Protege Know Tator Instructions
Protege Know Tator Instructions
Protege Know Tator Instructions
You can follow the steps below to download and install Protg 3.3.1 from the
1) Open Internet Explorer and go to the Protg 3.3.1 web site at
2) Click on the Download (86.8M) link for Windows that Includes Java
VM as circled above in red.
This displays a File Download Security Warning window.
3) Click Run.
This displays the download progress window while the file is being
downloaded and then an Internet Explorer Security Warning window.
4) Click Run.
This launches the install wizard.
Installing Knowtator
1) Open Internet Explorer and go to the web site at
2) Click on the filename link for the latest Knowtator ZIP file in the Newest
File row as circled above in red.
This displays the File Download window.
3) Click Save.
This displays the Save As window.
4) Choose the Temp folder on the C: drive.
5) Click Save.
This displays the download progress window depending on your
download speed. The file is small and may download virtually
6) When done downloading, open Windows Explorer by right-clicking on
the start button and selecting Explore.
7) Open the Temp folder under the C: drive.
8) Right-click on the ZIP file you just downloaded and select Extract Here.
This extracts a folder called edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator.
9) Drag the edu.uchsc.ccp.knowtator folder to the C: > Program Files >
Protege_3.3.1 > plugins folder.
6) In the Look In drop down box, select the drive you want. The default is the
current directory you are in.
7) Select and double-click your folder in the file display screen.
8) Enter the project name in the File Name text field. Save the project to a
name convenient for you. For example,
9) Click on the Select button.
The Protg Files (.pont and .pins) window opens with the correct path
to the new project. At the top of the Protg screen, it should have the full
path to your project.
10) Click the OK button.
2) Above the right side of the default annotator text field, click on the
Create Instance diamond-shaped icon.
This displays the Select Concrete CIs window.
5) Enter first name, last name, affiliation (optional) and your first name
plus first initial of your last name as annotator id.
6) Close this window by clicking the X button at the top right corner of the
7) Close the Instance window by clicking the X button at the top right corner
of the window.