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Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

Service Manual

(Clockwise to tighten - counter
clockwise to loosen). Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

I. Preparation For Disassembly Of The

1. All dirt, mud, dust, and foreign
material must be thoroughly re-
moved from the exterior of the en-
gine assembly before removal and

II. Engine Removal And Disassemblv

1. Drain the transmission oil by re-

moving the drain plug located at
the underside of clutch cover just
ahead of the foot rest. The plug
has a 17 mm hex. Remove foot rests.
The transmission/Primary holds lOOOcc (1 Liter).

2. Remove carburetor - medium screw


Note: Disconnect wire to coil if motor-

cycle is equipped with external
coil. The coil is located under
the gasoline tank. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

11. Remove the ignition cover - me-

dium blade screw driver. Not
necessary for transmission re-

12. Remove the three screws holding

the magneto housing - medium
blade screw driver. Not neces-
sary for transmission repair.

13. Remove the electrical wire going

to the coil from the points and
pull through the case removing
the rubber grommet. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

14. Remove the magneto rotor - small

blade screw driver, Bmm wrench,
impact slide hammer puller. We
recommend the use of a slide hammer
puller as shown.

15. Remove cylinder head - 13mm

socket. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

16. Remove cylinder

NOTE: To remove cylinder with engine in

the frame, remove the studs with a
small vise grip pliers. Push the
piston to SDC and remove the cylinder.

17. Remove pin clips - needle nose pliers.

Push pin through and remove piston
and bearing. Note the shop towel in
the top of cases to keep foreign
objects from falling into the lower end.
Do not reuse piston pin clips. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

18. Place engine in engine stand

with clutch cover up. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

19. Measure the piston and measure

the cylinder bore. If the cylin-
der bore is greater than .006
inch, replace the piston. It is
wise to check the cylinder bore
in at least 3 places; top, mid
and bottom to be sure that the
cylinder is round and is true
from top to bottom.
Rebore when the total deivation
in the cylinder is greater than
.006 inch from a new piston.
A new piston shall have .002 inch
clearance between piston and
cylinder wall measured at bottom
of skirt. The machine will re-
quire 75-100 miles break in prior
to racing.

20. The piston rings shall be check-

ed for end gap. A new ring has
.010 inch end gap. When end gap
exceeds .016 inch replace piston
rin~s. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

21. Remove:
A. Kick starter
1. 360-250 - Remove snap ring
and loosen pinch bolt -
ice pick and l7mm wrench.
2. 400-501 - Remove 6mm bolt
10mm wrench.
B. Remove seven 6mm screws from
the cover - medium blade
screw driver.
C. Pull the cover straight up

Note: For serv1c1ng clutch with en-

gine in the frame, lay the
machine over with the right
side down. Pull the plastic
.transmission vent hose out of
the case just above the chain.
Turn the hose 1800 so that
transmission oil will not run
out. Having the motorcycle
level will greatly assist
when replacing the clutch springs.

22. Remove the clutch snap rings

with special puller and two
small blade screw drivers. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

23. Remove by hand the clutch plates,

clutch guide, and note direction
of fiber plate and spring stack

2~. Clutch spring height

new .075 - replace .070 Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual
25. Clutch spring heavy 360 - 400
Place two springs face to face,
then add two more springs one
on each side, making a set of
25. Clutch spring heavy 360 - 400 4 springs. Use 18 springs, ma-
Place two springs face to face, king 4 1/2 sets. Twenty springs
then add two more springs one may be used - 5 sets - for more
on each side, making a set of spring pressure.
4 springs. Use 18 springs, ma-
king 4 1/2 sets. Twenty springs
may be used - 5 sets - for more
spring pressure.

26. Clutch spring light 501 and

early oval barrel 250 and 360.
Take two springs face to face
for set of 2. Use 20 springs,
26. Clutch spring light 501 and making 10 sets of 2 springs •
early oval barrel 250 and 360.
Take two springs face to face
for set of 2. Use 20 springs,
making 10 sets of 2 springs •

... Late model 400 and 501
clutches that are the light
weight model uses 18 springs
stacked as shown above.
Late model 400 and 501
clutches that are the light
weight model uses 18 springs
stacked as shown above. Courtesy of [email protected]
Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

27. This picture shows the proper

sequence of assembly for the all
steel clutch. It is recommended t,
use 20 springs when reassembling.

