DRM810 2 Dragon PTN General Specifications A4 E

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General Specifications
Dragon PTN

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Release 02 05/2020 https://hirschmann-support.belden.eu.com
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2 Dragon PTN General Specifications

Release 02 05/2020

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 General............................................................................................... 4
1.2 References .......................................................................................... 4

2. CE MARKING & DIRECTIVES ........................................................................................ 4

2.1 General............................................................................................... 4
2.2 Connecting to the Public Telecommunications Network ...................... 4
2.3 EMI/EMC (Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility) 4

3. CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................................... 5

4. ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ 8

List of figures
Figure 1 CE Marking....................................................................................................................... 4

List of Tables
Table 1 References ........................................................................................................................ 4
Table 2 Characteristics .................................................................................................................. 5
Table 3 EMI Immunity/Emission ................................................................................................... 6
Table 4 Environmental .................................................................................................................. 7

Dragon PTN General Specifications 3

Release 02 05/2020
1.1 General
This document is valid as of Dragon PTN Release 4.3DR.

This document describes the general specification characteristics to which Dragon PTN

1.2 References
Table 1 is an overview of the documents being referred to in this document. ‘&’ refers to the
language code, ‘*’ refers to the document issue.

Table 1 References

Ref. Number Title

[3] DRB-DRM802-&-* Dragon PTN Aggregation Nodes: PTN2210, PTN1104, PTN2206, PTN2209
[3b] DRB-DRM840-&-* Dragon PTN Aggregation Nodes: PTN2215
[4] DRB-DRM803-&-* Dragon PTN Switching Module: PTN-CSM310-A/PTN-CSM540-A


2.1 General
The Dragon PTN product is CE marked as is legally required within the European Union and in
compliance with the European Directive 93/68/EC. The CE marking is applied to each node.

Figure 1 CE Marking

2.2 Connecting to the Public Telecommunications Network

CAUTION: Dragon PTN is not intended for being directly connected to a public tele-
communications network.

2.3 EMI/EMC (Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility)

CAUTION: Dragon PTN products have been tested and found to comply with the
emission limits for a Class A device. These limits are applicable for industrial
environments which is the case for Dragon PTN. Operation in a residential area
could cause radio interference.

4 Dragon PTN General Specifications

Release 02 05/2020

CAUTION: The characteristics in the tables below are valid if the installation has
been done according the directives listed in §2.

Table 2 Characteristics

Name Description Specification

Utility design Ruggedized design Extended temperature range:
Aggregation Nodes (see Ref.[3] in Table 1):
-30° to +65°C (-22° to 149°F)
Core Nodes (see Ref.[3b] in Table 1):
-20° to +55°C (-4° to 131°F)
Compact design (19”or DIN Rail mountable)
DIN Rail mountable: only for Aggregation Nodes.
Cu and fiber optic connectivity
Alarm contacts for local alarm triggering or
forwarding of local alarms
Legacy and Ethernet connectivity
Availability and scalability Hot pluggable power supplies
50ms automatic protection switching (MPLS-TP)
Hot pluggable interface boards
Dual CSM for highest availability designs
100% traffic engineering of services
MPLS-TP service types E-LINE Point to point service (VPWS)
E-LAN Multipoint (VPLS)
Ring Logical Ethernet Ring
Protection schemes 1:1, Hitless Switching, ERP logical rings
Ethernet capabilities L2 Ethernet aggregation MSTP (multiple spanning tree)
Multicast handling through IGMP
Virtual forwarding instances
VLAN handling
Broadcast and multicast storm control
QoS 3 level hierarchical scheduler
4k Flexible queues
2 rate, 3 color ingress policing
802.1p priority evaluation (VLAN priority)
Differential services based on IP header
Handling of priority queues Strict Priority Based,
Weighted Deficit Round Robin scheduling
Network security Node IEEE 802.1x authentication (RADIUS)
Access control lists based on MAC and IP addresses
(black/white list)
SNMPv3 Encrypted security for configuration
Connection oriented network

Dragon PTN General Specifications 5

Release 02 05/2020
Name Description Specification
Disable unused ports
Connection oriented network (logical separation of
HiProvision Radius authentication for client server operation
Manageability Monitoring and configuration Auto provisioned and auto setup DCN for
Management port on each CSM module
2 input contacts allowing forwarding of local alarms to
the HiProvision platform
2 output contacts for local triggering of alarms
Removable memory allowing easy
replacement of CSM in the field
OAM Hardware supported OAM
Automatic protection switching via BFD
Performance monitoring based on Y.1731 Loss and

Table 3 EMI Immunity/Emission

Main Test Test2 Port Type Test Levels Class

ESD contact 61000-4-2 Enclosure ± 2kV, ± 4kV, ± 6kV, ± 8kV class 1B
ESD air Enclosure ± 2kV, ± 4kV, ± 8kV, ± 15kV class 1B
Radiated RFI 61000-4-3 Enclosure 35V/m modulated (peak), 80 MHz - 3.8 GHz class 2A
C37.90.2 Enclosure Keying test: 20V/m Pulse Modulated 100% class 2A
0.5s on 0.5s off
Enclosure Spot frequency test: 20V/m, for < 900 MHz class 2A
80% AM, for 900 MHz PM 50% @ 200 Hz
Burst (Fast Transient) 61000-4-4 Signal ± 4kV common mode, 5/50ns, 5kHz class 1B
C37.90.1 (SHDSL@100kHz)
Power ± 4kV common/ differential mode, 5/50ns, class 1B
Surge 61000-4-5 Signal ± 4kV line-to-earth (1.2/50µs , 10/700µs) class 2A
AC Power ± 4kV line-to-earth, class 2A
± 2kV line-to-line (1.2/50µs)
DC Power ± 2kV line-to-earth, class 2A
± 1kV line-to-line (1.2/50µs)
Conducted (induced) RFI 61000-4-6 Signal 10Vrms 80% AM (1kHz), 0,15 - 80 MHz class 2A
Power 10Vrms 80% AM (1kHz), 0,15 - 80 MHz class 2A
Power frequency magnetic field 61000-4-8 Enclosure 100 A/m continuous class 2A
1000 A/m 1s class 2A
Damped oscillatory magnetic field 61000-4-10 Enclosure 100 A/m continuous, 100kHz and 1MHz class 1B
Voltage dips & Interrupts 61000-4-11 AC Power 30% and 100% for 1 period class 2A

