Bowl Feeder

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Bowl Feeder Input

excellence in electronics

for Pick-&-Place Handlers

Bowl feeder on Model 900 with MEMS magnetic & thermal testing

Bowl feeder on Model 900 with MEMS vibration testing

Bowl feeder with machine vision at dead nest pickup site exatron, 2842 Aiello Dr., San Jose, CA 95111-2154 1-800-EXA-TRON 408-629-7600 Fax: 408-629-2832

Options & Details

Quad pickup at indexed dead nestcloseup Bowl feeder with quad pickup at indexed dead nest

Quick-dump device comeout Devices at orientation sensor

C-Track device invertercloseup

C-Track device inverter

exatron, 2842 Aiello Dr., San Jose, CA 95111-2154 1-800-EXA-TRON 408-629-7600 Fax: 408-629-2832

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