EAPP Reviewer

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EAPP Reviewer (Kathleen Baes) source of ideas and information

through proper citations.

Distinctive Attributes of Academic Language G. Organization – Academic writing is
A. Formality – Generally, academic well-organized where the ideas are
writing is formal where the following presented in a logical manner.
should be avoided:
*Colloquial words and expressions Text structure refers to how the information
and idiomatic expressions within a written text is organized. This
*Abbreviated words such as can’t, strategy helps you students understand the
doesn’t, shouldn’t and others text's main idea and details to help you
*Two-word verbs such as put off, monitor your comprehension.
bring up ● Narrative text structure - narrates an
*Expanded terms over their event/story with characters, setting,
abbreviated equivalents such as “as conflict, point of view, and plot
soon as possible” instead of ASAP ● Chronological, process, or sequence
B. Precision – In academic writing, - present ideas or events in the order
facts, figures, graphs, illustrations in which they happen
are given precisely. The exactness ● Cause and effect - Provide
and accuracy of the data presented explanations or reasons for
are visible. Writer is advised not to phenomena
use “several workers” when ● Problem/solution - identify problems
he/she can use “10 million workers”. and pose solutions
C. Explicitness – The writer makes ● Compare and contrast - Discuss two
sure that the various parts of the text ideas, events, or phenomena,
are related to one another, free from showing how they are different and
obscurity and easy to understand. how they are similar.
D. Accuracy – Academic writing uses ● Definition or description - Describes
vocabulary and statistics BRIEF a topic by listing characteristics,
INTRODUCTION accurately that features, attributes, and examples.
conform to the correct value or
standard. A writer chooses the Elements of a Thesis Statement
appropriate word; let us say 1. Topic - the topic of your paper
“meeting, assembly, gathering, and 2. Argument/claim - this depends on
conference”. the type of paper you are writing. If it
E. Hedging – Writer makes decisions is a research or explanatory paper,
about his/her stance on a particular this should explain the purpose of
subject. The strength of the claims your paper.
must be considered. He/She also 3. Evidence - the support for your
uses cautious language. argument/claim
F. Responsibility – Writer must be
responsible for demonstrating and EXPLICIT THESIS STATEMENT- tells
understanding any source text used. directly
All evidence and justifications are IMPLICIT THESIS STATEMENT- tells
provided to support the claims. indirectly
Moreover, the writer has to
paraphrase and summarize the read Paraphrasing means 'to state something
academic text and acknowledge the written or spoken in different words,
especially in a shorter and simpler form to Outline is a design to follow when writing a
make the meaning clearer' structure, a discourse, or an article. It
arranges a material in a logical way into
Summarizing is a short restatement of the main ideas, supporting ideas and supporting
main idea of the text on your own words. It details. All main topics are indicated by
contains the main points and important Roman numerals. Subtopics are noted by
details of the text and should be letters and supporting details are indicated
written in your own words. by Arabic numerals.
BUT a summary... Ex.
● does not present the entire details.
● does not include supporting details.
● does not include a lengthy detail of
the topic
Why and when to summarize
● to highlight the main points or ideas.
● to present the overviews of the
whole text for busy people.
● to be more economical or to save
the time of the readers.
● to incorporate only the main ideas
when other details are unimportant
Steps to summarize Thesis Statement is the controlling ideas
1. Think about why and with whom you that you will develop in your paper. This can
are writing the summary. be found usually at the end of the
2. Find the main idea of each introduction. It can be one sentence,
paragraph. You may look at some however, if necessary, can be two
helpful features such as titles, or three sentences.
subtitles, boldface, color or margin
as clues. Ask “What do all the On thesis statement…
sentences say about?” ● overall idea or argument of your
3. In your own words, write your work.
summary. Leave out details like ● a general statement that presents
examples, elaboration or sensory essential points that lead the reader
language. to the right direction.
4. Make sure you did not copy any ● also often previews the structure of
sentences or phrases from the the rest of the essay in a way that
original text. corresponds with the body
5. Cite or mention the source of your paragraphs.
ideas. Use a citation format required ● should argue a position, not
by the teacher. summarize information.

DIFFERENCE IBC (introduction, body, conclusion) - the

Paraphrasing is a restatement of the basic structure of an academic text.
author’s original thought and meaning. Academic texts are characterized by having
Summarizing is the shortening of a passage a clear structure. On a general level, this
or thought. means that the texts have an introduction,
body and a conclusion.

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