Question Bank: RNS Institute of Technology

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SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44

Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

RNS Institute of Technology

(AICTE Approved, VTU Affiliated and NAAC ‘A+’ Accredited)
(UG programs – CSE, ECE, ISE, EIE and EEE are Accredited by NBA up to 30.06.2025)
Channasandra, Dr. Vishnuvardhan Road, Bengaluru – 560 098, Karnataka

Signal Conditioning
Data Acquisition Circuits

Question Bank

Prepared by:
Dr. Manohar P
Associate Professor
Dept. of EIE

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 1

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
Signal Conditioning and Data Acquisition Circuits (21EI44)

Module - 1

OP-AMP, Characteristics and Basic Applications

1. Introduction to OP-AMPs
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Block Schematic of an Op-amp
1.3. Power Supply Connections
1.4. Characteristics of an Ideal OP-AMP

2. Basic OP-AMP Applications

2.1. Inverting Amplifier
2.2. Non-Inverting Amplifier
Voltage Follower
2.3. Differential Amplifier
2.4. Instrumentation Amplifier
2.5. Summing Amplifiers
Inverting Summing Amplifier
Non-Inverting Summing Amplifier

3. OP-AMP Characteristics
3.1. DC Characteristics
Input Bias Current
Input Offset Current
Input Offset Voltage
Thermal Drift
3.2. AC Characteristics
Frequency response
Slew Rate
3.3. PSRR
4. Problems
1. Explain with different circuit diagrams, how two supply voltages V+ and V- are
obtained from a single DC supply.
2. Draw the equivalent circuit of practical op-amp. List out the ideal and typical values of
the characteristics of op-amp.

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 2

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
3. Draw the block schematic of an op-amp and explain the function of each block.
4. Draw the circuit diagram and I/O waveforms of an Inverting amplifier using an ideal
op-amp. Derive an expression for the closed loop voltage gain. Write the expression
for the input resistance and output current.
5. Design an amplifier with a gain of -10 and input resistance equal to 10 kΩ
6. In an Inverting amplifier, R1 = 10 kΩ, Rf = 100 kΩ, vi = 1 V. A load of 25 kΩ is connected
to the output terminal. Calculate i) i1, ii) vo, iii) iL and iv) io, v) Zi
7. Sketch the circuit of an Inverting amplifier and explain how it may be used as an
Inverter. Draw the I/O waveforms.
8. Draw the circuit diagram and I/O waveforms of a Non-inverting amplifier using an
ideal op-amp. Derive an expression for the closed loop voltage gain. Write the
expression for the output current.
9. Design a noninverting amplifier with a gain of +5
10. In a Non-inverting amplifier, R1 = 5 kΩ, Rf = 20 kΩ, vi = 1 V. A load of 5 kΩ is connected
to the output terminal. Calculate i) i1, ii) vo, iii) iL and iv) io and v) ACL
11. Sketch the circuit of a Non-inverting amplifier and explain how it may be used as a
Voltage follower. Explain the use of Voltage follower.
12. Compare Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifiers.
13. Sketch the circuit of a Differential Amplifier and derive an equation for the output
voltage. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of Differential Amplifier.
14. Sketch the circuit of a Differential amplifier and explain how it may be used as a
15. Define CMRR. Show that in a differential amplifier, the output voltage v o depends not
only upon the differential input signal vd but is also affected by the common mode
input signal vi(cm).
16. Discuss an application of an instrumentation amplifier. State its features
17. Sketch the circuit of an Instrumentation amplifier. Derive an equation for differential
voltage gain.
18. What is Summing Amplifier? Sketch the circuit of a three input inverting summing
amplifier. Derive an equation for the output voltage.
19. What is Inverting Summing circuit?. Write the equation for the output voltage. What is
Inverting Averaging circuit? Write the equation for the output voltage.
20. Design an Inverting Summing circuit that produces Vo = -(0.5V1 + 2V2 + V3)
P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 3
SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
21. Sketch a three input Non-inverting summing circuit and derive an equation for the
output voltage.
22. Define i) Input Bias Current, ii) Input Offset Current, iii) Input offset voltage. State their
typical values.
23. Write the expression for the output offset voltage produced by bias currents I B+ and IB-
in direct coupled amplifiers. Explain how this offset is nullified using Rcomp resistor?
24. Derive an expression for the output offset voltage produced by the Input offset
current in direct coupled amplifiers.
25. Derive an expression for the output offset voltage produced by the Input offset
voltage in direct coupled amplifiers.
26. Write the equations for the total output offset voltage that is produced at the output
of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers.
a) For the non-inverting amplifier, R1 = 1 kΩ and Rf = 10 kΩ. Calculate the maximum
offset voltage due to Vios and IB. The op-amp is LM307 with Vios = 10 mV and IB = 300
nA, Ios = 50 nA.
b) Calculate the value of Rcomp needed to reduce the effect of IB.
c) Calculate the maximum output offset voltage if Rcomp as calculated in (b) is
connected in the circuit.
28. In an inverting amplifier, R1 = 10 kΩ, Rf = 1 MΩ. The op-amp used is 741. Calculate
a) maximum output offset voltage caused by the input offset voltage Vios.
b) maximum output offset voltage caused by the input bias current IB.
c) the value of Rcomp needed to eliminate the effect of input bias current I B.
29. Discuss offset nulling procedure.
30. Define Thermal Drift. A non-inverting amplifier with a gain of 100 is nulled at 25 oC.
What will happen to the output voltage if the temperature rises to 50oC for an offset
voltage drift of 0.15 mV/oC?
31. In an inverting amplifier R1 = 1 kΩ, Rf = 100 kΩ. The op-amp has the following

