American School Textbook Easy 2

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BUilding Citizenship

• • We live together in a community.

• citizenship
How can you be a better citizen in your community?
• caring There are seven ways to show good citizenship: caring,
• responsibility responsibility, honesty, courage, fairness, respect, and loyalty.
• honesty
• courage Caring means thinking about what others need.
• fairness
Good citizens look after their neighbors and care for others.
• respect
Responsibility means doing the things you should do.
• loyalty
Always try to be a responsible person .

Good citizens should be honest.

Honesty means telling the truth .
It is not always easy to do the right thing .
That is why a good citizen needs courage, too.
Courage means being brave even when it is hard.
Good citizens treat others fairly and w ith respect.
Finally, good citizens are loyal to their friends, family, community,
and country.

There are
many ways to show
gooa citizenship.
Chapter 1
Soci IS
Geogra h
Syllabus Vol. 2
Subject I Topic & Area I Title

Social Studies Cit izenship Build ing Cit izenshi p

Citizen ship Different Kind s of Communities
History and Government The Leaders of Govern ment
Geog raphy Govern m ent Mar t in Luth er King, Jr.
Economics Many Job s
Econom ics Volunteers and Co mm unity Jo bs
Geography What Is a Map ?
Geog rap hy Maps and Direct io ns
Geogra phy Nat ural Resources
Geograp hy Carin g fo r Our Resourc es
American Histo ry Nati ve Am ericans
Am erican Histor y Early Am erican Empires

Science A Wor ld of Livin g Thin gs What Are Livin g Thin gs?

A World of Livi ng Things How Do livi ng Thin g s Survive in th e Cold ?
Plants How Do Plants Grow and Change?
Plant s How Do Plants Surv ive in t he Desert?
Ani m als Kind s of Animals
Anima ls Insects
The Life Cycle The Life Cycle of an Animal
The Life Cycle The Life Cycle of a Frog
The Food Chain What Are Food Chains?
The Food Chain The Ocean Food Chain
The Solar System What Is th e So lar System?
The Solar Syst em What Causes th e Seasons?

Mathematics Comput atio n Add iti on and Subt ract io n

Co mp ut at ion Counting Money
Tim e Telling Tim e
Tim e Readi ng a Calendar

Language and Langu age Arts Parts of Speech

Literature Language Arts Cont ractions and Ab br eviati on s
Types of Writ ing Typ es of Writ ing
Read ing Sto ries The Emperor 's New Clothes

Visual Arts Visual Art s A Worl d of Colo rs

Visual Arts Lines and Shap es

Music A World of Mus ic Musicia ns and Their Inst ru m ents

A World of Music Mozart and Beet hoven

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£_-- -
Theme : The Life Cycle Theme: Learning about Language

The Life Cycle of an Animal 54 Parts of Speech 82

The Life Cycle of a Frog 56 Contractions and Abbreviations 84

Vocabulary Review 5 58 Theme: Types of Writing

Types of Writing 86
Theme : The Food Chain
The Emperor's New Clothes 88
What Are Food Chains? 60
The Ocean Food Chain 62 Vocabulary Review 8 90

Them e: The Solar System Theme: A World of Paintings

What Is the Solar System? 64 A World of Colors 92

What Causes the Seasons? 66 Lines and Shapes 94

Vocabulary Review 6 68 Theme: A World of Music

Musicians and Their Instruments 96

Wrap-Up Test 2 70
Mozart and Beethoven 98

Vocabulary Review 9 100

Wrap -Up Test 3 102

Them e: Addition and Subtraction

• Answers and Translations 104
Addition and Subtraction 72
• Word List 116
Counting Money 74

Workbook for Daily Review

Theme: Time

Telling Time 76
Reading a Calendar 78

Vocabulary Review 7 80

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Table of Contents

Theme: Our Earth and Its Resources

Chapter 1
Social Studies- Natural Resources 28
History and Geography
Caring for Our Resources 30

Theme: Build ing Citizenship Theme: Native Americans and Their Culture
Building Citizenship 8 Native Americans 32

Different Kinds of Commun it ies 10 Early American Em p ires 34

Theme: Community Laws and Leaders Vocabulary Review 3 36

The Leade rs of Government 12 Wrap-Up Test 7 38

Martin Luther King, Jr. 14

Vocabulary Review 7 16
Chap te r 2
Theme: Lots of Jobs
Many Jobs 18

Volunteers and Community Jobs 20

Theme: Living and Nonliving Things

Theme: Maps and Directions What Are Living Th ings? 40

What Is a Map? 22 HowDo LivingThingsSurvive inthe Cold? 42

Maps an d Directions 24
Theme: A World of Plants

Vocabulary Review 2 26 How Do Plants Grow and Change? 44

How Do Plants Survive in the Desert? 46

Vocabulary Review 4 48

Theme: A Wor ld of Animal s

Kind s of Animals 50

Insects 52

\ ' - \
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The Best Preparation for Building
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The Reading Key seri es is designed t o help st ud ent s to understand Ameri can
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• A wide variety of topics t hat cover American school subjects

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• Inten sive practice for reading skill development

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• Building vocabulary by school subjects and the med texts

helps learnersexpand their voca bulary and reading skills in each subject

• Graphic organizers for each passage

show the structure of the passageand help to build summary skills

• Captivating pictures and illustration s related to th e t opic s

help learners gain a broader understanding of the topics and key concepts
. - •• • t - _ -

1 What is the main idea of the passage?

a. People live together in communities.
b. A good citizen should always be loyal.
c. There are many ways to show good citizenship.

2 A person does the things he or she is supposed to do.

a. responsible b. brave c. loyal

3 What does an honest person do?

a.Tell the truth b. Have courage c. Care for others

4 Complete the sentences.

a. Citizens live together in a _
b. A person has a lot of courage.
c. People should each other with respect.

5 Complete the outline.

r Good Citizenship 1
( '1
Caring and ( Honesty and ( Fairness and Loyalty
Responsibility Courage Respect

•a after • Tell th e b • Be c_ _ to othe rs • Be d to

neighbors . Be brave • Respect ot hers your people
• Do th e t hings and count ry
you shoul d do

· :; . : ..
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

,. the rights and v, being fair and treating

responsibilities that a others fairly
citiz en has

• being brave even liJi~~---"' . being loyal to one 's
LI._.-. ,
when it is hard friend s, commun ity,

and cou nt ry

Different Kinds of Communities

There are many different kinds of communities.

• community Some communities are small, and others are big.

• urban
• rural
An urban community is in a city.
• be surrounded Many people live and work in cities.
• population People in cities often live in big apartment buildings.
• be located
Supermarkets, department stores, and other stores are near
• suburban
their homes.
• combination

A rural community is in the countryside.

Usually, rural areas are surrounded by land and fields.
They have small populations.
People in rural areas usually live in houses.
Shops and buildings are often located far away from people's

A suburban community is near a city.

Suburbs are small cities located near big cities.
They are like a combination of urban and rural areas.
Most suburbs are not as busy as cities.
They have medium-sized populations.

® There are many different kinds of communities.

rural community

. - : . • t - .

1 What is the main idea of the passage?

a. Rural communities are in the countryside.
b. People live in many different places.
c. Suburban places are small cities.

2 What is in an urban area?

a. Fields b. Suburbs c. Department stores

3 What does combination mean?

a. population b. mix c. city
4 According to the passage, which statement is true?
a.There are big apartment buildings in rural areas.
b. Suburban communities are large cities.
c. Urban communities have the largest populations.

5 Complete the outline.

r Communities
( I
( Urban Community ) ( Rural Community ) ( Suburban Community )
• In a a • In t he b • Near a big city
· La rge popu lation • Small po pu lation · Combina tion of rura l and
c areas
• Many sto res located • Sho ps and bu ilding s far
nearby away • Medium- sized d

· : . : . .

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

1-relating to a city f2 - the number of people
living in a place

- to be encircled by - relating to country


The Leaders of Government

In the United States, each community and state has a leader.

• leader
People choose their leaders.
• mayor
In a community, the mayor is the leader.
• vote
• governor The citizens of the community vote for their leaders.
• president In a state, the governor is the leader.
• elect
The citizens of each state vote for their governor.
• needs
The president leads the whole country.
• safety
• transportation Every four years, the citizens elect a president to run the country.

The leaders provide for the needs of the people in the community,
state, and country.
Some of these needs include education, safety, and transportation.
Each of these leaders also makes sure that people follow the law.
Laws are very important.
Laws protect people and prevent them from harming others.
Laws help citizens live together in peace and harmony.

® What do leaders do?

, lTIa\<.e sure safety 911

_::~ ' \..ea ders t,he laWS. Leaders
"" peor "Ie folloW
provide for
the needs of
the community.

education public
.- . . . . - :

1 What is the main idea ofthe passage?

a. The president is more important than a mayor.
b. Leaders take care of people in their communities.
c. There are many leaders in the United States.

2 A is the leader of a state.

a. president b. mayor c. governor
3 What do laws do?
a. Decide who becomes the president
b. Let people live together peacefully
c. Provide for needs like transportation

4 Answer the questions.

a. Who is the leader of the whole country? _
b. Who chooses leaders?
c. What are some needs of the people?

5 Complete the outline.

Leaders take care of people in their communities.

Leader Region Duties
( Mayor ) ~r Community . Provide for the b
ofthe people
( ) ~r a


Country y . Make sure people follow
the C

. _. : . -

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

1 0 the leader of a

a way of moving
people or things from
J place to place

~-- --"-~

Martin Luther King, Jr.
. .- Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great leader.

• grow up
He grew up in the American South in the middle of the 1900s.
• march He was a black man .
• speech At that t ime, many Americans treated blacks very poorly.
• arrest

• give up Dr. King believed that all people should have the right to be
• nonviolence
treated the same.
• Civil Rights Act
He dreamed for all people to live together in peace.
• African-
American He led marches and gave speeches.
He was arrested many times, but he never gave up.
He believed in nonviolence.

In 1964, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

That same year, the United States passed the Civil Rights Act.
It changed the laws that were unfair to African-Americans.
It guaranteed equal rights to all Americans.

To honor him , Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebrated in January

every year.

® Dr. King wanted fair treatment

for African-Americans.

. * . :.1 * .

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. Martin Luther King, Jr.
b.The Nobel Peace Prize
c. The Civil Rights Act

2 What did Martin Luther King, Jr. believe in?

a. Nonviolence b. Unfairness c. War

3 What does guaranteed mean?

a. passed b. asked for c. promised

4 Comp lete the sentences.

a. Marti n Luther King, Jr. lived in th e in the United States.
b. The police Martin Luthe r King , Jr. many t imes.
c. The Act was passed in 1964.

5 Complete the outli ne.

r Martin Luther King, Jr. 1
( '\
( Beliefs ( Action s ) ( Martin Lut her King, Jr. Day

• All peopl e should be • Led marches • Is celebrated in c

a the sa me every year
• Gave b
• All people should live · Helped get t he Civil . Honors Martin Luther King, Jr.
together in peace Rights Act passed

· .. :. .

Write the correct wo rd and the meaning in Korean.

I' to abandon ; to stop

under the aut hority of doing something

I Do Not Use Violenoe
l' not using violence; the
practice of refraining
" an act that gu aranteed
eq ual right s t o all
#" from violence Am erican s
ill J
Complete the sentences with the words below.

loyal fairly countryside honesty

c::.... suburban city responsibility located

1 Good citizens treat others and with respect.

2 _ _ __ _ ___ means doing the things you should do.
3 _ _ _ __ _ means telling the truth.
4 Good citizens are to their friends, family, community, and country.
5 An urban community is in a _
6 A rural community is in the _
7 In rura l areas, shops and buildings are often far away from
people's homes.
8 A community is near a city.

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

governor prevent vote elect

guaranteed unfair poorly right

1 The citizens of the community for their leaders.

2 In a state, the is the leader.
3 Eve ry four years, the citizens a president to run the country.
4 Laws protect people and them from harming others.
5 In the middle of the 1900s, many Americans treated blacks very _
6 Dr. King believed that all people should have the to be treated
the same.
7 The Civil Rights Act changed the laws that were to African-
8 The Civil Rights Act equal rights to all Americans.

Write th e correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• being brave even • relating to a city

when it is hard ,I

• relating to country • the leader of a

areas commun ity

5 • a way of moving :V-~~\~\' to seize and hold

people or things under the authority
from place to place of law

• Match each word with th e corr ect definition and write the meaning in Korean.

1 citizenship 0 ..
2 fairness 0 a. requirements
b. to be encircled by
3 loyalty 0 c. freedom from danger
d. being fair and treating others fairly
4 population 0 e. to abandon; to stop doing something
5 be surrounded by 0 l" ' . a pla ce
f. th e number of people WIng In
g. an act that guara nteed equa l rights
6 ne eds 0 to all Americans
7 safety 0 h. the rights and respon sibilities that a
citizen has
8 give up 0 i.
being loyal to one's friends , community,
and country
9 nonviolence 0 j . not using violence; th e practice of
refraining from violence
10 Civil Rights Act 0
Many Jobs
.. Many people have jobs.

• job
A job is the work that people do.
• earn money Most people work at a job to earn money.
• get paid They usually get paid hourly, weekly, or monthly.
• take care of
With that money, they can take care ofthemselves and their
• goods
• factory
• service
There are many kinds of jobs.
• professional
Some workers earn money by growing or making goods.
Farmers produce the food we eat every day.
Workers at factories produce many products we use every day.

Some workers earn money by having service jobs.

These are jobs like waiter, cook, delivery person, and salesperson.
Workers with these jobs provide services for others.

Others have professional jobs.

Professional jobs require special education and training.
Some of these jobs are doctor, lawyer, engineer, and artist.

® People work in many different places.


waiter doctor

. - . . • 1 - •

, What is the passage mainly about?

a.The different jobs people have
b. How much money some jobs pay
c. Professional and service jobs

2 Why do most people work?

a.To provide services for others b.To make goods c. To earn money

3 What does goods mean?

a. objects b. products c. services

4 According to the passage, which statement is true?

a. Farmers often work at factories .
b. Cook is a kind of service job.
c. People only get paid monthly.

5 Complete the outline.

r Jobs 1
( Farmer ) ( Factory Worker ) ( Service Job ) ( "
Professional Job

• Produce the . Make a • Provide b • Need special

foo d people people use every for others education and
eat every day day . Waiter, cook, training
delivery person, and . Doctor, C ,
salesperson engine er, and arti st

. .. . . ,

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• " th e work that people , " to make money; to get
f ~I do
, paid

-=::~~~~ " things that are grown " a job people do to

, or made; products J help others

Volunteers and Communlt'l JobS

Some people do not earn money for their work.

• volunteer
They work for free and help others.
• homeless We call them volunteers.

• food bank Volunteers do many important jobs.

• unfortunate
Some people volunteer at hospitals.
• earthquake
• flood
They assist doctors and nurses in taking care of patients.
• community Other people work at homeless shelters or food banks.
They help take care of more unfortunate people.
Volunteers also help when people are in trouble because of
earthquakes or floods.

There are also special jobs that help the whole community.
These are community jobs such as firefighter and police officer.
They work for the whole community and get paid by the

All of these volunteers and community jobs are improving our

communities. They make our communities better places.

~ Volunteers and community workers

make a community a better place.

j J

• . .. • I · .

1 What is the main idea ofthe passage?

a. Firefighters help their communities.
b. Volunteers do not make any money.
c. Many people work to improve their communities.

2 Who pays police officers?

a. The community b. Food banks c. Volunteers

3 What does unfortunate mean?

a. unlucky b. unhappy c. unkind

4 Answer the questions.

a. How much money do volunteers earn? _
b. Where do some volunteers work?
c. What are some community jobs?

5 Complete the outline.

( Many people work to improve their communities. ]


( Volunteers ) ( Community Workers )

· Make no money . Help others • c and police officers
· Work at hospitals, homeless shelters, and · Work for the whole community
• Get paid by the d
· Help after earthquakes and b

· _. : · -
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• a person who works • a temporary place

for free and helps provided for homeless
others people

• a sudden shaking of • a very large amount of

the earth's surface ""tri!Pi/::;iI. water that covers an

What Is a Map?

• • A map is a drawing of a place.

• map
It looks like a view from above .
• view It might show cities, states, or countries.
• location It might show a small neighborhood or the entire world.
• symbol
• stand for Maps can be very helpful.
• map key
Mostly, we use them to find locat ions.
• t itle
We also use them to show how far one place is from another.
• map feature

Most maps have symbols on them.

A symbol is a picture that stands for a real th ing on a map.
There could be symbols for houses, buildings, rivers, mountains,
streets, and more.
Maps have a map key.
A map key expla ins what the symbols on a map mean .
Maps also have titles.
The title tells you what the map shows.
These map features help us read and use the maps.

A map 15 a drawing
of a real place.

sy m bo l title

Map Key

8 Schoo l
1.1 Hospi tal

~ C h u rch

Gas Station :
_ · . . _a - :

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. Who uses maps
b. What maps look like
c. How big maps are

2 A explains the symbols on a map.

a. location b. map key c. title

3 What are the pictures that stand for real things on maps?
a. Symbols b. Buildings c. Rivers

4 Complete the sentences.

a. A map shows the view of something from _
b. A map can show the of many places.
c. , like the map key and title, help us read maps.

5 Complete the outline.

r Maps 1
( \
( Wh at They Do ) Symb ol s ) Map Key and Title

• Show a from above • Are b that stand for . Exp lain wh at the
real th ing s c mean
• Show locat ion s
• Show how far one place is • Can represent houses, building s, . Tell w hat t he map
from another mountains, and streets show s

· : - : .,
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• a particular plac e or

1• a table of symbols that

f'~ e
I School Hos pita l
. shows what the symbols
on a map mean

Leth. t, I '"

Maps and Directions

.. Before we can use a map, we need to learn a few things about it.
• compass rose
First, we should find the compass rose.
• direc tion The compass rose shows the four ma in directions on a map.
• point out It points out wh ich directions are north, south, east, and west.
• scale
On most maps, north is straight up on the map and is marked
• calculate
• distance
with an "N"
• represent East is to the rig ht, south is straight down, and west is to the left.

Maps also have a scale.

All maps are smaller than the real area that they show.
The map scale lets you calculate the real distance between two
For example, the scale on one map may be that one centimeter
represents ten kilometers.
On t his map, two cities are three centimeters away from each other.
In reality, thirty kilometers is the distance between the two cities.

® Four Main Directions


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west ·,,, V" -.,..... -~ E ---,.. east

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The compass rose The map scale shows

s hows d irections . the r eal distance.

. -.. . .. .
1 What is the ma in idea of the passage?
a. The compass rose shows directions.
b. All maps have a compass rose and a sca le.
c. Maps are not as big as the area they show.

2 Where is north on most maps?

a. Straight up b. Straight down c. To th e right

What does points out mean?

a. answers b. finds c. shows

4 According to the passage, which statement is true?

a.The compass rose lets you calculate the distance between two points.
b. The scale on all maps is one centimeter rep resents ten kilo mete rs.
c. East is to the right on most maps.

5 Complete the outline.

( )
How to Use Maps
t' '\
( Compass Rose ) ( Sca le )
· Shows d irections . Shows the C
· No rth is straig ht up . So uth is st raigh t a bet wee n two po ints
· East is to the right . West is to t he b . Is needed be cau se map s
are d tha n the
area they sho w

: . :.

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• nor t h, so ut h, east, or

) . It helps you ca lculate 4 ' • to show; to mean

N = north
M lks th e act ua l dist a nce S = south
t • • ii- • .t between t wo places.
o 5 10 E = east
W _J
= west

Complete the sentences with the words below.

food banks get paid earn growing

police officer professional free community

1 Most people work at a job to money.

2 People usually hourly, weekly, or monthly.

3 Some workers earn money by or making goods.

4 ________ jobs require special education and training.
5 Volunteers work for and help others.
6 Volunteers work at homeless shelters or _
7 There are also special jobs that help the whole _
8 These are community jobs such as firefighter and _

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

directions marked distance features

real area symbols drawing locations

1 A map is a of a place.
2 Mostly, we use maps to find _

3 A map key explains what the on a map mean.

4 Map help us read and use maps.

5 The compass rose shows the four main on the map.

6 On most maps, north is straight up on the map and is with an "N,"
7 All maps are smaller than the that they show.
8 The map scale lets you calculate the real between two points.

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• th ings that are • a person who works

grown or made; for free and helps
products others

- -- ----o
!,'!.,._. _'I'I· a table of symbols
1'1 & i..o I that shows what the
an area
Ho spita
,I symbols on a map
I ~ Ii I mean
- - - - ,.- - _.. ~. - - -- -- --

• to rep resen t

• Match each wo rd with t he correct defin ition and write the meaning in Korean.

1 job ____ 0 t:

2 earn money _ a. to show: to mean
b. the work that people do
3 service ____ 0 c. a particular place or position

4 homeless shelte r LJ d. to ma ke money; to get paid

e. north , south, east, or west
5 earthqua ke ____ 0 f. a job people do to help others

6 map _ _ _ _0 g. a drawing of a place or an ar ea

h. a sudden shaking of th e ea rth's
7 locat ion ____ 0 surface
i. a temporary place provided for
8 direction ___ _ 0 h omeless people
9 ma p scale ____ 0 j. It helps you calculate the a ctual
distance between two places.
10 re prese nt ____ 0
Natural Resources
. . Natural resources are useful things that come from nature.

• natural
Nature is full of resources that are ready for people to use.
Land, water, and air are some important natural resources.
• useful
• be ready We use natural resources for food and energy.
• energy
We need water to drink and air to breathe.
• breathe
• electricity
We need land and soil to grow food.
Coal, oil, and natural gas are used to make energy.
This energy lets us drive ou r cars and make electricity for our homes .

We also make many things from natural resources.

We can use cotton and wool from animals to make clothes.
We use trees to build our homes and to make many things we
use every day.
Rocks can be used to build walls and buildings.

@J Things Made from Natural Resources

- "

~ ... . "..,.-

We use wood Cotton and wool are Rocks are used to build
to make things. used to make clothes. walls and buildings.



. ~ . :.' ~ .