For 250, )60 and early 400 only.

One fiber plate.
Thickness new ~
Thickness replace ~

Driven plate 6 required.

Thickness new ~
Thickness replace ~
Note: When all fiber clutch is used
this plate will have no wear.
Check for flatness.

Driving plate 6 required.

Thickness new ~
Thickness replace .080 Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual


27a. 250 & 360 fiber clutch

5 fiber plates ~ steel plates 18 to 20 springs double

~7b. 250 & ~OO steel clutch. 20 springs double

~7c• ~OO & 501 big clutch

- First design big clutch

used in most 1971 ~OOcc
mote crossers.
6 steel slpined plates
- 7 fiber plates
1 terminal plate - Snap
ring it into terminal
plate groove.

:ote: Clutch body (center of

clutch that is slpined)
is longer on 1st. design
clutch than 2nd design.
This clutch uses 20
()()()()()()()(),i () stacked single

Note: The clutch plates

- shall be installed to
throw the oil out. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

27d. Second design bip,

clutch used in all
1972 400 & SOlcc models.
S steel splined plates
6 fiber plates
1 terminal plate. The
narrow machined ring
goes outside. The wide
machined band p,oes

Note: This clutch body (center

of clutch that is splined)
is shorter than the lst-

This clutch uses 18

springs stacked single

Note the heavy washer between

the inner & outer clutch bodies.

The spacer ring not shown

may go either on top or
under the spring washers. Courtesy of [email protected]

bearing requires 14
ball Barrel Engineon
allService Manual

Note: The clutch nut must be

installed with "Loctite".
If the clutch nut comes
_ Note: The clutch ?lates shall loose two ~ears will
be installed to throw engage at the same time.
the oil out.

- Note: The clutch throwout

bearing requires 14
ball bearin~s on all

Note: The clutch nut must be

installed with "Loctite".
If the clutch nut comes
loose two ~ears will
engage at the same time.

27e. This is the engine
- flywheel used on the
501 only.

27e. This is the engine
flywheel used on the
501 only.

- Courtesy of [email protected]
Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

28. Remove the lock tab from the

clutch guide nut by lifting out.
The lock tab is reuseable.
Shown is a new lock tab and one
properly bent to secure the nut.
Not used in 501.

Use Loctite on the 501

clutch nut.

NOTE. If the clutch nut comes loose

the transmission will engage
two gears at once.

29. Remove clutch center - special

clutch holding tool and 17mm
socket .

Note: Removing the clutch center

without the Special clutch
tool can cause damage. This
damage will cause the clutch
plates to bind up and the
clutch will slip or not
properly release. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

30. Pull clutch center from clutch

case, remove bronze bush.

Remove clutch case an~ primary

chain and clutch thrust washer.
Note condition, if bent or
grooved replace washer. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

32. Engine sprocket

1. 250-400cc Remove lock tab
from engine sprocket nut -
chizel and hammer.
2. Keep the flywheels from rotating
by inserting pin between connect-
ing rod and case. Remove engine
sprocket nut and lock washer,
pull sprocket, and spacer.
Tools, 3/8" pin, large screw
driver and 24mm wrench.

Note the pin that keeps the

flywheels from rotating. The
pin is inserted between the con
rod and the engine cases.

501cc not shown

1. Remove sprocket nut

2. Remove external flywheel

and the spacer ring.

Note: When reassembling, grease

back side of engine sprocket
nut. Do not g2ease lock washer. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

)). Remove lock tab, shift linkage

cover plate, and shift linkage
pull rod. 10mm wrench, chisel
and hammer. See Misc. section
for proper indexing of shift
mechanism when reassembling.

34. Remove kick starter shaft and

spring by winding spring and
lifting straight up.

35. 250 and 360 models have eight

internal case screws. Large
blade screw driver.

)6. Late model 250, all 400's

and 501's have seven internal
case screws and one external.
Large blade screw driver. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

37. Remove spring from hook rachet -

needle nose pliers.

38. Remove left hand case - by hand

and. rawhide hammer.

