MBA 7000 People and Organisation Assignment 1
MBA 7000 People and Organisation Assignment 1
MBA 7000 People and Organisation Assignment 1
Comments by the IV
One of the key challenges many organizations face today is the staff turnover rates
or poor retention of the workforce.
Note: Your analysis should be based on the secondary data collection methods
Critically evaluate,
Assessment criteria
Very important
You must use Harvard Referencing system throughout your work. Correct in-text
referencing is required and a full and correct reference list needs to be provided.
Please note for academic acceptance, it is important to refer to adequate sources in
building critical arguments with regard to this assignment. Generally, the lecturer
expects minimum of 10 latest sources from accepted recommended journals, required
reading and recommended readings. For a list of required and recommended reading,
please refer the “Module Specification” section of the student handbook.
Paper Size : A4
Word Count : 2000 words
Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch
Binding Margin : ½ Inch
Header and Footer : 1 Inch
Printing : Single Sided
Basic Font Size : 12
Font Style : Arial/Times New Roman
Presentation : Bound Document
The final version of your individual assignment soft copy (word format only) must
be uploaded to ICBT SIS on or before the deadline.
MBA-7024 -2000000
Students are expected to keep a backup of all the assignments. ICBT and Cardiff
Metropolitan University have all the right to re call for soft copy of any assignment
at any time during the course.
Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work
you produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some
instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating).
All sources of information must be referenced using “Harvard referencing” where a
reference listing should be included at the end of the assignment.
Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that
you can upload the assignment. No late submissions are allowed by the system.
Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments – Re-submission, mitigating
circumstances procedure.
Please include the assignment coversheet and feedback sheet in your softcopy of
the assignment. Please avoid copying assignment question in your answer file.
The submission instructions of Turnitin and ICBT SIS will be circulated a few weeks
before the submission deadline.
Collis, J. & Hussey, R., 2014. BUSINESS RESEARCH. 4th ed. Basingtosjr: pm.
Executive summary