PR 1 T1 SQ

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To the Participant/s,

Greetings! We’re the Group 1 of student researchers from STEM-11 A at Carlos F. Gonzales
High School. As a partial fulfilment of our requirements in Practical Research 1, we’re conducting our
research paper entitled "The Impact of Wearing Facemasks on Grade 11 Students' Confidence and
Self-Esteem in the Post-Pandemic Transition."

We kindly request your valuable time and participation in completing this interview
questionnaire we have prepared. Your responses will play a significant role in accomplishing the
objectives of our research. Please be assured that the information you provide will be kept
confidential and will only be used for research purposes.

Thank you for considering our request, and we sincerely appreciate your contribution to our
research study.

I. Socio-Demographic Profile

Directions: Below are statements to describe your socio-demographic profile. Put a check mark (✓)
in the appropriate column corresponding to your personal data.

1. Name (Optional):_________________________________________________________________

2. Gender

a) Male 
b) Female 

3. Strand

a) STEM 
b) ABM 
c) GAS 
d) ICT 
II. Perception on Facemask Use

1. How has the regular use of facemasks affected your daily life, routines, and activities?

2. In what ways, do you think wearing a facemask has influenced your interactions with your

3. Can you provide situations where you felt limited or empowered by wearing a facemask?

4. To what extent do you believe that the use of facemasks has affected your communication
skills, such as conveying emotions or understanding others' facial expressions?

III. Impact on Confidence and Self-esteem

1. Can you describe a situation where wearing a facemask made you question your confidence
and self-esteem?
 What steps did you take to overcome or address these feelings?

2. How do you perceive yourself when wearing a facemask compared to when you're not
wearing one?

3. How does wearing of facemasks influenced your perception of your own attractiveness or
physical appearance?

4. In what ways do you think wearing a facemask has affected your ability to express yourself
or convey emotions effectively?
 How has this influenced your confidence in social interactions or personal

IV. Coping Strategies and Adaptation

1. How have you adapted to changes brought about by the use of facemask in your life?

2. What strategies have you developed to cope with the challenges posed by wearing
facemasks and maintain your confidence and self-esteem?

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