Anna University (Syllabus) V Semester (EEE) Linear Integrated Circuits Two Marks

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Anna University (Syllabus)

V Semester (EEE)
Two marks

1. Mention any four characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier.

Characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier:
1. Open loop voltage gain AOL = ∞ (infinity)
2. Input impedance Ri = ∞ (infinity)
3. Output impedance Ro = 0 (zero)
4. Zero offset Vo = 0 (zero)
5. Band width BW = ∞ (infinity)

2. Define slew rate.

Slew rate is defined as the maximum rate of change of output voltage caused by a
step input voltage and is usually specified in V/µs. Slew rate of 741 IC is 0.5V/µS.

3. In what way is IC741S better than IC741?

IC741S is military grade of amplifier and has higher slew rate and lower
temperature than IC741.

4. State the important features of instrumentation amplifier.

Important features of instrumentation amplifier:
1. High gain accuracy
2. High CMRR
3. High gain stability with low temperature coefficient
4. Low dc offset
5. Low output impedance

5. Define CMRR.
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) is defined as the ratio of difference
mode gain to common mode gain. Its ideal value is infinity, and it is given by,
CMRR = | Ad| / |Ac|.
Where Ad is difference mode gain and
Ac is common mode gain.

6. Define PSRR.
Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) is defined as the change in op-amp’s input
offset voltage due to variations in supply voltage. It is expressed in microvolt per volt or
in db.

7. Define Tail current.

Tail current is defined as the current which is flowing through the common
emitter resistor of the differential amplifier.

8. Draw and explain the internal block diagram of typical op-amp circuit.
The internal block diagram of typical op-amp circuit is given below:

Differential Buffer and

Differential Output
amplifier level Vo
amplifier Driver

1. Differential
2. The buffer isamplifiers
usually anare used follower
emitter to provide high input
whose gain impedance is very high.
It prevents loading of high gain stage
3. The output driver is usually provided to give low output impedance

9. List the basic types of differential amplifier configurations.

Four basic types of differential amplifier configurations:
1. Dual input and balanced output
2. Dual input and unbalanced output
3. Single input and balanced output
4. Single input and unbalanced output

10. Mention the drawbacks of using large RC in differential amplifiers.

Main drawbacks:
1. A large value of resistance requires a large chip area
2. For large RC quiescent drop, a large power supply will be required to
maintain a given quiescent collector current

11. Mention the DCcharacteristics of an op-amp.

DC characteristics of op-amp:
1. Input bias current
2. Input offset current
3. Input offset voltage
4. Thermal drift

12. Why do we use Rcomp resistor?

In a bipolar op-amp circuit, even when the input is zero, the output will not be
zero. This is due to the effect of bias current. This effect can be compensated using Rcomp
resistor and it is given by
Rcomp = (RiRf) / (Ri + Rf) .
Where Ri is input resistance and Rf is feed back resistance.

13. Define input offset voltage.

Input offset voltage is defined as the voltage required to be applied at the input
terminals for making output voltage to zero.

14. Define thermal drift.

Thermal drift is defined as the change in offset current and offset voltage due to
15. List out the ac characteristics of an op-amp.
AC characteristics of an op-amp:
1. Frequency response
2. Slew rate

16. Define magnitude plot and phase angle plot.

Magnitude plot is defined as the one in which gain of an op-amp changes with
respect to the change in frequency.
Phase angle plot is defined as the one in which phase angle changes with respect
to the change in frequency.

17. Define compensating network.

The compensating network is formed by components such as resistor and
capacitor for obtaining large bandwidth and lower closer loop gain.

18. Mention the two types of external compensation techniques.

Two types of external compensation techniques:
1. Dominant-pole compensation
2. Pole-zero (lag) compensation

19. Define full power response.

Full power response is defined as the maximum frequency of a large amplitude
sine wave with which op-amp can have undistorted output.

20. Define input resistance.

Input resistance is defined as the difference input resistance as seen at either of the
input terminals with the other terminal connected to ground. For 741 IC, the input
resistance value is 2MΩ.

21. Define input capacitance.

Input capacitance is defined as the equivalent capacitance that can be measured at
either of the input terminals with the other terminal connected to ground. A typical value
of Ci is 1.4pF.

22. Define large signal voltage gain. Why it is referred so?

Large signal Voltage gain is defined as the ratio of the output voltage to
differential input voltage. Since the amplitude of the output signal is much larger than the
input signal, the voltage gain is commonly referred to as large signal voltage gain.

