Eco Lodge 1 Publication
Eco Lodge 1 Publication
Eco Lodge 1 Publication
Copyright © 2004
International Finance Corporation
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There are no instant solutions to these However, the costs of producing envi-
problems; they are complex, global issues ronmentally friendly goods and services
that defy resolution by any single program can be high, the businesses that produce
or institution. The International Finance them may require more time, training
Corporation (IFC), which makes private and a supportive enabling environment
sector investments, has been working with to become economically viable, and the
the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and actual production often involves new and
a number of other partners and stakehold- untested technologies. These market barri-
ers with various objectives to develop inno- ers, combined with the inherent incremen-
vative financial mechanisms to integrate tal costs of environmental protection and
environmental activities into commercial conservation, may deter the private sector
business operations. Private sector par- — particularly small and micro-enterprises
ticipation is a vital part of meeting these — from actively pursuing environmental
challenges. Research in this field indicates business opportunities.
that support for entrepreneurial efforts can To spur the development of envi-
be far more powerful and effective in ronmentally sustainable and economically
creating long-term sustainable growth viable micro, small and medium enterpris-
than can large government concessional es (SMEs¹), IFC, with funding from GEF,
grant programs. launched the Environmental Business
IFC, industry, governments and Finance Program (EBFP) in March 2004.
civil society are all coming to recognize EBFP supports SMEs by increasing their
that environmental protection and the sus- access to finance, building their capacity,
tainable use of environmental resources and fostering an enabling environment
depend on close collaboration between for their activities.² An important element
the public and private sectors. Consumers, of EBFP’s strategy is the dissemination of
too, are increasingly demanding products lessons learned, to encourage best prac-
and services that make use of environ- tice by SME owners and managers, other
mental resources in a sustainable manner. entrepreneurs and potential investors in
the area of environmental finance.
PHOTO:: Chumbe Ecolodge: Hitesh Mehta
This publication summarizes for ecotourism around the world. Section
the results of research on the triple bot- 4 presents a discussion of how ecolodges
tom line, emphasizing environmental, can become financially viable, with a
social and economic sustainability in the summary of the basic ecolodge business
ecolodge sector. Key factors are highlight- and finance model, an analysis of the key
ed that make an ecolodge environmentally, factors for profitability for ecolodges, and
socially and financially successful. It is the an assessment of the main technical as-
first in a series of reports resulting from sistance needs of ecolodge owners and
EBFP’s research activities on the market managers. Section 5 examines potential
for environmentally friendly goods and positive and negative biodiversity impacts
services. Future publications will examine of ecolodges. Finally, Section 6 presents
the financial viability of other sectors that a brief conclusion assessing the future of
have important environmental and social the ecolodge market.
benefits and growth potential. I hope this publication serves
This study examines the mar- as a useful tool to the public and private
ket for and business characteristics of sectors, donors, financiers, advisors,
ecolodges operating in developing coun- ecolodge operators and others who con-
tries, in order to determine the key factors tribute to the sustainable growth of the
for business viability of ecolodges. The ecolodge industry.
study also includes a review of how these
facilities can have a positive impact on the
environment and maximize their sustain-
able development benefits for their regions
and local communities. After a brief
introduction in Section 1, Section 2 looks
at the ecolodge marketplace, including the
demographics of ecotourists, their activity
and accommodation preferences, and the
global trends that influence the ecotour-
ism market and demand for ecolodges. Rachel Kyte
Section 3 provides a brief review of the Director
Environment & Social Development Department
evolving policy and enabling environment
1 SMEs are defined in accordance with the definition of the World Bank Group’s SME Department as follows: micro-enterprises up to 10 employees and
total assets or total �
million; and medium enterprises up to 300 employees and total assets or total annual revenue of up to US$15 million. For the purpose of EBFP, the defini-
tion of SME includes micro-enterprises.
2 This program is �
environmental benefits.
although opinions about future demand and Europe, North America and Japan. The baby boomers
growth in the ecotourism market vary, all experts and will experience unprecedented health and longev-
operators agree that ecotourism markets will increase. ity during their retirement years, and will have more
According to the ecolodge owners and experts inter- time for leisure and travel, good financial resources
viewed for this study (see Appendices B & D for and increasing access to quality information on travel
listings of surveyed ecolodges and the regional experts options through the Internet. This section looks briefly
respectively), the ecolodge market is expected to grow at the ecotourism market, including the characteristics
by an average of about 10 percent per year over the of ecotourists, the attractions and amenities they seek,
next several decades. This estimate is in line with and the trends that affect their decisions on where and
overall growth estimates for general travel, which are when to travel.
based, in large part, on the size of the baby-boom gen-
eration (individuals born between 1945 and 1964) from
This study focuses on five main geo-regions that are the primary destinations of ecotourists: Africa,
Asia, Central and South America, the Pacific, and Southeast Asia. To gather data on ecotourism
trends in these areas, the authors reviewed market literature from origin markets around the world,
and undertook a survey with regional market experts to discuss ecolodge development trends in
destination countries. A survey was undertaken of 15 ecolodges that are known to be model facili-
ties. In addition, a review of the legal and policy context for ecotourism development in developing
countries was performed, a discussion of natural attractions that constitute business drivers was
provided, and an investigation of the technical assistance needs of ecolodges was undertaken.
The United States was identified in this study as the In general, ecotourists choose their destinations
key global market for ecolodges in all geo-regions first, based on desired activities or attractions, and
studied. However, ecotourists do come from all then choose their accommodations, although a few
over the world, including Canada, Europe (especially very successful ecolodges have emerged as a primary
France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United reason to travel to a specific destination. For example,
Kingdom) and, to a lesser extent, Australia, Japan, and Tiamo, in the Bahamas, has drawn great attention to
New Zealand. They are of all ages, with a significant Andros Island as an ecotourism destination, while in
component of middle-aged travelers, and tend to be the past the Bahamas was strictly known as a mass
more highly educated professionals with moderate tourism resort, cruise and gambling destination. Lapa
to high income. Slightly more ecotourists are women Rios, in Costa Rica, brought ecotourism to the Osa
than men.⁶ Peninsula, which had been known primarily as an
Free and independent travelers (FITs) — as op- outpost for illegal gold mining. Panama’s Canopy
posed to those traveling with a tour operator — are an Tower drew attention to its first-class bird watching
important and growing market segment for ecolodges. just minutes from Panama City, this city being known
This study concludes that 50 percent of the market will previously for international banking, the U.S. invasion
travel independently, while 50 percent will travel on and a corrupt dictator. These three ecolodges surveyed,
tours. These results vary by region. European ecotour- as well as other examples from other locations, have
ists are almost all independent travelers, because become a reason to travel to certain destinations,
Europe’s tour operators rarely advertize ecotourism thus helping to transform the image of destinations
as an option and have only recently begun to offer previously thought of as unattractive or unsuitable for
more customized special interest travel options. U.S. nature lovers.
ecotourists, on the other hand, are more likely to travel The popularity of specific ecotourism
on tours, because they have had access to a wide destinations varies based on country
variety of specialty niche travel operators and of origin. Among Europeans,
nonprofit travel programs for more than a travelers from the United
decade. However, Americans are increas- Kingdom prefer destinations
ingly traveling independently, particularly in Asia, and Germans select
to destinations closer to home, such as Asia and Latin America with
Belize, Costa Rica, and Mexico because nearly equal frequency.
of access to quality travel information Central America is the most
on the Internet. The growing number of popular destination for
travelers booking directly with ecolodges North Americans, while the
and arriving without the help of travel agents vast majority of Japanese eco-
or tour operators will have long-term benefits tourists prefer destinations within
for ecolodges, as it will enable them to increasingly Asia and Oceania.
market directly to consumers.⁷
PHOTO:: Campi ya Kanzi: Hitesh Mehta
6 The unabr� onsultants,
1994; Blamey and Hatch, 1998; Diamantis, 1998, 1999; The Nature Conservancy, 2000; Sanders, 2001; Blangy and SECA, 2001; Feige et al, 2001;
Torres Riesco, 2001; Travel Industry Association of America, 2002; Japanese Association of Travel Agents, 1999, 2001, 2002; Pam Wight and Associates,
2002; Weaver and Lawton, 2002; Queensland Travel and Tourism Council, 2003a, b.
7 European Travel Commission, 2003.
Activity Preferences
The most important motivations for travel by eco- market seeks to bird watch for
tourists around the world are to enjoy the natural nearly 100 percent of their activity
environment, have an “experiential” vacation, and time.⁹ Thus, evaluating the attraction and viewability
learn while traveling. There is a particularly high inter- of endemic birds found only in restricted areas, or
est in admiring scenery, viewing wildlife, hiking and unique congregations of birds, plays an important role
walking, taking guided interpretive tours, and visiting in designing a new ecolodge destination. Bird watch-
parks and protected areas. According to the study’s ers are frequently found in countries not yet known for
regional experts, activity preferences vary from desti- ecotourism, and can help make a name for destina-
nation to destination. For example, diving and other tions that might otherwise remain unknown.
marine activities are rated highly in the Pacific, while
jungle/rainforest trekking and bird watching are rated
Accommodation Preferences
highly in Latin America and Southeast Asia, and game
viewing is popular in Africa. There are few destination studies that have surveyed
In general, wildlife viewing is the primary attrac- the lodging preferences of ecotourists. According to
tion for ecotourists, both independent travelers and the regional experts, consumers want value for their
those traveling with ecotour operators.⁸ What distin- money, and they want to stay in local, more traditional
guishes a wildlife attraction and makes it “bankable” accommodations if there are no easily identifiable facil-
relates to the charisma of the wildlife being viewed. ities that offer a good alternative. In many cases, these
Charismatic animals include gorillas and all great travelers would likely embrace a more ecological alter-
apes, large marine creatures such as whale sharks and native if it offered good value and excellent guides, and
whales, and the African “Big Five” (lions, leopards, was located near highly viewable wildlife resources or
elephants, Cape buffalos and rhinos). When large destinations with excellent scenic qualities.¹⁰ Regional
mega-fauna are not present in an area such as rainfor- advisors indicate that ecotourists seek comfortable,
ests, attractions include monkeys, lemurs and large conventional, mid-priced lodgings. Access to the
flocks of colorful birds, such as macaws. Whether or primary attraction or activity is a key factor in choosing
not the destination has mega-fauna or congregations accommodation, as are comfort, quality of interpretive
of wildlife, high-quality guide services with excellent guides, friendly service, small group sizes and pricing.
and accurate interpretive information about culture Visitors only tend to consider the use of environmen-
and nature can distinguish an ecolodge in the market- tally sensitive practices or architecture when all other
place and have a great deal to do with gaining con- considerations are met.
sumer loyalty. The fact is that ecotourists still rely on conven-
One key special interest among a dedicated tional accommodations, rather than ecolodges, for a
segment of the market is bird watching. Bird watch- large proportion of their travel experience.¹¹ This can
ing has a very strong appeal to a narrow segment of be explained partly by the lack of ecolodge alternatives
the ecotourism market; about 10–15 percent of the in many areas. For example, in rural areas, ecotourists
frequently will not find ecolodges, and so instead the Caribbean
look for locally owned budget accommodation that islands surveyed
may not be environmentally sound. and Costa Rica have a
While the range of existing ecolodges runs significantly large percent-
from basic to luxury, there is a “gap” between com- age of mid-range lodges. Given the small size of the
munity-run, basic facilities and high-end lodges, with consumer market able to afford high-end lodges and
a lack of mid-priced ecolodges. An analysis of 6,515 the consumer demand for mid-range accommoda-
nature-based lodges in 60 developing countries found tions, it would appear that there is an insufficient
that nearly three-quarters are lower-end: 73 percent, supply of mid-priced ecolodges today. The demand for
or 4,774, of the lodges were budget accommodations a greater supply of mid-priced ecolodges in ecotour-
(less than $50 per night), 18 percent, or 1,180, of the ism destinations worldwide will increase only as the
lodges were mid-range ($50–$100 per night), and 7 professional middle class of baby boomers retire,
percent, or 470 of the lodges were top-end (over $100 travel more frequently and seek comfortable accom-
per night). No price data were available on 91 of the modations in the wildland areas they have always
lodges.¹² The survey, based on an analysis of popu- dreamed of visiting.
lar guidebooks and written surveys, found that only
There is a high correlation between the location of was available), Indonesia has the largest concentration
ecolodges and nature-based lodges, and that of public of lodges (758), followed by Costa Rica (590), Thailand
and private protected areas or other areas of high (468), Peru (356), Ecuador (345), Guatemala (322),
biodiversity. The authors of the Ecolodge Footprint and Mexico (304), Sri Lanka (277) and Tanzania (259).¹⁴
Justification for Biodiversity Conservation study mapped Of the lodges mapped in all 60 countries, 84 percent
the locations of nature-based lodges in 60 countries are located in biodiversity hotspot areas, as defined by
(based on a review of guidebooks) as well as those of Conservation International (www.biodiversityhotspots.