1 What is the main idea ofthe passage?

a. Natural resources are important to people.
b. People need air in order to breathe.
c. We can make many things from natural resources.
2 Coal, r and natural gas are used to make electricity.
a. soil b. air c. oil

3 What do people use rocks for?

a. To make buildings b. To grow food c. To make clothes
4 Answer the questions.
a. Where can we find natural resources? _
b. What do we need to drink?
c. What do we use to make clothes?

5 Complete the outline.

r We use natural resources. 1
( 1
( To Live ) ( To Make Energy ) ( To Make Things )

· Food to eat . b .o il. and · Cotton and wool to make C

· Water to drink natural gas to · Trees to build homes and other things
· Airto a make energy · Rocks to make walls and buildings

· .. : ..
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.
I. some useful things • powerthat makes
that come from nature things work or change

• a form of energythat • to be prepared

gives machines power
to work

Caring for Our Resources

• We use natural resources every day.

• use up
So we have to be careful not to use up all of them.
• conserve If we do not save our natural resources, we might not have
• reuse enough of them in the future.
• reduce
• turn off One way to conserve resources is to reuse them.
• recycle
Reuse paper, bags, and boxes as much as you can.
• recycling bin

Another way to save resources is to use less of them.

Try to reduce the amount of resources you use.
You can turn off the lights when you leave a room.
You can turn the water off when you brush your teeth.

You can also recycle some materials.

To recycle means to make a new thing from an old thing.
Collect the used items and put them into the recycling bin.
When we recycle something, we can use it again and again.

® We can conserve our natural resources!

The 3 R'sfor Please Recycle!

Saving Resources
• Paper
Reduce, • Glass
Reuse • Plastics
t ..-
. - . ;.1 : ;

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. Which items we can recycle
b. How to save our natural resources
e. Where to put recycled items

2 How can we reduce the resources we use?

a.Turn off the lights when we leave rooms
b. Brush our teeth more often
e. Buy many new products

3 What does use up mean?

a. order b. buy e. consume

4 Complete the sentences.

a. We can natural resources by reusing them.
b. You should turn the water while brushing your teeth.
e. Put old items into the bin.

5 Complete the outline.

f Caring for Our Resources 1
( '\
Reuse ) ( Reduce ) ( Recycle )

• Reuse a , • Turn off the lights when you leave a room • Collect used items
bags. and boxes • Turn off th e b whi le brushing . Put the m in
your teeth c

. .. :

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

1 • to save, keep, or • to use less


3 • to sw itch off ) . t o treat used items

-e- ..0
0 so as to make them
o~ suitable to reuse

Native Americans

Native Americans were the first people to live in America .

• Native
They are also called American Indians.
• American The ancestors of the Native Americans were people from Asia.
As the years passed, these people formed their own tribes.
• ancestor

• tribe
They had their own languages and customs.
• custom Some tribes hunted for their food.
• craftwork Other tribes grew food such as corn and beans.
• carryon
• tradition Native Americans lived in different types of homes.
The Lakota lived in tepees like tents.
The Pueblo lived in adobe houses.
The Iroquois lived in longhouses.

Native Americans made the things they used and wore.

They made canoes, baskets, pottery, and many other craftworks.

Today, Native Americans still live in all parts of the United States.
They carryon the traditions of their ancestors.

® Many different groups of ® Native American Craftworks

Native Americans lived in the U.S.



pottery moccasins

• ~ .. • I · .

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. Native Americans and their customs
b.The things that Native Americans made
c. The homes of Native Americans

2 The Iroquois lived in _

a. adobe houses b.longhouses c. tepees

3 What does carryon means?

a. t ransport b. hold on c. continue

4 According to the passage, which statement is true?

a.There are no more Native Americans in the U.s.
b. Native Americans made their own pottery.
c. The Pueblo people lived in tepees.

5 Complete the outline.

( )
Native Americans
( I
( Traditions ) ( Homes ) ( Customs )
• Had t heir own lang uages · Lakota lived in tepees • Made canoes
and customs • Pueb lo lived in · Made baskets and pottery
b houses
• Hunted for food • Made many -
• Grew a like corn • Iroqu ois lived in · Carry on d of
and beans longhouses their ancestors today

· .. : .-
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

I' th e first people to live • a family member who

in America lived in the past

• a group of people of • the w ay people do

the same race something because it
is tr adition al

Early American Empires
• • There were many tribes in the Ame ricas.

• establish
Some of them established thei r own empires.
• empire The three great Amer ican empi res were the Maya, Aztec, and Inca.
• Maya
• Aztec The Mayans lived in the jungles of Central America.
• Inca They built great cities with temples and palaces.
• civilization
Their civilization was very developed.
• ancient
The Mayans knew how to write.
• worship
• nature god They also had advanced math and building skills.
• warlike Like other ancient people, the Mayans worshipped many nature gods.
• conquer

The Aztecs lived in the area of modern-day Mexico.

They bu ilt their city on islands in a lake.
The Aztecs were very warlike.
They conquered many people around them.
They built huge stone temples devoted to their sun god.

The Incas lived in the Andes Mountains in South America .

Their cities, like Machu Picchu, were high in the mountains.
U. S. A . The Incas built incredible stone walls.

® The Three Great American Empire5

Pacific Ocean

.Machu Picchu

. - . : • t - _

1 What is the main idea ofthe passage?

a.There were three great empires in America.
b. The Mayans were greater than the Aztecs.
c.The Incas lived in South America .
2 Which empire was located in the jungle?
a. Inca b. Aztec c. Maya

3 What does incredible mean?

a. tiny b. great c. pretty
4 Complete the sentences.
a.The Maya, Aztec, and Inca all established _
b. The Aztecs were a people.
c. was one of the Inca's cities.

5 Comp lete the outline.

( The Three Great American Empires 1
( '\
( Maya Empire ( Aztec Empire ( Inca Empire

· Lived in the j ungles of Cent ral • Lived in t he area of · Lived in the C

America mod ern-day b Mou ntains in South

• Had advanced civilization • Were warlike Ame rica
• Worshipped a · Worship ped a sun god • One city was

· Built incredible walls

O \'lOTOF.1 -
.- orn ~: ----~) 0 -

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• an advanced stat e of 1" to show respect and

human society . honor for God or a god

r fon d of fighting; ready
for w ar

Complete the sentences with the words below.

less reuse energy natural gas

useful wool recycle use up

1 Natural resources are things that come from nature.

2 We use natural resources for food and _

3 Coal, oil, and are used to make energy.

4 We can use cotton and from animals to make clothes.

5 We have to be careful not to all of resources.

6 One way to conserve resources is to them.

7 Another way to save resources is to use ~ of t h e m .

8 To means to make a new thing from an old thing.

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

homes jungles Inca American Indians

tribes ancestors Andes modern-day

1 Native Americans are also called _

2 The of the Native Americans were people from Asia.

3 Native American had their own languages and customs .

4 Native Americans lived in different types of _

5 The three great American empires were the Maya, Aztec, and _

6 The Mayans lived in the of Central America.

7 The Aztecs lived in the area of Mexico.

8 The Incas lived in the - - -- - - Mountains in South America.

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• some useful things • a form of energy

that come from that gives machines
nature power to work

'3 '4
• to treat used ite ms I
\ . the first people to
so as to make them I' I
live in America
suitable to reuse I
l "~
'I • gods of the wind, ~
6 • fond of fighting;
rain, or sun ready for war

t Match each word with the correct definition and write the meaning in Korean.

1 energy 0 c .. C
2 be ready 0 a. to be prepared
b. to switch off
3 conserve 0 c. to use less
4 reduce 0 d. to save, keep, or protect
e. a group of people of th e same race
5 turn off 0 f. an ad vanced state of human society

6 ancestor 0 g. a fa mily member who lived in the past

h. power that makes things work or
7 tribe 0 change
to show respect and honor for God
8 custom 0 or a god
the way people do something because
9 civilization 0 j.
it is traditional
10 worship 0
, 4\
""rap-Up Tes't

Write the correct word for each sentence.

<:..J> n atural resources craftworks leader loo k after off

Native Am ericans populations volunteers worshipped job

1 Good citizens their neighbors and care for others.

2 Suburban communities have medium-sized - - - - - - -
3 In the United States, each community and state has a _
4 Most people work at a to earn money.
5 work for free and help others.
6 Land, water, and air are some important _
7 You can turn the water when you brush your teeth.
8 ____________ were the first people to live in America .
9 Native Americans made canoes, baskets, pottery, and many other
10 Like other ancient people, the Mayans many nature gods.

: Write the meanings of the words in Korean.

courage 16 homeless shelter

2 urban 17 location
3 rural 18 direction
4 transportation 19 map scale
5 citizenship 20 represent
6 fairness 21 natural resources
7 loyalty 22 electricity
8 needs 23 recycle
9 give up 24 conquer
10 nonviolence 25 be ready
11 goods 26 conserve
12 flood 27 reduce
13 map key 28 ancestor
14 compass rose 29 custom
15 earn money 30 civilization

Chapter 2
Scie ce
What Are Living Things?
Everything on Earth is either living or nonliving.
- living Animals and plants are living things.
- nonliving Living things need food, water, and air to live.
• shelter Living things grow and change.
• environment
They can also make new living things like themselves.
• room
• move around
Water, air, and rocks are nonliving things.
• space
Nonliving things do not need food, water, or air.
Nonliving things do not grow or change.
They cannot make new things like themselves.

Living things must have shelter.

Shelter is a safe place to live.
Shelter protects them from their environment and from other
Living things also must have room to grow or to move around.
Some living things, such as flowers, need very little space.
Other living things, such as elephants, may need a lot of space.

®' Living Things ®' Nonliving Things

II ,

1 What is the main idea of the passage?
a. Water and rocks are nonliving things.
b. Living things need food and shelter.
c. Everything is either living or nonliving.

2 Living things need for protection.

a. air b. shelter c. water

3 How much space does an elephant need?

a. None b. A little c. A lot

4 Complete the sentences.

a. All things need food, air, and water to live.
b. Living things can make living things like themselves.
c. protects living things from their environment.

5 Complete the outline.

r Everything on Earth 1
( 1
( Living Things Nonliving Things )
( a and plants Water, air, and rocks )
• Need food . wate r, and air • Grow and change · Do not need food, w ater, or air
· Can make new b · Do not c or change
· Need shelter and space · Cannot make new t hing s

• : I : · -
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• having life; alive • having no life; not

I living

• a safe place to live . • the land, water, and air in

'.,j which living things live

How Do living Things Survive in the Cold?
The coldest place on Earth is Antarctica.

• Antarctica The temperature there is always below freezing.

• below freezing But many animals still live there.
• manage to How do they manage to survive in such cold weather?
• survive
• adapt These animals have adapted their bodies to the cold.
• layer
Seals and whales in Antarctica have many layers offat.
- fat
This fat helps keep their bodies warm.
• feather
• Arctic tundra Penguins stay warm because they have small and thick feathers.
• fur
Some plants and animals live in the Arctic tundra.
Many tundra animals have thick fur to keep them warm.
Plants do not grow very tall there.
They grow in groups close to the ground.
This protects them from the cold and the wind.

What about humans?

Clothing helps people stay warm the same way animals'fur does.

® How have plantsand animals adapted to living in the cold?

_ _ _,---=-__.J
Seals have many layers of fat. Polar bears have Arctic plants grow in groups
.. thick fur and fat. close to the ground.

.-.. .. . .
1 What is the passage mainly about?
a. Why seals have lots of fat
b. Which plants can grow in the Arctic tundra
c. How animals and plants survive in cold places

2 What lets penguins stay warm in cold places?

a.Their feathers b. Their fat c. Their fur
3 What does thick mean?
a.heavy b. fat c. thin

4 According to the passage, which statement is true?

a. No plants are able to grow in the Arctic tundra.
b. Clothing keeps people warm like fur does for animals.
c. Whales have thick fur to keep them warm.

5 Complete the outline.

r Surviving in the Cold 1
( I '\
( Antarctica ) ( Arctic Tundra ) ( Humans )

. Seals and wha les have • Ani mals have t hick b- -

• Must wear d
layers of fat • Plants grow in groups to stay warm
. Penguins have small and close to t he C
thick a

. :. :. -

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• to stay alive 2 • to change something

to fit a new

'4 I
• the area around the
- - - - -J. North Pole

How Do Plants Grow and Change?
• • Every living thing has a life cycle.

- life cycle A life cycle shows how a living thing grows, lives, and dies.
- germinate
- sprout
A plant's life cycle begins with a seed.
- plant When a seed gets water and nutrients from
• water the soil, it starts to germinate.
• grow down
Then, the seed sprouts and grows into an adult plant.
- seedling
- fertilize
Again, the adult plant makes seeds, and a new life cycle begins.

The life cycle of a bean plant

Let's look closely at the life cycle of a bean plant.
1. A bean seed is planted and watered in the ground.
2. After around a week, the seed germinates. The roots grow down.
3.Then, one week later, the bean plant sprouts and becomes
a seedling.
4. After six weeks, the bean plant becomes an adult.
5. Flowers grow and get fertilized. They make bean seeds.

seed seed with roots sprouting seed


making seeds
(new cycle be9ins)
1 What is the passage mainly about?
a. Plants' life cycles
b. Seedlings
c. How seeds germinate

2 A plant begins its life cycle as a _

a. flower b. seed c. seedling

3 How long does it take a bean seedling to become an adult plant?

a. One week b. Two weeks c. Six weeks

4 Answer the questions.

a. What does a seed need to germinate?
b. After a seed germinates, what happens? _
c. What makes bean seeds?

5 Complete the outline.

Seed gets planted

New d

Flowers are C

Becomes an adult plant Plant sprouts and

becomes a b
.. - :. -

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

h It shows how a living ~I" to start to grow
Growth thing gro ws, lives, and
I d!res.
Death 6.
I \0.
. ~
, ~,

I"to send up new

I gro wth
How Do Plants Survive in the Desert?

Plants live almost everywhere.

• desert Some plants even live in the desert.

• harsh Deserts have very harsh environments.
• cactus Deserts are very hot and dry with little rain.
• ste m
Few kinds of plants and animals have adapted to liv ing there.
• spiny leaf
• store
However, some plants, like the cactus, grow well in the desert.
• spread out How do they manage to survive in such dry place?
• capture
A cactus has a thick stem and spiny leaves.
The stems and leaves help the cactus store water inside it .
Then, it can use th e water later when it needs it.
So, it can grow for a long time without any rain at all.

A cactus's roots spread out away from it.

The roots are also very close to th e ground.
This lets the roots capture large amounts of water when it rains.

@5 Cacti have adapted @5 A cactus's stem and leaves

to living in the desert. help store water.
. ~.. .. - .

1 What is the main idea of the passage?

a. A cactus needs little water to survive.
b. Some plants can survive in harsh conditions.
c. There are many cacti in the desert.

2 Which part of the cactus stores water?

a. The stem b.The roots c. The branches

3 What does capture mean?

a.use b. drink c. collect

4 Complete the sentences.

a. are often very hot and dry.
b. A cactus can store to use another time.
c. The of a cactus spread out underground.

5 Complete the outline.

r Cactus
( I \
( Desert Environment ( Stem and Leaves ) ( Roots

• Very hot and dry • Help b wate r • Spread out away from it
. Has a to • Can use th e water w hen • Close to t he C
survive in the desert it is needed · Lets cactus d
water w hen it rains

. _. : . ~

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

1 • very difficult to live in;
very un kind

.• to keep or save • to st ret ch out; to

some t hing for expand
future use

Complete the sentences with the words below.

nonliving things environment coldest fur

living things manage to adapted air

1 Animals and plants are _

2 Living things need food, water, and to live.

3 Water, air, and rocks are _

4 Shelter protects living things from their and from other

animals .

5 The place on Earth is Antarctica.

6 How do the animals survive in such cold weather?

7 Animals in Antarctica have their bodies to the cold.

8 Many tundra animals have thick to keep them warm.

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

nutrients seed away thick

life cycle harsh fertilized cactus

1 A shows how a living thing grows, lives, and dies.

2 A plant's life cycle begins with a _

3 When a seed gets water and from the soil, it starts to

4 Flowers grow and get .They make bean seeds.

5 Deserts have very environments.

6 Some plants, like the t grow well in the desert.
7 A cactus has a stem and spiny leaves.

8 A cactus's roots spread out from it.

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• having life; alive • having no life; not


3 • to start to grow 4 • a young plant

• the continent
surrounding the
South Pole

• Match each word with the correct definition and write the meaning in Korean .

1 environment 0 ~

2 shelter 0 a. to stay alive

b. a safe place to live
3 survive 0 c. to send up new growth

4 adapt 0 d. to stretch out; to expand

e. th e area around th e North Pole
5 Arctic 0 f. very difficult to live in; very unkind
g. to keep or save something for future use
6 sprout 0 h. It shows how a living thing grows,
7 life cycle 0 lives, and dies.
th e land, water, and air in which
8 harsh 0 living things live
9 store 0 j. to change something to fit a new
10 spread out 0
Kinds of Animals
What do a cat, a lion, and a dolphin have in common?

• mammal
They are all mammals.
• give birth to A mammal is an animal with fur or hair.
• young Most mammals give birth to live young.
• feed Mammals feed their young with milk from their mothers.
• bird
• lay eggs A bird is an animal that has a beak, feathers, wings, and legs.
• hatch Most birds can fly using their wings.
• reptile
Birds lay eggs. Chicks hatch from the eggs.
• amphibian
Ducks, peacocks, and penguins are all birds .
• fish

A reptile is an animal that has dry skin covered with scales.

Most reptiles lay eggs and walk on four legs.
Snakes, turtles, and alligators are all reptiles.

An amphibian is an animal that lives on land and in water.

Most amphibians have smooth, wet skin and lay eggs.
Frogs and salamanders are amphibians.

Fish live under water.

Most fish have scales, fins, and gills.
They lay eggs. Angelfish and sharks are fish.

®' Howare animals differe~1

. ~ . . • I : .

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a.The differences between reptiles and amphibians
b. The env ironment that animals live in
e. How animals are alike and different
2 can li ve both on land and in water.
a. Amphib ians b. Fish e. Mammals
3 What do many rept iles look like?
a.They have feathers .
b.They have skin covered w ith sca les.
e. They have scales, fin s, and gills.
4 Accord ing to the passage, which statement is true?
a. Birds feed their young milk from their mothers.
b. Reptiles lay eggs.
e. Dolphins are fish.
S Complete the outline.
Kinds of Animals 1
( 'I
( Mamm als ( Birds ) ( Reptiles ( Amph ibian s ) ( Fish )
· Have fur or hair . Have a beak. · Have dry skin . Live on land . Live under
• Give birth to live feathers, b , with C and in water
a d
and legs · Lay eggs . Have scales,
• Feed young milk . Can fly • Wa lk on four ' Have smooth, fins, and
wet skin e
from moth ers ' Lay eggs legs

· .. :. -
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean,

1 • ani ma ls th at g ive b irt h • anima ls' bab ies

------ t o live young

f .

13 ., .;".,,~
: .~.~
. r' . . :. an im als th at live on • animal s like snakes
Il;:' • "oJ land an d in wa ter and t ur t les

c'" .. Sl

• • There are millions of species of insects.

• species Insects include ants, butterflies, bees, and crickets.

• insect
• similarity
Many look different from one another.
• head But insects all have many similarities.
• thorax All insects have three body parts and six legs.
• abdomen
Most insects lay eggs.
• antennae

• stinger
Let's take a closer look at the three main body parts: the head,
thorax, and abdomen.
The head has the insect's eyes, antennae, and mouth.
Insects use their antennae to feel things.
The thorax has the insect's legs and wings.
All insects have three pairs of legs.
Not all of them have wings though.
The abdomen is usually the largest part.
Female insects lay eggs from their abdomen.
Insects like bees have their stingers there.

® The Three Parts of Insects two

_____ _____.-t wo
._/ -- antennae

- ., .-.....
tnree pairs /--.--------- -------:::" . t hree pa i re
of legs \ >--__ , . '---; .::::_>-"-of legs
\\\ ..-....

. -.. .. - -

1 What is t he passage mainly about?

a. Some species of insects
b.The body parts of insects
c. The wings and anten nae of insects

2 What do all insects have?

a. Six pairs of legs b. Wings c. Three body parts

3 What does fee l mean?

a. see b. taste c. touch

4 Answer the questions.

a. What are t he th ree body pa rts of a n insect? _
b. What is on an insect's thorax?
c. What do bees have on t heir abdome n?

5 Complete the outline.

What makes an insect an insect? ~
( Head

• Has eyes, a
) ( Thora x ) ( "
Abdom en

, • Has legs and wings • Is th e ( body part

and mo uth · Has t hree b of legs • Lays eggs from abdo men
. Feels w it h the antennae · Does not always havew ings • Bees'? are ther e

: .-
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.
• t he m iddle part of an 2 • th e largest bo dy part
insect t hat has legs of an in sect, from
and w ings w hic h t hey lay eggs

• two long t hi ng s on an
in sect's head that it
~~ . •r:
~~ . ~A'
'I · the sharp st inging part
of a bee t hat contain s
uses to feel w ith
:- ..I/' I poison
l,-_-,~2-J - - -- -
The Life Cycle of an Anima'
• • How do animals grow and change?

• life cycle
All animals have a life cycle.
• stage A life cycle is all of the stages that animals go through during
• go through thei r lives.
• birth
Most animals go through four stages: birth, growth, reproduction,
• growth
• reproduction
and death.
• death
When mammals are born, they are helpless.
• helpless
• take care of They cannot see or walk.
• mature Their mothers must take care of them until they can take care of
• reproduce

As mammals grow up, they start to look like thei r parents.

For cats and dogs, it takes about a year to become an adult.
For humans, it takes more than ten years to mature.
When mammals become adults, they can reproduce.
Then they can have their own young like themselves.

Finally, the last stage is death.

When mammals reach the end oftheir lives, they die.

~ The Life Cycle of a Cat

. ~ .. .. - .

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. The life cycles of mamma ls
b. Cats and dogs growing older
c. Mammals when they are born

2 The third stage in a mammal's life cycle is _

a. death b. reproduction c. growth

3 How long does it take for dogs to mature?

a. One year b. Six years c. More than ten years

4 Complete the sentences.

a. A life cycle is the an animal goes through in its life.
b. Mammals are helpless at _
c. Mammals look like their as they grow older.