23. What does the output voltage swing indicate?

The output voltage swing indicates that the value of positive and negative voltage
of an op-amp and it should never exceed the supply voltage V+ and V- .

24. Define output resistance.

Output resistance Ro is defined as the resistance measured between the output
terminal of the op-amp and ground. The typical value is 75Ω for 741 ICs.
25. List out the different types of op-amp.
Different types of op-amp:
1. Bipolar op-amp
2. FET op-amp
3. MOSFET op-amp

26. Define input offset voltage.

Input offset voltage is defined as the voltage that must be applied between the
input terminals of an op-amp to nullify the output. For IC 741, the maximum value is
6 mV.

27. Define input offset current.

Input offset current is defined as the algebraic difference between the currents into
the (-) input and (+) input. For 741 IC the maximum value is 200 nA.

28. Define input voltage range.

Input voltage range is defined as the common-mode voltage that can be applied to
both input terminals without disturbing the performance of an op-amp. The range of the
input common-mode voltage is + 13 V, for 741 IC.

29. Define output short circuit current.

Output short circuit current is defined as the current that may flow if an op-amp
gets shorted accidentally and is generated high. The op-amp must be provided with short
circuit protection. The short circuit current ISC for 741C is 25 mA.

30. Define supply current.

Supply current IS is defined as the current drawn by the op-amp from the power
supply. It is 2.8 mA for 741 IC.

Analog multiplier and PLL

1. What is an analog multiplier?

An analog multiplier is the one which produces an output voltage (Vo)
proportional to the product of two input voltages VX and VY. The output voltage is given
Vo = K VX VY.
Where K is a scale factor, usually its value is 1/ (10)V-1.
2. What is a four quadrant multiplier?
A multiplier that accepts inputs of either polarity and preserves the correct
polarity relationship at the output is referred to as a four quadrant multiplier.

3. Give the applications of analog multipliers.

Applications of analog multipliers:
1. Frequency doubling
2. Frequency shifting
3. Phase angle detection
4. Real power computation
5. Multiplying two signal, dividing and squaring of signals

4. What is the unique feature of Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA)?

The unique feature of OTA is that, it is possible to vary gm (transconductance)
over a wide range, by means of an external control current and OTA is an inherently
fast device.

5. Give the typical applications of Operational Transconductance Amplifier( OTA)

Applications of Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA):
1. To implement programmable amplifiers and integrators in
audio processing and electronic music synthesis
2. As current switches in sample and hold applications
3. Using VLSI techniques in neural networks

6. List the basic limitations of Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA).

The basic limitations of Operational Transconductance Amplifier:
1. Output current is non linear when the input voltage exceeds 20mV
2. As the control current IC is varied to adjust gain or resistance,
offset voltage, input bias current and slew rate are also affected
3. Temperature affects the performance of OTA

7. Draw the general block diagram of phase locked loop.

Where Vs and fs are the signal voltage and signal frequency respectively,
Vc and fc are the control voltage and frequency of the control signal respectively,
Ve is the error voltage
Vo is the output voltage.

8. Define lock in range.

Lock-in renge is defined as the range of frequencies over which the PLL can
maintain lock with the incoming signal. It is also called as tracking range. The lock-
in range is expressed as a percentage of VCO frequency fo.

9. Define capture range.

Capture range is defined as the range of frequencies over which the PLL can
acquire lock with an input signal. This parameter is expressed as a percentage of
VCO frequency fo.

10. Define Pull-in time.

Pull-in time is defined as the total time taken by the PLL to establish lock. This
depends on the initial phase and frequency difference between the two signals as well as
on the overall loop gain and loop filter characteristics.

11. What is the basic function of phase detector?

The basic function of the phase detector is, to compare the phase and frequency of
the incoming signal with the output of VCO in PLL. If the two signals differ in frequency
and/or phase, an error signal is generated, it is basically a multiplier.

12. What are the two types of phase detectors available?

Two types of phase detectors:
1. Analog phase detector
2. Digital phase detector
13. The first stage in a PLL is phase detector followed by low pass filter.

14. List out some examples of digital phase detectors.

Examples of digital phase detectors:
1. Exclusive OR phase detector
2. Edge- triggered phase detector
3. Monolithic phase detector

]15. What is voltage controlled oscillator?

