HXM Article
HXM Article
HXM Article
ISSN: 2964-8025
Steering Committee : Dr. Barkah, S.E., M.Si
Muz’an Sulaiman, S.E, M.M.
Dr. Haryono, S.E., M.Si., A.k, C.A., CPA., Asean CPA
Juanda Astarani, S.E., M.SC., CSRS
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Tanjungpura
The Honorable Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Tanjungpura University
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought up a great deal of uncertainty for the economy and business
sector, especially in terms of resilience. Since the breakout, questions have arisen, including
whether the future of economics will change due to the fact that the globe is now confronting a
new normal with the lifting of university mobility and cooperation.
Concerns also exist over challenges in economic activities following the pandemic, as economic
activity in various parts of the world face uncertainty as a result of the scenario. The COVID-19
pandemic places unprecedented pressure on economic and broader development concerns. Due
to job losses, decreased income, and lack of access to social security, millions will be forced back
into extreme poverty, which will have implications for the preservation of inequality. There is a
high possibility that the pandemic may impede the Asia-Pacific region's progress toward the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development and render it more vulnerable to future shocks. To avoid
the disastrous repercussions of such shocks in the future, policymakers need innovative ideas and
strategies to improve the resilience of economies, i.e., their ability to absorb shocks, adapt to
change, and prevent systemic collapses. They should "move forward" toward economies that are
more robust, inclusive, and sustainable.
Each university has its unique competitive advantages and strengths. However, everyone has their
weaknesses. Universities will continue to fall behind if they do not communicate and exchange
resources about mobility and opportunity. Possibilities for resource exchange have existed for
eons; therefore, academic platforms like as TICMEA are more crucial than ever to facilitate
resource sharing and opportunities.
We hope that this event will be beneficial to the organization's members in terms of gaining insight
and reaching consensus on how universities should respond to this situation in terms of research,
competitive advantage, resource sharing, and entrepreneurship, as well as providing a forum for
participants to share their ideas and research.
Thank you,
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
International conferences have been held in Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas
Tanjungpura frequently. However, several of these international conferences are associated with,
affiliated with, or integrated with other organizations or Universities.
For the Faculty of Economics and Business, the inaugural TICMEA International Conference is
the first step toward a long-lasting International Conference.
“Shaping Future Business and Economics Through Resilience toward Crisis”
The topic for this year was selected in the anticipation that the research from participants will
influence upcoming corporate and economic crisis management plans.
We appreciate the 122 participants who have submitted papers for the yearly meeting. We're
hoping to get together in person in the upcoming year.
We will see you again for the second year of TICMEA International Conference.
Thank You