ME31-XAXA0404 UserManual EN V1.2
ME31-XAXA0404 UserManual EN V1.2
ME31-XAXA0404 UserManual EN V1.2
I/O networking module
Copyright ©2012–2022,成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司 1
Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. ME31-XAXA0404 UserManual
1. Product Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Product introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Features .............................................................................................................................................................................................1
2. Quick to use ...................................................................................................................................................................................................2
2.1 Equipment preparation ..................................................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Device connection ..........................................................................................................................................................................2
2.2.1 RS485 connection ................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2.2 Analog input connections ...................................................................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Analog output connection .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Parameter configuration ................................................................................................................................................................4
2.4 Control testing .................................................................................................................................................................................5
2.4.1 Modbus TCP control........................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.2 Modbus RTU control .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Host computer control ...................................................................................................................................................................7
3. Technical specifications ..............................................................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Specifications .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Device default parameters ............................................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Mechanical dimensional drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Port description .............................................................................................................................................................................11
4. Product function introduction .................................................................................................................................................................13
4.1 Analog output mode ....................................................................................................................................................................13
4.1.1 Analog output range ..........................................................................................................................................................13
4.1.2 Analog output calibration ................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.2 AI input mode ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.1 Analog input range ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.2 AI original value and engineering value of analog input .........................................................................................14
4.2.3 Enter the filter parameter .................................................................................................................................................14
4.2.4 Enter the calibration ..........................................................................................................................................................14
4.3 Modbus gateway .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Active upload ................................................................................................................................................................................15
4.5 Customize the module information ......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5.1 Modbus address ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.5.2 Module name ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5.3 Network parameters ..........................................................................................................................................................15
4.5.4 Serial port parameters .......................................................................................................................................................16
4.6 LCD display with parameter configuration ...........................................................................................................................16
4.6.1 Information display interference ....................................................................................................................................16
4.6.2 Device parameters display interface .............................................................................................................................17
4.6.3 Parameter configuration ...................................................................................................................................................17
4.7 Modbus TCP protocol data frame description ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.8 Modbus RTU Protocol data frame description ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.9 MODBUS Parameter configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 19
1. Product Overview
1.2 Features
Supports the standard Modbus RTU protocol as well as the Modbus TCP protocol;
Support all kinds of configuration software /PLC / touch screen;
RS485 Acquisition Control I/O;
RJ45 acquisition control I/O, support 4-way host access;
4 analog inputs (0-20mA/4-20mA);
4 analog outputs (0-20mA/4-20mA);
Support custom Modbus address settings;
Supports a variety of baud rate configurations and check configurations;
Supports DHCP and static IP;
Support DNS function, domain name resolution;
Support Modbus gateway function;
2. Quick to use
Controlling using the Modbus TCP protocol alone requires only a network cable to be connected, or it can be connected
to the RS-485;
The Modbus RTU control device alone does not need to connect the device network cable, such as the Modbus gateway
function should be connected to the network cable and RS-485 cable at the same time;
Note: 485 bus high-frequency signal transmission, the signal wavelength is relatively short relative to the transmission line, the signal in the transmission line
terminal will form a reflected wave, interfering with the original signal, so it is necessary to add terminal resistance at the end of the transmission line, so that the
signal does not reflect after reaching the end of the transmission line. The termination resistor should be the same as the impedance of the communication cable,
typically 120 ohms. Its role is to match the bus impedance, improve the anti-interference and reliable behavior of data communication.
Step 1: Modify the computer's IP address to be consistent with the device, here I modify it to to
ensure that the device is in the same network segment and to ensure that the IP is different;
Step 2: Open the network assistant, select TCP client, enter the remote host IP192.168.3.7 (default parameter), enter
the port number 502 (default parameter), select HEX sends.
Use the network assistant to obtain the analog input status of the ME31-XAXA0404 (the figure below only indicates
the data format, and the product outputs countless values).
Additional functionality can be tested using the instructions in the following table.
The input registers read by the demo case are engineering quantities (16-bit integer values, 32-bit floating-point values
can also be obtained by reading the 0x00C8 registers).
Compare the value read by the input register to decimal by dividing by 1000 and displaying the value on the screen.
Use the serial port assistant to obtain the analog input status of the ME31-XAXA0404.
Additional functionality can be tested using the instructions in the following table.
