Using Mammocom

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g GE Healthcare–Technologies

Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation

MammoCom Setup & Operation

1. Introduction
MammoCom is a GE Healthcare proprietary communication software program for GE-authorized Field Engineers
servicing the company’s various Senographe products. The software (loaded onto a laptop PC) provides diagnostic
assistance using a serial link to the Generator Interface Bd, 400PL2. Detailed user instructions for this software are
described in the DMR Advanced Service Manual (“ASM”) Chapter 2, and other Senographe ASM’s.
MammoCom software is composed of
several operating modules: (1) ANSI–
compatible VT200 terminal emulator, (2) Start
on–line help for Senographe menus, (3)
File transfer between the Senographe Format USB Memory Stick
Copy Files from the
and PC. It is DOS-based and may be used MammoCom Distribution
under Windows in a DOS-shell. However, CD to HDD
the file transfer module does not function Copy MammoCom Files
correctly in more recent versions of from HDD to USB
Windows, (i.e. NT, 2000, or XP), causing Insert USB Memory Stick
backup/restore failures. A work-around
solution is to boot the PC to an older- (Opt.) Change Order of Boot
version operating system, Windows98. Devices in BIOS
This training supplement (1) describes the Save Files from
Y Files To
procedure for installation and setup on a Save?
laptop, (2) provides basic instructions in Test
it’s use, and (3) contains several quick
reference guides for the most often Install HP USB Formating
performed tasks. The USB Memory Card Tool
Setup procedure was originally authored
by Matthew Theriault and Daniel Roeder;
the quick reference information was
authored by Bernard Sidor. Figure 1 shows an overview of the setup process.

2. Materials Required Figure 1 Overview of MammoCom Setup Procedure

Laptop PC with Windows 2000 or

Windows XP operating systems, USB port, CD-ROM drive
USB Mass Storage Device (“Memory Stick”)
MammoCom Software Distribution CD

3. Installation & Setup Procedure

3.1. Copy Files from the MammoCom Distribution CD to HDD
List of Files
File Name Description
SystemBoot\ A directory containing 3 Win98 O.S. boot files: COMMAND.COM, IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS.
Readme.txt Misc. info.
SP27213.exe Installation utility for the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool.
Stav.dat Binary file with user defined, default comm. params, file directory and extension
(for file transmission utilities).
Stave.exe MammoCom Application. STAV software V1.16: Terminal Emulator for SENO DMR.
USB Memory Card Setup instructions

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation

Copy all of the files to your HDD from the distribution CD (or other media).
3.2. Insert a memory stick into a USB port.
Memory capacity is not critical. The boot and Mammocom program files require about 406 KB storage space.
One DMR backup file set requires about 15 KB. Therefore, a basic 16 MB stick is sufficient.
CAUTION: If you are using a memory stick that already contains data, copy or move the files elsewhere NOW.
3.3. Install the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
Launch the SP27213.exe installation program. Follow the
prompts to license agreement, destination, and so on.
When the installation is complete, you will have a new icon
on the desktop, HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool.
3.4. Format the Memory Stick
Launch (double-click)
the HP Format Tool Software will auto detect
icon on the desktop. your memory stick.
The HB USB Disk
Storage Format Tool,
V2.0.6 dialog box File system should be FAT.
appears (fig. 2).
Follow the advice in Volume label is optional.
the figure to complete
the fields in the dialog
Select Create a DOS
startup disk…
Click Start to continue.
Did you remember to
remove any data from … and the radio button is
your memory stick?
Before it formats the
Click the . . . (Browse)
memory device, the button…
program displays a
warning message. … and then specify the location
Click Yes to continue. of your SystemBoot directory.
When the format is Click OK.
completed, close the
HP software.

Click Start to begin formatting

your memory stick.

Figure 2 USB Format Tool Dialog Box

Figure 3 Format Warning Message

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation

3.5. Copy MammoCom files to Memory Stick

Copy the stav.exe and stav.dat files to the memory stick.
The memory stick setup is now complete. To use it, you can jump ahead to the Testing step below, or perform
the next step, Change BIOS Boot Sequence, for easier operation.
3.6. Change BIOS Boot Sequence (optional)
Your laptop PC BIOS has a setting that determines the order in which media (HDD, CD-ROM, USB, etc.) is searched
for operating system boot files. By re-sequencing the search order, the memory stick can be set as the first item
checked. If your
Mammocom stick is Dell Inc. Latitude D620
present, the PC will [-]- System Boot Sequence
boot using its ¦ System Info
¦ Processor Info This list specifies the order that the BIOS searches devices
startup files. If not, ¦ Memory Info when trying to find an Operating System. Only devices that are
BIOS will move to ¦ Device Info
¦ Battery Info
preceeded by a number are bootable (the SPACE key controls
the next item in the ¦ Battery Health
whether a particular device is bootable).
1. USB Storage Device
list (normally the ¦ Date/Time 2. Internal HDD
Boot Sequence
+ Boot Sequence
HDD) and launch [+] - Onboard Devices
3. Diskette Drive
4. CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive
Windows as usual. [+] - Video Modular Bay HDD
[+] - Security Cardbus NIC
Caution: Don’t try [+] - Performance D/Dock PCI Slot NIC
this if you are unsure [+] - Power Management
[+] - Maintenance
Onboard NIC