106 ecolodges that completed written surveys.¹³ The org). The highest concentration is in Mesoamerica
60 countries were chosen based on their high con- (1,157 lodges), followed by Indo-Burma (543 lodges).¹⁵
centration of nature-based lodges, their developing Of those ecolodges that completed the in-depth sur-
(or mature) ecotourism industry, and their location in veys, 60 percent are located within or on the periphery
an area of high biodiversity and/or significant natural of an established protected area, and 39 percent are
attractions. Of the total 5,459 lodges mapped (another located within a private reserve.
1,059 lodges could not be plotted because no location
Middle Range
Multiple Scales
n/a 5-9 All lodges at Same Scale
IUCN Protected Areas 10-19 Base Data Supplied by Conservation International (CI)
20 or more Predominant Scale When Multiple Lodges
CI Hotspot Areas and IUCN November 17, 2003
Source: TIES, 2004.
The high number of ecolodges and nature-based tion and voluntary certification programs are fairly rare
lodges located in or near protected areas, or areas (only 26 percent of lodges completing the in-depth
of high biodiversity value, demonstrates the need for survey have a green certification or rating¹⁶), envi-
lodges to maintain sound environmental standards ronmental and social standards and practices are often
and practices. As both effective government regula- developed by the lodge owners and managers (see Box 2).
Box 2:
Environmental and Social Practices at Ecolodges
The Ecolodge Footprint and Justification for Biodiversity Conservation study surveyed lodge managers
at 106 leading ecolodges around the world. Though not independently verified, the results of this survey
do provide a comprehensive overview of managers’ perceptions of good environmental and social prac-
tices, and therefore offer a baseline understanding of common practices, possibly including areas that
are often overlooked by researchers and lending agencies in ecolodge development and operations. The
full survey results can be found at, Tables 1–11. These findings are summarized below:
• PREDEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IMPACT : Sixty-three lodges (59%) have under-
taken development in accordance with an environmental impact assessment (EIA) or assessed the
environmental impacts of their developments. Most (89%) also minimized erosion during construc-
tion. While the majority of respondents demonstrated concern for reducing negative impacts, only
a third have an annual written environmental performance review (32%). Thus, it is questionable
whether there is a clear understanding of the impact of the lodge on the natural environment.
This indicates the necessity for establishing a baseline understanding of environmental and social
impacts prior to lodge construction, and for conducting ongoing monitoring and evaluation as the
development is established and becomes operational.
CONSTRUCTION : The majority of lodge owners source materials locally (86%) and use local con-
tractors and staff for construction (91%). Nearly 70% use some recycled building materials, with
the overall majority utilizing appropriate building technologies and materials (81%).
• PHYSICAL LAYOUT : Eighty-seven percent follow strategies to minimize dominance on the land-
scape. Most respondents said that they have completed a visual analysis to make building forms
compatible with the landscape. Nearly all also claim that the lodge fits into the local environment
through the use of vegetation (96%).
16 See Table 1 in the full Ecolodge Footprint and Justification for Biodiversity Conservation study, available at
• ENERGY NEEDS : Overall, energy use seems to be one of the weakest areas for most lodges. The
use of renewable energy sources is very low (approximately 31%). Further research should investi-
gate why lodges are not taking advantage of the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits
of alternative energy sources.
• WATER ACQUISITION AND WATER CONSUMPTION : Nearly 70% answered that they use sus-
tainable means to reduce water consumption, and 67% encourage guests to reuse linens. However,
in several specific areas, responses were low: only 29% reuse gray water, 11% use automatic turn-off
taps, and 26% reuse effluent water for toilets and other purposes.
• HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE : Nearly 87% reported that they carefully
handle and dispose of solid waste and sewage. Overall, there seemed to be the highest incidence of
cost-effective activities (e.g., using less packaging, buying in bulk quantities).
• SUPPORTING CONSERVATION : Eighty percent or higher said that they support conservation
efforts, do not purchase rare or threatened species, and encourage guests to participate in conserva-
tion initiatives. However, very few lodges address feral animal and weed control (31%).
• WORKING WITH LOCAL COMMUNITIES : Virtually all (98%) of the lodges employ local
residents, and 88% reported that they have a policy to purchase products and services locally. In
addition, 76% said they give tangible financial, technical or in-kind support to at least one local
organization, and the same percentage (76%) give free or discounted visits to local schools and
educational institutions. However, only 45% say that traditional custodians or appropriate cultural
groups are involved in the development of interpretive materials that present their heritage, and
only 44% advise lodge guests to avoid visiting sites that have restricted access due to cultural sensi-
say they have interpretive programs, and 69% employ guides for guest interpretation and educa-
tion. However, only 51% have formal guide training. Guided tours are the most predominant activ-
ity, followed by pre-tour briefings and informational pamphlets.
Global trends
Until the September 2001 terrorist attacks on the ers, who make up a significant portion of the ecotour-
United States, global travel had been on the rise for ism market, canceled overseas travel plans. In the
years, with an average of nine percent annual growth two years following the attacks, there was a 13 percent
from 1988 to 1997.¹⁷ Nature destinations were faring total decline in U.S. travel overseas (see Figure 2).
particularly well, with some important ecotourism Nature tourism destinations in eastern Africa were the
destinations, including Belize, Botswana, Costa Rica, hardest hit, while Central and South America also saw
Ecuador, South Africa and Tanzania, experiencing dou- declines. Although travel to Asian destinations did not
ble digit average annual growth. Overall, countries that decline immediately after the terrorist attacks (mostly
were known to be stable, with well-developed wildlife because of business travel to China and Southeast
parks and destinations and only modest infrastructure, Asia), the SARS outbreak, Bali bombings and Iraq War
were prospering and attracting significant foreign led to drastic declines in both Asia and Southeast Asia
exchange through nature-based tourism in the 1990s.¹⁸ in 2003. However, U.S. overseas travel rebounded in
However, global travel was significantly af- 2003, with a 4 percent increase wordwide, spurred
fected (possibly more than any other industry) by the by the results for Africa (up 17%), the Caribbean (up
September 11 attacks and other subsequent security 14%), Central America (up 17%), and South America
concerns around the world. Many U.S. overseas travel- (up 10%).
Central South
Caribbean America Africa America
Depressed economies in More independent travelers will increasingly seek
major ecotourism outbound partly packaged or customized holidays, rather than
markets, including Germany, Japan, and the United the traditional inclusive tour packages. Ecolodges
States, since 2001 have also slowed travel demand, will appeal to this growing segment of independent
causing travelers to seek more economical vacations travelers and will benefit greatly by being able to use
closer to home. However, most experts report that low-cost, but effective, Internet marketing tools. At
high-quality ecotourism destinations may be quicker to the same time, ecolodges will appeal to the population
recover. For example, South Africa remained very pop- that prefers to travel with a tour operator by working
ular in 2002 and 2003 for European travelers within with specialized operators that increasingly seek com-
Africa, despite double-digit downturns for European fortable, well-designed lodges in natural areas.
long-haul travel overall. Given that South Africa’s
number one attraction is wildlife parks, this indicates
that quality parks and wildlife resources helped South
Ecolodge-specific demand
Africa survive both an economic downturn and one of With all experts agreeing that a growth trend is in place
the worst travel crises in recent history. for ecolodges, this study reviewed the key aspects
Changes in leisure behavior, which have been of demand for ecolodges. The following factors (in
documented by the European Travel Commission¹⁹ random order) are considered to be the primary deter-
and others, will also have important implications minants for whether there will be demand for a specific
for the future of the travel market. According to this ecolodge among travelers:
research, there will be a greater market for customized • visitors’ budgets and preferences;
travel featuring arts, culture and history, as well as • likelihood of seeing a primary attraction;
wellness products, such as spas, ayurvedic and alter- • marketing impact;
native medicine, and fitness centers with yoga, herbal • degree of political stability, safety and security;
and other treatments and regimes. The ability to serve • international airline access;
these niches will depend on the size of the niche and • domestic airline access after arrival at an
how well special interest groups organize travel. international gateway;
Busier lives and a smaller number of paid • speed of booking time;
vacation days will cause tourists to increasingly prefer • quality of Internet information; and
shorter and more frequent vacations. Public displays • destination image and economic situation in source
of status are becoming less important, and lifestyles markets.
are more informal worldwide, indicating the demand More specific, secondary determinants include
for five-star accommodation will decrease, since this the environmental practices of the lodge and the type
typifies the World War II generation. Leisure behavior of architecture. However, some experts felt that having
is becoming more personalized, leading to increased the accommodation located in a natural area was more
demand for smaller hotels and lodges. important than design or greenness.
The way in which tourists book their holidays is
changing, too, with the use of the Internet for research
and direct bookings of tourism products and services.
PHOTO: Amazonat Jungel Lodge: Hitesh Mehta
19 European Travel Commission, 2003
Operators and experts also identified a range In addition, the potential for ecolodge develop-
of barriers and constraints to the development of ment may be adversely affected by negative develop-
ecolodges and the growth of ecolodge markets, includ- ment patterns. Throughout the world, there has been
ing (in random order): inadequate governmental regulation and monitoring of
• lack of rural infrastructure, limiting efficient access and tourism’s impacts on the environment, little attention
accessibility; to the need for visitor management in protected areas,
• distance from world markets; and a serious lack of expertise and ability to execute
• seasonality; land-use plans in order to protect regions from over-
• available financing; building in boom destinations. In the end, inappropri-
• public sector lack of understanding of ecotourism ate tourism development destroys the destination for
operations; and ecotourism. Ecolodges that once appeared to have
• poor ecotourism policies and lack of appropriate government few impacts, low visitor numbers and positive contri-
regulations to protect communities and the environment butions to local economic development can become
(see Section 3). enveloped by massive tourism influxes that result in
many additional lodges too close to one another, and
a lack of proper protection for local environment and
wildlife. Tourism booms can be followed by subse-
quent busts in visitor numbers, wreaking havoc on
the ability of any one private ecolodge owner to meet
business or environmental goals.
Despite these significant constraints, ecolodges
have a broad market opportunity over the next 30 or
more years to capitalize on the aging demographics of
the market, increased ability to deliver quality informa-
tion via the Internet, growing leisure time and resourc-
es for the large group of professional middle-class
retirees from Europe, Japan, and the United States,
and changes in leisure and lifestyle trends that will in-
fluence travelers to seek more customized experiences
in smaller accommodations worldwide.
the government role, in ecotourism gies to assist them. Lodge owners themselves often
policy development, regulations and legal frameworks assist with establishing local municipal programs,
is still largely at the planning and discussion stage particularly recycling initiatives.
worldwide. Although national ecotourism planning One area where some governments are playing
has taken place in numerous developing countries, a role is in the development and implementation of
such as Malaysia and Mexico, the implementation of voluntary certification programs for ecolodges and
ecotourism plans has been sporadic, with almost no other accommodations. In 1997, the Costa Rican
national fiscal commitment. Without fiscal support for government launched the Certificate for Sustainable
the objectives set by national plans, planning docu- Tourism, a rigorous certification program that is cur-
ments are quickly shelved for future administration rently serving as the model for developing programs in
consideration. While government decision makers are a number of other countries. The governments of Bra-
becoming increasingly aware of the need for support zil, Ecuador, and Mexico, among others, are currently
of the ecotourism sector, to date there has been a involved in working to create national “green” certifica-
“frontier-style” development environment for ecolodges tion programs for hotels. However, requirements for
in most developing countries, where government ser- green technologies that are mandated without techni-
vices and support are, on the whole, not available. cal or financial support represent an additional cost
To assess this policy environment, the authors to business, and there has been no research showing
performed an Ecotourism Policy Gap Analysis, using that these programs improve the marketability of
results from the 2002 World Ecotourism Summit on certified businesses. Thus, while these certification
government policy, which incorporate the comments programs have provided important incentives for the
of thousands of stakeholders worldwide. The find- private sector to green their businesses, they are still
ings of this analysis are summarized in the two tables in the experimental stage. Further testing and research
below. Table 1 presents the policy gaps and Table 2 are required to demonstrate the full business value of
presents policy actions. certification programs.
