LD 720 Manual
LD 720 Manual
LD 720 Manual
Reference Manual
Copyright 2003 by Larson Davis, Incorporated. This manual is copyrighted, with all rights
reserved. The manual may not be copied in whole or in part for any use without prior written
consent of Larson Davis, Inc.
The following paragraph does not apply in any state or country where such statements are not
agreeable with local law:
Even though Larson Davis, Inc. has reviewed its documentation, Larson Davis Incorporated makes
no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to this software and
documentation, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This
documentation is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment or
representation by Larson Davis, Inc.
This publication may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Larson Davis, Inc. will
periodically update the material for inclusion in new editions. Changes and improvements to the
information described in this manual may be made at any time
Larson Davis is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, gender, national origin, disability or veteran status.
..Please examine your instrument and record the following information below. You may be asked to
give this information in any future communications you have with Larson Davis, Inc.
Purchase Date:
Larson Davis, Inc. is an environmentally friendly organization and encourages our customers to be
environmentally conscious. When this product reaches its end of life, please recycle the product
through a local recycling center or return the product to:
Larson Davis, Inc.
Attn: Recycling Coordinator
1681 West 820 North
Provo, Utah, USA 84601
1 Introduction
Formatting Conventions
Notice that the flashing (f) has been Step 1 To access parameters using numeric values,
replaced by a flashing (n) indicating press m.
the numeric key access. The flashing
parenthesis, indicate this field is
ready to receive numeric input.
Entering 0 before the new number Step 2 Press 0 and then 6. The number 6 is assigned
will remove any prior parameter set- to the Current Time parameter:
LCD Display
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3 Nose Cone
Cancel 0 . Enter
Keep clean and protect from con- • Model M1, 3/8 inch prepolarized microphone. The
densing moisture and water. Rain microphone is rugged and reliable but the Model
droplets or other foreign matter on 720 should be kept in its protective case when not
the diaphragm may alter the micro- in use. Avoid unnecessary shock (Although an L•D
phones’s response. Please use a microphone can survive being dropped, it should
windscreen whenever possible. be handled with care).
4 1
Block Diagram
Peak 2 Internal Power
9V Battery Supply
Weighted Connector
AC/DC Output
N Indicates parameter number
Flat 0 dB
20 dB
Getting Started
• Environmental Considerations.
You will then be ready to use the Model 720 for actual
measurements (as described later in Chapter 4 of this
A good quality alkaline cell should • Alkaline battery, 9 volts (IEC GLR61 or NEDA/
provide more than 16 hours of Model ANSI 1604A).
720 operation. Since most recharge-
able cells have less capacity, expect • User manual.
shorter use.
• Soft belt pouch (L•D part # CCS009).
Wind noise can adversely affect mea- • WS002 a 3/8 inch mini-windscreen.
surements. Using the windscreen on
the microphone reduces wind noise • SWW_SLM_UTIL software.
and protects the element from dust
and bumps. Utility software package allowing data retrieval and
translation of binary files, generated by the Model 720,
to ASCII File Format via RS-232 connection, and is
capable of editing and storing instrument setup
parameter to the PC, or loaded directly to sound level
Optional Equipment
with birdspikes
Rainhat with
electrostatic actuator
1/2-inch Microphone
EPS012 Environmental Case
ADP011 PRM2101
(20’ Max) SWW REM
AC Out (black)
CBL042 (6’)
DC Out (red) Larson
CBL009-020 (820 OPT01 required)
WEB Page
4 5 6
Cancel 0 Enter
Soft Case*
Battery (powers 2101 heater and EA)
INT002 (12’)
4 Conductor CBL034 (6’)
Shielded PSA001 Desktop Computer
To next SLM
CBL040 (12’)
Battery to CBL035 (4’)
power 720 PSA001
(alligator clips) CBL116 (1.5’) CBL077 (6’, optional)
Laptop Computer
PSA005 AC/DC Adaptor (2’)
CBL033 (6’)
Battery Installation
Environmental Considerations
The Model 720 sound level meter can be both used and
stored in a wide range of temperature, free of moisture
and non-condensing humidity conditions. Some pre-
cautions should be taken. For example, allow the
Model 720 ample time to adjust to abrupt temperature
changes. Condensation may form inside a cold Model
720 if it is brought into a warm room or vehicle and
may persist long after the outside case has adjusted to
the ambient temperature.
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
Cancel 0 . Enter
Keys Functions
Symbol Functionality
Run mode
Three successive displays will appear Step 1 Press O to power the Model 720 and initiate a
while the meter stabilizes for 10-45 self test:
seconds. The first display has copy-
right information and appears only 1
to 2 seconds
This screen will remain until the Step 3 The third screen automatically appears:
user inputs other commands.The
flashing uppercase (S) indicates sys-
tem initiation and will continue 10- S
45 seconds.
When the system initiation is com- The third screen appears almost immediately showing
plete, a stick figure in the upper right the title information for the current or last reading and
corner of the display will appear is programmable by the operator.
seated indicating the Model 720 is in
STOP mode.
The instrument will not allow itself To turn off the Model 720, simply press the UO
to be turned off until in (Stop) mode. key.
This feature will insure that no
important data is lost.
3 Calibration
Refer to the specific instructions Step 4 Seat the microphone fully in the calibrator
accompanying your calibrator for cavity. If possible both units should be at the
accomplishing this step. same temperature and stationary so that
hand vibrations are not transmitted to the
In this screen, an error message may Step 7 Pressing the d key will initiate a calibra-
initially prompt for a reset. The dif- tion change. Do that now:
ference between the current and the
last calibration is 0.0 db. If the level
is not stable enough for proper cali-
bration, the Model 720 will exit the
calibration mode without changing
its calibration level. The “c” indi-
cates the instrument is calibrating.
The display will ask if you want to Step 9 Press e. Reset is complete and the
“Reset ALL Data?” You do. instrument will return to the calibration
4 Quick Start
A complete list of parameters and Step 1 With the Model 720 on, press R and the
their assigned numbers is found in following screen appears:
Chapter 8.
Entering 0 before the new number Step 3 To access the Current Time, press 0 and then
will remove any prior parameter set- 6. The number 6 is assigned to the Current
tings. Time parameter:
The third way to access Current Step 4 Press m to prepare the screen for changes
Time parameter, press R in the Current Time. Notice the flashing (f)
UT. Remember, press m changes to (n).
to change or correct the field and
press e. Step 5 Using numeric keys make changes and press
e, or if the time is correct, just press
The Model 720 has the ability to show 3 lines for your
Company Name and one line for the Measurement
Title which is used on the reports. These parameters
are entered from the keyboard.
All but the last of these screens you Step 1 To enter a name, for example, turn the Model
have seen before. This display is to 720 on and press these keys to access the first
set one of four custom instrument name field, R m 0 2 e:
name screens which will appears
each time you turn the instrument
The (n) is replaced by (2) for five sec- Step 4 Press U twice.
onds. Letters from the 2-panel are
available for entry.