of making changes [+] - Docking

to your BIOS. [+] - POST Behavior
[+] - Wireless
Re-start the PC.
Press Up/Down arrow to select a device.
During startup, Press U/D to move a device Up or Dowm in the list.
press F2 to go to Press Space to enable or disable a device.
Press Enter when done modifying the field. Press Esc to cancel modifications.
the BIOS startup
settings screen.
Locate the Boot Figure 4 Sample PC Setup Screen
Sequence setting and follow your BIOS instructions to move the USB memory device to the top of the list.
3.7. Testing Use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the pointer to
With the memory stick plugged in, restart the PC. the desired Boot device. Press [Enter] to attempt the
boot or ESC to cancel.
o If you changed the BIOS boot order, it
will automatically boot to the USB Internal HDD
device. USB Memory Device
o If not, press F12 (on most Dell PC’s) Nic
Cardbus NIC
Onboard NIC
during the startup. The PC will display a
screen similar to the figure and allow BIOS Setup
you to select the boot device. Choose
USB Memory Device. Figure 5 Sample F12 Boot Device Screen
The PC will display a Windows 98 text screen Microsoft(R) Windows 98
with a C:\ DOS prompt, indicating a successful ©Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1999.

USB setup. C:\>_

Figure 6 Windows 98 Command Screen

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen
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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation

4. Using MammoCom
4.1. Launching MammoCom
Boot the PC from the USB memory device. The command screen will show a prompt indicating drive C. Drive C
refers to the root directory of the USB memory device. All MammoCom related files (Backup, etc) must be
stored here or in a sub-directory, because none of the other drives (HDD, floppy, CD/DVD, etc) are available.
At the C:\> prompt, type stav.exe and press <enter>. The MammoCom application begins and displays the
main menu.
4.2. Main Menu
The MammoCom Main Menu has six items. To select
an item, up- or down-arrow, then press <enter>.
Detailed information for each can be found in the
DMR ASM, Ch. 2.
Terminal emulator – connect to DMR
Change com. parameters – adjust COM settings.
Use defaults to connect with DMR.
File transmission – transfer files (ASCII or Coded)
to/from DMR.
Save emulator screen – the content of the Figure 7 MammoCom Main Menu
terminal emulator screen is saved to an ASCII
Dos shell – used to access MS-DOS without exiting from MammoCom.
Clear emulator screen – refreshes the terminal emulator screen.
4.3. Terminal Emulator
Performing a Backup, Restore, or other maintenance
procedures require a connection between the laptop
and DMR.
Attach the serial cable (GE №2116257) between
the PC COM port and 400PL2/XJ4.
Select Terminal Emulator <enter>, then press
function key F10: Connect. The screen is
arranged similarly to the DMR control console
(buttons, labels, display). The PC function keys
behave as the console buttons. Pressing them is
similar to pressing the console buttons to
navigate menu access paths (refer to the DMR Figure 8 Terminal Emulator Screen
ASM for menu diagrams).
Prepare the laptop (“PC”)
Initiate the transfer.

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation

4.4. Quick Reference Procedures

Step Instruction Comments/Observations
1. Launch MammoCom. Select Run the stav.exe
Terminal emulator. program; the main menu
appears. Use up- or
down-arrow to highlight
the Terminal emulator
selection, then press

2. Press F10 to connect to DMR. The DMR console screen

will appear on the laptop

3. Press: F9 / F1 / F6 / F3 / F1 / F6 / Press the function keys in sequence and follow the menu access path:
4. Press ALT-M. MammoCom main menu will appear.
5. Select File transmission. Use the up- or down-arrow to highlight File
transmission, then press <enter>.

6. – Type a File name. Use the up- and down-

– Change directory to C: arrow to move between
items in the menu. The
– Select Receive: EQUIPMENT ->
default drive is A: and
PC {or Transmit : PC ->
must be changed to C:
(drive letter for USB device). File name must be less than 8 characters (DOS
naming convention). Use the default for Suffix, DAT.
7. Select Coded File. Data transfer will scroll
across the screen until
“file reception
successful” message is

8. Verify file byte size. Check the file size against the Backup File Byte Size table below.

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
1. Launch MammoCom. Select Run the stav.exe
Terminal emulator. program; the main menu
appears. Use up- or
down-arrow to highlight
the Terminal emulator
selection, then press

2. Press F10 to connect to DMR. The DMR console screen

will appear on the laptop

3. Press: F9 / F5 / F1 / F6 / F1 / F3 / Press the function keys in sequence and follow the menu access path:
4. Press ALT-M. MammoCom main menu will appear.
5. Select File transmission. Use the up- or down-arrow to highlight File
transmission, then press <enter>.

