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Micro Project Report

Food Business

Under Subject: Entrepreneurship Development (22032)

Semester: VI

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Matoshri Aasarabai Polytechnic, Eklahare, Nashik

Academic Year: 2021-22

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Matoshri Aasarabai Polytechnic, Eklahare, Nashik


This is to certify that following students of SIXTH SEMESTER Diploma Engineering

Program in Computer Engineering have successfully completed the Micro-Project entitled
“Food Business” under my supervision, in the partial fulfillment of Course
Entrepreneurship Development(22032) for Academic Year 2021-22 as per prescribed in
the MSBTE “I-Scheme” curriculum.

Roll Exam Seat

Enrollment No. Name of Students
No Number

04 1911700147 330889 Aher Mrunal Bhaskar

07 1911700151 330892 Bhor Dhanshri Mohan

21 1911700167 330906 Kombade Rutuja Datta

34 2011700229 330919 Gangurde Sanskruti Santosh


Subject Teacher Head of Department Principal

(Ms.A.A.Patil) (Prof. V.A.Sonawane) (Dr. S. J. Bagul)
With deep sense of gratitude we would like to thanks all the people who have lit our
path with their kind guidance. We are very grateful to these intellectuals who did their
best to help during our project work.

It is our proud privilege to express deep sense of gratitude to, Dr. S. J. Bagul Principal
of Matoshri Aasarabai Polytechnic, Eklahare, Nashik, for his comments and kind
permission to complete this project.

We remain indebted to Prof. V.A.Sonawane, Head of Computer Department, for his

suggestion and valuable guidance.

The special gratitude goes to our internal guide Ms.A.A.Patil, technical staff members,
and non-technical staff members, of Computer Tech. Department for their expensive,
excellent and precious guidance in completion of this work.

Name of Students:
1. Aher Mrunal Bhaskar
2. Bhor Dhanshri Mohan
3. Kombade Rutuja Datta
4. Gangurde Sanskruti Santosh
Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Year-2019-20

Index of Micro Project Report

Program: Computer Engineering Semester: Sixth

Course: Entrepreneurship Development Course Code: 22032

Title of Micro Project: Food Business

Sr. No. Details Page No.

1 Rubrics

2 Logbook

3 Project Work (Introduction)

4 Project Work (Main Details)

5 Project Work (Conclusion)

6 Resources/ References

Rubric for Evaluation of Micro Project of EDE(22032)

Title of Micro Project: Food Business.

Group Members:
Sr.No. Roll No. Name of Candidates

1 04 Aher Mrunal Bhaskar

2 07 Bhor Dhanshri Mohan

3 21 Kombade Rutuja Datta

4 34 Gangurde Sanskruti Santosh

Marks Indicators for different level of Performance (Evaluation Scale 1 to 6)

Sr No Criteria
Poor (1-2) Average(3-4) Good(5-6)
(Out of 6)

Relevance to Related to at least one Take care of at-least Two

1 Relate to some Los
the course CO COs
Content of Not relevant and Relevant and sufficient Relevant , sufficient for
project sufficient for topic topic and well organized
Language of Grammatically Grammatically appropriate
3 appropriate but
Project inappropriate and effective

Completed within due

Completed and submitted the
Completion of Completed and date but took slightly
4 complete project within
project submitted after due date. more time to submit
specified due date.
complete project.

Prepared an improper Prepared appropriate format

Report Prepared the report with
5 report with of the report with sufficient
Preparation satisfactory content
unsatisfactory content content details

Presented with the help of

Not included key points, Included key points but
power point, Highlighted key
6 Presentation missed details and lacks considerable
points, accurate and
considerable information information
considerable information

Not referred more than Referred at-least 3

Referred at –least 5 relevant
7 Resources/ two sources, very old relevant sources, at least
sources, 3 most latest
References reference 2 latest

(Out of 6)
Name and Signature of Guide: (Ms.A.A.Patil)


Department of Computer Engineering
Log Book for Micro- Project

Semester: Sixth Program: Computer Engg.

Course: EDE (22032) Class: Third Year

Topic of the Micro-Project: Food Business.

Sr.No Name of Group Members. Sign.


1 Aher Mrunal Bhaskar

2 Bhor Dhanshri Mohan

3 Kombade Rutuja Datta

4 Gangurde Sanskruti Santosh

Wee Members Teacher’s Teacher

k Discussion & Details
Present Comment ’s Sign.
1 Discussion on the concept of Micro project
with teacher
Finalization of Group and Project topic with
Project Proposal submission
Preliminary discussion with guide about
content of Micro project
Related Information Gathered by team about
5 Organizing the information for project work
Discussing project related queries with
teacher if any
Preparation of Micro project model or
8 Finalizing the project work by teacher
9 Report writing
Presentation , Oral Submission of project
and Project report


Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2021-2022 Name of Faculty: Computer Engg.