5 Complete the outline.

r The Life Cycle of a Mammal 1
( 1
( Birth ) ( Growth ) ( Reproduction ( Death )
· Canno t see or w alk · Look like parents • Ca n have . Die w hen th ey
c of reach the
• Mothers take • Dogs and cats
a b their own d of th eir
ofthem in one year
· Humans mature in
more than ten years

· _. : ..
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.
) . the process of growing ~ . the act or process of
I bigger having babies

~ birth
- - -). to experience
, • to look after


The Life Cycle of a Frog
. Frogs are amphibians.

• amphibian
So their life cycles are different from mammals.
• unique In fact, frogs have very unique life cycles.
• lay eggs
• tadpole Frogs lay eggs in water in spring.
• hatch After about two weeks, tadpoles hatch from the eggs.
• resemble
Tadpoles actually do not resemble frogs at all.
• tail
They do not have any legs but have tails.
• gills
• develop Tadpoles also have gills.
• lungs Their gills let them breathe and live in the water.

As tadpoles grow older, they get ready to live on land.

They develop legs, and their tails become shorter.
Also, they develop lungs, which let them breathe air on land.
Then, the tadpoles start to look more like frogs.
After about 14 weeks, the frogs have become adults and have
no tails.
They move onto land and live there most oftheir lives.

@1 The Life Cycle of a Frog


after about
14 weeks Birth Growth

\-, ,-
after about
2 weeks


._. after about

7 weeks
...... ,
. .. ; .. - -

1 What is the main idea ofthe passage?

a. A baby frog is called a tadpole.
b. Frogs can live in the water and on land.
c. The life cycle of a frog is unique.

2 How can tadpoles breathe in the water?

a. They have lungs. b.They have gills. c. T ey have tails.

3 What does develop mean?

a.lose b. grow c. breathe

4 According to the passage, which statement is true?

a. Tadpoles have both gills and lungs.
b. Tadpoles look like frogs .
c. Frogs are fully grown up after fourteen weeks.

5 Complete the outline.

Frogs 1
r 'I
( Tadpoles ) ( Adult Frogs )
· Hatch from eggs · Become adults afte r 14 weeks
· Havea a_ _ but no legs · Have no tails
· Havegills so can breathe in water · Have legs and C socan live on land
· Develop b and lu ngs

· .. :

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

1 l' a young frog ~ • to be born from an

• to look like something

or someone
'I ' aused
pairofbody parts
for breathing air

'----_ _J
Re"ie\l\l 5

Complete the sentences with the words below.

give birth to antennae feed common

lay eggs species legs wings

1 What do a cat, a lion, and a dolphin have in ?

2 Most mammals Iive young.

3 Mammals their young with milk from their mothers.

4 Most amphibians have smooth, wet skin and '

5 There are millions of of insects.

6 All insects have three body parts and six _

7 The head has the insect 's eyes, , and mouth.

8 The thorax has the insect's legs and _

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

helpless reproduce hatch develop

change grow older stages unique

1 How do animals grow and ?

2 A life cycle is all of the that animals go through during their lives.

3 When mammals are born, they are _

4 When mammals become adults, they can _

5 In fact , frogs have very Iife cycles.

6 After about two weeks, tadpoles from the eggs.
7 As tadpoles r they get ready to live on land.

8 Tadpoles Iegs, and their tails become shorter.

Write the correct wo rd and the mea ning in Korean .

• animals that give ~ . animals'babies

birth to live young

. • animals that live on • animals like snakes

'<~1 land and in water and turtles

I· the middle part of an ~ ' . a young frog

insect that has legs
and wings

• Match each word wit h the correct definition and write the meaning in Korean .

a bdomen 0 .,
{' w
., •
" "
2 ante nnae 0 a. to look after
b . to experie nce
3 st inger 0 c. to be born from on egg
d. the process of growing bigger
4 growth 0 e. to look like something or someone
5 reproduction 0 f. the act or process of having babies
a pair of body parts used for
6 go through 0 g.
breathing ai r
7 take care of 0 h. th e sharp stinging port of a bee that
conta ins poison
8 hatch 0 i.
two long things on on insect's head
th at it uses to feel thi ngs
9 rese mble 0 j.
th e largest body part of on insect,
from which they la y eggs
10 lungs 0
What Are Food Chains?
All animals need food to live.

• food chain Food gives them energy to survive.

• order Different animals eat different things.
• bottom Some eat plants. Some eat other animals .
• link
• plant eater A food chain shows the order in which animals eat plants and
• meat eater
other animals.
• hunt
At the bottom of the food chain are plants.
The sun gives plants energy.
Animals that eat plants are the next link.
We call them plant eaters.
They are usually small insects like grasshoppers.
Animals like squirrels and rabbits are also plant eaters.
Animals that eat other animals are the third link.
We call them meat eaters.
They might be small animals like frogs and snakes.
Then, bigger animals like hawks and bears eat these small animals.

Animals that are not hunted by other animals are at the top of
the food chain. Actually, people are at the top of many food chains.

@5 Food Chain
Small Meat Eaters

Plant Eaters

Hawk eats
the snake
Snake eats
the frog
Frog eats
Plant grows Insect eats the insect S=~;:.~~~~
the plant
60 ."
. ~ - • • I ~ ;

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. Different meat eaters
b. The bottom of the food chain
c. The links on the food chain
2 _ _ _ _ _ are located at the bottom of the food chain.
a. Plants b. Insects c. Frogs
3 Which is a food chain?
a. plant ~ frog ~ rabbit ~ hawk
b. plant ~ grasshopper ~ frog ~ snake
c. snake ~ rabbit ~ bear ~ hawk

4 Answer the questions.

a. Which animals are plant eaters? _
b. Which an imals are on the third link of the food chain? _
c. Which animals are at the top of the food chain? _

5 Complete the outline.

( The Food Chain )

( Plant s ) :( Plant Eaters Small Meat Eaters Big Meat Eaters )

Sun gives • Small b c and Haw ks and
a snakes bears
. Squirre ls and rabbits

Animals that are not d
by other animal s * People ./

. .. : .-
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.
-1 >the order in w hich > animal s th at eat other
fo xe s
animals eat plants and animals
rabbits oth er anim als

L __ pl ants )

meat eaters > a st ruct ure or system > a ring of a chain

The Ocean Food Chain
Food chains also exist in the oceans.

• exist
The oceans are full of life.
• life These life forms all either eat or get eaten by creatures on the
• creature food chain.
• algae
• plankton Algae are the lowest on the ocean food chain.
• consume
They are plants that make food from the sun's light.
• shellfish
Small creatures, such as plankton, consume the algae.
• killer whale
Then, slightly bigger creatures eat the plankton.
These are often shellfish like clams, shrimp, and crabs.
Then, small fish eat the shellfish.
Some small fish are cod, mackerel, and flatfish.
Next, large fish eat the small fish.
Some large fish are tuna, swordfish, and sharks.

Finally, animals like killer whales and

great white sharks eat the large fish.
They are at the top of the food chain.

Killer whale
!!?f The Ocean Food Chain eats large fish

Larg e fish eats

small fish
. - . . • l a •

1 What is the main idea of the passage?

a.There is a food chain in the ocean.
b. Many small creatures eat plankton.
e. Killer whales are at the top of the ocean food chain.

2 Which is the lowest on the ocean food chain?

a. Shellfish b. Algae e. Plankton
3 What does consume mean?
a. hunt b. eat e. chase

4 Complete the sentences.

a. Clams, shrimp, and crabs are all _
b. use the sun's light to make food.
e. Great white sharks are at the of the food chain.

5 Complete the outline.

Algae ( Use the sun's a to make food )
( Small creatures )--( b
The Ocean ( Shellfish )--( Clams, shri mp, and crabs )
Food Chain
( Small fish )--( Cod, macke rel, and fla tfis h )
( Large fish )--( Tuna, swordfish, and C )
Top ofthefood chain d and great white sharks

. :: - : ..
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.
_: ' a small plant with no • any living thing; life
stems or leaves that
grows in water

• a small sea animal that • to eat or drink

has a shell something;to use

. ?
What Is the Solar SV st em ·
• • We all live on Earth.

• solar system Earth is part of a larger system called the solar system.
• be made up of
The solar system is made up of the sun and the planets.
• planet
• orb it A planet is a huge object that moves around the sun.
• path There are eight planets in the solar system.
• distance
Earth is one of eight planets that orbit the sun.
In order of the planets from the sun, they are: Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The sun is the center of the solar system.

The eight planets move in paths around the sun.
Each path is called an orbit.

The planets are different from one another.

Some are smaller than Earth. Others are larger.
They look different, and they are at different distances from
the sun.

®' There are eight planets In the solar system.

. -: . .,- :

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a.The characteristics of the planets
b. The planets in the solar system
c. The distance of the planets from the sun

2 The farthest planet from the sun is _

a. Earth b. Mercury c. Neptune

3 What does orbit mean?

a. fly b. go through c. move around

4 According to the passage, which statement is true?

a. The planets all move around the sun .
b. Earth is the center of the solar system.
c. The planets all have the same size.

5 Complete the outline.

r The Solar System 1
( '\
( Sun ( Planet s )
• The a of the solar system · Mercury, Venu s, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, b ,
• Has all of the planets orbiting it Uranus, and Neptune
• Orbit the sun
· Are different sizes
• Are at different C from t he sun

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• the sun and the • a large object that
planets moves around the sun

• a track; a way that • to move around; the

allows you to move path traveled by a
forward planet

What Causes the Seasons?

There are four different seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall,

and winter.
• season
• cause
All throughout the year, the seasons change .
• rotate So what causes them to change?
• complete
• tilt Earth moves around the sun while it rotates each day.
• sun's rays It takes Earth one year to complete a ful l t rip around the sun.

Earth is always tilted in the same direction.

As Earth orbits the sun, the part that is tilted toward the sun
This makes the four seasons.
When the part of Earth where you live is tilted toward the sun,
the sun's rays directly hit that part of Earth.
So it is summer.
When the part of Earth where you live is tilted away from the sun,
it is winter.
The same pattern repeats each year.

®' Earth Is tilted as it moves around the sun.

1 What is the main idea of the passage?
a.The seasons change because of Earth's tilt.
b. There are four seasons each year.
c.The sun's rays hitting Earth directly make it summer.

2 How long does it take Earth to complete one orbit around the sun?
a. One day b. One week c. One year

3 What does is t ilted mean?

a. changes b. moves c.leans

4 Complete the sentences.

a.The four are spring, summer, fall, and winter.
b. Earth is always tilted in the same _
c.The part of Earth tilted away from the sun has _

5 Complete the outline.

( Seasons 1
( 1
( Four Seasons ) ( Why They Change )

Spring, summer, · Earth is b as it mo ves around the sun

a ,and win te r · The part tilted C the sun has summ er
· The part tilted d from the sun has w inter

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• t o cause to lean o r • to spin around or to

slope; a slope turn

• to make som et hing • to finish doing

happen som et hing

Re"ie\l\l 6

Complete the sentences with the words below.

plankton plant eaters animals top

ocean killer whales plants hunted

1 At the bottom of the food chain are _

2 Animals like squirrels and rabbits are _
3 Animals that eat other are the third link on the food chain.
4 Animals that are not by other animals are at the top of the
food chain.
s Algae are the lowest on the food chain.
6 Small creatures, such as , consume the algae.
7 Animals like and great white sharks eat the large fish.
s People are at the of many food chains.

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

Saturn complete throughout system

direction object planets away

1 Earth is part of a larger called the solar system.

2 A planet is a huge that moves around the sun.
3 In order of the planets from the sun, they are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, r Uranus, and Neptune.

4 The eight move in paths around the sun.

s All the year, the seasons change.
6 It takes Ea rt h one year to a full trip around the sun.
7 Earth is always tilted in the same _
s When the part of Earth where you live is tilted from the sun, it
is winter.
" animals that eat
other animals
l I • pl ants

I" a small sea animal " the sun an d the

that has a shell planets

, - - - - -......
I" to cause to lean or
, slope; a slope

• Match each word with the correct definition and write the mean ing in Korean.

1 o rde r 0 (' C ~

2 link 0 a. a ring of a chain

b. any living thing; life
3 creature 0 c. a structure or system
4 consume 0 d. to spin a round or to turn
e. to finish doing someth ing
5 planet 0 f. to make som ething happen
g. to eat or drink something; to use
6 path 0 comp letely
7 orbit 0 h. a large object that moves a round
the sun
8 rotate 0 i. a track; a way that a llows you to
move forwa rd
9 cause 0 j.
to move a round; the path traveled

10 complete 0 by a pla net

Wrap-Up Test
l 2

Write the correct word for each sentence.

o stay warm reptile food chain creatu res su rvi ve

u go through nonliving abdomen seasons planets

Everything on Earth is either living or _

2 Female insects lay eggs from their _

3 How do the animals manage to in such cold weather?

4 Penguins because they have small and thick feathers.
5 A is an animal that has dry skin covered with scales.
6 A life cycle is all of the stages that animals during their lives.

7 A shows the order in which animals eat plants and other animals.
8 Life forms all either eat or get eaten by on the food chain.
9 The solar system is made up of the sun and the _

10 There are four different in a year.

: Write the meanings ofthe words in Korean.

living 16 hatch
2 germinate 17 resemble
3 seedling 18 food chain
4 environment 19 order
5 shelter 20 link
6 adapt 21 creature
7 spread out 22 consume
8 mammal 23 planet
9 amphibian 24 path
10 reptile 25 orbit
11 abdomen 26 rotate
12 antennae 27 cause
13 stinger 28 complete
14 reproduction 29 solar system
IS take care of 30 tilt

Chapter 3
Language *
Visual Arts
Addition and Subtraction

Addition is adding two or more numbers together.

• addition Suppose there are 3 ants on a leaf. Then,4 more ants join them .
• add How many ants are there now?
• sum 3+4=7
• plus
There are 7 ants.
• equals
• subtraction
The answer you get after you add numbers is called the sum.
• takeaway So, you can say, "The sum of 3 + 4 is 7:'
• subtract Or, you can say, "Three plus four equals seven:'
• difference
• minus Subtraction is taking a number away from another one.
Suppose your friend has 5 cookies.
You are hungry, so you take 2 cookies.
How many cookies are left now?
There are 3 cookies left.
The number you have left after you subtract is called the difference.
So, you can say, "The difference of 5 - 2 is 3:'
Or, you can say, "Five minus two equals three:'

,, , , , •

. - . ;.1 · ;

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. The easiest way to add numbers
b. Adding and subtracting numbers
c. What sum and difference mean

2 The answer after adding two numbers together is the _

a. sum b. difference c. subtraction

3 What does subtract mean?

a. minus b. take away c. add
4 Complete the sentences.
a. The adding together of two or more numbers is _
b. One plus seven eight.
c. Ten four equals six.

5 Complete the outline.

( Addition
· Adding togethe r two or more numbers
· Answer is called the a

· Taki ng one number b from another

( Subt raction ./;)----j . Answer is called the C

: • 0

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

l. the sign to show

1 • taking one number
6-3=3 I away from another you are adding two
I numbers
l ) \.. )

• the sign to show you
are subtracting one
number from another
r' - 1 . the sign to show the
I answer to a math

~_ _J
Counting Monev

We use money to buy things.

• coin
Money can be both coins and paper bills.
• paper bill All bills and coins have different values.
• value
• penny There are several kinds of coins and bills in American money.
• be worth A penny is worth one cent. 1 penny = 1rt
• cent
A nickel is worth five cents. 1 nickel = s ¢
• nickel
- dime
A dime is worth ten cents. 1 dime = l0rt
• quarter A quarter is worth twenty-five cents. 1 quarter = 2s ¢
• half -dollar A half-dollar is worth fifty cents. 1 half-dollar = SO rt
And the value of a one-dollar coin is one hundred cents.
1 dollar = 100¢

There are also bills for the following values of money:

$1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $ 100.

We often write money amounts like this: $1.50.

For $1.50, we can say, "one dollar and fifty cents:'
So $25.20 is"twenty-five dollars and twenty cents:'

® American Coins


® American Bills

. ~ . ;.I - .

1 What is the main idea of the passage?

a.There are six different types of coins.
b. Paper money is more valuable than coins.
c. There are many types of American money.

2 How many cents are there in one dollar?

a. One b. Twent y-five c. One hundred

3 What does value mean?

a. dollar b. worth c. cent

4 According to the passage, which statement is true?

a. A penny is worth five cents.
b. A half-dollar coin is called a quarter.
c. The biggest paper money is worth one hundred dollars.

5 Complete the outline.

r American Money 1
( I
( Coin s ) Paper Bills )

• Penny = 1 cent •a = 5 cents Comes in d of

· Dime = 10 cents • b = 25 cents $ 1, $2, $5, $ 10, $20. $50,
and $ 100
•c = 50 cents • Dollar coin = 100 cents

· ; . : • 0

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

~ 0 to have a value of ) 0 a coi n that is worth

i 1 dime I one cent

1= 10 cents
L \ ..J
~. 0 a coin that is wort h 4 10 a coin t hat is w ort h
ten cents

I fifty cents

~ J J
Telling Time
- Clocks usually have two hands: a short hand and a long hand.

- clock
The short hand shows the hour.
- short hand So, it is also called the hour hand.
- Ionq hand The long hand shows the minute.
- hour hand
So, it is also called the minute hand.
~ - minute hand
- half
How do we say the time?
- the same as
It's easy. Just read the hour and then the minute.
So 2:10 is"t wo ten:'
And 5:25 is "five twenty-five:'

Sometimes, the time may be 4:30.

We can say either "four thi rty" or "half past four:'
Also, for 7:15, we can say"seven fifteen"or "15 minutes after seven:'
And for 9:45, we can say"nine forty-five" or"15 minutes before ten:'

When the long hand is on the 12 and the short hand is on the 6,
then the time is 6 o'clock. We can write it 6:00.
6:00 means the same as 6 o'clock.

@1 Clock @1 Reading TIme

I c . u:
O. ,~

It is 15 minutes after 6 o'clock.

~ ~~ s h o rt
(=hour hand)

b- -/ lr
I: _,~

It is 15 minutes before 7 o'clock .
, What is the passage mainly about?
a. How to tell time
b.The hour hand
c.The minute hand
2 We can write "half past five" as _
a.5:05 b.5:30 c. 5:45

3 What is the long hand of a clock called?

a.The minute hand b.The second hand c. The hour hand

4 Answer the questions.

a. How many hands do clocks usually have? _
b. How do you read 4:15? _
c. How do you read 4:45? _

5 Compl ete th e outline.

( )
f "\
( Clocks ) ( Reading Tim e )
. Short hand =a hand · Say the hour and the m inut e
o Long hand = b hand • 2:10 ="tw o ten"
o 4:30 ="four t hirty" or -c past fou r"
o 7:15 ="seven fiftee n" or "15 m inute s after seven"
• 9:45 ="nine forty-fi ve" or "15 m inutes d ten "

O~ ---
. .. . :mt r. roILJ
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.
o 6:00 ="6 o'cloc k"

• the short hand of a '2 • th e long hand of a

I clo ck clock
l3:.--- - ~l . equal t o
I = 66 o'clock
' - - -- - - - -

Reading a Calendar

We can measu re time with a calendar or a clock.

• calendar
A calendar shows time in days, weeks, and months.
• day
• week
Take a look at a calendar.
• month On the fi rst page, it shows January.
• year January is the first month of the year.
• row
There are 12 months in 1 year.
• represent
They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, and December.
So your calendar has a total of twelve pages.

On each page, there are four or five rows with numbers on them.
Each number represents a day of the month.
There are 7 days in 1 week.
They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday.
Each row represents 1 week.
Every month has about 4 weeks.

~ Reading a Calendar
...... year

~ 2012 ' .

.-- -----------------------------------
{, 1 .~ ••. •_.__~ ~ ~ ~•••••• _

8 9 11 12
.~.~. ..~-~_/

15 16 17 18 19 ( 2 0 ~ " - 21
n 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

1 What is the passage mainly about?
a.The days and months
b. How to understand a calendar
c. How many months are in a year

2 How many days are in one week?

a.Four b.Seven c. Twelve

3 What does measure mean?

a. show b. remember c. calculate
4 Complete the sentences.
a.The first month of the year is _ I
b.There are about four - - -- - - in one month.
c. A calendar shows weeks, and months.
t I
5 Complete the outline.
r )
Calenda r
( I
( Months ) Days Weeks

• There are a month s in one • There are C days There are

year in one w eek about d
• January, Feb ruary, March, April, May, • Sund ay, Mo nday, Tuesday, we eks in one
June, July, August, September, October, Wed nesday,Thu rsday, mon th
November, and b Friday, and Satu rday

· .. : ..
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

lIlir;:;;;;;:::~l ' a thing w it h pag es

that show the days
and months of a year

4 • a lin e of t h ing s or
people next to each

Complete the sentences with the words below.

worth adding sum difference

equals coins quarter taking

1 Addition is two or more numbers together.

2 The answer you get after you add numbers is called the _

3 Subtraction is a number away from another one.

4 The number you have left after you subtract is called the _
5 You can say,"Five minus two three:'
6 All bills and have different values.
7 A penny is one cent.

s A is worth twenty-five cents.

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

January before hands hour

half represents days month

1 Clocks usually have two : a short hand and a long hand.

2 The short hand shows the _

3 4:30 is"fo ur thirty" or " past four:'

4 9:45 is"nine forty-five"or "15 minutes ten:'

5 A calendar shows time in t weeks, and months.

6 is the first month of the year.
7 Each number a day of the month.

s Every has about 4 weeks.

Write th e correct word and the meaning in Korean.

L1J - taking one number )- the sign to show

6-3=3 away from another PJ I you are adding two

20-8=12 + numbers

l J
1- a coin that is worth
3 - a coin th at is worth
one cent ten cents

- the long hand of a 6 - a thing with pa ges
clock I that show the days
and months of a year

• Match each word with th e correct definition and write the meaning in Korean.

