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The 7th AIC-ICMR on

PROGRAM BOOK Health and Life Sciences

The Annual International Conference 2017
Syiah Kuala University
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

ISSN: 2089-208X

Advancing Knowledge, Research, and

Technology for Humanity
Table of Content

Advisory Board .......................................................................................................... iii

Organizing Committee............................................................................................. iv
International Scientific Committee ....................................................................... v
Welcome Speech from Rector of Syiah Kuala University ................................. vi
Welcome Speech from General Chair ................................................................... viii
Keynote Speaker 1 .................................................................................................... ix
Keynote Speaker 2 .................................................................................................... xi
Guidelines .................................................................................................................. xiii
Maps and Location .................................................................................................... xiv
Technical Program Schedule .................................................................................. xvii
Book of Abstracts...................................................................................................... 1
Marine Fisheries-1 ..................................................................................................... 2
Health Science-1 ........................................................................................................ 9
Bio-Technology-1 ....................................................................................................... 18
Marine Fisheries-2 ..................................................................................................... 25
Agriculture-1 .............................................................................................................. 31
Health Science-2 ........................................................................................................ 40
Bio-Technology-2 ....................................................................................................... 49
Agriculture-2 .............................................................................................................. 58
Health Science-3 ........................................................................................................ 67
Veterinary Science..................................................................................................... 76

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University ii
Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Samsul Rizal Rector of Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Dr. Hizir Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs, Syiah Kuala

University, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Husni Vice Rector II for Financial Affairs, Syiah Kuala
University, Indonesia

Dr. Alfiansyah B.C. Vice Rector III for Alumnae and Student Affairs,
Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Dr. Nazamuddin Vice Rector IV for Planning, Cooperation, and

Community Affairs, Syiah Kuala University,

Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Head of Institute for Research and Community

Services, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Muchlisin Director of ICMR

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University iii
Organizing Committee

General Chair
Dr. Ramzi Adriman, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

General Co-Chair
Afdhal Azmi, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Treasurer and Finance Chair

Dr. Ira Devi Sara, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Conference Chair
Dr. Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Conference Co. Chair

Dr. Agus A. Munawar, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Triva Murtina Lubis, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Editor in-Chief
Dr. Suhartono, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. Yulia Sari Ismail, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. Ichsan, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Publicity and Promotion Chair

Dedi Fazriansyah Putra, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Rian Juanda, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Correspondence Chair
Dr. Essy Harnelly, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Mirna Yunita, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

OCS Administrator
Wahyu Rinaldi, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Website Developer
Muhammad Chandra Gunawan, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Syahabuddin, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University iv
International Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee Chair

Prof. Dr. Muchlisin Z. A., Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Scientific Committee Member

Prof. Dr. Siti Nor Azizah, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Graeme B Martin, University of Western Australia, Australia
Prof. Dr. Abu Hasan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Li Jun He, East China Normal University, China
Prof. Dr. Chai Sing Lee, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Bor Shouh Huang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Mustanir, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Syeik Aftab Udin, University Chittagong, Bangladesh
Prof. Dr. Mulyono S. Baskoro, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Adlim, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Musri Musman, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. M. Ali Sarong, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Ir. Samadi, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Drh. Darmawi, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Iskandar Siregar, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Rinaldi Idroes, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. Rizman Idid, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Ir. M. Dirhamsyah, Islamic State University of Ar-Raniry, Indonesia
Dr. Mudatsir, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. dr. Bakhtiar, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. dr. Dedy Syafrizal, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. Ing. Agus Arip Munawar, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. Teuku Tahlil, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. Amalia Sutriana, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Dr. Al-Azhar, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University v
Welcome Speech from Rector of Syiah Kuala University

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful. May peace,
mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.

Dear colleagues, professors, lecturers, researchers, ladies and gentlemen. On

behalf of Syiah Kuala University, I would like to express my sincere gratitude
and welcome you to the 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017. This
year, the 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences is supported and co-organized
by Universiti Sains Malaysia, Hasanuddin University, Universitas Islam Sumatera
Utara, BKS-PTN Barat, and IMT-GT Uninet. Thus, I would be glad to express my
sincere appreciation for their collaboration and support for the conference.
Moreover, I honorably welcome our keynote speakers Prof. Dr. Antonius
Suwanto, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang
Nellen, Johann Gottfried Herder Fellow of the DAAD, Germany as our keynote

It is my hope that the 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 would be
able to achieve its objective in providing an effective forum for academician,
researchers, and practitioners to advancing knowledge, research, and
technology for humanity. There has always been a gap between peoples and
communities who can make effective use of technology and those who cannot.
'Humanity' (or being 'humane') can also in one usage refer to civil rights and
social causes, or in other words to people treating each other with care,
compassion, and dignity; respecting the common 'humanity' in the other
person. Therefore, despite what we may have been falsely led to believe, matters
of 'human' rights have no relation to politics or any part of the so-called political
spectrum: they do not belong to any political party or faction, nor to any
individual or organization; they are part of our common nature, part of the
collective 'humanity' spoken for by our very existence. For that matter, all
academicians, researchers, and practitioners should consider humanity things
to make a peaceful world. With humanity, we change to the better environment
and a better life. We believe knowledge, research and technology for all people,
for minorities, people with disabilities, and to help anyone. No matter how much
we can accomplish by ourselves, whether it be research or development, it is
never sufficient in this world of knowledge. Therefore, the focal drive of this
conference is to exchange ideas, and by participating in this exchange, it is
hoped that all parties who may benefit from the conference can apply it in
managing activities in their areas. It is pleasing to note that the agenda of this
conference covers a wide range of interesting topics related to all theoretical
and practical aspects, but not limited to Agriculture, Bio-Diversity, Bio-
Technology, Health Science, Marine and Fisheries, and Veterinary Sciences.

Last but not least, my deepest gratitude goes to the Advisory Board, Organizing
Committee, International Scientific Committee, institutions, companies, and
volunteer who have directly and indirectly supported the success of this
seminar. The committee has organized a vibrant scientific program and is
working hard to present highly respected and internationally notorious
speakers to lead it. Although we try our finest to be professional, on behalf of
Syiah Kuala University, please accept our sincere apologies should there be

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University vi
inconveniences that occur before, during, or after the event. I wish you a very
productive conference with exciting and encouraging discussions and exchange
of knowledge so that together we can anticipate a future of groundbreaking
knowledge, research, and technology for humanities.

May God bless us all with good health to make this event a successful and
enjoyable one!

Best Regards,

Prof. Dr. Ir. Samsul Rizal, M.Eng.

Rector of Syiah Kuala University

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University vii
Welcome Speech from General Chair

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

On behalf of the organizing committees, I would like to welcome all of you to

Banda Aceh, Indonesia for the 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 as
a part of the 2017 Annual International Conference (AIC) Syiah Kuala University.
This conference is co-organized by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universitas
Islam Sumatera Utara (UISU), Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS), and the
Cooperation Agency of Public Universities in the Western Region of Indonesia
(BKS PTN Barat) and IMT-GT Uninet. The annual event in 2017 is joint conference
between the 7th Annual International Conference (AIC) Syiah Kuala University
and The 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR). The
AIC is an annual international conference carried out regularly by Syiah Kuala
University since 2011. The ICMR is an annual event which has been jointly
organized by UNSYIAH, USM, UISU and UNHAS since 2012. Therefore, we would
like to express our sincere appreciation for their support to the conference.

Under the theme of the conference "Advancing Knowledge, Research, and

Technology for Humanity", this conference features a rich program, including
Syiah Kuala University Innovation Expo 2017, two keynote speeches delivered
by Prof. Dr. Antonius Suwanto, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nellen, Johann Gottfried Herder Fellow of the DAAD,
Germany. The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 offers a special
opportunity to bring together professors, researchers and scholars around the
globe, and serves as a platform to deliver innovative research results and latest
trends and development in the fields of sciences and engineering.

The selected papers in this conference will have the opportunities to be

published in The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology (BIOTROPIA).
BIOTROPIA is a scientific publication of the Southeast Asian Ministers of
Education Organization (SEAMEO) Southeast Asian Regional Center for
Tropical Biology (BIOTROP) and indexed by SciVerse SCOPUS (Elsevier),
CrossRef, DOAJ and Google Scholar. The conference has received 110 submitted
papers, whereby 74 papers have been accepted by the committees for
presentation and to be included in the proceedings. These papers on various
topics are divided into 10 parallel sessions in the conference. To all members
of the organizing committees, the international scientific committee, the
reviewers, and the collaboration partners, we would like to thank all of them for
their tremendous efforts to organize this conference successfully.

We look forward to having a successful conference, and we hope that all the
attendees enjoy and benefit from this conference.

Best Regards,

Dr. Ramzi Adriman

General Chair

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University viii
Keynote Speaker 1

Managing Our Microbiomes:

Tempeh Metagenome Analysis Revealed Its
Nutraceutical Potencies

Prof. Dr. Antonius Suwanto

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics
Bogor Agricultural University
Bogor, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]


Tempe is the most well-known Indonesian fermented food and recognized

internationally as one of the healthy wholesome source of vegetable proteins.
In addition to a number of molds and yeasts, Indonesian tempeh contains
garden variety of bacteria up to 109-1010 cells per gram of fresh tempeh. Some
of these microorganisms play important roles in determining tempeh quality
such as the development of flavor, texture, and production of vitamin B12. On
the other hand, the presence of these bacteria could contribute to a highly
varied tempeh quality. Our limited knowledge on critical microbial population
dynamics and functions during tempeh fermentation could also hinder our
efforts in developing tempeh as functional food. We attempt to systematically
analyze microbiological determinants essentials to obtain consistent tempeh
quality and to explore the microbial diversity of local tempeh based on culture-
dependent and culture-independent (metagenome) analysis. Two tempeh
samples from different production systems were selected for
immunomodulatory study as well as bacterial metagenome analysis employing
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Our results indicated that the dominant
bacteria present in two tempeh samples were Firmicutes from the genus
Lactobacillus and/or Enterococcus that represent approximately 90% of the
total frequency of 16S rRNA reads. Other groups (approximately 10%) were
Enterobacteriaceae, Acetobacteraceae, or Sphingomonadaceae depended on the
tempeh samples. Compared to non-fermented soybean, tempeh could
significantly increase the expression of IgA mRNA in rats. Cooked tempeh
increased IgA transcripts similar to that of fresh tempeh, and therefore could
be considered as a unique source of paraprobiotics. Routine tempeh
consumption also increased population of Akkermansia muciniphila in human
gut. The increase of A. muciniphila in human associated with lower body mass
index (BMI), which could be essential in managing obesity. To our knowledge,
this study is the first to show comprehensive analysis of bacterial communities
and their functions in tempeh.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University ix
Keynote Speaker 1 Profile

Dr. Antonius Suwanto is a professor of

Microbiology and Genetic Engineering at
Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor,
Indonesia; and an adjunct professor in Atma
Jaya Indonesia Catholic University. He is
currently a member of the Indonesian
Academy of Sciences (AIPI). He graduated
from Department of Agricultural Product
Technology (B.Sc. Cum Laude) from Bogor
Agricultural University; and obtained his M.Sc.
and PhD degree in Molecular Microbiology
from University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, USA. Currently he serves as an
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Ambassador for Indonesia; a member of the
Asia-Pacific International Molecular Biology Network (A-IMBN); and Cochairman
for the Indonesian Society for Microbiology (Permi).

During his career, he received a number of excellent research and academic

awards, such as Rockefeller Research award, International Foundation for
Science (IFS), Indonesian Toray Science and technology Foundation Award,
Indonesian Biodiversity (KEHATI) Award, and the Indonesian Institute of
Sciences (LIPI). A patent has been granted for his work on the formulation of an
effective probiotics to prevent bacterial diseases in crop plant. Professor
Suwanto is known scientifically as the first to report the presence of more than
one chromosome in prokaryote, which was achieved through his work on
genome mapping of a photosynthetic anoxygenic bacterium, Rhodobacter
sphaeroides in 1989.

Prof. Suwanto is interested in Molecular Genetics and Metagenomic study of

Indonesian traditional fermented foods (especially Tempeh), biotechnology of
plant-bacterial interactions; and enzyme bioprospecting from extremophiles.
Some of his researches have been applied for the development of effective
probiotics and prebiotics in agriculture, and aquaculture.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University x
Keynote Speaker 2

Basics and Applications in "Gene Surgery".

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nellen1,2

Johann Gottfried Herder Fellow of the DAAD, Germany
Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia


The new gene editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 is derived from a defence system found
in many archaea and eubacteria. In function it is similar to the adaptive immune
system in higher animals but has an entirely different biochemical basis. The
bacteria excise a short sequence from the infectious agent (e.g. virus) and
integrate it into the CRISPR locus of their genome. Upon a second infection, this
sequence is transcribed into RNA and serves as a guide to target a nuclease (Cas
enzyme) to the viral DNA. With the digestion of the pathogens DNA, the
bacterium can escape infection.
Basic research and profound understanding of CRISPR/Cas has led to the
development of an easy and efficient molecular tool to target specific regions
in genomes of microbes, plants, fungi and animals including humans and to
precisely cut at a defined site. Endogenous eukaryotic repair systems re-ligate
the lesion but usually introduce a mutation. When an oligonucleotide is
introduced together with the Cas enzyme and the CRISPR RNA, this can serve
as a template for repair and thus mediate a defined change in single or multiple
nucleotides. In addition, complete genes or gene domains can be removed or
foreign genes can be inserted. Further modifications of the system even allow
for targeted epigenetic modifications. CRISPR/Cas9 is currently being used to
improve crop quality, to introduce and modify resistances of plants against
insects and pathogens, to protect life stock against diseases and to adapt plants
to climate change. In medicine, it is developed to treat cancer and to edit
hereditary disease genes. In research, edited cell lines are developed to facilitate
drug discovery and drug targeting. Microorganisms can be engineered to
synthesize new products for material sciences. In contrast to conventional
genetic engineering, many (though not all) applications of CRISPR/Cas9 are
indistinguishable from natural mutations.
After a brief presentation of the origins and biochemistry of bacterial
CRISPR/Cas systems, I will give examples for applications in biotechnology,
animal and plant breeding and in medicine. With the recent advancements in
modifying human embryos, ethical questions become highly relevant and will
be discussed. Especially in Europe, legal issues have a substantial impact on
applications and may prevent applications. A careful case by case evaluation of
risks and benefits has to be done to avoid misuse and to still profit from the
immense potential of the technology. As documented by China, there are great
chances for Asian countries to go their own way beyond the dominance of the
western world.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xi
Keynote Speaker 2 Profile

Dr. Wolfgang Nellen, born 16. September 1949

in Velbert, Germany. Studied biology at
Dsseldorf University (Diploma: 1975, Dr. rer.
nat.: 1980). 1979 to 1982 Postdoctoral
position, Inst. of Physiol. Chem. (Univ.
Marburg). 1982 to 1986 Res. Assistant (Univ.
California, San Diego). 1986 to 1995 Res.
Group leader (Max-Planck-Inst. Biochemistry,
Martinsried,). 1989 to 1995 Lecturer
Department of Zoology (Universitt
Mnchen). 1989 Lecturer at Yarmouk
University, Irbid, Jordan, for 1 month. 1994
Lecturer at the University of Hokkaido,
Sapporo, Japan for 1 month. 1995 appointed
full Professor for Genetics, Universitt Kassel.
1999 visiting Scientist, University of Uppsala, Sweden. Since 2010 short term
lecturer at Andalas University and Brawijaya University in the frame of the IGN-
TTRC university partnership program of the DAAD. April 2015 retired from
active research and teaching at Kassel University. Since June 2015 Johann
Gottfried Herder Fellow of the DAAD and guest professor at Brawijaya
University, Malang, Indonesia. In administration, he was: Director of Institute of
Biology Kassel University; Dean of Faculty Biology/Chemistry, Kassel University;
Member of various committees for ethics in science, animal welfare, education
and funding.

Dr. Wolfgang Nellen professional societies: Vice President and President of

German Genetics Society; Vice President and President of German Biologists
Society; President of Society for Natural Sciences and Medicine, Kassel; Founder
and President of Science Bridge.

He was board member of various scientific journals, reviewer and panel member
for various funding agencies and foundations (DFG, DAAD, EU, Volkswagen-
Stiftung etc.). Total of more than 140 scientific papers. Supervised about 50
Master theses, 40 PhD theses and 3 Habilitations. Research funding by DFG,
DAAD, EU, Volkswagen-Stiftung, UNESCO, Robert Bosch Stiftung and others.
Scientific interests: Epigenetics, Gene technology, Biodiversity, Science
Education/Science for the Public.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xii

Official Language
The official language for the 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences
2017 is English. All presentation including Question and Answer (Q&A)
must be delivered in English.

Guideline for Participant

o Conference Venue
Opening, Keynote Session, Gala Dinner, and Closing Ceremony
Academic Activity Center (AAC) Auditorium
Prof. Dr. Dayan Dawood, Syiah Kuala University,
Jalan Teuku Nyak Arief, Kota Pelajar Mahasiswa (Kopelma),
Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111 Indonesia
Parallel Sessions
Flamboyan F-03.07, 3rd Floor, Academic Activity Center (AAC)
Flamboyan F-03.08, 3rd Floor, Academic Activity Center (AAC)
Flamboyan F-02.03, 2nd Floor, Academic Activity Center (AAC)
o Registration
Time for registration: 08:00AM 08:30AM, Wednesday, October 18th,
2017 at Academic Activity Center (AAC) Auditorium.
o Conference Kits
Conference kit, which contains Conference Book of Program, Final
Program Schedule, Electronic Proceedings in CD-ROM, Participant
Badge, Seminar Kits, and Official Receipt is provided to participants
during check-in at Registration/Information Help Desk on Wednesday,
October 18th, 2017.
o Certificate
The certificates are provided to the presenters and participants after
the parallel sessions.