Course: EDE Course Code: 22032 Semester: Sixth

Title of the Project: Food Business.

COs addressed by the Micro Project:

A. Identify your entrepreneurial traits.
B. Identify the business opportunities that suits you.
C. Use the support systems to zero down to your business idea.
D. develop comprehensive business plans.
E. Prepare plans to manage the enterprise effectively.
Major Learning Outcomes achieved by students by doing the Projects:
a) Practical Outcomes ………………………………………
b) Unit Outcomes in Cognitive domain.......................
c) Outcomes in Affective Domain …………………………………………

Comment /Suggestion about team work /Leadership/ Inter-personal communication (If


Marks out of
Marks out of 4 for
6 for Total
Roll performance in
Student Name performance out of
No. oral/presentation
in group 10
04 Aher Mrunal Bhaskar      
07 Bhor Dhanshri Mohan      
21 Kombade Rutuja Datta
34 Gangurde Sanskruti Santosh      

(Name & Sign of Faculty)


Product introduction is a business process through which a new product is launched,

debuted or published in the market for general users and or businesses. The product
introduction process is executed mainly by the sales and marketing division of an
organization, and is applied when a product is completely authorization and tested to be used
by its end users or customers. In the tech world, the introduction of a new product can
generate a lot of buzz, especially if the product is cutting edge. Marketers often bank on
generating this kind of consumer response to help sell their product. Product introduction
may also be called a product launch. Product introduction is primary a marketing approach
and is a planned initiative to make a product available to specific market segments.
Depending on the nature of the product, market dynamics, regulatory requirements and other
economic and social constraints, the product introduction process can vary.

Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. Food
is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates,
fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and
assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth.
Historically, humans secured food through two methods: hunting and gathering and
agriculture, which gave modern humans a mainly omnivorous diet. Worldwide, humanity has
created numerous cuisines and culinary arts, including a wide array of ingredients, herbs,
spices, techniques, and dishes.

Today, the majority of the food energy required by the ever increasing population of the
world is supplied by the food industry. Food safety and food security are monitored by
agencies like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute,
World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, and International Food
Information Council. They address issues such as sustainability, biological diversity, climate
change, nutritional economics, population growth, water supply, and access to food. Food
production, as the name suggests, is all about preparing food, in which raw materials are
converted into ready-made food products for human use either in the home or in the food
processing industries. Its process comprises of scientific approaches.

I. Definition of food production:

Food production, as the name suggests, is all about preparing food, in which raw materials
are converted into ready-made food products for human use either in the home or in the food
processing industries. Its process comprises of scientific approaches. Food production has
many sections and it starts with basic things like cleaning, packing, segregating, sorting,
preparing, adding ingredients in correct proportions, presenting, etc.

. Let us explore food production notes to learn how the food is produced and what are the
methods involved in the production of food

 Market research
Market research is the key. Without the necessary information, you're simply flying blind in a
storm, headed for a crash landing. Market research does more than confirm your "gut
feeling," it provides critical information and direction. It identifies market needs and wants,
product features, pricing, decision makers, distribution channels, motivation to buy. They're
all critical to the decision process.

 Timing

Are all elements of the process coordinated? Is production on the same time schedule as the
promotion? Will the product be ready when you announce it? Set a time frame for the rollout,
and stick to it. Many products need to be timed to critical points in the business cycle. Miss it,
and invite failure.

 Capacity

If the new product or service is successful, do you have the personnel and manufacturing
capacity to cope with the success? Extended lead times for new products can be just as
deadly as bad timing.

 Testing

Test-market the new product. Be sure it has the features the customer wants. Be sure the
customer will pay the price being asked. Be sure the distributor and sales organization are
comfortable selling it. You may need to test your advertising and promotion as well.

 Distribution

Who's going to sell the product? Can you use the same distribution channels you currently
use? Can you use the same independent representatives or sales force? Is there sufficient
sales potential in the new product to convince a distributor, retailer, or agent to take on the
new line? There are significant up-front selling costs involved in introducing new products.
Everyone in the channel wants some assurance that the investment of time and money will be

 Training

Your sales organization, inside employees, and distribution channels will need to be trained
about the new product. If the product is sufficiently complex, you may need to provide face-
to-face training. Or perhaps some type of multimedia program will do the job. If the product
is not that complex, literature may work. Again, timing is critical. Train before the product
hits the shelves, not after.