One of the key findings of this study is that
ecolodge ventures can rarely count on government in-
frastructure services for sewage, waste or energy, and
there are no government incentives to create systems
that are more environmentally friendly. Frequently,
there are additional tariffs for imported technologies,
such as solar panels. While the responsible ecolodge
business community has found inventive ways to
manage their own waste, water, energy, and sew-
age systems through the advancement of alternative
technology designs and projects, they generally do not
have government support programs for new technolo-
TABLE 1: Ecotourism Policy Gap Analysis
Source: WTO 2002.
No government specialists
in ecotourism planning to Costa Rica the Ecuador the
one exception one exception
set standards
No ecotourism
market intelligence
No ecotourism marketing
No ecolodge investment
promotion or incentives
No specialized loans
No monitoring of
tourism impacts
No land-use planning
for tourism
A problem in
Land rights not in place Amazonian Peru
and Bolivia
No participative planning
TABLE 2: International Ecotourism Policy Analysis
Source: Wight, 2002; World Tourism Organization, 2002.
Legal frameworks Legal review of tourism policies Integrate needs of ecotourism businesses
in legal policies for tourism
Legislative frameworks Review of relevant legislations Integrate needs of ecotourism businesses
in municipal and local legislation
Fiscal commitment Budget review Incorporate ecotourism legislative, legal
and policy frameworks into budget for
economic development
Policy frameworks National ecotourism plans and policies Integrate policy with other national de-
velopment and environmental conserva-
tion goals
Health standards Inspections and monitoring Ensure all new facilities are meeting
health standards
Development planning Zoning, land-use planning Establish zones limiting scale of tourism
development according to site
Monitoring Enforcement Obtain funds to enforce development
Protected areas Visitor management Obtain funds to establish baseline data
and manage impacts
Based on their experience in this sector, the authors believe that the study group is sufficiently diverse
in terms of business type, geography, size, target market and product offerings to provide a good basis
for making conclusions regarding small business viability in the ecotourism sector.
Conclusions regarding profitability are supported by information provided in interviews from ecotour-
ism business owners and from a limited amount of financial data collected. The owners provided
invaluable information that can only be obtained through years of concrete experience (see Appendix
D for the contact list). Further data collection is necessary in order to establish statistical relationships
and relevant benchmarks for this sector, but it is the judgment of the authors that it would be prema-
ture to seek out more statistical data at present. Ecolodges meeting international ecolodge standards
are presently just emerging into profitability after a four-to-five-year start-up period, and the lessons to
be learned at present will not be found by pursuing more statistically sound data.
For some ecotourism businesses participating in the study, complete financial data were not available
because of: 1) limitations in accounting and finance systems, or 2) unwillingness to share certain con-
fidential financial information. Nevertheless, it is the opinion of the authors that additional financial
data would not have changed the conclusions. Important business information was acquired from
each company by means of extensive phone interviews.
TABLE 3: Ecotourism Business Study Group
The ecolodge businesses studied are small in terms of and resources in training local staff. Training costs for
revenue generation, and the number of rooms and cli- those ecolodges working in more traditional communi-
ents. Fourteen of the 15 businesses surveyed generated ties are higher than for their competitors who are not
more than $100,000, but less than $3 million, annu- involved with local communities.
ally. The number of rooms averaged between 11 and Although marketing was identified as the area
35, and the number of clients handled by the majority that requires the most management attention, market-
of businesses reporting was between 501 and 2,000. ing costs were just 6-10 percent of operating costs,
Average occupancy rates ranged from 30 to 67 percent because of the low cost of Internet marketing. Ten of
annually, with peak season occupancy rates as high as the businesses successfully book FITs via the Internet
80 percent. as their primary source of business, with tour opera-
While the average daily rate for the ecolodge tors representing an important secondary source of
businesses studied ranges from $40 to $500 per night reservations. Many said that advertising and trade
per room, most are mid-priced, with 11 falling between shows were ineffective. The North American market
$61 and $200 per night per room. represents the overwhelming share of the ecotourism
market for the study group.
Triple bottom line strategies, which take into
Product Pricing (average daily rate) account environmental, social and economic sustain-
ability, were variable, with some businesses integrating
ECONOMICAL 2 them into all aspects of their operations, and others
(up to $60/day)
using more traditional philanthropic approaches.
MID-RANGE Although all owners are committed to using innovative
($61– $200/day) community and conservation approaches, none could
LUXURY quantify the impact of these strategies on the profit-
(greater than $200/day) 2
ability of their enterprise. A discussion of the triple
bottom line approaches used by the ecolodges studied
can be found online in the full study at
Personnel expenses, on average, make up
approximately 22 percent of total operating costs in
the businesses surveyed. Most business managers
Ownership, debt, and financing
said that personnel costs in the developing world are Of the 15 businesses surveyed, private owners own 100
lower than in the developed world. On average, the percent equity in four cases and communities hold
ecolodge businesses have 1.89 staff per room. Nearly 100 percent equity in four cases, with the remainder
all ecolodge businesses indicated that they place a mix of equity held between owners, the community
a high priority on employing members of the local and investors. Eight of the businesses are using some
communities in the areas where they operate, and form of debt to finance their operations from a variety
community employment averages 81 percent for the of sources, including standard market rate loans,
lodges. Although almost none of the ecolodges could no-interest loans from private sources, a debt swap
identify the amount of funds invested in training, most concessionary loan, and market rate loans from three
mentioned that they had invested considerable time separate green funds. For those in the study group that
received loans for start-up, the average loan size was In terms of start-up costs, profitability and oper-
approximately $220,000. Expansion and improvement ating costs, the majority of the businesses started with
loans were smaller, averaging approximately $81,000. less than $500,000, while the minority started at or
Interest rates varied widely from 0 to 12 percent, and above $1 million. The average cost per room was ap-
maturities ranged from 5 to 15 years. proximately $58,000. Costs provided did not account
Most study participants were concerned about for the amount of time and “sweat equity” invested by
borrowing during the start-up phase, since it takes ecolodge owners. Community equity arrangements for
approximately three to five years to reach profitabil- construction also significantly lowered start-up costs.
ity, and servicing the debt would place substantial
pressure on the cash flow. The managers of several
ecotourism businesses that have reached profitability In 2002, 10 of the 15 ecotourism businesses surveyed
felt they were now bankable and had either sufficient were profitable, although the degree of profitability
collateral or personal resources to meet local banks’ varied among the group, and exact data are missing
credit and lending criteria. Most mentioned that local for 3 businesses. For the purposes of this study, the
dollar interest rates were too high (10–12%) and were profitability margin was used to measure profitability.
unaffordable. This indicator measures the degree of profitability
Those owners who expressed interest in future as a percent of sales that goes to bottom line profits
debt financing said their needs were for infrastructure (profits/sales). The profitability margin for the 8 eco-
improvements (walkways and towers), expansions to tourism businesses that provided financial information
room capacity, and equipment such as boats, engines ranged from minus 3 percent to 26 percent (see Figure
and generators. No ecolodge mentioned the need for 3). For these 8 businesses, the average profitability
short-term financing for working capital, because most margin was 12 percent. Taxes, depreciation and finance
clients pay in advance. charges are the expenditures that produce the differ-
ence between operating and profit margins.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Comparing the degree of profitability among different The diversity of marketing approaches, product
size businesses poses several problems in terms of offerings and financial structures among success-
defining which business is more profitable and what ful ecolodges clearly demonstrates that there is no
factors have influenced this profitability. Profitability one business model or recipe for success. There are
can be measured in terms of percentages or gross numerous factors that influence ecolodge profitability,
dollar amounts. Also, one particular year may not be including the amount of time in business; externali-
a good indicator of a business’ past performance, or a ties such as the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the
good predictor of future profitability. Using the profit- subsequent “war on terror”; infectious diseases, such
ability margin alone does present issues and potential as SARS; natural disasters; the reputation of the desti-
distortions. For example, one ecotourism business nation; the cost and financing structure; management
could realize net profits of $10,000 and another and marketing capabilities; and partnerships
$1 million, but the former could have a higher profit- and synergies.
ability margin. Nevertheless, there are several key factors that
Figure 4 categorizes the ecotourism businesses have a clear impact on whether or not a particular
studied in terms of how sustainable their profitability ecolodge will be profitable. (See Box 3 for a checklist of
may be. The authors evaluated both objective and sub- ecolodge business essentials.) Each factor identified in
jective elements of sustainability to classify the study this box must exist to some extent to ensure profit-
group into the following broad categories: ability, and they are all dynamically interconnected
• DYNAMIC : Ecolodges that have been profitable over the and linked to one another. While ecolodges that lack
last two or more years and demonstrate a strong probability these characteristics have a lower chance of becoming
that profitability will continue into the future. sustainable over the long run, it is also true that suc-
• EMERGING : Ecolodges that have just reached profit- cessful ecolodges may be stronger in some areas than
ability or are expected to reach profitability in the near others, and that some ecolodges might fulfill nearly all
future. these criteria and still be unprofitable. Key factors for
• PRECARIOUS : Ecolodges that are struggling to reach profitability include:
profitability and may have issues relating to the viability of • DESTINATION : The destination where the ecolodge
their business model. is located must be attractive to the ecotourism market, in
Several businesses in the precarious category terms of the charisma of the natural or wildlife attraction;
would have been categorized as “emerging” before the good government policies that foster local businesses, pro-
events of September 11, 2001. mote ecotourism and cover some of the costs for preserving
This snapshot of the financial sustainability the environment and providing local infrastructure; and
of the ecolodges studied provides a good indication of the international media’s interest in the area as expressed
the present status of the ecolodge industry and lodges through magazine, television and newspaper coverage. New
that have survived after the first ten years in locations that are not part of these established destinations
the marketplace. often have a long road to profitability, since they alone
have little chance of developing a rapport with this highly
Precarious demanding developed world market.
FIGURE 4: Ecotourism 27% Precarious
Business Sustainability • VALUE : Successful ecolodges are those capable of
distinguishing themselves from their competition in ways
that make their product more attractive and make clients
perceive that they are receiving more value for their ecotour-
22 ECOLODGES 2004 ism dollar. The key is to compete not just on price but also
on value, in terms of design, facilities, location, wildlife • ACCESS TO CAPITAL : Most ecolodges surveyed used
resources and services compared to similar lodges or destina- a creative combination of multiple sources of capital to
tions worldwide. finance their ecolodge start-ups, a strategy that requires a
• INTERPRETATION AND OTHER ACTIVITIES : certain level of management sophistication and tenacity to
Being located in a recognized destination is not sufficient put together. Financing structures that allow for longer term
for success. Management must also be able to translate return on investment perspectives and have a low amount
available attractions, such as unique species or cultural of leverage (debt) appear to be a common characteristic of
experiences, into distinctive experiences and activities with profitable ecolodges. Patient investor capital with realistic
high-quality interpretation. Educating clients about environ- expectations for their return horizon and relatively small
mental and social responsibility projects and their benefits is debt service payments to total cash flow both contribute to
an important element in increasing client satisfaction and a more sustainable financial structure when equity or debt
loyalty, as is creating an emotional relationship between financing is involved.
the client and the ecolodge and its projects. Other factors
that enhance visitor experience include high-quality food, Other factors that might contribute
knowledgeable and personable guides, and comfortable ac-
to profitability
commodations. In addition to the key factors listed above, a number
• ACCESSIBILITY : Although there are exceptions, the of other characteristics found in some successful
accessibility of an ecolodge generally impacts the cost of its ecolodges may contribute to the overall financial
product and determines the size of its client market. The viability of these lodges. These factors are summarized
additional time and money required to visit ecolodges with below:
difficult access may be a disincentive to some travelers, • Business models that have the active involvement of an
particularly those from the United States, who tend to have owner/entrepreneur at start-up have a greater chance
shorter vacation time than Europeans. Ecolodge operators, of success.
who are on daily commercial flight schedules with easy con- • There is evidence that an ecolodge associated with a larger
nections to international flights, have a clear advantage over ecotourism business has a greater likelihood of being sustain-
others with less reliable air service. An ecolodge’s geographic able than a lodge that operates in isolation because of the
location and accessibility relative to other attractions in the advantages of synergies, economies of scale, knowledge
country or region also influence travelers’ decisions. transfer and linkages to larger markets.