6 Dragon PTN General Specifications

Release 02 05/2020
Main Test Test2 Port Type Test Levels Class
60% for 50 periods, 30% for 25/50 periods class 1C
100% for 5, 50, 250 and 500 periods class 1C
Voltage dips & Interrupts 61000-4-29 DC Power 30% for 100 ms class 2A
60% for 100 ms class 1C
100% for 50 ms class 1C
Mains frequency voltage 61000-4-16 Signal 30 V continuous class 2A
300 V 3s class 2A
DC Power 30 V continuous class 2A
300 V 3s class 2A
Ripple on DC Power Supply 61000-4-17 DC Power 10% of nominal voltage class 2A
5% of 80% to 110% of nominal voltage class 2A
Damped oscillatory wave 61000-4-18 Signal 2.5 kV common mode, 1 kV differential class 1B
mode @ 1MHz
Power 2.5 kV common mode, 1 kV differential class 1B
mode @ 1MHz
High Voltage Impulse IEEE 1613 Signal ports 5 kV
IEC 60255-27 rated > 50V
Signal ports 1 kV
rated < 50V
Power 5 kV
Radiated emission EN 55032 Enclosure class A class A
FCC part 15 Enclosure class A class A
Conducted emission EN 55032 AC power class A class A
Signal class A class A

Table 4 Environmental

Main Test Test2 Port Type Test Levels Class

Operating temperature Enclosure Aggregation Nodes (Ref.[3] in Table 1): Class 1
-30° to +65°C (-22° to 149°F)
Core Nodes (Ref.[3b] in Table 1):
-20° to +55°C (-4° to 131°F)
Operating temperature: cold 60068-2-1 Enclosure Aggregation Nodes: Class 1
-30°C (-22°F) Ad
Core Nodes:
-20°C (-4°F) Ad
Operating temperature: dry heat 60068-2-2 Enclosure Aggregation Nodes: Class 1
+65°C (149°F) Bd
Core Nodes:
+55°C (131°F) Bd
Non-operating temperature: cold 60068-2-1 Enclosure Aggregation Nodes: Class 1
-30°C (-22°F) Ab
Core Nodes:
-20°C (-4°F) Ab
Non-operating temperature: dry heat 60068-2-2 Enclosure +75ºC (167°F) Bd Class 1

Dragon PTN General Specifications 7

Release 02 05/2020
Main Test Test2 Port Type Test Levels Class
Humidity (damp heat cycle) 60068-2-30 Enclosure 95% (non-condensing), 25° (77°F) - 40°C Class 1
(104°F) , 6 cycles Db var 1
Vibration (stationary, sinusoidal) 60870-2-2 Enclosure 19” 2-9Hz (3mm) , 9-200Hz (10m/s21g), Class 1
200-500Hz (15m/s2 1,5g) Bm
Enclosure DIN rail 9-200Hz (10m/s21g) , 200-500Hz Class 1
with heavy duty kit (15m/s2 1,5g) Bm
Vibration (response test) 60255-21-1 Enclosure (19” & 10Hz-150Hz (X-over freq. 58-60Hz) - Class 1
DIN rail with heavy 1swp/axis - 1oct/min
duty kit)
Pk displacement 0,035mm Class 1
< X-overf , Pk acc 1g > X-overf
Vibration (endurance test) 60255-21-1 Enclosure (19” & 10Hz-150Hz - 20swp/axis Class 1
DIN rail with heavy - 1oct/min - 1g constant
duty kit)
Shock (withstand test) 60255-21-2 Enclosure (19” & Pk acc 15gn - Pulse duration 11ms - 6 Class 1
DIN rail with heavy pulses/axis (+ and -)
duty kit)
60870-2-2 Enclosure (19” & Pk acc 10gn - Pulse duration (half sine) Class 1
DIN rail with heavy 11ms - 6 pulses/axis (+ and -) Bm
duty kit)
60068-2-27 Enclosure (19” & Pk acc 15gn Class 1
DIN rail with heavy - Pulse duration (half sine) 6ms
duty kit) - 200 pulses/axis (+ and-) Ea
Shock (free fall) 60870-2-2 Enclosure 25cm Bm Class 1
(Aggregation Nodes,
60068-2-32 Enclosure 25cm Bm Class 1
Ref.[3] in Table 1)
IEEE 1613 Enclosure 25cm Bm Class 1

AIS Alarm Indication Signal
CE Conformite Europeene
CESoPSN Circuit Emulation Service over Packet
CSM Central Switching Module
EFM-C Ethernet in the First Mile Over Point-to-Point Copper
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ERR Error
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FLT Fault
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFM InterFace Module
LAN Local Area Network
LOS Los Of Signal

8 Dragon PTN General Specifications

Release 02 05/2020
LVD Low Voltage Directive
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
NTR Network Timing Reference
OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
PF Power Failure
PI Power Input
PME Physical Medium Entities
PTN Packet Transport Network
SAToP Structure Agnostic TDM over Packet
SyncE Synchronous Ethernet
WAN Wide Area Network

Dragon PTN General Specifications 9

Release 02 05/2020

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