Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology: Fatema Matkawala, Sadhana Nighojkar, Anil Kumar, Anand Nighojkar
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology: Fatema Matkawala, Sadhana Nighojkar, Anil Kumar, Anand Nighojkar
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology: Fatema Matkawala, Sadhana Nighojkar, Anil Kumar, Anand Nighojkar
Keywords: Alkaline proteases find extensive applications ranging from detergent industries to therapeutics due to their
Protease production broad alkaline range activity. The present work describes the first report on optimization of alkaline protease
Statistical optimization production from Neocosmospora sp. N1 and explores its utility in detergent and leather industries. Wheat bran
Stain removal
was found to be a suitable substrate for protease production under solid state fermentation amongst several low
Histological staining
cost agro-based materials used in this study. Protease production was enhanced when wheat bran was supple
FTIR mented with a novel inducer, custard apple seed powder in the ratio of 4:1 which increased enzyme production
up to 1.88 fold. One factor at a time approach was used to select parameters important for production and
response surface methodology was used for further optimization. The optimum level was attained at 123 h
fermentation time, 63% moisture content, 1 � 108 spores/ml inoculum size and 1.4 mm particle size which
resulted in 3.12 fold increase in protease production. The partially purified enzyme exhibited maximum activity
at 60 � C and was active over a wide pH range of 8–12. Protease was compatible with various laundry detergents
viz. Tide, Surf Excel, Ariel, Wheel etc. showing more than 80% stability even after 3 h of incubation and was
efficient in removing blood stain from the cotton cloth. The enzyme was also more efficient in dehairing goat skin
as compared to conventional leather processing treatment.
* Corresponding author.,
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Nighojkar).
Received 26 June 2019; Received in revised form 16 August 2019; Accepted 26 August 2019
Available online 27 August 2019
1878-8181/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
UV–visible spectrophotometer. One unit of enzyme activity (U) was 2.10. Validation of the experimental model
defined as the amount of enzyme required to liberate 1 μmole of tyrosine
equivalent per min under standard assay conditions. All the experiments The validation of model equation was conducted in triplicates for
were performed in triplicate and standard error was calculated. alkaline protease production under optimised conditions and the results
obtained empirically were compared with the response predicted by the
2.7. Scanning Electron Microscopy model. Growth kinetics and protease production in the optimised me
dium were also determined. The fungal growth in the medium was
Detailed structural analysis of uninoculated substrate and the fer estimated by measuring N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (NAGA) contents ac
mented medium was performed by drying the samples and analysing cording to the method described by Sakurai et al. (1977).
them by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) type JEOL JSM 5600 at
UGC DAE Consortium, Indore. 2.11. Partial purification and characterization of protease
2.8. Chemical composition of substrates The optimised medium was used for alkaline protease production in
SSF. The crude extract obtained (described under 2.5) was subjected to
Carbohydrate, protein, lipid, moisture and ash contents of WB and ammonium sulphate precipitation at 0–90% saturation and placed for
CASP were determined according to the methods described by the As overnight incubation at 0–4 � C. The protein precipitate was collected by
sociation of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, 2010). All tests were centrifugation at 9000�g for 15 min and was re-suspended in 25 mM
performed in triplicate and results were expressed as mean � standard Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.5. Desalting was performed using Sephadex G-25
deviation. column chromatography using the same buffer. Optimum temperature
of the enzyme was determined by calculating enzyme activity in the
2.9. Statistical optimization of process parameters range of 10–90 � C and pH optima of the enzyme was determined by
measuring enzyme activity in the pH range of 6–12 using casein as a
Process parameters for alkaline protease production were studied by substrate.
one factor at a time (OFAT) approach and four variables namely;
fermentation time, inoculum size, moisture content and particle size of 2.12. Evaluation of washing performance of protease
CASP were identified to play a significant role in the fermentation
process. The optimum levels and interactions between significant pa 2.12.1. Compatibility and stability with laundry detergents
rameters were investigated by response surface methodology using Box- The stability and compatibility of the protease was studied using
Behnken Design, (Box and Behnken, 1960). Design-Expert 11.0 software various commercial detergents viz. Surf Excel (Hindustan Unilever
(Stat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) was used to setup experimental Limited), Ariel (Procter & Gamble), Tide (Procter & Gamble), Wheel
range and levels of the four independent variables used in Box-Behnken (Hindustan Unilever Limited) and other locally available detergents viz.