• MANAGEMENT : Successful ecolodge managers have a • Design plays a role in profitability. Ecolodges that have
healthy balance of passion for the business, combined with aesthetic and practical accommodations and complement
the right mix of technical skills and vision. Good managers and enhance the natural experience and local environment
can manage marketing, finances, logistics, human resources are doing well.
and other systems in an integrated and efficient manner. For • Ecolodges that are built faster tend to be more profitable,
ecolodges, the ability to market the product and diversify the perhaps because efficiency in construction is an indicator of
client base with a relatively small marketing budget is a key business viability.
management requirement. Although ecotourism businesses, • There seems to be no clear relationship between the size of
which have matured from an “entrepreneurial” start-up an ecolodge, the room rate, the occupancy rate, and profit-
phase to a more professionally managed business, are better ability.
prepared to grow the business to sustainable levels, this • Lodges that take an integrated and focused approach to
professionalization should be balanced with the creativity, environmental and social sustainability are convinced that
enthusiasm and innovation that characterized these busi- they benefit economically from a triple bottom line business
nesses in the start-up phase. approach; this linkage merits further study. 23
Box 3:
Ecolodge Business Essentials:
What Makes a Successful Ecolodge?
Although there is no single magic formula for a profitable ecolodge, the most successful share a num-
ber of key characteristics. Ideally, an ecolodge should:
• be no more than one hour from a local airport that has reasonable connections to an
international gateway.
• be launched by individual entrepreneurs with an understanding of business, local construction,
customs, natural history, interpretation and guiding, and community development, and who are
willing to commit significant personal sweat equity during the start-up, while developing profes-
sional management over time.
• be constructed in no more than one year and cost just under $60,000 per room.
• have sufficient capital to cover start-up shortfalls during the four-to-five-year break-even period.
• have a business plan, with expansion of new lodge facilities thought through in terms of capital
and land required.
• be staffed by community members, with just under two staff per room.
• offer long-term community member programs to develop well-trained staff with foreign language
skills, and to promote the spin-off of a variety of well-managed, small microenterprises.
• keep marketing costs as low as 10 percent of operating costs through effective utilization of word of
mouth, public relations, strategic alliances and the Internet as a primary source of information to
the market.
• understand the source markets that drive ecotourism in the region, do not depend on advertising,
and devote significant owner/partner/staff time to niche marketing.
• have, as its primary attraction, wildlife that is nearby, viewable, and is explained by qualified,
skilled guides who know natural history and are fluent in the languages of the visitors.
• be part of a multilodge development model by one ecotourism business with the advantage of dis-
tributing marketing costs among more than one product, offering additional services and products
to individual clients, and diversifying risk.
Ecolodge owners have found that traditional banks in Although it could be argued that certain ecolodge
their countries rarely understand the tourism indus- businesses are unprofitable because they did not have
try as a whole and do not understand the business feasible business models and are missing one or
models of ecolodges located in remote and less more of the factors discussed above, it is also impor-
accessible areas of the country. Often, banks do not tant to examine how many failed because they lacked
have operations in those areas and are unwilling to one critical element. Understanding these critical
expand. Another problem is that banks tend to be hurdles is very instructive for any future ecolodge
unable to think beyond a traditional banking loan development strategy.
structure that relies on collateral rather than cash flow One of the key hurdles to viability is the ability
and business viability. Ecolodges lack good collateral, to continually finance operations during the start-up
as their assets are seen as difficult to convert to cash phase, in order to get through the long lag time from
and, therefore, have little value in the event of foreclo- when the product is offered and when clients actually
sure. The short-term nature of traditional loans does travel, as well as the time necessary to increase rec-
not work well with the long lag time (an average of ognition and reputation in the marketplace. Because
five years) between start-up and profitability for many many ecolodge developers are trained on the job,
lodges. Banks are also often unable to measure or they often need help in several key areas, including
understand ecolodge business approaches, and tend producing financial statements, developing financial
to take no account of the importance of triple bottom projections and business plans, and obtaining inter-
line business approaches. Banks also tend to give little national market data. Other key needs include dedi-
credence to crucial business survival tools, such as cated resources for staff training, assistance with solar
niche marketing that does not include costly advertis- energy, composting toilets, and solid waste disposal,
ing approaches. and other sustainability consulting services, which are
From a traditional banking and investment rarely available locally.
perspective, there are a number of risks associated
with ecolodges that might deter investment in these
enterprises. These risks include vulnerability to exter-
nalities outside the control of the business, such as WHAT KIND OF TECHNICAL
terrorism, political upheaval, health concerns, gov- ASSISTANCE DO ECOLODGES
ernment policies and economic downturns, and the
complexity of nontraditional ownership structures that Effective development of profitable ecolodges will
may include local communities. The fact that most require a comprehensive technical assistance and
ecolodges earn in U.S. dollars also presents risks, as development strategy to meet the needs of businesses
the devaluation of the dollar relative to local currencies operating in remote, underdeveloped settings. Surveys
can increase local costs relative to fixed room prices. of successful ecolodge companies and managers
Finally, for equity investors, there are no real exit reveal that lodges most need technical assistance in
strategy options, since these businesses do not have market studies and business systems, as well as in
access to capital markets.
accounting, financial statements, business planning, them expand and replicate their business models, and
assistance with finding investment capital, financial incentives and technical assistance to successful local
projections, and new technologies for energy, waste, lodge owners and tour operators to expand their prod-
sewage and water. While some of the basic needs, uct offerings to include a sustainable ecolodge.
such as accounting, can be met locally, more sophis- A global ecolodge development strategy would
ticated technical assistance needs, such as business involve further study to identify the best locations for
plans for investment capital, market studies and niche ecolodge development, based on attractive and ac-
marketing approaches, triple bottom line approaches, cessible wildlife resources, relatively underdeveloped
guide training, and advice on new technology systems, natural areas, sound political policies and frameworks,
may need to come from outside the country. While protected local land rights, a culture that values nature
local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can be and wildlife, and easy access from key ecotourism
useful in contributing to community training, commu- markets. In addition, entrepreneurs could be identified
nity development planning, and environmental through ecolodge investment workshops or mentor-
impact assessment and monitoring, private sector ship programs. Box 4 provides a checklist of ecolodge
ecolodge survey participants reported limited NGO assistance approaches for donors. Ecolodge develop-
capacity to assist with business needs, with most ment has been successful as a conservation and sus-
agreeing that NGOs are not well-equipped to assist tainable development tool, largely thanks to the efforts
with ecolodge development. of private entrepreneurs — individuals in developing
Technical assistance efforts for ecolodges countries who have a genius for private business in
should rely on individuals with existing private sector difficult environments. Finding the next generation
expertise in developing financial statements, busi- of such individuals and providing them with techni-
ness plans and financing packages. These individuals cal support will be crucial to the future success of the
should understand and be skilled at creating strategic ecolodge sector.
alliances and developing niche market strategies; have
an understanding of the unique logistical, techni-
cal, management and community relations needs of
ecolodges; understand the fundamental importance
of training and hiring community members and
maintaining a highly qualified guide corps; and have
a proven ability to develop effective and high-quality
wildlife viewing and conservation programs.
A business mentorship program that relies
on successful businesses and skilled consultants to
help foster the development of new lodges and the
expansion of existing businesses is one way to provide
this assistance. Other approaches might include the
development of innovative mechanisms to encourage
long-term business relationships between private tour
operators and ecolodges, technical and financial as-
sistance to successful ecotourism businesses to help
Box 4:
Ecolodge Assistance Approaches
Donors seeking to support ecolodges as a form of sustainable development will have a greater
likelihood of positive outcomes using the following approaches:
• Targeting locations that can be reached efficiently and cost-effectively from domestic airports via
daily connections from international gateways, or evaluating the feasibility of providing such ser-
• Targeting countries that have attracted media attention and have viewable, charismatic wildlife, or
evaluating the prospects of attracting such media attention with communications professionals;
• Targeting countries that are not yet saturated, but are close to already existing hubs for ecotour-
ism — such as Nicaragua and Panama for Costa Rica; Bolivia for Peru and Ecuador; India and Sri
Lanka for Nepal; Malaysia and Vietnam for Thailand; and Namibia and Zambia for South Africa;
• Undertaking professional inbound market demand surveys with statistically valid sample sizes in
target gateways for FITs and group tour travelers, and researching key market supply channels in
origin markets;
• Providing business mentorship assistance using experienced ecolodge professionals for
targeted regions;
• Recognizing the additional challenges of running triple bottom line ecolodge enterprises, support-
ing established “senior” ecotourism businesses with incentives, loans and grants to expand their
businesses, partner with local lodges, and develop a variety of junior enterprises, both with local
entrepreneurs and communities;
• Undertaking business investment seminars in cooperation with tourism boards or ministries to
identify promising local entrepreneurs and leverage local investment;
• Qualifying and training banking organizations to provide loans; and
• Reviewing the capacity of local NGOs and the local academic community to assist with commu-
nity training and environmental monitoring
Depending on how they are designed, con- boat engines, can benefit a company’s bottom line by
structed and operated, ecolodges can have wide-ranging lowering construction and operating costs. Ecolodges
positive and negative impacts on the surrounding biodi- are also a good way to promote the use of green archi-
versity and local communities. While a well-designed, tectural design and low-impact construction.
well-run lodge can have tremendous benefit for local What distinguishes ecolodges from other
areas, a poorly planned and run lodge can have seri- accommodations that may also follow good environ-
ous negative costs for both the environment and mental practices, however, is that many of them have
local people. gone a step further and made proactive conservation
investments in land and research projects, or devel-
oped creative partnerships with local communities to
fund the conservation of endangered species. In some
cases, ecolodges have leased or purchased surround-
There are two basic ways in which ecolodges can ing or nearby land to establish private nature reserves
contribute to conservation and community develop- or wildlife management areas, in order to generate
ment: one passive and one active. The mere presence income and preserve habitats. These reserves may be
of accommodations in or near natural settings can operated by commercial or nonprofit organizations.
provide a crucial component for the growth of nature- Such reserves supplement public protected areas, help
based tourism and increase incentives and resources to broaden the range of habitats, and serve as wildlife
for conserving biodiversity and promoting responsible corridors.
development in an area. At the same time, ecolodges Ecolodges and other nature-based tourism can
can also make proactive direct financial or other also generate financing for public parks and conserva-
types of contributions, such as providing nature tion efforts through mechanisms such as taxes that
guides, using low-impact construction and renewable support conservation at a national scale, or entry fees
energy, creating private reserves or developing com- that help support management of a particular park or
munity infrastructure. attraction. In some cases, expanded tourism develop-
ment in an area, which can result from the construc-
tion of an ecolodge, has led to the enactment of laws
Environmental Benefits
and policies designed to funnel support directly into
Through the use of responsible materials and practices natural resources and local communities around
in their day-to-day operations, ecolodges can minimize that area. The revenues generated by ecotourism can
their impact on the surrounding environment. Some further benefit biodiversity conservation by raising
of these measures may also be of financial benefit to awareness among local communities and government
the enterprise. For example, the use of eco-efficiency officials, changing public attitudes toward conserva-
business approaches and materials, including natu- tion, and providing a strong economic justification to
ral construction materials, environmentally friendly preserve natural areas, rather than convert them to
insecticides, composting toilets, renewable resources alternative uses such as crop or pasture land.
such as solar energy, and efficient and low-polluting
Ecolodges and ecotourism can also benefit
biodiversity indirectly, by giving local people economic
alternatives to encroachment in conservation areas.
