(시험대비) 영어 - 2 - 천재 (이) - Lesson 03 - 2회

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중등 영어 2 천재(이) ┃ Lesson 03 시험대비_2회 이름

1. 다음 영영풀이에 해당하지 않는 단어는? 4. Translate the underlined Korean into English

using the given words.
ⓐ a very small living thing that causes
disease A : I called you to talk about our science
ⓑ someone who is hurt or killed project.
ⓒ the smallest part of an animal or plant B : Yeah, we should meet. 내일 만날까?
that can exist on its own (can, make)
ⓓ to take action to protect someone or A : Okay. Let’s meet at Simpson’s Donuts
something at nine.

① cell ② defend ③ victim →

④ digest ⑤ germ

2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

He didn’t for the meeting.

① hold on ② go well ③ send in

④ show up ⑤ watch out

5. Which is right for the blank?

A : What’s wrong with you?

B :
A : That’s too bad. You should drink
3. 의도하는 바가 나머지와 다른 것은? warm water.
① What’s the problem?
① I feel better now.
② How’s it going?
② Good to hear that.
③ What’s wrong with you?
③ You do have a fever.
④ Is something wrong with you?
④ I have a sore throat.
⑤ What seems to be the matter with you?
⑤ I’ll get you some medicine.
중등 영어 2 천재(이) ┃ Lesson 03 시험대비_2회 이름

6. 자연스러운 대화가 되도록 ⓐ~ⓔ를 배열할 때 8. 밑줄 친 it의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은 것은?

✓ 표시된 자리에 알맞은 것은?
<보기> It is dangerous to climb the wall.
A : Hi, Minsol. What’s wrong with your
① It gets dark early in the winter.
② It is an important thing for me.
B : She keeps scratching herself. Actually,
③ It is fun to hang out with friends.
she lost some hair.
④ She took an apple and ate all of it.
A : When did she first have the problem?
⑤ How long does it take to the station?
ⓐ Thank you.
ⓑ About three days ago.
ⓒ That’s fine with me.
ⓓ Let me see. She has a virus on her
skin. I’ll give you some medicine.
ⓔ I need to check your dog again. Can
9. 우리말과 같도록 주어진 단어들을 배열할 때
you make it next Monday?
네 번째로 올 말은?
A : Okay. See you.
떠나야 할 시간이다.

– – – ✓ – (to, time, it, leave, is)

① to ② it ③ is
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
④ time ⑤ leave

10. 다음 우리말을 영어로 옮기시오. (단, 주어를

it으로 쓸 것)

빵을 굽는 것은 쉽지 않다.

7. Which underlined part has the different usage

with the rest? 11. Which is NOT grammatically correct?
① I need something to drink. ① He needs friends to help him.
② I have no money to buy food. ② They have no house to live in.
③ I have a lot of homework to do. ③ I want something to drink cold.
④ I went to the park to walk my dog. ④ I have a lot of questions to ask.
⑤ I need a chair to sit on. ⑤ We have many chances to learn.
중등 영어 2 천재(이) ┃ Lesson 03 시험대비_2회 이름

12. 주어진 문장을 <보기>와 같이 바꿔 쓰시오. [15-17] 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

<보기> To find the treasure is impossible. Germ1 : Watch out!

→ It is impossible to find the treasure. Germ2 : Hand off!
Germ3 : This is my spot!
To dance on the tips of your toes is hard. Germ4 : Hey!
Germs are everywhere, but it is

impossible ⓐsee them with your eyes.
There are two major kinds of :

bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are very
small creatures. ⓑSome are good. They
can help you digest the food ⓒthat you
eat. ⓓOthers are bad and can make you
Viruses are germs ⓔwho can only live
13. 그림을 보고, 괄호 안의 단어를 이용하여 문
inside the cells of other living bodies.
장을 완성하시오.
They cause diseases such as the flu.

15. 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 어색한 것으로 짝

지어진 것은?
① ⓐ, ⓒ ② ⓐ, ⓔ ③ ⓑ, ⓒ
④ ⓒ, ⓓ ⑤ ⓒ, ⓔ

→ We need .
(cut, cake)

16. 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 윗글에서 찾아 쓰시오.