Enter the (L) key, second from the c. To clear the field, if necessary, press
lower left. The cursor will automati- U twice and the l key.
cally move to the next letter.
d. The letter (L) is on the S-field. Press
Enter the (A) key. U.
Three lines are available for entry, Step 7 Press m and select the appropriate chart
i.e. company address, telephone. by pressing U and the desired character
Once you have set the parameters, you can now enter
the correct time and date. The Model 720 has a 24 hour
(military time) clock where afternoon hours are
denoted by adding 12 hours, e.g. 3:45 p.m. = 15:45 hrs.
Modify this parameter as follows:
The current time is displayed. If it is Step 1 With the Model 720 on, press R UT:
incorrect, enter the correct time.
The current date will appear. If it is Step 3 The Current Date is the next field. Press the
incorrect press m to access the field, d to the next display:
enter the correct date using the cor-
responding number keys and press
If the day is incorrect press m Step 4 The Day of the Week is in the next field. Press
and r or l to the correct day. Press d to access that field.
Step 5 To exit the setup mode, press c.
5 Performing a Measurement/
Reading the Data
• Take a measurement.
Taking a Measurement
This instrument can store a great Step 1 Turn the Model 720 on and wait for the unit
variety of measurements in memory to become stable. Press S. The stick figure
depending on the current parameter in the upper right corner will appear to be
setup. Nevertheless, current mea- running.
surements are always easily avail-
able from the keypad.
The display now reads a C-weighted, Step 2 With the instrument in RUN mode, press
slow average reading of 84.5 dBC C. The current sound pressure level is dis-
(re. 20 µPa). The level is also shown played:
on a semi-analog bar graph. Parame-
ters 39-43 affect these values and
parameters 45-47 effect the Current
The Lmin and Lmax for the current Step 3 An additional six screens are available from
reading at the current time are dis- this display. Press the d key to access the
played in the first screen. Notice that first:
the current sound pressure level con-
tinues to read in the upper left cor-
ner and fluctuates. Note that even in
the stop mode the Model 720 contin-
ues to monitor SPL while in this
The Leq values are shown here to be Step 5 Press the d key for the third screen:
85.5 dB, C-weighted, the measure-
ment ran for 3 minutes plus. Should
an Overload occur, one of four letters
(OVLD), would flash alternately
with the stick figure in the upper
right corner (see Chapter 7).
The SEL level (using 3 dB exchange Step 6 Press the d key for the fourth screen:
rate) is 109.1 dB and the duration of
the measurement is given.
The Alarm can be set to begin a mea- Step 7 The next screen addresses the Alarm time and
surement at a designated time. The current temperature. Press the d key the
“??:??” here indicates the next mea- fifth screen will appear:
surement has not been chosen. The
current internal temperature as mea-
sured by the Model 720 is shown in
the lower portion of the screen.
Slow: exponential avg: 1 sec con- Step 1 To access these parameters turn the Model
stant 720 on by pressing c. Next press R
m 3 9 e (Or press R, C), and
Fast; exponential avg: 1/8 second the following screen will appear:
The A and C weightings simulate Step 3 To set the Frequency Weighting, press d to
human hearing response and meet item 40. You can choose either A or C weight-
type 2 standards for accuracy (A16, ing:
C16 and Flat do not apply to the
Model 720). [A, A16, C, C16, Flt]
Flat record all sound and C weight- Step 6 Item 42, UwPk Weighting, press the d
ing simulates the human hearing at again. Chose from the values listed with r.
higher sound levels.
[Flat, C]
The highest RMS level occurred at Step 1 Press V to view the greatest value of the
9:19 hrs., and was 99.2 dBA on the RMS SPL since the beginning of the measure-
given date. Additional screens are ment:
available here recording the number
of times the current reading has
reached predetermined levels
(selected in parameters 61-62).
In this example, parameter 61 was Step 2 Press the r key and examine the second
set to 55 dB and C-weighted (param- screen available in this series:
eter 40). In this measurement the
RMS has topped this level 11 times.
The current measurement Lmin Step 1 Examine these values; press the U and
occurred on November 27, 1996, at V keys and the following display will
9:21 A.M. (Remember, the Model appear:
720 used military time to designate
between A.M. and P.M.) That Lmin
value was 51.5 dB.
The Model 720 also has a peak level detector. Its values
during the measurement (or when stopped) are found
by pressing the K key.
PEAK is a weighted value and repre- Step 1 Access Peak values. Press K:
sents a true Peak SPL from the on-
board Peak Detector. In this example
the PEAK is 116.2 dB and occurred
at the time and date shown on the
screen. Parameter 63 sets the level
above which the readings must go to
be recorded by the Model 720.
Parameter 63 controls the setting for Step 2 The second display available from this func-
this measurement. Here the setting tion is accessed by pressing the r key:
is 74 dB, C-weighted and in this
measurement was exceeded 46 times.
The unweighted peak value is the Step 1 Press U and K and examine these
unfiltered (no A or C weighting) sig- values for the current reading:
nal from the Peak Detector.
The value for the UWPK is set in Step 2 For the second screen, press the r key:
parameter 64 and is 85 dB. This
value was reached 30 times.
Parameters 55-56 in this example Step 1 Access Ln by pressing the B key and a
were set to 5 and 10 respectively. screen similar to the following will appear:
This screen shows their values in
this measurement. These indicate the
sound pressure levels that were
exceeded 5% and 10% of the mea-
surement duration.
Parameters 57-58 were set at the Step 2 Press the r key to access the second screen:
given values shown in the screen
and their readings are apparent.
The average RMS level is 68.2 dB, The average RMS level, the Leq, is displayed by press-
slow, average for the 12 minute and ing T.
14.9 second measurement period.
• Current.
• Overall.
Parameter 51, Full Dose Period (or To protect the measurement, the OVERALL Dose set-
Criterion Time) applies to Current tings (parameters 48-50) may not be modified once the
Overall and LDL. measurement has started without a reset. However,
OVERALL CRITERION may be changed at any time.
The normal Dose setting for thresh- Step 2 Press the d key and choose the desired dB
old is 80 dB which allows the instru- level for the Current Threshold. Larson-Davis
ment to virtually ignore sound has preset this parameter to 80 dB.
below that level as it does not con-
tribute significantly to the weight of Step 3 If you wish to change this level press m,
the measurement data sought, and enter the desired dB numerically and press
saves memory as well. e.
Damage to hearing normally occurs Step 4 Press the d key, item 47. Press e if
with lengthy exposure to sound at 90 you wish to keep the 90 dB level, or press
dB and above. For this reason the m, enter the desired dB numerically and
Criterion is generally set at 90 dB. press e.
Changes can be made in any display Step 5 To access items 48-50, Overall Exchange Rate,
by pressing m, entering desired val- Overall Threshold, Overall Criterion, press the
ues, and pressing e. d key.