 Promotion

Finally, you need the promotional program to support the introduction: advertising, trade
shows, promotional literature, technical literature, samples, incentives, Web site, seminars,
public relations. Time it all with production, inventory, shipments, and training. The new
product will simply sit in the warehouse without the right support materials.
II. Types of food production:

Food production is further classified into different types including, cultivation, selection, crop
management, harvesting, crop production, preserving, baking, pasteurizing, pudding, carving,
butchering, fermenting, pickling, drink and candy making, restaurants, etc.

III. Methods of food production

1. Chopping or slicing of vegetables.

2. Curing food.

3. Grinding and marinating.

4. Emulsification.

5. Food fermentation.

6. Fermenting beer at brewing industries.

7. Boiling, broiling, frying, grilling, steaming and mixing.

8. Pasteurization.

9. Fruit juice processing.

10. Removing the outer layers either by peeling and skinning.

11. Gasification of soft drinks.

12. Preserving and packaging of food products by vacuum packs.

IV. Classifications and types of food:

1. Adulterated food:
Is a legal term meaning that a food product fails to meet the legal standards. One form
of adulteration is an addition of another substance to a food item in order to increase
the quantity of the food item in raw form or prepared form, which may result in the
loss of actual quality of food item. These substances may be either available food
items or non-food items. Among meat and meat products some of the items used to
adulterate are water or ice, carcasses, or carcasses of animals other than the animal
meant to be consumed.

2. Camping food:
Freeze-dried bacon bars that can be used as camping food. To address these needs,
camping food is often made up of either freeze-dried, precooked or dehydrated
ingredients. Many campers use a combination of these foods. Freeze-drying requires
the use of heavy machinery and is not something that most campers are able to do on
their own. Freeze-dried ingredients are often considered superior to dehydrated
ingredients however, because they re hydrate at camp faster and retain more flavor
than their dehydrated counterparts. Freeze-dried ingredients take so little time to re
hydrate that they can often be eaten without cooking them first and have a texture
similar to a crunchy chip.

3. Diet food:
A "low fat" child's meal from Burger King, with "apple fries" replacing fried potato
chips, and a serving of macaroni and cheese as its main dish. Diet food (or "dietetic
food") refers to any food or beverage whose recipe is altered to reduce fat,
carbohydrates, abhor/adhore sugar in order to make it part of a weight loss program or
diet. Such foods are usually intended to assist in weight loss or a change in body type,
although bodybuilding supplements are designed to aid in gaining weight or muscle.

4. Fresh food:
Fresh food is food which has not been preserved and has not spoiled yet. For
vegetables and fruits, this means that they have been recently harvested and treated
properly postharvest; for meat, it has recently been slaughtered and butchered; for
fish, it has been recently caught or harvested and kept cold. Dairy products are fresh
and will spoil quickly. Thus, fresh cheese is cheese which has not been dried or salted
for aging. Soured cream may be considered "fresh" (cr‫ט‬me fra‫מ‬che). Fresh food has
not been dried, smoked, salted, frozen, canned, pickled, or otherwise preserved.

5. Functional food:
A functional food is a food given an additional function (often one related to health-
promotion or disease prevention) by adding new ingredients or more of existing
ingredients. The term may also apply to traits purposely bred into existing edible
plants, such as purple or gold potatoes having enriched anthocyanin or carotenoid
contents, respectively. Functional foods may be "designed to have physiological
benefits and/or reduce the risk of chronic disease beyond basic nutritional functions,
and may be similar in appearance to conventional food and consumed as part of a
regular diet".

6. Healthy food:
Leafy green, allium, and cruciferous vegetables are key components of a healthy diet.
A healthy diet is a diet that helps to maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet
provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients, and
adequate calories. For people who are healthy, a healthy diet is not complicated and
contains mostly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and includes little to no
processed food and sweetened beverages. The requirements for a healthy diet can be
met from a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods, although a non-animal
source of vitamin B12 is needed for those following a vegan diet. Various nutrition
guides are published by medical and governmental institutions to educate individuals
on what they should be eating to be healthy. Nutrition facts labels are also mandatory
in some countries to allow consumers to choose between foods based on the
components relevant to health.

7. Medical foods:
Medical foods are foods that are specially formulated and intended for the dietary
management of a disease that has distinctive nutritional needs that cannot be met by
normal diet alone. In the United States they were defined in the Food and Drug
Administration's 1988 Orphan Drug Act Amendments and are subject to the general
food and safety labeling requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
In Europe the European Food Safety Authority established definitions for "foods for
special medical purposes" (FSMPs) in 2015.

