824 Training Manual
824 Training Manual
824 Training Manual
Training Manual
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824 Training Manual
Table of Contents
What you will Learn ..........................................................................................1-1
Power Key Functions....................................................................................1-2
Powering on the 824......................................................................................1-2
Battery Life ...................................................................................................1-2
LCD Screen Backlight ..................................................................................1-3
LCD Screen Contrast ....................................................................................1-3
An Acoustic Chameleon ....................................................................................1-3
Viewing Instrument IDs ................................................................................1-4
Navigating the Menus ........................................................................................1-5
Arrow Keys ...................................................................................................1-7
Check key ......................................................................................................1-7
Let’s Push Some Buttons ..............................................................................1-7
SSA Measurements ............................................................................................1-8
Time History .................................................................................................1-8
Interval History ...........................................................................................1-10
Broadband Measurements ...........................................................................1-11
Lets Go For a Test Drive..................................................................................1-13
Time History...........................................................................1-13
Resetting Data .............................................................................................1-17
Taking a Measurement ................................................................................1-17
Viewing Data from the 824 Screen..................................................................1-17
SLM Data ....................................................................................................1-17
RTA Data ....................................................................................................1-18
Storing Data .....................................................................................................1-18
Recalling Data..................................................................................................1-18
Download Data Using 824 Utility Software ....................................................1-19
Downloading the Data.................................................................................1-20
Translating the Data and Looking at the Reports ............................................1-22
Reports (824 Utility Software).........................................................................1-23
824 Training Manual
824 Training Manual
824 Training Manual
The 824 sound level meter and real-time analyzer is the cul-
mination of four years of research and development. It
advances the state-of-the-art in acoustic instrumentation.
This Training Manual has been developed to jump-start your
initiation into the use of your new instrument. Consider it a
“getting started” guide as you get to know your 824.
• Store data
It will then switch to the display that was established before
it was powered off in its previous session. The On/Off
key can also be used to check the battery power, as well as
verify the on/off status of the display’s backlight. Press the
On/Off key again to view the PWR screen:
LCD Screen Contrast The screen contrast can be adjusted by continuous presses of
or . Contrast is expressed as a number between 0
and 100. You will find a value between 64 and 70 to be opti-
*Even if you didn’t purchase some of The 824 is a quick-change artist and can be configured many
the options, demo versions are pro- different ways. Depending on the options* that you pur-
vided of all of the optional virtual chased the 824 could have the following instruments:
• ISM - Integrating sound level meter
Logging - Measures Leq, SEL TWA, Min, Max, Peak, with all
weights (A, C, Flat) and with all detectors (Slow, Fast, Impulse) simul-
taneously. Includes time history, interval history, exceedance history,
daily history, Ln percentiles, statistical data, exposure, and dual SLM
(current and overall).
The main menu keys are shown below. To access the differ-
ent instrument functions, simply press the appropriate key.
- The VIEW
key is used to select
- The DATA
key is used to store a
key allows selection
key is used to access:
key is used to estab-
which measured data measurement and of the instrument lish the settings
to display. The views recall it at a later setup menus. From Calibration required to communi-
available depend time. here you can select a cate with an external
upon the measure- pre-configured mea- serial printer and to
ment setup you have surement setup, cre- Memory select the type of
selected. ate a new one, or edit report to print.
an existing setup. Power Monitor
In menus, they control cursor movement. The up and
down arrow keys move the cursor between items in a
menu. The right arrow key enters submenus and set-
The left arrow key will back you out of menus. Better
know as the exit or escape key.
When modifying a setting the left and right
keys select a character or digit to modify. The up
down arrow keys will modity the parameter.
Check key
The check key is used to select an option or choice from a
menu. Pressing the check key in many displays (views)
allows the user to make changes appropriate to that display.
The check key also serves as the Enter key when chang-
ing a setting’s value.
Let’s Push Some Buttons To get a feel for how easy the 824 is to use, push the follow-
ing keys sequentially:
These are called “push-on”, “push- Now push each of these keys twice (in any order). You will
off”, menus. notice that the second push of the key takes you out of that
menu and shows the display previously selected.
Time History The Time History records time segments down to 1/8th of a
second. The Time History is intended for a more detailed
look at the data versus time. The time history is valuable at
detecting what might be the offending noise source(s).
Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time
History History History history history history history history
Period Period Period period period period period period
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
For each Time history period you can select any of the fol-
lowing to be recorded:
Broadband measurements
For the total run time of the instrument the following metrics
are recorded:
Step 2
If your screen doesn’t look like this
despite anything that you do, the
instrument is probably deep into the
menu. Press the left arrow key until
you have backed out to the main
menu or press the POWER v key to
exit all menus and try again. Step 3 If the SSA instrument does not appear at the top of
the list, use the up and down arrow keys to high-
light SLM&RTA.SSA and press the Check key
to select it. With “Edit Settings” highlighted, press
the right arrow to enter into the SSA settings
For an explanation of any of these You will notice that you have alot of choice concerning the
settings, please see chapter 7 of the setup of the SSA instrument.
824 Reference Manual.
• Detector [Slow]
• Gain [+0]
• Transducer [Condenser]
Time History
• Enable Ln [No]
All data will be collected regardless Step 6 In order to see the data collection process, press
of which display you are viewing on the VIEW key.
the 824.
Step 7 Select the SLM view by highlighting “SLM” and
pressing the Check key.
new measurement. Press the RESET key,
select “OverAll” then press the Check key.
surement. Let the instrument run for about a
minute then press the RUN/STOP key again to
stop the measurement. The measurement time is
shown on the bottom of the SLM+RTA display.
Viewing Data from the 824 Screen
SLM Data After the measurement is taken we can look at the data we
just collected by pressing the VIEW key. Highlight the
“Any Data” menu item and press the Check key.
ence Manual for an explanation of again. To scroll through the different displays use the right
these metics and displays. and left arrow keys You will see that metrics for
A,C, and Flat and Slow, Fast, and impulse are all measured
RTA Data To view the RTA data press the VIEW key and back out
to the main VIEW menu by pressing the left arrow key.
Highlight “RTA” from the VIEW menu and press the right
Highlight “RTA Live, RTA Leq, RTA Max, or RTA Min”
and press the Check key to display the spectral data col-
Storing Data
To store the data that was just collected, press the DATA
Recalling Data
Use the up and down arrow keys to select the record you
would like to recall and press the Check key. Further
options such as “Recall file, Beginning, Ending, Find, Purge
All” will be displayed.
Downloading the Data For this exercise you will need to have already installed the
824 Utility software on your computer and connected the
CLB006 computer interface cable between the 824 and the
serial port on your computer. Refer to chapter 9 of the 824
Reference manual if you need help getting to this point.
Use the “Ctrl” key of your computer Step 4 You will notice on the left hand side of the win-
in conjunction with your mouse to dow shows the measurements that are stored in the
select more than one measurement. 824. Select the measurements you would like to
download by highlighting them with your mouse.
You can highlight one or all of the same type of
measurement. Let’s select the first measurement
for download LM&RTA). The file will automati-
cally be named using the date the measurement
was taken on. You have the option of changing the
file name by clicking on the file folder.
Double click on the file name of the directory where the file
is stored. You will see several records such as SSA Sum-
mary, SSA Settings, SSA Time Hist Samples, and so on.
Click on the record you wish to view. The report will be
displayed on the right-hand side of the window.
Printing a Report To print the report you are viewing, select “File” and then
Content of Reports Below are some examples of reports that can be printed,
along with explanations of some of the data contained in
Summary Report
The Interval report shows the data for each interval period.