Guideline for Presenters and Session Chairs (Moderator)

o The presenters and sessions chairs are asked to keep to the paper
sequence as shown in the Final Program Schedule. By following the
predefined schedule, participants can switch between sessions without
missing the particular paper of interest.
o All session chairs are requested to attend to the sessions room 10
minutes before the session begins.
o All presenters are requested to report their attendance to the session
chair 10 minutes before the session starts.
o The presentation is conducted as panel and divided into two sections in
a session. Each section will take for 40 minutes that comprised of 3-4
presenters and continued with Q&A for 10-15 minutes. The session
chairs should allow each of presenter for a 10 minutes presentation
and leave the remaining minutes for discussion.
o Notebook/Desktop PC and LCD projectors are available in every session
o Presenters are recommended to prepare their files in Microsoft Power
Point format on a USB flash drive and copy in the PC at session room
before the session begins. Our volunteers shall assist the presenters to
copy the files before presentation.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xiii
Maps and Location


Academic Activity Center (AAC) Auditorium

Prof. Dr. Dayan Dawood, Syiah Kuala University

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xiv
AAC Auditorium Venue Map

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xv
Parallel Sessions Venue Map

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xvi
Technical Program Schedule

Day1: Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Time Description Venue
(Session Chairs)

08:00 - 08:30 Registration Committee

Aceh Traditional Dance Performance: Sanggar Tunang

08:30 - 08:45
Rapai Geleng Peunayong
Opening by MC & Prayers
08:45 - 09:00 Mr. Faturahmi
(Reciting Quran and Seulawat Badar)
Singing the National Anthem of Indonesia
09:00 - 09:10 Mr. Razi
(Indonesia Raya)

09:10 - 09:15 Welcoming Remark by General Chair Dr. Ramzi Adriman

Welcoming Remark by Rector of Syiah Kuala

09:15 - 09:30 Prof. Dr. Samsul Rizal
University Academic
09:30 - 09:40 Profile of Syiah Kuala University (Video) Committee Activity
Center (AAC)
Keynote Speaker 01: Prof. Dayan
09:40 - 10:05 Dawood
Prof. Dato' Dr. Musa Ahmad, USIM
Keynote Speaker 02: Auditorium
10:05 - 10:30
Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Kiya, TMU, Japan
Keynote Speaker 03:
10:30 - 10:55 Keynote Prof. Dr. Mohd. Rizal Arshad, USM Dr. Syaifullah
Keynote Speaker 04: Muhammad
10:55 - 11:20 I
Prof. Dr. Antonius Suwanto, IPB
Keynote Speaker 05:
11:20 - 11:45
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Shamila Pillai, UM

11:45 - 12:15 Discussion

12:15 - 12:45 Plaquatte Handover & Photo Session Committee

Lunch Break
12:45 - 13:30 Committee
(Poster Session and Innovation Expo 2017)

Parallel MARINE FISHERIES-1 Prof. Dr. Muchlisin F.03.07

13:45 - 15:30
1 HEALTH SCIENCE-1 Dr. Teuku Tahlil F.03.08

15:30 - 16:15 Coffee Break Committee

Parallel BIO-TECHNOLOGY-1 Dr. Suhartono F.03.07

16:15 - 18:00
2 MARINE FISHERIES-2 Dedi Fazriansyah Putra F.03.08

18:00 - 19:30 Break Participant Hotel

Official Gala Dinner and Acehnese Art/Dance AAC

19:30 - 22:10 Committee
Performances *) Auditorium

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xvii
*) Official Gala Dinner and Acehnese Art/Dance Performances
Time Description Venue
(Session Chairs)
19:30 - 20:00 Dinner Committee
20:00 - 20:20 Instrumentalia of Aceh Songs Samuka
20:20 - 20:30 Playback video of Preperation Committee
20:30 - 20:40 Gala Dinner Opening Committee (MC)
20:40 - 20:55 Guel Dance from Highland Aceh, Gayo Gayo Lues Dancers
20:55 - 21:00 Video Aceh Tourism Center (AAC)
Aceh Culture and
Greetings by Head of Aceh Culture and Tourism Tourism Office Prof. Dayan
21:00 - 21:15
Office Dawood
21:15 - 21:25 Greetings by Representaive of Participant Overseas Participant Auditorium
Prof. Dr. Fitri Yuli
21:25 - 21:35 Greetings by IEEE Indonesia Section Chair
21:35 - 21:50 Saman Dance from Aceh Gayo Lues Gayo Lues Dancers
21:50 - 22:10 Instrumentalia of Aceh Songs and Closing Samuka

Day 2: Thursday, October 19, 2017

Time Description Venue
(Session Chairs)
AGRICULTURE-1 Prof. Dr. Samadi F.02.03
08:30 - 10:15
Session HEALTH SCIENCE-2 Dr. Ichsan F.03.07
BIO-TECHNOLOGY-2 Dr. Yulia Sari Ismail F.03.08
10.15 10.30 Coffee Break Committee
AGRICULTURE-2 Dr. Agus Munawar F.02.03
10.30 12.15
Session HEALTH SCIENCE-3 Dr. Dedi Syafrizal F.03.07
VETERINARY SCIENCE Dr. drh. Al Azhar F.03.08
Lunch Break
12.15 13.30 Committee
(Poster Session and Innovation Expo 2017)
Keynote Speaker 06:
13:30 - 13:55
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azma Putra, UTeM
Keynote Speaker 07:
13:55 - 14:20
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nellen, UB
Keynote Keynote Speaker 08: Dr. Ilham Maulana
14:20 - 14:45
Session Dr. Yanuar Nugroho, MU Dr.Teuku Reza
II Keynote Speaker 09: Ferasyi
14:45 - 15:10 Academic
Assoc. Prof. Dr Zuraini Zakaria, USM
Activity Center
Keynote Speaker 10:
15:10 - 15:35 (AAC) Prof.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatan Hamamah, USM
15:35 - 16:00 Discussion Dawood
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break Committee Auditorium
Best Paper and Best Presenter Award
Closing by Vice Rector I Academic
Closing Affair, Syiah Kuala University
16:30 - 18.00 Committee
Photo Session
Doa (Pray)

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xviii
Day 3: Friday, October 20, 2017 (BANDA ACEH CITY TOUR)
Time Description Venue
(Session Chairs)

Banda Aceh
08:00 - 12:00 Banda Aceh City Tour (free) City Tour Team

Day 3 : Friday, October 20, 2017 (OPTIONAL - ADDITIONAL FEE)

Time Description Venue
(Session Chairs)
Pick-Up (Travel Bus)
Banda Aceh - Sabang (Ferry)
1st Day Wonderfull Sabang Islands Tour City Tour Team
Sabang Fair, Benteng, and Sumur Tiga
Rubiah Island

Day 4 : Saturday, October 21, 2017 (OPTIONAL - ADDITIONAL FEE)

Time Description Venue
(Session Chairs)
Morning Coffee and Breakfast Sabang
2nd Day City Tour Team
Sabang - Banda Aceh (Ferry) Islands

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xix
Parallel Sessions

Parallel Session 1 : MARINE FISHERIES-1

Time : 18th October 2017, Wednesday/13.45-15.30/F-03.07
Session Chair : Prof. Dr. Muchlisin

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

MF0001 Sasnita, Fadli Nora Iranda, Pbs Metal Analysis on Anadara Granosa
Ali Akbar Rafsanjani and Sea Water at Fishing Port, Deah

MF0002 Lili Kasmini, Termala A. Barus, Morphometric Study of Pacific Oyster

M. Ali S, Miswar Budi Mulya (Crassostrea Gigas) In Banda Aceh Waters

MF0003 Tri Wiji Nurani, Soraya The Eafm Approach For Tuna Utilization In
Gigentika, Sugeng Hari The Waters of Nusa Tenggara
Wisudo and John Haluan

MF0004 Muhammad Irham, Study of Benthic Abundance and Diversity

Muhammad Ihsan and In Krueng Cut Estuary, Banda Aceh
Chitra Octavina

MF0005 Farid Aulia The Management of Mangrove Forestry

Based on Local Wisdom in Coastal
Community at Deli Serdang Regency and
Serdang Bedagai Regency

MF0006 Fitria Rahmayanti, Farah The Effect of Garlic (Allium Sativum)

Diana and Silviana Rosa Extract with Different Dosage on The
Hatchability of Tawes Fish (Puntius
Avanicus) Eggs

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xx
Parallel Session 1 : HEALTH SCIENCE-1
Time : 18th October 2017, Wednesday/13.45-15.30/F-03.08
Session Chair : Dr. Teuku Tahlil

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

BT0019 Nik Norulaini Nik Ab Supercritical Fluid Carbon Dioxide

Rahman, Efaq Noman, Md. Inactivation of Microbes From Clinical
Sohrab Hussein, Tengku Wastes
Salwani Tengku Lah, and
Mohd Omar Ab Kadir

HS0005 Fitria Salim, Sitti H, Wahyu L Lepromatous Leprosy with Iridocyclitis and
Grade Two Disability

HS0006 Noor Aznidar Aldani, Said The Effects of Graphic Health Warnings on
Usman, Teuku Tahlil Cigarette Packages on Adolescents
Smoking Behavior

HS0007 Sofyan Abubakar, Atropine : Natural Bioactive For Eye

Mohamad Amin, Suhadi, Medication From Belladona Plant (Atropa
Nanda Earlia and Rinaldi Belladona L)

HS0009 Herlina Dimiati Early Steps of Childhood Cardiology

Intervention in Aceh Province

HS0012 Habibie A. Yopie, Rahmat Effect of Combined Conventional and

Budi, Busroh W. Pribadi, Modified Ultrafiltration After
Fakhri Dicky Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Neonates and
Children Undergoing Congenital Heart

HS0013 Juanita, Piyanuch Jittanoon, Effect of Cultural-Based Breast Self-

Umaporn Boonyasopun Examination Educational Program on Bse
Self-Efficacy Among Nursing Student,

HS0018 Elly Wardani How Do the Nurses View Leadership: The

Application of the Mlq-5x Leadership

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxi
Parallel Session 2 : BIO-TECHNOLOGY-1
Time : 18th October 2017, Wednesday/16.15-18.00/F-03.07
Session Chair : Dr. Suhartono

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

BT0002 Sularno Bioentomopatogenic Exploration of Fungi

Around the Vegetable Garden of Brastagi

BT0003 Samadi, Sitti Wajizah and Rapid and Simultaneous Determination of

Agus Arip Munawar Feed Nutritive Values by Means of Near
Infrared Spectroscopy (Nirs)

BT0004 Ratni Dewi and Ratna Sari The Use of Composited Bentonite-Charcoal
of Palm Husks as Adsorben for The Removal
of Chemical Oxygen Demand (Cod) of Palm
Oil Mill Effluent (Pome)

BT0005 Kartini Hasballah, Acute Toxicity Evaluation of Methanol

Murniana, Al Azhar, Dewi Extracts From Root Bark of Calotropis
Karlina Rusly, Herdina Gigantea
Fitria and Karina Tantri

BT0006 Erlidawati Erlidawati, Antioxidant Activity Determination of

Safrida Safrida, Musri Ethanolic 1 Helminthostachys Zeylanica (L)
Musman Hook Leaf 2 Extracts Using Dpph Method

BT0007 Rina Sriwati, Vina Storage Periode Test of Endophytic Bacteria

Maulidia, Loekas In Different Medium Formulations
Soesanto, Siti Fadhilah,
and Syamsuddin

AG0019 Dzarnisa, Cut Intan Quality of Etawah-Crossbreeding Goat Milk

Novita, Nisa Umaira as A Result of Giving the Mangosteen Rind
Flour (Garcinia Mangostana L) As Additive

AG0020 Yenni Asbur, M Ariyanti, Y Soil Conservation Techniques by Vegetative

Purwaningrum, Ms and Mechanical in Oil Palm Plantation Age
Rahayu of 18 Years

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxii
Parallel Session 2 : MARINE FISHERIES-2
Time : 18th October 2017, Wednesday/16.15-18.00/F-03.08
Session Chair : Dedi Fazriansyah Putra

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

MF0007 Suri Purnama Febri, Teuku The Environmental Frienliness Level of

Fadlon Haser, Fauziah Trammel Net Based on The Code of
Azmi Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (Ccrf) In
Kuala Langsa Waters, Langsa City, Aceh

MF0008 Mahdi Abrar, Teuku Reza Isolation and Identification of Escherichia

Ferasyi, Amiruddin, Coli From Faeces of Aceh Cattle
Fakhrurrazi, Erina, Maryulia
Dewi, Rezky Ramadhan

MF0009 Razali, Ismail, Zainuddin, Anthelmintic Potency of a Combination of

Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Simon Palm Kernel Meal and Katuk Leaf Powder
Elieser, Rijanto Hutasoit, for Reducing Gastrointestinal Nematode
and Anwar Infection in The Local Goat

MF0010 Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Razali, Effects of Administration of Bettel Nut

Simon Elieser, Rijanto Powder and Palm Kernel Meal for
Hutasoit, Anwar, and Prevention of Helminths Infestation in The
Rezky Ramadhan Sheep

MF0011 Dedi Fazriansyah Putra, Lia The Effect of Dietary Administration of Red
Armaya, Sayyid Afdhal Yam Flour Ipomoea Batatas L. on Growth,
Elrahimi, Jiann Chu Chen Survival Rate and The Skin Color of Goldfish
Carrasius Auratus

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxiii
Parallel Session 3 : AGRICULTURE-1
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/08.30-10.15/F-02.03
Session Chair : Prof. Dr. Ir. Samadi

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

AG0001 Tri Martial A Comparative Study of Land and Tree

Tenure on Community Forestry in West
Sumatra, Indonesia and Kita-Fuji, Japan

AG0002 Gina Erida, Nurdin Saidi, Allelopathic Potential of Several Perennial

Hasanuddin, Syafruddin, Plants As Bioherbicide
Endy Tarigan

AG0003 Setia Budi, Ahmad Characteristics of Innovation and The Role

Humam Hamid, Fajri and of the Partners in Implementing Agricultural
Agussabti Extension

AG0004 Susi Chairani Drought Monitor Using the Standardized

Precipitation Index (SPI) In Aceh Besar
District, Aceh Province

AG0005 Delvian and Ridahati Colonization and Spore Abundance of

Rambey Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in The Roots of
Casuarina Equisetifolia at Different Sites

AG0006 Martos Havena Evaluation of Planting Season and Cultivar

on Post-Harvest Production and Physical
Quality of Milled Rice

AG0007 Agus Arip Munawar, Hesti Fast and Non-Destructive Quality Prediction
Meilina and Zulfahrizal of Intact Mango Using Near Infrared
Spectroscopy (NIRS)

AG0008 Fikrinda Fikrinda, Indigenous Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi

Syafruddin Syafruddin, Alter Cellulolytic Communities In Maize
Sufardi Sufardi and Rina Rhizosphere At Drought Stress

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxiv
Parallel Session 3 : HEALTH SCIENCE-2
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/08.30-10.15/F-03.07
Session Chair : Dr. Ichsan

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

HS0020 Nur Ramadhan, Teuku Specific Interventions During the First 1000
Tahlil, Dan Kartini Days of Life Program and Toddlers
Hasballah Nutritional Status

HS0021 Endang Mutiawati Diagnosis and Treatment Neuropathic Pain

HS0022 Dessy Rakhmawati Emril, Correlation Between Myofascial Trigger

Novia Rahmi Putri, Yulia Points (Mtrps) With The Characteristics of
Ramdhani Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain in
Neurology Polyclinic Rsud Dr. Zainoel Abidin
Banda Aceh

HS0023 Sofia, Intan Rizka Putri, The Relationship Between Fast Food
Raihan Consumption, Physical Activity, and Obesity
in Elementary School Students in Banda
Aceh, Aceh Province

HS0024 Wilda Mahdani The Antibiogram of Escherichia Coli Isolated

from Wound Specimens in Dr. Zainoel Abidin
General Hospital Banda Aceh

HS0025 Dedy Syahrizal, Cut Protection Effect of Glutamine Towards

Mustika, Raisha Fathimah, Aminotransferase Enzyme In Mice (Mus
Imam Maulana, Sakdiah, Musculus) Exposed By Lead
Reno Keumalazia Kamarlis

HS0026 Devi Darliana, Dara The Relationship Between Powerlessness and

Febriana Quality of Life in Patients with End Stage
Renal Disease on Hemodialysis

HS0028 Mariyati, Teuku Tahlil, Traditional Birth Attendants Perception of

Bakhtiar Providing Treatment for A Sick Child

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxv
Parallel Session 3 : BIO-TECHNOLOGY-2
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/08.30-10.15/F-03.08
Session Chair : Dr. Yulia Sari Ismail

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

BT0009 Icha Rahma Khairani, Cut Isolation and Characterization of Indigenous

Yulvizar, Yulia Sari Ismail, Lactic Acid Bacteria From Acehnese Buffalo
Suhartono Suhartono, (Bubalus Bubalis) Meat
Misrahanum Misrahanum,
Elvira Iskandar, Cut
Meutia, Yulia Safika Rizki

BT0010 Zinatul Hayati, Syamsul Isolation of Extended-Spectrum B-

Rizal, Ridhia Putri Lactamase (Esbl) Producing Escherichia Coli
and Klebsiella Pneumoniae from Clinical
Isolates in RSUD Dr. Zainoel Abidin, Aceh

BT0011 Misri Yanty Lubis, Lamek Jiringas Pods As A Source of A New Natural
Marpaung, Muhammad Antioxidant
Pandapotan Nasution and
Partomuan Simanjuntak

BT0012 Roberdi, Judhitia Hasita Prediction of Oleic Acid Content of Oil Palm
Syahrani, Yogo Adhi Germplasm Using Single Nucleotide
Nugroho, Olivia Sriulina Amplified Polymorphism (Snap) Markers
Purba, Randi Abdur
Rohman and Tony Liwang

BT0013 Malahayati Daud, Betty Correlation Between Chlorophyll Content In

Mauliya Bustam and Single Leaf and Compound Leaf
Bastian Arifin

BT0014 Risa Nursanty Dan Irma Sari N-Hexane and Methanol Extract of Lannea
Coromandellica Leaves Activity Against
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

BT0016 Nurhayati, Murni Sari The Role of Alternative Stimulants and Peg
Rahayu, Radite Tistama, To Increase Production and Bark Recovery
Yenni Asbur Clone Pb 260

BT0018 Hawa Purnama Celala Ary Antioxidant Activity of Selected Plants of

Cane, Nurdin Saidi, Aceh Province, Indonesia
Mustanir, Musri Musman

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxvi
Parallel Session 4 : AGRICULTURE-2
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/10.30-12.15/F-02.03
Session Chair : Dr. Agus Munawar

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

AG0010 Wan Arfiani Barus, Abdul Morphological Characteristics in Some

Rauf, Rosmayati and Varieties of Wet Paddy by Foliar Application
Chairani Hanum of Potassium Phosphate Under Salt Stress

AG0012 Supardi Rusdiana and Beef Cattle Business by Profit Sharing in

Rijanto Hutasoit Farmers on Plantation Area

AG0013 Dafni Mawar Tarigan, Irna Chlorophyll Content of Wheat Plant on

Syofia Dan Sri Utami Some Nitrogen Interaction with Potassium in
The Karo Highlands

AG0014 Murna Muzaifa, Anshar Exploration Study of Kopi Luwak Arabica:

Patria, Amhar Abubakar Chemical Compounds and Sensory Profile

AG0015 Dedi Kusbiantoro, Peatland Soil Conservation with MPTS System

Khairunnisyah (Multiple Purpose Tree Species)

AG0016 Y Aisyah , L P Irwanda, S Characterization of Corn Starch-Based

Haryani, N Safriani Edible Film with Nutmeg Oil Nanoemulsion

AG0017 Mariani Sembiring, Eldira Effec of Humic Acid and Mycorrhiza to

Fatia Barus and Mardiana Phosphorus Uptake and Palm Oil (Elaeis
Wahyuni Guineensis Jacq) Seedlings' Growth

AG0018 Normalina Arpi, and Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) Skin Gelatin

Fahrizal Extraction with Alkaline and Different Acids
Pretreatments: Screening Process for
Response Surface Approach

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxvii
Parallel Session 4 : HEALTH SCIENCE-3
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/10.30-12.15/F-03.07
Session Chair : Dr. Dedi Syafrizal

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

HS0029 Suryawati Trigonella Foenum: A Review of

Hypoglycemic Activity

HS0030 Nurhasanah, Dara Care Dependency Profile of Home Dwelling

Febriana, Juanita Older Adults Living in Aceh Besar District,
Aceh Indonesia

HS0031 Asriliyani Nur Islami Characteristics Identifiction For Adolescents

Yaturahmah, Zurnila Marli Menstruation Disorder In Banda Aceh
Kesuma, and Miftahuddin

HS0033 Yusni Yusni Long-Term Effect of Moderate to High-

Intensity Exercise on Blood Pressure and
Calcium in Young Athletes: A Retrospective

HS0034 Budi Satria, Hajjul Kamil, Effectiveness of High Fidelity Manequin-

Darmawati, Ardia Putra, Based Simulator in Practicing Nebulizer on
Yuswardi Nursing Student

BD0001 Safrida Safrida, Mustafa Antihyperuricemic Potential of Muntingia

Sabri, Erlidawati Erlidawati, Calabura L. Stem Bark Extract in Diabetic
Musri Musman Rats

BD0005 Muhammad Nasir, Nita Mercury Uptake and Effects on Growth of

Tauhida, Essy Harnelly and Ipomea Reptans
Muhammad Bahi

BD0006 Redi Aditama, Reno Structure, Phylogenetics and Expression of

Tryono, Zulfikar Achmad Chitinases In Oil Palm
Tanjung, and Tony Liwang

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxviii
Parallel Session 4 : VETERINARY SCIENCE
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/10.30-12.15/F-03.08
Session Chair : Dr. drh. Al Azhar

Paper ID Authors Titles of Paper

VS0001 Sri Wahyuni, Gholib and Biological Validation of Enzyme-Linked

Tongkunizwan Siregar Immunosorbent Assay to Monitor Stress in
Aceh Cattle

VS0002 Yudit Oktanella, Aulia Comparing Nifedipine, Anthocyanin, and

Firmawati, Dhita Evi Their Combination to Treat Animal Model of
Aryani, Viski Fitri Preeclampsia: Effects on Serum Angiotensin
Hendrawan, Widjiati Ii, Placental Icam-1, Fetal and Placental

VS0003 Herawati, Yudit Oktanella, Comparing Oviductal Expression During

Aulia Firmawati, Nurul Oestrous Cycle of Epithelial Oviductin
Isnaini (Ovgp1) In Peranakan Ettawah (Pe) Goat

VS0005 Zulfikar, Sayed Umar, Climate Conditions That Affect the Presence
Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Maruf of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Cattle
Tafsin Farms in Two Different Districts of the
Province of Aceh

VS0006 Gholib Gholib, Noninvasive Assessment of Parturition In Wild

Muhammad Agil, Iman Crested Macaques : Sexual Signal and Fecal
Supriatna, Bambang Glucocorticoid Measurements
Purwantara, Michael
Heistermann, Taufiq Purna
Nugraha, Antje

VS0007 Dahril, Vivi Keumala The Effect of Antibody Convertase Enzyme

Mutiawati, Aulanniam Type 4 of Human Sperm to Inhibited Oocyte

VS0008 Nuzul Asmilia, Dwinna In Vivo Antimalarial Activity of Phyllantus

Aliza Emblica Leaves Etanol Extract on
Plasmodium Berghei

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University xxix
Parallel Session 1 : MARINE FISHERIES-1
Time : 18th October 2017, Wednesday/13.45-15.30/F-03.07
Session Chair : Prof. Dr. Muchlisin

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 2
Pbs Metal Analysis On Anadara Granosa and Sea
Water at Fishing Port, Deah Glumpang
1Sasnita, 2 Fadli Nora Iranda, 3 Ali Akbar Rafsanjani
Marine Science Program, Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries,
University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. 23111, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]/+6285310249141
International Accounting Program, Faculty of Economic and Business,
University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]/ +6285262722606
Marine Science Program, Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries,
University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. 23111, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]/ +6282370571557


The objective of this study was to Evaluate the lead content in sea water and Anadara granosa at the fishing
port of Deah Glumpang, Banda Aceh. The research was carried out in October 2016. Lead content in samples
of sea water and Anadara granosa were Analyzed at the Laboratory of BARISTAND Aceh using
AAS. Samples were collected from three stations. The result shownthat the sea water from two stations
(station 2 and station 3) was contaminated by lead metal and out of the threshold based on the regulation of
Ministry of Environment No. 179 year 2004. Leads content in sea water at stations 2 and 3 were obtained
1.37 and 10.07 mg / l, respectively, while at station 1, sea water was not contaminated by lead metal. Further,
samples of Anadara granosa also at all stations were not contaminated by lead metal with the analysis result
<0.0001 mg /l.