Financing for community projects, employment, and The construction of ecolodges in
income-generating opportunities for local people can remote areas also presents a number of challenges to
help foster sustainable sources of livelihood for people conservation and community development. If lodges
who live in geographically remote and agriculturally do not follow the principles and sound practices
marginal lands. of ecotourism, they can have negative impacts on
biodiversity in the surrounding areas, for example, by
taming and keeping wild animals in captivity, dump-
Community benefits ing untreated sewage, neglecting to recycle or properly
Local communities can earn revenue from an ecolodge dispose of waste materials, wasting energy and water
business, for example, as full or partial owners of the resources, and generating air and noise pollution.
lodge. In such cases, the community may choose to Community benefits may be minimal if lodges
manage and operate the lodge itself or to enter into a do not promote stakeholder participation, including
management agreement where a private sector partner the employment and training of local people, local
manages and operates the lodge. The community may ownership, purchase of food, crafts and other sup-
also earn revenue by charging fees to an ecotourism plies from local vendors, or the opportunity for local
operator for the use of its land or for access to certain people to use or learn about their facilities and natural
people or sites, or by entering into a build, operate and resources. In some cases, the failure to include local
transfer (BOT) agreement, whereby a private sector people may lead to conflict or confrontation within
ecotourism operator pays to build and operate a lodge communities. Poor employment and management
on community land. In a BOT agreement, which often practices can also damage relations between the busi-
includes employment and training benefits, the com- ness and communities.
munity will assume ownership of the property at some The relationship between visitors and local
established date in the future. people can become strained if there are no resources
Other benefits include employment of commu- available to educate visitors about local customs and
nity members, increased leadership skills as a result norms, or if guides are uninformed about the local
of decision-making responsibilities, reinvestment of area and/or are not properly trained in how to manage
ecolodge profits into social projects such as schools cultural exchanges with guests.
and clinics, development of ancillary The logical framework (logframe) methodology
income-generating activities, such presented in Appendix A of this document provides
as selling consumable goods a model for how to identify, monitor and evaluate the
and artisan crafts to the particular positive and negative impacts of a specific
lodge, and increased ecolodge. The Appendix contains a shortened ver-
access to grants, dona- sion of the logframe; for the full version, see the study,
tions and other types of Ecolodge Footprint and Justification for Biodiversity Con-
financial assistance. servation, at
appendix a:
• Determine source and origin of C. Economic Sustainability
construction materials • Assess contracts awarded during construc-
• Assess staff and contractor awareness tion for pay and benefits
• Assess impacts of lodge on visual • Assess percentage of local suppliers, ser-
landscape vices and materials used in construction to
• Assess impact of use of lighting minimize imported products
devices on site • Assess wage levels of local versus
• Assess extraction and collection of water non-local labor
and water conservation methods • Monitor construction costs and timetable
• Assess impacts of unnatural noise at site against budget and projections
• Assess rate and type of use of fuels • Identify staff needs, develop and implement
and chemicals local training programs
• Measure emissions from equipment • Create management team
• Assess purchasing, production, use, • Create marketing strategy
recycling and disposal practices of materials • Create system for continually monitoring
and supplies market and political climate
• Assess drainage techniques • Create systems for monitoring visitor
• Assess impact of storm water on site satisfaction with lodge
• Assess discharge of wastewater and
effluent system 3. OPERATIONAL PHASE
• Assess use of energy-saving renewable A. Ecological Sustainability
energy equipment and techniques • Assess impacts of lodge on visual
• Assess use of transport for various tasks landscape
• Assess interaction between staff/clients • Assess impact of use of lighting devices
and wildlife on site
• Avoid areas of dense vegetation or • Assess extraction and collection of water
primary forest • Assess implementation of water
• Use endemic species whenever possible conservation measures
• Undertake wildlife viewing in manner that • Assess impacts of unnatural noise at the
avoids ongoing repeated, regular and site
sustained disturbance • Assess rate and type of use of fuels
B. Socio-Cultural Sustainability and chemicals
• Assess number of local versus non-local • Measure emissions from equipment
labor • Assess purchasing, production, use,
• Assess levels of satisfaction of labor regard- recycling and disposal practices of materials
ing worker rights and supplies
• Assess wage levels • Assess drainage techniques
• Assess evidence of worker rights being • Assess impact of storm water on site
included in labor contract • Assess discharge of wastewater and
• Assess satisfaction of labor in regards to effluent system
worker rights • Assess use of energy-saving renewable
energy equipment and techniques
• Assess use of transport for various tasks • Pre-trip/tour/activity material for
• Assess changes in biodiversity distribution, reflecting:
• Assess interaction between staff/clients and • natural values of the area
flora/fauna • the activity
• Identify ways in which lodge supports con- • interpretative/educative provided
servation within and/or beyond site • care codes/codes of conduct.
• Assess use of natural areas around lodge
• Assess skills and knowledge of staff about
conservation and the environment
• Assess skills and performance of local
• Assess satisfaction of visitors regarding
interpretation program
• Assess accuracy of interpretation materials
B. Socio-Cultural Sustainability
• Review and assess lodge’s register of cur-
rent legislation and compliance records
• Assess whether community is benefiting
from direct or indirect employment by the
• Assess whether community is benefiting
socially, directly or indirectly, from the lodge
• Assess community perceptions and con-
cerns about impacts lodge has had on their
• Assess efforts of lodge’s operator and staff
to minimize impact on culture
C. Economic Sustainability
• Assess financial performance of lodge:
revenue, expenses, profit level, return on
investment, occupancy levels
• Assess visitor perceptions of quality of their
experiences at the lodge
• Assess marketing plan, system, and
materials, including:
• Promotional materials produced in
ecologically responsible manner
• Material reflecting natural values of region
visited, interpretative and educational
services, principles of ecotourism, steps to
prevent damage to environment or
community visited
appendix b:
Tiamo Resorts Rancho Mastatal
1 Selva Verde Lodge and Rainforest
Belize 15
duPloys Jungle Lodge
El Pescador
Rum Point Inn 6 3 Rivers Ecolodge
Saga Eco Camp Papillote Wilderness Retreat &
The Lodge at Big Falls Nature Sanctuary
The Lodge at Chaa Creek
Bolivia Black Sheep Inn
Planeta de Luz Cabaña Santa Rosa, Cabaña Cora-
1 zon (Fundacion Golondrinas)
Hacienda Don Juan, Tito Santos Dry
Brazil Forest Biological Reserve
Amazonat Jungle Lodge
Hacienda Primavera
Cristalino Jungle Lodge
Kapawi Lodge
Fazenda Rio Negro
Luna Runtun, The Adventure Spa
Juma Lodge
and Hotel
Perdras Negras Lodge
San Jorge Ecolodge
Pousada Ecologica Rancho
Tapir Lodge
Grande 8
Terra Verde Lodge
7 Egypt
China 1
Wenhai Ecolodge
Fiji Islands
Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji
Costa Rica Islands Resort
Arenal Observatory Lodge
Maravu Plantation and Beach
Cerro Escondido Lodge Resort
Delfin Amor Ecolodge
Matava, The Astrolabe
Ecolodge San Luis Hideaway
Finca Rosa Blanca Country Inn 3
Hacienda Baru
Hotel Valle Escondido Guatemala
Hacienda Tijax Jungle Lodge
La Laguna del Lagarto Ecolodge 1
La Mariposa Hotel
Luna Lodge Guyana
Baganara Island Resort
Magsasay Lodge, Hacienda Pozo 1
Nacientes Palmichal Honduras
Pacuare Lodge The Lodge at Pico Bonito
1 This appendix summarizes the 106 lodges that completed a written survey made by TIES. As part of this survey, TIES contacted 423 ecolodges, nature-
based lodges, and sm�
Finca Esperanza Verde in Nicaragua, Lapa Rios in Costa Rica, Karnataka Ecolodge in Western Ghats, India, and Chalalan Ecolodge in Bolivia.
India Micronesia
Apani Dhani Kosrae Village
Green Magic Nature Resort 1
The Pimenta, Haritha Farms
Mayuram Farm at Thenkasi
4 Kasbah du Toubkal
Indonesia Mozambique
Bajo Komodo Ecolodge
Mchenga Nkwichi Lodge
Menjangan Jungle and
Beach Resort 1
Sua Bali
Wakatobi Dive Resort Nepal
4 Chitwan Jungle Lodge
Tiger Mountain Pokhara
Jamaica Lodge
Zion Country Beach Cabins 2
Hotel Mocking Bird Hill
2 Netherlands
Kenya Ecolodge Rendez-Vous
Campi ya Kanzi El Momo Cottages
Cottar’s 1920’s Mara Safari 2
Diamond Beach Village Club De Golf Turistico, Hotel
Galdessa Camps Campestre
Il Ngwesi Lodge Hostal Casa De Campo
Loisaba Sierra Llorona Panama
Malewa River Lodge 3
Mombasa Serena Beach Hotel
Ol Donyo Wuas, Chyulu Hills Peru
Richard Bonh Explorer’s Inn/Peruvian Safaris
Rekero Heliconia Amazon River Lodge
11 La Posada Lodge/Jungle
Laos Posada Amazonas/Tambopata
The Boat Landing Guesthouse
1 Reserva Amazonica
Madagascar Philippines
Bush House El Nido Resorts
1 1
Malaysia Saint Vincent
Sepilok Lodge
Petit Byahaut
Sukau Rainforest Lodge 1
Hotel Eco Paraiso Xixim
Villa Calmecac Ecotouristic
appendix c:
South Africa
Djuma Game Reserve
(Vuyatela, Bush Lodge)
Oudrif Farm
Tshukudu Game Lodge
the following case studies
Wilderness Safaris examine in more detail four of the ecotourism businesses
4 studied for this report. These case studies are meant to
Sri Lanka illustrate both the business case and the environmen-
Ranweli Holiday Village tal and social impact issues discussed in this report.
The first two case studies on Rainforest Expeditions of
Tanzania Peru and Turtle Island Resort of Fiji focus on market
Chumbe Island Coral Park
1 information, business practices and success factors
that have made these two businesses financially viable.
Thailand The second two case studies on Finca Rosa Blanca of
Khao Yai Garden Lodge
Lisu Lodge Costa Rica and Campi ya Kanzi of Kenya focus on the
2 environmental and social practices that have proven
effective and sustainable for these two businesses.
& Tobago The difference in the two types of case studies is
Cuffie River Nature Retreat only for illustrative purposes, highlighting particular
Man O War Bay Cottages aspects of each lodge. This does not mean that the
first two businesses are not environmentally and
United Arab socially sustainable, or that the second two are not
Emirates financially viable.
Al Maha Desert Resort
Campamento Rio de Agua
Hacienda Aguasana
Chizarira Lodge
Founded in 1992 by Peruvian entrepreneurs Eduardo see harpy eagles and nests, giant river otters, capybara
Nycander and Kurt Holle, Rainforest Expeditions (RFE) and an abundant array of other rainforest mammals
seeks to provide authentic educational experiences and birds in a pristine habitat.
that support the conservation of the areas in which The 30-room Posada Amazonas lodge, which
it operates. The company manages two lodges along opened in 1998, is located just 1.5 hours upriver from
the Tambopata River in the Peruvian Amazon: Posada the closest commercial airport in Puerto Maldonado.
Amazonas and The Tambopata Research Center The lodge was built in partnership with the Infierno
(TRC). The Tambopata watershed is one of the most Native Community on community land in the buffer
biodiverse regions on the planet, and there is no hunt- zone of the uninhabited Tambopata National Reserve
ing near either lodge, which makes wildlife viewing (TNR), part of a 3.7-million-acre conservation corridor
unusually good for a rainforest destination. The area’s in southeastern Peru. The 13-room TRC, which has
viewable wildlife diversity is satisfying both to new- been under RFE management since 1989, is a five-
comers and to the most experienced naturalists and hour journey upriver from Puerto Maldonado, within
birders in the world. The clay licks that attract dozens the TNR. The TRC doubles as a research station for
of macaws and hundreds of parrots almost daily are scientists and volunteers studying an adjacent macaw
major attractions at both lodges. It is also possible to clay lick.