The overall criterion level set in item Full Dose Hours, item 51, has a range of 0 to 99 hours
50 and the dose hours set in item 51 but is normally set to an 8 hour workday.
determine what is 100% dose.
Step 6 To access Full Dose Hours press the d
OSHA criterion is 90 dB, Threshold Parameters 52-54 are a second set used to calculate
is 80 dB, Exchange Rate is 5 dB, and overall dose from the overall data. Data already in
the Full Dose hours (Criterion Time) memory is recalculated with new parameters using
is 8 dB. LDL (log Data Logic).
This step will not work while in the Step 8 To look at Projected Dose, press r to the
SETUP mode. PROJ-b screen.
This step will not work while in the Step 10 To look at LDL, press U and E.
SETUP mode either.
Dose readings are usually read and have more mean-
ing after the measurement is completed. Return to the
recent measurement and examine the values recorded
Notice in the reading the LDL Step 1 Press the U and E keys:
Threshold is set at 80 (parameter 49)
The Overall Exchange Rate is set at
3 dB (parameter 48). The overall cri-
terion has been set at 90 (parameter
50). Any of these 3 parameters can
be modified and a new dose, pro-
jected dose, Leq, and SEL will be
The Revision number and date are Step 1 Access the Battery display by pressing U
shown. and B Press the r key to access the
second screen:
Eight additional screens are avail- Step 2 To access the Battery “c” screen press the r
able from this function. Warning or key. To view warning or error messages press
Error messages encountered during the d key:
normal operation will be displayed
here in the order they happen. They
are accessed by either the l and
r keys, or the u and d keys
which will scroll only the warning
Total Exceedances were 27,total Step 2 Press the r key to access the next screen:
Intervals were 3, and 1 Daily Histo-
ries. Should any of four let-
ters,“OVLD” flash in the place of
the figure in the upper right, this
would indicate there was an Over-
load during the reading (see chapter
This display indicates there are 8 Step 3 The third screen gives additional information.
Histories in memory, 3 Logs and 0 Press the r key to examine this screen:
Calibrations. Hs is the number of
time history samples, Lg is the num-
ber of RUN/STOP’s made, and CL is
the number of calibration check
6 Timed Measurement
The Timer parameters, 21-27 begin Step 1 Turn the Model 720 on, press O followed
with this screen, parameter 21. by R, U, and t. The following
display will appear:
If the date is incorrect, simply press Step 5 Press m to change the date and enter 09 26
m and enter the correct data, then 96. Press e. The new Timer Run Date is
press e. now 26 Sep 1996.
Notice that military time is used Step 10 Press the d to Run Time 2. Press m to
(0:01-24:00) to avoid confusion with enter 13 00, our afternoon start time. Press
A.M. to P.M. e.
Current time, day, and day of week Step 1 Press U and T to access this infor-
are controlled by parameter 6-8. mation:
The Model 720 SLM can insure that your settings will
not be disturbed by providing a Lock Password
parameter (items 28-34).
Refer to Chapter 4 to review entering Step 2 Press m and enter your personal combi-
numbers or letters by using the nation of numbers or letters from 1-8 charac-
U key. ters.
Notice that as you enter your code Step 4 If you should wish to unlock the system for
only (********) appear to protect your further input or readings, press U and
password. Again, make the password L, then m.
easy to remember should you wish to
use this function.
7 History Functions
- Time History
- Time History Data
- Log and Data
- Interval History
- Interval History Data
- Exceedance
- Setting PassBy functions
Yes: With this item set to “Yes”, the Step 1 Turn the Model 720 on and access Time His-
time history function is enabled. tory parameters. Press R H. The follow-
Despite Model 720’s large memory, ing screen, item 80, Time history Enable
ensure anticipated requirements do appears:
not exceed available memory.
Normally all data is taken with 0.1 Step 3 Press the d to item 81, History Resolution:
dB resolution (2 bytes/level). To save
memory, this option allows storage (1.0 dB, 0.1 dB).
of history in 1.0 dB resolution.
Step 4 To change this setting press m r
This option allows saving the Step 5 To access item 82, Hist Save Peak press d:
weighted peak (Peak), unweighted
Peak (UWPK) or Max RMS level [No, Peak, UWPK, Lmax]
(Lmax) with each RMS history sam-
ple. Step 6 You may press m and make your selec-
tion with r and then press e.
(0-255 units)
This is for editing purposes only. All Step 9 Press the d to item 85, Hist Base. The set-
history is stored regardless of this ting range is: (0-255 dB).
base level. However, only data above
the base level are displayed. Step 10 To enter a value, press m, the value,
This parameter controls the stored Step 11 Press the d to item 86, Hist Base Mode:
data which the preceding base level
operates. For example, if this was set [Off, RMS, Peak].
to Peak and the base level set to 100
dB, only peaks 100 dB and above Step 12 To change the field press m, r, and
would be displayed. e.
The Model 720 provides an ampli- Step 13 Press the d to item 87, Histogram Resolu-
tude distribution that can be read on tion for these options: [1/8, 1/2, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10]
the display. If the resolution is not
satisfactory, a different one may be Step 14 Select the value you want. Press m, r
selected and the amplitude distribu- to the proper setting, and then press e.
tion re-displayed or printed. This is
possible because all data is stored to
the nearest 1/8 dB.
The Time History is used to view the In Chapter 5 we learned how to take a measurement.
data that was acquired with the set- To examine the History of that measurement take the
tings discussed in the previous sec- following steps:
tion. In this example, you will view
the Leq and Peak data that was gath-
ered during the history period.
This display contains History infor- Step 1 To access Time History, press H, and a
mation about the measurement. It screen similar to the following will appear:
was started by a key stroke.
Press the d key to view other read- Step 2 Press the d key to see the beginning of
ings. dozens of readings:
The Log information indicates that Step 3 Go back to LOG-a by pressing the r key.
the measurement was stopped by Scroll through the record logs by pressing
keystroke. If a low battery had been d:
the reason for the measurement stop-
ping, “BATT” would have appeared.
To retain data already gathered, the
Model 720 will terminate the mea-
surement when battery power
becomes low.
Step 4 The u and d keys may be used to look
at additional records. Press the r to look
at associated dates and times.
Interval History
This parameter is the exchange rate Step 2 Press the d to access the next parameter,
used for each interval. Set this to 3 73, Intv Exchange Rate for these choices:
dB for community noise and 5 dB for
OSHA studies. (3dB, 4dB, 5dB, 6dB).
This sets the TWA threshold for the Step 3 Press the d to item 74, Intv Threshold. You
interval time history. For hearing may find 80 dB preset but you may enter
conservation purposes, 80 dB is rec- another value: (0-255).
ommended. For most community
noise purposes, set this parameter to
0 or slightly above the noise floor.