39. Remove crank shaft assembly -

by hand.

40. Check flywheel alignment by ro-

tating on knife edges. Max. mis-
alignment is .002 inch at the end
of the magneto shaft, re-align if
necessary. This must be done by
a motorcycle shop or a machine shop.

NOTE. It is suggested to reassemble the flywheels using

Loctite grade 35 and Loctite primer grade T. To
disassemble loctited flywheels heat to 450-5000 F
in an~. Do not use a torch. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

41. The connecting rod side play shall

be .019 - .020 inch when new. A
feeler gauge may replace the dial
indicator. The thickness of the
big end of the connecting rod when
new is .665 to .670 inch. It
is permissable to have more than
.020 if the connecting rod has
worn into the flywheel surface.

42. The reference distance across the

flywheels is 2.475 - 2.490 inches.
This dimension should be used as
a reference only as the measure-
ment of the side clearance of the
rod is the only accurate method.

43. Remove shifting fork spindle by

hand. Check to see that it is
not bent.

44. Remove gear stack - by hand.

Note the shims. Some trans-
missions do not have shims.
The shims control the 1st.
gear tolerance to o. 3mm
(.012). If the transmission
is improperly shimmed it is
possible to engage two gears
at once. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

45. Remove main shaft and shifting

fork from lower scroll - by hand.

Grind here
.030 inch Hax. 46. Remove lay shaft and shifting fork
from upper scroll. CHECK to see if
the shifting fork on the lay shaft
is not touching second gear on the
main shaft. If"it is touching,
grind for clearance. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

47. Gear stack showing the positio-

ning of the shifting forks.

48. When fitting a new 1st gear to

the lay shaft be sure it has the
same amount of internal clearance
(slop) as the 3rd gear on the lay

Close Ratio

1 2 3 4

Main 17 20 22 22 Teeth
Lay 20 18 16 13 Teeth
1.99 1.52 1.23 1.0 Ratio to 1

Wide Ratio

1 2 3 4

,~ *1: Teeth
2.78 1.79 1.29 1.0 Ratio

Primary Ratio 19/39=1.86 to 1

*Close Ratio ~ears are used in the wide ratio

transmission at these locations Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual
53. Replacing "
53. Replacing "0" rings on shifting cam spindle.
cam spindle.

54. Remove engin

54. Remove engine seals and reinstall. Cases must b
Cases must be heated approx. 2500. Use an oven
Use an oven or hot plate. Use of a torch is n
a torch is not recommended.

5"-. 501 engine seals

e seals are external to
nal to the main bearings.

55. Cases must be

55. Cases must be heated approx. 2500r for remov
2500r for removal of any bearing. The screw drive
The screw drivers are pointing to the bearing lo
the bearing locations.
Crank shaft
Crank shaft Remove bearing
Remove bearing race by locally heating race r
heating race red and wedging a sharp chisel b
sharp chisel behind the race. Tap chisel li~tlY
chisel li~tlY with hammer. The race may rem
race may removed with a blade puller once it
puller once it has moved. It is suggested that
suggested that the local motor- cycle shop perf
cycle shop performes this operation. The seal land m
The seal land must be checked for any roughness
any roughness caused by race removal.

56. The engine i

56. The engine is now torn down far enough for m
enough for major servicing. Do not d~sassemb
not d~sassemble any further un- less absolutl
less absolutly necessary. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

57. Removing the felt wick and re-

taining spring.

58. Removing the circlip from the

shifting pawl.

59. Removing the shifting pawl.

60. Removing the pawl spring. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

SECTION Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

61. Shift earn bush and shift pawl

stud are not normally removed,
however, if worn, they are
available from Maieo parts dis-

62. Fuel tap assy

63. Ignition point assy Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

64. Carb adaptors, and air cleaner


65. Foot starter assembly

66. Ignition side assembly showing

engine seal, roller bearing, and
oil seal.

501 engine seals are external

to the main bearings. Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual

.7, Drive side assembly showing seal

and ball bearing, Courtesy of [email protected]

Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual


Engine: Ignition:

Two-stroke. single cylinder engine Appt. magneto separate high-tension coil.