3. Technical specifications
3.1 Specifications
Analog output (AO), current output type can be configured as 0~ 20mA or 4 ~ 20mA, accuracy 2 ‰, resolution 16
AO High and Low Point Calibration Register Start Address (RW) (High: 0x0320, Low: 0x03E8).
AO Quantity Floating-Point Value Holding Register Start Address (RW) (0X0000).
Calibration Method:
1. Before calibration, the AO high and low point calibration registers need to be restored to their default values, the
default low point is 4.0, and the high point default is 20.0 (it needs to be written through Modbus).
2. Write to AO quantity register 4.0 and record the actual output current (unit mA) of the AO as the low-point calibration
value; write to the AO quantity register 20.0, record The AO actual output current (in mA) is used as the high-point
calibration value.
3. Write the high and low point calibration values to the high and low point calibration registers separately。
4. Calibration complete
Analog input AI measures current signals with an acquisition range of 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA, an accuracy of 1‰
and a resolution of 12 Bit. Single-ended input with sampling frequency 10Hz and input impedance 100Ω.
Sets the sampling range of the AI channel with valid values of 1 and 0 (default 0).
Configured to 0: Indicates 0~20mA
Configured to 1: Represents 4~20mA
(2) The AI channel sampling range parameter address is 0x04B2, the register type is the hold register, and the function
code 0x06, 0x10. When the AI channel sampling range parameter is written, if the written parameter value is not within
the range of 0~1, the nearest value will be automatically written, if the write sampling range parameter is 2, the device
will take it 1 is the sampling range parameter, and Modbus does not return an error instruction.
There are two ways to read the magnitude of the current signal collected by the device:
(1) Read the AI raw value and calculate the input current based on the input impedance. The AI raw value register
address is 0x0000 to 0x0003, the register type is input register, and the read function code is 0x04. The numeric value
returned by this method is 2 bytes representing a channel, and the value read out ranges from 0 to 4095. The method for
calculating the current size is 0~4095 corresponding to 0~25mA. The register type is discrete input registers, and the read
function code is 0x04. Namely:
Current = (Original value× 25)/4095 (mA).
(2) Read the AI engineering quantity value and directly convert the input current. The AI quantity register address
is 0x0064~0x0067, the register type is input register, and the read function code is 0x04. The value returned by this
method is 2 bytes representing 1 channel, and the value read is 0~25000. The method for calculating the current size is
0~25000 corresponding to 0~25mA. Namely:
Current = Quantity / 1000 (mA).
The filtering parameters of the AI channel can be set, and the valid value is 1-16, and the default value is 6.
Filter parameter description:
(1) All AI channels share a filter parameter, the higher the parameter value, the more stable the output value, and the
more sluggish the response.
(2) The AI channel filter parameter address is 0x04B0, and the register type is the hold register. Function codes 0x06,
(3) When the AI filter parameter is written, if the written parameter value is not within the range of 1 to 16, the
nearest value will be automatically written, if the write filter parameter is 0, the device will take 1 As a filter parameter,
And Multibus does not return an error instruction.
【Note】 If there is no professional calibration equipment, it is not recommended to calibrate, otherwise it will lead to a
larger error in analog collection, and the calibration method needs to be requested from customer service, and it is
recommended to back up the current calibration value before calibration.
The device can convert non-native Modbus instructions (interpolating Modbus TCP with the Modbus RTU protocol) and
then transmit it, theoretically processing 128 at the same time slave addresses (limited by serial access devices).
The device supports the ability to upload analog input values at regular intervals, and setting the value of the
corresponding registers can control the interval time and whether to upload.
When set to 0, upload is off, and if it is set to another positive integer value, N, the upload is performed at N-second
Note: The device is only valid if it is configured in client mode, and the register value is nonzero to open active upload.
The device address defaults to 1, and the address can be modified, and the address range is 1-247.
Users can configure the device name according to their own needs for differentiation, support English, number
format, up to 20 bytes.
Without special instructions: The following network-related parameters default to IPV4-related parameters.
1) Mac of the device: The user can read the specified register to obtain, this parameter is not writable.
2) IP address: The IP address of the device, readable and writable.
3) Modbus TCP port: The port number of the device, readable and writable.
4) Subnet mask: Address mask, readable and writable.
5) Gateway address: Gateway, readable and writable.
6) DHCP: Set how the device gets IP, static (0), dynamic (1).
7) Target IP: The target IP/domain name to which the device connects when the device works with client mode.
8) Destination Port: The destination port to which the device connects when the device works with client mode.
9) DNS server: The server where the appliance is in client mode and resolves the target domain name.