Keyword: Anadara granosa, AAS, Deah Glumpang, Lead.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 3
Morphometric Study of Pacific Oyster
(Crassostreagigas) in Banda Aceh Waters

LiliKasmini, M.si1*, Prof. Dr. Ing.Termala A. Barus M. Sc2,

Prof. Dr. M. Ali S, M.si3, Dr. Miswar Budi Mulya, M. Si2
Doctoral candidate, Faculty of Mathemathics and Science,
Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Lecturer, Faculty of Mathemathics and Science, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Lecturer, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
UniversitasSyiah Kuala, BandaAceh 23111, Indonesia
Lecturer, Faculty of Mathemathics and Science, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan 20155,
Indonesia.Corresponding author:[email protected]


This study aimed to analyze and to assess differences in morphometric characteristic of Pacific oyster
(Crassostreagigas) found in the waters of Banda Aceh, specifically atTibang region (mangrove forests of the
city, Tibangs river mouth and reservoirs) andUleeLheue region (DeahBaro mangrove, Ulee Lheue fishing
harbor, and the estuary area of Banda Seafood). The research used purposive sampling method, withsample
collected using line transect method. Three morphometric characteristics measured in the study were total
length (PT), width (L) and height (H). Obtained morphometric data was then analyzed using univariate
approach (ANOVA). The result indicates significantly different (P <0.05) morphometric characteristics of
Pacific oyster (PT, L and T) in the waters of Banda Aceh where the Pacific oyster in Tibang region
showedgreater result of total (PT), width (L) and height (H) compared to UleeLheue region (PT=33.22-
82.63 : 20.40-39.71; L=42.60-116.70 : 40.54-96.36; and T=21.83-140.31 : 21.04-118.85). Furthermore, the
result wasvalidated using discriminant function analysis (DFA) which aimed to explore the contribution of
each morphometric characteristic in classifying oyster population at different locations.DFA analysis shows
there are morphometric variationsof Pacific oyster at these regions, however, the morphology of the
populationsis clustered and overlapping therefore it can be concluded they are the same species

Keywords: Crassostreagigas, Univariate, ANOVA, Discriminant Function Analysis

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 4
The Eafm Approach For Tuna Utilization In The
Waters Of Nusa Tenggara
Tri Wiji Nurani1*, Soraya Gigentika2 , Sugeng Hari Wisudo1 and John Haluan1
Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Programme of Marine Fisheries Technology, Postgraduate Program of Bogor
University, Bogor, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


The waters of Nusa Tenggara covering the Indian Ocean, Savu Sea, Timor Sea, and
Flores Sea are migratory routes of tuna. Tuna fishing activities in these area have caused
various problems, such as illegal use of FADs, capture of baby tuna, fishing using
hazardous chemicals (such as bombs), violation of territorial boundaries; and so forth.
The study aims to identify issues and set management goals and objectives of sustainable
tuna utilization in Nusa Tenggara Waters. Study was done by using EAFM approach
(Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management). The result of the research stated that to
overcome the existing problems, the purpose and objectives of the utilization are 1)
Setting the use of FADs: a) the understanding and awareness of fishermen in the use of
FADs, b) the ideal allocation of FADs, c) registration FADs, d) arrangement and
supervision; 2) Certainty and profit of fishing effort: a) the compilation of data base of
tuna fishing activities, b) controlling in reporting of catch, c) evaluation of capture
capacity efficiency, d) determination of allocation and effort arrangement, e)
understanding of business actors on technical efficiency capture capacity; 3) Restrictions
on the catch of baby tuna: a) mapping of fishing grounds, b) assessment of technological
development, c) regulation, d) supervision; And 4) Increasing the number of export-
quality tuna: a) increasing the capacity of fishermen, b) the needs of facilities and
infrastructure for cold chain, c) management of facilities and infrastructure for cold chain
at remote landing sites; d) monitoring the quality of tuna.

Keywords: EAFM, Nusa Tenggara Waters, sustainable tuna utilization, tuna resources

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 5
Study of Benthic Abundance and Diversity In
Krueng Cut Estuary, Banda Aceh

Muhammad Irham1,2*, Muhammad Ihsan1 and Chitra Octavina1

Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh
Center for Marine and Fisheries Study of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


This study attemps to establish the spatial distribution of benthic based on its abundance and diversity.
Because benthos is sensitive to water pollution, it can be used as indicator to determain the health status of
estuary ecosystem. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to identify the abuncance and diversity of benthic
community in Krueng Cut estuary. The study used purposive sampling method by applying 7 stations
sampling along the study area. The sampling was done in three places within one station that is left bank,
center of the channel, and righ bank. The benthos samples were taken using Ponal Grab, which has 23cm x
23cm size with 20 kg weight and sieved from the substrate using a mesh filter of 0.1 mm size. The result
shows that Krueng Cut estury has 347 ind/m2 density index from 7 benthos species. It was found that the
most abundance of bentos is Balanus sp, while the least are Nacula nucleus, Olivella volutella, and Uca sp.
This result informs that the diversity index is categorized as low, while the dominance index level is high.

Keywords: abundance index, diversity index, estuary ocosystem, Krueng Cut.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 6
The Management of Mangrove Forestry Based On
Local Wisdom in Coastal Community at Deli Serdang
Regency and Serdang Bedagai Regency

Farid Aulia
Faculty of Law, University Al-Azhar Medan
Jl. Pintu Air IV No. 214 Padang Bulan Kwala Bekala Medan Johor 20142
Contact number: +62 61 8366679
e-mail : [email protected]


The existing of local community in the exchange of environment of growing local wisdom on mangrove
forestry management has become a very important study. There is very closed interaction between the local
community and the mangrove forest. The aim of this research is to analyze the existing of mangrove forest
in coastal area of Deli Serdang Regency and Serdang Bedagai Regency as a part of local wisdom that has
been used by the coastal community in mangrove forest management. This study uses Cultural Ecology
Theory by Steward (1995) in case of analyze the adaptation process of community. The growth of local
wisdom of mangrove forest management at coastal area of Deli Serdang Regency and Serdang Bedagai
Regency was through learning process that was introduced by some institutions. The management of
mangrove forest was done by growing social awareness of managing mangrove forest based on social capital
of group community. To reach this aim, the method of this study is qualitative approach with depth interview,
obesrvation participation and focus group discussion.

Keywords: Social Capital, Mangrove Forest, The Management of Mangrove Forest Based on Local

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 7
The Effect of Garlic (Allium sativum) Extract With
Different Dosage on The Hatchability of
Tawes Fish (Puntius javanicus) EGGS

Fitria Rahmayanti1*, Farah Diana1 andSilviana Rosa1

Department of Aquaculture,Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Teuku Umar University, Meulaboh
23615, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


This research was conducted in order to determine the effectivity of garlic extract (Allium sativum) as
antifungal on tawes eggs (Puntius javanicus) and to know the effect of garlic extract (Allium sativum) as
antifungalon tawes eggs (Puntius javanicus). This research was conducted in July 2015.This reasearch
used experimental designs and Completely Randomized Design method with four treatments and three
replications.The treatment was applied by adding garlic extract with P0: without treatment, P1: 1 ml/ l, P2: 2
ml/ l and P3: 3 ml/ l.Water quality parameters and Hatching Rate (HR) are calculated during this
reasearch.The result showed that garlic extract (Allium sativum) effect the hatchability of tawes fish eggs
with high significance.The higest hatching rate to the lowet were in treatment P3 (3 ml/l), treatment P2(2
ml/l), treatment P1(1 ml/l) and treatment P0 (as the control) with the hatching rate values were82,3%, 73,6%,
67,3% and 51%, respectively.The water quality parameters during the research were temperature 28oC,
pH 7 and DO 3.8.

Keywords: garlic extract, hatchability, tawes, eggs

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 8
Parallel Session 1 : HEALTH SCIENCE-1
Time : 18th October 2017, Wednesday/13.45-15.30/F-03.08
Session Chair : Dr. Teuku Tahlil

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 9
Supercritical Fluid Carbon Dioxide Inactivation Of
Microbes From Clinical Wastes

Nik Norulaini Nik Ab Rahman1*, Efaq Noman3, Md.Sohrab Hussein4,

Tengku Salwani Tengku Lah2, and Mohd Omar Ab Kadir2
*Corresponding author. School of Distance Education,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia
[email protected]; +604-6535206
School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800, Penang,Malaysia
[email protected]; [email protected]; +604-6535206
Faculty of Science, Technology and Human Development,
University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400, Parit raja, Johor, Malaysia
[email protected]; +607-453 7000
Technical Foundation Sect
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Chemical And Bio-Engineering Technology
Bandar Vendor, Taboh Naning,, 78000 Alor Gajah, Malacca, Malaysia
[email protected]; +606-551 2000


The potential danger of clinical waste has been recognized because of the presence of infectious
microbes within the waste materials, including bandages, sharps such as needles and bodily fluids.
Supercritical fluid carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) has been proven to be effective against
clinical microorganisms, as it impacts target microorganisms both physically and chemically. The present
SC-CO2 uses the properties of carbon dioxide at a supercritical level easily attainable
and operated at predetermined pressure and temperature to effectively deactivate microorganisms. This
research aims to investigate the ability of supercritical fluid carbon dioxide (SC-CO2), under
specific pressure and temperature in reducing the survival of selected microbes commonly found
in clinical wastes. The parameters were pressure 5, 10 , 20, 30 and 40 MPa; and temperatures applied
were 35, 45, 60, 70 and 80 0C. The pressure loading times were 10, 20, 30 and 40 min.
The effectiveness of SC-CO2 in inactivating clinical waste microbes is compared to the autoclave
sterilization method. In autoclave treatment, the inactivation of bacteria in clinical solid waste was
performed at pressures 0.55 MPa, 0.10 MPa and 0.19 MPa for the temperature of 1110C, 1210C and 1310C,
respectively. In the present study, it was found that SC-CO2is more effective in the inactivation of the bacteria
in clinical solid waste. Thus, it is a probable interest to adopt the SC-CO2 sterilization technology in clinical
solid waste management with regards to sterilizing selected clinical wastes for reuse and recycle or safer

Key words: Supercritical fluid carbon dioxide, Sterilization, Clinical Wastes, Microbe inactivation

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 10
Lepromatous Leprosy with Iridocyclitis And
Grade Two Disability

Fitria Salim*, Sitti H, Wahyu L

Dermatology and Venereology Department Faculty of Medicine
Syiah Kuala University/dr. zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Leprosy is the chronic infectious disease that although curable, continues to be a significant health
problem in many parts of the world. The disease presents polar clinical forms (the multibacillary lepromatous
leprosy and the paucibacillary tuberculoid leprosy), as well as other intermediate forms with hybrid
characteristics based on patients clinical state and immune status. Leprosy causes complication in eyes and
nerve damage that lead to paralytic, deformity, and handicap that affect the patients quality of life. We present
a case of lepromatous leprosy with iridocyclitis and grade two disability in a 31-year-old man who presented
multiple hyperpigmented, anesthetic lesions on the face and arms with both hands were claw-shaped and
numbness since ten months ago. The patient has complained red eye with pain, tenderness and impaired
vision for one month. Slit skin smear examination for M. leprae from lesions and earlobes revealed a
bacteriological index of 3+ and 70% for the morphological index. The patient was treated by multi-drug
therapy multi bacillary for 12 months and referred to ophthalmologist and physiotherapist for comprehensive

Keywords: disability, iridocyclitis, lepromatous leprosy

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 11
The Effects of Graphic Health Warnings on Cigarette
Packages on Adolescents Smoking Behavior

Noor Aznidar Aldani1*, Said Usman2, Teuku Tahlil3

Corresponding authors email address:[email protected]
Nursing Academy of Ibnu Sina Sabang City, Email:[email protected]
Master of Nursing, Nursing Faculty, University of Syiah Kuala, Darussalam,
Banda Aceh, 23111, Email: [email protected]
Master of Nursing, Nursing Faculty, University of Syiah Kuala,
Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111,
Email: [email protected]


The Indonesian Government has issued a regulation which requires the attachment of health information and
warnings about the danger of smoking on cigarette packages by cigarette companies. This study aimed to
examine the effects of graphic health warnings on cigarette packageson adolescents smoking behavior. The
study used an analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach surveying 433 Indonesian adolescents aged
between 14 and 21 years from senior high schools in Aceh Province. The students were selected using the
simple random sampling technique. The datawere collected by disseminating a self-reported questionnaire
which showed a set of five cigarette packages with various health warnings (i.e., a combination of texts and
pictures) to the participants. The chi-square test was used in the data analysis. The majority of the participants
were male (55.2%) andsome (21.5%) had smoked cigarettes. There was a significant correlation between the
students smoking behaviorand the type of picture (p=0.000), color (p=0.005), and layout aboutthe smoking
dangers on the cigarette packaging (p=0.002), but the correlation was insignificant with the typography
(p=0.147) and composition (p=0.926) of the graphic health warnings about the smoking dangers on the
cigarette packets. The visual warning was viewed by the adolescents as the most accepted source of health
information on the packages. The visual warnings on cigarette packages had potential effects on reducing the
adolescents smoking habits. The use of visual health warnings about the smoking dangers and comparing
them with appropriate colors, larger printings, and presentation would increase the effectiveness of the

Keywords: Adolescent behavior, cigarette packages, visual warning

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 12
Atropine: Natural Bioactive for Eye Medication from
Belladona Plant (Atropa belladona L)

Sofyan Abubakar1, Mohamad Amin2*, Suhadi2, Nanda Earlia3and Rinaldi Idroes4

Postgraduate Student of Biology Study Program,
Postgraduate Program State University of Malang
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
State University of Malang
Doctoral Student of Mathematics and Applied Science,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Syiah Kuala University
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Drugs from synthetic chemicals always have contra indications from medical and chemical
studies. One of the solutions to reduce adverse effects is by utilizing natural compounds from
Indonesian plants. One of the compounds is atropine, a cholinergic receptor antagonist isolated
from Atropabelladona L, Datura stramonium L and other plants from the Solanaceae family.
Atropine eye drops is one of the antimuscarinic drugs that relaxes the muscles then dilated the
pupils. Another function of atropine is to relieve pain caused by the eyes inflammation (anterior
uveitis). This study aims to determine the bioactivity of natural compounds from amethyst plant
(Atropabelladona L) for eye medicine based on in silico screening. The in silico includes ligand
preparation, target selection of molecular docking, visualization and molecular interaction. The
results show that atropine is able to bind target proteins by forming bonds at one end of the sites
and the target protein "Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase" and these compounds have the same
bond position sites with other compounds that are commonly used as amantadine. Atropine does
not interact with the chemical compounds used as eye drops amantadine, so atropine can be
recommended as eyes anti inflammation.

Keywords: Amantadine,antiinflammation, Atropine,Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase,in silico.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 13
Early Steps of Childhood Cardiology
Intervention in Aceh Province

Pediatric Cardiology Division, Department of Child Health, Medical School,
University of Syiahkuala, ZainoelAbidin Hospital, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Cardiology intervention is the treatment of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) without surgery that has grown
rapidly around the word including Indonesia. Aceh just does this management after 3 years of the
catheterization Laboratory facility. The advantages of this management were a short time of hospitalized, no
scar tissue, not using cardio-pulmonary machine and no surgical complication. This study reports that there
were 4 children with Patent DuctusArteriosus (PDA) successful of management cardiology intervention Four
children with PDA were examined by a doctor of pediatric cardiology, no Anemia, no impaired liver, renal
and blood clotting function and got permission from their parents. All childrenwere sedated by an
anesthesiologist. All children had Type A PDA with mean size 7.5 mm, the ageranges were 1 years and 10
months 10 years and 5 months. The sex ratio was 1 boy and 3 girls. The range body weight was 7.6 29
kg. The nutritional status was under-nutrition. All the patients were closed by wearing device duct occluder
size of 10/8. Repeat aortography was done 15 minutes after demonstrating good device position and complete
closure. No stenosis left pulmonary artery and there was no coarctation of aorta All patients had successful
cardiology intervention management, no residual shunt of PDA, andno complication of the management.