The voltage controlled oscillator is defined as the one in which the frequency of
the output signal (Vo) is controlled by the control voltage (Vc).

16. What is the function of VCO in PLL?

The error voltage in phase detector is amplified and applied as a control voltage
(Vc) to VCO. The signal Vc Shifts the VCO frequency in a direction to reduce the
frequency difference between fs and fo . Once the action starts, we say that the signal is in
the capture range. The VCO continues to change frequency, till its output frequency is
exactly the same as the input signal frequency.

17. List out the typical applications of Phase Locked Loop.

Applications of Phase Locked Loop:
1. Frequency multiplication/division
2. Frequency translation
3. AM detection
4. FM demodulation and
5. FSK demodulation.

18. How can FM signal demodulated using PLL?

If PLL is locked to a FM signal, the VCO tracks the instantaneous frequency of
the input signal. The filtered error voltage which controls VCO and maintains lock with
the input signal is the demodulated FM output. The VCO transfer characteristics
determine the linearity of the demodulated output.

19. What is frequency shift keying technique?

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) technique is a type of the data transmission in
which, binary data is transmitted by means of a carrier frequency which is shifted
between two preset frequencies.
20. What is frequency shift?
The difference between the two preset input frequencies of Frequency Shift
Keying (FSK) demodulator is called frequency shift.

21. What is frequency shift keying demodulation?

The binary data which is shifted by a carrier frequency between two preset
frequencies are retrieved by using Frequency Shift Keying ( FSK) demodulator.

22. What will be the output frequency if a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) frequency
translator has a center frequency of ‘f’ and input frequency of ’f1’?
The output frequency is f+f1.

23. What are the main advantages of using low pass filter in PLL circuits?
Main advantages of using low pass filter:
1. The low pass filter used in PLL not only removes the high frequency
components and noise, but also controls the dynamic characteristics of
2. The charge on the filter capacitor gives a short time memory to the
PLL. Thus, even if the signal becomes less than the noise for a few
cycles, the dc voltage on the capacitor continues to shift the frequency
of the VCO till it picks up the signal again.

24. Why is the capture range of PLL dependant upon low pass filter (LPF)
The capture range of PLL depends on low pass filter characteristics because it
removes the high frequency components and noise ,as the bandwidth reduces the
capture range of PLL is also get reduced.


Applications of Operational Amplifiers

1. List out the important features of an instrumentation amplifier.

Important features of an instrumentation amplifier:
1. High gain accuracy
2. High CMRR
3. High gain stability with low temperature coefficient
4. Low dc offset
5. Low output impedance

2. Mention the disadvantages of passive filters.

Disadvantages of passive filter:
1. Inductors become large, heavy and expensive for low frequency
2. More number of turns of wire must be used which in turn adds to the
series resistance degrading inductor’s performance.(i.e.)low Q,
resulting in high power dissipation.

3. What is an inverting amplifier?

Inverting amplifier is the one in which a signal is applied to the inverting input
terminal. The output voltage is fedback to the inverting input terminal through feedback
resistance (Rf) – input resistance (Ri) network. The output signal is the amplified form of
input signal with a phase shift of 1800 .The circuit diagram of inverting op-amp is given

4. What is a non inverting amplifier?

Non inverting amplifier is the one in which a signal is applied to the non inverting
input terminal and the output is feedback to the inverting input terminal, the circuit
amplifies without inverting the i/p signal. The circuit diagram of non-inverting amplifier
is given below:

5. What is linear op-amp circuit?

An op-amp circuit which has the output signal with the same shape as that of the
input signal is called linear op-amp circuit. The op-amp does not go to saturation during
its cycle.

6. List out some of the linear op-amp circuits.

Linear op-amp circuits:
1. Inverting amplifiers
2 .Non inverting amplifiers
3. Differential amplifiers
4. Instrumentation amplifiers
5. Current boosters etc.

7. What is non linear op-amp circuit?

An op-amp circuit which has the output signal with a different shape from the
input signal is called non linear op-amp circuit. The op-amp saturates during part of its
input cycle.

8. List out some non linear op-amp circuits.

Non linear op-amp circuits:
1. Comparators
2. Wave shapers
3. Active diode circuits.

