This chapter presents the data using the analysis and interpretations of data,
Descriptive Analysis
Result of the table showed that as to Appearance; Formulation A, was rated by the
evaluator as “Liked Moderately” (M= 4.80, SD .407), Formulation B was rated “Liked
Moderately” (M= 4.50, SD .630) and Formulation C was rated “Liked Moderately’’ (M=
4.73, SD .450).
This implied that the appearance of the product depends upon the quantity of the
Result of the table showed that as to Aroma; Formulation A, was rated by the
evaluator as “Very Much Squash Seed” (M= 4.40, SD .563), Formulation B was rated
“Very Much Squash Seed” (M= 4.27, SD .828) and Formulation C was rated
As to aroma, the result showed that as to aroma there was a significant difference
in the evaluator’s perceptions of Squash seed polvoron, with the obtained p-value of .096,
This implied that the aroma of squash seed depends upon the quantity of blended
squash seed added to the mixture, the greater amount of squash seed, the stronger it
Result of the table showed that as to Taste; Formulation A, was rated by the
evaluator as “Very Much Squash Seed” (M= 4.57, SD .626), Formulation B was rated
“Very Much Squash Seed” (M= 4.37, SD .718) and Formulation C was rated
As to taste, the result showed that as to taste there was no significant difference in
the evaluator’s perception of Squash Seed Polvoron, with the obtained p-value of .021,
This meant that in terms of taste the squash seed polvoron in different
formulations were not the same except the Formulation C which is the Control.
Table 5 presents the result on the level of perceptions of evaluators in Squash
Result of the table showed that as to Taste; Formulation A, was rated by the
evaluator as “Very Much Squash Seed” (M= 4.43, SD .817), Formulation B was rated
“Very Much Squash Seed” (M= 4.27, SD .785) and Formulation C was rated “Ver Much
As the texture, the result showed that as to texture there was no significant
difference in the perceptions of Tomato-Potato Waffle, with the obtained p-value of .343,
This meant that in terms of texture, the squash seed polvoron in different
formulation are the same to each other, they have very much squash seed in description.
This implied that the presence of squash seed added in different formulation is the same
rated by the evaluator as “Very Much Squash Seed” (M= 8.60, SD .498), Formulation B
was rated “Very Much Squash Seed” (M= 8.20, SD .997) and Formulation C was rated
In terms of general acceptability, results revealed that the obtained p-value of .065
was higher than the probability value of 0.05 significant. This means that there was no
This implied that the general acceptability of squash seed with 100g. squash seed
flour, 100g. all-purpose flour, 150g. squash seed flour, 50g. all-purpose flour, and 200g.
Inferential data analysis used ANOVA test to determine the significance of the
difference in the mean. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Results were
Total 23.656 89
Between Groups 5.267 2 2.633 2.406 .096
Aroma Within Groups 95.233 87 1.095
Total 100.500 89
Total 52.400 89
ANOVA results for differences in perception of Squash seed polvoron (cucurbita
maxima) as to appearance, aroma, texture, taste, and general acceptability.
Table 7 presents the result on the level of perceptions of evaluators in Squash
parameters such as appearance, aroma, taste and texture. In appearance it was found out
that between groups are having 1.489 sum of squares with degrees freedom of 2, mean
square of .744. In aroma it was found out that between groups are having 5.267 sum of
squares with the degree’s freedom of 2, mean square of 2.633. In taste it was found out
that between groups are having 8.622 sum of squares with the degree’s freedom of 2,
mean square of 4.311. In texture it was found out that between groups are having 2.022
degrees freedom of 2, mean square of 1.011. In general acceptability it was found out that
between groups are having 3.200 sum of squares with degrees freedom of 2, mean square
of 1.600. For within groups, appearance has a sum of square 22.167 with degrees
freedom of 87, mean square of .255. In aroma has a sum of square 95.233 with degrees
freedom of 87, mean square of 1.095. In taste has a sum of square 92.500 with degrees
freedom of 87, mean square of 1.063. In texture has a sum of 81.100 with degrees
freedom of 87,
mean square of .932. In general acceptability it was found out that within groups are
having 49.200 sum of squares with degrees freedom of 87, mean square of .566.
This further implies that there was a significant different on the level of
between groups with a mean of 2.633. In taste, (F= 4.055, Sig.= .021) between groups
with a mean of 4.311. In texture, (F= 1.085, Sig.= .343) between groups with a mean of
1.011. In general acceptability, (F= 2.829, Sig.= .065) between groups with a mean of
1.600. This means that each formulation differs from each other in terms of their
attributes due to the amount of Squash Seed Polvoron being utilized. Moreover,
considering the color properly of Squash Seed Polvoron which was golden brown and
Table 8
LSD Table for the General Acceptability of Squash seed polvoron in Different
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable (I) (J) Formulation Mean Difference Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Formulation (I-J) Lower Upper Bound
Formulation Formulation B .30000* .13033 .024 .0410 .5590
A Formulation C .06667 .13033 .610 -.1924 .3257
Formulation Formulation A -.30000* .13033 .024 -.5590 -.0410
Appearance LSD
B Formulation C -.23333 .13033 .077 -.4924 .0257
Formulation Formulation A -.06667 .13033 .610 -.3257 .1924
C Formulation B .23333 .13033 .077 -.0257 .4924
Formulation Formulation B .13333 .27014 .623 -.4036 .6703
A Formulation C .56667* .27014 .039 .0297 1.1036
Formulation Formulation A -.13333 .27014 .623 -.6703 .4036
Aroma LSD
B Formulation C .43333 .27014 .112 -.1036 .9703
Formulation Formulation A -.56667* .27014 .039 -1.1036 -.0297
C Formulation B -.43333 .27014 .112 -.9703 .1036
Formulation Formulation B .20000 .26624 .455 -.3292 .7292
A Formulation C .73333* .26624 .007 .2042 1.2625
Formulation Formulation A -.20000 .26624 .455 -.7292 .3292
Taste LSD
B Formulation C .53333* .26624 .048 .0042 1.0625
Formulation Formulation A -.73333* .26624 .007 -1.2625 -.2042
C Formulation B -.53333* .26624 .048 -1.0625 -.0042
Formulation Formulation B .16667 .24929 .506 -.3288 .6622
A Formulation C .36667 .24929 .145 -.1288 .8622
Formulation Formulation A -.16667 .24929 .506 -.6622 .3288
Texture LSD
B Formulation C .20000 .24929 .425 -.2955 .6955
Formulation Formulation A -.36667 .24929 .145 -.8622 .1288
C Formulation B -.20000 .24929 .425 -.6955 .2955
Formulation Formulation B .40000* .19417 .042 .0141 .7859
General A Formulation C .00000 .19417 1.000 -.3859 .3859
Acceptability Formulation Formulation A -.40000* .19417 .042 -.7859 -.0141
B Formulation C -.40000* .19417 .042 -.7859 -.0141
There is no significant between Squash seed polvoron in terms of appearance, aroma and