Gupta 2022 J. Electrochem. Soc. 169 080503
Gupta 2022 J. Electrochem. Soc. 169 080503
Gupta 2022 J. Electrochem. Soc. 169 080503
Three bipolar plates (BPP) comprised of a composite of polypropylene or polyvinylidene fluoride polymer and varying average
graphite particle size were studied for application in a vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB). The BPPs were electrochemically
aged via 3000 cyclic voltammetry curves in 1.8 M VOSO4 + 2.0 M H2SO4 electrolyte. After every 500th cycle the aging
progression was determined by performing cyclic voltammetry on the bipolar plates in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution where the double
layer capacitance, the quinone/hydroquinone and the vanadium species redox activity were quantitatively evaluated. Prior to the
aging, the composite plates were extensively characterized using various physical methods. The performed studies reveal that the
wettability, surface roughness and accessible porosity of the bipolar plates significantly influence their electrochemical stability.
Cycling tests in vanadium redox flow single cells at a constant current density of 60 mA cm−2 revealed a close correlation of the
cell efficiencies to the electrochemical stability of the bipolar plates. Thus, the proposed electrochemical characterization method
can be an effective foresight to predict the applicability of a bipolar plate in a vanadium redox flow battery.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published on behalf of The Electrochemical Society by IOP Publishing Limited. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY,
by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.1149/
Manuscript submitted December 22, 2021; revised manuscript received June 27, 2022. Published August 2, 2022.
A few studies have been published describing various electro- Table I. Investigated graphite-polymer composite BPPs.
chemical characterization methods and VRFB cycling tests. Cyclic
voltammetry (CV) on a carbon-polythene composite BPP was Constituents wt. [%]
performed in a 2 M VOSO4 + 2 M H2SO4 at 20 °C by
potentiodynamic polarization from 0 to 2.5 V vs SCE at a scan BPP PP PVDF GS GL
rate of 5 mV s−1.6 It was demonstrated that the carbon-polythene
composite BPP had higher gas evolution potentials and better PP-GS 14 — 86 —
electrochemical stability compared to a graphite felt and a graphite PVDF-GS — 20 80 —
electrode. Despite the suppression of gas evolution, the new BPP PVDF-GL — 20 — 80
showed severe structural erosion and decline in electrical conduc-
tivity. In another study, a graphite-polymer composite BPP con-
sisting of large flake type major filler with 80 μm and minor filler
electrochemical behaviour of a BPP.6,8,10,11 Furthermore, surficial
with 50 nm, was characterized electrochemically in a 0.1 M VOSO4
properties of a BPP such as hydrophilicity and surface roughness
+ 3 M H2SO4 electrolyte solution. The CV measurement was
could be an indication of their electrochemical stability.12 In the
performed by sweeping between −0.2 and +1.6 V vs Ag/AgCl at a
current contribution three different graphite-polymer composite
scan rate of 5 mV s−1.8 The developed composite BPP showed
BPPs were subjected to identical electrochemical characterization
suppressed oxygen evolution. Single cell VRFB tests with the
and compared to single cell VRFB tests in order to determine if
developed and commercial BPPs at current densities of 40, 60, 80,
preliminary electrochemical investigations might forecast the per-
100 mA cm−2 were also performed. The new BPP exhibited an
formance of BPPs in real battery application. The work correlates
energy efficiency decay of 0.87% compared to 2.5% for the
the influence of surficial properties to the electrochemical behaviour
commercial one. While Zhang et al. a carbon-polypropylene
and to the VRFB efficiencies.
thermoplastic elastomer (PP-elastomer) composite BPP was com-
pared to a graphite BPP in a 1.5 M VOSO4 + 2.0 M H2SO4, here CV
was performed by sweeping between −0.1 and +2.0 V vs SCE at a
scan rate of 20 mV s−1.10 The CV of the graphite BPP showed In this study three types of compress molded graphite-polymer
significant vanadium redox activity (VO2+ ⇄ VO2+ and V3+ ⇄ composite BPPs (Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG, Germany) were
V2+). In contrast, the PP-elastomer composite BPP exhibited only a investigated (Table I). The studied composite BPPs constitute either
cathodic peak (VO2+ → VO2+). Furthermore, a 5-cell VRFB stack polypropylene (PP) or polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymers and
test at a current density of 50 mA cm−2 with the prepared PP- different graphite types with small graphite (GS) or large graphite
elastomer composite BPP achieved a stable performance for 2300 (GL) particles sizes (PS).