250cc ~OOcc 360cc Timing: 250=2.98TDC, 400=3.6 BTDC,
-:::isplacement: 247cc 386cc SOlce 501=3.6 BTDC
Compression ratio: 12,3:1 12:1 12:1 Contact breaker gap: .014-.018"(0.35-0.45)
ruel: Regular petrol Spark plug: Champion L3G=250, L2G=400,
Lubrication: Petroleum type racing oil, N2G=501
e.g. Castrol GP 50 wt. mixing
ratio of 20:1 (5\) Frame:

Power transmission: Frame is welded chromemolybdenum steel.

Pivoting rear arm in rubber bushings.
Seven disc mote-cross type clutch.
Primary transmission by dual row primary Front fork:
chain 19T x 39r (1.86 to 1)
-Secondary transmission by chain drive Oil-damped telescopic fork. 7 inches
5/8" x 114ft). 12 teeth on gearbox sprocket movement. Oil capacity: 60z (0.2 litre)
]nd 53 teeth on rear wheel. per fork leg. Oil recommendation: Engine
400 - l3T front - 52! rear oil SAE 20-50 depending on temperature,
"SII Transmission rider and course.
250 - 11T front - 52T rear
501 - l3T front - 52T rear
T" Transmission 400 - l3T front - 59T rear Wheels:
250 - 11T front - 59T rear
501 - l3T front - 59T rear cross tyre.
front: 3.0OX 21" with moto •.
Rear: 4.0OxlS" with moto-cross tyre for 250
;earbox: 4.SOX18" with moto-cross tyre for 400&501

Transmission 4- Speed Heavy Duty Brakes:

"Til "S"
Mota Cross Cross Country rear: diam. 160x30 mm (6 5/1611xl 3/16")
1st 1.99 to 1 2.78 to 1 front: diam. 14Ox30 mm (5 1/2"xl 3/16")
2nd 1. 52 1.79
3rd 1. 23 1.29 Saddle:
4th 1.0 1.0
Moto-cross type.
Oil capacity: 1 quart
-;11 recommendation: Transmission oil SAE 40wt. Footrests:
for 2S0, SAE 90wt. gear
oil for 400 & 501. FOlding footrests at a 45° angle.

;arhurettor: 250 400 501

Jing: 1/36/101
Main jet: 180 185 180 Fiberglass fuel tank
.dling jet: 35 35 35 Capacity: 7 liter (1.9 Gals)
leedle jet: 280 285 280
leedle position: 3 3 3 Dimensions:
Air screw opening: 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2
Wheelbase: 54" (1315 1mI)
~ir filter: Saddle height: 31.5" (SOO rrrn)
Ground clearance: 7" (180 mm)
Moto-eross type with paper element. Dry weight: 250cc: 102 kg (224 lb.)
400cC: 105 kg (231 lb.)
listen & Flywheel data: 50lcc: 107 kg (239 lb.)

Flywheel assembly. Side play of connecting Screwed joints:

-rod shall be .019-.020. Replace .023 or
;reater. Nut for magneto: 10 lb.ft. (1.7kpm)
listance across flywheels outside to outside Nut for output chainsprocket:50 Ib.ft.(7kpm)
2.475. Reference only. Nuts which hold the cylinder head to the
Run out when supported on bearing area , cylinder: 15 lb.ft.(2.5kpm) for 250 & 400;
-leasured at extreme end of magneto taper 25 lb.ft. 13.5kpm) for 501
.hall not exceed .002 inch • Engine mounting bolts:25 lb.ft.{3.Skpm) Bmm bolts
•'iming side bearing - up & down play .010 35 lb.ft. (5.2kpm) for 10m bolts
inch max. Nuts which hold the bearing bolts for the rear
~iston ring end gap - .003 per inch of wheel pivot arm: 25 Ib.ft. (3.5kpm)
iameter. Clutch nut • 30 foot lbs.
~ylinder sleeve to cylinder new .013 Engine sprocket nut. 35-45 foot Ibs.
interference when replacing turn sleeve Counter shaft nut - 40-50 foot lbs.
-.0 - .004-.006 interference.
iston to cylinder clearance .002 inch
or 250 & 400. 501 shall be .0025 inch. Courtesy of [email protected]

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