6. – Type a File name. Use the up- and down-

– Change directory to C: arrow to move between
items in the menu. The
– Select Receive: EQUIPMENT ->
default drive is A: and
PC {or Transmit : PC ->
must be changed to C:
(drive letter for USB device). File name must be less than 8 characters (DOS
naming convention). Use the default for Suffix, DAT.
7. Select Coded File. Data transfer will scroll
across the screen until
“file reception
successful” message is

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
8. Verify file byte size. Check the file size against the Backup File Byte Size table below.


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
1. – Launch MammoCom. Run the stav.exe
– Select Terminal emulator. program; the main menu
appears. Use up- or
down-arrow to highlight
the Terminal emulator
selection, then press

2. Press F10 to connect to DMR. The DMR console screen

will appear on the laptop

3. Press: F9 / F1 / F6 / F3 / F1 / F6 / Press the function keys in sequence and follow the menu access path:


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
1. – Launch MammoCom. Run the stav.exe
– Select Terminal emulator. program; the main menu
appears. Use up- or
down-arrow to highlight
the Terminal emulator
selection, then press

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
2. Press F10 to connect to DMR. The DMR console screen
will appear on the laptop

3. Press: F9/F5/F1/F6/F1/F2/F1 Press the function keys in sequence and follow the menu access path:


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
1. – Launch MammoCom.
– Select Terminal emulator.

2. Press F10 to connect to DMR. The DMR console screen

will appear on the laptop

3. Press: Press the function keys in sequence and follow the menu access path:
4. Press ALT-M. MammoCom main menu will appear.
5. Select File transmission. Use the up- or down-arrow to highlight File
transmission, then press <enter>.

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
6. – Type a File name. Use the up- and down-
– Change directory to C: arrow to move between
items in the menu. The
– Select Receive: EQUIPMENT -
default drive is A: and
> PC
must be changed to C:
(drive letter for USB device). File name must be less than 8 characters (DOS
naming convention). Use the Suffix, TXT.
7. Select ASCII File. Data transfer will scroll across the screen until “file reception successful”
message is displayed.


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
1. – Launch MammoCom.
– Select Terminal emulator.

2. Press F10 to connect to DMR. The DMR console

screen will appear on
the laptop screen.

3. Press: F9/F5/F1/F6/F1/F2/F3/F3 Press the function keys in sequence and follow the menu access path:
4. Press ALT-M. MammoCom main menu will appear.
5. Select File transmission. Use the up- or down-arrow to highlight File
transmission, then press <enter>.

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation


Step Instruction Comments/Observations
6. – Type a File name. Use the up- and down-
– Change directory to C: arrow to move between
items in the menu. The
– Select Receive: EQUIPMENT ->
default drive is A: and
must be changed to C:
(drive letter for USB device). File name must be less than 8 characters (DOS
naming convention). Use the Suffix, TXT.
7. Select ASCII File. Data transfer will scroll across the screen until “file reception successful”
message is displayed.

5. Additional Information
5.1. Backup File Byte Size
Use the file size values in this table to verify that the generator or gantry backup files were saved correctly. Even
though the “file reception successful” message may appear, poor data transfer may result in a defective file.
Checking the byte count will confirm a successful transfer.
Generator Gantry Generator
GEN Firmware Rev File Size (bytes) GAN Firmware Rev File Size (bytes) Firmware Version File Size (bytes)
v: 1.47 8678 v: 2.25 382 v: 2.11 10754
v: 2.03 8682 v: 2.26 534
v: 2.45 8748 v: 2.45 534
v: 3.27 14108 v: 3.27 522
v: 6.22 17126 v: 6.22 624

5.2. DOS Commands

Command Description Syntax
DIR Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a DIR [drive:][path][filename]
DEL Deletes one or more files. DEL names
Names specifies a list of one or more files or
REN Renames a file or files. REN [drive:][path] filename1 filename2
CD Change directory CD [drive:][path]
MD Make directory MD [drive:][path]
COPY Copies one or more files to another location. COPY source destination
Source specifies the file or files to be copied.
Destination specifies the directory and/or filename for
the new file(s).
/P Switch used with DIR and other commands.
Pauses after each screen-full of information.
/W Switch used with DIR and other commands.
Uses wide list format.

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

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Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007
g GE Healthcare–Technologies
Healthcare Solutions
Mammo Systems
Training Supplement
MammoCom Setup & Operation

5.3. Product Documentation

For additional information, refer to these product documents: DMR ASM, chapter 2, Job Card D/R019 in the
DMR/v1, DMR/v2 and DMR+ Service Manuals.

Document Owner: Tim Jaenchen

Document Revision: C Page: 11 of 11
Revised by: Taniya Ahuja
mammocom_setup-operation_EDITING.doc GE Company Proprietary printed on: 08/01/2007

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