RATES : $95 per night for a two-night minimum, including all transfers from Puerto Maldo-
nado, a full itinerary of guided activities and food.
STAFFING : 21 staff in high season, 17 in low season, not including guides. All except the man-
ager are from the community.
OCCUPANCY : Average occupancy in 2001 and 2002 was 49 percent. This is based on
73 percent occupancy in the high season, 50 percent in the shoulder seasons, and 25 percent in
the low season.
INCLUDED ACTIVITIES : Canopy tower overlook for early morning views, bird watching, half-
day oxbow lake trip with giant river otter viewing, parrot clay licks viewing from blinds, guided
walks with small monkey viewing. Cultural interactions with the local community include
ethnobotanical walks and visits to small farms.
AT A GLANCE : Tambopata Research Center
RATES : $145 per night for two nights at Posada Amazonas (a necessary stopover point) and
four nights at TRC, including all transfers from Puerto Maldonado, a full itinerary of guided
activities, a park entry fee and food. Packages for one night at TRC are 18 percent more, and two
to three nights are 9 percent above the base price.
INCLUDED ACTIVITIES : Visits to the largest-known macaw clay lick with research scien-
tists and guides, visits to macaw nesting sites with guides, and guided walks on extensive trails
in seven distinct habitats found in easy walking distance. Bird diversity is extremely high and
excellent for casual or serious bird watching.
Target market: RFE’s clientele is 50 percent free and European market and adding more guides with
independent, 30 percent from international tour opera- German language ability. The large majority (more
tors, and 20 percent from local operators. than 65 percent) of clientele are middle class, with
incomes ranging from $50,000 to $100,000 per year.
Current visitor composition: Guests come from all The company is also pursuing expansion strategies.
over the world, with the largest number, 40 percent,
from the United States. Other major markets include
Europe (30 percent), Canada (10 percent), Australia (5
percent) and Peru (5 percent).
Selling propositions: One hundred percent of clients According to RFE, Peruvian policies and legal systems
who come to Posada Amazonas and TRC are inter- for protected areas are the most advanced in Latin
ested in wildlife and general scenery. Of these, 10 America, and there has been increased attention to
percent are also interested in indigenous culture and 5 appropriate licensing and concessions for tourism
percent in birding. operations within Peruvian reserves. The RFE own-
ers predict that the protected area system of Peru
Market potential: RFE has achieved an annual average will have tourism plans and concession systems
growth rate of 10 percent, even in 2001/2002, when completed within the next decade, and some tour-
global travel markets suffered after the September ism concessions are already available. RFE considers
11, 2001, attacks on the United States. Prospects this to be an excellent business opportunity for the
for future growth are as high as 20 percent per year. company, which is highly experienced working within
Although the company has focused on the American protected areas. Outside of the protected area system,
market in the past, in 2004 they are targeting the there is no zoning or land planning, leaving ecolodge
developers vulnerable to development such as ranch- Triple Bottom Line Methodologies
ing, logging or mining operations that can destroy or RFE incorporates a number of environmental and
seriously damage natural assets upon which ecolodges social programs in its operations, including:
depend. Ecolodge investors and business owners • Support for the research station at TRC, with five
depend on the protection of natural assets as part of researchers, at a cost of approximately $10,000
their business plans. The lack of land planning in Peru per year.
is a serious impediment to ecolodge development • A profit sharing and management agree-
outside of the natural reserves in Peru. ment with the local community of Infierno for
Posada Amazonas. A fundamental concept
of the project is shared participation in the
decision-making process. Work procedures,
BUSINESS MODEL infrastructure, project policies, marketing strate-
RFE is a specialty tour operator based in Lima, Peru, gies, and itinerary development are all designed
that handles both custom and standardized depar- and approved by both Rainforest Expeditions
tures to Peru’s leading ecotourism attractions. The and the community, as represented by its ten-
company is 100-percent-owned by Holle and Nycander, member Ecotourism Committee. Outcomes
who are also the managers. They have an informal of this approach, as documented by outside
horizontal management structure in Lima, and there is researchers, are as follows:
a high degree of collaboration with staff. The company • Community members are increasingly aware
heavily stresses the development of talented quality of their status as partners; everyday discourse
guides and devotes one month of training time per reveals a sense of ownership.
year to upgrade existing guide skills and train new • The Ecotourism Committee is taking an
guides. There is a transparent system of promot- increasingly active approach to decision-
ing guides from the ranks based on merit, and extra making, and deals with hiring, solving staff
training is given to guides who receive the best ratings problems and implementing certain itinerary
from guests. improvements.
Posada Amazonas was built in partnership with • Catalyzed by the tangible success of Posada
the local community of Infierno, which owns 100 per- Amazonas, the community is forming com-
cent of the land and infrastructure. Financing for the mittees to lead education, handicraft, cultural
lodge infrastructure came primarily from a Peru-Can- rescue, agriculture and urbanization programs
ada Fund loan, complemented by sweat equity from in the community. Handicrafts, cultural rescue
RFE and the community. The MacArthur Foundation and education projects have already produced
also provided a grant to finance community training. economic and social benefits.
In 1998, a revenue-sharing agreement was negotiated, • Community members have been trained to
with full community participation, that gives the com- occupy all lodge positions, community products
munity of Infierno 60 percent of net revenues from of market quality and price are purchased by
the lodge until 2018. At that time, the community can the lodge, and cultural resources have gradu-
renegotiate a new management agreement with RFE, ally been incorporated into the tour programs.
undertake all lodge operations themselves, or contract • A full-time community outreach manager
with another management company. In 2003, RFE employed by the lodge to assist with community
received more than 5,000 visitors, and community development initiatives.
profits have been invested in projects such as schools, • Help in obtaining grants and outside support
in health services and community training projects. and technical guidance on the development of
crafts by the community as a micro enterprise,
Replicability of model
and purchasing these crafts for lodge gift shops. • Local owners/manager entrepreneurs: The owners’/
• Fostering of a variety of microenterprise ven- managers’ dedication and entrepreneurial business
tures by the community. approach are a key determinant of success for RFE.
• Hiring and training of community guides. These skills, complemented by a commitment to sus-
• Support of an ethnobotanical center with fees tainable community development and the cultivation
from daily guest visits. of native leadership, distinguish these entrepreneurs.
• Staff management: Staff contribute to all aspects of
decision-making, and are involved in ensuring that
SUCCESS FACTORS the company achieves positive outcomes to chal-
Even before RFE was established, Tambopata was an lenges. The use of transparent merit promotions
excellent rainforest destination with a high reputation for guides has built a corporate ladder that leads to
among naturalists. For a pristine rainforest destination, management
the ease of access is unparalleled. Travelers coming positions. The company management approach
to see Machu Picchu near Cuzco are just one hour resembles good company management worldwide,
away by a reliable, inexpensive commercial flight to and is highly replicable.
Puerto Maldonado. RFE offers high-quality guiding • Location: The Tambopata region is highly acces-
and interpretation, making it easy for guests to enjoy sible to travelers, and the selection of this location
the complex rainforest ecosystem. From an opera- is one of the most prominent success factors for the
tional standpoint, RFE offers highly efficient, well-run business. However, other businesses have failed to
systems to move their clients through their guided succeed in
programs, and they use customer feedback extensively this destination due to poor management or less
to improve operations. The company has used public effective guiding. Selecting accessible destinations
relations very effectively to win a market, and has a with highly viewable wildlife within protected areas is
very refined understanding of who its market is and a replicable strategy, but will depend on a good
how to market their experiences. enabling environment.
The owners of RFE have overcome considerable • Quality guiding: The company cash investment in
obstacles to success in the development of Posada guide training has not been large, due to many indi-
Amazonas, using an innovative finance structure that viduals providing in-kind training time, which may be
was not dependent on the owners’ own assets, and a difficult to replicate. The amount of corporate time
full partnership with an indigenous local community invested in planning and managing the training is
that had title to prime land with access to Puerto Mal- significant. The result is bankable, as quality guid-
donado and undisturbed rain forest. The company’s ing appears to be a highly competitive asset for an
location and quality service has led to almost instant ecolodge that will distinguish it for consumers in the
success, and therefore the barriers to success relate marketplace. This strategy is replicable, but may cost
to expansion to meet the growing demand for RFE’s more for other companies.
product. Despite the success of their business model, • Community partnership: The 60 percent share of prof-
the owners comment that investment capital presents its given to the community in return for land equity
the greatest barrier to growth. Attracting investment and labor in building the lodge has paid significant
capital to finance expansion to other parts of Peru is dividends to RFE by ensuring that they have one of
especially difficult, because ecolodges, which by defini- the most well-protected and accessible sites on the
tion are small-scale operations, have higher operating Tambopata River, a sought-after destination. The
costs, and the return on investment for such facilities amount of up-front sweat equity invested by the own-
tends to be less attractive to investors. ers into establishing a quality relationship with the
community is incalculable and has led them to com- equity, community assets and limited personal capi-
ment that, as the business matures, such a strategy tal to finance the construction of Posada Amazonas.
would be difficult for them to undertake again due This financing structure, combined with their busi-
to the time commitment involved. This strategy is ness skills and community development approach,
replicable, but with many provisos. makes the partnership a very important model to
• Financing Structure: The RFE entrepreneurs found study. Expansions and improvements have been
creative and innovative ways to combine loans, sweat financed, for the most part, from business cash flow.
Turtle Island Resort, Fiji, was founded in 1980 by their land through native title. In 2000, Turtle Island
American business entrepreneur Richard Evanson. Resort launched an innovative program to support job
Evanson purchased the uninhabited island of Nanuya creation for local people living on neighboring islands.
Levu and relocated there in 1972, renaming it Turtle Three local villages were invited to become “social
Island Resort. In the late 1970s, Evanson began to entrepreneurs” and work with Turtle Island Resort
convert his island retreat into a five-star resort. Today, to establish lodges specifically for budget travelers.
Turtle Island Resort offers luxury accommodation to No-interest loans totaling $820,000 were provided to
up to 14 couples; all activities, meals and beverages three villages to launch the Safe Landing, Oarsman
are included. Bay and Sunset Resort lodges. Although Sunset Resort
Turtle Island Resort is located on an island in closed after only eight months (see below), Safe Land-
the Yasawas Island group. The island group is home to ing and Oarsman Bay have been successful ventures.
seven villages with 3,500 inhabitants, all of whom own
RATES : $1,975 per night all inclusive for bures (traditional two-room thatched cottaes)
($660 is the estimated food cost within this price).
INCLUDED ACTIVITIES : Diving, deep-sea fishing, sailing, swimming, wind surfing, sunset
cruises, kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving, scenic boat tours.
NATURAL ATTRACTIONS : 14 white sand beaches, hiking trails, tropical rainforest, mangrove
boardwalks, coral reefs, sea turtle release program.
CONSTRUCTION TIME : Founded in 2002, the lodge was built in six months.
FINANCING : The lodge received a $280,000 interest-free loan from Turtle Island Resort. The
loan is expected to be paid off in three years.
RATES : $80 per night, plus $20 for three meals. A mix of Fijian and international cuisine is
served, with bar service.
ACTIVITIES OFFERED : Paddle boats, snorkeling, hiking, village trips and volleyball.
CONSTRUCTION TIME : Founded in 2001, the lodge was built in nine months.
FINANCING : The lodge received a $400,000 interest-free loan from Turtle Island Resort.
$200,000 of this was repaid in 2002, and the remaining loan principal is expected to be paid in
several years.