14. How many sentences are grammatically


ⓐ It’s not good to eat late at night. 17. Which is true according to the passage?
ⓑ Give me something to write about. ① We can see germs with our eyes.
ⓒ I bought some flour to make a cake. ② All bacteria are good for us.
ⓓ It will be possible to traveling in space. ③ Viruses can help us digest the food.
④ Viruses can only live in a living cell.
① 없음 ② 1개 ③ 2개 ④ 3개 ⑤ 4개
⑤ Viruses protect us from disease.
중등 영어 2 천재(이) ┃ Lesson 03 시험대비_2회 이름

[18-19] 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [20-22] 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Germ1 : I’m in! Time to attack! T cell : We have an invader! Come

Germ2, 3, 4 : Yay! Success! quickly.
“Bad” germs can enter your body Luckily, your body has an army of
through your skin, mouth, nose, and eyes. defense.
What happens when they invade? The T cells ⓐ sound the alarm!
B cell : ⓑ 몸을 지키는 것이 내 일이다.
Germ1 : Make more copies of me. Now! The B cells arrive to fight the germs with
The germs multiply in the body. Your antibodies.
body becomes a war zone. You start to Macrophage cell : That was a nice meal!
feel tired and weak. Are there any more germs to eat?
The macrophage cells show up and eat
the germs.
18. 밑줄 친 to attack과 쓰임이 같은 것은?
Together, this army is called the white
① I hope to visit Canada next year.
blood cells. If all goes well, they win the
② I’m very happy to hear the news.
fight. In a few days, you start to feel
③ She is going to Russia to learn ballet.
④ I want something cold to drink.
⑤ James plans to go camping this Saturday.
20. 밑줄 친 ⓐ와 쓰임이 같은 것은?
① I heard a strange sound.
② Turn the sound down a little.
③ We arrived home safe and sound.
④ They always sound the bell for lunch.
⑤ Our voices sound very loud in this room.

21. 밑줄 친 ⓑ의 우리말과 같도록 주어진 단어들

을 바르게 배열하시오.

is, defend, my job, to, it, the body

22. 윗글을 읽고 답할 수 없는 것은?

19. Fill in the blanks according to the passage. ① What do the T cells do?
② What do the B cells fight the germs with?
When the invade your body, you
③ What do the macrophage cells eat?
will become and . ④ What are the white blood cells?
⑤ How long do the white blood cells live?
중등 영어 2 천재(이) ┃ Lesson 03 시험대비_2회 이름

[23-24] 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. 25. ①~⑤ 중 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 알맞은
There are several ways ⓐ protect
yourself from germs. There are germs on everything that you
Germ3 : Oh, no! I can’t hold on. touch.
First, wash your hands with soap and
warm water. A balanced diet will keep Every day you use your hands to touch
your body strong and healthy. different things. ( ① ) You touch your
T cell : I’m ready to fight any germs. phone and computer. ( ② ) You open and
B cell : Me, too. Bring it on. close doors with your hands, too. ( ③ ) If
It is also important ⓑ exercise regularly you eat snacks with your hands, the
and get plenty of sleep. germs on your hands can get into your
Germ4 : What? It’s “Game Over” for my body. ( ④ ) Then what should you do?
cousins, too? Wash your hands with soap! ( ⑤ )
Germ1 : We give up.
Germ2 : We can’t make you sick.
Finally, get the necessary shots. They
are the best defense against germs. If you
follow these steps, you will not be a victim
of “bad” germs.

23. 밑줄 친 ⓐ, ⓑ의 알맞은 형태로 바르게

짝지어진 것은?
ⓐ ⓑ
① protecting ― exercise
② to protect ― to exercise
③ protecting ― to exercise
④ to protect ― exercise
⑤ protecting ― exercising

24. What is the passage mainly about?

① How to protect yourself from germs
② The difference between T cell and B cell
③ The various kinds of body cells
④ The way to find where germs are
⑤ Why you should wash your hands with soap

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