See page 1-10 for explanation of data parameters for interval
That’s the basics. Now you can move on to some more pow-
erful measuring and analyzing capabilities of the 824 and
2 Environmental
Environmental Noise
• Road traffic
- Noise barriers
• Aircraft noise
• Railroad noise
• Construction noise
• Industrial noise
• Building noise
• Recreational noise
• To detect events
• Politics
• Baseline measurement
• Time History
• Interval History
• Excd History
• Daily History
• Current/Overall levels
• Exposure
• PassBy
Time History
Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time
History History History history history history history history
Period Period Period period period period period period
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SPL Fast (dBF) SPL Impl (dBC) Lmax Slow(dBA) Lmin Slow (dBF) Peak (dBC)
SPL Fast (dBC) SPL Impl (dBA) Lmax Impl (dBF) Lmin Slow (dBC) Peak (dBA)
SPL Fast (dBA) Lmax Fast (dBF) Lmax Impl (dBC) Lmin Slow (dBA) Leq (dBF)
SPL Slow (dBF) Lmax Fast (dBC) Lmax Impl (dBA) Lmin Impl (dBF) Leq (dBC)
SPL Slow (dBC) Lmax Fast (dBA) Lmin Fast (dBF) Lmin Impl (dBC) Leq (dBA)
SPL Slow (dBA) Lmax Slow(dBF) Lmin Fast (dBC) Lmin Impl (dBA) Temperature
SPL Impl (dBF) Lmax Slow(dBC) Lmin Fast (dBA) Peak (dBF) External Voltage
Battery Voltage
Interval History
***Special advanced feature Since Ln’s cannot be combined over time, the 824 and DNA
software (also 824 Utility software) store and process the
binary Ln table for every interval in a way that records can
be combined and any percentiles may be calculated (post
processed) at any time.
Time synchronization
• 1 minute
• 5 minutes
• 10 minutes
• 15 minutes
• 20 minutes
• 30 minutes
• 60 minutes
Exceedance History
• Duration
• Leq
• Lmax
• Peak-I
• Peak-II
SPL Excd
Level 1
SPL Excd Level 1
Exceedance Time History A time history of the exceedance can be recorded and the
sampling time is user selectable from 1/32 of a second to
approximately 8 seconds. For a more detailed picture of a
potential noise source the exceedance history can be very
In the case of a higher sampling A buffer is used to capture the Exceedance time history. This
rate, the 824 will give the end of the allows the 824 to store data prior to the triggering of the
event priority. exceedance. The buffer holds 128 samples. That means that
dfd if you are sampling at 1/32 of a second, you can capture an
event as long as four seconds. If your sampling rate is set at
a maximum of 8 seconds, you can capture an event as long
as 17 minutes. A typical sample periods is one second (enter
32 for “Excd T.H. Period”).
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 T0 +1+2 +3 +4+5+6+7+8+9
10 samples recorded before the event Up to 118 samples 10 samples recorded after the event
Hint: Up to ten samples are stored prior to the trigger and up to ten samples
are stored after the exceedance to give a graphical indication of the
noise profile.
Setting the parameters for an Before setting the parameters for the Exceedance history or
Exceedance History Exceedance time history it is recommended that you get
familiar with the type of events you would like to capture.
• Pk-1 (105)
• Hysteresis (2)
Trigger Menu
Viewing Exceedance History Press the VIEW key to access the view menu. Scroll
Data on the 824 down to “Excd History” and press the right arrow key.
Select “Exceedance” by pressing the Check key. The
exceedance data is shown on two displays “Excd-a” and
From either the “Excd-a” and “Excd-b” displays, press the
Check key to access the “Time History” display.
10 dB
Only events that are longer than the minimum duration and
having Lmax greater than the SPL Excd Level 1 will be
PassBy Measurement Whether or not you turn on the Exceedance history, the
PassBy function will automatically record the highest
passby to occur during the run time of the instrument.
You don’t have to enable the Exceed- To access this display, press the VIEW V key, scroll down to
ance History to get a passby mea- “PassBy” and press the Check c key.
surement. If you would like to record
each passby measurement, then it is
necessary to enable the Exceedance
History and select “PassBy” under
the “Excd Trigger” setting. The data
for the PassBy function can be
stored manually.
Daily History
• Ldn
• Ln’s
• Max
• Min
• Peak I
• Peak II
Explanation of Ldn and CNEL Ldn and CNEL are similar to a 24 hour Leq except the night-
time hours are weighted.
Hourly Statistics For each hour the Daily History logs the following:
• Hourly Leq
• Background Leq
Background Leq
Background Leq can be considered The Background Leq is the total hourly energy (hourly Leq)
the Leq expected if the exceedances minus the total energy (event Leq) of any valid event during
had not occurred. that hour.
The Hourly Excd Leq is the total energy for all exceedances
that occurred during that one hour period.
The data in the Metrics display is The Metrics display differs from the Daily History in that
always recorded and saved with the the values are integrated over the run time of the instrument
broadband data. instead of a 24-hour period.