10) Module Working Mode: Used to switch the working mode of the module.
a) Server: The device is equivalent to a server, waiting for the user's client to connect, the maximum number of
connections is 4.
b) Client: The device actively connects to the target IP address and port set by the user.
11) Active upload: When the parameter is not 0 and the device is in client mode, the device will periodically report
the original value according to the configuration time.
Default parameters:
Baud rate: 9600 (03);
Data bits: 8bit;
Stop bit: 1 bit;
Check digit: NONE(00);
The display interface contains an information display page (current input value display page, network parameter
display page) and a parameter setting page (some parameters).
Note: After using the screen configuration, the device will turn on the static IP by default, do not enter the screen
configuration interface after opening DHCP, to avoid the device automatically turning off DHCP.
Including the current input value display page and the network parameter display page, short press the left and right
Press the confirmation key on the information display page for 2 to 3 seconds to enter the parameter setting page;
Select the settings item, enter the parameter configuration page, and press the up and down keys to switch the
setting item;
Select the settings item, press the short button to confirm or right-click, the setting item to get the cursor represents
Figure 15 Save the parameters and return to the main interface method
Exit without saving parameters: The parameter setting interface is automatically exited after 30 seconds after no
action in the parameter setting interface, and the parameters are not saved
Transaction ID Protocol identity length Device address Function code Data segments
2 Bit 2 Bit N+2 Bit 1 Bit 1 Bit N Bit
Transaction identification: it can be understood as the serial number of the message, generally after each
communication to add 1 to distinguish between different communication data packets.
Protocol identifier: 00 00 represents the Modbus TCP protocol.
Length: Indicates the next length of the data, in bytes.
Register Relevant
Register function Register type Number operate Data range/comment
address function codes
Input The original sampled
AI raw value 0x0000 4 R R:0x04
registers value of the analog input
AI quantity integer Input 1 6-bit integer type, unit
0x0064 4 R R:0x04
value registers uA
AI quantity Input 3 2-bit floating-point type,
0x00C8 4 R R:0x04
floating-point value registers in mA
Analog input filter
parameters, range 1-16,
AI filtering Hold the smaller the number, R:0x03
0x04B0 1 RW
parameters registers the more sensitive, the W:0x06、0x10
larger and more stable,
default 6
AI channel sampling
Hold range R:0x03
AI sampling range 0x044C 4 RW
registers 0x0000:0~20 mA W:0x06、0x10
Register Relevant
Register function Register type Number operate Data range/comment
address function codes
Modbus address,
Hold R:0x03
Module address 0x07E8 1 RW 1~247 configurable
registers W:0x06
Module model 0x07D0 12 R Gets the current model R:0x03
Hold Get the firmware version
Firmware version 0x07DC 1 R R:0x03
registers number
Hold R:0x03
Module name 0x07DE 10 RW Custom module name
registers W:0x10
The module reboots 0x07EA 1 W Write any value to reboot W:0x06
Writes a random value to
Restore factory Hold
0x07E9 1 W the factory restore W:0x06
parameters registers
See baud rate code table,
Hold R:0x03
Serial port baud rate 0x0834 1 RW The default is 9600
registers W:0x06、0x10
0x0000 No checksum
Serial port check Hold (default) R:0x03
0x0836 1 RW
digit registers 0x0001 Odd check W:0x06、0x10
0x0002 Parity
Register Relevant
Register function Register type Number operate Data range/comment
address function codes
Module MAC Hold The MAC parameters of
0x0898 3 R R:0x03
address registers the device
Hold R:0x03
Native IP address 0x089B 2 RW Default:
registers W:0x06、0x10
Hold R:0x03
Native port 0x089D 1 RW 1~65535,default:502
registers W:0x06、0x10
Subnet mask Hold R:0x03
0x089E 2 RW default:
address registers W:0x06、0x10
Hold R:0x03
Gateway address 0x08A0 2 RW default:
registers W:0x06、0x10
0x0000 Static IP (default).
DHCP mode Hold R:0x03
0x08A2 1 RW 0x0001 Get the IP
settings registers W:0x06、0x10
The string format is stored
Target IP/domain Hold R:0x03
0x08A3 64 RW in IP/domain name
name registers W:0x06、0x10
Default IP:
Hold R:0x03
Server port 0x08E3 1 RW 0-65535,default 502
registers W:0x06、0x10
DNS server IP Hold R:0x03
0x08E4 2 RW The default is
address registers W:0x06、0x10
Use the Read Coil Status (01) function code to read the output coil status, for example:
01 01 00 00 00 04 3D C9
Register header
Modbus address Function code The number of output coils read CRC check digits
After sending the above command to the device over the 485 bus, the device returns the following values:
01 01 01 01 90 48
The number of bytes
Modbus address Function code Returns status data CRC check digits
of data
The status data returned above 01 indicates that the output DO1 is turned on.
