Round Washers SN 808: July 2000

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No guarantee can be given in respect of this translation July 2000

Round Washers SN 808

for Prestressed, High-Strength screw Connections
In all cases the latest German-language version
of this standard shall be taken as authoritative

Dimensions in mm

Taking into account the cost involved, washers of this type are only allowed to be used for prestressed, high-strength screw
connections according to Class of Resistance 8.8 and 8 than that which - due to rather high interfacial pressured between the
components to be connected by means of screws (e.g. St 37) - are susceptible to settling phenomena resulting in an
inadmissible decrease of the specified prestressing forces.
Convenient application of these washers presupposes that the screws involved are tightened at a controlled rate by using a
torque spanner. Accordingly, the required screw tightening torques (Cf. also SN 403, Standards Book) are to be specified on
the Drawing.
In case of changes this printout is not taken into account!

Designation of a washer featuring a bore diameter of d1 = 21 mm:

Washer SN 808 - 21
Weight for
d1 d2 d3 s
kg/piece screws
6,4 11 7 2 0,001 M 6
8,4 16 ±1 9,5 0,003 M 8
10,5 20 11,5 0,005 M 10
13 24 14 3 0,007 M 12
(15) 28 ±1 16 3,5 0,01 (M 14)
17 30 18 4 0,02 M 16
21 35 23 4,5 0,03 M 20
25 45 ±1 27 5 0,04 M 24
31 55 34 6 0,08 M 30
37 65 40 7 0,13 M 36
43 75 ±2 46 8 0,21 M 42
50 90 53 10 0,37 M 48
58 100 64 0,52 M 56
66 110 ±2 72 0,60 M 64
74 120 80 12 0,75 M 72
82 140 88 14 1,11 M 80
93 160 ±5 98 1,67 M 90
104 180 108 1,95 M 100
114 190 118 2,09 M 110
(124) 210 ±5 128 2,83 (M 120)
129 220 133 4,30 M 125
144 240 148 22 5,00 M 140
164 270 168 6,24 M 160
Sizes shown in ( ) should not be used as far as possible. (Do not used for new systems)

Material: St of Rm = 700 N/mm

Features: Washers deburred allover in accordance with DIN 6784 (1.03) , free from rust.
Class of Accuracy DIN ISO 2768 mH will be applicable for dimensions without tolerance indication.

Bearbeitet: Normung 10.35.01

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