DNL (Ldn)
Background Leq
Background Leq can be considered The Background Leq is the total energy minus the total
the Leq expected if the exceedances energy (event Leq) of any valid event during the entire mea-
had not occurred. surement period.
Excd Leq
The Excd Leq is the total energy for all exceedances that
occurred the entire measurement period or run time of the
3 RT60 Measurements
RT60 Defined Sound decay measurements are used to determine the sound
absorption characteristics of a room. This is also known as
the reverberation time or the decay time.
How does my 824 measure an RT60 measurements are usually made with real-time analyz-
RT60? ers with 1/3 octave filters. The 824 uses the high speed RTA
option to gather spectra at a rate of up to 400/second. These
spectra are stored in what is known as an autostore ByTime
record. The ByTime autostore records show each time slice
(2.5mS) as the sound is decaying in the room. The
“ByTime” display of the 824 shows each of the 1/3 octave
frequencies over time. The following diagram shows the
level versus time of a single frequency.
∆ dB 5 dB
60 dB
RT60 =
∆ dB
This next section will take you through a step by step pro-
cess for acquiring an RT60 measurement.
Exciting the Room To find out the absorption qualities of a particular room
using an RT60 measurement, you will have to energize the
room with some sound source. There are two basic methods
for energizing a room with sound:
Setting up the 824 for an RT60 For an RT60 measurement use the RTA instrument of the
measurement 824.
light either “RT60-A” or “RT60-B” and press the
Check key.
Step 2 Press the SETUP key again. With “Edit Set-
tings” highlighted, press the Check key. The
following page shows the settings for RT60-A.
Caution: Wear hearing protection • Make sure you can energize the room with enough noise
when generating noise levels of 90 to get a valid measurement. 100 dB would be an ideal
dB or more. Remember that levels level but is not always achievable. Shoot for a level
will be greater near the noise source. between 60 to 80 dB.
Step 5 If the levels are within 80 to 100 dB you are now
ready to take a measurement. Press the VIEW
key, highlight “Trigger” and press the right arrow
key. Select “Status” and press the Check key.
Trigger Status
• Stop
• Ready
• Armed
• Triggered
NOTE: Triggering is performed on Step 6 Press the RUN/STOP key on the 824 to put the
one frequency band (or Flat) as 824 in the “Ready” mode. Start the generator to
selected by the “Trigger Source” energize the room with noise. As the noise pulses
setting. If desired you may change ON and reaches a level > 80 dB the 824 will
this to a band that has the energy change to the “Armed Mode”. When the generator
profile that will be best to trigger pulses OFF and drops below 80 dB the 824 will
from. change to the trigger mode and start recording an
autostore. After 3 seconds the autostore will end
and the 824 will stop.
press the right arrow key. Select RT60 and press
the Check key.
To easily access the RT60 menu to With the “Auto-Select” feature selected, a vertical line or
change the “RT60 dB Down” cursor will be positioned on the time sample that is 5 dB
parameter, press the Check key below the maximum level. A horizontal line will be drawn at
from the RT60 display. the level that is the number of dB down from the cursor
level. The RT60 will be calculated using the least squares
method on the data between these two points.
l r
rooms, a perfectly linear decay curve may not always be obtained.
Using the left and right arrow keys a custom start point can be
chosen and the “RT60 dB Down” setting can be adjusted, as desired, to
bound the area of slope calculation.
Then Stop
or Repeat done
or Average done
Arms when the selected Triggers when the selected Ends when the selected
condition is met condition is met condition is met
Immediately when arm condition is set Immediately when trigger condition is The RUN/STOP (R/S) key is pressed
to “Now” set to “Now”
Level is equal to or greater then or Level is equal to or greater then or Level is equal to or greater then or
less then a preset level for a certain less then a preset level for a certain less then a preset level for a certain
amount of time amount of time amount of time
A preset amount of time has passed A preset amount of time has passed A preset amount of time has passed
(“Time” setting) (“Time” setting) (“Time” setting)
A preset number of samples have A preset number of samples have A preset number of samples have
been taken been taken been taken
pressing the SETUP key. With “Edit Settings RT60-A”
highlighted press the Check key. Scroll down to “Trigger
Setup” and press the right arrow key. From here you can cus-
tomize the trigger settings for a particular application.