9. How is the gain stabilized by negative feedback?

Negative feedback is used mainly to stabilize the overall voltage gain. If the open
loop voltage gain AOL increases for any reason, the output voltage will increase and feeds
back more voltage to the inverting input. This opposing feedback voltage reduces
inverting input voltage V2. Therefore even though AOL has increased, inverting input
voltage V2 has decreased and the final output increases much less that it would be without
the negative feedback.

10. What is voltage follower?

Voltage follower is the circuit in which the output voltage follows the input
voltage both in magnitude as well as in phase. The circuit diagram of voltage follower is
given below:

11. Mention the main applications of differentiator.

Main applications of differentiator:
1. used in wave shaping circuits to detect high frequency components
in an input signal.
2. used as rate of change detector in FM modulations.

12. List the drawbacks of ideal integrator.

Drawbacks of ideal integrator:
1. At low frequencies (dc), gain becomes infinity.
2. When the op-amp saturates, ideal integrator behaves like an open

13. What is a differentiator?

A differentiator is the circuit which perform the mathematical operation of
differentiation, i.e., the output waveform is the derivative of the input waveform. The
output voltage is given by
Vo = - Rf C1 dvi /dt
Where Rf is the feedback resistor,
C1 is the input capacitance and
vi is the input voltage.

14. Mention the main applications of differentiator.

Main applications of differentiator:
1. used in wave shaping circuits to detect high frequency components in an
input signal.
2. used as rate of change detector in FM modulations.

15. List the drawbacks of ideal integrator.

Drawbacks of ideal integrator:
1. At low frequencies (dc), gain becomes infinity.
2. When the op-amp saturates, ideal integrator behaves like an open

16. Why is the practical integrator called as lossy integrator?

The gain of the integrator at lower frequencies can be limited to avoid the
saturation problem, if the feedback capacitor Cf is shunted by a resistor Rf .The parallel
combination of Rf and Cf behaves like practical capacitor, which dissipates power,
unlike an ideal capacitor. For this reason, the circuit is called as lossy integrator.

17. Mention the two types of voltage to current converter?

Two types of voltage to current converter:
1. V-I converter with floating load
2. V-I converter with grounded load

18. Give the applications of V-I converter.

Main applications of voltage to current converter:
1. Low voltage dc and ac voltmeter
2. In LED and Zener diode tester

19. Write the major function of instrumentation amplifier.

The major function of instrumentation amplifier is to amplify the low level output
signal so that it can drive the inductor or display.

20. What is an oscillator?

An oscillator is basically a positive feedback circuit where, a fraction of the
output voltage Vo is fedback to the input end of the basic amplifier, which is in phase
with the signal to the basic amplifier.

21. Mention the conditions to be satisfied for sustained oscillation.

Conditions to be satisfied for sustained oscillation:
1. The magnitude of product of the gain of the basic amplifier(Av) and
the gain of the feedback amplifier(β) should be equal to 1 ; |Avβ| = 1.
2. Āngle between gain of the basic amplifier(Av) and gain of the feedback
amplifier(β) should be equal to 00 or 3600 .

22. Classify sine-wave oscillators based on the range of frequency.

Sine-wave oscillators can be classified according to the range of frequency as
1. RC Oscillators for audio frequency
2. LC Oscillators for radio frequency

23. Define Electric filter.

An electric filter is defined as afrequency selective circuit that passes a specific
band of frequencies and blocks or attenuates signals of frequencies outside this band.
24. Mention the classification of electric filters.
Classifications of electric filters:
1. Analog or digital
2. Passive or active
3. Audio (AF) or radio frequency (RF).

25. Mention the advantages of active filters.

Advantages of active filter:
1. Gain and frequency adjustment is flexible
2. No loading problem
3. Cost is low

26. Define frequency scaling.

Frequency scaling is defined as the procedure used to convert an Original cut-off
frequency fh to a new cut-off frequency fh .

27. What is a comparator?

A comparator is a circuit which compares a signal voltage applied to one input of
an op-amp with known reference voltage at other input. It is basically an op-amp with
output + (Vsat).

28. List out the applications of comparator.

Applications of comparator:
1. Zero crossing detector
2. Window detector
3. Time marker generator
4. Phase meter

29. What is Schmitt trigger?

Schmitt trigger is an inverting comparator with positive feedback. It converts an
irregular-shaped waveform to a square wave or pulse, and is called as squaring circuit.

Analog to digital and digital to analog converters

1. What is the use of sample and hold circuit?

A sample and hold circuit samples an input signal and holds onto its last sampled
value, until the input is sampled again.