cycles with an average energy efficiency of 75% while the graphite As a pre-treatment all as received BPPs were cleaned with
BPP broke down after 1450 cycles and the test was discontinued. In ethanol solution and dried with low coarse tissue paper (Kimtech,
another investigation by Lee et al. carbon polymer (epoxy resin) USA). These BPPs are referred as pristine.
composite BPP (15 wt% carbon black) was prepared and character- In order to study the structural and physical morphology of GS
ized by comparing it against a conventional BPP by potentiodynamic and GL particles the two raw graphite powders were imaged and
cycling in 2.5 M H2SO4 by sweeping from +0.1 to +2.0 V vs SCE their average graphite PS was quantified using X-ray computed
at a scan rate of 5 mV s−1.11 The composite BPP exhibited lower micro tomography (mCT, SkyScan 1172, Bruker, Belgium). For
corrosion current densities compared to the conventional BPP. the mCT scan the raw graphite powders were introduced onto the
Though, single cell VRFB test at current density of 40 mA cm−2 sample holder which was then placed onto the measuring stage. The
revealed similar energy efficiencies for both BPPs. scan resolution was set to 1 μm pixel−1 with a source voltage of
Apart from the reported potentiodynamic methods, galvanody- 80 kV, rotation step of 0.18° and rotation angle from 0° to 180°.
namic characterization has also been reported.12 A graphite-poly- Averages of six frames were recorded to generate a set of cross-
propylene composite BPP was galvanodynamically aged in a sections of images in gray scale. The recorded gray scale data was
positive vanadium electrolyte with 1.6 M VO2+/VO2+ + 2 M loaded onto the NRecon software (SkyScan, Bruker, Belgium)
H2SO4 + 0.05 M H3PO4at varying states of charge (10, 50 and where the 3D images were reconstructed. The range of the histogram
90%). The CV was recorded by sweeping the current density from the gray scale, value of ring artefact reduction and beam
between +100 mA cm−2 and −100 mA cm−2 at a scan rate of 20 hardening were kept the same for each graphite powder. A volume
mA s−1. The aged BPPs were examined in a diluted H2SO4 solution of interest (VOI) of 2000 μm × 2000 μm × 1000 μm was defined
to assess the effect of aging by sweeping between 0 V and +1.05 V for quantification of the PS size (CTAn, SkyScan, Bruker, Belgium).
vs Hg/Hg2SO4 at a scan rate of 5 mV s−1. Here, three aging A series of operations were defined for analysis in the following
indicators, the double layer capacitance (Cdl), the quinone/hydro- order (i) filtering and despeckling was done to eliminate the
quinone (QQ/HQ) and the vanadium redox activity (QV4+/V5+) were background noise, (ii) binary imaging was performed by bitmap
identified. They evaluated these aging indicators and related them to operation through qualitative determination of the minimum and
increased hydrophilicity of the BPP and oxidation of the graphite maximum values on the threshold scale to segment the image
compound.12 between graphite particles (white) and background (black) followed
From above it can be derived that the constituents, the graphite by (iii) morphological and quantitative 3D analysis to determine the
particle size and wt% composition can significantly affect the average graphite PS.
Figure 1. (a) In-plane and (b) through-plane electrical conductivity measurement setup for BPPs.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 169 080503
Figure 2. Example and determination of electrochemical aging features of the BPP in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution (red line indicates the integration of the curve done
on originlab software).
