Drm813 3 Ptn-7-Serial A4 e Screen
Drm813 3 Ptn-7-Serial A4 e Screen
Drm813 3 Ptn-7-Serial A4 e Screen
Dragon PTN
Interface Module PTN-7-SERIAL
Manuals and software are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The copying, reproduction,
translation, conversion into any electronic medium or machine scannable form is not permitted,
either in whole or in part. An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for your
own use.
The performance features described here are binding only if they have been expressly agreed when
the contract was made. This document was produced by Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH
according to the best of the company's knowledge. Hirschmann reserves the right to change the
contents of this document without prior notice. Hirschmann can give no guarantee in respect of the
correctness or accuracy of the information in this document.
Hirschmann can accept no responsibility for damages, resulting from the use of the network
components or the associated operating software. In addition, we refer to the conditions of use
specified in the license contract.
You can get the latest version of this manual on the Internet at the Hirschmann product site
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 6
1.1 General............................................................................................... 6
1.2 Manual References ............................................................................. 7
5. ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 31
List of figures
Figure 1 Functional Overview Matrix ............................................................................................ 6
Figure 2 General 7-SERIAL Example .............................................................................................. 7
Figure 3 IFM in Aggregation Nodes And Connection Kits ............................................................. 8
Figure 4 IFM in Core Nodes ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 RJ.5 Connector............................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6 RJ.5 Cable/Pin Numbering/Color Coding....................................................................... 10
Figure 7 Example1 ....................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 8 Example2 ....................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 9 Example3 ....................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10 Example4 ..................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 11 Hitless Switching.......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 12 Single Path Enabled ..................................................................................................... 20
Figure 13 Single Path Disabled .................................................................................................... 20
Figure 14 Serial – SAToP: Mux/Demux to E1 on 4-E1-L IFM ....................................................... 21
Figure 15 7-SERIAL Clocking/Synchronization Overview............................................................. 24
Figure 16 7-SERIAL: Side View ..................................................................................................... 26
Figure 17 Hardware Edition......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 18 CESoPSN Bandwidth .................................................................................................... 27
Figure 19 Delays .......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 20 Differential Delay......................................................................................................... 30
List of Tables
Table 1 Manual References ........................................................................................................... 7
Table 2 LED Indications In Boot Operation ................................................................................... 9
Table 3 LED Indications In Normal Operation ............................................................................... 9
Table 4 RJ.5 Cables to Serial Ports Mapping (Basic Kit)............................................................... 11
Table 5 RJ.5 Cables to Serial Ports Mapping (Extension Kit) ....................................................... 12
Table 6 Signals per Serial Port ..................................................................................................... 13
Table 7 Difference Between Hitless and Protection Switching ................................................... 19
Table 8 Delay Comparison in CES (Features)............................................................................... 21
Table 9 Clocking Parameters on Port & Service Level ................................................................. 25
Table 10 Estimated Delay Formulas ............................................................................................ 29
P2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P3 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P5 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
