CAO Chapter 1
CAO Chapter 1
CAO Chapter 1
Computer Architecture and
Prof. S. E. Hajare (ME CE)
Concept of Computer Architecture and
Computer Organization and Architecture is the study of internal
working, structuring and implementation of a computer system.
• Architecture :- in computer system, same as anywhere else, refers to
the externally visual attributes of the system. Externally visual
attributes, here in computer science, mean the way a system is visible
to the logic of programs (not the human eyes!). In more general
language, Architecture of computer system can be considered as a
catalog of tools available for any operator using the system
• Organization:- of computer system is the way of practical
implementation which results in realization of architectural
specifications of a computer system. Simply Organization will be the
way the system is structured so that all those cataloged tools can be
used, and that in an efficient fashion.
Architecture Vs. Organization
Computer Architecture Computer Organization
All Intel 80x86 microprocessors share All Intel 80x86 microprocessors differ
same basic architecture in their organization
Architecture Vs. Organization
Computer Architecture Computer Organization
Computer Architecture is concerned with the Computer Organization is concerned with the
way hardware components are connected structure and behaviour of a computer system
together to form a computer system. as seen by the user.
It acts as the interface between hardware and It deals with the components of a connection in
software. a system.
Computer Architecture helps us to understand Computer Organization tells us how exactly all
the functionalities of a system. the units in the system are arranged and
A programmer can view architecture in terms of Whereas Organization expresses the realization
instructions, addressing modes and registers. of architecture.
While designing a computer system architecture An organization is done on the basis of
is considered first. architecture.
Computer Architecture deals with high-level Computer Organization deals with low-level
design issues. design issues.
Architecture involves Logic (Instruction sets, Organization involves Physical Components
Addressing modes, Data types, Cache (Circuit design, Adders, Signals, Peripherals)
Fundamental Units of Computer
Input Devices:- This devices are used to enter the
data raw material needed for the processing to give output .
Input Devices
Output Devices:- This are the devices used to display or give output
which is processed by computer. The processing is on the data
provided by input devices by CPU or microprocessor.
Output Devices
Functional Units of Computer
Stucture and Function
Central Processing Unit (Microprocessor 8085)
Control Unit
• The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's
central processing unit (CPU) that directs the operation of
the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic
and logic unit and input and output devices how to respond
to the instructions that have been sent to the processor.
• Control unit generates timing and control signals for the
operations of the computer. The control unit communicates
with ALU and main memory. It also controls the
transmission between processor, memory and the various
peripherals. It also instructs the ALU which operation has to
be performed on data.
• Registers:- are a type of computer memory
used to quickly accept, store, and transfer
• Types of Registers:-
– Accumulator (8bit)
– General Purpose registers (B,C,D,E,H,L) (8bit)
– Program Counter (PC)(16bit)
– Stack Pointer (SP) (16bit)
– Instruction Register/ Temporary Reg.
Computer Interconnection
LDA 2500H