The accessible porosity was determined through intrusion of Corporation, DMM 4050, USA). A constant pressure of 1 N
mercury into the accessible pores of the BPPs. The BPPs were mm−2 was applied. Usually, after roughly 1 min the resistance value
introduced into a dilatometer and placed onto a mercury porosimetry was stable and it was noted after 3 min. Three measurements were
device (Pascal 140, Pascal 400, Thermo Fisher Scientific S.p.A., done per BPP and the average through-plane electrical conductivity
Italy). The accessible porosity percentage was estimated using SOL. (σth) was calculated.
I.D. software (Thermo Fisher Scientific S.p.A., Italy).
The density of each BPP was defined by measuring the mass on a σ in =1/p σ th = L/RA
lab weighing scale and dividing it by the volume.
Where σin: in—plane electrical conductivity [S cm−1].
D = M /V σth: through—plane electrical conductivity [ S cm−1].
L: thickness of BPP [cm], R: resistance [Ω], A: area of BPP[cm2],
Where, {D: density [g cm−3], M: mass[g] and V: Volume[cm−3]} p; resistivity.
In-plane electrical resistivity was measured on a four-point probe The aging and analysis of the BPPs was done in two separate
testing unit (RM3-AR, Jandel, UK) (Fig. 1a). Five measurements three-electrode setups, each consisting of the investigated BPP as
were performed on different locations of each BPP surface and the working electrode (WE), Ag/AgCl in 3 M KCl (+0.210 V vs SHE)
average electrical conductivity (σin) was calculated. The through- as reference electrode and the counter electrode was a platinum mesh
plane electrical conductivity of the BPP was measured on an adapted attached to a thermally treated porous graphite felt (GFD4.6EA,
strain/compression testing machine (ZwickRoell, Ulm, Germany) SGL Carbon group, Germany). The test setups were placed in a
(Fig. 1b). The BPP was placed between two gold plated copper Faraday cage. The potential sweeps were applied by a potentiostat/
stamps. In order to improve the contact between the BPP and stamp galvanostat (VersaSTAT 3F, Ametek, USA). The BPP was placed in
surfaces and for better comparison between samples with different a sample holder (Metrohm Autolab B. V., Netherlands) made of PP
surface topology, gas diffusion layer sheets (GDL, Freudenberg and sealed with a polytetrafluoroethylene seal locking ring. The
Group, Germany) were placed in between. The current was applied, active area of the BPP was 1 cm2. Prior to each measurement the
and voltage drop was measured on a multimeter (Tektronix aging and analysis solutions were purged with nitrogen gas for at
Figure 3. mCT 2D images of (a) GS and (b) GL graphite powders at 1 μm/pixel resolution.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 169 080503
Table II. Structural properties of the composite BPPs and the PS of the raw graphite particles used in production of the BPPs.
Properties Average graphite PS in raw graphite powders [μm] Accessible-porosity [%] Sq [μm] Density [g cm−3]
PP-GS 25 2.7 0.45 ± 0.2 1.8
PVDF-GS 25 2.4 0.73 ± 0.4 2.1
PVDF-GL 75 3.1 0.99 ± 0.3 2.1
least 15 min and during the measurement nitrogen gas was main-
tained in the gas compartment above the liquid phase in the three-
electrode setup. The electrochemical aging and analysis routine was
performed as follows.
treated (in air at 400 °C, 18 h) XF30A carbon felts (4 mm, Toyobo, Energy efficiency,
Japan) with an active area of 5 cm × 5 cm were used as electrodes. ηWh = ηV × ηC [%]
The half-cell was separated by Nafion 117 (DuPont, USA) cation- Discharge capacity,
conducting membrane (pre-treated in 10% H2O2 solution, 80 °C, Dc = tdischarge × Idischarge [mAh]Where V: voltage [V], I: current
30 min). The polymer-graphite composite BPP(s) were placed [A], Q: charge [C], during charge and discharge cycles t: time [h]
between the carbon felt electrode and the gold coated nickel current and N is the discharge cycle number.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 169 080503
Figure 5. Comparing CV curves from BPPs in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution at a scan rate of 5 mV s−1. (a) Pre-aged BPPs and (b) PP-GS, (c) PVDF-GS and (d) PVDF-
GL BPPs pristine and after aging.
