Sari 2018 IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 105 230205 213103
Sari 2018 IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 105 230205 213103
Sari 2018 IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 105 230205 213103
Devi Permata Sari1, Tania Surya Utami1, Rita Arbianti1 and Heri Hermansyah1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia,
Depok, West Java 16424, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Hepatits B is a viral infection which attack the liver. One of the compound that
can overcome and inhibits Hepatitis B is Andrographolide. The compound was derived from
Sambiloto plants (Andrographis paniculate).Andrographolide compound works by inhibiting
α-glucosidase which assists the secretion of Hepatitis B virus. The goal of this research is to
make nanoencapsulation of sambiloto leaf extracts that was encapsulated in chitosan and
STPP. The nanoencapsulation will increase the bioavailability of the body for the administered
Andrographolide. The size of the resulting particle at a variation of centrifugal speed of 8.000
RPM with the concentration ratio of chitosan : STPP equals to 0.2%:0.1% (g/mL), was
68.3nm. The loading capacity of the nanoparticles is 67.20% and the encapsulation efficiency
of the nanoparticles is 99.48%. The release profile has a cumulative release of 34.55% with
slow release in gastric pH conditions and followed by a burst release in intestine pH
1. Introduction
One of the bad habits of society Indonesia is low in maintaining healthy. A less healthy causing the
incidence of various health problems, such as the emergence of a wide range of dangerous diseases
that can attack all of ages, from adult to Toddler-aged children.The cause of the occurrence of many
diseases is due to the inability of the body against viruses, bacteria, as well as hazardous substances
that are carcinogens. One of the dangerous diseases caused by virus is Hepatitis, which is comprised of
Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis is a disease characterized by inflammation that occurs in the liver
organ [1]. Indonesia is a country with a high additional Hepatitis B is the second largest country in the
South East Asian Region (SEAR) after Myanmar [2]. There are about 2 billion people in the world
infected with the Hepatitis B virus and 240 million people of whom become people with Chronic
Hepatitis B [2] .
Wolrd Health Organization (WHO) states that the efforts that have been made to solve the
Hepatitis B sufferers is to use adrenokortikosteroid, corticosteroids, and lamivudin, but these things
have not been able to effectively solve the viral infections. Hepatitis B antivirals suchas drugs usage
lamivudin already available and in development stage, but the drugs have not been evaluated for the
treatment of acute hepatitis B [3].One of the compounds that can inhibit even the deadly hepatitis B
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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
2nd international Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
105 (2018) 012112 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/105/1/012112
2. Methods
Variations on this research is ratio of concentrations chitosan-STPP and centrifugation
speed.Continued with particle distribution measurement by using particle size analyzer (PSA),
determination of morphology using SEM and FTIR, quantitative test of andrographolide by using
HPLC, and controlled drug release of nanoparticles in in vitro.
2.2. Nanoencapsulation
The selected method in the nanoencapsulation is ionic gelation method. Chitosan 0.2 g was dissolved
in 100 mL acetic acid 1% (b/v), added 3 g of sambiloto extract, and dissolve 0.04 g 40 mL STPP into
akuades then added 200 μL Tween 80 0.1% (v/v).Solution of STPP then added into chitosan-extract
solution with flow speed of 0.75 ml/min accompanied with magnetic stirring for 2 hours. Then do size
diminution using sonikator with 130 Watts and frequency of 30 Hz for 50 minutes and centrifugation
for 15 minutes with a pause of 1 minute every 5 minutes. The last is drying using freeze dryer to a
2nd international Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
105 (2018) 012112 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/105/1/012112
Based on the table, that the higher concentration of chitosan than concentrations of STPP will earn
average particle size (z-average) getting smaller. It is caused due to an increased of STPP
concentration will enhance physical endurance of the particle, because of the increasing number of
STPP will make ionic-crosslinking reaction by the positive force of chitosan more stable forming
physically, but also increased nanoparticle diameter [8].Particle size distribution obtained from each
variation has a relatively small size and reach a size of nanometer, but z-average or average particle
size is still big even reach a size belongs to the micro.The Z-average size will only be comparable with
the size measured by other techniques if the sample is monomodal, spherical or near-spherical in
shape, monodisperse, and the sample is prepared in a suitable dispersant, as the Z-Average mean size
can be sensitive to even small changes in the sample, e.g. the presence of a small proportion of
2nd international Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
105 (2018) 012112 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/105/1/012112
241.4 ± 78.1
15.000 1663.3
2780 ± 1619.4
According to Jong (2008)[11], the size of nanoparticles used as drug carriage has a range of <100
nm, so at the centrifugation speed 8,000 rpm can be said that the particles sucessfully formed with
nano size.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) Concentration ratio of chitosan:STPP (b) Variation of centrifugation speed
2nd international Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
105 (2018) 012112 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/105/1/012112
In the figure (a) shows that with increasedof chitosan concentrations so the loading capacity and
encapsulation efficiency will also increase, while the addition of STPP concentration will decrease of
loading capacity and encapsulation efficiency. While in addition of the STPP concentrationwill
decrease loading capacity because the droplets rapidly solidification occurs when the process of ionic
gelation [12]. In figure (b) shows that increasing of the centrifugation speed will increase loading
capacity, because with the increasing of the centrifugation speed, then small-sized particles will also
precipitates (not only large-sized particles that precipitates), so the mass of nanoparticles after freeze
drying will be more.
Encapsulation efficiency obtained ranged from 99.47%-99.51%, this result is appropriate with
Chen et al. (2006)[13] who is state that good encapsulation efficiency is at least 80%, because it shows
the processes that do not eliminate existing active substances. The high value of the encapsulation
efficiency may also be evidenced by the results of morphology in FTIR in figure 2, because
andrographolide contained in the sambiloto extract have been encapsulation with chitosan, as
evidenced by the existence of andrographolide’s functional group on nanoparticle.
% Rilis Kumulatif
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Waktu (jam ke-)
At the Simulated Intestinal Fluid (SIF), the concentration of STPP contributed to the polymer chain
conformation more because deprotonation, so chitosan nanoparticle easy damaged [16]. Has been
previously reported also that on media with pH above 6 ionization of amine reduced drastically [17].
This triggered the deprotonation of the amine chitosan and chitosan particles causing crosslink with
STPP became unstable and start to degradation as reported on a similar research[18].
2nd international Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
105 (2018) 012112 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/105/1/012112
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the results of measurements of the
particles distribution have an average of 68.3 nm on a variation of the concentration ratio
chitosan:STPP 0.2%:0.1% (g/mL) with the centrifugation speed 8,000 rpm. The variation has loading
capacity and efficiency encapsulation each 67.20% and 99.48%, and cumulative release 34.55%.
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