Design are given in Table 1. The number of experiments (N) required for Chameli (Burhani Enterprises, Indore) and Badshah (Saify Hardware
the development of BBD was defined by the following equation: Stores, Indore). These detergents were diluted in water at the final
concentration of 7 mg/ml. The endogenous enzymes present in com
N ¼ 2k (k-1) þ CO
mercial laundry detergents were inactivated by boiling at 100 � C for
Where, k is the number of variables and CO is the number of central 15 min. The partially purified protease was mixed with detergent solu
points. tion in a ratio 1:1 (v/v) and incubated at 40 � C for 3 h (Wahab and
This equation was used to develop mathematical correlation be Ahmed, 2018). Aliquots were withdrawn after every 30 min time in
tween four variables on the production of alkaline protease by experi tervals and residual enzyme activity was measured. The crude enzyme
mentally performing 29 runs with five replicates at central point. The activity of a control sample (without any detergent), incubated under
response data was used to fit the following quadratic polynomial model similar conditions, was taken as 100%.
2.12.2. Blood stain removal
Y ¼ β0 þ Σ βi Xi þ Σ βii X2i þ Σ βij Xij The stain removal ability of the protease was evaluated using
4 cm � 4 cm pieces of white cotton cloth. The cloth pieces were evenly
Where, Y represents predicted response; Xi represents independent
stained with 0.5 ml of animal blood followed by air drying for 18 h and
variables; Xij are variables interacting with each other; β0 is the coeffi
subsequently washing with distilled water to remove excess blood.
cient of fitted response; βi is linear coefficient; βii is quadratic coefficient
These cloth pieces were again air dried and subjected to different wash
and βij represents interaction coefficient.
treatments. A stained cloth piece was treated with a local laundry
Table 2 represents the experimental design of BBD in coded levels of
detergent devoid of any endogenous enzyme. Another piece was treated
the four variables. Temperature 30 � C and pH 8 were maintained for all
with the protease used in this study. Finally, one of the stained cloth
the experimental runs. Flasks were analysed for alkaline protease ac
piece was washed with a mixture of detergent and protease. All the
tivity at specific time intervals of 48, 96 and 144 h as planned in BBD.
above washing treatments were given at 40 � C for 15 min followed by air
drying. The cloth pieces were visually analysed for checking the effi
ciency of stain removal. Untreated stained cloth piece was considered as
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
Table 2
Experimental design and results for optimization of process parameters for alkaline protease production using Box-Behnken Method.
Std Run Fermentation Time (h) Moisture Content% (v/w) Inoculum Size 1 � 10X Particle Size (mm) Observed Response (U/ml) Predicted Response (U/ml)
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
Fig. 1. (A) Effect of CASP on alkaline protease production, when combined with wheat bran (WB) in different ratio. (B) SEM images of (a) dried CASP (1000x) (b)
dried wheat bran (250x) (c) growth of Neocosmospora sp. N1 on fermented medium (650x).
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
Souza et al. (2017) also justified that low C/N ratio of the substrate fa the model was found to be 0.996 while the adjusted and predicted R2
vours protease production. Hence, the combination of WB: CASP (4:1) values were calculated as 0.992 and 0.980. This indicated that only
was used for further optimization of protease production from Neo 0.04% of total variations cannot be explained by this model. Thus, the
cosmospora sp. N1. present R2 value reflected a good fit between observed and predicted
responses and implied that the model is reliable for predicting alkaline
3.2. Statistical optimization of process parameters protease production.
The effect of different process parameters on alkaline protease pro 3.2.1. Response surface plot
duction was studied by OFAT approach, and four factors namely, The regression equation presented as 3-D response surface plots
fermentation time, moisture content, inoculum level and particle size of depicting the interaction among the variables (Fig. 2). Here, each
CASP were found to be significant. Response surface methodology using response surface plot represented the effect of two independent vari
Box Behnken Design was employed to determine the optimum level of ables, holding the other variables at zero levels.