This sets the period for the interval Step 4 Press the d to item 75, Intv Period. Press
history (a 1 second interval may be m and the numeric values for the interval
selected by entering 00:00). period desired, and then press e:
The Model 720 allows synchronizing Step 5 Press the d to Intv Time Sync, item 76, for
the interval report with the Daily these choices: (Yes, No)
History Report. If (Yes) is entered,
the Interval Report will be started
(or restarted if already running) at
the start of each hour. For this to
work properly the Interval Time
should be one hour or some multiples
of hours. The benefit of synchroniz-
ing the hourly levels and the interval
reports is that all the statistics Lmax,
Ln, etc.) are available for the hourly
noise levels that make up the daily
Yes: This option allows the four Lns Step 6 Press the d to item 77, Intv Save Ln’s. The
for the interval report to be stored. Choices are: [Yes, No]
Eight screens are available from the Step 8 To view Interval Histories after a measure-
INTV mode. The screen at the left ment has been taken, press M. A screen
gives the Time and Date of a given similar to the one below will appear:
Interval. Duration, Leq, Lmin and
Lmax, Peak and UWPK, and the level
setting measurements.
INTV-a gives time, interval number Step 9 Examine the data available in each INTV.
and date Press r and scroll to each. The l will
also work. Note the scroll is a loop.
NTV-b gives duration and interval
number Step 10 Press the d or u keys to view the next
or previous Interval, respectively.
INTV-c gives SEL and Leq.
Used to calculate exceedance inte- • 67 - Excd Exchange - [3dB, 4dB, 5dB, 6dB]
grated level and normally set at 3 dB
(Leq). 4 dB gives L_DOD, 5 dB gives
LOSHA, 6 dB gives L_Avg.
End of
Start of Exceedance
Exceedance Lmax
(Tstart) Hysteresis
T max – T start
Symmetry = 100 × -----------------------------
Five screens are available. Time and Step 1 Press L. The following screen appears
Date and the Exceedance number, with some variation:
(as seen in the screen to the left),
Duration, Leq comparisons, Lmax,
Symmetry, Peak and UWPK.
When the Exceedance History and Step 1 To enable the Passby function, turn on the
Passby, parameter 66 and 162, is Model 720 and then press R, m, 162,
enabled, a Passby record will be cre- and e. The screen will show either of
ated whenever a delta 10dB event is two options: [Level, PassBy].
detected (See Figure 7-2).
Start of 10dB
Exceedance Occurrence
The Single Highest Passby event is Step 2 To examine the Maximum PassBy of all those
accessed by pressing U and l while in collected, press U and the l key.
the EXCD Mode. Use the l and r keys to access the
following data windows:
8 Parameters
Master Reset: If for some reason it Some setup items may be changed while the Model
appears that a master reset is 720 is running, but parameters influencing data integ-
required (similar to rebooting a PC), rity require a memory Reset ALL.
it may be accomplished (with the
unit off) by holding down the V, Step 1 Enter the setup by pressing R.The fol-
S, and l key, and then pushing the lowing will appear:
O key. Warning: This is not like
U S in that this procedure
will destroy all data and setups and
return the 720 to the factory default
configuration. You will have to re-
enter all your setups.
Locating Parameters
All items in the list of parameters Step 1 From the Setup menu press d to move down
can be accessed by using the u the list of parameters one at a time.
and d.
Step 2 When the arrow keys are used in conjunc-
tion with the Shift key, U the Model
720 will take you to the top or bottom of the
parameters list.
You are now at the beginning of the Step 4 Press the U m keys and then 6 1.
Exceedance parameters, item Press e.
NOTE: Numbers are entered at the current cursor position. Enter
leading zeros if necessary.
This one has rounded brackets that Parameters may consist of numeri33cal values, charac-
mean this is an “entry parameter”. ter fields or selected choices. Numerical or character
Type the number or character fields are shown between parentheses:
desired (see Chapter 4). If there is an
angle bracket “>” then the entry
field is too big to fit the screen and
will scroll with the r key.
Step 1 Press m.
For complete coverage of numerical Step 2 Enter a value from the numerical keypad. Use
and alpha entry see chapter 4. the U key for alphabetical input.
To make a selection:
Error Messages:
Storing a Setup
Remember, to reset memory press U The Model 820 must be stopped and memory reset to
S e. store to the EEPROM.
RAM registers 0 and 1 and Step 2 The EEPROM (.) is again the default. Use r
EEPROM register will recall previ- and d to scroll through the two RAM registers
ously stored calibration data. or u to recall the programmed ROM setups.
STORE saves the CAL data so that Note that the first ROM is the default.
the calibration for may be stored and
recalled as desired.
Timer (21-27) U T
21 Timer Mode [Off, Block, 1/day, Block: Run Time 1 on Run Date
2/day to Stop Time 1 on Stop Date
1/day: Run Time 1 to Stop Time
1 each day from Run Date to
Stop Date
2/day: Run Time 1 to Stop Time
1 and Run Time 2 to Stop Time 2
each day from Run date to Stop
For complete instruction on setting Step 1 After setting password and lock options, exit
the Lock parameters, see chapter 6. the setup and press UL to lock.
41 AC Out Weighting [Flat, Wght, F+20, F+20: Flat Level with 20 dB gain.
W+20] W+20: Weighted with 20 dB gain.
Dose (51-54) E
73 Intv Exchange [3dB, 4dB, 5dB, 6dB] Used to calculate interval inte-
grated level. Normally this is set to
3 dB (Leq). 4 dB gives LDOD, 5 dB:
LOSHA, 6 dB: LAvg.
75 Intv Period (hh:mm) This sets the period for the interval
history from 1 minute up to 99:59.
A 1 second interval may also be
selected by entering 00:00.
77 Intv Save Ln’s [No, Yes] Selects whether interval Ln’s are
stored. The Ln’s stored are those in
effect (items 55-60) at end of inter-
82 Hist Save Peak [No, Peak, UWPk, This option allows saving the his-
Lmax] tory period’s highest weighted
(Peak), unweighted Peak (UWPk)
or RMS level (Lmax) with each
RMS history sample.
86 Hist Base Mode [Off, RMS, Peak] Type of noise data used by the
base mode
90 R/S and Cal Log [No, Yes] Prints Run/Stop and calibration
log report.
159 Power Mode [Normal, Ext CO] Normal: meter uses internal bat-
tery unless greater external volt-
age is also applied.
Ext CO: (external cutoff) when
external power falls below 10.5 V,
meter turns off to prevent battery
9 Memory Usage
Options Bytes
[1.0dB] [No] 1
[0.1dB] [No] 2
16 [1.0dB] [No] 1
17 [0.1dB] [No] 2
18 [1.0dB] [Peak|UwPk|Max|Wind] 2
19 [0.1dB] [Peak|UwPk|Max|Wind] 4
10 Printing a Report
Items 89-112 allow you to select the Step 4 Press the d key to the next display, item
reports which are to be printed and 89 (duplicated here as item 177), the begin-
how the output data are to be config- ning of the parameters that manage printouts:
Printing Reports
The brackets contain the command Step 2 Press the d key until you find the Exceed-
that will produce the Exceedance ance History report screen:
Report, i.e. [EXCD].