The average data does not take any To average several measurements together go to the “Then”
additional memory. Each additional menu and change “End then” to “Average”. You also need to
measurement will be averaged insitu change the “Average Count” to the number of additional
with the first. The END condition measurements you would like to average to the first. For
must be TIME or SAMPLES so that example, select 4 counts. For each location five triggered
the records are all identical lengths. measurements will be averaged together (the first one plus 4
averaged repeats).
End Time
As you get a feel for the sound in the room and the triggering
capabilities of the 824 you will be able to fine tune the 824
to optimize room measurements. The trigger and arm levels
can be easily adjusted to work with your noise source.
Remember that the level adjustment is also tied to trigger
time and arm time. The sound must meet both the level that
is set for a certain amount of time before it changes to the
next state.
Autostore Display
Press the VIEW key and select “Autostore”. Press the
right arrow key to open up the “Autostore” menu. Select
“Autostore” again and press the right arrow key. High-
light “Leq” or “Max” and press the Check key.
From the Leq, Max, or Min display, pressing the up and
down arrow keys will take you from one autostore
record to the next. Pressing the Check key will put you in
the “Autostore” check menu. From the “Autostore” check
menu you can view the ByTime spectra and ByTime graph
(each frequency over time).
NOTE: If an averaged measurement
record gets corrupted, perhaps by some
extraneous noise, that one record can be
deleted using the Delete Last function.
See chapter 3 in the 824 Reference man-
ual for an explanation of this function.
Numerics Environmental Noise .............................. 2-1
Excd Leq ................................................ 2-19
824 configurations .................................. 1-3 Excd Time .............................................. 2-12
Excd Trigger ........................................... 2-12
A Exceedance History ................................ 2-8
advanced feature ..................................... 2-7 Exceedance Time History ...................... 2-10
Aircraft noise .......................................... 2-1 Exporting Data ....................................... 1-23
Arrow Keys ............................................ 1-7
Audiometer ............................................. 1-4 F
Autostore Display ................................... 3-10 Fast Fourier Transform ........................... 1-4
Averaging ............................................... 3-9
Hourly Excd Leq .................................... 2-18
Background Leq ..................................... 2-18,
Hourly Leq ............................................. 2-18
Hourly Statistics ..................................... 2-17
Backlight ................................................. 1-3
Battery I
power ............................................... 1-2
Battery Life ............................................. 1-2 ID screen ................................................ 1-2
Broadband Measurements ...................... 1-11 Industrial noise ....................................... 2-2
buffer ...................................................... 2-10 instantaneous SPL .................................. 1-9
Building noise ......................................... 2-2 Integrating sound level meter ................. 1-4
Interval History ...................................... 1-10,
C 2-6
Interval period ........................................ 1-10
Calibration .............................................. 1-17
Interval Report ........................................ 1-26
Check key ............................................... 1-7
CNEL ...................................................... 2-17, K
Community Noise ................................... 2-3 Key
Construction noise .................................. 2-2 On/Off ............................................. 1-2
Content of Reports .................................. 1-23 Keys
check ............................................... 1-7
D Data ................................................. 1-5
PAUSE ............................................ 1-6
Daily History .......................................... 2-16 PRINT ............................................. 1-5
date of occurrence ................................... 2-11 RESET ............................................ 1-6
Download Data ....................................... 1-19 RUN/STOP ..................................... 1-6
duration ................................................... 2-10 SETUP ............................................ 1-5
TOOLS ............................................ 1-5
E VIEW .............................................. 1-5
End Time ................................................ 3-10
824 Training Manual
Railroad noise ......................................... 2-2 What you will Learn ............................... 1-1
Ready ...................................................... 3-8
Real-time analyzer .................................. 1-4
Recalling Data ........................................ 1-18
Recreational noise .................................. 2-3
Reports .................................................... 1-23
Resetting Data ........................................ 1-17
Road traffic ............................................. 2-1
RT60 Defined ......................................... 3-1
RTA Data ................................................ 1-18
screen contrast ........................................ 1-3
Short Leq ................................................ 1-10
simple measurement ............................... 1-13