Keywords: cardiology intervention, PDA, complete closure

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 14
Effect of Combined Conventional and Modified
Ultrafiltration After Cardiopulmonary Bypass in
Neonates and Children Undergoing Congenital Heart

Habibie A. Yopie*1, Rahmat Budi2, Busroh W. Pribadi2, Fakhri Dicky2

Division of Thoracic, Cardiac & Vascular Surgery, Dept of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine University of
Syiah Kuala, The Zainoel Abidin General Hospital, Banda Aceh-Indonesia
Division of Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery, Dept. of Thoracic, Cardiac & Vascular Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita,
*Corresponding author:[email protected]


Ultrafiltration is a method used to reduce fluid volume and tissue edema as the consequences of hemodilution
after cardiac surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB), also improved hemodynamics, increase
hematocrit and post operative recovery in children. Combined Conventional(CUF) and Modified
Ultrafiltration (MUF) may offer advantages in comparison with conventional or modified ultrafiltration. We
conducted the hypothesis that combined modified and conventional ultrafiltration have similar clinical
effects. From January 2008 to October 2009, a total of 271 pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery were
collected from medical records, divided into 3 groups. Group I undergo CUF, group II was MUF and group
III was CUF + MUF. The using of CUF, MUF and CUF + MUF were randomized. CUF was performed
during rewarming phase of CPB, MUF was performed after separation from CPB, continued until 10 minutes
after the CPB. Sub analysis was between patient with Aristotle score above 5 and preoperative Pulmonary
Hypertension (PH). Preoperative, intra operative, during CPB, post operative data in ICU such as hematocrit,
hemodynamics, transfusion of blood products, icu stay, duration of ventilator, ultrafiltrate volume intra
operatively, Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (LCOS) such as lactate, arterial and vein saturations were
compared among groups. There was no operative mortality. Total patients with CUF (n=68), MUF (n=8)
and CUF+MUF (n=195). There were 136 male pts (50.2 %) and 135 female pts (49.8%), with median age
15 months and mean weight 12.8 10.3 kg.In patients with Aristotle score above 5, CUF + MUF had greater
ultrafiltrate volume (1304.5 801.4 ml; p = 0.013). MUF group had a greater hematocrit (39.6% 12.5%;p
= 0.514), and also greater hemoglobin level (13.2 3.9 mg/mL ; p = 0.512). Median postoperative
oxygenation (PaO2) was higher in MUF group (279 mmHg; p = 0.132). MUF significantly reduced total
transfusion volume of coagulation factors (RBC 120 mL; p = 0.530 ; FFP 80 mL ; p = 0.294 ; TC 0 mL ; p
= 0.140). In patients with preoperative PH, CUF + MUF also significantly had greater ultrafiltrate volume
(1313.6 811.9 ml; p = 0.001). MUF group had a greater hematocrit (37.7% 10.9% ;p = 0.532), and also
greater hemoglobin level (12.6 3.5 mg/mL ; p = 0.538). Median postoperative oxygenation (PaO2) also
higher in MUF group (262 mmHg; p = 0.023). MUF also significantly reduced total transfusion volume of
coagulation factors (RBC 110 mL; p = 0.337; FFP 59 mL ; p = 0.088 ; TC 0 mL ; p = 0.341). CUF + MUF
have significant decreased in lactate level in 1 hour and 4 hours post operative in ICU (3.1 1.6 to 2.9 1.8
vs CUF 2.9 1.3 to 1.9 1.5 and MUF 3.3 1.0 to 2.6 1.1 ; p <0.001), and also better vein saturation
(73.1% 14.9% to 70.5% 14.0%, CUF 75.9% 10.3% to 72.3% 7.1%, MUF 64.3% 17.3% to 62.2%
15.6% ; p = 0.003). There was no significant difference among groups in duration of ventilator, icu stay,
central venous pressure and mean arterial blood pressure post operatively. A combination of CUF + MUF is
effective and safe in pediatric patients, also make LCOS decreased if compare with others strategy.
Ultrafiltration improved hemodynamics, hemostatic, and pulmonary functions. We recommend the use of
combined UF in high-risk pediatric patients after cardiac surgery.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 15
Effect of Cultural-Based Breast Self-Examination
Educational Program on BSE Self-Efficacy
Among Nursing Student, Indonesia

Juanita1, Piyanuch Jittanoon2, Umaporn Boonyasopun3

Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan,Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Department of Public Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing,
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Email corresponding author: [email protected]
Email author: [email protected], [email protected]


Introduction: Breast cancer incidence are higher in women population, breast self examination was one of
strategi to prevent that disease. Previous study had been conducting to promote Breast Self-Examination, but
the program did not consider about the role of culture on health behavior. The purpose of this quasi-
experimental research is to examine the effect of cultural-based breast self-examination (BSE) educational
program on BSE self-efficacy among nursing students. The cultural-based BSE educational program was
developed based on Banduras Social Cognitive Theory and Islamic Culture. Methods: A stratified
proportionate random sampling method was employed to recruit nursing students at Public Nursing College,
Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University in Aceh, Indonesia. Seventy-six students who met the inclusion
criteria were recruited, 36 students were in the experimental group and 40 students were in the control group.
The experimental group received the cultural-based BSE educational program including exploring Islamic
mandate on prevention and individual responsibility in health promotion and cultural related beliefs toward
BSE, health education, BSE training, and follow-up. The BSE self-efficacy scores were examined after 3
weeks of program implementation. The statistical analysis was conducted using dependent t-test and
independent t-test. Results: The results showed that after participating the program, the BSE self-efficacy of
the nursing students in the experimental group were significantly higher than before participation (t (35) = -5.02,
p < .001). Further, the BSE self-efficacy score in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of
the control group after participation the program (t (74) = 3.49, p < .01). The result showed differences of the
overall BSE self-efficacy and the subscale: BSE procedural efficacy (p < .01), but not significant differences
for the subscale: BSE barrier management efficacy (p > .05). Conclusion: The cultural-based BSE
educational program is effective in enhancing BSE self-efficacy among nursing students. The study suggests
that the application of the cultural-based BSE educational program would be extended for other women and
other nursing students in different areas.

Keywords: breast self-examination, cultural, educational program, self-efficacy

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 16
How Do the Nurses View Leadership: The
Application of The MLQ-5X Leadership Survey?

Elly Wardani1*
Nursing Leadership and Management Department, Faculty of Nursing,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*E-mail: [email protected]


Leadership was recognized as a vital element in nursing which can have an impact on workforce outcomes
and the health system. However, most of the available research and measurements on leadership were
originally designated and developed in the Western world; the compatibility of its application in the
Indonesian context requires further exploration. Recognizing such paucity, this paper intends to investigate
the Indonesian nurses perspective on leadership through the lens of the Multifactor Leadership
Questionnaire-5X (MLQ-5X). The measure was internationally recognizing and widely used within nursing
leadership studies. There were 250 nurses (i.e., 26 head nurses; 224 staff nurses) participated in this survey.
The results demonstrated that transformational and transactional leadership are the dominant leadership
behaviours as perceived by nurses in the hospital under study. Finally, the use of the MLQ is widespread in
nursing. Its application for investigating nursing leadership in non-Western countries has been found to be
relevant. However, future recommendation on integrating other important aspects surrounding the nurses,
such as culture, social, or norms, would add vivid value for the MLQ as leadership measure. The nature of
nurses work is loaded with unpredictable circumstances sourced either from their internal work or from
external elements that require the nurses to be dynamic and capable of demonstrating appropriate leadership
styles for particular events.

Keywords: Leadership, MLQ-5X, nursing

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 17
Parallel Session 2 : BIO-TECHNOLOGY-1
Time : 18th October 2017, Wednesday/16.15-18.00/F-03.07
Session Chair : Dr. Nasrullah Idris, M. Eng

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 18
Bioentomopatogenic Exploration of Fungi Around the
Vegetable Garden of Brastagi

Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Sumatera Utara Islamic University 20217
[email protected]


The use of pesticides increases the number of problems in the environment. More than 90% of
insecticides and 95% of herbicides are sprayed to non-target sites. Pesticide currents occur when
pesticides suspended in the air as particles are carried by wind to other areas, potentially causing
pollution. Pesticides are a major problem of water pollution and some pesticides are persistent
organic pollutants that cause soil contamination. Pesticides also reduce agricultural biodiversity
in the soil thereby reducing the rate of nitrogen binding. Loss of pollinators, destroying habitats
(especially bird habitats), and endangering threatened animals. Over time, pest species can
develop resistance to pesticides so research is needed to develop new pesticides. The use of
pesticides in the vegetable plantation of Brastagi is very high. The intensity of spraying pesticides
in one week is 3 to 4 times. This results in reduced or even loss of soil microbes and entofatogenic
fungi from the soil environment around rizhosfere. Alternative pest control for vegetables is the
utilization of natural enemies that usually exist around vegetable crops. Among the natural
enemies of pest control are pathogenic fungi in insects. In general, pathogenic fungi in insects
include Metarhiziumanisopliae, Beauveriabassiana, Nomuraearileyi, Paecilomycesfarinosus
and Paecilomycesfumosoroseus (Takhur and Sandhu, 2010), Lagenidium, Coelomomyces,
Conidiobolus, Entomophaga, Entomophthora, Erynia, Neozygites, Pandora, Zoophthora,
Cordyceps, Hypocrella, Torrubiella, Aschersonia, Hirsutella, Tolypocladium, and Verticillium
(Pell and Shah, 2003). This research uses exploration and isolation method with Tenebrio molitor
larvae, aiming to find out the diversity of entomopathogenic fungi present in vegetable field in
Brastagi. The soil samples were taken from 10 villages in Simpang Empat Sub-District, Tanah
Karo Regency, which is the center of vegetable crops. Each village was drawn 4 samples, 2
samples from the still working area and 2 samples from the post-harvest land that has not been
sprayed with pesticides. Soil samples taken around the roots of plants with a depth of 5 to 15
cm. The soil is then inserted into the plastic and mixed to homogeneous. Tenebrio molitor larvae
are inserted, the soil inside the container is moistened by adding enough water, incubated for 1
to 2 weeks in the dark to allow the larvae to move actively, the larvae of Tenebrio molitor infected
by the fungus is isolated in the laboratory. The results and conclusions of the study showed that
all samples taken from the post-harvest field showed Tenebriomolitor larvae infected with
entomopatogen fungi with an average of 65%, infection. Whereas samples from the still-working
and applied pesticides are only a few samples infected with an average of 15% of infections. The
dominant fungi found on land are Beauveriabassianaand Metharhiziumanisopliae. The number
of samples of infected larvae on post-harvest land indicates that the presence of fungi is more
prevalent on pesticide-imposed lands. In other words, the application of pesticides on plant land
suppresses the growth of entomopathogenic fungi. Fungi that are obtained on plant land, indicate
that there is potential for biological control around Berastagi vegetation field in the form of
entomopathogenic fungi type Beuveriabassiana and Metarhiziumanisopliae.These fungi can be
developed as alternative bioinsecticides to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides that are harmful
to life.

Keywords: bioentomopatogenic, Berastagi, exploration, Tenebrio molitor, Vegetable

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 19
Rapid and Simultaneous Determination of Feed
Nutritive Values by Means of Near Infrared
Spectroscopy (NIRS)
Samadi1*, Sitti Wajizah1 and Agus Arip Munawar1
Department of Animal Science, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]


Fraction of crude fiber such as neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber and (ADF)
are two major nutritive values of animal feed from which determined of animal digestibility. To
determine both of these nutritive parameters, several methods are widely employed; however,
most of them are based on solvent extraction and other laboratory analyses followed by
complicated sample preparations which normally time consuming, costly, and may cause
pollution since these analyses involved chemical materials. Thus, rapid and effective methods
are required to determine NDF and ADF of animal feed samples. Near infrared spectroscopy
(NIRS) is one among these methods that can be considered to be applied due to its advantages.
Therefore, the main objective of this present study is to apply NIRS in determining NDF and
ADF of animal feed samples simultaneously. Reflectance spectra were acquired for animal feed
samples in wavelength range from 1000 to 2500 nm. On the other hand, actual NDF and ADF
values were measured by standard laboratory method. Spectra data were corrected by baseline
shift correction (BSC) and standard normal variate (SNV). NDF and ADF prediction models
were developed using principal component regression (PCR) and validated by leave-one out full
cross validation (LOOCV) method. Superior and accurate results for both nutritive parameters
prediction were achieved using SNV spectra data with correlation coefficient (r) and RPD index
were 0.93 and 2.47 for NDF; 0.94 and 2.73 for ADF respectively. It may conclude that NIRS can
be used and applied as a rapid and simultaneous method in determining nutritive values of animal
feed samples.

Keywords: NIRS, feed, nutritive, evaluation.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 20
The Use of Composited Bentonite-Charcoal of Palm
Husks as Adsorben for Theremoval of Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD) of Palm Oil Mill Effluent

Ratni Dewi and Ratna Sari

Department of Chemical Engineering, Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, Aceh, Indonesia.
Email: [email protected],[email protected]


The high contaminants in the palm oil mill effluent (POME) cause the liquid disposal is not feasible to be
directly discharged into surface waterbefore treated. The majorcontaminations in liquidwaste ofPOMEare
chemical oxygen demand (COD), turbidity, total suspended solid (TSS) and total dissolved solid (TDS). In
this study, the using method is a compositedbentonite-charcoalof husks palm in a batch adsorption column
to remove COD in POME waste. The circulation time is divided from 30-180 minutes in the adsorption
column with the sampling interval once every 30 minutes. The used bentoniteoriginated from Nisam, a rural
area in North Aceh, Indonesia.The activated charcoal is made from huskspalm, which is a solid waste of
POME. Compositedbentonite-charcoal was formed by using white cement as a binder with a ratio of 1:1.
The composite characterization was performed using (FTIR) and (SEM-EDX). The results indicate that the
COD has being reduced in the adsorption process by using compositedbentonite-charcoal approximately
78.160% at a circulation time of 180 minutes.

Kata kunci: husk palm charcoal, bentonite COD, composite, Nisam.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 21
Acute Toxicity Evaluation of Methanol Extracts from
Root Bark of Calotropis Gigantea

Kartini Hasballah1*, Murniana2, Al Azhar3, Dewi Karlina Rusly4,

Herdina Fitria2 and Karina Tantri1
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Syiah Kuala University, banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Department of Obstetry and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: [email protected]


The purpose of this research is to know the safety level of methanol extract of Calotropis gigantea root bark
given orally on Rattus novergicus rats. C. gigantea root bark was extracted from maceration by using
methanol solvent and evaporated by vacuum rotary evaporator. The extracts were examined for
phytochemistry and acute toxicity to male Rattus novergicus rats (n=6). The results of phytochemistry test
showed that methanol extracts were composed by secondary metabolites, i.e steroids, terpenoids, saponins
and coumarin. There were no lethal effects after the administration of the extracts (1250, 2500 and 5000
mg/kg). No behavioral changes during observation. There was no significant change in body and organ
weights of the treated rats compared to control. Thus, the value of LD50 for oral administration of methanol
extracts from root bark of C. gigantea was larger than 5000 mg/kg.

Keywords: Acute toxicity, Calotropis gigantea, LD50

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 22
Antioxidant Activity Determination of Ethanolic
Helminthostachys Zeylanica (L) Hook
Leaf Extracts Using Dpph Method

Erlidawati1*, Safrida2, Musri Musman1

Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, 23111, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, 23111, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author email: [email protected]


Helminthostachys zeylanica (L) Hook which is locally known as Tunjuk Langit from Ophipglosaceae
family. This plant has been known as analgesic, antiinflammatory, antihyperuricemia, anticancer
antihepatotoxic and antioxidant activity. This study was designed to determine antioxidant activity with the
inhibitory Concentration 50 (IC50) values from extract of Helminthostachys zeylanica leaves. An
investigation about antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract from Helminthostachys zeylanica Linn with
ascorbic acid as standard which has been known as an antioxidant. Ethanolic extract from Helminthostachys
zeylanica leaves was tested using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pikril-hidrazil) by measuring absorbance with
UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 517 nm. The methods of this research are were phytochemical
screening and extraction of Helminthostachys zeylanica leaves, determination of extract concentrations
required for 50% inhibition of DPPH radical scavenging effect (IC50) with ascorbic acid as the positive
control. The variation concentration be used 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ppm for ethanolic extracts. The results showed
that of the Helminthostachys zeylanica leaves ethanolic have alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and polyphenolic
compounds. Antioxidant activity of extract with IC50 values of 6,91 ppm, and IC50 values of ascorbic
acid of 5,35 ppm. It was concluded that extract of Helminthostachys zeylanica leaves had the best antioxidant

Keywords: antioxidant activity, Helminthostachys zeylanica (L) Hook, IC50, DPPH

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 23
Storage Periode Test Of Endophytic Bacteria In
Different Medium Formulations

Rina Sriwati1*, Vina Maulidia2, Loekas Soesanto3, Siti Fadhilah4, and Syamsuddin4
Plant Protection Department Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Program of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto 53123, Indonesia
Agrotechnology Department Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
*Corresponding Author e-mail: [email protected]


Endophytic bacteria are living bacteria have been isolated from roots of tomato, they colonize the internal
tissues of their host plant. Endophytic bacteria require the media as a carrier to be capable maintain bacterial
life, facilitate application and storage in formulations form. Endophytic bacteria formulations can be used
with snail broth, oil vegetable, molasses, and coconut water. This research was conducted to evaluate the
medium formulation endophytic bacteria capable of sustaining bacterial life with the storage period during
four weeks. The study was conducted in the Plant Disease Laboratory, Plant Protection Department,
Agriculture Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia, in May 2017. The storage periode test used two
isolates of endophytic bacteria from the root of the tomato (AM02 and AM14), these two isolates were stored
with different medium formulations such as snail broth, vegetable oil, molasses and aquades. The observation
was done every week by inoculating endophytic bacteria in each formulation with dilution 108. The results
showed that isolates AM02, on the fourth week indicated the best number of colonies were obtained in the
formulation treatment using molasses + sucrose + coconut water (F2) medium (252.2 cfu ml-1), whereas the
isolates AM14, treatment formulations using media distilled water (F0) showed the highest number of colonies
(380.6 cfu ml-1). Under morphologically identification, both bacteria have differences on cell form, gram and
ther colour. Creating the composition of bacteria medium growth for formulation is needed for further
research studies.

Keywords: Root of tomato, snail broth, vegetable oil, molasses, endophytic bacteria.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 24
Parallel Session 2 : MARINE FISHERIES-2
Time : 18th October 2017, Wednesday/16.15-18.00/F-03.08
Session Chair : Dedi Fazriansyah Putra

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 25
The Environmental Frienliness Level of Trammel Net
Based on the Code of Conduct for Responsible
Fisheries (CCRF) in Kuala Langsa Waters, Langsa
City, Aceh

Suri Purnama Febri1*, Teuku Fadlon Haser1, Fauziah Azmi1

Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Samudra University,
Street Kampus Merandeh-Langsa City, Aceh 24415 Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Trammel net is considered as alternative catching tool replacing the trawl which is commonly used to catch
shrimp. This tool is used by fishermen at Kuala Langsa, Langsa City. Although its low productivity as
compare to trawl, the ownership and utilization of this tool have significantly increased. This paper aims to
assess the technology feasibility and friendliness of trammel net towards Kuala Langsa seawater environment
and also to understand the haul characteristics of trammel net. The experimental fishing method with six (6)
repetition times was conducted by deploying different size of eye nets across the network. The results showed
that the side haulwasmore as compared to main one. Furthermore, the trammel net tool used in Kuala Langsa
is categorized as non-environmental friendly to the seawater according to the nine (9) criterion of
environmentally catching tools provided by CCRF.

Keywords: Trammel net, environmental friendly, haul characteristics, kuala langsa Langsa City, Aceh.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 26
Isolation and Identification of Escherichia
Coli from Faeces of Aceh Cattle

Mahdi Abrar1, Teuku Reza Ferasyi2, Amiruddin3, Fakhrurrazi1, Erina1,

Maryulia Dewi1, Rezky Ramadhan4,
Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Laboratory of Veterinary Public Health Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Laboratory of Veterinary Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Study Program of Veterinary Education, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Email: [email protected]


Coliform are commonly found in livestock stool, including cattles and Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the
most popular of Coliform groups. The study initiated by collecting 85 samples of fresh faeces of aceh cattle,
which were taken from Agency of of Livestock Development for Aceh Cattle, of Directorate General of
Livestock, in Indrapuri of Aceh Besar District, followed by isolaton and identification of strain. The results
of study presented in descriptive. Among 85 samples, 78 samples were positive E. coli (92 %) and 7 sampels
were positive Coliform (8 %). Therefore, the study showed that aceh cattle is very high risk for E. coli
infection. Then, it is need to identified the strain of other coliform to anticipate any possibility of zoonoses
transmission, such as the presence of E. coli O157 as zoonotic agents of E. coli O157:H7.