A Specifications
• Type
• Reference Direction
• Measurement Ranges
• Reference Level
• Frequency Weighting
• Effects of Temperature
• Effects of Humidity
• AC and DC Outputs
• Reference Frequency
• Stabilization Time
• Functions Measured
• Data Storage
6/7/05 A-1
• Data Communications
• Digital Display
• Display Bargraph
• Real-time Clock/Calendar
• Run-time Clock
• Standards Met
• Power Supply
Reference Direction
RMS Detector
Other Detectors
• AC Output = 85.0 dB
• DC Output = 105.0 dB
Reference Level
6/7/05 A -3
Frequency Weightings
Flat Weight-
Detector A Weight C Weight
RMS √ √
Weighted Peak √ √
Unweighted Peak √ √
AC Output √ √ √
DC Output √ √
6/7/05 A -5
Effects of Temperature
Effects of Humidly
AC and DC Outputs
AC Output
DC Output
• Scale: 20 mV/dB
Reference Frequency
Stabilization Time
6/7/05 A -7
Microphone Electrical Impedance
Functions Measured
• Taktmaximal 3 and 5
• Exceedance Events
Data Storage
Data Communications
• dB levels: 0.1 dB
• Dose: 0.01%
Display Bargraph
Real-time Clock/Calendar
• 1 second resolution
Run-time Clock
• Format: hhhhh:mm:ss.s
6/7/05 A -9
• Maximum > 4 years
Standards Met
• Directive 86/188/EEC
• Directive IEC/TC-29
Power Supply
6/7/05 B-1
Model INT002 Interface Cable
Baud rate, Serial Port address and Step 2 Connect the cable to the of the computer,
handshaking protocol are selected using the supplied 9-25 pin adapter if neces-
using parameters 9, 10 and 12. sary.
Unless using addressing, set the
address to (0). Signal 5-Pin configurations for the INT002 follow:
712, 720, 812,& 820 5-pin Connector Computer DB-9
End Connector End
Ground Pin1/Shield Pin5/Shield
TXD Pin 2/Red Pin 3/Red
RXD Pin3/Yellow Pin 2/Yellow
Power Pin4/Blue
DTR Pin 5/White Pin 4/Blue
DSR Pin 6/White
CTS Pin 8/White
Syntax Response
S[et] parameter_number; option_text acknowledge i.e. “Set 8; [Thu]” will set day of week to
6/7/05 B -3
Query Option flags may be added for combined effect.
32-Index Number
2-print in braces
Command Description
M1 Power On, clear error message list and reset display functions to “–a” windows
M2 Power Off
M3 Run
M4 Stop
M5 View
M6 Mark
M 9,1 High Resolution Levels (to I/O channel only). Increased resolution I/O is possi-
ble by using the M9,1 command. All sound levels are then sent with an addi-
tional fractional character (nnn.nn) giving 1/100th dB resolution. The Model
720 acquires noise data with 1/32 dB resolution. Greater resolution is
achieved through averaging. HOWEVER, THIS DOES NOT IMPROVE
ACCURACY. Refer to the specifications or device specific performance
results for the accuracy of the system.
M 11 Lock 720 and Power Off.To unlock the unit and send the lock combination to the unlock param-
eter with the S230,cccccccc command where cccccccc is the correct combination entered
before locking.
6/7/05 B -5
“Read” Variables
R 38 _LN1 Ln 1 nnn.n dB
R 39 _LN2 Ln 2 nnn.n dB
6/7/05 B -7
R 40 _LN3 Ln 3 nnn.n dB
R 41 _LN4 Ln 4 nnn.n dB
6/7/05 B -9
R 109 _RMSEX2 RMS Exceedance Flag 2 *
E = T • (10^(Leq/10)) • 20µPa2,
6/7/05 B -11
R 167 _PsByMax PassBy Lmax nnn.n
R 170 _RevNumSL SLM Firware Rev. & Rev. Date n.nnn ddmmmyyyy
O4 Read 814’s LCD Display, bit • There are 1024 bytes of screen data (8 lines of 128 bytes each)
mapped in a binary format • Bits in each byte represent a verticle column of 8 pixels with the lsb on top
Syntax Response
Example: G1, 4 <cr> assigns the current SPL to the first group option
6/7/05 B -13
• Character e.g. (Gas Flare, Test 1); can be up to 30
Querying Parameters
Syntax Response
Flag Response
Example: Response
1.Q66 No
3.Q66, 2 [_No]
Setting Parameters
a.Option Number
Syntax Response
S[et]item_number,option_number <cr><lf>
Example: S9, 3 sets setting 9:Baud Rate to option 3 which sets the
baud rate to 9600
Syntax Response
6/7/05 B -15
Example: S84; [_1.0s] sets Hist Period Units to 1.0s
Numeric Parameters
Syntax Response
Syntax Response
S[et]item_number;`character_string <cr><lf>
The month, day, and year are entered in that order and
are separated by “/”. The display shows day,
month(abbreviated), and year in that order.
Syntax Response
Syntax Response
6/7/05 B -17
Parameter List
6/7/05 B -19
Tailored Report
6/7/05 B -21
Special Functions - Advanced use only. Remaining commands are not available on SETUP menu.
6/7/05 B -23
place the Model 720 in an extended Linearity Range
Mode. The true noise floor of the entire system must be
measured and entered in Q207. This will vary with the
selected input weighting or microphone sensitivity.
An equivalent microphone capacitance can be used
after calibration to determine the noise floor. It may
also be possible to remove the microphone bias to
obtain this value. When properly set up the linearity
range can be increased by 10dB.
Q 210 Q.CNTRLREG AUX CONTROL REG BIT Register, sum the values for each bit to be set…
Bit Description/Sum bit value
Save Interval Ln Tabe (Binary): 1
Enable Auto-Cal-Check a midnight: 2
Use LD Model 2400 Modem Controls: 4
Take Double Cal Checks (for 2202 only): 8
Save Daily Ln Table (Binary): 16
Automatically RUN on Power-On: 32
Automatically Restart on Op-Code Error: 64
Internal flag, DO NOT SET: (128)
6/7/05 B -25
Advance Advance a number of records from present record
number. If no num_record (number of records) is pro-
vided, 1 is assumed.
