Quantum One Whitepaper
Quantum One Whitepaper
Quantum One Whitepaper
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Type Whitepaper
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Property 1
Executive Summary
An omni-compliant digital identity ecosystem for both web2 (classic web) and web3 (blockchain) and pre and
post quantum eras
Pitch Podcast
by Robert Mourey Jr
Robert Mourey Jr
Quick Take
Aiming to be the 1st SEC approved and regulated blockchain atop an omni-compliant, web agnostic, digital identity ecosystem for pre and post quantum eras
Eliminating blockchain investment risk with digital identity, compliance and quantum technologies
Optimal usability, multi-contexts, high value →identity X compliance X web2 X web3 X quantum ie. Insurance ecosystems, Education ecosystems, Judicial Ecosystems,
Professional & Career ecosystems, Pharma Ecosystems, Oil & Gas Ecosystems, Environmental ecosystems, Government Benefits, Organizational development, Software
→ with identity and compliance there are almost zero limitations to what can be achieved.
Problem -
The need for omni-compliant, digital identity ecosystems
Identity and compliance exist to order chaos inherent within the human environment. Both classic web and blockchain are not immune to these societal norms. Both do not
require prospective users to fully verify their identity prior to allowing access to their respective classic or blockchain ecosystems—such as LinkedIn or Ethereum. Layer 1
blockchains such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cardano, Algorand, & Solana also lack chain wide compliance for AML, KYC, CFTC, HIPPA, GDPR, SOC2, SEC, and other
regulations and forms of compliance. Additionally most people in general still do not understand blockchain technology - simply because the blockchain community doesnt
focus on it enough and 99% of crypto ceos do not utilize the Associated Press (site) Collectively, these factors cause blockchain trust issues with lawmakers, businesses,
regulators, and the masses. In web2, the siloed, unidentified nature of ecosystems and applications cause fragmented, inefficient, and scam ridden user experiences.
Quantum One sees it as a global web environment ripe with opportunity.
Trusted Web2 platforms like LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, Twitter also do not fully verify the identity of their users leading to a significant scam problems
Quantum Problem
According to Deloitte, 65% of all Ethereum is vulnerable to quantum attacks using Shor’s algorithm
Figure 2: The number of Ether exposed (light green) and safe (dark green) to a quantum storage attack as a function of time
As of right now, according to Deloitte, 25% of all Bitcoin are vulnerable to quantum attacks using Shor’s algorithm. What would happen to crypto investors overnight if a
hack of only half of that magnitude happened?
Figure 1: The distribution of Bitcoins that are stored in address that are vulnerable to quantum attacks. This graph shows that about 25% of all Bitcoins are vulnerable to a quantum attack and that
there is an equal number of vulnerable p2pk and p2pkh coins. Note that reused Segwit coins are presented in the graph but are otherwise not mentioned in the article.
JPMorgan Chase, Toshiba and Ciena Build the First Quantum Key Distribution Network Used to Secure Mission-Critical Blockchain Application
NEW YORK, NY; HANOVER, MD - February 17, 2022 - In groundbreaking research, JPMorgan Chase, Toshiba and Ciena have demonstrated the full viability of
a first-of-its-kind Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network for metropolitan areas, resistant to quantum computing attacks and capable of supporting 800 Gbps
data rates for mission-critical applications under real-world environmental conditions.
National Institute of Standards and Technology name the first four quantum resistant algorithms
Our closest comp Cardano, did $660MM in first 12 months between 7/2020-7/2021
Time to prevent Luna like investor disasters with identity and compliance is NOW
Eliminates fraud threats plaguing most classic web platforms that do not fully identify users —LinkedIn, Telegram, and more
Quantum Ones omni-compliant, digital identity ecosystem is monetized by a unique POS (proof-of-stake) revenue model was developed to foster a strong balance sheet,
mitigate risk factors, and build a cache of dry powder. For those who need a primer on proof-of-stake revenue models, here's an article from Coindesk comparing POS to POW
Here's a break down of Quantum One and our POS revenue model.
Every user fully identified within an omni-compliant environment = SEC approved and regulated blockchain ecosystem built for the trust required for mass adoption. The SEC is
essentially holds the golden key to mass adoption - with their approval, trust of the masses will follow close behind. And as a US based DAO, Quantum One Stands to benefit
Projected Revenue
Proof of Stake (POS) and ecosystem operations $485MM-$600MM projected first 12 months of mainnet
18% of all capital ever raised & all ecosystem revenue until fund reaches $1B
AML, crypto-AML, CFTC, GDPR, HIPPA, SOC2, SEC, and eventually all others legally possible.
We expect further growth between months 24-36 associated with the myriad of usability contexts mentioned in the Quick Take above.