All the above-mentioned measurements were done at room on the influence of the PP or PVDF on the surface roughness cannot
temperature. be drawn in the current contribution. Nevertheless, it is worth
mentioning, that the PP-GS BPP showed rather a smooth and
Results probably homogenous surface.
Another important parameter of the composite materials is their
As explained in the experimental section three BPPs, named PP-
density. In general, the density of PVDF it is 1.65–1.97 g cm−314
GS, PVDF-GS and PVDF-GL, were studied with each BPP
while of graphite is 1.9–2.2 g cm−3 and of PP it is 0.9 g cm−3.15 The
composed of GL or GS. The mCT 2D images of the pure GL and
lower density in conjunction with the lower polymer content of PP in
GS powders (Fig. 3) revealed that the graphite particles vary in
comparison to the other two PVDF BPPs would explain the low-
shape, PS and size distribution. The corresponding average graphite
density value for PP-GS (Table II). Whereas, for the higher density
PS values are listed in Table II.
values of PVDF-GS and PVDF-GL the primary influencer is the
density of PVDF.
Discussion The varied PS of the graphite powders and the selection of
polymer types also influence the electrical conductivity behaviour of
The accessible porosity was quantified using mercury porosi- each BPP. Both PVDF based composite BPPs with 80% graphite
metry and confocal microscopy provided Sq of each BPP high- content each exhibit higher in— and through-plane electrical
lighting the influence of the constituents on the composite material conductivities compared to the PP-GS (Fig. 4), even though the
characteristics (Table II). It can be inferred that the larger graphite PP based BPP is composed of higher graphite weight percentage of
PS in PVDF-GL lead to larger or more accessible pores and higher 86%. It is assumed that the properties of the PVDF, such as higher
surface roughness probably due to protruding graphite particles on density, might provide better connected pathways between the
the surface. In comparison, the PVDF-GS and PP-GS BPPs are conductive graphite particles within the composite structure.
comprised of smaller graphite particles exhibiting smoother surfaces Hence, the PVDF-GS and PVDF-GL exhibit higher and comparable
and lower accessible porosity. Here it should be noted that not only electrical conductivity values. The higher standard deviation for
the graphite filler-type/PS, but also the manufacturing process and PVDF-GL and PVDF-GS is probably due to the higher Sq.
the used polymer influence the surface properties of the BPPs. To assess the influence of the surface properties and composite
However, since the PP based BPP constitutes different filler to composition of the BPPs on their electrochemical stability, the
polymer ratio to that of the PVDF based BPPs, a direct conclusion pristine BPPs were subjected to continuous potential sweeping in
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 169 080503
Figure 6. (a) Double layer capacitance, (b) quinone/hydroquinone activity and (c) vanadium redox activity in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution of each composite BPP after
aging in vanadium electrolyte.
Figure 7. (a) Water contact angle and (b) surface roughness of pristine and electrochemically aged composite BPPs after 3000 CV cycles in vanadium
high concentrated 1.8 M VOSO4 + 2 M H2SO4 electrolyte. The pristine PVDF-GL has the most discernible Cdl and QQ/HQ features.
aging progression of the BPPs was monitored via intermittent CV The Cdl is influenced by BPP surface-electrolyte interaction and can
measurements in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution. The pre-aged CV curves be related to surface hydrophilicity and roughness.12,16 It is prob-
(Fig. 5a) in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution of the studied BPPs show that the able, that the PVDF-GL exhibits larger graphite-electrolyte interface
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 169 080503
Figure 9. (a) Voltage, (b) coulombic, (c) energy efficiency and (d) discharge capacity of VRFB single cell test with each composite BPP at current density of 60
mA cm−2.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 169 080503
The change in surficial properties can be further explained by the As the cycling progresses the discharge capacity declines for all
introduction of oxygen functional groups during electrochemical VRFB tests, most likely because of vanadium ion crossover and side
aging which made all the BPPs more hydrophilic (Fig. 7a). Though, reactions causing a difference in the state-of-charge between the two
the change in surface roughness (Fig. 7b) was hard to distinguish, half-cell electrolytes17 and aging of the battery components (Fig. 9d)
most likely due to surface inhomogeneity of the BPPs causing high Moreover, the continuous increase of the cell resistance would
standard deviation. But the surface roughness changes could be decrease the rate capability and the capacity that can be discharged
owed to slight material abrasion or moderate gas evolution occurring at the given current density. The lowest electrochemical stability of
at the BPP surface during CV cycling in the vanadium electrolyte. PVDF-GL leads to higher drop of SoH, whereas the VRFB cells
Thus from above it can be inferred that the surfacial properties with BPPs containing smaller graphite PS, show less SoH decline.