Syntax Response
Syntax Response
Syntax Response
Syntax Response
E3 TWA nnn.n dB
E4 SEL nnn.n dB
E5 Lmax nnn.n dB
E6 Lpeak nnn.n dB
Syntax Response
I[nterval]var_no Intv_var
I1 01Jan1997 01:25:00
I 1,-5 01Jan1997 01:20:00 (from 5 previous)
I1,5 01Jan1997 01:30:00 (from 5 after)
6/7/05 B -27
I1 Date and Time of Occurrence ddmmmyy hh:mm:ss
I3 TWA nnn.n dB
I4 SEL nnn.n dB
I5 Lmin nnn.n dB
I6 Lmax nnn.n dB
I7 Lpeak nnn.n dB
I 13 nn 1 Lnn
I 14 Ln 1 nnn.n dB
I 15 nn 2 Lnn
I 16 Ln 2 nnn.n dB
I 17 nn 3 Lnn
I 18 Ln 3 nnn.n dB
I 19 nn 4 Lnn
I 20 Ln 4 nnn.n dB
I 21 nn 5 Lnn
I 22 Ln 5 nnn.n dB
I 23 nn 6 Lnn
I 24 Ln 6 nnn.n dB
Syntax Response
L[og]var_no log_var
Syntax Response
C[alibration]var_no cal_var
Syntax Response
H[istory]var_no time_var
6/7/05 B -29
H2 123.4 (Peak level in current record )
Table Number:
• 1=RMS,
• 2=Peak,
• 3=Unweighted Peak.
Syntax Response
Syntax Response
P[rint]print_no <cr><lf>
P1 Data Report
X 100 XMODEM Begin Printing (same as P100 except through the XMODEM communication protocol)
6/7/05 B -31
Error Messages and Warnings
Warning Message
143 “OPEN #”
6/7/05 B -33
164 “Time/Date Not Set!”
C Glossary
This appendix contains technical definitions of key acoustical and vibration terms commonly
used with Larson•Davis instruments. The reader is referred to American National Standards
Institute document S1.1-1994 for additional definitions. Specific use of the terms defined are
in the main body of the text.
Allowed Exposure Time (Ti) It is the allowed time of exposure to sound of a constant A-
weighted sound level given a chosen Criterion Level, Crite-
rion Duration, and Exchange Rate. The equation for it is
Tc Tc
T i = ----------------------------------------
- = -----------------------------------------
(L – Lc ) ⁄ Q (L – Lc ) ⁄ q
2 avg 10 avg
where Lc is the Criterion Level, Tc is the Criterion Duration,
Q is the Exchange Rate, K is the Exchange Rate Factor and
Lavg is the Average Sound Level.
8 8
T i = ------------------------------- - = 5.656 = 5 hours and 39 minutes
= -------------------------
( 95 – 90 ) ⁄ 10 ( 95 – 90 ) ⁄ 3
10 2
Average Sound Level (Lavg) It is the logarithmic average of the sound during a Measure-
ment Duration (specific time period), using the chosen
Exchange Rate Factor. Exposure to this sound level over the
period would result in the same noise dose and the actual
6/7/05 C-1
(unsteady) sound levels. If the Measurement Duration is the
same as the Criterion Duration, then Lavg=LTWA(LC)
1 ( Lp ( t ) ) ⁄ q
L avg = qLog 10 --- 10 ∫ dt
Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL, Lden) A rating of community noise exposure to
all sources of sound that differentiates between daytime,
evening and nighttime noise exposure. The equation for it is
0700 1900 2200 2400
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
( L + 10 ) ⁄ 10 L ⁄ 10 ( L + 5 ) ⁄ 10 ( L + 10 ) ⁄ 10
i i i i
L = 10log 10 + 10 + 10 + 10
den 10
Criterion Duration (Tc) It is the time required for a constant sound level equal to the
Criterion Level to produce a Noise Dose of 100%. Criterion
Duration is typically 8 hours.
Example: If the Criterion Level = 90 dB and the Criterion
Duration is 8 hours, then a sound level of 90 dB for 8 hours,
Criterion Sound Exposure (CSE) The product of the Criterion Duration and the mean
square sound pressure associated with the Criterion Sound
Level when adjusted for the Exchange Rate. It is expressed in
Pascals-squared seconds when the exchange rate is 3 dB.
where q is the Exchange Rate Factor. See Exchange Rate.
Lc ⁄ q
CSE = T c 10
Criterion Sound Level (Lc) It is the sound level which if continually applied for the Cri-
terion Duration will produce a Noise Dose of 100%. The cur-
rent OSHA Criterion Level is 90 dB.
Standard: ANSI S12.19
Daily Personal Noise Exposure (LEP,d) It is the level of a constant sound over the Criterion
Duration that contains the same sound energy as the actual,
unsteady sound over a specific period. The period is gener-
ally shorter, so the sound energy is spread out over the Crite-
rion Duration period.
Example: If the Criterion Duration = 8 hours and the specific
period is 4 hours and the average level during the 4 hours is
86 dB, then the LEP,d = 83 dB.
Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL, Ldn) A rating of community noise exposure to all
sources of sound that differentiates between daytime and
nighttime noise exposure. The equation for it is
0700 2200 2400
∑ ∑ ∑
( L + 10 ) ⁄ 10 L ⁄ 10 ( L + 10 ) ⁄ 10
i i i
L = 10Log 10 + 10 + 10
dn 10
6/7/05 C -3
the word level is used it implies this logarithmic form. The
relationship is relatively simple, but the mathematics can
become complex. It is widely used and was developed so
that the very wide range of any quantity could be repre-
sented more simply. It is not possible to directly add or sub-
tract physical quantities when expressed in decibel form.
The word level is always attached to a physical quantity
when it is expressed in decibels; for example Lp represents
the sound pressure level. The table below shows the actual
value of a specific item, such as sound pressure, for which
the level is to be determined. First the value is put into expo-
nential form in powers of ten; the exponent is the Bel. The
exponent is then multiplied by ten to yield the decibel. This
procedure converts multiplication into addition; every time
10 is added to the level, the value is multiplied by 10. When the
value is not a even multiple of ten the exponent is more com-
plicated as shown in the table. Every time the level increases
by 3 dB, the value is multiplied by 2 (doubled). These two
rules are worth remembering.
Linear form Level form
Exponential Form 10•Exponent
Ration of Value to Reference
of Ratio
1 100 0
10 101 10
100 102 20
200 102.3 23
1000 103 30
10000 104 40
100000 105 50
1000000 106 60
W L ⁄ 10
L = 10Log 10 ------- W = W 0 10
The value of the item in the table is not the value of the quan-
tity itself but the ratio of that quantity to a reference quan-
tity. So for every level in decibels there must be a reference
quantity. When the quantity equals the reference quantity
Department of Defense Level (LDOD) The Average Sound Level calculated in accordance
with Department of Defense Exchange Rate and Threshold
Level. See Average Sound Level
Detector The part of a sound level meter that converts the actual fluc-
tuating sound or vibration signal from the microphone to
one that indicates its amplitude. It first squares the signal,
then averages it in accordance with the time-weighting char-
acteristic, and then takes the square root. This results in an
amplitude described as rms (root-mean-square).
Eight Hour Time-Weighted Average Sound Level (L TWA(8)) It is the constant sound level
that would expose a person to the same Noise Dose as the
actual (unsteady) sound levels. The equation for it is
L TWA ( 8 ) = L c + qLog 10 ---------
Energy Equivalent Sound Level (Leq) The level of a constant sound over a specific time
period that has the same sound energy as the actual
(unsteady) sound over the same period.
