XTM - Open Xbench Feature
XTM - Open Xbench Feature
XTM - Open Xbench Feature
Set Xbench to be the default application for xbpkg files ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Open Xbench Feature in XTM .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Opening the XTM Online Editor ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Chrome........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Firefox ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Edge................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
This document describes how to set a Windows 10 PC so that Xbench files can be opened automatically in Xbench from the XTM online Editor.
That will set Xbench as the default application for xbpkg files.
1. On first use of the above Chrome will only download the file. Once downloaded you can then choose how Chrome should handle files of this type.
2. Download
3. Chrome will ask you where to save the file (or will save it automatically if you have that configured in the Download section of Chrome Advanced
4. Once saved Chrome will show the downloaded file at the bottom of the page:
5. Click the up arrow for options:
6. Select Open to open the Xbench package in Xbench.
7. Select Always open files of this type to open the Xbench package in Xbench and to always open Xbench packages in Xbench without asking.
1. Select Open in Xbench in XTM and Firefox will launch the following pop-up:
2. ApSIC Xbench should be pre-selected in the Open with dropdown.
3. Click OK and the files opens in Xbench.
1. Select Open in Xbench in XTM and Edge asks:
2. Select Open, and the file opens in Xbench.