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A Transport Phenomena Approach

The book introduces study of heat and mass transfer from the view point of transport phenomena. The
book aims at developing the subject from basic levels but includes topics of contemporary interest. This
approach allows a student to learn basic material and also have an idea of advanced applications. The
special feature of the book is in solving problems, and offering explanations both from a mathematical
view point and rationalization from a physical basis. Another important aspect of the book is the
emphasis placed on scaling and understanding dimensionless groups. With the belief that students
should be enabled to work on applications, chapters on computational fluid dynamics and turbulence
are included in the book. These aspects distinguish this book from other books on transport
phenomena. It starts with foundations and description of heat transfer in terms which are easy to grasp.
The quantitative analysis of heat transfer progresses from shell balances, to the general equations of
change of temperature. The problems solved include examples of steady and unsteady conduction,
covection with short and long contact times, and natural convection. Analysis of phase change is one of
the advanced topics covered. Mass transfer is covered taking advantage of the experience gained from
a study of heat tranfer. The coverage progresses from dilute binary systems to multicomponent
systems. Problems solved include steady and unsteady diffusion in binary and multicomponent
systems, mass transfer with chemical reaction, high flux corrections, and convective mass transfer in
dilute solutions. Advanced topics covered are fuel cells, centrifugal separations and crystal growth.

9 788122 432770

K.S. Gandhi

ISBN: 978-81-224-3277-0



A Transport Phenomena Approach

Professor K.S. Gandhi studied

chemical engineering and obtained his
Bachelor's degree with honors from
Andhra University, Master's degree
from Ohio State University, and
doctorate from University of California
at Berkeley. He taught in the Indian
Institute of Technology, Kanpur and in
the Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore. He taught a basic course on
Transport Phenomena designed to be a
core course for all engineers at the
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
He taught Transport Phenomena and
Heat & Mass Transfer to postgraduate
students both in the Indian Institute of
Technology, Kanpur and in the Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore. He
worked in the R&D centre of Pilkington
Brothers, UK on fluid mechanics of
glass fibre filled moulding compounds.
His research interests are in the
analysis of transport processes in
polymer processing and reactors,
liquid-liquid systems, gas-liquid
systems and electrochemical power
sources. His research work was
recognized by the award of fellowships
of the Indian Academy of Sciences,
Bangalore and the Indian National
Academy of Engineering.


A Transport Phenomena Approach

K.S. Gandhi

Physical Laws & Open Systems
Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
Shell Balances in Heat Transfer
Conservation Equations for Single
Component Systems
Advanced Topics in Heat Transfer
Fundamentals of Multicomponent
Shell Balances in Pure Diffusion
Conservation Equations for
Multicomponent Systems
Advanced Topics; in Mass Transfer
Transport Processes in Turbulent
Computational Transport


A Transport Phenomena Approach
Preparation of this book was assisted by a grant from the Department
of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi

K.S. Gandhi
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, Karnataka

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