significant variables to enhance alkaline protease production by Neo A concurrent relationship was seen when effect of fermentation time
cosmospora sp. N1. and moisture content was plotted against the enzyme activity, hence
A set of 29 experiments was performed and the results of the ex increase in moisture content with increase in fermentation time favours
periments on effect of four independent variables studied at three levels response up to the optimum level (Fig. 2a). It was seen that protease
and five central points are presented in Table 2. The statistical signifi production was enhanced by increasing the moisture content of the
cance of the model equation was evaluated by analysis of variance medium up to 63% after which a decline in enzyme production was
(ANOVA) using Design-Expert 11.0 software and data is presented in observed. These results are consistent with earlier reports. Germano
Table 5. The generated response was fitted in a second-order polynomial et al. (2003) reported requirement of 55% moisture for protease pro
equation: duction using Penicillium sp. in SSF. Similarly, de Castro et al. (2015a)
also used 50% moisture for protease production using Aspergillus niger.
Y ¼ 286 þ 33.81A þ 96.66B þ 17.85C-4.21Dþ22.63ABþ48.36AC- Microbial growth and enzyme production in SSF is governed by the
16.37ADþ22.62BCþ 38.33BDþ 21.55CD- 35.78A2 -90.68B2 –0.388C2 – initial moisture content of the medium. Low moisture reduces water
10.84D2 activity, diminishing growth of microorganism due to lack of availability
Where A is the fermentation time, B is the moisture content, C is the of nutrients. Whereas, a comparatively higher moisture level impairs
size of inoculum and D is the particle size of CASP. This equation was oxygen transfer and reduces porosity as the substrate particles tend to
used to correlate the impact of experimental variables with enzyme stick together (Uyar and Baysal, 2004). The response plot also showed
production. Model coefficients were estimated by multiple linear re that increasing the fermentation time till 123 h favoured optimum
gressions and those with P < 0.05 were considered significant. It was protease production from Neocosmospora sp. N1. Fermentation time is a
observed that the linear effects of A, B, C; quadratic effects of A, B, D and prime factor defining an industrial process. Less fermentation period
interaction effects of AB, AC, AD, BC, BD and CD were significant for leads to high productivity and lowers the risk of contamination (Mazutti
alkaline protease production and D, C2 were found insignificant et al., 2007). However, Novelli et al. (2016) suggested that protease
(P > 0.05). The highest protease activity in the experimental design was activity is associated with different fermentation times for different
found to be 349.85 U/ml at 50% moisture, fermentation time of 144 h, strains. Ali and Vidhale (2013) observed maximum protease production
inoculum level of 1 � 108 spores/ml and 1 mm particle size of CASP. in Fusarium oxysporum in 72 h while Shivakumar (2012) reported 120 h
These results displayed that the predicted and experimental values did fermentation time for optimum protease production from Aspergillus sp.
not show significant difference (P > 0.05) suggesting the suitability of Optimum fermentation time of 72 h was also reported for production of
model for maximizing alkaline protease production. protease from Penicillium sp. by Agrawal et al. (2004).
The model F-value of 250.32 implied that model is significant The response surface plots determining optimum level of inoculum
(P < 0.0001). The “Lack of Fit F-value” of 1.83 implies the Lack of Fit is size suggested that increasing the inoculum level enhanced enzyme
not significant relative to the pure error which is the desired attribute production and inoculum size of 1 � 108 spores/ml was found to be
and signifies that data fits the model. The goodness of fit of the model optimum for protease production (Fig. 2b, d, f). A positive correlation
was checked by determination coefficient (R2). In this study, R2 value for was seen when inoculum level interacted with moisture content
Table 5
Analysis of variance for the experimental results of Box-Behnken Design.
Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F-value p-value
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
Fig. 2. Response surface plots showing interaction effects of (a) fermentation time and moisture content (b) fermentation time and inoculum size (c) fermentation
time and particle size (d) moisture content and inoculum size (e) moisture content and particle size (f) inoculum size and particle size.
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
(Fig. 2d). Earlier reports demonstrated that size of inoculum has a pro predicted and observed experimental value verifying that the model
found effect on growth of microorganism and enzyme production since a prediction was in good agreement with the experimental data, vali
lower inoculum size may result in insufficient biomass for optimum dating the model design. Statistical optimization of culture parameters
product formation (Pandey et al., 2000) while a higher inoculum level resulted in 3.12 fold increase in protease production over unoptimised
increases competition between cells resulting in reduced mass transfer conditions.
capacity thus decreasing enzyme production (Limkar et al., 2019; Reddy Numerous studies portray the use of response surface methodology
et al., 2008). for optimization of medium components and physiochemical parame
Fig. 2c and f represents the horizontal surface plots obtained between ters as it is more effective than the conventional methods of optimiza
particle size of CASP interacting with fermentation time and inoculum tion, saves time and cost invested in attaining optimised conditions.
level, respectively. The graph reflects minimal interaction of particle Mishra (2016) used Box-Behnken Design to optimize medium and
size with these variables while a slight inclined curve was observed fermentation conditions for Brevibacillus brevis and attained 1.5 fold
between the particle size of CASP and the moisture content (Fig. 2e) enhancement in alkaline protease production. Wahab and Ahmed
suggesting significant interaction amongst them. Thus, increasing the (2018) achieved a 3.6 fold hike in enzyme production using Central
particle size of CASP decreased protease production and optimum level Composite Design (CCD) for optimization of protease production by
was predicted at 1.4 mm. The particle size of substrates used in SSF Aspergillus niger. Patel et al. (2019) optimised medium for Bacillus subtilis
largely affects enzyme production. Smaller substrate particles provide a using CCD and obtained up to 4 fold increase in protease production
larger surface area facilitating growth of microbes; however, too small over basal medium. Every organism has a unique requirement for these
particles may result in substrate agglomeration resulting in retarded parameters therefore each one has to be considered individually in order
growth. Alternatively, larger particles limit microbial growth due to to maximize enzyme production. (Suberu et al., 2019; Mechri et al.,
reduction in surface area, poor aeration and mass transfer (Pandey et al., 2017). To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first ever contri
2000). Ali and Vidhale (2013) used rice bran with 0.85 mm mesh size bution towards use of CASP as an inducer for production of protease by
while Prakasham et al. (2006) used 1.4–1.0 mm particle size of green using Neocosmospora sp. N1 and its statistical optimization.
gram husk for protease production.
3.3. Partial purification and characterization of protease
3.2.2. Validation of the model
The validation of the experimental model was conducted by per The protease enzyme was purified from crude extract by using
forming fermentation under the predicted conditions. The optimised 0–90% ammonium sulphate fractionation and desalted over Sephadex
values of four variables taken under consideration are fermentation time G-25 chromatography column. It was concentrated by reverse dialysis
123 h, moisture content 63%, inoculum size 1 � 108 spores/ml and against solid sucrose having protease activity of 2030.6 U/ml and spe
particle size 1.4 mm. The predicted response was calculated to be 338.9 cific activity of 59.09 U/mg. The partially purified enzyme was opti
U/ml. The growth kinetics and protease production of the culture were mally active over pH 8 to12 and temperature 60 � C (Fig. 4). Jain et al.
studied using this optimised medium (Fig. 3). Protease production (2012) reported an alkaline protease from a Bacillus sp. having optimum
increased with the rate of growth and maximum production was temperature of 60 � C and pH 10. Similar results were reported by
observed towards the onset of stationary phase after which it remained Thakrar and Singh (2019) for a protease produced from Nocardiopsis sp.
