DRM810 2 Dragon PTN General Specifications A4 E
DRM810 2 Dragon PTN General Specifications A4 E
DRM810 2 Dragon PTN General Specifications A4 E
General Specifications
Dragon PTN
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in whole or in part. An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for your own use.
The performance features described here are binding only if they have been expressly agreed when
the contract was made. This document was produced by Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH
according to the best of the company's knowledge. Hirschmann reserves the right to change the
contents of this document without prior notice. Hirschmann can give no guarantee in respect of the
correctness or accuracy of the information in this document.
Hirschmann can accept no responsibility for damages, resulting from the use of the network
components or the associated operating software. In addition, we refer to the conditions of use
specified in the license contract.
You can get the latest version of this manual on the Internet at the Hirschmann product site
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 General............................................................................................... 4
1.2 References .......................................................................................... 4
3. CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................................... 5
4. ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ 8
List of figures
Figure 1 CE Marking....................................................................................................................... 4
List of Tables
Table 1 References ........................................................................................................................ 4
Table 2 Characteristics .................................................................................................................. 5
Table 3 EMI Immunity/Emission ................................................................................................... 6
Table 4 Environmental .................................................................................................................. 7
This document describes the general specification characteristics to which Dragon PTN
1.2 References
Table 1 is an overview of the documents being referred to in this document. ‘&’ refers to the
language code, ‘*’ refers to the document issue.
Table 1 References
Figure 1 CE Marking
CAUTION: Dragon PTN is not intended for being directly connected to a public tele-
communications network.
CAUTION: Dragon PTN products have been tested and found to comply with the
emission limits for a Class A device. These limits are applicable for industrial
environments which is the case for Dragon PTN. Operation in a residential area
could cause radio interference.
CAUTION: The characteristics in the tables below are valid if the installation has
been done according the directives listed in §2.
Table 2 Characteristics
Table 4 Environmental
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
CE Conformite Europeene
CESoPSN Circuit Emulation Service over Packet
CSM Central Switching Module
EFM-C Ethernet in the First Mile Over Point-to-Point Copper
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ERR Error
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FLT Fault
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFM InterFace Module
LAN Local Area Network
LOS Los Of Signal