Keywords: aceh cattle, faeces, Coliform, E. coli.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 27
Anthelmintic Potency of a Combination of Palm Kernel
Meal and Katuk Leaf Powder For Reducing
Gastrointestinal Nematode Infection in The Local Goat

Razali1, Ismail1, Zainuddin2, Teuku Reza Ferasyi1,

Simon Elieser3, Rijanto Hutasoit3, and Anwar3
Laboratory of Veterinary Public Health, 2Laboratory of Veterinary Histology,
of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Research Centre for Goat Production, Sei Putih, North Sumatera, Indonesia


In local goats, we tested the anthelmintic potency of oral treatment with palm kernel meal (PK) and
katuk leaf powder (KL) separately and in combination. 20 local goats were allocated among four groups of
5: The Control group was given distilled water (P0); PK only was given to Group (P1); a combination of two
was administered to Group PK-KL (P2), and KL only was administered to Group P3. All treatments were
administered orally for 35 consecutive days. Faecal samples were collected and animals were weighed before
treatment (Day 0), on Day 30, and on days 60. The number of eggs per gram faeces (EPG) was counted using
the McMaster Technique. The results showed that compared to the Control group, EPG of gastrointestinal
nematode was significantly reduced by all treatments (P < 0.05). Specifically, EPG was decreased from
pretreatment values in all treatment groups. There were no significant changes in body weight (P > 0.05). In
conclusion, a combination of palm kernel meal and katuk leaf powder can be given orally, as an anthelmintic
treatment for reducing gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats.

Keywords: local goats, Nematode Gastrointestinal, supplementation, palm kernel meal, katuk leaf powder.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 28
Effects of Administration of Bettel Nut Powder and
Palm Kernel Meal for Prevention of Helminths
Infestation in The Sheep

Teuku Reza Ferasyi1, Razali1,

Simon Elieser3, Rijanto Hutasoit3, Anwar3, and Rezky Ramadhan3
Laboratory of Veterinary Public Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Research Centre for Goat Production, Sei Putih, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Study Program of Veterinary Education, of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
E-mail of corresponding author: [email protected]


The aim of this study was to test the effects of administration of bettel nut powder (BNP) and palm kernel
meal (PKM) on decreasing helminths infestation in male local sheep. A number of 20 sheep at 1.5 years old
were used in this study. They were acclimatized for 2 weeks to the experimental environment and allocated
among four groups of 5. Group P0 (Control) was given distilled water. Group P1 was given BNP at dose of
15 g/day/head. Then, Group P2 was administered with a combination of BNP and PKM (at dose of 50
g/day/head). Finally, in Group P3 was given PKM only. All treatments were administered orally. Each animal
was received treatments twice per day (at morning and afternoon) for 35 consecutive days. All animals were
fed with leaves and grasses, and had access to water ad libitum. Faecal samples were collected before and
after treatment severy 15 days (starting from day 0, before treatment). Those sampels were analyzed using
native test. The results of analysis showed that the number of worm egss per gram faeces was significantly
lower (P<0.05) in all treatment groups as compared to the control group. In conclusion, the administration of
BNP and PKM at appropriate dose will increases the the efficacy for prevention on helminths infestation in
male sheep.

Keywords: Sheep, worms, natural compound, palm kernel meal, Bettel nut powder.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 29
The effect of Dietary Administration of Red Yam
Flour Ipomoea batatas L. On growth, survival rate
and the skin color of Goldfish Carrasius auratus

Dedi Fazriansyah Putra1*, Lia Armaya1, Sayyid Afdhal Elrahimi1,

Jiann Chu Chen2
Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Department of Aquaculture, National Taiwan Ocean University, ROC, Taiwan
E-mail: [email protected]


This research was conducted in Marine Biology Laboratory, Marine and Fisheries faculty, Syiah
Kuala University, from April until May 2017. The purpose of this study was to determine the
effect of dietary of red yam flour concentration on increasing the skin color of goldfish Carrasius
auratus. The sample used was the goldfish with a length of 4.4 cm obtained from the local
aquarium shop. This research used experimental method of Completely Randomized Design with
five treatments and three replications. The dosage were 0% (control), 3% (treatment B), 6%
(treatment C), 9% (D treatment), and lastly with concentration of 12% (E treatment). The
parameters observed were the color brightness of fish skin measured by Toca Color Finder (TCF)
color. The results showed that red yam flour significantly affected the skin color of goldfish with
the best concentration of 9%. There is no significant effect of red yam flour on growth and
survival rate of goldfish. We concluded that the dietary administration of red yam flour has
potential opportunity to be used in ornamental fish industry.

Keywords: Red yam flour, Carrasius auratus, skin color.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 30
Parallel Session 3 : AGRICULTURE-1
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/08.30-10.15/F-02.03
Session Chair : Prof. Dr. Ir. Samadi

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 31
A Comparative Study of Land and Tree Tenure on
Community Forestry in West Sumatra,
Indonesia and Kita-Fuji, Japan

Tri Martial
Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of North Sumatra (UISU),
Jl. Karya Wisata, Medan 20144, Indonesia.
Email: [email protected], Mobile: 6281361530708,


The importance of this research was to build the land and tree tenure models on communal ownership, in this
case, the communally managed forests. A comparative study conducted to get an overview of the land and
tree tenure model in communal systems in Koto Malintang, West Sumatra, Indonesia and Kita-Fuji, Japan.
The research uses descriptive method to identify the forms of the relationship between land tenure and tree
tenure. Observation study to assess and describe patterns of land and tree tenure on communal land refers to
the Rapid appraisal of social forestry for land and tree tenure. The results showed the communal forest
management in Koto Malintang, land ownership by communal as a system of rules in the indigenous
communities, but utilization managed by individually (private) where a household can use the land. While in
Kita-Fuji, the land ownership occupied by an agency that has authority to use them, but as the communal
ownership of land controlled by the institution members and by government. Whereas the tree tenure in Koto
Malintang determined by the type and use of trees, especially not for economic purposes. At the Kita-Fuji,
the agencies have function as an entrepreneur towards forest products for economic purposes for all members
of the group. The difference illustrates that in the communal system at Kita-Fuji carried out by an agency to
utilize the forest products i.e. timber and non-timber. Thus the security and sustainability of forests as
communal ownership can be maintained in the long term System rules were implemented centrally and work
effectively for all members of the organization promote the sustainability of communal property better with
a system of rules that were made by the members of communal system itself. However, a system of rules that
implemented in a variety of different institutional forms was the determining factor of resource management
sustainability in various levels of utilization (individual and/or communal). Therefore encourage communal
society in a well-defined institution will be able to promote sustainable resource management.

Keywords: comparative study, land and tree tenure, system rules, sustainable

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 32
Allelopathic Potential of Several Perennial
Plants as Bioherbicide
1Gina Erida, 2Nurdin Saidi, 1Hasanuddin, 1Syafruddin,1*Endy Tarigan
Departement of Agrotecnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Syiah Kuala,
Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Syiah Kuala, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
E-mail: [email protected]


Weeds often become a source of serious problems which require controlling. Farmers found that
it is easier and practical to use herbicide (chemical) to control weeds in their field. The use of
overload synthetic herbicide continuosly can cause unwanted side effect. So it needs an
alternative environmentally friendly weed control, that can be made by exploring the potential of
compounds which are derived from plants (allelopathy) used as bioherbicide. The purpose of
this study is to determine the most potential perennial plants from five species( Pinus merkusii,
Acacia mangium, Jatropha curcas, Tectona grandis andTerminalia catappa)as bioherbicide.This
research used non factorial completely randomized design consisting of 17treatments and 3
replications and each of treatments consist of 2 units treatment. The leaves of the samples plants
were made in extract form and they were applied to the indicator weed (Amaranthus spinosus)
with concentration 10, 20 and 30 percents. Phytochemical test was performed by standard method
that has been carried out by researchers of organic chemistry of natural materials division. All
the observed variables were analyzed using analysis of variance (F test). If there was treatment
effect on the observed variables, then it was continued with Duncan test at 5% level by using
SPSS program version 16. The research result showed that application of severalperennial plants
with different concentrations significantly affected the percentage of weed control, dry weight of
shoot and dry weight of root of weed A. spinosus. The extracts of P.merkusii 30% concentration
is the most inhibiting plant towards the growth of weeds..Phytochemical test showed that
P.merkusii contains triterpenoid and steroid.

Keywords: Amaranthus spinosus, Pinus merkusii,steroid,triterpenoid

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 33
Characteristics of Innovation and The Role of the
Partners in Implementing Agricultural Extension

Setia Budi1*, Ahmad Humam Hamid2, Fajri3 and Agussabti4

Student of Doctoral Programme in Agricultural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda
Aceh 23111, Indonesia. Contact number +6285261639605
Agribusiness Deparment of Agiculture Faculty, Malikussaleh University, North Aceh, 24355,
Indonesia. Contact number +6285261639605
AgricultureFaculty, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia.
Email address [email protected] Contact number +6282123154112
AgricultureFaculty, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia.
Email address [email protected] Contact number +6282276310712
AgricultureFaculty, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia.
Email address [email protected] number +6282369265700
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Characteristics of innovation and the role of partners in the implementation of agricultural extension are
necessary to get the attention to realize the success of rice seed to empower farmers in Aceh province. The
purposes of this study are (1) to know the perception of farmers towards innovation characteristic cultivation
of rice seed varieties IPB 3S, and (2) to determine the role of the partners in the implementation of agricultural
extension to seed farmers. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach and Likert Scale. The results
showed in a sequence based on the perception of farmers on the cultivation of varieties IPB innovation
characteristics 3S (1) have a level of relative advantage, (2) easy to try, (3) the level of compatibility, (4) can
be observed, and (5) the level of complexity of innovation. While the role of the partners in the
implementation of agricultural extension sequentially (1) the suitability of extension materials, (2) intensity
of extension, (3) the suitability of the method of extension and (4) the accuracy of the use of media. This study
recommends using various media in extension activities, demonstration plotand visitingto institutions or
successfarmersto improve behaviour changes in the application of good technology.

Keywords: agricultural extension, innovation characteristics, partners role

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 34
Drought Monitor Using the Standardized Precipitation
Index (SPI) in Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province

Susi Chairani1*
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*E-mail: [email protected]


Aceh Besar District was geographically located on 5.2o to 5.8o N and 95.0o to 95.8o E. Drought monitor using
the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was conducted in this region. Due to its location, which was lying
on the equator, this region had a tropical climate -with two seasons, namely monsoon and dry season. The
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was based on the cumulative probability of precipitation which
occurred at a station. Based on the historical precipitation observations, it let us know the probability of a
certain amount of precipitation, which was less, being equal, or more. The Standardized Precipitation Index
(SPI) was classified into seven categories: extremely drought, severely drought, moderately drought, nearly
normal, moderately wet, severely wet and extremely wet. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was
not a drought predicting tool. The SPI could be used for different time scales. In this research, the SPI used
for three month (OND) time scale, six month (ONDJFM) time scale, and twelve month (JFMAMJJASOND)
time scale. The three month, six months, and twelve-month time scale was based on the precipitation
observations for 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. This allowed us to analyse, monitor, and assess the SPI
over short time periods. Data used in this research was monthly precipitation observations for thirty
consecutive years, from year 1986 up to 2015. The longer period used in calculating the SPI, the result would
get better. The results showed that the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for Aceh Besar District was
classified into nearly normal.

Keywords: drought, the standardized precipitation index (SPI), time scale

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 35
Colonization and Spore Abundance of Arbuscular
Mycorrhizal Fungi in The Roots of Casuarina
Equisetifolia at Different Sites

Delvian* And Ridahati Rambey

Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, University of Sumatera Utara
Medan 20155, Indonesia
[email protected]


The symbiosis between arbuscular mycorrhizae and plants is obligate in which all environmental factors
affecting growth of host will have an impact on the growth and development of mycorrhizae. The relations
between seasonal changes to colonization rates and abundance spores of mycorrhizal fungi on various coastal
vegetations has not been studied, including for Casuarina equisetifolia. Dynamics of abundance of
arbuscular mycorrhizal and colonization have studied at rhizosphere of C. equisetifolia in two different sites.
A field study was conducted in May August 2017. Stained roots are using trypan blue 0.05%. Part of the
sample soil is used for spore isolation and the remainder is used for soil chemical properties analysis. Spores
were isolated by wet sieving and decanting methods followed by centrifugation. Observation on soil samples
found three morphospecies of arbuscular mychorrizal fungi, namely Glomus (12 types), Gigaspora (1 type)
and Acaulospora (2 types). The percentage of colonization and spore abundance of arbuscular mychorrizal
fungi varied on each observation period at both locations. The highest colonization occurred during high
rainfall while the abundance of spores tends to be higher at the time of low rainfall. In Sub-district of
Secanggang, it is known as gained 74.39% of root colonization and spore abundance of 128 spores per 50 g
soil, whereas in Sub-district of Pantai Cermin found of 68.04% of root colonization and spore abundance of
89 spores per 50 g soil. There is a positive relation of soil pH and available P with the abundance of arbuscular
mychorrizal fungi spores.

Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Casuarina equisetifolia, dynamics of colonization, spore


The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 36
Evaluation of Planting Season and Cultivar On Post-
Harvest Production and Physical Quality of Milled Rice

Martos Havena
Agroecotekhnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi
Jl. Gatot Subroto KM 4,5 20122, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Email : [email protected]


Indonesia is a tropical country that has two seasons, rainy season and dry season. Characteristic differences
between this season can make differences in production and physical quality of post-harvest rice. This study
aims to determine the effect of season and cultivars on the production and physical quality of post-harvest
rice. The experimental design of this research uses Factorial Random Block Design with the first factor is
Dry Season (S1) and Rainy Season (S2), while the second factor is cultivar, Ciherang (K1), Mekongga (K2)
and Inpari (K3) and 4 replications for each treatments. Parameters observed were rice production, percentage
of milled rice rendement, grain weight of groats and broken grains. The results showed that season and rice
cultivar were used give significant influenced of rice production but there is no interaction between season
and cultivar, and percentage of milled rice rendemet influenced by cultivar but not influenced by season. The
grain weight of the groats and the broken grains are not affected by the season and the cultivars used but rather
the post-harvest technique performed.From the results of this study, ciherang cultivars are the best cultivars
planted both during the rainy season and dry season.One effort that can be made to improve the production
and physical quality of milled rice is to map specific cultivars for each season as well as appropriate post
harvest cultivation and harvesting techniques in each season.

Keywords : ciherang, inpari, mekongga, rice, season

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 37
Fast and Non-Destructive Quality Prediction of
Intact Mango Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Agus Arip Munawar1*, Hesti Meilina2 and Zulfahrizal1
Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

Ascorbic acid (AA) or known as vitamin C is one of major quality parameters on mango and
other fruit. To determine AA, several methods are widely used, but most of them are based on
solvent extraction followed by complicated sample analysis which normally time consuming,
expensive, and involve chemical materials from which may cause environmental pollution.
Therefore, fast and non-destructive methods are required as an alternative method to determine
AA content of mango. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is one among these methods that can
be applied due to its advantages. Thus, the main purpose of this present study, is to evaluate and
apply NIRS in determining AA content of intact mangos. Diffuse reflectance spectra were
acquired for a total of 42 mangos (cv. Palmer) in wavelength range from 1000 to 2500 nm. On
the other hand, actual AA content were measured by titration method. Spectra data were corrected
by Standard normal variate (SNV) and multiplicative signal correction (MSC). AA prediction
models were established by using partial least square regression (PLSR) and validated by leave-
one out cross validation (LOOCV) method. Robust and accurate results for AA prediction was
achieved using SNV spectra data with correlation coefficient (r) and RPD index were 0.93 and
3.22 respectively. It may conclude that NIRS combined with proper multivariate approach,
appears feasible to be applied in determining vitamin C of intact mangos.

Keywords: NIRS, mango, spectroscopy, robust, prediction.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 38
Indigenous Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Alter
Cellulolytic Communitiesin Maize
Rhizosphere At Drought Stress

Fikrinda1*, Syafruddin Syafruddin2, Sufardi Sufardi and Rina Sriwati3

Soil Science Study Program, Agriculture Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Agrotechnology Study Program, Agriculture Faculty, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Soil Science Study Program, Agriculture Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Plant Protection Study Program, Agriculture Faculty, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


The existence of cellulolytic microorganismsinvolved in nutrient mineralization and affect soil

carbon levels is influenced by other soil microorganisms and soil conditions. The aim of this study was to
evaluate the effect of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on cellulolytic microorganism
communitiesin maize rhizosphere at some drought levels.This study was arranged in randomized block
design. The first tested factor was AMF inoculanti.e. three indigenous AMF namely; Glomus sp. 4,
Acaulospora tuberculata, Gigaspora cf gigantea, and one commercial non-indigenous inoculant (Mycofer)
while the second factor was drought stress at four levels; 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% field capacity (FC). The
results showed that the highest number of cellulolytic bacteria at drought stress conditions (25% and 50%
FC) was found at inoculation of Glomus sp. 4, followed by Mycofer, Gigaspora cf gigantea, and
Acaulospora tuberculata. On the contrary, the highest cellulolytic fungi was found at Gigasporacf gigantea
followed by Acaulospora tuberculata,Glomus sp. 4, and Mycofer. These cellulolytic bacterial community
was higher than the fungal community. Overall, the indigenous AMF inoculant had better influence than non-
indigenous inoculant to support cellulolytic bacteria and fungi in maize rhizosphere at drought stress and the
most effective AM fungi was Gigaspra cf gigantea.

Keywords: acaulospora, field capacity, gigaspora, glomus, inoculant

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 39
Parallel Session 3 : HEALTH SCIENCE-2
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/08.30-10.15/F-03.07
Session Chair : Dr. Ihsan

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 40
Specific Interventions During the First 1000 Days of
Life Program Andtoddlers Nutritional Status

Nur Ramadhan1*, Teuku Tahlil1, danKartini Hasballah1

Magister of Nursing, Nursing Faculty of Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
*Corresponding author email address: [email protected]


The First 1000 Days of Life is a golden period for a child to grow and develop optimally. During this period,
the nutritional needs are increasing and meeting these needs will positively influence their short-term and
long-term health outcomes. So that, interventions must be started from prenatal care to 2 years of age.
However, various problems about meeting the specific nutritional needs remain a considerable challenge
during that period. Therefore, the number of young children suffering from stunting is still high. This cross-
sectional study aims to identify the relationship between specific interventions during 1000 days and
nutritional status among children under five years old at one of Health Community Centres inAceh. The
number of respondents in this study was 185 people from 8 villages in which is the service area of the health
centre. The measurement of nutritional status of children under the age of five was carried out based on the
height/ age (TB/U) index, and specific interventions during the time span were assessed by interview. The
result of this study showed that 34,1% of respondents were young children suffering stunting and 96.2% of
babies were born in normal weight. There was a correlation between specific interventions and stunting in
toddlers. These interventions include supplementation of iron during pregnancy (p = 0,002 (OR: 2,6,95% CI:
1,4-1,9)), initiation of breastfeeding (p = 0,000 (OR: 3,3,95% CI: 1,7-6,3)), exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.019
(OR: 2.0, 95% CI: 1,1-3,8)), and appropriate feeding practice of supplementary feeding (p = 0.012 (OR:
2,2,95% CI: 1,1-4,2)). The results of multivariate test indicated that initiation of early breastfeeding is the most
dominant factor on nutritional status in toddler (p = 0,000 (OR: 3,3, 95% CI: 1,7-6,5)). The need for capacity
enhancement of the first 1000 days should be addressed, not only for pregnant and lactating mothers, but also
prospective mothers and families to shape the health quality of future generation.