Supports operation of single coil (05) and operation of multiple coils (0F) function code operation.
01 05 00 00 FF 00 8C 3A
Register header Conduction: FF 00
Modbus address Function code CRC check digits
address Close: 00 00
After sending the above command to the device over the 485 bus, the device returns the following values:
01 05 00 00 FF 00 8C 3A
Register header
Modbus address Function code Mode of operation CRC check digits
Use the 0F function code for commands that write multiple coils, for example:
01 0F 00 00 00 04 01 0F 7E 92
Modbus Function The start Number of The number of Controls the data CRC check
address code address coils bytes of data of the coil digits
After sending the above command to the device over the 485 bus, the device returns the following values:
01 0F 00 00 OO O4 54 08
Modbus address Function code Register address Number of coils CRC check digits
Use the 03 function code to read one or more register values, for example:
01 03 05 78 00 01 04 DF
Register header
Modbus address Function code The number of registers read CRC check digits
After sending the above command to the device over the 485 bus, the device returns the following values:
01 03 02 00 00 B8 44
The number of bytes
Modbus address Function code The returned data CRC check digits
of data
Supports operating a single register (06) and manipulating multiple registers (10) function code operations.
Use the 06 function code to write a single hold register, e.g. set the operating mode of DO1 to pulse mode
01 06 05 78 00 01 C8 DF
Modbus address Function code Register address Write a value CRC check digits
After sending the above command to the device over the 485 bus, the device returns the following values:
01 06 05 78 00 01 C8 DF
Modbus address Function code Register address Write a value CRC check digits
If the modification is successful, the register data of 0 x 0578 is 0x0001, and the pulse output mode is turned on.
Use 10 function codes to write commands for multiple hold registers, for example, set the working mode of DO1
andDO2 at the same time.
01 10 05 78 00 02 04 00 01 00 01 5A 7D
Modbus Function Register header Number of The number of bytes of The data CRC check
address code address registers data written written digits
After sending the above command to the device over the 485 bus, the device returns the following values:
01 10 05 78 00 02 C1 1D
Modbus address Function code Register address Number of registers CRC check digits
If the modification is successful, the values of the two consecutive registers with 0x 0578 as the starting address are
0x0001, 0x0001, and DO2 to identify THE PULSE output, respectively.
5. Host computer
3. Configure the module parameters, Modbus address (skip this step if you do not need to configure).
Device Name: Configure the device name to distinguish between devices and support a maximum of 15 Bits;
Offset Address: The Modbus address of the device, effective immediately;
Read parameters: You need to read the parameters once before configuring them, otherwise you cannot configure them;
Save Parameters: Save the parameters in the current input box;
Restart module: restart the device after clicking;
1. Configure the module baud rate parameters, you need to read the parameters before configuration (if you do not
need to configure, you can skip this step);
第一步: 配置以太网参数,配置前需要先读取参数(若无需配置可跳过此步骤)
3. Configure the DO output mode (skip this step if you do not need to configure).
Operating mode: configurable level mode, pulse mode, follow mode (follow mode requires the device to have a DI
interface, ME31-XAAX0440 does not support);
Pulse width: 50~65535ms, default 50ms;
DO power-on status: Configurable device restart after the initial state of THE DO, the default is off;
Follow source: According to the configuration of the DI interface, it can follow one output at the same time or configure
it separately (ME31-XAAX0440 does not support it);
6. About Customization
Support various public cloud and private cloud platforms to customize IoT gateway access;
Support Json, Modbus, private protocols and other transmission protocol customization;
Support MQTT, TCP, UDP, HTTP various transmission protocol device customization;
Ethernet, WiFi, 4G, 433M and other gateways;
Customization of switching, analog and various sensor access cloud platforms;
LoRa, Zigbee, BLE Mesh, WiFi and other LAN access cloud platforms;
Support customized explosion-proof, high-temperature, high-power industrial-grade communication equipment;
The company's own SMT production line supports batch customer customization of product appearance and model
The final interpretation right belongs to Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd。
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