siginificantly influence the electrochemcial behaviour/stability of
each BPP. Conclusions
To validate the findings of the electrochemical experiments and
The composition of each individual BPP influences its surficial,
to evaluate the electrochemical behaviour of the BPPs, single cell
electrical and electrochemical behaviour. The PVDF-GL with large
VRFB tests with each composite BPP were performed. Various
average graphite PS (75 μm) exhibits higher surface roughness and
factors, such as vanadium ion precipitation, resistance change of
higher accessible porosity compared to composites with smaller
membrane, felt electrode and electrolyte as well as change in
graphite PS i.e., PP-GS (25 μm) and PVDF-GS (25 μm). The
electrode polarization might actively contribute to a VRFB perfor-
electrical properties of the examined BPPs were influenced by the
mance decline, but they are difficult to define and distinguish from
polymer type. The electrochemical aging of each BPP was asserted
each other.17 Thus, this characterization is beyond the scope of this
through quantification of Cdl, QQ/HQ and QV4+/V5+. The PVDF-GL
publication. However, since the single cell test parameters were the
had the lowest electrochemical stability compared to PP-GS and
same for the measurements with only the type of BPP being
PVDF-GS owing to its higher hydrophilicity, surface roughness and
changed, it is presumed that any change in the evaluated VRFB
accessible porosity. Thus, these surficial properties have a significant
performance was related to the applied BPP. The 1st and 200th
influence on the electrochemical behaviour. The influence of the
charge/discharge curves from each VRFB test were plotted and
BPPs on the single cell VRFB performance was evaluated by ηV , C , E ,
compared (Fig. 8). In the initial cycle all three cells show the typical
charge/discharge behaviour of a VRFB. The VRFB cell containing and SoH. A similar trend was observed in electrochemical aging and
PP-GS exhibits the lowest capacity and reaches the cut off voltage analysis, i.e., PVDF-GL showed the worst performance followed by
earliest probably due to its lower electrical conductivity compared to PP-GS and PVDF-GS which is in good agreement with the single
the other both BPPs. Whereas the VRFB with PVDF-GL had better cell evaluation.
charge/discharge behaviour during the 1st cycle compared to PVDF- Hence, a good electrochemical stability of the BPPs is essential
GS and PP-GS probably because of its high electrical conductivity. in order to reduce side reactions and to obtain a long BPP and
However, due to its low electrochemical stability, its VRFB electrolyte cycle life for battery operation. The proposed potentio-
performance significantly deteriorated, which is in good agreement dynamic electrochemical characterization method can help to
with the electrochemical CV test results. determine the electrochemical stability of BPPs by identification
The efficiencies and discharge capacity from the single cell and quantification of the aging features. Also, it can be an effective
experiments were plotted in Fig. 9. In general, the voltage efficiency foresight to predict the applicability of a BPP in a VRFB.
is influenced by the activation overpotential, ohmic resistances17,18
and the electrolyte crossover.17,18 It is assumed that the voltage Acknowledgments
efficiency is mainly affected by the exchange of the three different The authors are thankful to the German Federal Ministry of
types of BPPs since all other components and their influence on the Economic Affairs and Energy for funding the project “Top Level
ohmic resistance remain unchanged within the single cell battery.7 Redox Flow” Grant Agreement Number ZF4090701ZG5.
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PVDF-GL VRFB voltage efficiency (Fig. 9a) could be due to low ORCID
electrochemical stability caused by poor surficial properties, as
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