1 minusH 0 w

2 equals (=) 0 a. equal to

b. to stand for
3 be worth 0 c. to have a value of

4 half-dollar 0 d . the short hand of a clock

e. a coin that is worth fifty cents
5 hour hand 0 f. 30 minutes when telling the time
g. a period of tim e equal to seven days
6 half 0 h. a line of things or people next to
7 the same as 0 each other
the sign to show you are subtra cting
8 week 0 one number from another
the sign to show th e answer to
9 represent 0 j.
a math problem
10 row 0
Parts of Speech
. .. Every sentence has a subject and a verb.

• sentence Tom runs fast. She eats pizza.

• subject In the sentences above, Tom and She are subjects, and runs and
• verb eats are verbs.
• noun
• describe The subject is usually a noun.
• part of speech A noun names a person, place, or thing.
• pronoun A verb describes the action in a sentence.
• adjective Sing, dance, smile, and laugh are all verbs .
• adverb
Nouns and verbs are the most important parts of speech in
• preposition
a sentence.

We also use other parts of speech.

Pronouns are words like I, he, she, it, we, you, and they.
We use pronouns in place of nouns.
Adjectives are words that describe nouns and pronouns.
a pretty dog a tall boy a happy cat
Pretty, tall, and happy are all adjectives.
Adverbs describe verbs.
He cried suddenly. She walks slowly.
Prepositions often help us with location.
They are words like in, on, under, above, and by.

® Parts of Speech

Tom runs fast. S~e eats p i~za . a pretty dog He cried s ud~e n ly. The pencil is
: ~
on the notebook.
subject ....' \ .-- verb ..... ······.noun ····adject ive
pronoun adv~rb -. preposition
. - : . .. . .

1 What is the main idea ofthe passage?

a. Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.
b. There are many different parts of speech.
c. A sentence must have a subject and verb in it.
2 I, he, and she are examples of ,
a. nouns b. pronouns c. verbs
3 What does an adverb do?
a. It describes verbs. b. It describes nouns. c. It describes pronouns.
4 According to the passage, which statement is true?
a. A noun can be a person, place, or th ing.
b. Pronouns are used in place of adjectives.
c. A verb describes a noun.
5 Complete the outline.
( 1
I Parts of Speech J

( Noun } -
· A person, a .or thing
· An important part of speech
Adjective } -
d "
and pronouns

Verb ) -
• Describes the b
· An important part of speech
in a sentence
( Adverb H Describesverb )
· I, he, she, it. we,you, and they
( Pronoun }
· Is used in C a noun
( Preposition )-( Helps with e )

. .. : · .

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• to say what something • a part of speech that

is like or w hat describes noun s and
happened pronouns

• a part of speech th at • a part of speech like

describ es verbs on , in, above, and by

Contractions and Abbreviations

• • When we w rite, we sometimes combine two words to make one

shorter word.
• combine
• contraction
The shorter word is called a contraction.
• apostrophe We put an apostrophe(') between two words when we make
• shorten a contraction.
• abbreviate lam=I'm you are = you're it is = it's
• abbreviation do not = don't cannot = can't is not = isn't

Some words can be shortened or abbreviated.

Many abbreviations begin with a capital letter and end with a period.

The days of the week are often abbreviated.

Monday = Mon. Tuesday = Tue. Wednesday = Wed.
Thursday = Thur. Friday = Fri. Saturday = Sat.
Sunday = Sun.

The months of the year are often abbreviated.

January = Jan. February = Feb. March = Mar.
Apr il = Apr. Augu st = Aug. September = Sept.
October = Oct. November = Nov. December = Dec.
The months May, June, and July are not abbreviated.

People's titles and types of streets are also often abbreviated.

M ister = Mr. Professor = Prof. Doctor = Dr.
Street = St. Avenue = Ave. Road = Rd.

~ Contractions I am = I'm do not = don't is not = isn 't

~ AI111reviations

Mon. Tue. Wed.
Thur. Fri. Sat.
Mr. Robertson Dr. Smith I live on 5th Ave.
. ~ . . • t a _

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. How to combine or shorten words
b. How to make an abbreviation
c. How contractions are more common than abb reviations

2 Which month does not have an abbreviation?

a. August b. July c. September

3 What does combine mean?

a.join b. shorten c.leave out

4 Answer the questions.

a. How do you make a contraction with "I am"?
b. What is the abb reviation for Sunday?
c. What does "Dr:' stand for?

5 Complete the outline.

( 1
Short Forms J
( Contraction
) ( "

· Is a combination of two words · Shortens one word

· Ma kes one shorter word · Begins with a b letter
• Uses an " · Ends with a C
· Can be days, months,titles, and types of streets

• • • : . a

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

1 • a short form of two 2 • a short form of a long

words word
Mon. / Sep.t.

.• to make something 4 • to make a word

shorter shorter

Types of Writing
There are many different types of w riting.

• poem
Can you name some of them?
• rhyme
• fairy tale
A poem is a short writing that uses rhymes.
• fable Poems often repeat regula r rhymes, like cold and hold, at the
• novel ends of lines.
• fiction
A fairy tale is a story for children in which magical th ings happen.
• biography
A short story that teaches a moral lesson is called a fable .
• autobiography
• nonfiction Animals talk and act like people in many fables.
A novel is a long story of fiction.
Novels often have many characters in them.

A biography is a true story of a person's life.

An autobiography is a biography w ritten by the person himself.

Fiction means stories that did not actually happen, such as fairy
tales or novels.
When you make up a story, you are creating fiction .
Nonfiction is writing that is about facts or actual events.
A biography and autobiography are nonfiction.

®' Fiction ®' Nonfiction

The Emperor's The Tortoise The Diary of

New Clothes and the Hare Anne


by Helen Keller

The Emperor's The Diary of The Sto ry of My Life

Aesop's Fables
NewClothes AnneFrank byHelen Keller

. .. . .' . .

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a.The best way to write a poem
b. Fa iry tales, fables, and novels
c. Types of fiction and nonfiction w ritin g

2 Writing that is about facts is ca lled _

a. a poem b. no nfict io n c. fiction

3 What do animals often do in fab les?

a.They do magic. b. They spea k. c. They ma ke rhymes.

4 Complete the sentences.

a. A long wo rk of fiction is ca lled a _
b. A is a story about a person's life.
c. Stor ies that a re d id not really ha p pe n.

5 Complete the outline.

Types of Wr iting 1
( 'I
( Fict ion ) Nonfictio n )
• Writing about storiesthat did not actually happen • Writing about C or actu al
• Poem = short w riting using a events
• Fairy tale = a magical story for children • Biography = a story of a person's life
• Fable = a short story w ith a mor al lesson •d = t he story of a
• b = a long work of fiction person's life w ritten by that person

- : - : ·,
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.
• a true story of a
.!.-VU~" &.'"1 ~" ~wJ,<l.> f"""
• a sho rt writ ing that


uses rhym es pe rson's life


,.-.: ,....#._~'-
-I ~
,, -
~ --,...

};. ..
_ ---
.;.. -"" ;.... . ... . . ...
~ - - .,.

-"--r '- """""""" -..--J

, l. . ..... _.....,....

• w rit ing abo ut sto ries [ F5;;;::: J. writi ng about fact s or

I t hat did not actua lly actual events
'" U . \ .\1 .: E 1" .
hap pen

The Emperor's New Clothes

A long time ago, there lived an emperor who loved clothes.

• emperor
Every day, he wore the finest clothes and showed off his clothes.
• show off
One day, two thieves arrived in town .They told the emperor
• thief
• weave they could make the most beautiful cloth in the world.
• pretend "We are able to make magic cloth. Only smart people can see it;'
• loom
they said.The emperor gave them a lot of money and told them
• marvelous
to weave the magic cloth.
• underclothes
• admit ,....II:1II""".._ - -. _.... ,
Day and night, they pretended
to weave cloth. But they had
nothing at all on their looms.
The emperor went to the room
to see the cloth. But he couldn't
see anything.
"This is terrible. Am I stupid?" he thought.
But out loud he said,"It looks marvelous!"

At last, the day came for the emperor to wear his new clothes in
public. The emperor walked very proudly in his underclothes!
/ \ \
The people on the streets watched and called out,
"The clothes are beautiful:'
No one would admit he could not see
Then, a little child in the crowd
cried out,
"He isn't wearing any
. - : . • 1 - .

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. How two thieves tricked the emperor
b. Making some magical cloth
c. The emperor walking in his underclothes

2 According to the thieves, who could see the magic cloth?

a. Only smart people b. Only stupid people c. All kinds of people

3 What does marvelous mean?

a. st range b. ugly c. great

4 According to the passage, which statement is true?

a.The people saw the emperor's magic clothes.
b.The thieves pretended to make clothes.
c. The little child was wearing magic clothes.

5 Complete the outline.

0 ~
The Emperor's New Clothes

The Thieves ) ( The Emperor )

I 1

• Said t hey cou ld make a cloth • Loved C

• Pretended to make magic clothes • Wore t he finest clothes
· Took th e b money • Was tricked by th e t hieves
• Tricked the emperor · Wore only his d ou tside

: . -

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.


• som eo ne who steal s
thing s

. ~~ . t o make threads into ~'fmIm-:;1tIf------'" und erw ear; clot hing

cloth you wear under you r
outer clothes

Re"iew S

Complete the sentences with the words below.

c.... parts of speech subject combine describe

prepositions shortened apostrophe abbreviated

1 Every sentence has a and a verb.

2 Nouns and verbs are the most important _ _ in a sentence.
3 Adjectives are words that nouns and pronouns.
4 often help us with location.
s When we write, we sometimes two words to make one
shorter word.
6 We put an (') between two words when we make a
7 Some words can be or abbreviated.
s The days of the week are often _

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

fairy tale pretended rhymes fiction

showed off clothes writing proudly

1 There are many different types of _

2 Poems often repeat regular , like cold and hold, at the ends of lines.
3 A is a story for children in which magical things happen.
4 When you make up a story, you are creating _
s A long time ago, there lived an emperor who loved _
6 Every day, the emperor wore the finest clothes and his
7 Day and night, the thieves to weave cloth .
s The emperor walked very in his underclothes!
Write the cor rect word and t he meaning in Korean.
1 • a pa rt of speech th at 2 • a part of speech that
describes nou ns and desc ribes verbs

3 • a short form of two 4 • a short form of a

words long word
I'm I you're I
don't I isn't

• writing a bout facts 6 --' . a ki ng; the ruler of

or actual events an empire

• Match each word with t he cor rect definition and write the meaning in Korean .

describe 0 r: "
c ~
;; ~ ;;
c" ~ ~

2 prepos ition 0 a. to make a word shorter

b. to make threads into cloth
3 shorten 0 c. to make something shorter
d. someone who stea ls th ings
4 abb reviate 0
e. a short writing that uses rhymes
5 poem 0 f. a tru e story of a person's life
g. a part of speech like on, in, above,
6 biography 0 and by
7 fiction 0 h. writing about stories that did not
actually h appen
8 th ief 0 i.
to say what something is like or
what ha ppened
9 weave 0 j.
underwear; clothing you wear
under your outer cloth es
10 underclothes 0
A World of Colors
Look all around you.

• primary color You can see many different colo rs.

• mix Some of them are bright. Others are dark.
• combine
• secondary All of these colors come from three primary colors.
The three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.

With these three primary colors, we can make other colo rs.
How can we do that?
We simply mix two primary colors together.
We can mix red and yellow to get orange.
We can mix red and blue to get purple.
And we can combine blue and yellow to get green .
Orange, purple, and green are the three secondary colors.

In painting, primary and secondary colors are very important.

By combining different amounts of them, we can make any
color in the world.

® Three Primary Colors

red y ell ow blue

® Three Secondary Colors + =

red yellow orange

+ =


= ,purple


-- -
. - -: -:.1 - -:

1 What is the main idea of the passage?

a. The primary colors make all other colors.
b. There are three secondary colors.
c. Colors can be bright or dark.

2 Red, yellow, and are primary colors.

a. orange b. blue c. green

3 How can you make purple?

a. Mix red and yellow.
b. Mix blue and yellow.
c. Mix red and blue.

4 Answer the questions.

a. What are the three primary colors?
b. What color do you get by mixing red and yellow? _
c. What are orange, purple, and green?

5 Complete the outline

r Colors 1
( '\
( Primary Colors ) ( Secondary Colors )

• Red, a ,and blue • Orange, b ,and green

• Can make all oth er colors • Are made from combinatio ns of
w it h th em c colors

. .. :. -
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• • colors that you can (i:'

' f ) mi x together to make
~ any other color

• to put things together

Lines and Shapes

We often use lines when we draw.

• draw Lines come in all types: straight, curved, zigzag , wavy, and spiral.

~ zigzag line
• straight
- - - straight line ,..--.... curved line
• curved
• zigzag '\I\fV' wavy line (5\ spiral line
• wavy
• spiral Lines can be fine or rough, too.
• fine - - - fine line rough line
• rough
• vertical A line that goes up and down is called a vertical line.
• horizontal
A line that goes from left to right is called a horizontal line.
• diagonal
A line that moves up or down at an angle is called a diagonal line.

vertical line horizontal line

diagonal line
Can you see the difference?

When lines join together, they make shapes.

There are three basic shapes: squares, circles, and triangles.
A square is formed by four straight lines. 0
A circle is formed by a single curved line. 0
And a triangle is formed by three straight lines. 6.
® What kinds of lines can you see in the picture?

_ I fine line

rough line spiral line wavy line vertical and

horizontal lines
. - : : .. - .

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a.The most common lines b. Some lines and shapes
c. The three basic shapes

2 Which line goes up and down?

a. A spiral line b. A horizontal line c. A vertical line

3 What does diagonal mean?

a. straight and sloping b. straight and curved c. zigzag

4 Complete the sentences.

a. can be straight, curved, or wavy.
b. A horizonta l line goes from left to _
c. A single line can form a circle.

5 Complete the outline.

( )
Lines and Shapes
( Lines ') ( Shapes ')
• Can be st raight, curved, zigzag, a , • Can be made by joi ning C together
and spiral • A square is fo rmed by four straight lines
• Can be fin e or rough • A circle is form ed by a singl e curved line
• Vert ical lines go up and dow n • A t riang le is formed by t hree d
• b lines go left to right lines
• Diagonal lines go up or down at an angle

· .. :. -
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

DJ • round ed; bent • having w aves

• havin g a shap e w hich • to ma ke a shap e

w inds round and D

Musicians and Their \nstruments
There are many kinds of instruments.

• instrument
They all belong to different families.
• musician There are percussion, string, keyboard, woodwind, and brass
• drummer instruments.
• violinist
In an orchestra, musicians play all ofthese inst ruments.
• cellist
• guitarist The drum is a percussion inst rument.
• pianist
A drummer plays a drum.
• organist
Violins, cellos, and guitars are three stringed instruments.
• flutist
• clarinetist Violinists, cellists, and guitarists play them.
• trumpeter The piano and organ are the two most common keyboard
• trombonist instruments.
They are played by pianists and organists .
Flutes and clarinets are two woodwinds.
Flutists and clarinetists play these instruments.
Trumpets and trombones are two kinds of brass instruments.
A trumpeter plays the trumpet.
And a trombonist plays the trombone.

Together, all ofthese musicians can make beautiful music.

~ Musicians

drummer violinist celiist guitarist

96 flutist trumpeter
• ••• • t - •

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a. What an orchestra sounds like
b. The families of musical instruments
c. The musicians that play instruments

2 One woodwind instrument is the _

a. cello b. clarinet c. trumpet
3 What kind of inst ru m ent is a drum?
a. A percussion instrument b. A keyboard instrument
c. A b rass inst ru m ent
4 According to the passage, which statement is true?
a. A musician plays several kinds of instruments.
b. A flutist plays a stringed inst ru m ent.
c. Pianists and organists play keyboard instruments.

5 Complete the outline.

( Musicians and Instruments )
( '\
Percussion ) String ( Keyboard Woodwind ) ( Brass

. Drum . Violin, cello, and . Piano and . Flute and . Trumpet and
. Played by a guitar organ clarinet trombone
a . Played by a . Played by a • Played by a . Played by a
b , pianist and flutist and trumpeter and
organist c d
cellist, and guitarist

. ; . : · -
Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• to be a member of a • a person who plays a

group musical instrument
very well or asjob

• a musician who plays • a musician who plays

a drum a flute

Mozart and Beethoven
Composers write, or compose, music.

• composer
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the world's greatest
• write music composers.
• compose He was a child genius.
• genius
He played the piano and composed music from a young age.
• tour
• outstanding
Mozart toured all over Europe.
• settle down He wrote many outstanding pieces of music.
• go deaf He composed operas, symphonies, masses, and many other pieces.
Sadly, he died when he was only 35 years old.

Ludwig van Beethoven was another great composer.

Like Mozart, he also traveled to play music.
But he soon settled down in Vienna.
He was an excellent pianist.
But he started going deaf when he was around 30.
Still, he continued to play and compose music.
His Ninth Symphony is one of the world's most famous pieces of

Today, people still listen to Mozart's and Beethoven's music.

@5 Great Composers

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ludwig van Beethoven

.... a scene in Mozart's opera Don Giovanni

, . . : , .- .

1 What is the passage mainly about?

a.The life of Mozart
b. Two outstanding composers
c. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
2 What happened to Mozart when he was thirty-five years old?
a. He started composing music. b. He went deaf. c. He died.

3 What does toured mean?

a.lived b. traveled c. w rote

4 Complete the sentences.

a. Mozart began to compose music when he was a _
b. started to go deaf when he was around thirty.
c. One of Beethoven's works was t he _

5 Complete the outline.

Great Composers 1
( 1
Wolfgang Amadeu s Mozart Ludwig van Beethoven

· Was a child a • Settled dow n in Vienna

· Composed and played music asa child • Began going C when he was 30
• Composed b , symphonies, and masses · Continued to play and d
• Died when he was 35 · His NimhSymphony is very famous

, ., :, .

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean.

• someon e who writes • to w rite music

m usic

[r-:~:jilli~l. someon e who has • t o become being

very hig h level of un ab le to hear
intelligence or ability

Complete the sentences with the words below.

straight blue secondary rough

come in diagonal horizontal mix

1 The three primary colors are red, yellow, and '

2 We can red and yellow to get orange.
3 Orange, purple, and green are the three colors.
4 Lines all types: straight, curved, zigzag, wavy, and spiral.
5 Lines can be fine or r too.
6 A line that goes from left to right is called a Iine.
7 A line that move s up or down at an angle is called a Iine.
8 Asquare is formed by fou r Iines.

: Complete the sentences with the words below.

symphonies organists trombonist deaf

musicians composers instruments famous

1 There are many kinds of ,

2 In an orchestra, play all of these instruments.
3 The piano and organ are played by pianists and _
4 Atrumpeter plays the trumpet. And a plays the trombone.
5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the world's greatest _
6 Mozart composed operas, -', masses, and many other pieces.
7 Ludwig van Beethoven started going when he was around 30.
8 Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is one of the world 's most _
pieces of music.

Write the correct word and the meaning in Korean .
1 • colors that you can 2 • colors that you can
mix together to get from mixing
make any other color primary colors

• to put things • a shape which winds

together round and round

• a musician who • someone who writes

plays a drum music

• Match each word with the correct defin ition and write the meaning in Korean .

1 combine 0 ;: ...
. ;: c ...

2 curved 0 a. having waves

b. to write music
3 wavy 0 c. to make a shape

4 fo rm 0 d. rounded; bent
e. to be a member of a group
5 belong to 0 f. to become being unable to hear
. . together, to mix together
6 musician 0 g. to [om
h. a musician who plays a trumpet
7 tr umpeter 0 i.
a person who plays a musical
instrument very well or as job
8 compose 0 j.
someone who has very high level of
intellig ence or ability
9 genius 0
10 go deaf 0
Wrap-Up -res't

Write the correct word for each sentence.

subtraction primary same as weave bill s

in place of abbreviations nonfiction genius time

_ _ _ ____ is taking a number away from another one.

2 There are several kinds of coins and in American money.
3 6:00 means the 6 o'clock.
4 A calendar shows in days, weeks, and months.
5 We use pronouns ~ nouns.
6 Many begin with a capital letter and end with a period.
7 A biography and autobiography are _
8 The emperor gave them a lot of money and told them to the magic cloth.
9 With the three colors, we can make other colors.
10 Mozart was a child

: Write the meanings of the words in Korean.

1 plus (+) 16 describe

2 minusH 17 shorten
3 equals (=) 18 abbreviate
4 penny 19 biography
5 dime 20 thief
6 minute hand 21 primary color
7 calendar 22 secondary color
8 be worth 23 combine
9 half-dollar 24 curved
10 row 25 wavy
11 adjective 26 spiral
12 adverb 27 form
13 contraction 28 belong to
14 fiction 29 musician
15 emperor 30 composer

• AnS1NerS and
• Word List
and I
Translations ' Main Idea and et Its
1 (b) 2 (e) 3 (b) 4 (c)
J "".. . 5 a, city b. countryside c. urban d.popul ation
lIocabularV BoUder
1 urban £AI2I 2 population ~T
3 be surrounded by ~OII %2.WfOlc[ 4 rural AI ~£l

-_. ."
Building Citizenship A I ~ ~{:I 71-"'__...]1__ ._----
- _ . _ - _ . _ - - - - -- - - - - - - _ . _ ._ -~ "-" ._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - _ .

-9-ele i'%'il '1t"i]!'i 1[2 :\1"1iL. ~'7i1 • The Leaders of Government

C1~ 711 "i5tli! D9 i'.~~ ~~-l1 <Ll-olVi 1:1 Al~c l ~ y ~1:a-7}}Jl? * ~!?~ :XI.£X:I-§
--------_._----_._ _----_ ---.--_ _--_. _----_._--_
iHi-~ AI 'illJ-8~ 11-9 *
'lJi'f 7fA] ~ol :\1"1iL.
=z.~.g. 1:IBP'l , tll'i1;g., :; >j; 3] , %71, .:g-PJ~qj . ~-F , *""j{l°loJ]Ji..
pIO;;-"i]~ z] "I'>H~-"l- 'r"14 "lx"I?1 :\1"liL,

Am%ol J%"1 AIB~ -W°IJl.