T2 2
T1 ∫
p ( t ) dt
L eq = 10Log 10 --------------------------
po T
Exchange Rate (Q), Exchange Rate Factor (q), Exposure Factor (k) It is defined in ANSI
S1.25 as “the change in sound level corresponding to a dou-
bling or halving of the duration of a sound level while a con-
stant percentage of criterion exposure is maintained.” The
6/7/05 C -5
rate and the factors are given in the table below.
Standard: ANSI S12.19
Exchange Rate, Q Exchange Rate Exposure Factor, k
Factor, q
3.01 10 1
4 13.333 .75
5 16.667 .60
6.02 20 .50
Far Field There are two types of far fields: the acoustic far field and the
geometric far field.
Free Field A sound field that is free of reflections. This does not mean
that the sound is all coming from one direction as is often
assumed, since the source of sound may be spatially exten-
sive. See the definitions of near and far fields for more detail.
This definition is often used in conjunction with reverberant
Frequency (Hz, rad/sec) The rate at which an oscillating signal completes a complete
cycle by returning to the original value. It can be expressed
Frequency Band Pass Filter The part of certain sound level meters that divides the fre-
quency spectrum on the sound or vibration into a part that is
unchanged and a part that is filtered out. It can be composed
of one or more of the following types:
Frequency Filter - Weighted A special frequency filter that adjusts the amplitude of all
parts of the frequency spectrum of the sound or vibration
6/7/05 C -7
unlike band pass filters. It can be composed of one or more
of the following types:
Measurement Duration (T) The time period of measurement. It applies to hearing dam-
age risk and is generally expressed in hours.
Standard: ANSI S12.19
6/7/05 C -9
Capacitor (Condenser): A microphone that uses the motion of
a thin diaphragm caused by the sound to change the capaci-
tance of an electrical circuit and thereby to create a signal.
For high sensitivity, this device has a voltage applied across
the diaphragm from an internal source.
Electret: A microphone that uses the motion of a thin dia-
phragm caused by the sound to change the capacitance of an
electrical circuit and thereby to create a signal. The voltage
across the diaphragm is caused by the charge embedded in
the electret material so no internal source is needed.
6/7/05 C -11
background sound level without the source of interest. You
may have to correct for the background.
Near Field There are two types of near fields: the acoustic near field and
the geometric near field.
Noise Dose (D) It is the percentage of time a person is exposed to noise that
is potentially damaging to hearing. Zero represents no expo-
sure and 100 or more represents complete exposure. It is cal-
culated by dividing the actual time of exposure by the
allowed time of exposure. The allowed time of exposure is
determined by the Criterion Duration and by the sound level
(the higher the level, the shorter the allowed time). The
sound levels must be measured with A-frequency weighting
and slow exponential time weighting. See Projected Noise
T 100T ( L – L ) ⁄ Q
D = 100 ---- = ------------ 10 i c
Ti Tc
OSHA Level (LOSHA) The Average Sound Level calculated in accordance with the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Exchange
Rate and Threshold Level.
Projected Noise Dose It is the Noise Dose expected if the current rate of noise expo-
sure continues for the full Criterion Duration period.
6/7/05 C -13
Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL, LAX) The total sound energy over a specific
period. It is a special form of the Sound Exposure Level
where the time period is defined as the start and end times of
a noise event such as an aircraft or automobile passby.
Sound Exposure (SE) It is the total sound energy of the actual sound during a spe-
cific time period. It is expressed in Pascals-squared seconds.
SE = ∫ pA ( t ) dt
Sound Exposure Level (SEL, LET) The total sound energy in a specific time period. The
equation for it is
p ( t ) dt
1 T
SEL = 10Log 10 ------------------------
p0 T
6/7/05 C -15
Moving Average: The averaging process is continually accept-
ing new data so it is similar to an exponential moving aver-
age. The equation for it is
1 2 –( t – ξ ) ⁄ T
p rms =
T ∫
--- p ( ξ )e dξ
1 - 2
p rms = ∫
( T2 – T1 )
p ( t ) dt
Sound Pressure Level (SPL, Lp) The logarithmic form of sound pressure. It is also expressed
by attachment of the word decibel to the number. The loga-
rithm is taken of the ratio of the actual sound pressure to a
reference sound pressure which is 20 MicroPascals (µ Pa).
There are various descriptors attached to this level depend-
p rms L p ⁄ 20
L p = 20log 10 ---------
- p rms = p 0 10
If the sound pressure level = 76.3 dB, then the sound pres-
sure is
6/7/05 C -17
depend on the time-weighting applied.
Sound Power Level (PWL, Lw) The logarithmic form of sound power. It is also expressed by
attachment of the word decibel to the number. The loga-
rithm is taken of the ratio of the actual sound power to a ref-
erence sound power, which is 1 pico-watt. Sound power
level cannot be measured directly, but can only be deduced
through measurements of sound intensity or sound pressure
around the source. The equation for it is
W L w ⁄ 10
L w = 10log 10 ------- W = W 0 10
Sound Speed, (c,) The speed at which sound waves propagate. It is measured
in meters per second. It should not be confused with sound
or particle velocity which relates to the physical motion of
the medium itself.
Threshold Sound Level (Lt) The A-weighted sound level below which the sound pro-
duces little or no Noise Dose accumulation and may be dis-
Time Weighted Average Sound Level (TWA, LTWA(TC)) It is the level of a constant sound
over the Criterion Duration, that would expose a person to
the same Noise Dose as the actual (unsteady) sound over the
same period. If the Exchange Rate is 3 dB then the TWA is
equal to the Leq.
2 (L (t)) ⁄ K
L TWA ( TC ) = Klog 10 --- 10 ∫ dt
Time Weighting The response speed of the detector in a sound level meter.
There are several speeds used.
6/7/05 C -19
λ = c--
k = 2π -------- = ω
------ = 2πf ----
λ c c
Yearly Average Sound Level (YDNL, Lydn) The Day-Night Average Sound Level for each
day is averaged over the entire year. It is calculated as fol-
1 Ldn 1 ⁄ 10
L ydn = 10 log ---------
365 ∑ 10
D Warranty/Customer Satisfaction
A. Total Customer Satisfaction. Larson Davis, Inc. (“LD”) guarantees Total Customer Satisfaction.
If, at any time you are not completely satisfied with any LD product, LD will repair, replace or
exchange it at no charge, except as otherwise provided in this Limited Warranty. The employees of
LD strive to provide superior, unmatched customer service. Should you find yourself dissatisfied with
any LD product for any reason, consult a LD Application engineer or local representative/ distributor
to discuss your situation.