Keywords: First 1000 Days, Nutritional Status, Specific Intervention, toddler

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 41
Diagnosis and Treatment Neuropathic Pain
1Endang Mutiawati
Department of neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University,
Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Coorresponding author: [email protected] / [email protected]


Neuropathic pain currently is still one of the huge problem of the diseases in the world. Many health
practitioners could not diagnose neuropathic pain, or even they did, they could not treat it properly. Thus
neuropathic pain is becoming a neglected case. There are some things that cause the above circumstances:
1) Until these days, mechanism of neuropathic pain is not fully known, 2) anti neuropathic pain drugs that
available so far have not provided satisfying results in reducing or eliminating neuropathic pain. This writing
aims to describes briefly about how to diagnose and treat the neuropathic pain, from definition, epidemiology,
causes, mechanisms, clinical features, supporting examinations, that would be the basic of diagnosing and
treating neuropathic pain. With this writing, we expected that it could be the base for health practitioners in
diagnosing and treating neuropathic pain, so that neuropathic pain cases would be better diagnosed and
treated. Because of the high incidence of neuropathic pain, and a high economic impact on society, so it is
really necessary to continuous update in the diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain.

Keywords: diagnosis, neuropathic pain, treatment

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 42
Correlation Between Myofascial Trigger Points
(MTRPS) with The Characteristics of Patients with
Chronic Low Back Pain in Neurology Polyclinic
RSUD Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh
1*Dessy Rakhmawati Emril, 1Novia Rahmi Putri, 1Yulia Ramdhani
Medical Faculty, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Low Back Pain was pain that was felt in the lower region, lumbosacral and can spread to the lower limbs.
Low Back Pain was the disease which contributed to the major impact on public health and causes global
disability. Low back pain can be caused by different etiology, in some cases, low back pain may be associated
with the onset of pain as a result of the stimulation on Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs). MTrPs defined as
hypersensitive small spots within taut band of skeletal muscle which suffered from injury or excessive
workloads. We aim to determined the relationship between Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs) pain with
characteristics of patients with chronic low back pain. This study was observational analytic study with cross
sectional study design. Data were collected from September until November 2016. The sampling was using
consecutive sampling technique as much as 76 people. Data were collected through anamnesis and physical
examination as well as interviewed with Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) and then data were analyzed with Chi
square and Mann-Whitney test. Active Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs) was found in 61 patients,
quadratus lumborum muscle in 47 people, gluteus medius in 42 people, Iliopsoas muscle in 16 people, rectus
abdominis muscle in 9 people, gluteus maximus in 49 people, gluteus minimus in 43 people and piriformis
muscle in 46 people. Highest number of active MTrPs was 5 active MTrPs in 20 people, referred pain from
MTrPs in 59 people. There was relationship between Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs) Pain with the
characteristics of patients with chronic low back pain, epidemiology characteristic is patients occupations,
and clinical characteristics was pain score and referred pain from MTrPs.

Keywords: Low Back Pain, Trigger Point, Myofascial Trigger Points, Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs)
pain, MTrPs

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 43
The Relationship between Fast Food Consumption,
Physical Activity, and Obesity in Elementary School
Students in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province

Sofia1, Intan Rizka Putri2, Raihan3

Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University,
Darussalam-Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
[email protected]
Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam-Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
[email protected]
Paediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh, Indonesia
[email protected]
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Obesity is a condition where there is accumulation of fat tissue in the body. Habits such as fast food
consumption and physical activity playsa role to the accumulation of fat. The purpose of this study was to
determine the relationship between fast food consumption and physical activity with obesity in elementary
school students. The research design was cross sectional with the proportional stratified random sampling
method. A total of 78 elementary school students were selected as respondents which aged between 10-12
years who were gathered from three elementary schools in Baiturrahman sub district, Banda Aceh, Aceh
Province, Indonesia.Fast food consumption was measured with Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and
physical activity was measured using Physical Activity Questionnaire of Children (PAQ-C). Relationship
between fast food consumption, physical activity and obesity was analyzed usingchi-square test. Results
showed that from 25 respondents with frequent fast food consumption werefound obese as many as 8(32%)
and overweight 5(20%). A total of 33respondents with low physical activity were found similar distribution
between obese and overweight as many as 9(27.3%). Data analysis showed that there was relationship
between fast food consumption and obesity (p = 0.008), and there was correlation between physical activity
and obesity (p = 0.003). It is suggested to parents to control their students in selecting foods to be consumed
as well as routinely doing physical activity in order to avoid obesity.

Keywords: fast food consumption; physical activity; obesity; elementary school student

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 44
The Antibiogram of Escherichia Coli Isolated From
Wound Specimens in Dr. Zainoel Abidin
General Hospital Banda Aceh
1* Wilda Mahdani

Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala, Darussalam, Banda Aceh
23111, Indonesia;
*Corresponding Author: [email protected]


Wound infection is an unexpected condition in patient's management. This condition can lead to delayed
healing, worsening conditions and increasing mortality. One of the nosocomial infection agents, Escherichia
coli, has many virulence factors that allow it to be a significant pathogen in wound. The objective of the study
was to determine the antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of Escherichia coli isolated from wound specimens in
Dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital Banda Aceh. A total of 744 wound samples were received over a period
of one year from July 2016 to June 2017. The number of 553 samples indicated bacterial growth.
Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test including Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBL)
detection were performed based on the Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines. E. coli
accounted for 88 (15.9%) isolates. ESBL production was detected in 62 (70.4%) of E. coli isolates. These E.
coli isolates exhibited high susceptibility to meropenem, amikacin and tigecycline. While the third generation
cephalosporins appeared to be less effective. This study shows that there was high number of E. coli
producing ESBL isolated from wound specimens. Hospitals should implement comprehensive antimicrobial
stewardship policies in order to control the incidence of infections and antibiotic resistance.

Key words: Escherichia coli, Wound specimens, Antimicrobial resistance, Antimicrobial stewardship.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 45
Protection Effect of Glutamine Towards
Aminotransferase Enzyme in Mice (Musmusculus)
Exposed by Lead

Dedy Syahrizal1, Cut Mustika2, Raisha Fathimah3, Imam Maulana3,

Sakdiah1, Reno Keumalazia Kamarlis4
Biochemistry Department, Medical Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Assesment Unit, Medical Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Biochemistry Study Club, Medical Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Pathology Anatomy Department, Medical Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia


Lead is an ubiquitous element detected in all environmental media. Adult human beings and children receive
lead the most from food, air and water intake. The majority of lead in the environment arises from burning of
fossil fuels in automobiles and industrial emission. Lead occurs widely in the biosphere and is found to be a
potent hepato-toxicant. The objective of this study was to screen the hepatoprotective role of glutamine
against lead acetate intoxication in mice. For this purpose, mice were randomized into control (aquadest, lead
acetate and glutamine) and experiment group. Mice of the experimental group were administered 3,2 mg
glutamine orally once in a day for 7 consecutive days. Mice were then treated with lead acetate (20 mg/kg of
body weight animal intraperitoneally) on 7th day, one hour after glutamine administration. Then the mice
blood were taken at 2 days to examine aminotransferase enzyme activation in quantitative technique. The
results indicate that administration of 20 mg Pb/kg dose significantly increased levels of transaminase
enzymes, whereas prevention can reduce levels of glutamine transaminase enzymes when compared with
the experimental group were given Pb. It was observed that glutamine treatment can restore ameliorated
activation aminotransferase enzyme. This fact proves that glutamine is an antioxidant precursor which can
reduce oxidative stress with activity parameter aminotranferase enzyme.

Keywords: aminotransferase, glutamine, lead, liver

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 46
The Relationship between Powerlessness and Quality
of Life in Patients with End Stage Renal
Disease on Hemodialysis

Devi Darliana, Dara Febriana

Jln. Tgk. TanohAbee, Darussalam
Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University
[email protected], [email protected]


Patient with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) must go through hemodialysis to replace the damaged renal
function. Hemodialysis (HD) is not a procedure to restore the renal function and cure the disease, it is just an
effort to maintain patients life. For most ESRD patient, HD should be undertaken over a long period of time,
this could cause changes in their physical and psychological aspects that could lead to the feeling of
powerlessness in the patient. Manifested by the feeling of restlessness, anxiousness, depress, fatigue, and fear
of death. The reality of this could affect individual perception on their quality of life. The aim of this study is
to investigate the relationship between the feeling of powerlessness and quality of life in patients with ESRD
on HD in Regional Public Hospital dr. ZainoelAbidin Banda Aceh. This type of research was descriptive
correlative using cross sectional design. Subjects for this study were ESRD patients who regularly undergoing
HD 2 times a week, 120 samples were collected through purposive sampling method. Standardized
questionnaires were used for this study, namely The Powerlessness Assessment Tool for Adult Patient (PAT)
and World Health Organization Quality of Life Abbreviated Version(WHOQOL-BREF). Data were
collected through guided interview and analyzed using Chi-Square. Study result showed that in 82 subjects
(68%) the feeling of powerlessness was at moderate to severe level. Patient perception on their quality of life
were categorized as poor, reported by 68 subjects (56.6%). Chi-square showed P-value at 0.00. There was a
relationship between powerlessness and quality of life in patients with ESRF on HD. It is expected for nurses
and medical team at the hemodialysis outpatient ward to give mental and spiritual support for their patients.
By doing so, it will increase patient optimism while undergoing hemodialysis and hopefully it will also
improve the perception of patient quality of life.

Keywords: powerlessness, quality of life, end stage renal disease

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 47
Traditional Birth Attendants Perception of Providing
Treatment for a Sick Child

Mariyati1*, Teuku Tahlil2, Bakhtiar3

Nursing Academy of Ibnu Sina, Sabang, 23522, Indonesia
Magister of Nursing, Nursing Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Paediatric Department, Medicine Faculty, Syiah Kuala University,
Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Most of Indonesians still apply cultural care in treatments, both for adults and children, for many
reasons. A Traditional birth attendant is considered capable of providing traditional treatments for children.
The purpose of this study was to explore traditional birth attendants perception of health and illness, and
traditional treatments provided. This study applied a qualitative research method with a descriptive
phenomenology approach. A total 10 traditional birth attendants were selected using purposive sampling
technique from a western part of Indonesia. Data collection was completed through semi-structured in-depth
interviews and analyzed by content analysis technique. All traditional birth attendants perceived illness as fate
(God will). The types of diseases were divided into two categories, medical and non-medical diseases. The
medical diseases were perceived as a result of unhealthy food, weather and fatigue, while the non-medical
diseases were caused by evil spirits and parents faults to others or to God. Four traditional birth attendants
perceived that they were able to treat sick children well, while others mentioned that they were only able to
do massage on children to overcome pain due to fatigue. Traditional treatments were given in the form of
herbs (orally and topically), massages and prayers. Traditional treatments are difficult to separate from
Indonesian society. Cultural-based approaches should be considered in providing health education and
change the societys perspective on health, especially in treating a sick child.

Keywords: Traditional birth attendant, Transcultural, Child.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 48
Parallel Session 3 : BIO-TECHNOLOGY-2
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/08.30-10.15/F-03.08
Session Chair : Dr. Yulia Sari Ismail

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 49
Isolation and Characterization of Indigenous Lactic
Acid Bacteria from Acehnese Buffalo (Bubalusbubalis)

Icha Rahma Khairani1, Cut Yulvizar1, Yulia Sari Ismail1*, Suhartono1,

Misrahanum2, Elvira Iskandar3, Cut Meutia1, Yulia Safika Rizki1
Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Social Economic Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) is a kind of bacteria which the activity and the results of its cell metabolism can
be useful for human life. A total of three isolates of indigenous LAB was isolated from Acehs local buffalo
meat. The isolates were then characterized in vitro. The LAB isolation was performed on de Man Rogosa
and Sharpe (MRS) agar and incubated at 37oC for 48 hours. Samples of buffalo thigh meat was purchased
from traditional market Peunayong Banda Aceh, Indonesia. This research was conducted at the Laboratory
of Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, from March to July 2017. The results showed
thatbased on the cells morphological characteristics of the three isolates were categorized inGram-positive
bacteria group with coccus cell shape. The colony morphologies of the isolates were circular form, smooth
edge, convex and raised surface elevations, with milky white, creamy white, and cream pigmentation.

Keywords: Acehs local buffalo, characteristics, Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), indigenous

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 50
Isolation of Extended-Spectrum B-lactamase (ESBL)
Producing Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae
from Clinical Isolates in RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin,
1*Zinatul Hayati, 2Syamsul Rizal, 3Ridhia Putri
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala, Darussalam,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala, Darussalam,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Microbiology Laboratory Dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital, Banda Aceh 23126, Indonesia;
*Corresponding Author: [email protected].


Infection that occur in Indonesia more increase than before, compare to increasing bacterial multidrug
resistance (MDR) as the cause of infection. Study in 5 hospital in Indonesia in 2013, show prevalence rate of
extended-spectrum -lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria reach 32-68%. Objective of this study is to detect
the prevalence and resistence pattern of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in Dr.
Zainoel Abidin General Hospital, Banda Aceh. This study done since 1 September 2016 until 31 Desember
2016. The specimen types included in this study were blood, sputum, urine, pus, mucosal swab and another
body fluids sample. Sampling method in this study is total sampling that is all clinical specimen were exemine
in Clinical Micobiology Laboratory. Isolation and identification ESBL-producing bacteria perform by
VITEK-2 machine (Biomerieux). Result of this study, a total 122 E. coli and K. pneumoniae were isolated
which consisting 48 (39%) E. coli isolates and 74 (61%) K. pneumoniae isolates. From 48 E. coli isolates
found 41 (85%) had ESBL phenotypes and from 74 K. pneumoniae isolates found 59 (80%) had ESBL
phenotypes. In total, 100 (82%) isolates from 122 isolates is had ESBL phenotypes. Distribution of ESBL-
producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae based on sample is 24 (89%) isolates from total 27 urine isolates, 18
(95%) isolates from total 19 blood isolates, 28 (78%) isolates from total 36 sputum isolates, and 30 (75%)
isolates from total 40 pus isolates. Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of the E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates has
high sensitivity to amycasin dan meropenem which is above 89%. Meanwhile, Fosfomycin and Piperacyclin-
Tazobactam respectively 80% and 77%. Another antibiotic were less effective.

Keywords: Antibiotic, ESBL, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, MDR.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 51
Jiringas Pods As A Source Of A New Natural

Misri Yanty Lubis1,2*, Lamek Marpaung2, Muhammad Pandapotan Nasution3

and Partomuan Simanjuntak4,5
Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Graha Nusantara University,
Tor Simarsayang,Padangsidimpuan 22712, Indonesia
.2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science,
Sumatera Utara University, Padang Bulan, Medan 20155, Indonesia.
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sumatera Utara University,
Padang Bulan, Medan 20155, Indonesia.
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University,
SrengsengSawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12630, Indonesia.
Research Centre for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Science,
Jln. Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia.
Corresponding author:email:[email protected]


This research studied about antioxidant activity various extracts of jiringa (Archidendron jiringa) Jack. I. C.
Nielsen pods by using DPPH methode. The IC50of extracts obtained from linear regression equation on chart
concentration vs % inhibiton.Pods of jiringa dried at room temperature 1 x 24 h and then macerated with
methanol. Filtrat were evaporated with rotary evapoarator to obtained methanol extract. Further, methanol
extract dissolved with water and partitioned with ethyl acetate for several times, and then evaporated to
obtained ethyl acetate extract. Ethyl acetate extract partitioned with methanol and n-hexane to obtained n-
hexane extract and total phenolic. All extracts tested antioxidan activity by using DPPH methode and
consitution of phenolic compound by using FeCl3. The IC50 values for all extracts in order to evaluate
antioxidant activity were calculated from linear regression equation on chart consentration vs %
inhibition.Test phenolic compounds with FeCl3 showed positive test for methanol extract, ethyl acetate
extract and total phenolic. In the other hand, n-hexane extract showed negative test. The IC50 values of
methanol extract, ethyl acetate extract, n-hexane extract and total phenolic were 30.5134, 20.3220, 139.3794,
11.7987 ppm, respectively.Extract pods of jiringa with variaty solvent showed high antioxidant activity,
except n-hexane extract. The high antioxidant activity cause of phenolic compounds constitution. Pods of
jiringa extracts have high antioxidant activity because it contains phenolic compounds that can be used as a
source of a new natural antioxidant.

Keywords: Antioxidant, jiringa, phenolic, DPPH

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 52
Prediction of Oleic Acid Content of Oil Palm
Germplasm Using Single Nucleotide Amplified
Polymorphism (SNAP) Markers
Roberdi1*, Judhitia Hasita Syahrani2 Yogo Adhi Nugroho1 , Olivia Sriulina Purba1
, Randi Abdur Rohman1 and Tony Liwang1
Department of Biotechnology, Plant Production and Biotechnology Division, PT. SMART
Tbk, Sentul-West Java, 16148, Indonesia
Department of Biology, School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of
Technology, Bandung, West Java, 40132, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]


Oil palm is the most productive oil bearing crop. Two species of oil palm namely Elaeis
guineensis and Elaeis oleifera, produce oils with different characteristics. Due to its high oil
yield, E. guineensis is planted in most places. On the other hand, species E. oleifera is planted
due to a high degree of unsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid) in oil. The stearoyl ACP desaturase
(SAD) encoding gene is responsible for plants oleic acid accumulation. Single nucleotide
amplified polymorphism (SNAP) markers of SAD encoding gene was developed. The objectives
of this research were to conduct a cluster analysis of oil palm progenies by using SNAP markers
and to identify potential markers to distinct palms with low and high oleic acid contents. DNA
genome of some progenies of E. guineensis, E. oleifera and their Eo x Eg hybrids were amplified.
The oil palm progenies were clustered to three main groups. E. oleifera and Eo x Eg hybrid
population, as a control for high oleic acid content was distinct from other populations. The
percentage of population loci range varied from 5.56% (Cameroon origin) to 83.33% (Ghana
origin). The Shannon information index of primers were varied ranged from 0.14 to 0.42. This
study found that most of the tested populations have low oleic acid content. Some samples which
have the same pattern with E. oleifera and Eo x Eg hybrid samples were predicted to have high
oleic acid content. The numbers of samples for each population are limited and need to be
increased for further study. Some of SNAP markers were potential to distinct low and high oleic
acid palms.

Keywords: molecular markers, oil palm, single nucleotide polymorphism, Stearoyl ACP

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 53
Correlation Between Chlorophyll Content in Single
Leaf and Compound Leaf

Malahayati Daud1*, Betty Mauliya Bustam1and Bastian Arifin2

Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University,
Darussalam Banda Aceh 2311, Indonesia
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University,
Darussalam Banda Aceh 2311, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


This study aims to obtain information about correlation between single and compoundleaves type to the
resulting chlorophyll content. This research used survey method to obtain data and sampling was conducted
through purposive sampling. The samples used were single and compound leaves from seven different plants
taken at two different timesi.e. 06.00 a.m and 11.00 a.m. Chlorophyll contentin the leaves were measured
using a Genesys 10 Series UV spectrophotometer on 647 and 663 nm wavelength. Analysis results showed
that the highest chlorophyll content at 06.00 a.m samples was found in compound leaf type,
Swieteniamahagoni, it contains chlorophyll a 20.578 A and chlorophyll b11.925 A. Moreover, the highest
chlorophyll content was found in compound leaf type, Pterocarpusindicus (chlorophyll a 23.840 A and
chlorophyll b13.814 A) at 11.00 a.m. While the lowest chlorophyll content was found on the single leaf type
of Calophylluminophyllum for both at 06.00 a.m and at 11.00 a.m samples. Calophylluminophyllumhas
chlorophyll a 4.878 A and chlorophyll b 2.551 A recorded when the leaves were taken at 06.00 a.m, the
chlorophyll content then increased to 6.957 A for chlorophyll a and to 3.677 A for chlorophyll b at 11.00 a.m.
The data were analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Independent Samples T-test. The results showed
that highly significantdifferences on chlorophyll content between single and compoundleaf (p 0,001 < 0,05).