* 11= 4E Af'll'%01 'l!iL5'- "~31"i 1 I1JtB 'WZf5~ 31~ "1P1'BiL Al"lAI:§j"iJAi1= "I~ol AlxAloJliL.
H~ Al~.g. .2% ~ 0lH %1Lil -c:te oj g g tlB'C1 '6B £...
J "1 "IAI~ "1 A]'il%ol J %"1 "'IB~ 'f-JLii'. -W°liL.
;3lJ <fJ ~.g. ~ e:l~ol t>BoF~ tiRE- 9J~ g i;H=- ~% ~pl-611Jl .
'rOiIAi1= 'rAIAI?1AI BHliL.
f;J~ "'i'lJ{f:\11= Am ol '9x~ 'c"l "fA1liL.
Zf .:r91 Al~ ~ol J:~-.£l -r7]AH}!f-.H...£ We}.£..
#~ Al'il.g. '\I 3)"il °1 "BiL I1J'Pil.g. '-tel ;;l'il~ o]-lt"1iL,
7JeJ..g.. ~~% ~H=-;;!% 2J uJt>BiL. 4'd"lq "]\'1%°1'-tej%4"''>1 I1J*,,"% <i'\it"iliL
~ ~ % t-}71 'H- ~ ~l,£-?;:l..g.. o l-Y~.
71Bl-~..g- Al ~ J.}~ , T otfCl-Q.] ),l'?l ~--o l ~..8....£ iSH=- 3!-~ ~il-:a-t;n.fL
J %,7 ] UII"""i1 n~AI 'il.g. 5E~ %71x \'JiL~ 71i\fyq. ~~ tiH=- =):!%°1]22 .1il~, ~{l .I'+ ;<N!. ill.~l(f- %°1 9llJ-j.a.
%711= ~AI J%'711 "171 "1 i'l%uJlelx %{f'llAl1= 31% "1 pl'BiL. °l~ z} 7.1 ~l%..g- ~~ A}~%ol ~ % 71 71 x-~ Ifr~ -g- 71i>lliL.
»~ Al ~.g. ~ o l~---% ,*l;]-.s-}.:J2. -tLet"l- ~l qjt>l.9...
1'J.g. °Pr ~Jl"iliL,
pIA]"f-"-5'-, iHi-~ AI'il.g. J %"1 tiT, 7~, AI:§j. Jej2 Yel"i] ~ ..g- A}'if-g g ~j5}.Jl .:r~ol ~ A}~~oJ1J1l ii~~ 7Jl-*l:C ~%
~or ~.B..
ai loj d 0 ;ail ~-& AlliJ.%Ol DS~Jl Arol~Jll %~J ~ 4- 'llx~ s:.~yq.
1 (e) 2 (a) 3 (a)
sin Idea and Detat s
4 a. community D. brave c. treat
1 (b ) 2 (e) 3 (b)
5 a. Look b. truth clair d.loyal 4 a, th e president b. citizens / people
V c:tb I y B~ilder c. education, safet y, and transpo rtation
1 citizenship A t~T:! . Ali2J~~ 2 fairness ~~~[H,-5~ 5 a. State b. needs c. law
3 courage %71 4 loyalty %{:1.-g. %~ "§ Vocabulary Builder
1 mayor A.!.g 2 needs ~R~ ~ , -&=?-
3 safety <2.!~ 4 transportation .ll!.~8, .g.§
• Different Kinds of Communities
......... ~~j ~~~_~~~I .._._. _-- . _. . . - . .__. _
~-~noJH=- ~ 2-1 qOJ~ ~~r7} ~oi.B-.
L>i 1tJ. *%~~l ~ 3}Jl O1Itl *%:\jl:C 3£.
"I'B 'i-Ej 7J.g. qjI1J~ AlxAI'I1"1iL.
xAI x A]"i1 :\1"1 Jl.
J 1= 1900'dI1l ""'1-1011 pl-o;- \t-l'-"iiAi "H!:"1iL
£AlOiI ~ \ll.fL At'1t"'°1 ~.:i! ~jiBiL ~~ ~'11 01 ~o-] iL
x A] Apg,...g. -1""1 ~ 0IJIt.s. ,,%Oil ~1Jl. .:r tJ"AJ ~.,g.. ul ';;- ~%.g- ~~~ g 0Pr- Y-~Jll r.R~oj.B. .
1T'''i"I~, "'1:o-1-'jj, 4E ~'jj %.g. ::1%"1 {j 71~lol "il 9)n,
7'J ~Al-C.2.-c- Arlt¥ol ~~-€:- tl17J% ~% :r!c1~ 7r~oF
"l~ ff jll1= "I~"il :\1"1iL, ~qJl ~ ~ <1.B. .
I1I7B AI~ AI"!.g. 'lIJIt %1'J:-"-5'- %"i"'19 :\1"1iL. J~ 'i'.E AI1J"%ol ~~·711 ,,'?II Al1= 31% ~"1iL.
.:I.~.g- '?J.:r-7} ~ 01..9... ~:c 7Pf-Al-'f-l~ o l-1f~.Jl <?:!~% ~oj.B. ,
AI'!f AI"!"1 Am %.g. I1I7B11~'"10i1 ~oliL, J 1= 9 "1\'1 -'l1-"-"1~"' I\'lc "",- -"-71"1"'1 ?l~"1iL,
?17IIY i':!%%.g. -1""1 AI1J"%"1 1J"ii"i "iiej '!!"1AJ :\1n. .:J..:C Jjl -& i21(2f'-~) %~.JI 'V,~oj.B..

JiC.21 i'%"111= x AI ~jl "il :\1"1 Jl. 1%4'd"i1 J1= 'c'!!! ".j§j-AJ% '/!:lNiL.
JiC.21 "'I"!.g. ~ xAI ~jj"il -'l-I"m -3]-.g. xA] %OI "iI Jl, ~-g. ii~01J lJl~.,g.. -t'-liJ.1!~% ~J!}Al~oj.B.,
::1"'.g. x "191AI'!r;'1 "1 °] ,"~'i! 31JIt "]x<5ln. ~31 .g. pl;;- ~'11%ojI7l 14'-'iHI!'i:1 '>l% B}J'l"1iL,
I1I7B"1 JiC"1 A]"I.g. xAlw \'1§]-"I"'] ?loliL. J3i.g..5'.E pl-o;-'<1%"i17l1 ~%~ i'!e1~ 1I-A
J 9!l"1 iL.
J %"1 '<1* ",,0(} 3.JloJliL,

1 job ~~ . ~ 2 earn money § .g ~ C{
1 (a) 2 <a ) 3 (c) 3 goods {;t3. ,l;113 4 ser vice ).i 1::l16
4 a, South b.arrested c Civil Rights
5 d. t reated b. speeche s c. January
•• Volunteers and Community Jobs
;ti'Ej§Af;tf'l) ;t1Q1AI£/~ .\'Ii'! ~
1 arrest j~l.£.olCt 2 g ive up .£7Iote-t. ~ote-t
3 nonviolence 1::l1~~. 1::l 1 ~~~9.J 4 Civil Rights Act E 'L!-r:! ~ oitf:! AH:r%.g. :At~H~·o J -oH::- ~..£ -§--~- ';tI.7;J fio}.B...
:I%.g. .!j!-li.5.!.. 'MotL9 t+e- At 'i:I-~a""J} ~9Hl...
J,'- ej1=-.:1%% ;<H)-lIA;<14 J! %2i.lL
A fairly 2 Responsibil ity :Al--¥:!-*"'t7:l-a--€.- rJ-.g. *Jl.~ ~% -afl.fL
3 Hon esty 4 loyal oj'!! AHHH': 'll ~Oil 'i ;<H)-:g.AI* 81111
5 city 6 co unt ryside .:1%-& QjAI217,lco:'f7 I-i!" I-'~ ."-,,,-,= 'lJ% 71%'>l1l
7 located 8 suburban oitt! AHH~-.f- .):.4r:A} -1'lEi 9-} ¥-li it~±01Vt ~~Jl.
:J.*.g. c-l ~~"'t w~ *1i!. .c ~% .£9t.a.
B 1 vote 2 go verno r "H)'t-AI"I-;j;~ 5E~ ;<1~01 C+ cg-+.5C AI'£J-%Ol oJ2j ~l ~BH'
3 elect 4 prevent tI\ls=.. £%-a- ~ Jl.
5 poorly 6 right
~ ;<1"'lAI~{i- *'= ,,"'11 ~ <,j 'll%£ l1oJ.ll.
7 unfair 8 guaranteed
.:131,°: "'"d-ttOIc+ "<l ~{! l?~ ;<1 "'l AI§l ~ ~m "1'f!%oIOiI.\l..
C 1 cou rage -@7 1 2 urban .£A1Q.l :1.* ~ "l"'l'I§J{HJ'1I 'l!"IJ! :1. "]"'lAI§I£-';'-Ej H"li'i' 't"'I.ll.
3 ru ral A l~.2I 4 mayor A I~ °15'-1§- ;<1~·:g.AI "H<4 ;<J"'l ' I§m ~~ "1'll%~ + el.o1'/,'-'8,'11
5 transportation .li!:~8. ~ 6 arrest j~1.5~:o~C~
~ ib~A I ~SL . .:I%..g.. 4'-cl2J **~~ r:-l1!-71 ~.g.:£-..Q..iJ. ~
0 1 AI[!T:!....q 'rJ~{J h 2 ~ ~ ~ l:H, ~ d oJll
3 ~~{I. *~~ i 4 '1.!'i' f
5 ~0I1 ~~ J.l/O l q b 6 ~RE! ~.~ a 1 (c) 2 (a) 3 [a)

7 ~{! c 8 !V 15ICL 8\il51C1 e 4 a. They earn no money.

9 t:ll ~~. t:l1 ~ ~?2.j j 10 ~'2..!~~ 9 b.hospitals, hom eless shelte rs, and food ban ks
c firefighte r and polic e officer
5 a. food banks b. floods c. Firefighters d. community
• .. ~~.ny.J()~s..B!~ ~'IJ~ . . B
1 volunteer "i'Ej"Aj"l 2 homeless she lte r z4l"1tl c1
Wi-.?:- 7}Al:i!. ~of.a.
,q;g-~- 61 ~~%
3 ea rthquake Al ~ 4 flood M
"1'f!~ Am%ol 5R= 'l!0loJl.!l.
qJ ~~ }.} ~~-i:- -E--~ ttl7] ~1;5jJ ~n}o11 A~ ~tij..9...
:1.~ ~ eM7" Al:QeJ. ~~, # uH~ -g-oJ~ ,!l-o}JL
.:L~.£..S:. .:z.~ ~ ~H-l ::i!} :l§Q] 7W~~- H T- ~~Jl.
rl"-.?:- "6-.ff l ¢l~ol 'J1.oJSL.
Q ;<l£~ oj'!! "1"'l% :1.'i1 ':!°10i1.!l.
oj'!! """"H;.-!,- ~%-:} "!lu~,*71C+ '1.1%.9.£.'4 -§% 'lJoJ.!l. .:I~..g.. ~~OljA-l ~ *"7J~~ttJ !t~iL.
~¥%.g. -?-2j7} uR~ l?l.c %61% j;~ ~tl\ .R. .:r=).!~ £A1. "*
-T. .p;...g. L-J-et--~ .!i!.o:j T 'Llo-"fJL
-A'- ?t£l .c.£;;tl-~--.g.. Jjl-t:j 7} r.R<t! Al-%~ f.ff= ~n-g---a- ).~{!isll.fL. :l.~.g. -3}.g.. .'8-1i\~ .!i~ ~ c:r£ sra {i Ail~l§- .!!~ ~ TS- 9l01iL
Oil{! "2-~~ e "'i tJl~ ~<fI% 7HL2.9.-?ti H'tl°"1Jt. Al.£-E 0l-? .fr%ii}Jll :f.:~ T lloi.fL
oj 71Oil1=- ~1I ° lc1.
.!leVI. "m~ . i'I"lI~ ,,-& "1 'f!~oll1 oJ.!l . <Il 7~ J,'- "-l1=- ~j;'.J-~ ~7 1 ~ '11 "'15'.* Ar%'1Ill
eli(:! "1'll% 71~ ,,"""I%~ cNO oj%-:} ~j'1l Ai "l""~ '1ItI-'1I.lL J,'-ej,= .' Hi oj'!!*°1 I:~ "'OIi Ai ~ UN '!J.ej '!!oJ "J 111=-;<1
c+Efl.11 71~.~ AI£~ Ar%5f71S'. '1I.!l.
ollfl "'t'i:f-€.g. ~ .~¢:j~ ~~-& 7t~ .B...
1H!.~ Cd ~ '1:l~ ~lJt ~ ~~:i1} ~iM% ~iL£. -BllA. tJI7H£l Al£~::J.. ~oj] i'-;AJ~--ff 7t:A)J!.1l0i2...
eli(:! ~1'llOil~ QjAI. \'!.<A . 'li!;<ll.Joj. "i11F171n oJ.!l. '1}7.J~ ;<l5'.OiIAi 11'11 AI*-~ LIEf41 ~ :1.'1l01 Oil.fl..
~. {!~-. 7J. {}. 7-JC1 ~ L-J-EtLlH= .AJ ~ ii-o l <U% T <;]oJ .H..

1 (a ) 2 (c ) 3 (b j 4 (b) Alx.-';::- ttl i!-ll~- 7}xl2 ~oi.fL.

tt1?~1~ :Al ~:'<>ll 'Ll.c- -"o'-~d~o l .!j'-'3!-& 9l TJ li5}E-:A 11! ~all-'flfl.
5 a products b. services c. lawye r
AI.£.{::- .:EYl- ~,, ~~ 7}A1J!. ~01 .a.
AJ1.g.....~ J. .AlB} If'-~% 1i!.~ *7:1 w-b1l 91.9..
0l~ Al.£9.1 ~d 1€.g.. -'f-~7 t Al.£§- ~~i!. A}%i3"H:- ~% -S--:9l*yq.

10 5
.: Natural Resources t!\"IX ~
1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (a)
4 3. a bove b. locat ions c Map featu res :tl ~A~.g.. Al~oJ l),i . 2. -c ,o~~ ~.!~~ ~~.a..
5 a. views b. pic tures c.sym bols A}~ ..g. ), t.g~ol ),l-§-~ ~ v.5:.~ ~1I 151 0l 'll.e. A}-'tl~ 7}-o"'i
~I ~oj.B..

1 map AI£ 2 location ~j:1. .g± ~. ~~ . -tf7!-c *Jl.~ ;ij l(!.A~ .Q] '1l~-0I1Jl..

3 map key (AI£21) 'eJoil 4 st and for ~;;, qEtLHq q-"-I,=""I "<Ixl "I] to] A] ~ ~I BIi i! \'! "'I~{} AI%'II .fL.
~ c.l -c nJ-1! ~jJt *% 11 :bL7 J7} -¥Ltl.i>~Jt.
iLaI-i= ~ ~£ 71-i1- r:f.i!} .£.001:°1 ¥lJi.t~.fL
• ; ---Maps
_ -
and Directions AI.£2I \'!'fI
_-_ _-----------_ -._----_._-----..-- -
- - -- - _
~1i!. ~i}. .:H~7t~-c oJll:J::t.]{} ~ 71 -'f1811 ),l-§-~Jl..
°1 ojl t-i Al~ -9-cl 7};j;~ ~{!S}.J! -?-c.) .Ql ll% ~1 3\l ~7 1{! 'i!%
;1:15:.* J.l-%~"1=- v..9..t1~ -?-~.c :IoJ] t:H il~ ~ 7}-:A] ~} ¥-6j 0 l: ~ 'll !i:.~- i;Jj "?~.R..
l{! A-j -?~~ ~ tlJ-~-I .s:.§- }.l-o]-o}: %\lA. ~2.l -:=- ~~ ~-!.~7l~.2..£ rJ-.g.. ~ ~ fr Jti-%Ol Jl.
"J-~I "'-tc Z]50 1I<'I]Aj '1] 71"'171:0- 'If.!fl%!i!.oj <1.B.. 4-Cl -c *'-~ ~[ 7 1 ~i>11 .~~ 2t -'8-%.Qj Cj% Al-§-~ ~ 'll0i.R.
23,!.g.. ol~ ~o l %.Aiw~~J;~l-~ 7}~ 7l JL q-"-I,= 4-"-1"1 ~J-~ "11-'1-2 4-"-171 DR'll AI%"i-'= It.g. ~ §%
~~ 7 1 ~1~ #~ Al-%"5II.B...
r:t{7H21 ;;tJ.£oJl A-J ~ q ::' :7.1.£21 .!fI ~..Q..5!.. ~Jl l\..Q..5!.. jf.A1Sl1 .R..
§¥,'~ .2..~.£.3.., 'J~ o} lll ~O s, Ai ~ !{1~~ ~6jJl.
l:IH'·IC ~ .i!} TI*% -3!7] ~~tl1 A]-%¥1 ~ ~ o-J.B...

:Al.I.:c ~~ ~~ -& 7};,<j Jl. ~ 6j iL

5'.~ "']x1=- :1%0] !i!.oj *
1)'11 "'I'"i !i!.q "lo1.fl.
1 (a)

4 a. in nature
2 (c) 3 (a)
b. wate r
zl5."1 ~>J~ 'f- z]'lJ {]'''I 1)>lI71eJj; 7\1{}~ T ~>I] '11 ~ .B..
<>II i<: %<>1. oj'!! zl5."1 ~~ .g. 1 1!! E.J uI E1 71 1O~ 5'.ul E1il_ '-lEi'!! c. cotton a nd woo l from animals
T ~oj .fl. 5 a. br eathe b. coal c, clothes

0] "'150oJ]Aj '\'- 5OAI1=- AI.". 31llEl u IE1 '!Ioj ;<j %loj.fl.

" AI] ,,1=- 30~ .". U]E171 'f- .'CAl {]'~I 71"-1 "il.fl. 1 natural resources ~ ~ x ~ . ;q~x~ 2 energy OIILj Xf
3 el ectricity t!l l. ~ ~ 4 be read y f1'"I£IOi ~q
1 (b ) 2 (a) 3 (c) 4 (c)
5 a.d own b.feft c. distance d sma lle r
• Caring for Our Resources
'i'cl~ Xf'C1 =W I
1 compass rose ~.!fl .£ 2 di rection WgJ=. ~~
3 map scafe (XI5:.21) ~~ 4 represent qElLll Cf -9-t!l c nH9J .A~~AJ-¥l% AJ-§-i5rJ! ~<>J.£..
J ~ P£. .q.-cl ~ :t;!~.£.9- q -Y<lHlal Al ?l£~. .<f'-.Qliill°J:oJ 8Il.fL
~--J= ~~7 t ~t:.I.Qj A}~A}-!fl% OPJ\ AJ Y-tE..'i:! p!l/loJl -=:I ~ ~o l
A 1 earn 2 g et paid
~'II'(Jz]'C -E-4.B..
3 grow ing 4 Professional zHJ% !i!.'i";5~ ~ 71z1 HJ'1l-,", :1 ~ %% ;<II AI% ;5~ 71 "i].fl.
5 fre e 6 food banks %-01. 7}JoIJ, 'JAl-~g:- ~ ~ 1l.~ ~ tY} ~l-ol .AH AJ-%<5r~ll iL.
7 community 8 police officer A}i':!% 0 }7J]~ EE t:J-~ ~~ ~ J~ ~~ ~ ),l-%iSH-::- 71011..9...
B 1 drawin g 2 locatio ns oj,,!~o l AI-1i-~ z~2J OJ% ~01 5.,," L "lot Ail.B..
'tf% t+~ nJI ~ :tlH - n~ll..9...
3 symbols 4 features
o] ~ ';t-l} «\1'= %-:? {}:1 AII.fl.
5 direct ions 6 marked
7 real a rea 8 distance ~ cHf.:·~~ ~~ ~ lf! *~~ ;.:~%%~. ~£ 'V,o-J Jl..

2 vol untee r x~~..q :q

)(~*%o l ~ w.g. ;! 2-£..!J!-Ei A» ~.1: ~% ~E:.-i= 5!.~ .Qj0l-tll.a.
C 1 goods ~<'§-. ;t:-t~
AI%B 5'.°IAj ,m %"1H ';;!.2.AJ].B..
3 flo od *
5 compass rose ~ -?-l.£
4 map key (x l5:.21) 'eJ211
6 stand for ~ q EfLllcf
~eJ 71
oj'!! ~ fr ;<R ~%;5J\,! 4-"-1'= :1~ -:} \l1 'l!0].iJ. qAI
A I%~ 'T %loj.fl.