B. Purchase Price Refund/Limited Warranty. LD warrants to the original purchaser (the "Buyer")
that, unless otherwise expressly specified in writing by a LD officer, all LD products shall be free of
defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from date of original purchase. In
furtherance of LD's commitment to Total Customer Satisfaction, LD will, for a period of one (1) year
from date of original purchase, refund 100% of the customer's purchase price for any LD product with
which the buyer is not completely satisfied, subject to the exceptions contained in Paragraph J of this
Limited Warranty. The option of a refund may be selected during this one (1) year period in lieu of
repair, replacement or exchange of the product.
Service & Repair Limited Warranty. In addition to the limited warranties set forth above, LD
offers a 90-day parts and labor limited warranty for all repair work performed at the factory. This
warranty is limited to parts repaired or replaced at the factory by LD. This warranty is also subject
to the limitations as outlined in Paragraph J.
C. Shipping Charges. The buyer will return the product freight prepaid by the Buyer to an
authorized service center. The product will be returned to the buyer freight prepaid by LD.
D. Products Manufactured by Others. This Limited Warranty does not cover any products
manufactured by others. Such products are subject to the warranty, if any, of their respective
manufacturers, and to be repaired only by a respective authorized service person for such products.
LD shall have no obligation to undertake repairs of products manufactured by others.
Some states do not permit the limitation or disclaimer of incidental or consequential damages.
Therefore, the above disclaimer of incidental or consequential damages may not apply to certain
Some states do not permit the disclaimer of implied warranties. Therefore, the above disclaimer of
implied warranties may not apply to certain purchasers.
I. Procedure for Warranty Performance. If the product fails to perform to LD's specifications, the
Buyer must provide LD with the applicable model and serial numbers, the date of purchase, and the
nature of the problem.
variables ...........................................B-30 Block Diagram .................................1-9
Histogram Reports.................................. B-21 Components...................................... 1-7
History Features ............................................. 1-4
commands......................................... B-4 Introduction .....................................1-1
records ..............................................B-25 Keypad .............................................. 2-2
Hysteresis................................................. 8-14 optional equipment .........................1-12
I System Diagram ..............................1-9
Turning On ....................................... 2-8
I/O Error Checking ...............................B-23
Model 720 Components ......................... 1-7
interface ...................................................8-7
Model 820
International Electrotechnical Commission
Glossary, App C............................... C-1
(IEC)............................................ 1-4
Specifications, App A .....................A-1
Interval History ....................................... 8-15
Interval Variables ...................................B-27
K Near Field
acoustic .............................................. C-12
geometric ..........................................C-12
functions of ......................................2-2
glossary ............................................C-12
L Noise
ambient.............................................. C-12
Leq............................................................. 1-5 Background ......................................C-12
glossary ............................................. C-5 compensate .......................................B-23
Level C-9 daily personal exposure.................. C-3
Dept of Defense................................ C-5 dose(D) .............................................C-13
LN exposure ...........................................C-13
Ln Statistical Levels ......................... 8-13 floor ...................................................B-23
Statistical Levels............................... 8-13 glossary ....................................C-2, C-12
Lock ..........................................................8-10 pink .................................................... C-13
projected noise dose .......................C-13
M single event exposure level(SENEL,Lax)
Messages ............................................................ C-13
error messages and warnings ........ B-32 white .................................................. C-13
Microphone Numeric Parameters ..............................B-16
guidelines.......................................... C-9
what it measures .............................C-10 O
microphone reference number .............1-11 Off
Microphones directions for turning off ...............2-10
capacitor ............................................ C-10 OSHA
electrit ................................................ C-10 level ...................................................C-13
uses ...................................................C-10 Overload................................................... 7-13
commands......................................... B-5
Model 720
P Setup
Parameters ........................................ 8-6
Parameter ................................................B-16 storing ...............................................8-5
Chapter8 ...........................................8-1 Setup Memory ........................................8-4
character............................................ B-16 SLM
character strings............................... B-13 Sound Level Meter ..........................8-11
indexed.............................................. B-13 Sound
numeric ....................................B-13, B-16 average level (lavg) .........................C-1
query .................................................B-14 day-night average level ..................C-3
setting ...............................................B-13 energy average(Leq)........................ C-17
template............................................. B-13 exposure ............................................ C-14
PassBy ......................................................7-11 exposure level ..................................C-14
Passby Diagram .....................................7-12 fixed average .................................... C-16
Peak ..................................................5-3, 8-16 glossary ............................................C-14
Pin ............................................................B-2 impulse .............................................C-17
Pin configurations................................... B-2 instantaneous ...................................C-16
Power intensity(l) ........................................C-17
connecting ........................................1-15 moving average ...............................C-15
external..............................1-15 to 1-16 pressure ............................................C-15
internal .............................................. 1-15 sound pressure level(SPL,Lp) ........ C-16
specifications ...................................A-10 unweighted peak ............................. C-17
Power Save............................................... 8-9 weighted peak ..................................C-17
Preamplifier ............................................. C-13 yearly average level(YDNL, Lydn) C-20
Print .......................................................... 8-17 Sound Level
commands ........................................B-31 threshold(Lt) ....................................C-18
Sound Level Meter
R SLM .................................................... 8-11
RAM registers.......................................... 8-5 Sound Power ...........................................C-17
Reference Direction level(PWL,Lw).................................. C-17
specifications .................................... A-2 Sound Pressure Level (see Sound) ....... C-16
Reference Level ....................................... 8-11 Sound Speed ............................................ C-17
specifications ...................................A-4 Specifications
Register frequency weightings...................... A-4
RAM...................................................8-5 reference direction ..........................A-2
Register, EEPROM .................................. 8-5 reference level................................... A-4
RESET-ALL.............................................. 8-2 temperature .....................................A-6
RS-232 ......................................................1-6 type .................................................... A-2
data communications .....................A-8 Spectrum
RS-232 Address ....................................... 8-7 frequency ..........................................C-18
RS-232 interface....................................... B-1 Standards
Run Log Variables .................................B-29 ANSI .................................................A-10
S command .......................................... B-6
serial number ..........................................1-11
determine strorable data ................9-1
T Weighting ................................................8-11
frequency........................................... C-7
Temperature time ...................................................C-19
specifications ...................................A-6
template ...................................................B-16
Template Parameters .............................B-16
Threshold ................................................8-12
allowed Exposure time(Ti) ............. C-1
weighting .......................................... C-19
Time History............................................ 8-15
time weighted average sound
level(TWA, LTWA(TC) ...C-18
specifications ...................................A-2
Type 2 ......................................................1-4
Unweighted ............................................. 5-3
calibration history ...........................B-29
exceedance history........................... B-26
histogram .........................................B-30
histogram table ...............................B-30
interval .............................................B-27
interval history ................................B-27
run log ..............................................B-29
time history....................................... B-29
Vibration .................................................C-19
Warnings error messages .....................B-32
Warranty ..................................................2-1
warranty ..................................................1-6
glossary ............................................C-19
glossary ............................................C-19
8-hour time weighted average sound
level ..................................... C-5