Keywords: chlorophyll a and b, compound leaf, single leaf

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 54
N-Hexane And Methanol Extract Of Lannea
Coromandellica Leaves Activity Against Methicillin
Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (Mrsa)
Risa Nursanty1* and Irma Sari2
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]


Knowledge of medicinal plants becomes part of the wealth of a nation. The wealth of local
knowledge is still awake and generally inherited by traditional healers (Battra). Data collection
on medicinal plants and herbs utilized by Battra in Aceh Province found several of medicinal
plants, one of which was Geureudong pageu (Lannea coromandellica Houtt.). Several studies
have demonstrated the ability of L. coromandellica plant inhibition against Staphylococcus
aureus bacteria. So it was interesting to examine plants inhibition ability against resistant bacteria
that was Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria. Extraction process was
conducted by maceration method using two solvents that were n-hexane and methanol. Inhibition
tests were performed using the Kirby-Bauer method. Ability to inhibit the MRSA bacteria can
only showed by methanol extract from L. coromandellica leaves

Keywords: Medicinal plants, Lannea coromandellica, MRSA Bacteria, Kirby-Bauer Method

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 55
The Role of Alternative Stimulants and PEG to Increase
Production and Bark Recovery Clone PB 260

Nurhayati1, Murni Sari Rahayu2*, Radite Tistama3, Yenni Asbur4

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic
University of North Sumatra, Adress Karya Wisata Gedung Johor, Medan 20144, Indonesia. E-
mail: [email protected]
Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of North Sumatra,
Adress Karya Wisata Gedung Johor, Medan 20144, Indonesia.
E-mail: [email protected]
Rubber Research Institute, Sungai Putih, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of North Sumatra,
Adress Karya Wisata Gedung Johor, Medan 20144, Indonesia.
E-mail: [email protected]
Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected]


This research was conducted at Perkebunan Nusantara III, Sungai Putih Farm and Sungai Putih Research
Institute, Rubber Research Center, Deli Serdang Regency, Province of North Sumatera. This research aims
to find alternative stimulant formulation which can increase production and accelerate bark recovery of clone
PB 260. This research is to study the difference of production parameters g/p/s, blockage index, number of
latex vessels, and bark thickness. Stimulant has significant effect on production of g/p/s, blockage index,
number of latex vessels, and bark thickness. PEG applications have significant effect on production, blockage
index, bark thickness, and number of latex vessels. Combination of alternative stimulant and PEG had
significant effect on g/p/s production, blockage index, bark thickness but had no significant effect on the
number of latex vessels.

Keywords: alternative stimulant, bark thickness, latex

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 56
Antioxidant Activity of Selected Plants of Aceh
Province, Indonesia

Hawa Purnama Celala Ary Cane1, Nurdin Saidi2, Mustanir2and Musri Musman3*
Departmentof Doctoral Program of Mathematics and Applied Science,FacultyofPost Graduate,
Departmentof Chemistry Science,FacultyofMathematics and Natural
Departmentof Chemistry Education,FacultyofTeacher Training and
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Effective synthetic ingredients for antioxidants provide side effects on health can be replaced with natural
ingredients from plants that are also effective and also safe. Crude extract of ethanol from 20 selected plant
species belonging to 12 families in Aceh Province in Indonesia has been done to observe its inhibitory activity
against DPPH Free radical (2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), with variation concentrations of 25, 50 and 100
ppm to evaluate the potential of antioxidant activity. The plant extract has recorded IC50 values a range of 18-
50 ppm. Plants that exhibit better activity against DPPH are recommended for potential use as an antioxidant
agent in the food industry and pharmaceutical raw materials.

Keywords: Antioxidant, DPPH, Selected Plant, Aceh, Indonesia

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 57
Parallel Session 4 : AGRICULTURE-2
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/10.30-12.15/F-02.03
Session Chair : Dr. Agus Munawar

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 58
Morphological Characteristics in Some Varieties Of
Wet Paddy By Foliar Application Of Potassium
Phosphate Under Salt Stress

Wan Arfiani Barus1, Abdul Rauf2, Rosmayati2 and Chairani Hanum2

1) Department of Agrotechnology, Agricultural Faculty,
2) University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara,
Jl. Kapt. Mukhtar Basri, BA No. 3 Medan. Zip code: 20238. Medan, Indonesia
Department of Agrotechnology, Sumatera Utara University, Medan, Indonesia.
Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected].


Salinity stress cause of a problem on the availability of P and K nutrients to plants. So, needs some
modification to improvement the growth and to increase plant production. This experiment was conducted
in Paluh Merbau, Percut Sei Tuan District, North Sumatra, Indonesia, to determine the effect of different
levels of Potassium Phosphate (KH2PO4) fertilizer on wet paddy under salinity stress. This research was
arranged in a factorial randomised block design with two factors, e.i: Varieties (V) and KH2PO4 fertilizer
concentration (P) with 3 replications. Eight rice varieties used were Ciherang (V1), IR 64 (V2), Lambur (V4),
Batanghari (V5), Banyuasin (V6), IR 42 (V8), Inpara 10 (V9) and Margasari (V10) and four levels KH2PO4
concentration were 0, 50, 100 and 150 mg/l. Results showed that Potassium Phosphate fertilizer application
alleviated the stress condition and significantly affected morphological characters in wet paddy. Potassium
Phosphate fertilizer applications through the leaves with a concentration of 150 mg/l (P3) gives the best results
for all response variable observed. Banyuasin variety (V6) had the best adaptation and growth under the
salinity stress than other varieties base on the morphological character.

Keywords: Morphological Character, Potassium Phosphate, Rice, Salinity

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 59
Beef Cattle Business by Profit Sharing in
Farmers on Plantation Area

Supardi Rusdiana1, Rijanto Hutasoit2, Teuku Reza Ferasyi3

Livestock Research Institute Ciawi-Bogor. West Java
Indonesian Goat Research Stations, Sei Putih North Sumatera
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
Email for Correspondence [email protected]


The research was conducted in Taman Sari Village, Pulo Bandring sub Districts, Asahan Districts, North
Sumatera Province. The research was conducted in 2015 by using survey method to 16 farmers as raising of
beef cattle by way of profit sharing. Primary data is obtained through direct interviews with farmers who refer
to the questionnaires that were prepared. Secondary data obtained from the Department of Extension,
Plantation, Agriculture and Livestock localservices. The collected data were tabulated in a descriptive,
quantitative and economic analysis of B/C. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the business
of beef cattle by profit sharing is economically financially profitable for the farmer and livestock owner. The
results showed that net income from beef cattle business by farmer and livestock owners get the profit of each
equal to Rp.1.329.166,-/month, with the value of B/C ratio 1.6. That means, financially farmers as raising
livestock and owners can be developed. To get the optimal profit, the farmers must keep the productive beef
cattle as much as 10-20 heads/farmer, so that the benefits obtaineda farmer from the sale of calvesandrejected
cows. Farmers use a lot of forages on the land of oil palm plantations and other plantations, so that beef cattle
have a prospects to be developed, either by way of cultivation and fattening bulls.

Keywords: business, beef cattle, profit sharing in farmers, plantation.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 60
Chlorophyll Content of Wheat Plant On Some Nitrogen
Interaction with Potassium in The Karo Highlands

Dafni Mawar Tarigan, Irna Syofia dan Sri Utami

Study Program of Agroekoteknologi, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah
Sumatera Utara, Medan 20238, Indonesia
Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


All green plants contain chlorophyll that plays a role in the process of photosynthesis by absorbing
and converting solar energy into chemistry. Chlorophyll functions not only play a role in photosynthesis but
also very useful for human health who consume them. One of the factors that affect the chlorophyll content
is the availability of nitrogen and also supported by potassium nutrients. Therefore, research on the
chlorophyll content of wheat plants in some of the nitrogen interactions with potassium in the Karo highlands
is aimed at obtaining a model of nitrogen interaction with potassium that affects the highest chlorophyll
content of wheat plants in different locations. This research was conducted in Tigapanah and Berastagi in
rainy season, using Factorial Randomized Block Design with 2 (two) factors: nitrogen fertilizer (N1 = 50 g /
plot, N2 = 70 g / plot, N3 = 90 g / plot) and potassium chloride fertilizer (K1 = 30 g / plot, K2 = 45 g / plot, K3
= 60 g / plot) with 3 (three) replicates. Data were analyzed by using Anova test. The result that Anova test
shows the real effect is Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results indicated that both N and K application
significantly affected chlorophyll content in each location. Highest chlorophyll content was obtained in
Berastagi with N3K3 treatment and the highest chlorophyll content in Tigapanah with N3K3 treatment.
Graphic models obtained show that chlorophyll content of wheat leaf increases when planted at higher
locations for all treatments.

Keywords: chlorophyll content, location, nitrogen, potassium, wheat

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 61
Exploration Study of Kopi Luwak Arabica:
Chemical Compounds and Sensory Profile

Murna Muzaifa1) *, Anshar Patria1), Amhar Abubakar2)

Department of Agricultural Product Technology-Syiah Kuala University,
Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia.
Department of Animal Husbandary-Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Kopi luwak is produced from coffee cherries which eaten by luwak (Paradoxorus hermaphroditus), which
then excreted together with its feces. The feces then clean washed, dried and processing generally. Due to its
unique processing and flavor, kopi luwak considers as one of spesial coffee in the world. Studi on kopi luwak
quality is still limited. The aim of this study was to analyze chemical compounds and sensory profile of kopi
luwak. The work has been done by collecting three samples of kopi luwak from the various farms in Bener
Meriah, Aceh, Indonesia. The examined parameters were chemical compounds (sucrose, chlorogenic acid,
caffein) and sensory profile (fragrance, flavour, aftertaste, body, acidity, balance, uniformity, clean cup,
sweetness and overall). Chemical compounds examined by HPLC while sensory profile done by Q-grader
followed SCAA standard. The result showed that kopi luwak has sugar content 5,09-7,70 %, caffein 1,19-
1,24 % and chlorogenic acids 3,61-3,92 %. Kopi luwak has a fairly high cupping value, ranging from 83.75
to 84.75, categorized as specialty coffee. Moreover, kopi luwak noted to have nutty, chocolatty, fishy, herby
and wattery.

Keywords: caffein, chlorogenic acid, cupping, kopi luwak

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 62
Peatland Soil Conservation with Mpts System
(Multiple Purpose Tree Species)

Dedi Kusbiantoro1*, Khairunnisyah2

Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of North Sumatera,
JalanKaryaWisataGedung Johor, Medan 20144, Indonesia. E-mail:
[email protected]
Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of North Sumatera,
JalanKaryaWisataGedung Johor, Medan 20144, Indonesia. E-mail:
[email protected]
Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected]


One of important farmingaspect that is often undervalued is soil conservation because the effects of soil
degradation, such as soil erosion and agrochemical pollution is not immediately visible such as landslides or
flash floods. Without effective soil conservation measures, high agriculture productivity is difficult to achieve.
Peat landis one of the important ecosystem types found in Indonesia. In the context of peat land conservation,
effort to avoid land degradation is how to keep the peat layer in the range of 25-50 cm and prevent excessive
pyrite oxidation. Peat landsutilization can be done wisely using technology such as drainage management,
land managementand MPTS system (multiple purpose tree species). Carbon supply in peat swamp of MPTS
system by combination of 20% Acasiasilvicultureand 80% of rice is able to reduce CO2 emissions around
25.6 t/ha/year. With the MPTS system, of the total potential land for rice expansion 2.85 million ha and
CO2stockis 25.60 t/ha/year, with the price of CO2is 81,900.00 rupiah/ha, the potential of carbon incentive is
around 5.922 trillion rupiahs/year.

Keywords: carbon incentives, carbon, rice-silviculture

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 63
Characterization of Corn Starch-Based Edible
Film with Nutmeg Oil Nanoemulsion

Y Aisyah1, L P Irwanda2, S Haryani1, N Safriani1

Lecturer of Agricultural Product Technology Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda
Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Undergraduate student of Agricultural Product Technology Department, Syiah Kuala
University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]


This study aimed to formulate corn starch-based edible films with varied concentrations of nutmeg oil
nanoemulsion and glycerol and to determine the characteristics of edible films on tensile strength, elongation,
Youngs modulus, water absorption, biodegradability, and antibacterial activity. The edible films were made
using corn starch, nutmeg oil nanoemulsion, and glycerol. Concentration of nutmeg oil nanoemulsion was at
1%, 2%, and 3% (v/vtotal) and glycerol was at 10%, 20%, and 30% (b/bcorn starch). Results indicated that the
increase of nutmeg oil nanoemulsion concentration could increase the film thickness. However, the nutmeg
oil had no influence on the film tensile strength, elongation, and Youngs modulus. On the other hand, the
film thickness and elongation kept improving due to the rise of gycerol concentration while the film Youngs
modulus decreased. Glycerol, however, had no effect on the film tensile strength. To conclude, the best
treatment of the corn starch-based films was when enriched with nutmeg oil and glycerol concentrations at
1% and 30% respectively, yielding a tensile strength of 18.73 Kgf/mm2, elongation of 69.44%, thickness of
0.0840, and Youngs modulus of 2.7688 Mpa.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 64
Effect of Humic Acid and Mycorrhiza to Phosphorus
Uptake and Palm Oil (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq)
Seedlings' Growth

Mariani Sembiring1, Eldira Fatia Barus2 and Mardiana wahyuni2

1.Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Padang Bulan, Medan 20155, Indonesia.
2. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian, Agribisnis Perkebunan (STIPAP-LPP Medan)


Humic acid and mycorrhiza application is an effort that can be done to improve soil fertility and plant growth
on sub optimal land. This research aims to obtain the best dose of humic acid, mycorrhizae and a combination
of both in increasing the growth and P uptake in oil palm plants. The research used Factorial Randomized
Block Design method which consists of 2 factors, factor I is Humic Acid (H), namely; H1 (20 ml / plant), H2
(40 ml / plant), H3 (60 ml / plant). Factor II is mycorrhiza (M), i.e. M1 (25 gr / plant), M2 (50gr / plant), M3
(75gr / plant). The parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, leaf number, gross weight, dry
weight, root infection and P uptake of plant. From the research result is obtained the application of humic acid
and mycorrhiza combination can increase plant height up to 6.07%, stem diameter and number of leaves up
to 4.46%, mycorrhiza application can increase dry weight of plant to 26.86%, infection rate 94.5% and P
uptake to 27.51%. In general, the best treatment is the combination of humic acid with a dose of 40 ml / seed
and mycorrhiza fungi dose 25 gr / plant (H2M1).

Keywords: Humic Acid, Oil Palm, Mycorrhiza, Plant growth and P uptake

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 65
Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) Skin Gelatin Extraction
with Alkaline And Different Acids Pretreatments:
Screening Process for Response Surface Approach

Normalina Arpi1*, and Fahrizal1

Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Fish gelatin in replace of mammalian sources has growing attention because of religious and diseases
concerns. The aim of this study is to determine yield of gelatin extracted from yellowfin tuna (Thunnus
albacares) skin using two different methods, i.e.Boran and Regenstein (2009) method, and Koli et al. (2013)
method. The methods use alkaline and different acids in the pretreatment processes. This study also intended
to screen factors which would be used in Response Surface Methodology (RSM) approach to obtain the
optimum conditions for tuna skin gelatin extraction. A fractional factorial design was used to screen nine
independent factors to determine the most significant ones which would be optimized to determine the
maximum value of yield as dependent variable. The study showed that the method by Koli et al. resulted in
gelatin average yield of 22.4%, which is much higher than 3.32% obtained from Boran and Regenstein
method. Using Boran and Regenstein method, the screening analysis showed that two independent factors
were significant factors affecting tuna gelatin yield, i.e. the temperature of alkaline NaOH pretreatment, and
the extraction time. In the Koli et al. method, the extraction temperature, and the water/skin ratio in the
extraction process factors gave significant effects on gelatin yield. These 2 last factors, along with acid H2SO4
concentration are going to be used in the optimization study.

Keywords: extraction, gelatin, pretreatment, screening, yield

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 66
Parallel Session 4 : HEALTH SCIENCE-3
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/10.30-12.15/F-03.07
Session Chair : Dr. Dedi Syafrizal

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 67
Trigonella Foenum: A Review Of Hypoglycemic

Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


The treatment of diabetes mellitus is aimed to prevent the risk of blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy and
heart diseases developed due to the increase of the blood glucose level. The selected hypoglycemic agents
should be effective, safe and readily available. The widely used agents work by interrupting enzymes
responsible for glucose regulation. Those enzymes are -amilase, -glucosidase, dipeptidylpeptidase-IV
(DPP-IV), aldose reductase and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). A medicinal plant, fenugreek
(Trigonellafoenum-graecum) has been used as an antidiabetic folk medicine. This review provides
information related to the in vitro study showing antihyperglycemic activity of fenugreek against the enzymes
alongwith the in vivo study in animalsand the potential phytochemicals that has been isolated in searching
the most potent agents for diabetes mellitus therapy.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, enzymes, Trigonellafoenum-graecum

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 68
Care Dependency Profile of Home Dwelling Older
Adults Living in Aceh Besar District, Aceh
Nurhasanah1, Dara Febriana1, Juanita1
Department of Gerontological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing
Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]


Changes in individuals due to aging leading to a gradual decline in all aspects of human being.
To certain extent this situation will lead to a state of being care dependent. Thus, an increasing
number of older adults with care dependency are expected. Care dependency is closely related to
nursing profession and it is not a new concept in nursing, however in Indonesia research on this
concept was limited. Moreover, people often had mistaken care dependency with dependency
ratio, which is a totally different aspect to measure. This study aimed to determine the care
dependency profile of home dwelling older adults living in Aceh Besar District, Aceh
Indonesia. Care Dependency Scale for Indonesian Elderly (CDS-I) was used in this cross-
sectional study and data were gathered from home dwelling older adults (aged >60 years) living
in Aceh Besar District, which purposively selected during the study period of the year 2017. Data
were collected through interviewing questionnaire. The statistical analysis was conducted using
descriptive statistic and correlation was calculated using Chi-square and Spearman Rho. 100
older adults were included in total, most of the respondent were in the range group of age 60-74
years old (70%) with majority of them were female (58%). Almost all of the respondent have
chronic illness (91%) with the highest incidence was cardiovascular disease (35%) and arthritis
(29%). Result from the CDS-I showed that most of the respondents were partially dependent
(52%) in several aspects of care and 37% of them were fully independent. Only 11% of the
subjects are fully dependent of care. The care dependency of subjects mostly partially dependent.
However, with the advance of age and the gradual decline of their body function will lead them
to become more dependent on others for care. For those who are fully independent this state
needs to be maintained for as long as possible and for those who are fully dependent, support is
needed to the older adults and their family in order to help them to maintain their function as
human being despite being dependent on others for care.

Keywords: Aceh, Aceh Older Adults, Care Dependency, Nursing

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 69
Characteristics Identifiction for Adolescents
Menstruation Disorder in Banda Aceh
1Asriliyani Nur Islami Yaturahmah, *2 Zurnila Marli Kesuma, and 3Miftahuddin
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh23111, Indonesia;
Corresponding author:[email protected]


Adolescence is a time of enormous physical and psychological change for young women. During this time
an adolescent girl will usually begin to menstruate. Menstruation process is followed by both physical and
psychological disorders.Another problem that probably happened in menstruation process is anemia.The
objective of this studywas to determine thephysicaland psychological disorder, and anemia status of
adolescent females in Banda Aceh, Indonesia descriptively. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was
conducted on 241 female students in Kota Banda Aceh. Characteristics of menstruation disorders were
assesed using a self-administered structured questionnaire. The finding indicatethat moststudents had good
hemoglobincontent (Hb 12g/dl). Based on physical disorder, 57% young womenhad problems with
cramps, painful, and nausea. From the psychological point of view, 52% young women had been around
indignant, restless, and tension.