constant throughout the study. Microbial growth associated with The partially purified alkaline protease obtained in this study was used
biosynthesis of protease has long been debated. Soares et al. (2005) further in application studies.
proposed that protease production is growth associated and maximum
enzyme production is observed at mid exponential phase. On the con 3.4. Wash performance studies
trary, Gupta et al. (2002) suggested that proteases are known to be
associated with the onset of stationary phase, which is marked by the 3.4.1. Compatibility with laundry detergents
transition from vegetative growth to sporulation stage in spore-formers. The suitability of an enzyme as a detergent additive depends on its
This study supported the fact that extracellular protease production is a compatibility with various laundry detergents. The data presented in
manifestation of nutrient limitation at the onset of stationary phase. Fig. 5A showed that the protease used in this study was extremely stable
Maximum protease activity of 364.4 U/ml was achieved using the in the presence of detergents like Ariel, Tide, Chameli and Badshah
standardised conditions. There was a high degree of similarity between retaining more than 90% activity even after 3 h of incubation. The ac
tivity of protease slightly diminished when incubated with Surf Excel
and Wheel, where enzyme retained 80% activity after incubation under
similar conditions. Hammami et al. (2018) reported a protease from
Bacillus mojavensis which was stable in detergents like Ariel, Tex’tile and
Carrefour, retaining 100% activity when incubated for 1 h at 40 � C.
Benmrad et al. (2018) isolated a protease from Penicillium sp. which
retained 100% activity in Tide, Ariel and OMO, while Germano et al.
(2003) reported only 60% activity of protease from Penicillium in OMO
detergent when incubated for 1 h at 28 � C. A protease from Aspergillus
niger was stable for 1 h at 40 � C in Ariel, Tide and Lange detergents
(Wahab and Ahmed, 2018). The performance of a protease in detergent
depends on number of factors, including the detergent compounds, thus
the stability of this protease also varied with each laundry detergent.
The above result suggested that protease produced from Neocosmospora
sp. N1 can find utility as a detergent additive.
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
while, the stain was completely removed when the cloth piece was
treated with the mixture of detergent and enzyme. Supplementation of
this protease in detergent improves its washing performance sustaining
its utility in future industrial applications as a bioadditive in detergent
formulations. The washing performance of alkaline proteases from Ba
Fig. 5. (A) Relative activity of alkaline protease in presence of various laundry
cillus sp. is well documented (Rao et al., 2009). However, only a few
detergents (7 mg/ml) at different time intervals. Enzyme activity in absence of
alkaline proteases produced from fungal species are reported for their
detergent was considered as control. (B) Wash performance analysis of prote
stain removal ability. Benmrad et al. (2018) reported a protease from ase. (a) original cotton cloth piece (b) blood stained cloth; stained cloth pieces
Penicillium chrysogenium which could remove blood stain in 1 h when washed with (c) water, (d) commercial detergent (7 mg/ml), (e) protease (500
incubated along with detergent at 40 � C. An alkaline protease from U/ml) and (f) mixture of detergent (7 mg/ml) þ protease (500 U/ml). (C) FTIR
Botrytis cinerea was able to remove blood stain when incubated at 60 � C spectrogram of original cloth (black), stained cloth washed with detergent (red)
for 15 min along with detergent (Abidi et al., 2008). and stained cloth washed with enzyme (blue). (For interpretation of the ref
erences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version
3.4.3. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy analysis of this article.)