2. Mention few applications of sample and hold circuit.

Applications of sample and hold circuits :
1. Analog to digital systems
2. Pulse code modulation systems.
3. What is sample period?
The time period during which the voltage across the capacitor is equal to input
voltage is called sample period.

4. What is hold period?

The time period during which the voltage across the capacitor is held constant is
called hold period.

5. List out various resistive DAC techniques available.

Various resistive DAC techniques available:
1. Weighted resistor DAC
2. R-2R ladder
3. Inverter R-2R ladder

6. What is the resolution for a DAC?

The resolution of the analog to digital converter is the smallest change in voltage,
which may be produced at the output (or input) of the converter.

7. List out direct type ADCs.

Direct type ADCs:
1. Flash (comparator) type converter
2. Counter type converter
3. Tracking or servo converter
4. Successive approximate type converter

8. List out some integrating type converters.

Most widely used integrating type converters:
1. Charge balancing ADC
2. Dual slope ADC

9. What is integrating type converter?

An ADC Performs conversion in an indirect manner by first changing the analog
input signal to a linear function of time or frequency and then to a digital code is known
as integrating type converter.

10. Where are the successive approximation type ADCs used?

The successive approximation ADCs are used in applications such as, data
loggers and instrumentation where conversion speed is important.

11. The input stage of any data acquisition system will be sample and hold circuit.

12. Name the various types of electronic switches used in DAC.

Various types of electronic switches used in DAC:
1. Single pole double throw switch
2. Totem pole MOSFET switch
3. CMOS inverter switch
13. Mention the main disadvantage of flash type ADC?
The main disadvantage of flash type A/D converter is that, the number of
comparators required almost doubles for each added bit.
For example: A 2-bit ADC Requires 3 comparators, 3-bit ADC requires 7 comparators.

14. How many total number of clock pulses required for 8-bit successive-
approximation type A/D converter?
The total number of clock pulses required for 8-bit successive-approximation A/D
converter is 8.

15. Mention the main advantages of integrating type ADCs?

Main advantages of integrating type ADCs:
1. The integrating type of ADCs do not require a S/H circuit at the input
2. It is possible to transmit frequency even in noisy environment

16. Define absolute accuracy.

Absolute accuracy is the maximum deviation between the actual converter output
and ideal converter output.

17. Define relative accuracy.

Relative accuracy is the maximum deviation between the actual converter output
and ideal converter output after gain and offset errors have been removed.

18. Draw the block diagram of successive-approximation type ADC.

19. What is monotonic DAC?

A monotonic DAC is the one whose analog output increases for an increase in
digital input.

20. What is settling time?

Settling time is the time taken for the output to settle within a specified band +
(1/2) LSB of its final value following a code change at the input. It ranges from 100 ns to
10 μs depending on word length and type of circuit used.

21. Write the main logic involved in Delta modulation.

Delta modulation (DM) is the single bit version of PCM. In this modulation the
difference between original sample and previous sample of error signal is encoded into a
single bit. If the current sample is smaller than the previous sample, logic 0 is transmitted.
If the current sample is larger than the previous sample, logic 1 is transmitted.

22. Mention the main function of comparator in delta modulation transmitter.

The comparator compares the pulse analog signal and the previous signal and
gives output as logic 1(+V) or logic 0(-V).

23. Write the two problems associated with DM.

Problems associated with DM:
1. Slope overload
2. Granular noise

24. Where are analog switches used?

Analog switches are used in chopper amplifiers, D/A converters, function
generators, S/M amplifiers and switching power supplies.

25. What is slope overload?

When the analog input signal changes at a faster rate than DAC can maintain, the
analog signal is greater than the delta modular can maintain, and this is called as the slope

26. What is granular noise?

When the original analog input signal has a relatively constant amplitude, the
reconstructed signal has variations that were not present in the original signal. This is
called as granular noise.

27. What is adaptive delta modulation?

Adaptive delta modulation is a delta modulation system where the step size of the
DAC is automatically varied depending on the amplitude characteristics of analog input


1. Write the main function of 555 Timer.

The 555 Timer is a highly stable device for generating accurate time delay
or oscillation.

2. Mention the applications of 555 Timer.

The applications of 555 Timer are:
It can be used as
1. An Oscillator,
2. Pulse generator,
3. Ramp and square wave generator,
4. Monoshot multivibrator,
5. Burglar alarm,
6. Traffic light control and
7. Voltage monitor.