and . Assume that the amplifier is nulled at 25 oC.

Calculate the value of the error voltage and the output voltage Vo at 35 oC if Vi = 5 mV

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 4

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
32. Draw the gain magnitude and phase characteristics and discuss the frequency
response of an op-amp.
33. Define Slew rate. State it's typical value. Derive the expression for the maximum input
frequency for which we can obtain an undistorted output.
34. A 741 op-amp is used as an inverting amplifier with a gain of 50. The voltage gain
versus frequency curve of 741 is flat upto 20 kHz. What maximum peak to peak input
signal can applied without distorting the output?
35. a) An op-amp has a slew rate of 2 V/µs. What is the maximum frequency of an output
sinusoid of peak value 5 V at which distortion sets in due to the slew rate limitation?
b) If a sinusoid of 10 V peak is specified, what is the full power bandwidth?
36. A square wave of peak to peak amplitude of 500 mV has to be amplified to a peak to
peak amplitude of 3 volts, with a rise time of 4 µs or less. Can a 741 be used.
37. An op-amp has a slew rate of 2 V/µs. Find the rise time for an output voltage of 10 V
amplitude resulting from a rectangular pulse input if the op-amp is slew rate limited.
38. Define PSRR.

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 5

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
Signal Conditioning and Data Acquisition Circuits (21EI44)

Module - 2

OP-AMP Applications
1 OP-AMP Applications I
1.1 V - I and I - V Converter
1.2 OP-AMP circuits using Diodes
1.3 Sample and Hold circuit
1.4 Differentiator
1.5 Integrator
2. OP-AMP Applications II
2.1 Comparator
2.2 Schmitt Trigger
2.3 Astable Multivibrator
2.4 Monostable Multivibrator
2.5 Triangular Wave generator
2.6 Phase Shift Oscillator
2.7 Wien Bridge Oscillator
1. Draw the circuit of a voltage to current converter with a floating load. Obtain the
expression for the load current iL.
2. Draw the circuit of a voltage to current converter with a grounded load. Derive an
expression for the load current iL.
3. Draw the circuit of a current to voltage converter. Explain the circuit operation.
4. List the advantages of a precision rectifier over an ordinary rectifier.
5. Sketch the circuit of a Precision Half Wave Rectifier. Illustrate with voltage waveforms
the circuit operation for both positive and negative half cycles of the input.
6. Sketch the circuit of a Precision Full Wave Rectifier. Illustrate with voltage waveforms
the circuit operation for both positive and negative half cycles of the input.
7. Sketch the op-amp Sample and Hold circuit, draw the Signal, Control and Output
voltage waveforms and explain the circuit operation.
8. Draw the circuit diagram and I/O waveforms of basic Op-amp Differentiator. Derive an
equation for the output voltage.