Target market: The resort leadership has defined Selling propositions: The main features that attract visi-
its market for Safe Landing and Oarsman Bay as tors to Turtle Island Resort include accessible beaches,
“Richpackers,” whom they describe as high-income pristine reefs, indigenous cultures, undeveloped sce-
professionals willing to exchange luxury accommo- nic landscapes, and quality food and beverages.
dations for unique experiences. According to Turtle
Island Resort, these individuals spend more money on Market potential: Turtle Island Resort is seeking to
activities, such as scuba diving, than on nightly accom- grow by about 10 percent per year. As its current thirty-
modation. For Turtle Island Resort, these travelers are something market matures, the resort plans to invest
in their thirties and are stopping over in Fiji on flights in more comfortable amenities that will attract older
to and from Australia and New Zealand. travelers. The company will add new village-based
lodges as needed and is targeting Australia and the
Current visitor composition: The vast majority of visitors United Kingdom as the best markets for these lodges.
to Turtle Island Resort (75 percent) come from Europe
and the United Kingdom. Other main markets include
Australia and New Zealand (10 percent), and Canada
and the United States (10 percent).
Fiji receives approximately 500,000 visitors annually,
Marketing approach: Turtle Island Resort has wholly and government policies are attracting more operators,
owned marketing offices in both Australia and North more resort developers and international hotel chains.
America. The company targets the high-income An Environmental Management bill has recently been
honeymoon market in the 25–40 age group via public introduced in Parliament that will involve the govern-
relations and print advertising, and is targeting the ment taking more responsibility for environmental
ecolodge market by working with The International protection. However, there is no plan for a sustainable
Ecotourism Society. Turtle Island Resort provides tourism policy. The present tourism board approach
all-expense-paid five-night stays for journalists and is to sell Fiji as a “truly relaxing destination,” without
their spouses. The company also provides the Tikina highlighting its unique culture, heritage and envi-
Tourism Association with access to its customer data ronment. Local entrepreneurs, such as the owners
base and a grant to create brochures, to support the of Turtle Island Resort, continue to push for a more
Safe Landing and Oarsman Bay properties. sustainable tourism development approach.
Turtle Island Resort seeks to be regarded as one of the Turtle Island Resort has benefited from a visionary
leading ecotourism resorts in the world by providing entrepreneurial owner who understands that the local
a positive and unique guest experience. A high-end community is fundamental to the resort’s success.
resort on an exclusive island with world-class beaches The high-end, exclusive nature of Turtle Island Resort
and underwater natural environment, it is staffed by a has afforded it the profit margins to invest in philan-
team of people who share the resort’s commitment to thropic education and health initiatives, which have
high standards, while demonstrating a caring attitude won it many friends and respect internationally. The
toward the guests and each other. The leadership of philosophy of “Travellers Philanthropy,” which evolved
Turtle Island Resort comments that the strength and at Turtle Island Resort, has inspired the resort to
success of a lodge’s product, reputation and brand match community needs with client interest in contrib-
are, to a large extent, dependent on acceptance by the uting to local health and educational challenges. The
community in which it operates. The resort leader- development of Oarsman and Safe Landing ecolodges
ship has a well-articulated business philosophy and expands Turtle Island Resort into a new arena: sustain-
mission that revolves around the concept of corporate able economic development. The senior resort has
and social responsibility. Their interest in meeting provided the vision for the smaller enterprises, worked
community needs has evolved into an expansive set of through thorny issues with communities, provided
health and education programs, partly supported by marketing expertise, dollars and contacts, and helped
their guests. Turtle Island Resort has become a leading launch a destination marketing and stewardship initia-
proponent of “Traveller’s Philanthropy,” which they tive with the Tikina Tourism Association.
believe is a response to their guests’ desire to engage Turtle Island Resort has overcome a number
with and be committed to and empowered by of barriers to its success, including its entrepreneurs’
community needs, and to play a role in meeting some lack of patience for consultation with local commu-
of those needs. nities and failure to finalize agreements in writing
with local communities. In addition, there have been
Triple Bottom Line Strategies problems with local misinterpretation of the philan-
Turtle Island Resort’s many environmental and social thropic approach, where something is given without
programs include: any expectation of anything in return. Finally, political
• employment of local people; instability in Fiji, resulting in a coup d’etat in 2000,
• purchase of local goods, such as fish; presented challenges to the business.
• support for the Yasawas Community Foundation, There were also a number of problems with
which provides extensive health care and educa- Sunset Resort, the third of the village-owned lodges,
tion programs for local islanders; and the only one to close. The lodge was opened with
• permission for auditing of the social and a $140,000 interest-free loan from Turtle Island Resort.
environmental impacts of the resort by However, disputes within subclans about income-
independent experts, and launch of Green sharing relationships within the community and job
Globe 21 certification; entitlements led to the closing of the resort. Concerns
• support for a job creation program that helped were mainly about who would get jobs, who would be
establish the three separate locally owned bud- in charge, and the amount of money to be “instantly”
get resorts with $820,000 in no-interest loans; available for distribution to villagers before the loans
and were repaid. These disputes put long-term family
• creation of the Tikina Tourism Association, relationships at risk in the village where Sunset Resort
which offers support for local destination plan- was built. Negotiations between the village and Turtle
ning, marketing and guidelines. Island Resort management for future activities
have resumed.
Replicability of model
• Exclusivity of natural asset: Other resorts have used “Travellers’ Philanthropy”: This approach successfully
this model. It can be successfully replicated, but is introduces clients personally to community needs
limited to reasonably accessible destinations with and garners their support for health, education and
world-class natural assets, which can be purchased conservation programs. It may be hard to replicate
by private owners. in larger, less-expensive facilities, where an interper-
• High standards and caring attitude toward clients: sonal relationship between communities and clients
Delivering this amenity is a highly delicate art form becomes difficult to manage. Philanthropy programs,
and is dependent on the relationship among staff, managed by
owners and the neighboring communities. Service non-professionals, may also be perilous. Turtle Island
quality is directly linked to the quality of training and Resort has commented on the problem of raising
mentoring within the staff itself. suspicion in local communities by offering something
• High regard for relationship with the community: for nothing. Conversely, dependency problems can
The resort’s concern about community needs is sometimes emerge.
replicable, and its corporate emphasis on this • Job creation program: The resort has given $820,000
distinguishes Turtle Island Resort from many other in interest-free loans to help launch community
high-end resorts. lodges in cooperation with villagers. The challenge
for other resorts would be to have adequate capital
and time to expend on a similar project.
Finca Rosa Blanca Country Inn is Costa Rica’s top- gent and comprehensive certification programs for
rated ecolodge. Located in Santa Bárbara de Heredia, sustainable tourism. (Lapa Rios Ecolodge is the other
in the Central Valley just 15 minutes from San José’s “five-leaf” hotel.)
international airport, Rosa Blanca is surrounded by Rosa Blanca was built in 1985 by owners Glenn
the Irazú, Poás and Barva volcanoes. In 2003, Rosa and Teri Jampol, who are originally from the United
Blanca became one of only two hotels in the country States, but have made Costa Rica their permanent
to achieve the highest score of five “green leaves” in home. The Jampols and their two children live on
Costa Rica’s Certification for Sustainable Tourism the premises.
(CST), recognized worldwide as one of the most strin-
RATES : $175–$260 for double occupancy, depending on the room (single rates from $155–$240).
Price includes a full breakfast; a four-course dinner is $35. A 16.4 percent government tax is not
STAFFING : 19 employees, 17 of whom are from the local community. These positions include
six managers, four of whom are from the local community.
ACCOMMODATION INFRASTRUCTURE : Seven rooms and two villas, with a capacity of 33
people. The Rosa Blanca Suite (honeymoon suite) is located in a tower 40 feet above the ground,
which guests reach by climbing circular stairs built around a Cristóbal tree trunk. Odd-shaped
windows throughout enhance the sun-filled inn. The cathedral ceiling above the lounge area sets
the tone for the whitewashed stucco structure, with an atrium dominated by a soaring, floral-
motif beehive fireplace, masses of tropical plants and vivid jungle murals painted by local artists.
A spring-fed infinity pool, featuring a 12-foot cascading waterfall, is surrounded by gardens and
adjacent to an open-air game room/lounge and large hot-tub/Jacuzzi.
FOOD : “Nouvelle Costa Rican Cuisine,” using organic fruits, vegetables and coffee, all grown on
the premises.
OFFERED ACTIVITIES : Rosa Blanca has its own stables, where horses can be rented for rides
in the countryside, including the slopes of Barva Volcano. The inn also offers personalized guided
tours to many of the area’s national parks, cloud forests, biological rainforest reserves, botanical
gardens and butterfly farms. Bungie jumping, white-water rafting, bird-watching excursions to
Costa Rica’s best coffee producers, hikes into the Braulio Carillo National Park Cloud Forest and
visits to Poás and Irazú volcanoes are also offered.
NATURAL ATTRACTIONS : Located on 2.9 hectares (7.25 acres) in reforested gardens, Rosa
Blanca overlooks Costa Rica’s Central Valley and nearby volcanoes, as well as the capital, San
José. The inn’s gardens, wooded walkways, meditation areas and hiking paths attract a wide
variety of native birds and butterflies. One of the most popular destinations for day trips is
Barva Volcano, only 30 minutes from the inn and located within Braulio Carillo, Costa Rica’s
largest national park. Rosa Blanca has contributed to Parque Volcán Barva in a variety of ways,
and staff can arrange extraordinary tours and hikes of all categories within the park and to the
various lagoons of the crater. Along the trails, hikers can observe white-faced monkeys, red spider
monkeys, tapirs, larger wild cats, hummingbirds, the bonking bellbird, seven species of warblers,
and Costa Rica’s most treasured bird, the quetzal.
Rosa Blanca’s owners have always had a clearly articu- Water consumption at Rosa Blanca is con-
lated sustainability mission. As Glenn Jampol explains trolled in a number of ways, including the use of
on the inn’s website, “Since 1985, when we began our low-flow showerheads and tap aerators, and rainwater
project at Finca Rosa Blanca, we have always had one collection. Guests are encouraged to reuse linens and
important goal in mind: to leave the minimum pos- advised to minimize water use. The swimming pool’s
sible trace of our existence. Since the beginning of our water is cleaned with an environmentally benign cop-
adventure on this property, we have concentrated on per-silver ionization system, rather than chemicals.
an ambitious plan of recycling and regeneration, social The inn provides for careful handling and disposal
consciousness and education.” To ensure effective of solid waste and sewage and operates a controlled,
implementation of this plan, the inn has designed a inspected and biologically maintained septic system
manual that describes its sustainability mission and to avoid discharging directly into the environment.
policies, educates its employees on sustainability Gray water is regularly tested for quality, biodegradable
goals, and keeps a record of efforts to achieve cleaning chemicals are used, and refrigeration systems
these goals. do not use chlorofluorocarbons. The inn has a solar
hot water system.