D 1 ~~ . ~ b 2 §~ ~ c~ d
3 A1" I'" f 4 .!J:::~A f ~Ei i 1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (c)
5 XI'S h 6 XI5:. 9 4 a. co nse rve boff c. recycli ng
7 ¥tx!. 2"a: c 8 ~~. ~ ~ e 5 a. pa per b. wat er c,rec ycling bins
9 (Xf5O"i) ~~ j 10 LfEfLllq a
1 conserve O~7Jlct . !i!-e5 ~C~ 2 red uce ~o l q
3 turn off (t! 71. 9-.5:. g ~) n et 4 recycle xHtt§ orQ. XH ~ t ~q

Native Americans OfDIliOI71~z;~ 3 nature gods :;q~~~

0,nJI2J" ~9''1!%,g, 0,u1l2J,tnJl {!c

::l%,g, ~ ~ 0, D/l2J 'tl '1! t:J '1! oJi'l- = 'l! 'ii"il ' " t*om"1il
_:go,,!.a, A usefu l 2 ene rgy
O~ Oljt.:.l7r -'t:!~ rll ~-91 ;:t-?}.e:- a}Ajo}OJ] J..-l -£- )+&~o lSj. oj .fL. 3 natu ral gas 4 woo l
J..~I~lol Al q~P'i 01 A}ift~.g. A\--}!~~~ -¥-~ ~-'8 ~ot.fL 5 use up 6 reuse
.:I.%.g.. .:z.~ J!.% ~I ~Of9l-Ll-tr:}- 7}7:) .Jl 'll.'Xio.lJ'L 7 less 8 recycle
°1£{1 ~~%-.g- ~~'t ~l illl A}t--,}& "9Yo-Ik.
B 1 Ame rican Ind ians 2 an cestors
oN!. ¥-~§--£- ~ ~ i9-l- ~I'l Q.g. ~ -~ 7d~oj JL
3 t ribes 4 homes
0,D/l2J,1 ~'r 'l!*,g, "j£ o~ 'lIE1l"1 {jOfIk! ~,Jojil. .
5 Inca 6 jungles
cr:.iE-}ift.g. :H12f ~*-:- q :uJol1/,i 1l'Jlc-f.s...
7 modern-day 8 Andes
"'f-Ofl -:}£~ "1£"1"K-~Ofl "j 1!'lloJil..
°1 £."1 ° 1 ~--t- *';M-~Ofl 'j ~~'<>Jil C 1 naturalresources ~~Xlfi J:~J:'r¥:! 2 e lect ricit y ~7 1. ~~
o}uJ1C-] 7\' qJ? ~..Fj-.g- ::<Kl fi;C] A}%<5}.Jl ~ -i=:- 3H~-f, \'_H}~ CJ.j ..8...
3 recycle J:H ~StfCt J:H~olq 4 Native American OfDl12.m ~-9-2.!
:I~-.g- 7'l-T. uJ-rL-l. '£' 71 .:r*..:L2.].J:!. r-i.g- t:t-2- ~I.ojIH-~­ 5 natu re gods ;q-~ t!~ 6 warlike ~~ ~ 'tJ. ~ 9-~ 'l.!
~ '1!"1il.. o 1 <>IlLiX I h 2 ~t:IIXlOi <uCf a
s_...'" 0lulI2J 71-\'l'?'IHi--& oj ~ "1 ug d"'! OfI ~j! ~"1 il.. 3 O!,JICf. !i!eolCf d 4 ~O I Cf c
.:J.%.g. .:z.% ~A~5' 1 ~--'6-% °lotl}.,i!. 'll.otSL. 5 (~:!71. *.s=. ~ ~ ) nc~ b 6 .:E{g. ~~ 9
7 ~. ~ e 8 ~B. ~ j
1 (a) 2 (b ) 3 (c) 4 (bl
5 a. food b. adob e c. craftwo rks d. t rad it ions

Native Am eric an o~Dl1 21 7 t ~ 9- '2J 2 anc est or .?f~. {:!.2. A 1 look aft er 2 populations
3 t ribe !F~. ~ 4 cu stom t!E. 3-E 3 leader 4 job
5 Volunte ers 6 natural resources
7 off 8 Native Americans
Early American Empires ~7 1 010iliOI71 Ajl~ 9 craftw ork s 10 worsh ip ped
.. ---._- ---. _---------_ _-- ----- _-_. _-- ---_._--- _- -

B 1 ~71 2 £AI"!
0,u1l 2J ,1 <lI "'oil ~ \jf,g, ¥'-%°l ~J'1!"1Jl..
:J.§ %- ~-¥-f:- 7.l-~ -~} l~£l ftjl';;--~~ ~ 'fI 9i~ .fl. 3 Ar~ 2j 4 .Jjl~8. ~

3tlI 0,ulI2J ', 'i1~~ Ptot. o'~'Jj. OJ" ' 11".-0] ~'1!"1 il 5 AIl2J-r:!. A I l2J ~t! 6 ~~~ qL~~
7 ~ {J , ~ ~ 8 ~R~~ . ~
plol'<1·C,' ,g, * Oo"',D/l"-l7t"l '1li'fOfVl ~'}o1.fL.
~~.g- AJ-'i!:! ~'t .zr-1i£c 7 r~ 7-lqj ~r £Al~ ~ Al] :tlo-jJC
9 .'l7Iii fCf. 8E1iifCf 10 I:ll -& ~. t:I1 ~~ ~2j

.:1%£1 ~~-g. 0r-r ~q£loJ '1l~0i .£.. 11 .g~, .xi15 12 M

tJ to t~~.g- ~-e.. '* ~ ~.Joi.R. 13 (XI"'''!) '1j>11 14 ~ !?-j.£

,:I~~ EE~ jl££ j 9-i~lj1t {! ~ 7 1 ~~ 7t:A).J! <U~ 6j.B.. 15 ~ ~ C r 16 "'*Xf ,gEj

q -e J!r.\l<tl%:l-lej "t0J:oJ~.g- ~.g.. ~}«! ~!~--% i"lIH ~o-JJl. 17 !?-j ;i:1. ~~ 18 '&~, '&~

or3. EJI'il%.g.. .£.~ \t £l l!ll A1 2 ;.t;1 ~ Oll ),i ~ ..a..

19 (XI!<9-I) "<"'l 20 L1EILIIQ
21 ~\'JXf\'l . Xf'rlXtlH 22 ~ 71. ~ ~
::1%$c ~4' ''1 'iJ% -'11011 ::1%215'."1% A11fiOJil
o l-z::. ~ ~l %.g.. oK"'- 9: ~ ~o l ~6j.R.. 23 .xKfJ§i3I-Q. J:Il~ o~ 24 ~&5 1.q

J~-~ Ttt!91 nt-g. 'il~~ ~*~oJ.fl.. 2S £ " 1£101 '1!Cf 26 ol)JICf. !i!e5fq
.:l{i--£'- Eil°d'{!oll 111tl}j;l i:- 7-ltll ~ ~ 3: Al-Z! ~ ~~ A
1]:N01..9... 27 ~O I Cf 28 ~~, t:!~
29 ~. ~ 30 @'<!(AI2l)
".)71'<1 ;;.0. \to, D/l cj7t"1 '1!:r11 ~ {!C"JjOfI"j ~il
p~}ll 4'-- ~~ :I-rr£1£ Al ~--g. "d-'!!l ~ol '1l~ o-J .fL
0J ~}-<?l ~.g.. ~ ~ it ~ ~---& A-lI~o-lJl.

1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (b) "IT ~~ 5'.e ~ ~ "~'1l° 1 ~ 71Lj- :l!71LI;;-* "'Lj-ollil..

4 a. emp ires b. wa rlike c. Machu Picchu %-~:i!~ ~ -g...g. "'-"!} -X-olO11Jl. .
S a. nature gods b. Mex ico c And es d Machu Picchu ,.<.~ ~~ ~}7}71 ~1 611 {}~. f,!-, ~-7 17t ~.aiiijSl.

A~ *.g. 7;}i'+.J.!. Jt!?;\J.fL

.:z.~.g. .:EV-l A}-",J~-:i!} i:f.g. J.t¥..-&- ).~H 1i!-% 4- 9Jo-J.R..
1 civilization g~(A~:§.l) 2 worship %"i1 ii fCf. OII"HiilLf

-1"!.71. U~~lc -l'- ;.,g -~o lotl.R.
How Do Plants Grow and Change?
-l'-;'~ -~.g. ..g~o ILf.g-. ~ -tf'7 j7} .wJlo-}-7.<.j U-O~.R.
~~g 01%'711;q ~..:ll ~ ~m?
T'~ '~." :<14 7jct 'l!i5f") 1lfo1Jl-.
=L{}~ 7.K.!%3!} ~i:- J.~~ * -~ ~llf:} ~{} .or lJt~I.R. 5!.cE:- A~ %.g.'\!l tJ--T 7 1 ~ 7}Al.Jl 1J. ~J3...

;.~-~.g. ~~7~ CU<>l°f't! &\lSi.. 'Hf'r 7 1~ "Il*01oj '1! ~j A 4 21!c2 S2';<)* '>'.9 <fjJt.
~>1 ~ 1!c7IoJ) ~~ ~ * oloJ)Jt. "'l%9J A~ ~'r7 1 ~ "'l"!'OljAi AI<f>llJl-.
~P~ C ..:l ~ ~ i17cl°ltf ~ .!i~ ~ .5!_-¥-£i ~811 ~HL. ~1 '3!-O 1 £°J'.2...£.-¥-El %i'l- ~ 0d":t ~ ~ JlJ s=~ 't! . .:r~ ..g. ~l-o}i>}-7 1
A~ vh'O- '"'~ A1471 c l ""olt:f',i?:l.l~ 'tYro) :l.loj°r -1.R.. '1 ~f-1Jt.
;€-J.'t iJ--g- ;.~ %%.g.. 014- ~l.g. *n-0l ~ Jl8l1 R. ::1i'j't! ::1 "'l~." 1Q-o) {'. oj ~ -'1%>'. :<1eJ-t..fJl.
z7Jl i!.l .2} ~.g. ;.~ -€%.g. ii.g. i'-Z}ol ~iL~ ~ V.<>IiL t:l-AI :I <>I.e- ~%-g. ~~ ~J:!. 4l.£.-&- "'A ~t.:r71 7l- Al ~5n.fL
.:g- -Q % ~I "'] ~f7 1
1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (c) * "1 A~~'rym "HI") tf~"J11'i·AIt:j·.
4 a. living b. new c. Shelte r 1. % #.j ~% ~I {l 2 %--~~ ~q.
5 a. Animals things c g row 2. 91' ~Fr:'~ ~:J. ¥l<:..J-ol ~l-o }-~q-. ~~7 ~ l-ijet::J-.
3. ::1i!j 2 1..H 'l!'r'li "t-%"j "1-0) %01t..f2 oj'=!t..f¥-71 Bel.
1 living ~of 2!e.. 1!t ~ol ';1e. 4. w ~: ~ L-tpre oJ.g.0l 5J ll
2 non living ~'O f C1!}:1 Ug . ~~ol gt-e- s. ~01 3IJ oJt+J!. y~Ol ¥!t:}. :I%.g. % ~ '?{% ~.cq.
3 shelter -9-7p;:t nlldj:-t g{Jj:~
4 environment !!-~
1 (a) 2 (b ) 3 (c)
4 a, water and nutrie nts from the soil
b.lts roots gro w down. c. flowers t hat get fertilized
• How Do Living Things Survive in the Cold? 5 a. water b. se ed ling c. fertilized d. seeds
~~g Oi~Ji I ~~ ~Oij),i ~ 9 rv~7) f?

,,)=?- {.h>i)'i mf # * ." 'iT'i- t:H~o l oJ) Jl-. 1 life cycle ~fI~ ' 1. '101£ AIDI>! 2 germinate ~o ~afCt. ~O l set
::1*"1 7j.g..g. 'J--'Il- 'll ~1-oHJl. 3 sprout "!OI ~fLfCI 4 seedling (}j~4¥. R~
'6}7:I't! rl-~ H~ ol ~ :tlS! ..:lj~oIl ~JI CUo-J Jl.
:l§ ..g. ~~! lll -=ritl * w?'lotlJ-i ~ht -~- 'T- ~.h'}71}2...?
• How Do Plants Survive in the Desert?
°1 '8 ~ ~.g. :Ak:}gl %%-'f41otl ~ -g-)..l~<>I.R.
'i;f.;r21 %7ij9-}- JH.Jlt:- ~\?i %~ Altfr% 7}7:1:L!. ~<>I .fL
~~g 0i~7-l1 Ap:!,t(}jIAi ~ "* ~~7Jf?

oj .xjloJl ol .:l..!&£1 %% atJ)§-"i5}-lIl il .xl<5H=- [~l s:.»-'t=l.£.. ~ ~--€: 7iS!1 .£.~ -x6J)Ai ~J!. 91~iL.
J-a- 7}-7·1j l 9171 trR·:t.-°Jl ~o};Jj l Alt..J1Jl.
,,~ =tl -e:- ¢J-j! !f-~ .g. 7) E 0lrtl ~ ·~-g- llAl ~ ,.q~lAi £ ~}.1l.,
A )-~~ oJ-? .~~ ~ ~7,j% 7)-A].Jl11 011't.
<>1m ~+~- :Lq- H.g. ~~9.j .g-~~l {f.ll <V.o-Jil.
rl.g. {E-~2l-~ %-~.g- .:L-5 g ~~711 %AIA17~ * TJJl-£- ~
'I~r." 0Pi" '>l 2 "17171 "1 .£."1flol :ct30<ilJl.
:z. ~\;'i Ate [~l ~%~ %-6l-g..g- J-1S!.l ~ OJ.fl
~- 7 ~A1 J!. ~<>I il.
:rc-j q ~~ AJ ~.g- 'tJlf- ~ ~-;~.?.- ;,r'd.totl;.i {} Ari!fil.
::1*011 ' i ~I·lt%~ °Pi" .01.711 :<14 ") flO I R .
:L%.g- <>1~ Jll.:I ii:i ?! ~~ * oJjAi ~or!.J% T ~~~71}J3..?
.:m." "ifol) 7Pif~1 ¥-i!1{> "Ioj :<14Jl-.
ol ~ol J ·~i~ ~~1 9t ul- .g~JyJ- Ei .!L§.~ ~n.. 1i~AJ.g. !f- ~ .a:- * 719}7 }-A)7}- 'll..c ~% 7}-Al.Jl <UOi A .
J ~ 7) 2t ~.g. 1!'?J~ 1 ~ <tl-oll ~-e- A~~~ -'T=- 11~&- 5:.9 1flJi..
<?l{!-.g- <>I 1!1J1}..fL?
%'!'r£] '%1 0) "h=- ~'!f"1- ~;;) 01. * °1A}'it ~ ~ « "Ilil AI;!! ?
.:Ici ~ ~ ~l~.g.. J. -&--3- L~l ~il~ «l\ "* T 11<>1..9...
':HI1 "i -:i'll'lf." ")71 'll"l ..Q." ) \', 1-¢I£ .£. 'J!%~ AI~? 'lloJJl..
'U£-~ !.:..9HrYC l-.
1!'<!'lf9J >iI >I1 l1jAj t..f71Jl-.
'~i!j ~
:I !lp-tq %~ !E~ Iffoll 0l-T 7W ll\ ~<>I il.
1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (b )
0l -):!o] :r ¥ ~ %~ S~i} B]7r -£- aR m-g. °J~-l %-& £-& T
5 a. feath ers b. fur c. gro und d clothing
91S:4- BfI -'f~ il.

1 survive ~f{)~Etc~. ~olQ­ 2 ada pt ~ ~AI7 1e.t. ~i5~

1 (b ) 2 (a) 3 (c)
3 Antarctica 'a~ [H~ 4 Arctic ~~ : ~£.I
4 a. Deserts b. water c. roots
5 a. adapted b. store c. ground d capture
harsh J f~£.I. ~~ 2 spiny JfAI£ ii'CI. JfAIJf ~E
3 store ;;:fg5 ~q 4 spread out ~ ~cf. ~ 2.1 n;;;: lq

: lnsects ss
A 1 living things 2 air
3 nonliving things 4 environment Jcfl~H:-"l=-li!l~**~ ~ol ~~.R.

5 co ldest 6 manage to L %oJli'c710 1. L]."1. 'l1. 'Il'f"!-°l %°1'UolJl._

7 a da pted 8 fu r fJ~ ;'C 'it:i 01' 1"- q~711 W'lolJl..
<5lAl~ -i:~""*-£:- YT ~~ -1J-fr tf0] 7~A12 9.1.0iiL.
B 1 life cycle 2 seed
Y e c -g- ~~ All 7H ~ {!~ll *3'} o:]~ 7M£] q-a]§- 7 ~.x12 ~0iJl.
3 nutrients 4 fertilized
qj7H£l c-g- ~-£:- ~% 't°tJL
5 ha rs h 6 cactus
~£] -'11 7)"1'rJl. 1!'ll M . '"' uJ "1 ('f--'I-) . 7!-if(-M l .
7 thi ck 8 away
"Jl(<-:--¥-)-it "Hliil1:f" H!-AIr:J-,
C 1 living ~ ~ <U~. ~~O l ~e 2 nonliving ~~f lllxlrig, -::!j~ol ~i= uJc1 ¥ ~ oJl ~ ~9j ~:i'} I:1 %0). ::Li!12 'lJ0I 'Uolil..
3 germinate ~l(l t5tQ. ~I §.Q 4 seedling 0iE!'-I'f-. E~ ~ I:1 %0) ~ Af%8Il' 1AI8 ll. ~"10\lil..
5 Antarctica Et~ r.H~ 6 spiny JfAI£ 'iiC2.!. n Al7f ~~ 7!-if '!,. oij~ ~£] q i!1"!- '0[717) 1l"1il..
£ e 1:' ~ £ -'11 ¥.J-£] C} i!1 ~ l)"I.:>'. 'UolR.
o 1 !t8 i 2 -,?-7f;J; 1. II I t:!'~i. g t!j;i b
::L2N .5'.e ~o l c} 'o[7ij-;'1- 7)"12 'U AI~ fjo)Jl..
3 ~1-Q P!;tq . ~.e<5tr.t a 4 ~§A ll l c.t. ~§51Ct j
" q ~ til7Jl 7n ~ MO)<>IIJl..
S ~ ; .sR~ e 6 .!!{OI ~et c ~ ~~ €.g. ::J.~.91 ~H OJ1Ai ~% W-0l-.R.
7 ~'Pl. 2.fOig ),fO l~ h 8 7 f~~. ~~ f t!li!t~.g. ~ ~ ~ J~ {!% 71-A]2 ~oJ.R.
9 XjWofCf g 10 ~ ~q. ~21 rr-J;:qq d
1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (e)
4 a.the head, thorax, and abdomen
Kinds of Animals ~~Qj ~~
b.the legs and wings c. stin gers
~OJ0l. A}?;}. .g.J:!. i!.\l~ ~1i-g. .!f- '3:! ~ 7/l-.fL? 5 a. antennae b. pairs c largest d. stingers
J*5'-T !L~cjl J3... r
~Ml""2 '>1°IL]. uJ i!17)"t% 7)AI.:>'. 'U~ HoloJl.R. 1 thorax 71-%. ~ 2 abdomen "H. ~
tilM"1 s. R11 ::: 1£0) 'U~ '17J\{i- ,,"'o)R. 3 antennae C1~OI 4 stinge r ( ~2jI Qjl ~
~ R 11::: .T§·"1 "iI7J\oJI7Il.5'.%{;- "l"l.ll..

30~ -I'-i!1 . ~ '<1 . ',[71. I:)e.I ~ 7)"1.:>'. 'U~ %--~-oloJlR.

tilM £] 3o.j'~ ::L%£] \t7iji<- °l%*i "" 'T 'UuJil.. : The Life Cycle of an Animal
5:~ ~% "tol-.fL AH7J) AH-c ~A-l-¥-~o}Si:. ~~~ {!!~~7 1

-.2.t!1 , ~-t. ~-t!.g...£.¥ :f:..froUJL

-'8-{!-.g- c>j~ 111 ;;ttc}~ \!!~7}}A?
~~ \:J1-ir.S!.. '?it(! :[!3:~ .i11~ 7r;<'] Jl CU-c H cloJ].1l, .£..e- n -.g. A~ -n-¥,- 7 1{i~ 71-?-]2 9.1.OiA.
til-\4'-£] JIi-%--\1--C '>!-% ¥ .:>'. lil q i!1.<iC ~ol R. A~tr"T-7 1-c -~~ ol .:r% ~ ~),~ -%-'f! 'fl ~ 5:.e B-7:jl ~ ~H JL
'l'I. 71~°1. '>j-oJ~ .5'.'f- ~"ilil.. til~"1 'i H~ ~ ,jl \111I-it<4olil.. '1!,~ . 'S".J-. 'I!"1. i<; g o)~
°0"'1-\1--C -ll-AloJI'i£ 1£.:>'. % 4;011'1£ A~ H-oloJlil.. 3'.M,-E EJIol\t% "11 0K'-~£ ~ 'T \lJ.olil..
Qj ~~ °JAiiH=- -¥-E'iiJl ~~ .II1-¥{i- 7}7.Lll1J..J! ~% '=b-l-o}JL J %.g- ~ TX gl~ ~% -'1=-£ ~oLa..
7H i!1 9) £ 'i: '& ~ "H-i'HI.ll.. :!..g0l AA£ ~ ~--Jt T 9.1.-& tr1l 71~Al o-lp] 7~.:z.{M-- ~5'toF ~ ..e...
Ol~ % 4.;=-OJjAi 1!"01-..B... ~-a.HrE ;l.}-a}'i:!AI :1:~-2l ¥-291- ),l! ~"'J17 l- ~71 Al~.fl.

rJI-'I-5'-£] ol-iH:- "1-\1-. "I.'=:cjul. omul ~ 71"12 ~"1.ll.. 2"J01"!- 7q~ oj~o l "l~ til "f 1\:!°1 ~~1il..
::J.§-€:- ~%~l:°Hl... '<!<!£- 'S",ii~ tillO\:! 0),*,,1 ~i!jil..
oJl,<! ~ lI] AI 9) oj)-oj ~ "1-l1-"ilil.. ~-frri2~ o-Jeol 5'111 'l! ~l ~ ~ -T 1t0i..e...
I,. .:z.~1 ~ :l{,}.g. .At{! ~31} :Q~ AH 7Jl~ 7 }-~ Y ~o--]iL.

1 (e) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (b) 0)11'-11 0)"1'4 \1 11I~ ",.g-oj<>llil..