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 6

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
9. Draw the circuit diagram of practical differentiator and illustrate with a frequency
response curve, how this practical circuit can eliminate the problem of stability.
10. Give the procedure for the design of Differentiator circuit.
11. Design an op-amp differentiator that will differentiate an input signal with f max = 100
12. Draw the circuit diagram of basic Op-amp Integrator. Derive an equation for the
output voltage.
13. Draw the circuit diagram of a practical integrator and illustrate with a frequency
response curve, how this practical circuit can eliminate the saturation problem at low
14. Draw the circuit diagram of an op-amp inverting and non-inverting comparator.
Sketch typical input and output waveforms and explain the circuit operation.
15. Draw the circuit diagram of an op-amp inverting and non-inverting zero crossing
detector. Sketch typical input and output waveforms and explain the circuit operation.
16. With a neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the operation of Time marker
17. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of Phase detector.
18. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of Window Detector.
19. Draw the diagram of an op-amp inverting Schmitt trigger circuit. Sketch the typical
input / output waveforms and explain the circuit operation.
20. Sketch the circuit diagram of an op-amp astable multivibrator, draw the circuit
waveforms and explain its operation.
21. Sketch the circuit diagram of an op-amp astable multivibrator and derive an
expression for the output frequency fo.
22. Sketch the circuit diagram of an op-amp mono-stable multivibrator, draw the circuit
waveforms and explain its operation.
23. Sketch the circuit diagram of an op-amp monostable multivibrator and derive an
expression for the output pulse width.
24. Draw the circuit diagram of a triangular waveform generator using op-amps. Sketch
the circuit waveforms and explain its circuit operation
25. State Barkhausen criteria for a sine wave oscillator
26. Draw the circuit diagram of an op-amp phase shift oscillator. Sketch the circuit
waveforms and briefly explain the oscillator operation.
27. Design a Phase shift oscillator to oscillate at 100 Hz.

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 7

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
28. Draw the circuit diagram of an op-amp Wein bridge oscillator. Sketch the circuit
waveforms and briefly explain the oscillator operation.

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 8

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
Signal Conditioning and Data Acquisition Circuits (21EI44)

Module - 3

Voltage Regulators and Active Filters

1. Voltage Regulators
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Series Op-amp Regulator
1.3 IC Voltage Regulators
1.4 723 General purpose Regulator
1.5 Switching Regulator

2. Active Filters
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Low Pass Filters
- First order LPF
- Second order LPF
2.3 High Pass Filters
- First Order HPF
- Second Order HPF
2.4 Band Pass Filter
- Wide Band Pass Filter
- Narrow Band Pass Filter
2.5 Band Reject Filter
- Wide Band Reject Filter
- Notch Filter
1. What is the function of voltage regulator? Define i) Line Regulation, ii) Load Regulation
and iii) Ripple Rejection
2. Explain i) Series regulation and ii) Switching regulation
3. Sketch the circuit of a Series Regulator and list its parts. Explain the circuit operation.
4. List the characteristics of three terminal IC Voltage Regulators.
5. Explain how a three terminal fixed voltage regulator can be used as a current source?
6. Using 7805 design a current source to deliver 0.2A current to 22Ω, 10W load.
7. Explain boosting of IC regulator output current with necessary equations.
8. In a current boosting three terminal regulator V BE(ON) = 1 V and β = 15. Calculate the
output current coming from 7805 and IC coming from transistor Q1 for loads 100Ω, 5Ω,