8. Natural foods:
“Natural foods” are often assumed to be foods that are not processed, or do not
contain any food additives, or do not contain particular additives such as hormones,
antibiotics, sweeteners, food colors, or flavorings that were not originally in the food.
[40] In fact, many people (63%) when surveyed showed a preference for products
labeled "natural" compared to the unmarked counterparts, based on the common
belief (86% of polled consumers) that the term "natural" indicated that the food does
not contain any artificial ingredients. The terms are variously used and misused on
labels and in advertisements.
V. Application of food production

1. Carbonated soft drinks

2. Flavored waters

3. Iced teas

4. Energy drinks

5. Functional beverages

6. Ready-to-drink Coffee

1. Fast food gives you the option to eat something instead of skipping a meal.
Although intermittent fasting has become a popular way to manage a person’s weight in
recent years, skipping meals is rarely a good idea unless you have a specific purpose in doing
so. According to NHS UK, the best way to lose weight and then keep it off is to reduce the
number of calories you consume while increasing the number that you burn through exercise.
Skipping a meal can cause fatigue, end it may mean that you lose some essential nutrients.

2. Eating fast food items helps you to manage a schedule more effectively.
The average family in the United States is spending about two hours in the evening managing
their afterschool activities. That means there could be very little time to cook at home.
Because the fast food industry is available in almost every community, you have the option to
manage your schedule without going hungry in the process. Choosing a meal like this takes
50% less time than it would if you were to try to make lunch or dinner at home. It may not
seem like much, but 15-30 extra minutes in a tight schedule can be quite valuable.

3. Fast food products make it easier to reduce hunger problems in the community.
Fast food items are one of the most affordable food products that you can find in the world
today when you compare its cost to the number of calories that you receive. Although you
wouldn’t want to eat three fast food meals every day, having a couple of bucks can get you
enough food in one meal that your body can use to produce energy. Most fast food
restaurants average about 300 calories for every $1 spent in the U.S. on food items.
4. You can have an expectation of excellent service with every order.
When you choose to eat at a fast food restaurant, then you have an expectation of familiarity
with the products that are on the menu. Although there are some regional and international
variations that you will find with global chains like McDonald’s, you can also expect to find
specific items on the menu at every location. That means you know what your food should
look like when served, how it will taste, and what your expenses will be.


1. Fast food can have an adverse impact on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
Most fast food products, which include the sides and drinks that you order with the main
meal, are usually laden with carbohydrates and have very little, if any, fiber. When the
digestive system breaks down these foods, then the carbs release as glucose into the
bloodstream. This process creates a higher sugar level, which then causes the body to release
more insulin.

2. You will eat more calories when consuming fast food frequently.
Most fast food meals contain high levels of added sugar. Not only does this mean that you
will consume extra calories with your meal, but it also means once you’re eating will contain
less nutrition. The American Heart Association recommends that all people should have 150
calories or less of added sugar per day, which equates to about 9 teaspoons. If you were to
consume a fast food beverage, then you’d hit that recommended limit without eating anything

3. People who eat at fast food restaurants underestimate their calorie intake.
Even when consumers are trying to watch what they eat, dining at a fast food restaurant can
cause someone to underestimate their calorie intake by over 20%. This data includes
individuals who choose healthy items from the menu and make conscious efforts to avoid
trans fat, sugar, and sodium from the menu. Although more calories is less damaging than
4. Eating fast food can lead to issues with edema, bloating, and swelling.
When you decide to eat a fast food meal, then the combination of salt, sugar, and fat can lead
to problems with water retention, which is known as edema. This disadvantage is what causes
some individuals to feel bloated, puffy, or swollen after they are finished eating. It can also
promote higher blood pressure numbers, which could be dangerous if there is an issue of
heart disease developing.


We understood how to used our knowledge we also get the importance of presentation skills.
Due to their project presentation our vocabulary got increase .We got essential knowledge of
food production and its significance. we also understood knowledge about our group
members and the way of their thinking. We also got knowledge about different type of food,
methods of food production and their use. We understood various application and its


When we prepare this project we got other information like how to use food production
knowledge and its features in our daily life. In our group, their are two student . we were also
come to know the skills of each other and every one give different suggestion to make our
project good. we also understood the importance of team work and time management. So, we
successfully completed our project.

We got the importance of team work and time management. We Observed that our skills has
been improved day by day for this project, we read the books and felt interest in it. We
completed our project with proper coordination and understanding in a group.

1. › food_production_operations › food production...

2. › wiki › Food processing
3. › food-production-hotel-and-hospitality-management-a6d32.
4. › food_production_operations › food production...
5.We also get the reference from our teacher.

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