combi combi
P7 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
3 Serial ports
1 CES: port 1,2
Serial Ethernet: port 1,2,3
10 RJ.5
8 7 Serial ports
CES: port 1,2,4,6
LED 1 Serial Ethernet : port 1..7
Tx Data
Rx Data 4 Serial ports
CES: port 4,6
Serial Ethernet : port 4,5,6,7
Socket Head
Cap Screw
IFM in
Core Node
✓ : LED is lit / --- : LED is not lit; The sub cycle times may vary. The entire boot cycle time [1→5] takes
approximately 2 minutes;
Cable Type1:
with unlock WH/GN
Cable Kit RJ.5 Cable RJ.5 Pin n° Color Serial Port – Pin n°
Basic Kit 1 1 WH/OG 1-1
2 OG 1-2
3 WH/GN 1-3
4 GN 1-4
5 BU 1-5
6 WH/BU 1-6
7 WH/BN 1-7
8 BN 1-8
2 1 WH/OG 1-9
2 OG 1-10
3 1 WH/OG 2-1
2 OG 2-2
3 WH/GN 2-3
4 GN 2-4
5 BU 2-5
6 WH/BU 2-6
7 WH/BN 2-7
8 BN 2-8
4 1 WH/OG 2-9
2 OG 2-10
3 WH/GN 3-1
4 GN 3-2
5 BU 3-3
6 WH/BU 3-4
7 WH/BN 3-5
8 BN 3-6
2 OG Frame GND
3 WH/GN Frame GND
4 GN Frame GND
5 BU 3-7
6 WH/BU 3-8
7 WH/BN 3-9
8 BN 3-10
Cable Kit RJ.5 Cable RJ.5 Pin n° Color Serial Port – Pin n°
Extension Kit 6 1 WH/OG 4-1
2 OG 4-2
3 WH/GN 4-3
4 GN 4-4
5 BU 4-5
6 WH/BU 4-6
7 WH/BN 4-7
8 BN 4-8
7 1 WH/OG 4-9
2 OG 4-10
3 WH/GN 5-1
4 GN 5-2
5 BU 5-3
6 WH/BU 5-4
7 WH/BN 5-5
8 BN 5-6
8 1 WH/OG 6-1
2 OG 6-2
3 WH/GN 6-3
4 GN 6-4
5 BU 6-5
6 WH/BU 6-6
7 WH/BN 6-7
8 BN 6-8
9 1 WH/OG 6-9
2 OG 6-10
3 WH/GN 7-1
4 GN 7-2
5 BU 7-3
6 WH/BU 7-4
7 WH/BN 7-5
8 BN 7-6
10 1 WH/OG 5-7
2 OG 5-8
3 WH/GN 5-9
4 GN 5-10
5 BU 7-7
6 WH/BU 7-8
7 WH/BN 7-9
8 BN 7-10
P2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P3 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P5 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
combi combi
P7 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
Figure 7 Example1
P2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P3 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P5 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
combi combi
P7 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
Figure 8 Example2
P2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P3 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P5 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
combi combi
P7 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
Figure 9 Example3
P2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P3 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P5 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
combi combi
P7 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
Figure 10 Example4
2.2.7 Services
Serial communication can be configured in HiProvision via creating a CES or Serial Ethernet
CES (=Circuit Emulation Service) - Serial: use this service when Point-to-Point is needed.
Serial data will be encapsulated in TDM packets which will be sent over the Dragon PTN
network as Ethernet packets;
Serial Ethernet: use this service when Point-to-Multipoint (e.g. SCADA) is needed. Serial
data will be encapsulated directly into Ethernet packets and sent over the Dragon PTN
network. All 7 ports can transport such a service. Master(s)/slave(s) must be configured
in this service.
Following parameters are needed per service:
CES: Service Type: Circuit Emulation;
Protocol: Serial;
optional: Hitless Switching;
optional: Single Path;
Synchronization: Synchronous/Asynchronous;
Interface Type:
Asynchronous: RS232/RS422/RS485;
Synchronous: RS232/RS422/X.21/V.35;
Pin Layout: Full/Optimised
NOTE: See Ref.[2Net] for the creation of tunnels and Ref.[2Leg] services;
On the source side, with Hitless Switching enabled, the IFM duplicates each packet on a
second tunnel (e.g. Tunnel y, see figure below). Each packet also contains a 16 bit sequence
number. Different tunnels mean different paths through the network, with each path its
own delay. Different delays result in a slow and a fast path.
On the destination side, with Hitless Switching enabled, the IFM buffers the fastest path and
forwards packets from the slowest path on the serial link. Packets will be processed
according a packet sequence number.
Hitless Switching is a redundant mechanism but differs from Protection Switching, see the
table below for an overview. So if redundancy is needed in the service, either choose Hitless
Switching or Protection Switching, mixing up both mechanisms is not allowed. Depending on
the choice, settings must be done at tunnel creation time and/or service creation time.
See §2.2.14 for a delay comparison within CES depending on the enabled sub features, see
also further on.
no links up:
Single Path DISABLED:
→ no CES
BOTH links required
Site C
4-CODIR port
Site D
SAToP 3 with Mux/Demux CODIR 64 kbps frame
Unused Site A Site B Site C Site D
Site C Unused
C37.94 Seri al CODIR <protocol x> SAToP 4 with Mux/Demux
64 kbps
<protocol x> frame
Site D Unused
<x> port
✓ ✓ --- medium
✓ ✓ ✓ highest
The CSM converts this data into MPLS-TP packets and transmits it via a WAN port (on an IFM
that supports WAN) onto the WAN. On the destination side, the same processing occurs in
reverse order.
See the manuals in Ref.[4] in Table 1 for more information.
