Individual Decision Making
Individual Decision Making
Individual Decision Making
REACTION PAPER Prepared & Submitted By:
Re: Individual Decision-Making REGINE EINA CALISIN
September 13, 2022 MM-MPA, 1ST
There are several types of decision-making, namely: a.) Programmed
and b.) Routi ne- they are repeti ti ve in nature because there is already a
standard of procedure to be followed, a precedent has been laid out, and
hence, suitable to be delegated to subordinates; c.) Unprogrammed- non-
repeti ti ve in nature, a new decision should be made on issues that has not
occurred before, hence, cannot be delegated and needs to be decided by the
top management; d.) Strategic- non-repeti ti ve in nature, aff ects the
objecti ves, core or organizati onal framework and policy of the organizati on,
hence, should be confi ned to the discreti on of the top management; e.)
Organizati onal- decision made by an executi ve in his offi cial capacity; f.)
Personal- decision taken by an executi ve in his personal capacity; g.) Policy
or Tacti cal- decision involving formulati on of policies; h.) Operati onal-
decisions made on a day to day business transacti ons; i.) Major- decisions
taken only by the top management; j.) Minor- decisions that can be taken by
the middle management; k.) Group- decisions made by a group of individuals
based on mutual agreement; and l.) Individual- decision taken by a single
An individual decision is really important in an organizati on especially
on the part of the people holding managerial and executi ve positi ons where
their decisions will necessarily aff ect the whole operati ons.
REACTION PAPER Prepared & Submitted By:
Re: Individual Decision-Making REGINE EINA CALISIN
September 13, 2022 MM-MPA, 1ST
These factors or infl uences somehow aff ect the style of leadership in a
parti cular organizati on. Decision-makers have parti cular ways of working.
There are also acti ons that should be taken to keep tendencies from
undermining intent. We have the following kinds of leaders: the Visionary,
Guardian, Moti vator, Flexible, and Catalyst. The level of parti cipati on of the
leader and the subordinates or consti tuents can also be measured whether
the decision was made in a manner that is a.) Autocrati c- where the leader
decides unilaterally, b.) Considered Command- where the leader decides but
sti ll gets inputs or reacti ons from the team before making a fi nal decision,
c.) Consultati ve- where the leader solicits ideas fi rst prior to deciding, d.)
Exercise of Veto Power- where the majority decides while the leader can
override the same through the veto power, e.) Majority- where everyone
has the right to vote including the leader, f.) Consensus-where everyone
agrees to implement the decision as long as the issues is not of serious
nature, and g.) Delegati on- where the leader delegates the task/s under
certain conditi ons or parameters.
Organizati ons may test or analyze their decisions by listi ng down the
strengths, weaknesses, opportuniti es and threats or risks. This is the so-
called SWOT Analysis. By doing this SWOT Analysis, an organizati on can see
how the company’s strength can be used to maximize the opportuniti es set
forth, and to how these strengths can minimize the threats on risks; and on
the other hand, what acti ons can an organizati on take in order to minimize
its weaknesses using the opportuniti es, and to minimize the said weaknesses
in order to avoid threats.
A decision-maker can make use of diff erent kinds of decision-making
models, namely: the Rati onality Model, Bounded Rati onality Model, Intuiti ve
Model, and Creati ve Model.
The Rati onality Model requires a decider possess all relevant
informati on. It is a very casual assumpti on here that all the above rati onal
steps in decision-making are easy to follow, and absolute predicti on of
success by choosing the best course of acti on or decision. In reality, the
process is quite complex and not as simple as menti oned above as there are
many unforeseen factors that crop up.
REACTION PAPER Prepared & Submitted By:
Re: Individual Decision-Making REGINE EINA CALISIN
September 13, 2022 MM-MPA, 1ST
Bounded Rati onality Model states that there are limitati ons on human
capacity in formulati ng and solving complex problems that arise from
internal or psychological factors and external or environmental factors.
Hence, 'one best soluti on' or completely 'rati onal' choice of decision can
never be achieved because the administrator only has limited knowledge of
a given
situati on. This is used when the minimum criteria is met, and the decider is
not willing to invest much ti me in making a decision.
Intuiti ve Decision-Making Model connotes a decision made without
resorti ng to rati onal steps or formal procedures but on mere judgment. This
is used when the decider has already an experience on the issue at hand,
and there is ti me constraint where analysis by paralysis would be costly and
not advisable.
Creati ve Decision-Making Model is used when the problem or issue is
not clear, and there is a need to innovate or generate new soluti ons. This is
resorted to when the decider has an ample ti me to think of ideas and
formulate a new method. Here, the decider can think outside the box, and
outskirt himself in order to see the bigger picture and therefore, create a
brilliant soluti on.
REACTION PAPER Prepared & Submitted By:
Re: Individual Decision-Making REGINE EINA CALISIN
September 13, 2022 MM-MPA, 1ST
It is easier to make a decision alone than when you do it with several
people who have their own percepti ons and point of views which may be in
confl ict with your own. Deciding on your won also saves ti me, eff ort and
money; you can focus on the issues and not be distracted by other people;
and it is easier to pinpoint who is responsible in case things go south.