Environmental policies and practices Though there is no solar electricity on site, the
Rosa Blanca was built in accordance with an environ- architectural design maximizes natural lighting. In
mental impact assessment, and systems are in place addition, all lighting is energy efficient and well-main-
to monitor environmental impacts on an ongoing tained, and staff is trained to minimize energy use.
basis. Glenn Jampol has become one of Costa Rica’s Recycling activities include total recycling of
leading experts on sustainable hotel construction. food waste to fertilizers with two systems: (1) feeding
The inn continuously participates in environmental and fertilizing coffee plants and vegetable gardens
improvement programs in the surrounding area and in directly, and (2) a custom-made composting area
other parts of the country. and vermiculture system that processes raw organic
The inn has a policy of limiting the number of waste. They also recycle non-organic waste, includ-
non-native plants, instead emphasizing the planting of ing glass and bottles, plastics, cardboard, metal and
local species, and avoids use of non-organic fertilizers, newspapers. Each room has recycling bins, and there
pesticides, and herbicides. The owners have reforested is a complete recycling zone on the grounds, located
and replanted their original 7.25 acres, which was below the horse stables.
originally heavily denuded cattle-grazing land, with
native species, including tropical flora and fruit trees, Social policies and practices
as well as organic coffee and vegetable gardens. Today The inn’s owners and staff work closely with both the
the property is covered with thousands of native and local community and the nearby Braulio Carillo and
tropical plants, including more than 300 fruit trees. Barva Volcano National Parks. During the early years,
Rosa Blanca received the first certification under a new several people from the park assisted the Jampols
Costa Rican program for sustainable coffee. with determining which species to plant to rejuvenate
The Jampols recently purchased an adjacent, the land and attract a wide variety of bird species. In
18-acre coffee plantation and are in the process of return, Rosa Blanca has assisted the park in a variety
converting it to certified organic coffee. With the help of ways, including paying for telephone lines and pub-
of the local electric company, Costa Rica’s leading lishing bilingual maps and brochures for visitors to
newspaper and the Environment Ministry, they have the park. In addition, the inn offers educational tours
also planted 1,500 native trees in the outer perimeter of the property and discounts for local people to stay
and around the springs of this property. there. It contributes to school education programs,
and the owners and staff are involved with local to educate guests about the cultural and natural sur-
conservation organizations, including the running of a roundings, and provides well-trained and experienced
children’s food bank, two community-based recycling guides to accompany guests.
centers, and special exercise programs at the Center
for the Golden Age in Santa Bárbara. FUTURE VENTURES
Glenn Jampol has been an active proponent of The Jampols are currently building a new sustain-
Costa Rica’s “green” certification program, is active able hotel, Arenas del Mar (“Sea Sands”), on 11 acres
in Costa Rica’s ecotourism society, and serves on the of beachfront property adjacent to Manuel Antonio,
Board of Directors of both CANAECO (the National Costa Rica’s best-known national park. They have
Chamber of Ecotourism) and The International Eco- completed a government-approved Environmental
tourism Society. In addition, he has actively promoted Impact Assessment (EIA) and a study that mapped the
techniques for “greening” ecolodges among other location of every tree on the property. The hotel will
lodge owners in Costa Rica. use solar heating panels, energy saving “on-demand
The Jampols are also working with community only” water heaters, copper-silver ionization systems
members to build the country’s first “sustainable pub- to clean pool water, energy-efficient light bulbs, and
lic school” by purchasing land, building the school and a recycling and wastewater treatment program. The
designing it to include recycling programs, energy con- facility will be built with new and low-impact build-
servation, organic semi-self-sufficient food processing, ing materials, including recycled plastic roof tiles
solar heating, and other sustainable features. and rocks found on site. A portion of the land will be
dedicated to a museum and a nursery of indigenous
Economic policies and practices tropical trees and plants. More than 2,000 native
Rosa Blanca donates 5 percent of its restaurant’s gross species of trees and thousands of native plants will be
income to local community projects. Nearly the entire planted in the next decade. Arenas del Mar is sched-
staff, including management, comes from the sur- uled to be open for guests in December 2005.
rounding community. In addition, the inn proactively
strives to buy goods and services locally, and to buy
in bulk whenever possible, in order to cut down on
packaging. 4. CAMPI YA
Guest education Campi ya Kanzi is a luxury safari camp located next to
Guests at Rosa Blanca are invited to visit the green- Kenya’s Amboseli National Park and bordering Tsavo
houses, where organic vegetables are grown, and the West and Chyulu National Parks. The camp, which is a
elaborate recycling, composting and vermiculture joint venture between a private company (Luca Safari)
facilities, and to learn about the swimming pool’s and a Maasai group ranch, strives to provide tangible
natural filtration system. Trees on the property are economic benefits to the local Maasai community to
identified according to their local and scientific names, enhance their cultural welfare and pride, and to protect
and written information is available for guests about wildlife by demonstrating that game-viewing tourism
the plant species located on the grounds. is more lucrative than hunting or poaching. The
The inn also promotes visits to nearby national camp is located within the 400-square-mile Kuku
parks and protected areas, as well as local cultural and group ranch, owned by Maasai herdsman. Via Land
historic sites. Guests are encouraged to participate in Rovers and on foot, guests view rare wildlife includ-
and/or contribute to conservation, educational and ing black rhinos, cheetahs and wild dogs, and learn
social welfare projects in the surrounding community. firsthand about Maasai culture by meeting people in
The inn provides interpretive programs and material the local village.
Campi ya Kanzi, which means “Camp of the The camp is owned and managed by an
Hidden Treasures” in Kiswahili, has a Bronze rating Italian couple, Luca Belpietro and Antonella Bonomi,
under the Ecotourism Society of Kenya’s certifica- who founded Luca Safari. Belpietro, a professional
tion program, which was launched in 2002. In 2004, guide, has lived in Kenya since 1975. The couple cre-
the camp was a finalist in the Heritage category for ated Campi ya Kanzi in partnership with the Maasai
the World Legacy Awards, a prestigious eco-awards group ranch in order to put into practice the principles
program sponsored by Conservation International and of environmental protection and social and
National Geographic Traveler magazine. economic equity.
RATES : $370 to $430 per person per night for double occupancy, no single supplements are
charged. Children under 12 are $250 per night per child. The price includes full board, game
drives and walking safaris, cultural and community project visits, and transfers to and from
the airstrip. There is an additional $30 per person per day conservation fee. The camp offers a
discounted rate for local residents.
STAFFING : 35 employees, 90 percent of whom are local Maasai hired as cooks, housekeepers,
maintenance staff, and wildlife trackers and scouts. Three local people hold management posi-
tions. Through the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust, which the camp created to support
community social welfare projects, more than 70 local Maasai are employed in projects linked to
FOOD : Campi ya Kanzi cooks have been trained in the preparation of fine Italian cuisine,
along with other international and local dishes. The kitchen is supplied by the camp’s organic
vegetable garden and dairy, and wines come from the Italian vineyards of the Bonomi family.
OFFERED ACTIVITIES : Unlike safari camps and lodges inside national parks, where visitors
are restricted to game viewing in vehicles, Campi ya Kanzi offers walking safaris with Maasai
trackers. These walks take guests from the Chyulu forest to the savanna plains, along rivers and
through lava flows. Game drives are also offered, in open Land Rover Defenders, with either
Luca Belpietro or Samson Parashina (a Maasai professional guide) and a Maasai tracker. Guests
can work directly with a guide to design each day’s safari and activities.
Campi ya Kanzi also strives to help guests learn about Maasai cultural heritage.
Guests can visit the home of one of the trackers in the nearby Maasai village, view women doing
their famous beadwork, and attend traditional dance performances. Tourists can also visit proj-
ects supported by the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust, including a Maasai school
and dispensary.
NATURAL ATTRACTIONS : More then 50 different mammals and 400 bird species are found
on the ranch. Besides the “Big Five” (elephant, rhino, leopard, lion and Cape buffalo), rare
animals such as lesser kudu, gerenuk, cheetah and wild dog also inhabit the ranch. Plains game
is also very rich; antelopes such as the klipspringer and the mountain reedbuck are found on the
hills, and the fringed ear oryx and Maasai giraffe are very common.
Campi Ya Kanzi seeks to demonstrate how commu- house has its own water meter, and guests are briefed
nity, tourism and conservation can work together for on how to conserve water. All water is recycled through
a mutual benefit. The camp managers state that their lava filters, supplying the organic vegetable garden, as
main goal is to make wildlife profitable through tour- well as two water ponds where lion and gazelle come
ism. Since 75 percent of Kenyan wildlife lives outside to drink.
of national parks and game reserves, the only way to No firewood is used in the kitchen; only char-
preserve it is to make it valuable for the landowners. coal made by a United Nations-funded project using
Maasai landlords have been deeply involved in the coffee bean husks is used. Organic waste is compos-
planning, building and running of the camp. ted, and only biodegradable cleaning products and
natural soap are used.
Environmental policies and practices Campi ya Kanzi also actively works to protect
Campi ya Kanzi was built using local techniques and the surrounding land and wildlife. They have a major
materials wherever possible. No trees were cut, and project in fire management, and employ a network of
a thorough study was undertaken to ensure that the game scouts to patrol against poachers, monitor graz-
camp’s construction was physically and culturally ing, and undertake feral animal control. The camp has
appropriate and provided “a sense of place” to staff strict policies to ensure that no products are sold or
and guests. purchased from threatened species, runs programs
Everything from electricity to hot water is for reforestation and grazing management, and works
generated with solar power at Campi ya Kanzi. The in partnership with local and international conserva-
state-of-the-art solar system provides 220-volt electric- tion organizations.
ity for each guesthouse. There is no air conditioning
or external lighting; guests are provided with recharge-
able flashlights.
Rainwater is collected and water consumption
is minimized by using, for instance, low-flow shower-
heads, low-flush toilets and small sinks. Each guest-
Social policies and practices their livestock to wild animals, providing scholarships
Campi ya Kanzi is a living example of the new policies to the poorest and best students to continue their
of the Kenya Wildlife Service, which encourages local education, paying for school supplies, helping pay
people to become involved in the conservation of teachers’ salaries, and providing the community with
wildlife. This approach to conservation is based basic medical care. The funds have also been used to
on the voluntary, self-interested involvement of the build school classrooms and a dispensary. The camp
Maasai, rather than on the imposition of government is currently supporting eight schools.
laws and bans. Besides the conservation fee, Campi ya Kanzi
The camp runs educational programs in the pays an annual management fee to the Kuku Group
community and local schools on minimizing impacts Ranch for use of their land and for game viewing. This
on the land and wildlife, provides a secondary educa- fee is helping to maintain the ranch lands in a natural
tion scholarship, and supports local community state, since, under the terms of the agreement, it can-
projects that are helping to revitalize local crafts, not be used for cattle, hunting or farming.
traditions, and customs, thus promoting ethnic pride, The Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust
particularly among younger Maasai. The Maasai helps finance community projects and adoption
Wilderness Conservation Trust employs Maasai elders schemes for wild animals on the ranch. Guests and
to teach traditional culture and customs in the schools. others can make donations to support the Camp’s
The camp’s managers also work extensively with their wildlife conservation efforts and the perpetuation of
staff to provide job-training programs and improve the Maasai heritage.
their skills. The Camp also strives to purchase products lo-
These efforts have led to changes in local at- cally and monitors the impact of these purchases.
titudes toward wildlife. As the Campi ya Kanzi website
explains, “For example, when lions kill Maasai cattle, Guest education
the Maasai naturally wish to eliminate the lions to Upon arrival, guests are given presentations on
protect their livelihood. However, if the same lions the Maasai and wildlife and are advised on how to
produce profit through tourism, the Maasai realize minimize the negative impacts of tourism. The lodge
that it is best to co-exist with them. The Maasai now provides interpretive programs to educate guests (and
see the benefit of having wildlife on their land, so they employees) about the surrounding natural and cultural
protect the animals and view them as an extension of environments. A guest’s stay at Campi ya Kanzi is
their ranching activities.” focused on increasing understanding and appreciation
of the heritage, culture and people of the area. The
Economic policies and practices Maasai trackers introduce guests to local medicinal
While the two top managers are Italian, the rest of the plants, identify animal tracks and behavior, and share
staff of Campi ya Kanzi are local Maasai. Employees local culture and traditions. While Campi ya Kanzi
are specifically trained for their positions at the helps the Maasai women preserve traditional craft-
camp and benefit directly from the camp’s revenues. making skills, guests can also buy their work knowing
In this way, the success of the camp contributes to that the money benefits them directly, instead of going
the local community and to the group ranch’s policy into the pockets of a middleman.
of conservation. Via a newsletter, the camp provides ongoing in-
In addition to providing employment for more formation to both former guests and travel agents and
than 70 local Maasai from the group ranch, Campi ya tour operators. Its website also contains background
Kanzi collects a conservation fee of $30 per guest per information about the Maasai.
day. This fee is used to support a variety of local pro-
grams, including reimbursing Maasai who have lost
appendix d:
Nomadic Journeys Tiamo
Eco Tour Production AB Tiamo Resorts
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Joanna Willott
Amy Sweeting
Megan Epler Wood, EplerWood International
Martha Honey, The International Ecotourism Society
Stanley Thawley
Megan Epler Wood
Glenn Jampol
Jarboe Printing
Contributions from the numerous staff of the Environment & Social Development Department are
greatly acknowledged.
This publication and the two studies,
Ecolodge Footprint and Justification for
Biodiversity Conservation, and A Review of
International Markets, Business, Finance, and
Technical Assistance Models for Ecolodges in
Developing Countries, have been made pos-
sible, thanks to funding from the Global
Environment Facility.
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