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 9

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
9. Explain how a fixed voltage regulator can be used as Adjustable Regulator ?
10. List out the features of 723 voltage regulator.
11. With a neat functional block diagram, describe i) Reference Amplifier section and ii)
Error Amplifier section of 723 regulator IC.
12. With a neat functional diagram explain the operation of a positive low voltage
regulator using 723 IC .
13. Design a voltage regulator using 723 to get a low voltage output of 3 V.
14. With a neat functional diagram explain the operation of a positive high voltage
regulator using 723 IC.
15. Design a voltage regulator using 723 to get a voltage output of 28 V.
16. Explain current limit protection in 723 voltage regulators.
17. What are the limitations of series voltage regulators? Discuss
18. Sketch the circuit diagram and waveforms of Switching regulator. Explain its
19. Give the classification of Active filters based on band of frequencies they pass.
20. List the advantages of Active filters.
21. Sketch the circuit of a first order active Low pass filter. Derive it's Transfer Function.
22. Sketch the frequency response curve of first order active Low pass filter and derive an
expression for its gain magnitude |H(jw)|
23. Design a first order LPF for a cut off frequency of 1 kHz and a passband gain of 2.
24. Sketch the circuit and frequency response curve of a second order active Low pass
filter and with the equation for gain magnitude, explain the frequency response.
25. Design a second order LPF for a cut off frequency of 1 kHz
26. Sketch the circuit of a first order active High pass filter. Derive it's Transfer Function.
27. Sketch the frequency response of first order active High pass filter and derive an
expression for its gain magnitude |H(jw)|.
28. Design a first order HPF for a cut off frequency of 1 kHz and a passband gain of 2.
29. Sketch the circuit and frequency response curve of second order active Low pass filter
and with the equation for gain magnitude, explain the frequency response.
30. Design a second order HPF for a cut off frequency of 1 kHz
31. What is the function of a active Band Pass filter? Define Q factor and classify the Band
Pass filters based on the Q factor.

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 10

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
32. Sketch the circuit and frequency response curve of active Wide Band Pass filter and
obtain an equation for its gain magnitude.
33. Design a Wide bandpass filter with fl = 200 Hz, fh = 1 kHz and a pass band gain of 4.
Calculate the value of Q for the filter.
34. Sketch the circuit of active Narrow Band Pass filter and draw its frequency response
curve. Write the relevant equations
35. What is the function of a Band Reject filter? Define the Q factor and classify active
Band Reject filters based on the Q factor.
36. Sketch the circuit and frequency response curve of active Wide Band Reject filter and
obtain an equation for its gain magnitude.
37. Design a Wide Reject filter with fh= 200 Hz, fl = 1 kHz and a pass band gain of 2.
Calculate the value of Q for the filter.
38. Sketch the circuit of a Narrow Band Reject filter (or a Notch filter), draw its frequency
response curve and write the equation of notch-out frequency fo.
39. Design a 60 Hz Notch filter

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 11

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
Signal Conditioning and Data Acquisition Circuits (21EI44)

Module - 4

555 Timer and Phase Locked Loops

1. 555 Timer
1.1 Description of Functional Diagram,
1.2 Monostable operation:
1.3 Applications
Frequency Divider & Pulse Width Modulation.
1.4 Astable operation
1.5 Applications
FSK Generator & Pulse Position Modulation.
2. Phase Locked Loops
2.1 Basic Principles
2.2 Phase Detector/Comparator,
2.3 Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
2.4 PLL applications:
Frequency Multiplication/Division,
Frequency Translation,
FM Demodulation.
1. List the features of 555 timer IC
2. With a neat functional diagram, explain the operation of various components in 555
timer IC.
3. Sketch the circuit diagram and functional diagram of 555 timer monostable
multivibrator. Sketch the timing waveforms and explain the circuit operation.
4. Derive an expression for the output pulse width T in case of 555 timer monostable
5. In the monostable multivibrator, R = 100 kΩ and the time delay T = 100 ms. Calculate
the value of C.
6. Design a monostable multivibrator using 555 timer to produce a pulse width of 100
7. Discuss the following applications of 555 timer in monostable mode:
1) Frequency divider
2) Pulse width modulation
8. Sketch the circuit diagram and functional diagram of 555 timer astable multivibrator.
Sketch the timing waveforms and explain the circuit operation.