5 a.young b. wings c. scales d. water e. gills ~ ft 11 ::: ::L% '~ "1 0)" )"!"I1 °15'.'! ",olK

, mammals .£~ . ..£~~ 2 young "Hnl 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a)

3 amphibians ~Ai~ 4 rept iles nt%~ 4 J. stages b. birth c parents
5 J. care b. mature c. young d.e nd

, growth 1:;t:g, ~~ 2 reprodu ct ion ~ ~ , {!}6j

3 go th ro ug h ~~ '1et. ",,,,olLl 4 take careof "'~ ~!:!q. ~H f2tXI BIQ
'!j O) A}-<frQl !iq O}i!.\I0J1 -c ~l%ol %l.Olk.
• The Life Cycle of a Frog
. .. ........ .. .. _- --------_
_----_ -
7H'1''''I£I ~~971
------- _----._----- _._._..-. I1I0Jol ~Hf oil7ll °Il Li "I~-
7HeJ~ 'lJ'-'i*"I]R ~ ~-% l!1~ ali: ~ ol
eJ--% "?:!1:! JIi!.l OllJ1..
':1'1I-'i ~%21 A~ ~T71 ~ £.**91- 'ifeJ-R 4- e] ~ ~%% "'-'1Ho]eJ-£ ~2j k.
AI{! 7HeJ ~ oj-T ~~ 1l%T7HJ: 71"1£ ~<>IR ~%.g, tJl7fl :III"'o'°I~.g.~.g. ~ 'S~o IOJIk.
t+"'* 1~7J1 Q.g, '8 >! ~.£ ~c]Ho loJlk.
7flTeJ~ 'il-oJl % 4ioJl 'If% 'toiR
r:l--~ "E 2 g- ~ ~ '6 ~ ~ °1 );il ll:l~" ~ ~ 2 r.l oJl.s...
Of 29' '¥'oJl ~.jIj °1 71 'lfOIH ljL:Ol'ilk.
4-e] ~ :r ~ l1- ·f\- ClH oleJ-£ ~"i k.
-&,~ol~ AI{! 'l:!"Oj 7He]{j- \it"1f,,'1.(ol k.
~~.g. 7H e]9J ,~ Q~ ~~ H 'l! 'T' 'll"1k.
~%.g. t+eJ71;;Il..}£ \li.i'. tJI ~ liIe]i'!- 71"]£ 'll<>lR ::L t:l-g-~ uHI.} :g :Q-.g.. r:~ C 'E r.l ~ 01 ol ~- -3}~ 8 g ~ :} ~o-jA.
%.jIj°I~ ~Hf °17Iu ]-;} 71"1£'ll<>lR
0l7lu l~ ~%<' ] % 4ioJl Ai 'ii-% ~"11t 'T' ~£"1- 'iI "'R ~ -~-%%oJ1 7lI AI'J-:} 'it"J"j U~ %ft0] "!0IAKc"1 uJ! ¥lOll
9161..9... Al-1! 'clzrol m.g- I!J °!AKf2l nJ!. ~ OJl ~ofSL.
% *~ o l ~ "1eJ-I'H .fV loJl-'i 1t j?"1{, ;(~ 7I1 !iIlk.
it e .-11
t+c.17I-'~ 71£ liIe]~ f.f<>I"1 k .
5E~ ~%.g. >Jj]5'J~71~'il. >Jj]~ ~ ~ §- -lj·"]OJIAi 1M! 'T' 'll7l1<II ",R
1 <el 2 <a) 3 (b )
~2j1'! ~ %1I°1~ % c] 7H 2j' NJ .....°171 A]*'lk. 4 a. sma ll insects or an imals like grasshoppers, squir rels.
°t 14-';'- 'fl'! 7He] ~ <>I ~o] "1<>1 'll£ .£e]£ \ll<>lk. a nd ra bbits
~%.g. ~"I!i'. 0]%"1£ 'lH 21 rJl'I !i' l> 7lWi ~Ik. b. a nimals t hat eat othe r an imals
c. a nima ls that are not hunted by other an imals I people
1 (c) 2 (b ) 3 (b) 4 (e) 5 a. e ne rgy b. insects c. Frogs d hunted
5 a. tail b. le gs c. lungs
1 food chain ~OIA~ 2 meat e at ers ~~

~~o l 3 o rd e r ~A-L i~llll 4 link (A ~Qj ~>1) 221

1 tadpole 2 hatch ....-"I~ teI . ....§IAI'ICf
3 resemble ~q. I::l I~o~q 4 lungs mi. ~jIIt

The Ocean Food Chain ~ ICI£I "'iOIA~

A 1 common 2 give birth to "!oJAl1<~ "It+oJl£ ~;<jJ"iI.ll..
3 feed 4 lay eggs "I~ '~ 'lI -'I].>'. 71-&'ilk.
5 species 6 legs "!°lAh'tOJI"i om '~ 'lI -'lI~ £~ ~ ,~%% "!71 l..} °l'-ll'! '1/<>1
7 antennae a wings ,,!"OJ .a.
B 1 change 2 stages ~iR= ",t+"1 "!° IAIi;-oJIAi 71'lf °1'lIoJI 'll"1.\l..
J.~.g. ~ ~ ..2..5t.!J'-Ei <10~g.. ~=--e ~-%0lO{].fL
3 help less 4 reproduce
1fi'J-3..~l1} it,g. ~.g. A~nol ::J.. ~~ ~<>i ..ft.
5 unique 6 hatch
:J. cl-3-~ ~ (:, t- "'..'f ~-%01 ~'it3.H T2:l OlA.
7 grow older 8 develop
°l~.g. ~"I S:7fl. Afl-'/-. 711'1 Q-!'= S:7flff-t..J '14-itoJlk.
C 1 mammals .£~, .£~~~ 2 young 'HI}I J cl-S-~ ~-t- *27 1%°1::J. ~H*tf {f4.n--~- T~OI.B...
3 a m p hib ia ns ~A1 ff 4 re ptiles nt8¥f. 3f.g. *£71oJ l ~ tJlT. £%<>1. \J"-]71'll<>lk.
5 t horax 71i:S. ~ 6 tadpole ~~o l :L cf-g-cm ~ %V)%oj ::J.~.g. %J:!7 1~ ~ ~0I.a.
~ %=JoJI~ %"-1. gJ-AR"-1. 'o\oj7f '1l<>lJl..
o 1 'H. "1'i' j 2 C.-J~ol i
3 (\';i <lIQl) ~ h nl-Al~~. ~ .Jl efl S'f t:Il'~JVok>lll~ H~ol .:r ~ ~~i!7 I 1!-~
5 ~~. ~61 f
"!<>I_Il.. :r~.g. "!°IAKc21 ~I! ¥lOll '1l<>lk.
6 ~'" ;:let. l'l:o{51Cf b
7 ~ ~!i!~. §;!l:l~2!-A I5~ a 8 .!i!-*fi~. .!:i!~AI 7 1C!' c
9 ~Q. l:l 1~i5 ~~ e 10 ml. "1II/ g I (a) 2 (b) 3 (b )
4 a shellfish b. Algae c t op
5 a. lig ht b. Plankton c. sharks d. Kille r whales
What Are Food Chains? "'iOIA~g "'S!~J7I? a
1 algae 35.~. ~ 2 creature {;!l~. ~ ~j;11
.5'.e %%.g.11"71 ~M ~ol i'!.\l.oflk.
cons ume Q:jQ. ot,qq-. ~I::l lo ~
3 shell fish -llH,*. ~z.t~ 4
~ .g. ::I'itoJI7IJ ~t~ 'T' 'll~ oJILi AJ% "' k.
z[zf '*'" '8:< ::}.g. ztzt "I~ ~ %% "!<>Ik.
oltEi '8 ~ ~ .g. ~%% ~oJSl. oJIIl ~ ~ ~.g. c~ %-H ~0l.R.
"!o]Altc.g. ~ ~ 0\ -'1-;PI q~ h"-% "! ~ ' nAI'i1- &"1 'i'1 k.

What Is the Solar System?
EH~~I~ ~9;! ~m? A 1 plants 2 plant eaters
3 animals 4 hun ted
~i!l ~ .'i'.-'f' "1-;'011 ~:il 'l.loJil..
5 oce an 6 plankton
;<1* Ell"J>lI<}:il "!i= C1 ~ AI~ 'jlJ~1 '>!4'-Oi]Jl.
7 killer whales 8 top
Efl OJ}j].c ~ oJl!} ~Aa ~.£. ° l fOi ~ <Jlo-J.B...
'lVJ ~ Ell"J ~ ~5'.~ 71 E1l~ 'iJ'iI "lIJl.
B 1 syste m 2 object
11I "J'>lI OlI~ oj\,~ 7R ~] '!l'll" ] 'l.loJJl. 3 Saturn 4 planets
"1* 111 '" 'T''I1 ~ 5'.~ "1 ~ 7R~ '!lAJ '"' <51t+oJIil.. 5 throughout 6 complete
Ejl °J.2..£.-1-E~ £j d~ Ad ~ -;rA-Ht .!i!.tB. J~.g. -T---"a. i?''''j . AlT. ~cl , 7 direction 8 away
~Ad . _tf.""j, 11%-'2. -o-n 9J"8~ 'i?A·i.£ 1l.<>lJl.
C 1 food chain '21OIAI;;; 2 meat eaters ~ ~
11I"J.g- 11I "J'>lI ~ *ll oIOlIJl. 3 shellfish ~7H ~. fJ~* 4 solar system EII~711
"1 \'i 7H~ '.!!AJ~ 111'" 'T''I1 ~ .~ .£~ *"Iil.. 5 tilt 71>!}Q; 71~0l ~ 6 algae ~~. W
zj-zj-~ 'll.£~ '/115'.<}:il {j1-elil..
0 1 ii'Ai. ;\lI' jl c 2 (A~2j 'a'll ) :ilel a
~~ Aj l:~ Ai .£. ~ 2-}lL
3 ~~. ~~j;~l b 4 '21et. OIAlet. ± Ulotet g
oJ 'l'! ~~ "I"'!i'.q "!<'IJl. oJ 'l'! ~~ '" 7jJl. 5 ~{5 h 6 ~ .{l~. ~ i
:2§-~ q DII AH I:>!. ER"J'~¥-E] zlzj- ~ 71 i!lOlj 'l.loJil..
7 i'l15'.!H~et; i'l1S'. j 8 .2.l ~ 5 ~. J:~~514 d
e eBS d
9 ~ 2\ £! ~ Ol >jQ. ~ jc2lltlCl f 10 ~li" let . OI~ let e
1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (c) 4 (a)
5 a center b.Saturn c. distances
B a bd ome n
A 1 nonliving 2
1 solar system EH~711 2 planet ~~
3 su rvive 4 sta y warm
3 path 11. ~£, ~£ 4 orbit Tjl5'.~ ~ et ; '/11S'. 5 reptile 6 go through
7 food chain 8 creatures
9 planets 10 seasons
What Causes the Seasons?
B 1 ~f()~ CUE. ~ ~ O l CUe 2 ~~o ~. ~f()1 sq
3 Oi ~ q~. R~ 4 ~<l
<lJ '<1 01I ~ *."1*. 7f-&. 71 -:t~ Aj.£. q.~ AI>lI'li°1'l.loJ Jl.
5 -,?7iJ: 1. IT.l8 :xt g{J:xi 6 ~§ ).. 1 7 1C.~. ~-§5 rq
<lJ '<1 4141 ;li]>J ~ "PiloJJl.
7 ~ ~ q. ~21 ITiX IQ 8 .5!.~. !C~
:i!l-'t! Jf-t)!oJ :I~ :i lJPlI 711W7J}-.1l.?
9 ~Ai-* 10 IIt*~
"1* oH'>! "1'l!<5I'1!.Aj Ell'" 'HI -~ ~IJl 11 "H. """ 12 C,gOI
;<]"'71 11I"J' ¥] ~ ~'l!<51 '>!'f''''!i= 111 ~ 1'<1°1'('j elJl .
13 ( ~ 2i I2j) ~ 14 'i:i~ . ~~
,,]* ~'o':Q~ tl.J-~.9..."- 71%<>1 :<1 'l.loJJl. 15 "-'~ ~!i!I::t. ~t:l ~2.tJ: 1 5 ~q 16 .!:j!.-ao~ . ¥§.}A I 7 1 C~
:Al :r-7} ~ oJ 9~1 ~ ~V!A-1 EJl°J-& ~tz;jj 7]-:i-<>tA:! 'il. ~ --'t-~o l 17 gq. t:l 1,£olQ 18 ~ OIA~
"PIJ >II >IIJl 19 2Ai. "1I>l! 20 (A~2j 'a'll) "'''I
01-5! 0] A}71lll% ~.£:..
21 {Ill;<. {i!\'J"11 22 '21et. otAlet. ±Ulotel
"1 "111-"] { rJ'. '1l~ AI "'~I * °1 11I"J'-fr ~"'H 71 ~-oJ Aj V,,,"
23 ~ {;! 24 ~ . E~.. ~~
"II ~ Ell"P.Hjoj "l'8-~ ;<I"'~ :2 * 011'ifOIJl.
25 i'l15'.~~ ; i'l1S'. 26 ~ -1'! otel. };f-1'!otel
:2ej'1! nj ~ol~
27 ~2\ fj~ O I £let. ~~ J;1IIofCI 28 £!liotel. o t~l et
"1e-Jl1- 01~:il V~ "I "'~I *01 11I "J'~4'-Ej 'lIi!l '!!oJ :<jAj
7]-\\-<>] :<1 Vii- "II ~ 71 %o) 29 EH~71 1 30 71~0 I et ; 7 1~0l~
~'l[~ lIR'iJ°j 'il 0 } " } 'i!'4->II .9o.

Addition and Subtraction S"{!i:TI! '!!J{'l

1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (c)
4 a.seasons b. direction c. winter '" 'II~ 'f- 7R "V.J-~ 'XA}-;> ~'III "1 ~ 71 "lI.9o.
5 a.fall b.tilted c. toward a. away q -:l':'ll ~IOII.J o li!l ~ ' Rum '1lQ2 71'\1,;11 i'!-AI"1 . 71 71011 7Rul
Bu 4o}i!l7} c, ~Jl.
1 tilt 71~q ; 7 1~0{ ~ 2 rotate ~H:!5 ~. :q~ 5~
oj>ll :2'k '1!! 'J1 o}i!l~ 711 u17} V%'
3 cause ~2\ fj~O I £IQ. ~ J;lIIolQ 4 complete £!liotel. o t~let
7ufi!l~ 71 u!7f :U<>1.9o.
1:"~ "H} "\-&OIl nj"1j,Lo\ 'l!711 ~I ~ 'it~ · ~· o l<}:il *"'.90.
rrfet"'] '3+4"1 ~'" 7"lt+'et2 '1W T ~"1 .ll. -¥-cl i= o-j ~ lll A] Z!% TQ~[7J}.B.}
~--i-'3 t:l "S~71 4-c- 7°1 Ll' cl-J:l.. W~.:r£ ~a 0l--r 4l-¥lg... ::LLJ: Aln% Cfl.g- q.-g..,oll H ~l9..\1~.fL

~"'i1..g,.. ~ XA}-~ c+-e- x A)-ol]A-l ".c- 71 oJlR

.::J."1Y7Jf 2 :1O~ 'ZA] lo.:;'-'ol"il.ll.
ojrJ..."1 ~Fr7 f 57»"1 ']'-71 ~ 7f'12 ~t:J-2 7f'lJ0II .'''-'il.ll.
.::J.cj:;:r 5:25-& ·5AI 25...·oj"l).ll.
oj "1~ H» 7f 2 3ff A1 ']'-71 27» ~ "l"1.ll. Uil5'. Ali'!"] 0 0'l1 UiI.'C ~"1.ll .
01' II 'J1 7»"1 ']'-7j7f 'J:lJ:-8-77f.ll? Jf- C1 ~ '4 A 1 30g. ' EE..c '4-") ~'OI ~.Jl 'M"V} ~ ~<>l ..B...
5-2 3 0
~~ T-l j-g- '7Al 1 ~ ' :E.c 'JAI7} Al \-!- 1s.g.'o14.J!. ~'!!.::r ~oJ.fL
YH"1 "H')7f ~.ll. :r21..i!. 9:4s.g. ·9Al ... ~· 9:-c · 1 5~ 1l 1O Ar 4.:i! W~ 'T ~£..
oM71§- ~ ~iI ';t;L ~"J-i:- ·"ret2 ·' H'I.ll. n "1-:,01 IZ"II ~2 ~.g. " ~Ol 6"11 ~-& UiI,.::J. AJ{!;L 6Alo1l.ll.
rrfet"] '5-2'" "J-i:- 3"]t:J-'et2 'if1l T ~"1 .ll. q-cj ~ :z. ~% 6: 00~ ~ % -T 'UclA.
~ '5 ~~~71 2~ 3°1cF2f.Jl W~ yx. ~?:. 6:~ 6 odockr l >f"I.ll.

1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (b)

I (a) 2 (b) 3 (a)
4 a. addition b. equals c. minus
4 a. two b. "four fifteen" or "fifteen minutes after four"
5 a. sum b. away c, difference
c "four forty-five" or " fif t een minutes before five"
d 5 a. hour b. minute c. half d.before
1 subtraction !l~ 2 plus (+ ) ciaPI
3 minus (- ) 0fl71 4 equals (=) ~21 "iq
1 hour hand A l~ 2 minute hand .g~

3 half ~. 30~ 4 the same as rv£l- ?Jg

•..<::().1lIl,t,i':l9~?':l E! Y..,~ A11 7 1...... ..

~cj~ %Z!% Af7] ~OII H A\%OII.ll.
g-~ ''8-{! ~ ~£ ~ J1 Al~l~ .:r£ ~ ol.fL. ~cj ,,= 'it"1 °It.f Allilit 7fA!:;:r Aji'!-fr '!l T ~ "1 .ll.
5'.~ "]1II12} %'l:!t- zJ-zf tf~ 7f~I Q 7f")2 ~"1 "'l..
~~ .g. ~. -9'-. ~9-1 }-lU"~ .!2..~ ~HL
010;:- ~"iI~ 'J1 7f"] il'*"1 %'l:!"f '11II17f ~"1Jl.
'if<j % ~\'J .'i!..<iI.ll.
llIIY,,= 1-l'!"'-"1 7f"!7f ~"1.ll. I;lJ]Yol -l'!",-
~ "ijol"]OJH 'i!"1t- It/ % .'i!.oj '1"2 ~"1.ll.
Y"! i'o 5-l'!"'-"1 7f'17f ~"1.ll. 1Y 'J! =5-l'!"'-
1'll.~ :L 011"1 3i 'Ii'" ";°l"ll.ll.
tl'lJ ;L lO ;U"'-"1 71"17f ~"1 .ll. Itl'lJ =lO-l'!"'-
l'doJl-i== 1211°] v'6-] iL .
¥1 E1,,= 2');11",-"1 7f"17f ~"1 .ll. 1'¥1Ej=25-l'! "'-
:L3!.g. I'll. 2~ , 3'll. 4'i!. 5'll. 6~J. 7-%1. H-Y:1, 9'll. 1O~!. II'I-!, IZ'll
'I! ";rJ"= 5O-l'!.!"."17f"]7f ~"1JL 'I! 'i!"i =501U"'-
:Lcj2 l'1rJ %'l:!"17f"l ~ loo-ll!.!".oJl.ll. l 'i!crJ=loo;U",-
:L"1y7Jj- * 1"'''1 'if"!'" 5'.'f- lZ;lJ]"]"]i<: 7fAI2 ~lio.
~~ t:l".g-~} il.g. i§- 7t~1 % 7}~ AJ~!l .£ 9J.0i.R.
zf JlI"I"lpj-t:J- :J. ~"I1 ~"f7f ~~ 47» ~ 57»"1 '<1 °1 ~"1 JI..
l"; rJ. 2";rJ. 5";"1. 1O'if"1. 20";"1. 5O'if"J. 100";"1.
zt 'Jo"J-i:- :L 'it"1 ~ ( ';t)-e: t.fEf41.ll.
~ cj ,,= ~ 51 ~"1 0J'% $1 ,50 0]"<1>11"1.ll. 1? '?:l0l!:E 7~oJ ~oJiL
$1.5()..:;} ~i!-l ~ ' I ~2-~ 5O ..(.!!.s.'~.2. 'R~} To 1Jl00Jl. .::J.3!'" ~ .ll~, ~.ll'li, ~.ll"'1. T.ll'l1, "C.ll'l1. ~.fl.'>1, 5Ul.~o IOJI.ll.
:L'iJ SZ5. Z~ 'Z5'i!crJ Z01U",-'7f ~1J!l iE. zJ-Zf"1'l.!i'o l,!,'l1% t.fEfl.]j.ll.
... R...§- tj.g.. ~} 4* 7l-~I .:il9Jo-j St.

1 (c) 2 (c) 3 (b) 4 (c)

5 a. Nickel 11 Quarter C Half-dollar d values 1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (e)
4 3. January b. weeks c. days
1 be worth rv £j n.x l7~ ~ q 2 penny IElI LI. 1{1j.§. E{! 5 a. twetvet l 2) b. December c. seven (7} d. four(4}

3 dime q~ . 1O~§.. ~ 4 half-dollar ~ ~2-I, SQAJ!§. § {!

