Model 5000 Gravity-Feed
Model 5000 Gravity-Feed
Model 5000 Gravity-Feed
excellence in electronics
System Features
Eight-tube octoloader input Conventional & plunge-to-board RF contacts Eight output sorts with tubes, or Six output sorts with tubes & taper Floor mount frame with adjustable tilt angle EMO safety switch Quick changeover kits for: PLCC Options: LCC Bowl feeder input Pickup head SOIC Multiple test sites SSOIC Direct-dock interfaces SOJ MEMS testing Programming SIP, DIP Laser marking TSSOP Light pole MLF Tilt angles of 35, 45, 55 Metal output tubes QFN Taper output XTAL Output tray with optional Custom devices individual output counters
Model 5000 with tube output
exatron, 2842 Aiello Dr., San Jose, CA 95111-2154 1-800-EXA-TRON 408-629-7600 Fax: 408-629-2832
Tilt mechanism
Clear safety cover Model 5000 with laser marker & tube output
Taper swing arm getting device Individual output counter display from output staging exatron, 2842 Aiello Dr., San Jose, CA 95111-2154 1-800-EXA-TRON 408-629-7600 Fax: 408-629-2832