Keywords: Menstruation, anemia status, physical disorder, psychological disorder, descriptive analysis.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 70
Long-Term Effect of Moderate to High-Intensity
Exercise on Blood Pressure and Calcium in Young
Athletes: A Retrospective Study

Yusni Yusni
Department of Medical Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, 23111
Banda Aceh, Indonesia


Physical activity plays a role in the regulation of blood pressure through neuronal and endocrine responses.
Physical inactivity is a single risk factor and plays about 5-15% as a risk factor for hypertension. This study
aims to analyze the long-term effect of moderate to high-intensity exercise on blood pressure and calcium in
normotensive athletes. This study was a retrospective study. A total of 99 male and female, junior and adult
athletes and non-athletes (sedentary) have been included from October 2014 to March 2016. Athletes were
categorized into two groups: moderate-intensity sport (football, n=22, gymnastics, n=18 and runner, n = 10)
and high-intensity sport (Tarung Derajat, n=21). Blood calcium examination using Cresol Phtalein Complex
(CPC) method and blood pressure was measured using sphygmomanometer. The results showed that there
was a significant difference between systolic blood pressure from the four groups of athletes with the control
group (p<0.001), diastolic blood pressure showed a significant difference between the athletes group
(football, run and gymnastics) with the control group, but there was no significant difference between diastolic
blood pressure of athletes group (Tarung Derajat) and control (sedentary). Serum calcium levels were a higher
in athletes than controls groups (p<0.001). Serum calcium levels were significantly negative correlated with
systolic and diastolic blood pressure in moderate-intensity exercise athletes (p<0.001). The results of this
study can be concluded that exercise can maintain calcium homeostasis, as well as to maintain blood pressure
within normal limits in young athletes with normotensive, therefore exercise play a role as preventive and
non-pharmacology therapy for hypertension. Physical inactivity can lead to hypocalcemia at a young age.
Moderate intensity exercise is better than with high-intensity exercise for controlling calcium homeostasis.

Keywords: exercise, calcium, blood pressure, athletes, sedentary

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 71
Effectiveness of High Fidelity Manequin-based
Simulator in Practicing Nebulizer on Nursing
Budi Satria1*, Hajjul Kamil1, Darmawati1, Ardia Putra1,Yuswardi1
Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]


Providing appropiate learning for Nursing students who practice in nursing skill laboratory are
still challenging in order to face a real patients situation in practice. The high fidelity manikin-
based simulatoris more expensive than conventional manikin, it can perform interactive
comunication, and has a monitor to display vital signs. The manikin allows for virtual feed back
by using computer application. This study aims to determine the effectiveness high fidelity
manikin-based simulator in practicing Nebulizer on nursing student. There were 110 participants
who met the inclusion criteria are included in this quasy experimental study. The group divided
into 2 groups. The experimental group practiced nebilizer using the high fidelity manequin Sim
Man 3G and the control group practiced nebulizer using conventional manikin within 1 week.
Data analysis using comparison means independent sample t-test and the results showed that the
participants in experimental group more efective compared to the control group in practicing
nebulizer (p <0.000). Manikin Sim Man 3G is an interactive simulator that can give response
during student practice. The nursing student showed a good concentration and self confident
during their practice using the high fidelity manequin. The finding suggested that the nursing
education to provide high fidelity manequin-based simulation in nursing skill laboratory.

Keywords: high fidelity mannequin, nursing student, practice

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 72
Antihyperuricemic Potential Of Muntingia
Calabura L. Stem Bark Extract In Diabetic Rats
Safrida Safrida 1*, Mustafa Sabri2, Erlidawati Erlidawati3, Musri Musman3
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Syiah Kuala University,
Department of Anatomy at the Faculty of Veterinary, Syiah Kuala University.
Department of Chemistry Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Syiah Kuala University,
Email: [email protected]


Muntingia calabura L. has been traditionally used to treat diabetes mellitus in Aceh. it contains
asam askorbat, - tocopherol, dan triterpenoid. This study was designed to determine the
potential of Muntingia calabura L. stem bark extract toward decreasing uric acid levels in
diabetic rats and to compare the natural product of Muntingia calabura L. stem bark extract with
commercially (Allopurinol). Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design
(CRD) consisted of 6 treatments, each consisted of 4 rats. 1) NR =Normal rat 2). KN= diabetic
rat (negative control), 3) KP= diabetic rats given allopurinol 10 mg/kg BB, 4) E150= diabetic
rats given extract 150 mg/kg BB /day. 5) E300= diabetic rats given extract 300 mg/Kg BB /day.
6) E450= diabetic rats given extract 450 mg/Kg BB /day. This result showed that given
Muntingia calabura L. stem bark extract can decrease (P< 0.05) uric acid levels in diabetic rats.
The recommended dose was 300 mg/kg body weight to be applied in order to provide a significant
effect on reducing uric acid level in diabetic rats. It was concluded that Muntingia calabura L.
stem bark extract have potential as antihyperurecemia in diabetic rats. Our findings support the
use of this plant as the treatment of gout and other inflammatory diseases.

Keywords: Muntingia calabura L., acid uric levels, diabetic rat, aloxan

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 73
Mercury Uptake and Effects on Growth
of Ipomea Reptans

Muhammad Nasir1, Nita Tauhida1, Essy Harnelly1* and Muhammad Bahi2

Department of Biology, FMIPA, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, FMIPA, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Heavy metal contaminants like mercury is a serious problem to environmental health. Phytoremediation is
an alternative technology, which can remediate the contaminants from soil using a hyperaccumulator plant.
The present study was conducted from March to September 2016. The goal of this research was to know the
ability of Ipomoea reptans as an accumulator plant. We used some parameters to achieve the goal, namely:
mercury distribution in root, stem, and leaf of Ipomoea reptans. The concentration of mercury on was 0, 61.8,
92.2, and 107.0 ppm. Ipomoea reptans was harvested after 27 days. The research was designed using
Randomized Complete. The mercury concentration in root, stem, and leaf was analyzed using Atomic
Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The result showed that the mercury concentration in soil used as a growing
medium of this research was decrease. The higher concentration of mercury was found in the root of I. reptans
(1.694 ppm). Furthermore, mercury absorption has caused anatomical damage at the xilem vessel of the root,
and decrease bulliform cell size.

Keywords: Mercury, Phytoremediation, Ipomoea reptans, translocations

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 74
Structure, Phylogenetics and Expression of
Chitinases in Oil Palm
Redi Aditama1*, Reno Tryono1, Zulfikar Achmad Tanjung1, Tony Liwang1
Biotechnology Department, Plant Production and Biotechnology Division, PT SMART Tbk.,
SMART Biotechnology Center, Jl. Raya Cijayanti, Desa Cijayanti,
Babakan Madang, Kab. Bogor,
Jawa Barat, 16810, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]


Fungal disorders have become a major problem of oil palm cultivation around the world,
consisting of basal stem rot in Southeast Asia and Fusarium wilt in Africa. Chitinases have been
known to provide defense mechanism of plant against fungal pathogens. This study utilized the
advance of sequencing technology and the abundance of genomic and transcriptomic data to
identify the structure, phylogenetics and expression of chitinases in oil palm and predict their
roles in defense mechanism. Sequence similarity combined with Hidden Markov Model method
and annotation search of NCBI RefSeq data predicted 32 chitinase genes which contained GH18
or GH19 family domain in their sequences. Phylogenetics analysis using neighbor-joining
clustering method revealed six classes of oil palm chitinases based on their sequence similarity.
Transcriptomic studies using RNA sequencing showed expression level of each class of chitinase
during various stages and stress conditions. Most of GH19 family members are expressed in
flower during normal condition except class II which were expressed in various conditions.
Unlikely, chitinases of GH18 family are highly expressed in root and up regulated by biotic stress
inductions. This study indicated that most of GH19 family chitinases seems to have role as
housekeeping protein while GH18 family chitinases may act as pathogenesis related protein.

Keywords : chitinase, glycose hydrolases, oil palm phylogenetic, transcriptomic

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 75
Parallel Session 4 : VETERINARY SCIENCE
Time : 19th October 2017, Thursday/10.30-12.15/F-03.08
Session Chair : Dr. drh. Al Azhar

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 76
Biological Validation of Enzyme-Linked
Immunosorbent Assay to Monitor Stress in Aceh
Sri Wahyuni1*, Gholib2 and TongkuNizwan Siregar3
Laboratory of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Laboratory of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Laboratory of Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]


This present study was conducted to validate a human commercial cortisol ELISA kit (DRG EIA-
1887) for measuring stress hormone (cortisol) in plasma of aceh cattle through biological
validation. We used four healthy adult Acehnese cattle aged between 3 to 4.5 years old. For
biological validation, Acehnese cattle were transported using a special animal vehicle for 60
minutes. Before and after transported, blood samples were collected intravenously from jugular
vein and subsequently prepared as plasma. Furthermore, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) was applied to measure cortisol concentration from these plasma samples. The data
were analyzed using a paired T-tests to compare the concentrations of cortisol before and after
transportation. The average (STD) of cortisol concentration before and after transportation was
57.4630.30 ng/ml and 73.9447.34 ng/m, respectively. Although concentrations of cortisol after
transportation were higher than before transportation, but it was not significant different (p>0.5).
This results indicated that this assay was not accurately measure cortisol in plasma of aceh cattle.
In conclusion, a human commercial cortisol ELISA kit (DRG EIA-1887) was less suitable assay
for measuring plasma cortisol in Acehnese cows. In the future study, we will validate other
cortisol ELISA kit to find the most reliable assay to measure plasma cortisol in this species

Keywords: aceh cattle, biological validation, commercial ELISA kits, and plasma cortisol

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 77
Comparing Nifedipine, Anthocyanin, and Their
Combination to Treat Animal Model of Preeclampsia:
Effects on Serum Angiotensin II, Placental ICAM-1,
Fetal and Placental weight

Yudit Oktanella1, Aulia Firmawati2, Dhita Evi Aryani3, ViskiFitri Hendrawan4, Widjiati5
Departement of Veterinary Reproduction, 3Departement of Veterinary Pharmacology,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang 65145, Indonesia
Departement of Veterinary Embriology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University,
Surabaya 65145, Indonesia
*Correspondence e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]


Current studies on preeclampsia mainly focus on the maintenance of the endothelial dysfunction in order to
reduce the symptoms such as hypertension and proteinuria. Several pathologies of pre-eclampsia have been
associated with variations in molecular expression both in placental and maternal blood circulation, affecting
the fetal and placental weight. The benefits of anthocyanin-rich vegetables and fruits consumption have also
been reported in association with the endothelial dysfunction. Numerous studies had suggested that the
protective effect and antioxidant properties of anthocyanin were linked to their ability as angiotensin coverting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and reduce oxidative stress.The purposes of this study was to examine the effects of
nifedipine, anthocyanin, and their combination on serum-angiotensin II and placental histopathology
examination of animal model ofpreeclampsia.This study was a true experimental laboratory, using animal
model ofpreeclamtic which later be divided into 5 groups, namely: (K-) normal pregnant rat; (K+) mild-
preeclampstic rat; (P1) preeclampstic rat treated with nifedipine; (P2) preeclampstic rat treated with
anthocyanin, (P3) preeclampstic rat treated with combination of nifedipine and anthocyanin. The study
showed that the immunohistochemistry expression of ICAM-1 and ELISA serum angiotensin II in
preeclamptic rat with nifedipine and anthocyanin from black rice (P3) was statistically lower than the
positively preeclamptic group (K+). Neonatal birth weight at P3 also found statistically no significant
different with the normal pregnant rat (K-), and remains lower in animal model with mild preeclampsia (K+).
The combination effect of Nifedipine and Anthocyanin had significant effects in this rat model of
preeclampsia without apparently harm to the fetus. Furthermore, this study suggests the potential effect of
anthocyanin to be used as ACE inhibitors in preeclamptic condition.

Keyword: preeclampsia, anthocyanin, angiotensin II, ICAM-1

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 78
Comparing Oviductal Expression During Oestrous
Cycle of Epithelial Oviductin (OVGP1) in
Peranakan Ettawah (PE) Goat

Herawati1*, Yudit Oktanella2, Aulia Firmawati2, Nurul Isnaini3

Departement of Veterinary Public Health; 2Departement of Veterinary Reproduction, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang 65145, Indonesia
Departement of Animal Husbandry, Animal Husbandry Faculty, Brawijaya University,
Malang 65145, Indonesia
*Correspondence e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]


Over hundreds types of proteins are present in the oviductal tract, where fertilization occurs and zygotes begin
to develop. Oviductin, also called Oviductal glycoprotein 1 (OVGP1), has been shown to be expressed by
the oviductal epithelial cells and is suggested to play a role in fertilization and spermegg interaction. The
expression pattern of oviductin become important since the number of studies suggested that its transcription
is regulated via estrogen-dependent during oestrous cycle. The aim of this study was to identify the
characteristics of oviductin expression in oviduct during oestrous cycle, especially on folicullar and luteal
phase. Twenty-four fresh reproduction organ of Peranakan Ettawah (PE) goat were collected from abattoir,
then divided into two groups (Group1: Follicular phase; Group2: luteal phase) based on the ovary
performance macroscopically then we performed immunohistochemistry to identify the oviductin expression
in the oviduct. Our results showed that the percentage of oviductin expression vary throughout the estrous
cycle, which is higher in follicular phase. In both, the ampulla and infundibulum, the expression of OVGP1
was found to be higher at folicullar phase than luteal phase; but there was no significant difference of oviductin
expression during luteal phase in isthmus. In conclusion, this finding suggests that the difference expressions
patterns in both folicullar and luteal phase is important in regulating fertilization and embryogenesis on PE

Keywords: Oviductin, oviduct, PE goat, protein expression

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 79
Climate Conditions That Affect the Presence of
Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Cattle Farms in Two
Different Districts of the Province of Aceh

Zulfikar 1) Sayed Umar 2) Teuku Reza Ferasyi 3) Maruf Tafsin 2)

Faculty of Agriculture, Almuslim University, Bireuen, Aceh
Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatera, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
E-mail for correspondence:[email protected].


This research was aimed to study the effect of climate to the increase of gastrointestinal nematode in
cattle in Aceh Province. The study was conducted in cattle farms in two districts, namely Aceh Utara, which
is categorize as higher temperature (> 30-35C) and Aceh Tengah, which is categorize as lower temperature
(< 20-25C). The faeces sample of cattle were collected at a number of 203 from different age and sex in
February through May 2017. These sample were analyse using floating method and Withlock. The results
showed that in Aceh Utara District was found a number of 33 sample (25%) out of 132 sample infected by
gastrointestinal nematode. Among of them that infected, 27.1 % was female and 20.52% was male cattle.
Then, in the District of Aceh Tengah, there was found 5 sample (7.5%) out of 57 sample infected by
gastrointestinal nematode. These infected animals were comprised of 3 sample (5.88%) of female and 1
sample (6.6%) and male animals. In conclusion, the different in the location and temperature of cattle farming
area could increase the number of cattle infection by Gastrointestinal Nematode. The infection is also
depending on the sex of cattle.

Keywords: Climate, gastroniestinal nematode, cattle, Aceh, Temperature.

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 80
Noninvasive Assessment of Parturition in Wild
Crested Macaques : Sexual Signal And Fecal
Glucocorticoid Measurements
Gholib Gholib1*, Muhammad Agil2, Iman Supriatna2, Bambang Purwantara2,
Michael Heistermann3, Taufiq Purna Nugraha4, Antje Engelhardt5
Laboratory of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
Department of Clinic, Reproduction, and Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Laboratory of Endocrinology, German Primate Center, Leibniz-Institute for Primate Research,
Gttingen, Germany
Laboratory of Reproduction Division of Zoology, Research Center for Biology, Indonesia
Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Faculty of Science, School of Natural Science and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores
University, United Kingdom (UK)
E-mail: [email protected]


The intensity of the sex skin coloration of crested macaques changes time to time
until the time of partus which suggests that the signal can be used for assessing the
parturition. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the change
of sex skin coloration as a reliable signal for assessing the timing of partus and to
demonstrate the endocrinological regulation of parturition by measuring the fecal
glucocorticoid metabolites (fGCM). We combined the digital photography and
endocrinological data collected from two months before partus to one month after
partus from 6 pregnant females living in natural habitat at the Tangkoko-Batuangus
Nature Reserve, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Based on digital images of sex skin
coloration showed that pregnant females changed the color intensity of sex skin from
redness to magenta one week prior to the parturition. Based on the RGB (red, green,
blue) measurement, the value of B/R ratio (0.280.11) one week prior to partus was
significantly higher compared to the value of B/R ratio one month before partus
(0.130.04) and it was significantly different (p<0.05). In the last month of gestation,
the fGCM levels were significantly elevated and reached the peak (1912.84171.22
ng/g) one week prior to partus and declined rapidly after delivery (P<0.05).
Moreover, the increase of fGCM levels was significantly related to the period of
gestation (r=0.0563; p<0.01). In conclusion, sex skin coloration and fGCM levels
were a reliable cue to determine the timing of partus a week prior to parturition.

Keywords: crested macaque, fGCM, parturition, sex skin coloration

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 81
The Effect of Antibody Convertase Enzyme Type 4
Of Human Sperm to Inhibited Oocyte Binding

Dahril1, ViviKeumalaMutiawati 1, Aulanniam2

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 08116800523
1. Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
2. Biochemistry Laboratory, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia


ProproteinConvertaseSubtilisin/Kexin Type 4 (PCSK4) 54 kDa is a proteolytic enzyme in acrosome plasma

membrane of sperm required in the process of fertilization and nuisance these enzymes can cause disruption
of fertilization. This study aims to explore and analyze the ability of antibody of PCSK4 acrosome plasma
membrane of human spermto inhibited in vitroligand binding receptors of sperm in rats (Rattusnorvegicus).
The method used is the isolation and characterization of PCSK4 54 kDa from human sperm through
electrophorese, dot blot, western blot and electro elution. Furthermore, antibodies PCSK4 was produced in
animal models of rabbit (Oryctolaguscunniculus) and characterized through indirect ELISA, dot blot and
western blot and tested its potency in vitro in animal models of rats (Rattusnorvegicus) by inhibiting sperm
receptorsto binding oocyte. These results indicate that the PCSK4 54 kDa able to induce antibody formation
of PCSK4in animal models of rabbits with highest IgG titers on the eighth bleeding with absorbed average
of 0,312 and 0,335 with 405 mm length of wave and average value of PCSK4 was 701,838 ng/mL. The test
dot blot and western blot showed that PCSK4 has immunogenic properties. Antibodies generated from this
study tested by dot blot and western blot showed specific reaction of the PCSK4 with a 54 kDa molecular
weight. In an in vitro study of ligand binding receptor demonstrated that the antibody from this study showed
binds to its receptor in the membrane plasma acrosome of human sperm specifically. PCSK4 54 kDa
molecules in the acrosome plasma membrane of human sperm has immunogenic properties and able to
induce the formation of antibodies in an animal model specifically and particular antibodies capable to inhibit
binding sperm with oocyte on receptors in vitro which be used as the basis for the development of science in
men immunocontraception.

Keywords: immunocontraception, IgG, ligand binding receptors, PCSK4, proteolytic,

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 82
In Vivo Antimalarial Activity of Phyllantus emblica
Leaves Etanol Extract on Plasmodium berghei
Nuzul Asmilia1, Dwinna Aliza1
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
Email: [email protected]


The Etanol extract of malaka leaf (Phyllantus emblica) was evaluated for antimalarial activity in
Peters 4-day suppressive assay against Plasmodium berghei in mice. Animal were selected (20-
30g body weight) then divided into 5 groups, each consist 6 mice. Each animal was injected with
Plasmodium berghei infected RBCs. Mice in group K- was only inoculated with Plasmodium
berghei, mice in group K+ was inoculated with Plasmodium berghei and gave Chloroquine
diphosphat 5 mg/kg wb, and group K1, K2, and K3 was inoculated with Plasmodium and gave
extract etanol Phyllantus emblica with dose of 50, 100, and 150 mg/kgbw respectively. The result
of parasitemia rate showed the decrease of parasites in all treatment groups compare to negative
control group. To conclude, the administration of Phyllantus emblica decrease the parasitemia
rate of Plasmodium berghei in mice blood.

Keyword: malaka leaf, Plasmodium berghei,Phyllantus emblica

The 7th AIC-ICMR on Health and Life Sciences 2017 Syiah Kuala University 83




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ISSN: 2089-208X

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