1 calendar ~~ 2 week 9
3 represen t LIEIlJIq 4 row ~. ~

Vocabulary R@\lie
AI;4I,,= ~iil 'f-711"1"l-~ 7f"12 ~"1.ll. fJ;L "~~f Zl uH«>jlio.
l:fi'o "~i'o AH..J.% LfEfl.]j.fl. A 1 ad d ing 2 sum
:r~Ai :r ~ ~ A]{lo1 41!..£ ~ ~ .fl. 3 taking 4 d ifference
{! t1p€-.g.. ~:} 4 El-t.l1 Jl. 5 equals 6 coins
:L211-'1 :L3!;L ",,~ o l et.:i!£. "'Pj.ll. 7 worth 8 quarter

B 1 hands 2 hour ~~~% ~ U/l ~ f 'r..l-ol A}olo1] O}~~ll l (Hi- {-to:1 A.
3 half 4 before LtE l am -= I'm 1.:] -e yo u a re -= yo u're :.I ~ ..g- it is -= it's
'8}.A:] 'i'J-eq -t1o not -= do n't 'V t -T '~.:tr:tca n n ot -= can't
5 days 6 January
o}y et is no t -= isn't
7 represents B month
c>i'tl 1Jol%.g. ~0171t+ ~h:1 s.. ~ 4- S'lc>i.R..
C 1 subtraction ~~ 2 plus (+) Cjolll
rl~ ~I:ol %.g. tH ~A}.£. Al ~orJ! u}{l 1E£
3 penny IIiILI. 1{!!§ ~t! 4 dime q~. 10A..!!E.. ~
.Il.'t!.g. ;0;0-1'4<>15'- :l':oj.ll.,
5 minute hand g~ 6 calendar ~ ~
~ ...~ ~ Monda y -= 1\10n . ~fA eu Tu esd ay -= Tuc.
0 1 -PI i 2 ""'.2.t~~ j orJl ~ \\:'cdnesda y = Wed . -&.R~ Thursda y -= Thu r.
3 "'2j nj;: 17~ ~Q c 4 ~ ~2i . ~s.~ e ~..9.-~ Frida y = Fri. ~ <:Y. Saturda y -= Sal.
~ A~ Sun day -= Sun .
5 A l~ d 6 ~, ~ f
7 rv.2.t ~g a 8 9- 9 1'lg.. ~<51 <?lcls.. 2':O:J.B...
9 LfEll./I q b 10 ~ . ~ h 1~ Ja nua ry -= Jan. 2~ February = F<.'b . 3 ~ Ma rch -= Mar.
rJ~ April = Apr. H~i Aug ust = Aug . 9f-l Se pte mber -= Se pt.
1O~ Oc tober -= Oct . 11~ November -= Nov,
12~ December = Dec.
5~, 6~ , 7~ .g. ",h>j5:. :l':01"1 \'l0/R
£~ ~7J.g. -T-<1 9~ %"'1--* 7}:<]-"iI CUOi .£.. Al-iff%E!-] Zj't}0ll-l- 7-i2.l~ *~ .£ ~<51 <?fc>i ~ ~"'l..a.
* I~{'~ Q'C!I.1-. .:LL~ ~ .lilAJ--~ ~ ~ tl - -q Mist er -= ,\11', ~-T Pro fesso r -= Prof. ~V+ Doctor -= Dr,
~l~~ Rh>I1/..-l '%'~. '.:ILi'.e ~<>1 01~. 't;iit!I:F9} · 1!l .cLr ~ - 7'jej . -£. Stree t = St. -7} Avenue -= A \'( · . -~ Road -= Rd.
?oj~ ti1 7n 'll"/ofIR 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a)
'll"~ ,,/~ol '-t ".,flo, ~ %:t!91 °lii-% 'iNlR 4 e. I'm b. Sun. c. doctor
%"~ ;'i':'lMVi '~-%-c'" '-tE /tJ1.1l., S a. apostrophe b capital c. period
'I?lIi>ltl , '%4'q', 'uK :yq' , ' *q '~.5'.-"" %A/<>II.Il..
'llA/Q/ %"~ -lPJ<>II"i 7/11''''.R. ~ -IF /OJIR 1 contraction ~~~ 2 abbreviation Q.,~. ~A~
4-"-I~.'E~ q...::- %AI-¥& "f-8-OIl.ll.. 3 shor t e n ~JlI o~et . 8~o ~ 4 abbreviate ~ ~q Q,~ ~ Aj§iitet
ti1'll"~ ''-t', ':1 '<f"r. ':1 oj"I , ':1~ ', '4-21', 'Lr, ':1%''''
'(]e.g. 'i±oJ ~:oloJIR
4'-- 2~ ~ ~A . qH·l ~ [H~A Kt ,l,}-%-oij Ji..
"J {F~ 'llA/Q/ ti1 'll A~ R"I;;~ ,,-~ % ol oJI .R.,
OJI~ 7J<>f"l "17/ '" lo\'! .~ -~-~ JlOJol Ii.g. c/oJ ~ "J Eij9J ~o l :1lojR
'<>11-'1"', '''17/ "" , ' '!l ~.~'.g. .5'.'f- ilHF/OJIR O:J~~ :r%~ 01 .g-~ ':l! 7}7;1 ~ 4- ~4..8.?

-'I-"~ "tA~ RA/. nR Al~ -ft.%-a- A!-%'-'H=- #,g- ~01011.fL

:I.~ If A }71 -8: ~ cl-. ~].t·i ~ ~Hl i;l 7J~ q.. AI~ '~ .l 0/"1"101] col d.s] ho ld "1'U ;o;"'I-rr~)'j ,<! h~ 'fr*,ij1l..
1!5;VR=- .g.-t] -'fi ~l {t ~'fl" u1J -'f- 2-l ~ ~9 l-R. -%-:o~ "/'1l " .g. "' 01 'li <>I L~ <>l ,"<>I ~--& '1m °loP \"iliL.
:1".g. '- ,<-HI'. -: ~<>II', '- 0I?lloJl', '-.!.'.q '11"11', '- S'l.oJI'2/ .£..q ~ '?! ii!1f-& -?-i= Tit~ °1°1:71 -:= f-ftl-rt.Jl .~~.R..
'lJ".g. 'i!oH~o IoflR \ll.g. 4-~OilAi~ %%%°1 "1~"1;;J 'l1<'IJl '!l-:<- o~R
lo1!.g. "1 '1'''1 " °10t7loilR
1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (a ) 4 (a) ± ~ .g. ~81 J. ~loll \:'if:. % AJOJ {t--~- 7t x lj!, 91012...

5 a place b. action c. place of ;;) 71 ~ "1 'l! AI'iJ-~l -$jAil °loF7IoilB..

d. Describes e.locat ion :</Ai Cd.g. :1 A/'iJ- "fAJoJl 9J'1l :l':oj.;;) Cd7j<>lj.ll.,
"HH"1'1').g. %~'-I lo'<:!~i'Jll1 ' 115'- ",oj'-t"1 \'l.g. °lot7] ~ :i
1 describe ).i~olq, g,l,lolcl 2 adjective ~§A.~ ",nl·~iL.
3 adverb .!:f!A~ 4 preposition ~ j;IA~ "121Jj'-<>] oj'!!01 0171(; "loj,ij\,! oj2iN "i-'d%:l':i!. '1l ~ 7jOl\R
11'11 "/, HI 'i!~ -;f°loJ].R.
~~--l!J 1:!(-:i~ ),," +~o l t.f
~ 7 1 q 7tJ..i1i-g· ~11! ° l oJ1..9...
• Contractions and Abbreviations
~Qt~ ~ 2,tQ:i
1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (b )
~~ U/l f-~.c tIJl!C.. .!f- 1i:..loi% ~~Al 8}49.J c~ ~.g-~.£. 4 a.nov el h biography c. fiction
~!%"1 .R. 5 a. rhymes b. Novel c.fa ct s d.Autobiography
cj ~.f= 'i!oJ ~ "i'4&J oI4Jl f}ilJ.Il..

A World of Colors -'1121 '\il711
1 po em AI 2 biography ~!7I
3 fiction ~{:1. ~.:r 4 nonfiction ~~. ~.2.t o:l~Ht·!21 ~Ht ~J8 ~2~ .!t.Ail ..a..
Iii'- c}0~ "'!'ifol !i'li "!0i}R.
Citt! ~~~~_ "\o:- ~-te }Jl. e>i~ ~ 7~%.g. Ol!f4'lR.
The Emperor's New Clothes
I~p~~g ~E'cl
°15!.~ ~ ~..g. 1:f4:! ~ oJ1 Ai tf5'}Jl.
~-¥! ~~ ~:f7J. ~2J-, ~rJ0 loJl.a,
~ \MI *-:} elf i"'}~ ~ 'lJif\JOl {'~.R. vll'l1 ~ 'lJil'\Ji'- 0 1% {f~ ~~ ~ -¥-~H:· ~ --9l 'tl%-3- ~ or ~OlJl.
7PJ i>i'- *-~. ~IJl A}71*-?c'l!-'il"i.R. <>1 'lIJIl ~""71 1 ~ T ~%,,}Jt?
<>I~ "'.!f- A}7IrOI pl-!'rOiI.5'-"'~"i.R. ~%i'- 'lJ if\JOil 711 Ak:!% .:LL-J: -T- 7}7.1 ~l ~ Il% ).l~_ ~:1 7]~ -o}\1 5'\jJl.
il"ol-oi]Ai 7PJ- o}%r:l-8:- *{}-~ ~ --r ~q.:J:!. 'U ~~.R.
0] A i'-i!1 ~ tttlt 7J :i'} .r.2J--~ ~iol)..~ ?~~~% ~~ 4'- V~..9­
. ~~ ~ P~1f1~ *1l-%~?.y ~ .g.t.1q. ~~ At'it~:-~Ell~ Jf-~ l=:- ~7Jj!} !If'if% 4iOi Ai -!tet~% ~:!- T ~c>i .fL
.:l5! ° I .!i!.o l $E. · 2.I-~ .:l~..g. ~~oi iL 'iJ-ir~.g- :I.%OJl 711 ~..g. '" } Itg-% ~ "t~ )..i ~~% 't!-~ ~ 9l0lJl.
.:L2.1iL Itt'".}:!!
~%?.:il:L llP~j~' *~& ~t'.f-.Jl9!<>iJl. .y.~~l. .!i!.et~. ~AJl.g. All 7}.:A] 2~}6~oloJ 1.ft.

'I]-\}2-iiC ~~i'- ·N }-§- ~ "I9!I"i.R. ~ 2N ~*~Illim ~Oil-c­ .:r \'l~. .:r'" VII ~ "" ~} z;<1-"I.g. oK' 'if .Il.811.R.
0\4'-7;1.5'- \ll ~"iJt. ~%9.J ~ "1£ ,,21 ~~"]<>j "?- 21 ~ '1I'l}9.J "i'1! ""'ifoH~
'll" \JOI ,H }% !L71
!LO]AI ?~J:ol.R.
*" ~ '1}~:nol.R. ~C1 '-t ~-c- 01-'/-7;1£ ~~ T ~OlJl.
· o l ~ e 'U ~~. L!l7r u}.!.!.'t! ~'?l 7 1Y <51-2 :z.-2A~zr§:9.o-J.9... 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c)
.:z.2-ll.-r.:I.~ t ~i.!1.£ ·0\7'1 AJ~ -~--ij-tI1 .!i!.0 l .c;r- ! · 'tf-.J.:I.. W~oi.fl
4 a. red, yellow, and blue b. orange
ll}-{Jl..H ~ ~1301 Al-~~- ~P'i J.ll ~a. <fI.c \to] ~.fL ~ Tf~ c.They are secondary colors.
i'- elf A}'if6 'IJJIl ~ ~ '<)Jl ~ ~oj Jt. "!21~1 APft*,o,.!i'2 5 a.yellow b. pu rple e primary
SH!"iJt, "*°1°Ki-* IJt," I I
<>1==. n.£ 7.} ilo] 0l--!f'-3ls:. .!i!.oj z ] ?-.f:ct:f-i:::. ~% '?l7J otDl t>f-7.]
primary colors -I::! ~ 2 secondary colors 2:xt~
\\!"J:ol.R. ~cj A} ~ ~I ~'i:! V!: "i \'!0}01 7} 9Bl"i.R.
3 mi x ~ q. ~ m ~ 4 combine ~ ~ ~q. g.-g,~tet
.~~\J.g- 0Pt- ~.£ <cl- c>J.2. ~ oi .9.. ! ·

1 (a) 2 (a) 3 (c) 4 (b)

·__ ~i.rl~~.ClI1.~ .~.Il.()'p~.~ ~~I ~"' . . . __.
5 a magic b. emperor's c. clothes d. underclothes
~\'l % ~'lI VII -\'- 21-c- ~"l -:1.."'. 'l%8IlJt,
~~ ¢J1iif:l, .;.r1i't1. Al:z. ~:rif:l. %~ ~ . tfAJ~ % a:t~-l ~EJI 7t
1 emperor ~J:il. ~E'a 2 thief £~. AP~
3 weave (~fJ'~) .u~q. ~c~ 4 underclothes ~. LH2.I

A 1 subject 2 parts of speech 1!-£.- s:.~ 7ntriY. 7l ~ ~5:. ~0l.R..

3 describe 4 Prepositions
- - -B-.Jl 7}-E 1! - - 7l ~ ~

5 combine 6 apostrophe ~l o } ljl £ 7H:; -}i~ AI1 Y.. {:i ( ~ ~ {i )01 ~}.:LI. * ~J1..
7 shortened 8 abbreviated 4Jf-.£. 7H=- {1 ~ 7 l-~ ~( T-:iIJ·~·!) o l ~2 -~{- i.-"'l .fL
q.j 0 t'1l.5'. tll~%;;1 %~ol~~.g. 't~ol2j-J!. "'Dj.ll.,
B 1 writing 2 rhymes
3 fairy tale 4 fiction I
J<1].£.{1 7l-~1i
5 clothes 6 showed off
7 pretended 8 proudly oj C1 g..g. .:r *}0)7} !i c ILfJt?
C 1 adjective 2:1~At 2 adverb ¥A ~ ~ %ol ~,'11 £°1'<1 ~0o'( £'il ) % 'L1%<'1 .R.
3 contraction ~q,~ 4 abbreviation QfOi. ~A~ '11 7}AI 7 1 ~ £ ".,'01 ~"i .R. 1l A } WiL ~. l}zt 'll 0 lo/1 .R.
5 nonfiction i=~~, ~ .2~ 6 emperor ~Ai!. ~~'a 1lA}Zf·J.g. L11*'-1 -'I-:1~ 'Lf%oj hjJt. 0
-'t!-£:. 'tl7~ B-l ~B.2...£. t,l!*o-1 ~·l Ji.. 0
D 1 Aj" <>lCl. ll.Al<>lCl i 2 -E':i'jAt g
.:L~.:LI. 1}zttg .g. ~17~21 ~~.2.5!_ 'i!~~.R.. l:l
3 'iMiil o~. 8~o~ c 4 ~ ()j ~Cl, Q,'Oi~ AliSolC! a
5 AI e 6 ~ 71 f
7 "i,," , <>1'i' h 8 so"', Al IrJ d
1 (b)
4 a. Lines
2 (e)
b. right
3 (a)
c. curved
9 (~~ g ~ ) .u~Q . \'=lQ b 1O ~. Wl21 j
5 a. wavy b.Horizontal c. lines d.straight n

ca iI l Ib) 2 Ie) 3 lb)

curv ed ~ 2~£I. ~g 2 wavy ~~ 2.~£I , TI.I{l2.1 4 a. child b. Beethoven e Ninth Symphony
3 spiral Lh2!~£I ; 4 -t! 4 form ~ {g o ~ et . 12.t~OiLHC.~ 5 a. genius b. operas c. deaf d. compose

1 co mposer ~N:P ~ 2 compose ~~o !.q

Musicians and Their Instruments 3 genius tlXH 4 go deaf TI7I "lq
~?A ~21 .:I~2.I ~7 1

~.[.g- ~-,,..~ Q{717}- ~ Oi .a.

:J.%.g..'i'.~" js:. t:}E 7~<>Il i!;'&\l 'UoJ.ll.. A 1 blu e 2 mix
EI'>f71. ~'>f 7 1. 't!>fr'>f71. ~H'f '>f 71.jT\'!".-f7]7f 'UoJA. 3 seconda ry 4 come in
..2..7n~ 2}o11 AH=- 'i!?~l-*° 1 °1 .£~ 9.f71~ 'i!T iSllJl.. 5 rough 6 horizo ntal
=-'HJ.}l.g. Q'>f7]oJl.ll.. 7 diagonal 8 straight
~'iJ 'i!T~Hj!.:r)7 }- E.. ~ % <?:!-?iSI1.fL. B 1 instruments 2 musicians
"1°1%\'1, '\'ls:.. 7]EH= "I1 7f"1 ~'>f7 I<>11.R. 3 organ ists 4 trombon ist
l::l~O l -S:iH ~-?A~. 7dl.S!.. <?:! '"r~r. 71El- <?:!2f:-A}7} .:l~ g q1 -?i5~ .a.
5 composers 6 symphonies
!Tlo}-~2}- ~{!..g.. 7~d- t~N!~<ll -T- Z!~--r71oJ1.fL.
7 de af 8 famous
.:I%~ njo}-x. ~-f'-.Al-2}-..2....S.{l ~~AJ-ol1 2l~ '?!?~.a..
~4~9l- ~r-J- ~1 \.J1.g- f- ~JC2.J-71 cJ1Jl. C 1 pr ima ry colors ~~ 2 secondary colors 2j:~~
~-7-~ 'BT~}-9 ~ .g ,* i!.1~ '~Ft'~}7} 01 % ~7 1 ~ <i1-T'- iilliL. 3 mix {~ C.L ~~ fq 4 spir al L ~~; qt!~2.1
.§. 'i:1~1!} g~~ -T- ~91 ~¥¥-r 7 1 oj1iL 5 drummer S~ []t. E if:1 ~-9-X~ 6 composer -Q~} ~
g i(~ ~ <t!?A~ .§.'U~% 'i:!:r811.R..
.:::z. i'l~l'§'.g~ '?:!4'-?:H= g-h~H 'i:!? 13Jl.R.. D 1 ~ ~ tet . ~~ tet g 2 ~-t! £~£I . ~g d
3 ~ ~ 2~Qj . Il~~Qj a 4 ~ {:! O ~C.~. !2..I'~Oi LH C.~ c
5 ~OII ~~ lLf e 6 5Q,1"} ~. CC!9-A ~ i
7 § iEl~ CC!9-A~ h 8 -Q~otQ b
1 Ie) 2 (b) (a)
3 4 Ie) 9 tiX/! j 10 TPf"lq f
5 a. drumme r b. violinist c. clarinetist d.tro mbonist
ell I
belong to - 011~~Iq 2 musician ~Q,I"J~. ~?A t A 1 Subt racti on 2 bills
3 drummer s~ ol. SiS ~4A ~ 4 fluti st ~~ E.l~ ~~g ~;:q 3 same as 4 tim e
5 in place of 6 abbreviations
7 no nfiction 8 weave
• Mozart and Beethoven £<12 E 91 tJll£\'!I
9 prima ry 10 g en ius

¢~~7}C # ~~ y. ~~i5\l.a. B 1 ci ~ 17 1 2 _P I
*~7J 0}-D} r11-7-6 .!r.j;}.~..§..~ ),~1711 6jl Ai 7Pcl ~l tH ~ 4Jf7~' ~
3 "'£~ ~q 4 II1ILI. 1 {:!!§ ~~
~ "1'ifomoJ.ll...
5 q~, lOA.:!!§ s~ 6 ~
:J.~ '!:! >flofH:!%moJ.ll... 7 cg~ 8 -21 71~ P I !11q
.:l ~ 6l~1 uJl¥-E~ ~0 l-~~- 't!9 c5"}.J2 %t.?-t% ~~o-J.R..
9 '"t!" ~2:1. 5()A..:!!§. §-{! 10 ~ .~
.5'.~f~~ :lJ %\1% ~§j ~oj2..
:I.e rt-~ ~e>i tl Q}~1H}- ~e>i.a.. 11 ~~N 12 ~,q

.:z.~ .9..~1li!l-. Jl~. DP·~. .:z.~J!. rJ'.g.. q..e. , ~ a 3f~9!!.OfSL 13 ~~ ~ 14 ~ ~. Q-j~

"'.":.71] £ :J.~ 7H -35"11<>11 "'~oJ.R. 15 ~Xil. ~-5~ 16 ).i:;;~ fcI, IDlofcl

17 ~7i1 5 ~q , 8~o~q 18 ~ Oj ~ q, QlOi ~ ). 1§ ~ lq
'i'=-"1iii >fr "i!£'>jl1.g. !f. t:}E ~I J11'i'k "!" i'7f'l'loj.ll..
19 {!71 20 £~, All iit
.5'J;t eE j~ ~ :l..5:. Qf -'1 ~§.j-§- iitUl {V4% ~;y.~Of.a.
21 f:l~ 22 2W-Ji
:LeN:J.~ E "l'l'tctoll 7J~~oJ.R.
.:::z.-E ~61 'd- lijo}y!.::..§.9J.61.fl. 23 ~ Wo fcl, ~~ILI 24 ~ 2.~£I. ~g

:Le1 Lf Ai.g. T ~joJJ :J.~ 'el7f 'il7] AI "! ~oJ .ll.. 25 ~ ~ 2.~£l . nt~9.l 26 q -t! ; q~ ~ £1

.:z. 2Jol]S_ .:r~ 7-l1 ~811 ,q -g-t.?-t-g,- ~ .:rc5"}:il ~ -3f~99.OfiL 27 ~~ o tQ. 12.t~01 LH C.~ 28 - 011"'olq
.:::z.~ '9\!:! ~~R· .g.. Aij JllolP.i 7"1-7]- %~"'fl- ~~~~ ~ qt.fofl.fL. 29 ~~n.~~;q 30 ~~7~

'£''2'':t<>l! £ "f'lf%.g."111"1 .'Df~9f "i1 £. >jl1~ ~-'>f% %.:i!.


~ Unit~ -9-.R. Of~~L1q. 9 be located ~*Io fq
Workbook Q.1 Ad~.Q..£.£ far away
10 . ~21 . !i 1Ol ~ 21011
11 suburban
12 suburb
13 like
14 combination
• .-...Building Citizenship
_------- _.-....-.--- ..--...._- ----_._ ...
_ .. _ ~ -- -- .._..- .._- ----- .-.
15 as busy as
16 medium-sized
1 community
2 citizenship
3 caring • The Leaders of Government
--._-------_.. - .... _-----_ .. . _..._------.- _..... _- ----_._--_ ...._-_._------....-.-
- 4 responsibility 1 leader
5 honesty 2 mayor
6 courage ~JI 3 vote for
7 fairness 4 governor 9 XI,lf
8 respect s lead (l'Ig ,lj,ljl ol~q. \'.I£i5iCl
9 loyalty ~~~ . .g~~ • lead-led-led
10 look after ~ ~!i!cL !i!~lllq
6 elect ({:!7j-",) {:!~i5iCl

11 care for 7 run il''1'Ji5fq. q"""-Iq

12 responsible 8 provide for ~~ Xjli'>i5iCf. ~OII C/!tlloiCf
13 honest 9 needs
14 truth 10 education
15 right 11 safety
16 brave 12 transportation
. 13 make sure
17 treat cHolq. q",q
18 fairly 14 law
19 with respect 15 protect
20 loyal 16 prevent - from ...
17 harm oH*I'l oH~ 771*lq
18 in harmony ~7I1. AIOI~7I1
• Different Kinds of Communities
1 urban
2 apartment building ofnt§ ?:il!!
.3 department store '!!J"'~ 1 grow up xt2.tq , ~ ~tq
* grow-grew-grown
4 rural ,l1~21
2 in the middle of ~21 %\'..1QI1. ~21 7fg Cjl0l1
,s countryside ,l l~ (XIQ1l
3 poorly * xl §';i5I711. ~ 1!!~0 1. LI!'1!7I1 .
6 be surrounded by ~OII ~"-IlllOlq
4 right 1"121
7 field · ~~, ~~
5 dream (tl12l'c "I j;) g'\'-CI. (x~Ai) ~ 'j'q
8 population \'.I~
6 in peace


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