The figure below show relevant end-to-end clocking configurations for the Synchronous and
Asynchronous variants. The Dragon PTN network can act as a wire or a DCE. DTE/DCE roles
are indicated as well.
The PRC (=Primary Reference Clock) is a very stable high quality clock that can be used as a
reference clock delivered via SyncE to the node:
A, D = Application ports;
B, C = IFM front ports;
Dragon PTN
= Internal Rx Adaptive Rx
Rx Internal Adaptive Rx
A B Dragon PTN C D
No Clock Internal Internal No Clock
A B Dragon PTN C D
Synchronous, DCE: Both Applications A and D slave to Dragon PTN Clock Master
‘Rx Clock' ‘Internal Clock’ ‘Adaptive/ ‘Rx Clock' Node (B) transmits packets to node (C) based on
Differential’ an Internal Clock. This clock is delivered by the
local oscillator on the IFM. Node (C) recovers
the clock from the incoming packet stream from
the network and uses it to encode/decode data
NOTE: SyncE: See the manuals in Ref.[2Net] and Ref.[4] for more detailed information;
2.2.21 Test and Loopback Selftests
Test and Loopback selftests can be performed in CESes, e.g. when configuring or
troubleshooting a CES. Following two functions can be used in a programmed CES:
For more information and configuration settings, see 'Test and Loopback' in Ref.[2Leg] in
Table 1.
2.3.1 Straps
No user relevant straps.
3.2 Bandwidth
If only one TDM frame per packet is encoded, it generates a lot of header information on the
network resulting in a lot of consumed bandwidth. Encoding more frames into one packet
will decrease the amount of header information and as a result the consumed bandwidth as
well. As of 8 frames per packet and higher, the bandwidth consumption stabilizes towards
the minimum bandwidth consumption. See the graph below.
CESoPSN Bandwidth:
Y: Average Network Bandwidth (kbps)
X: TDM Frames / Ethernet Packet
0 X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Total Delay
Figure 19 Delays
CAUTION: If you are not familiar with these parameters, keep the default values.
TDM Frames per Packet: The lower the value, the lower the delay.
Jitter Buffer Size (µs): advice: Set this value to ‘Packetizing Delay + expected peak-to-
peak jitter (µs)’; The default peak-to-peak jitter could be 250 µs; The expected peak-to-
peak jitter (µs) must be measured in the network. If the packetizing delay ‘P’ <2000 µs,
set the buffer size to at least 2000 µs. If the packetizing delay ‘P’ > 2000 µs (e.g. 2500 µs),
set the buffer size to at least e.g. 2500 µs.
CAUTION: By default, the jitter buffer will reset once for optimal processing 15
seconds after a change in the service occurs. This reset will cause a minimal loss of
data. See ‘jitter buffer’ in Ref. [2Leg] for more information.
Maximum Network Path Delay Difference (µs) (only for Hitless Switching): advise: Set
this value to ‘(Two Paths nodes difference)*10 + expected peak-to-peak jitter (µs)’. If
Path Delay2
When Differential Delay is very important for your application, we strongly advise to:
Not use Hitless Switching with Single Path (§2.2.11), all the other modes are OK;
Use SAToP (§2.2.8) when the differential delay must be as low as possible:
Maximum differential delay SAToP: 157 µs;
Maximum differential delay CESoPSN: 1125 µs;
4.1 General Specifications
For general specifications like temperature, humidity, EMI ... see Ref.[5] in Table 10.
Description Value
Weight 0.24 kg / 0.5 lb
MTBF 86 years at 25°C/77°F
Power Consumption 6.5W (measured at 25°C/77°F, with data transport)
Module Size width: 20.32 mm / 0.8 inches
height: 126 mm / 4.96 inches
depth: 195 mm / 7.68 inches
BERT Bit Error Ratio Tester
CE Conformité Européenne
CESoPSN Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network
CSM Central Switching Module
CTS Clear To Send
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DCE Data Communication Equipment
DP Depacketization Delay
DPh Depacketization Delay due to Hitless Switching
DSR Data Set Ready
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTR Data Terminal Ready
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ERR Error
FLT Fault
GND Ground
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFM InterFace Module
LAN Local Area Network
LVD Low Voltage Directive
LT Line Termination
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
NT Network Termination
OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
PF Power Failure
P Packetization Delay
PI Power Input
PME Physical Medium Entities
PRC Primary Reference Clock
PTN Packet Transport Network