X50-How To Install

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How to Load Libraries

How to Load Libraries on Korg X50 - MicroX

1- Please unzip the file in any directory you want.

2- Plug the USB cable on the X50 / MICROX

3- Plug the USB cable on your computer

4- Turn On the X50

5- Open the X50 / MICROX Editor

There are 2 filetypes:
.X1combi – This is the Combi you will use when you play. It’s the full patch.
It combines the layers.

.Xprog – These files are Programs. These are the layers that must be combi-

6- Press the PROG button (upper left corner).

7- Go to “Utility > Load” and select “Program (*.X1prog)” filetype.

8- Load the Program (Now you can click on the Editor keyboard or play in
your X50 and you will hear the loaded Program) and write it. To do this click
on “Utility > Write Program”, write a name for the program.

9- Then, go to “Utility” > Load” and select “Program (*.x1combi)” filetype.

Enjoy your new sounds !

NOTE: If present, you can import the *.PCG files: you can easly do it by se-
lecting LOAD in the X50 / MICROX Editor main menu and then select “IMPORT”.

Terms of Use
Please note that all pre-existing bank data used by any library will be overwritten. You must have free user locations.
For this reason we suggest that you make a backup to avoid any loss of data. We are free of any liability for any poten-
tial loss of user data or any keyboard malfunction. The use of purchased libraries by Synthcloud is granted for studio
recordings and live performances.

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