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academic texts:

An academic Research Paper,

text is a Conference
reading material Paper,
that provides Feasibility
information Study,
which Thesis/Dissertati
include concepts on, Reviews,
and theories that Essay,
are related to Academic
the specific Journals,
discipline. Reports.
The An academic
following are text is a
considered as reading material
that provides
information Thesis/Dissertati
which on, Reviews,
include concepts Essay,
and theories that Academic
are related to Journals,
the specific Reports.
An academic text is a reading material that provides

discipline. information which include concepts and theories that

are related to the specific discipline.

The The following are considered as academic texts:

Research Paper, Conference Paper, Feasibility Study,
Thesis/Dissertation, Reviews, Essay, Academic Journals,

following are Reports

considered as Structure
academic texts: Unlike
Research Paper, fiction or
Conference journalistic
Paper, writing, the
Feasibility overall structure
of an academic connected to
text form a unified
is formal and whole.
logical Tone
(Introduction, The
Body, overall tone
Conclusion). It refers to the
must be attitude
cohesive and conveyed in a
possess a piece of writing.
logically The
organized flow arguments of
of ideas; this others are fairly
means that presented and
various parts with an
appropriate It is
narrative tone. important to use
When presenting unambiguous
a position or language. Clear
argument that topic sentences
disagrees with enable
one’s a reader to
perspectives, follow your line
describe the of thinking
argument without
accurately difficulty. Formal
without loaded language and
or biased the
language. third person
Language point-of view
should be used.
academic Language refers to the oral, written,

Technical auditory, and visual language proficiency required to

learn effectively in schools and academic programs

appropriate to

area of study A text structure

may also be refers to the
used, however it internal
does not mean organization of a
using “big text. According
words” just to Meyer
for the sake of (1985), as
doing so authors write a
Structure Unlike fiction or journalistic writing, the
overall structure of an academic text is formal and
logical (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) text a text to
Tone The overall tone refers to the attitude
conveyed in a piece of writing.

Language It is important to use unambiguous

language. Clear topic sentences enable a reader to
follow your line of thinking without difficulty. Formal
language and the third person point-of view should be
an idea, they
will use a
structure that A summary is a brief statement or restatement of
main points. Summarizing a text, or distilling its
essential concepts into a paragraph or two, is a useful

goes along with study tool as well as good writing practice.

A summary has two aims:
(1) to reproduce the main idea and the key points of a

the idea. text and

(2) to restate these in as few words as possible.
A text structure refers to the internal organization of a
text. According to Meyer (1985), as authors write a
text a text to communicate an idea, they will use a A thesis statement is a statement or theory that is
structure that goes along with the idea. put forward as a premise to be maintained or
proved. It also tells the reader what will be in the
Common Text paper. It identifies and proved the topic being
Structures Chronological Order - It is also known as discussed, or it summarizes the main point of the paper.
time order. This structure is organized from one point It is a 1-2 sentence or about 30 to 40 words long. It is
in time to another. found at the end of the introduction, and it presents an
argument to the reader.
Sequence -Steps described in the order they occur. It
does not take place in a specific point in time.

Cause-Effect - This structure shows how one or GENRES AND TYPES OF THESIS STATEMENT
more causes led to one or more effects. Many texts
do not include just one cause leading to one effect– Argumentative essay (Making a claim) states the
instead, there may be several causes and several effects. topic of your paper, your posi-tion on the topic, and the
reasons you have for taking that position.
Problem-Solution - The text structure presents a
problem, and shows how it can be (or has been) solved. Analytical essay implies the breaking down of
The key difference between cause-effect and problem- something into parts, or the discussion of
solution is that the latter always present a solution while something in a way that it becomes a dissection of the
the former does not. whole. It differs from other types of essays in that its
primary goal is to explain something bit by bit to
Compare-Contrast - This text structure shows how enhance understanding.
two or more ideas or items are similar or different.
The text may use a clustered approach, with details Expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the
about one topic followed by the details about the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence,
other. It may also show an alternating approach, with expound on the idea, and set forth an argument
the author going back between the two topics. concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.
This can be accomplished through comparison
Exemplification/Classification - An exemplification and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause
paragraph develops a general statement--the topic and effect, etc.
sentence--with one or more specific examples. A
classification paragraph divides things into groups, Narrative essay is telling a story. This essay is often
classes, or categories. It also organizes ideas into anecdotal, experiential, and personal—allowing
divisions based on criteria or standards. students to express themselves in a creative and,
quite often, moving ways.
Persuasion - This text structure convinces readers to
agree to an argument or claim about a particular topic. OUTLINING READING TEXTS IN VARIOUS DISCIPLINES
BIOGRAPHICAL APPROACH - Focuses on connection of
What is an outline? work to author’s personal experiences. Understanding
An outline is a map of your essay or a blueprint. It shows authors’ life can help in comprehending the work. This
what information each section or paragraph will aspect amplifies the meaning and relevance of the text.
contain, and in what order. Most outlines use
HISTORICAL APPROACH - This approach focuses on
numbers and/or bullet points to arrange information
connection of work to the historical period in which it
and convey points.
was written; literary historians attempt to connect the
historical background of the work to specific aspects of
Thesis Statement All outlines should begin with a thesis
the work.
statement of summarizing sentence. This thesis
sentence presents the central idea of the paper. It PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH – focuses on the behavior
must always be a complete, grammatical sentence, or psychology of characters.
specific and brief, which expresses the point of view
you are taking towards the subject. SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH – This approach focuses on
man’s relationship to others in society, politics, religion
Main points/ Main Idea/ Sub-Points/ Supporting and business
Details ARCHETYPAL APPROACH – focuses on connections to
other literature, mythological / biblical allusions ,
Main points (also known as main idea). Chief point an archetypal images, symbols, characters and themes.
author is making about a topic. It sums up the author’s
primary message.

Sub -Points (also known as supporting details or idea). A

paragraph contains facts, statements, examples-specifics
which guide us to a full understanding of the main idea.
They clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and
illustrate the main idea and are supporting details.


FORMALISM -A formalist critic examines the form of the
work as a whole, the form of each individual part of the
text (the individual scenes and chapters), the characters,
the settings, the tone, the point of view, the diction, and
all other elements of the text which join to make it a
single text.

FEMINISM - In this approach, all your arguments shall

be focused on the importance of women and all other
concepts of femininity relative to economic, societal,
and archetypal equality in a male dominated society.

READER-RESPONSE - This approach evaluates your

connectionism to the piece at hand. You can put
meaning and interpret every part of the text. The text is
nothing unless you read it out. Your reaction and
interaction made out of the piece recreates and
develops a further depth of meaning.

MARXISM - This approach tries to unfold how

socioeconomic status affects hierarchy or conflicts
involving social classes in the masterpiece.

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