FTIR was used to analyse the effect of detergent and enzyme treat
ment on cotton fibre after stain removal. The data comparing different in % transmission of detergent treated cloth spectrum when compared to
spectrograms is depicted in Fig. 5C (the red spectrum defines cotton the control spectrum. Laundry detergents are composed of harsh
treated with detergent, blue spectrum shows cotton treated with pro chemicals which interact with cloth fibres during washing and eventu
tease and black spectrum represents the original fabric). A number of ally weaken them. This is well justified in the spectra obtained from our
peaks, characteristic of cotton cloth were assigned in the spectrum. FTIR analysis. The increase in peak intensity of detergent treated cloth
Intense peaks of 3300.72 cm 1 and 1711.62 cm 1 indicated the presence spectrum accounts for lesser number of bonds. Therefore, the fabric can
of hydroxyl group (OH) and carbonyl group (CO). Absorption around lose its strength by repeated washing with detergent. The outstanding
1630–1700 cm 1 showed protonation of the ionized carboxylate group capability of our protease to remove stain without making structural
(COO) and the peaks between 1400 and 1420 cm 1 are associated with changes on the fabric amplifies its efficacy in detergent industries. In a
HCH and OCH stretching vibration. Another peak at 1338.53 cm 1 similar study, stained cloth washed with protease produced from Peni
indicated the presence of halogenated derivatives (CF) (Fan et al., cillium chrysogenium did not impart structural change on the fabric
2012). The overall spectrum of control cloth and enzyme treated cloth (Benmrad et al., 2018).
did not show much difference; however, there was a significant increase
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
3.5. Dehairing studies structure in papillary dermis was completely damaged as a result of
chemical treatment on skin. The result was further supported by SEM
3.5.1. Removal of hairs from goat skin images revealing the structural change in upper dermal layer of treated
Leather industries have started adapting the use of enzymatic skin (Fig. 6C). Saleem et al. (2012) described the use of an alkaline
dehairing of animal hides for reducing environment pollution. In this protease from Bacillus cereus in dehairing of animal hides with absence
study, goat skin pieces were dehaired using protease produced from the of collagenase activity. George et al. (2014) used alkaline protease from
fungal isolate, Neocosmospora sp. N1 and compared with the chemical Vibrio metschnikovii for dehairing of goat skin without having collage
treatment (lime and sulphide) used as conventional method in leather nase activity. The inactivity of protease on skin collagen is one of the
industries (Fig. 6A). Hairs were easily removed after 24 h of incubation prerequisite for its application in dehairing as damage to the collagen
in both enzymatic and chemically treated skin as compared to control. fibres of the grain layer imparts unfavourable properties to finished
Upon visual assessment, the enzyme treated skin had cleaner pores, leather (Haddar et al., 2011).
smooth grain structure, white and softer appearance in contrast to the
chemical treated skin which turned black, harder with residual hair 4. Conclusion
visible in some of the hair pores. Earlier scientific reports have addressed
the applicability of Bacillus derived alkaline protease for dehairing of Microbial proteases dominate the enzyme industry, contributing two
animal skin (Hammami et al., 2018; Briki et al., 2016; Tiwary and third of the total enzyme sales. The rising demand of proteases neces
Gupta, 2010). The protease produced from Neocosmospora sp. N1 was sitates the search for novel proteases and allows researchers to develop
comparable to Bacillus derived proteases and can find utility in leather effective technologies which can circumvent the major cost associated
industries. with enzyme production. This study focuses on optimising the produc
tion of alkaline protease using a novel fungus, Neocosmospora sp. N1.
3.5.2. Histological staining and scanning electron microscopy The enzyme was optimally active at 60 � C and a broad range of pH 8 to
Histological sections of untreated goat skin and dehaired pelts from 12. The use of readily available agro-waste material WB in the
enzymatic and chemical treatments are shown in Fig. 6B after staining fermentation process could possibly reduce major cost associated with
with hematoxylin-eosin stain. The control skin showed the presence of the enzyme production in industries. The production of protease was
intact epidermis and collagen fibres. The absence of epidermis and enhanced up to 1.88 fold using another agro-waste CASP as a novel
empty follicles appearance was evident in the treated skin. The skin inducer in the medium. Further, the process parameters were statisti
piece treated with enzyme had little effect on collagen fibres indicating cally optimised to attain maximum alkaline protease production of
that the enzyme was devoid of collagenase activity while the collagen 364.4 U/ml. The cost effective production with appreciable yield of
F. Matkawala et al. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101310
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dustries, therefore, further work on large scale production can be carried
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