor .................................................. 22 U
TEMP-LOW output ................................................. 46 Unit of temperature measurement............................ 75
TEMP-READY output ............................................. 52 Use, improper ............................................................ 7
Test run .................................................................... 61 Use, intended ............................................................. 7
Thermostability, hot melt ......................................... 91 V
Time......................................................................... 66 Voltage selector strip ............................................... 24
Timer ........................................................................ 85 W
Tools ...................................................................... 111 Waiting time for heating tank .................................. 77
Tr<Tn ....................................................................... 67 Warranty claims ..................................................... 111
Transport .................................................................. 19

128 Index Concept B / v1.6

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