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 12

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
9. Derive an expression for i) tHigh, tLow, ii) time period T, iii) frequency f and iv) duty cycle
D% of the output waveform of 555 timer astable multivibrator.
10. Explain with necessary equations and waveforms, the operation of 555 timer
Symmetrical square wave generator.
11. In the astable multivibrator, RA = 6.8 kΩ, RB = 3.3 kΩ and C = 0.1 µF. Calculate a) THIGH,
b) TLOW, c) free running frequency, d) duty cycle D.
12. In the astable multivibrator, RA = 2.2 kΩ, RB = 6.8 kΩ and C = 0.01 µF. Calculate a) THIGH,
b) TLOW, c) free running frequency, d) duty cycle D.
13. Design a rectangular waveform generator of frequency 100 Hz and duty cycle of 75%
14. Design a symmetrical square waveform generator of 10 kHz.
15. Discuss the following applications of 555 timer in astable mode:
1) FSK generator
2) Pulse position modulator
16. With a neat block schematic, explain the basic principle of Phase locked loop.
17. Define i) capture range, ii) pull-in time, iii) lock-in range
18. With relevant diagrams and waveforms, explain the working of
i) Analog phase detector
ii) Digital phase detector
19. With a neat functional diagram, explain the operation of VCO 566 IC.
20. Derive an expression for output frequency fo of VCO.
21. With neat block diagrams, discuss the following applications of PLL
 Frequency Multiplication/Division
 Frequency Translation
 FM Demodulation

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 13

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Signal Conditioning and Data Acquisition Circuits (21EI44)

Module - 5

Data Acquisition Systems and Data Converters

1. Data Acquisition Systems
1.1 Types of instrumentation systems,
1.2 Components of analog data acquisition system,
1.3 Digital data acquisition system,
1.4 Use of recorders in digital systems,
1.5 Digital recording systems.
2. Data Converters
2.1 D/A Converters
Basic DAC Techniques
Weighted Resistor DAC
R – 2R Ladder DAC
2.2 A/D Converters
Functional diagram of ADC
Direct Type ADCs
Flash ADC
Counter Type ADC
Successive Approximation ADC
Integrating Type ADCs
Dual-Slope ADC
2.3 DAC/ADC Specifications
2.4 DAC 0800 and ADC 0809
1. What is Data Acquisition System ? Discuss the types of Data Acquisition systems.
2. With a neat block diagram, describe the function of each of the elements of Analog Data
Acquisition system.
3. With a neat block diagram, describe the function of each of the elements of Digital Data
Acquisition system.
4. Explain the process of Digital recording using i) Analog recorders and ii) Digital recorders.
5. Give the block diagram description of Digital Data Recording system.
6. With a neat circuit diagram and transfer characteristics, explain the operation of a
Binary Weighted Resistor DAC. Mention its disadvantage.

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 14

SCDAC RNS Institute of Technology 21EI44
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
7. Calculate the values of the LSB, MSB and Full scale output for an 8 – bit DAC for the 0V
to 10V range.
8. What output voltage would be produced by a D/A converter whose output range is 0
to 10V and whose input binary word is
i) 10 (for a 2-bit DAC).
ii) 0110 (for a 4-bit DAC.
iii) 10111100 (for 8-bit DAC)
9. How many levels are possible in a 2-bit DAC? What is its Resolution if the output range
is 0 to 3V?
10. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a R – 2R Ladder DAC.
11. Give the classification of ADCs.
12. With a neat circuit diagram and truth table, explain the operation of the Flash ADC.
Also, mention the disadvantage.
13. With a neat circuit diagram, suitable waveforms and conversion sequence table,
explain the operation of the Successive Approximation A/D converter.
14. With a neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the operation of the Dual Slope
A/D converter.
15. A dual slope ADC uses a 16-bit counter and a 4 MHz clock rate. The maximum input
voltage is +10V. The maximum integrator output voltage should be – 8V when the
counter has cycled through 2n counts. The capacitor used in the integrator is 0.1 µF.
a) Find the value of the resistor R of the integrator. Ans: R = 205 kΩ
b) If the analog signal Va is +4.129V , find the equivalent digital number.
Ans: 1000010000100001
16. A dual slope ADC uses a 18-bit counter and a 5 MHz clock rate. The maximum input
voltage is +12V. The maximum integrator output voltage should be – 10V when the
counter has cycled through 2n counts. If R = 100 kΩ,
a) Find the size of the the capacitor to be used for the integrator.
b) If the analog signal Va is +5.237V , find the equivalent digital number.
17. Explain the important specifications of D/A and A/D converters.
18. List the features of DAC 0800 IC
19. List the features of ADC 0809 IC

P Manohar, Associate Professor, Dept. of EIE, RNSIT Page 15

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