3. The other name for monostable multivibrator is one shot multivibrator.

4. Mention the applications of the monostable mode of operation of 555 IC.

The applications of the monostable mode of operation of 555 IC are:
1. Missing pulse detector,
2. Linear ramp generator,
3. Frequency divider and
4. In pulse width modulation.
5. Mention the main applications of missing pulse detector monostable circuit.
The main applications of missing pulse detector monostable circuit are:
1. It is used to detect missing heart beat and
2. It is used for speed control and measurement.

6. Write the main function of voltage regulator.

The main function of voltage regulator is to provide a stable DC voltage
for processing other electronic circuits.

7. List the different types of voltage regulators.

The different types of voltage regulators are:
1. Fixed output voltage regulator (positive or negative),
2. Adjustable output voltage regulators (positive or negative),
3. Switching regulators and
4. Special regulators.

8. What is a voltage regulator?

A voltage regulator is an electronic circuit that provides a stable dc voltage
independent of the load current, independent of the load current, temperature
and ac line voltage variations.
9. What are the four main parts of voltage regulators?
The four main parts of the voltage regulators are:
1. Reference voltage circuit,
2. Error amplifier,
3. Series poles transistor and
4. Feed back network.

10. Define Load regulation.

Load regulation is defined as the change in output voltage for a change in
input current. It is usually expressed in millivolts or as a percentage of Vo .

11. List the main advantages of voltage regulators.

The main advantages of voltage regulators are:
1. Short circuit protection and
2. Output voltage (positive or negative) can be varied.

12. List the limitations of IC-723 regulators.

The limitations of IC-723 regulators are:
1. No in-built thermal protection and
2. No short circuit current limits.

13. List the drawbacks of series regulators.

The draw backs of series regulators are:
1. The input step down transformer used is bulky and most expensive
2. Since it operates at low line frequency, large values of filter capacitors
are required.
3. Efficiency is less and
4. More power is dissipated in the series pass transistor, which is always in
the active region.

14. What is switched capacitor filter?

A switched capacitor filter is a three terminal device, which consists of
capacitors, periodic switches and operational amplifier whose open circuit voltage
transfer characteristics represents filtering characteristics.

15. Why are series regulators called as linear regulators?

Since the transistors conduct in the active or linear region, these regulators
are called as linear regulators.

16. Define ripple rejection.

Ripple rejection is a measure of a regulator’s ability to reject ripple
voltage. It is expressed in db.

17. Write the uses of voltage regulators.

Voltage regulators are commonly used for on-card regulation and
laboratory type power switches. Switch type regulators are used as control circuits
in pulse width modulation, Push Pull Bridge and series type switch mode

18. Where are switched capacitor filter used?

Switched capacitor filter are used in:
1. Low pass filter,
2. High pass filter,
3. Band pass filter and
4. Band reject filter.

19. What is frequency to voltage converters?

A converter which generates an output voltage that is linearly proportional
to the input frequency waveform is frequency to voltage converter.

20. Define Modulation.

The process of raising the audio signal to RF frequencies is called as modulation.

21. Define resonance.

At a particular frequency when the inductive reactance XL equals the
capacitor reactance XC, Then the circuit behaves as a purely resistive circuit. This
phenomenon is called as resonance.

22. Where does the thermal noise occur? What is the cause?
Thermal noise occurs in all passive resistors including the stray series
resistances of practical inductors and capacitors. Thermal noise is due to the random
thermal motion of electrons.

23. Define optocoupler.

A combination of LED and photodiode is called as an optocoupler. This
device can couple the input signal to the output circuit.

24. Mention the main advantages of optocoupler.

The key advantage of an optocoupler is the electrical isolation between
the input output circuits. With an optocoupler, the only contact between the input
and output is a beam of light. Because of this, it is possible to have an insulation
resistance between the two circuits in the thousands of mega ohms.

25. List the advantages of using optic fibres.

The advantages of using optic fibres are:
1. Creator information capacity,
2. Immunity to cross talk,
3. Immunity to static interferences,
4. Environmental immunity,
5. Safety and
6. Security and longer lasting.

26. Define Line regulation.

Line regulation is defined as the percentage change in the output voltage
for a change in the input voltage. It is usually expressed in millivolts.

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