Fixed Income Course Outline IBA - Syllabus - BBABSAF

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Institute of Business Administration a
Fixed Income Investments
Eraj Hashmi
Informa ERP Class NBR   2302
tion and  Programs  BBA/BSAF
 Class Timings and
Class Details  
 Session Day(s)
N N N  N N N
 Credit Hours  -
 Email [email protected]
 Contact No.  00923008225267

Fixed Income Investments includes management of Debt Securities Portfolio, with the

ultimate goal of coupon and capital gain income along with risk mitigation practices.
Features of FI instruments are studied along with pricing principles and associated risks.
Course Description The course use example of real life securities from domestic and global markets throughout.
Participants will work with calculators to construct pricing models and calculate returns.
Risk from fixed income transactions is studied along with an overview of yield curve

Fixed Income concepts are very important to master the dynamic field of Debt Investments.
Learning Goals
The use of contemporary best practices and the amount of information available through
CFA curriculum and publications on the interbank market and the market makers has
introduced sophistication in Debt Securities Portfolio management. This course is offered
undergraduate students. This course introduces knowledge on Fixed Income products with
detailed insights on features and risk associated with Fixed Income Investments. Class will
undertake short calculations in real life scenarios along with analyzing available investment
avenues to gain expertise of the subject. Students work in class room environment using
investment concepts to prepare, present, edit/modify, and protect their investment decisions
in view of changing factors which influences the profitability along with interpretation of
economic news and financial information required for intelligent investment decisions. SBP
auctions reviews and practical knowledge on Fixed Income is the main feature of this
Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes mapped to Program Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of
Core Business Critical Skills Ethics Global Mindset
Learning Skills
Fixed Income and Risks of Global Best International
1 Treasury
Products Fixed Income Practices Markets
Fixed Income

Presentations: Instructor designs and delivers course lectures from Presentations and real
Teaching and Learning world exercises, as per enrolled students caliber and grip on knowledge related to
investments. These Presentations and Exercises require knowledge on various treasury and
fund management areas, products, calculations and case studies from both global and
domestic markets.
Teaching Facilities include, but not limited to:
 Congenial Class Environment
 White Board
 Multimedia
 Handouts ( Excerpts / Publications / Case Studies)

Textbooks and
Reading Materials;
 Fixed Income Securities by Pietro Veronesi
Important Dates  Interest Rate Markets by Sidhartha Jha
 SBP Publications on Treasury Bill, Pakistan Investment Bonds, Sukuks etc.
 Regular reviews of SBP Economic Data
 IMF Country Reports on Pakistan

“Fixed Income Investments” is a theoretical course with practical insights so students can
Skills and embrace and understand working of a dealing room or treasury office. Enrolled students are
Knowledge expected to have knowledge of basic investment and economics courses taught during their
undergraduate university degree programs to ensure that they have grasped basic
understanding of financial markets and investment techniques, how the roles are defined of
all financial market participants, how numbers and data is interpreted, what factors influence
capital markets which involves economic activities and fundamental news etc.
Financial Newspaper reading and basic knowledge on economic data is mandatory for this
course. Economic and Business Review - Dawn Business Section; Business Recorder; Wall
Street Journal and Financial Times etc..

Course Plan  Week  Topic Discussions

Introduction to Fixed Main Financial Market Participants
Treasury of a Commercial Bank
Income Markets Monetary Policy – Fundamentals
SBP Tools - Liquidity Management
KIBOR – Detailed Understanding
LIBOR and Negative Interest Rates – Understanding
Financial Markets Financial Markets Classifications
Primary Dealers (PDs)
Classifications Classification of Securities by Creditworthiness of Issuer
Treasury Bills - Introduction
SBP T Bill Auctions – Interpretation
Basic Concepts of Investments in Fixed Income
Opportunity Cost of Deposit and Reserve Management - Hand Out
Opportunity Cost of Deposit and Reserve Management -Calculations
Monetary What is Monetary Policy
Factors Influencing MPS
Policy and Inflation – the important consideration in interest rate projections
Valuations Negative Interest Rates
Time Path of Bond Price
Pricing and Coupon Dates
Days Count Conventions
Pricing of Bonds
Bonds – Categories of Bonds
Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)
Features and Term Finance Certificates
Structure Term Finance Certificates – Structure and Indenture
Difference between IRR and YTM
Types of Yields
Embedded Options
Day Count Convention
Interbank Market and Activities in Interbank
Fixed Income Trading
Mutual Funds Market Treasury Bills – Pricing
Capital Gain and Loss Calculations
Mutual Fund Investments
Categories of Mutual Funds in Pakistan
Risk – Return Matrix of Mutual Fund Investments
Money Market What is Monetary Policy
Factors Influencing MPS
Transactions Inflation – the important consideration in interest rate projections
11-12 and Risks Associated Negative Interest Rates
with Investing in Bonds Time Path of Bond Price
Pricing and Coupon Dates
Days Count Conventions
Pricing of Bonds
13-14 Categories of Bonds
Bond Risk Metrics
Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)
Term Finance Certificates
Term Finance Certificates – Structure and Indenture
Difference between IRR and YTM
Types of Yields
Embedded Options
 Week  Topic Discussions
Day Count Convention
Recap and Review of Activities in Interbank
Fixed Income Trading
Course Market Treasury Bills – Pricing
 15 Capital Gain and Loss Calculations
Mutual Fund Investments
Categories of Mutual Funds in Pakistan
Risk – Return Matrix of Mutual Fund Investments

Electronic Resources: www.,, IBA LMS

Calendar: As per IBA policy

Category Weight

Required Assignment  Weightage

Mid Term 30 %
Finals 50%
Class Participation 10%
Assignments 10%

Grading Scale:
Points Grade
92.5 A
86.5 A-
81.5 B+
76.5 B
71.5 B-
67.5 C+
63.5 C
59.5 C-
0 F

Policy - Attendance: As per the IBA Policy – Late coming is not permissible

Policy - Assignments: Assignments are accepted within due date

Policy - Cell phones

Not allowed in Class
and pagers:

Policy - Academic No cheating or plagiarism is allowed

Should be hand written or printouts
Policy - Written Work:
Policy - Late Assignments:
Deduction of Marks

Policy - Participation: Class participation has significant impact on overall grade

Policy - Students with

Equal Treatment with special consideration

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