Business Opportunities
Optimal usability, multi-contexts, high value →identity X compliance X web2 X web3 X quantum ie. Insurance ecosystems, Education ecosystems, Judicial Ecosystems,
Professional & Career ecosystems, Pharma Ecosystems, Oil & Gas Ecosystems, Environmental ecosystems, Government Benefits, Organizational development, Software
→ with identity and compliance there are almost zero limitations to what can be achieved.
First goal with Quantum blockchain development is to encrypt existing blockchain bridges with Quantum encryption. We are presently working on non-distributed quantum
encryption with patented Qrypt technology. The example below is not economically viable but shows how our strategy is on par with the biggest players in the business.
JPMorgan Chase, Toshiba and Ciena Build the First Quantum Key Distribution Network Used to Secure Mission-Critical Blockchain Application
NEW YORK, NY; HANOVER, MD - February 17, 2022 - In groundbreaking research, JPMorgan Chase, Toshiba and Ciena have demonstrated the full viability of
a first-of-its-kind Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network for metropolitan areas, resistant to quantum computing attacks and capable of supporting 800 Gbps
data rates for mission-critical applications under real-world environmental conditions.
Testnet Token
Quantum One’s Current equity unit and testnet token is known as “DA-FI token” —an upgradable ERC-20 token with a total supply of 50,000 tokens.
Mainnet Coin
Provided DA-FI token holders verify their identity within 120 days of mainnet launch of Quantum One, they will receive 10MM Quantum One Roton per 1 (one) DA-FI token. The
following are slides excerpted from our pitch deck:
18.8% of cap raises and annual ecosystem revenue allocated to Stability Fund until value reaches $1B USD equivalent. Annual ecosystem
Competitive Landscape
Who else is in our realm? The question becomes, is there another omni compliant digital identity based web agnostic ecosystem? No. Are there any blockchains seeking SEC
approval? Not any we are aware of —the Bitcoin ETF could be a watershed moment however, this does not mean Bitcoin is an approved and regulated blockchain. First movers
are always mimicked and we will not be an exception. Therefore, we must assume that everyone is an SEC approved blockchain and plan accordingly. Which is why we're also
focusing on transitioning our high value multi-context ecosystem to the post quantum era. Is there a omni-compliant, digital identity ecosystem for the quantum computing era?
No, not yet. First we will list a few comparable companies that are enabling digital identity ecosystems.
JPMorgan Chase, Toshiba and Ciena Build the First Quantum Key Distribution Network Used to Secure Mission-Critical Blockchain Application
NEW YORK, NY; HANOVER, MD - February 17, 2022 - In groundbreaking research, JPMorgan Chase, Toshiba and Ciena have demonstrated the full viability of
a first-of-its-kind Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network for metropolitan areas, resistant to quantum computing attacks and capable of supporting 800 Gbps
data rates for mission-critical applications under real-world environmental conditions.
The full paper associated with JPM, Toshiba, CIena QKD above
Menu In our digital society, sharing data is risky. Networks have become complex to secure and new invisible threats arise every day. At ID Quantique, we believe
that the ability to trust networks and communicate securely is a fundamental human right.
But it ends up everywhere, and in the hands of people you don't want it to. Intellectual property, communications, sensitive documents, personal
information-these are important to protect, but hard to safeguard with continuously obsolete security and quantum computing on the horizon. Privacy is
the enemy of data harvesters and hackers.
Xanadu Launcher -
Market Analysis
PWC - 3rd Annual Crypto Hedge Fund Report
Pitch deck market charts below are derived in part from this 58 page PWC report on blockchain markets and expected global GDP contributions.
The images below are excerpts from the World Economic Forum Digital Identity Ecosystems Guide 2021 and reflect our digital identity strategy
Case Studies
Interactive Qrypt quantum random number generator API—click run (green right arrow button above) and use the console to enter this token - Use token -
Lattice ZK Snarks
Becoming SEC approved and regulated will essentially be a massive marketing ploy in it of itself. We anticipate the MSM will do much of our initial marketing for us by simply
following our roadmap.
In early summer of 2022, we noticed an article indicating that 99% of all blockchain company ceo’s and heads do not involve AP press releases in their marketing strategy. This
was not surprising to us considering the blockchain worlds perspective on identity, regulatory compliance, and the SEC in particular. It’s almost as if the BW has been and
remains in their own bubble—why expect anything different when it comes to marketing? The Discords, Reddits, Telegrams etc. are often echo chambers within marketing
vacuums that are almost entirely cutoff from the very people we want to reach. How will mass adoption occur if we keep our story within the confines of a pre-defined set of
users? It’s almost anti-blockchain when you think about it. Although we will have a presence on the traditional crypto social media outlets until our ecosystem is live and we
disavow all ecosystems who don’t fully identify their users, we plan to take full advantage of the AP and main stream media’s marketing prowess.
Projected Revenue
Proof of Stake (POS) and ecosystem operations $485MM-$600MM projected first 12 months of mainnet
18% of all capital ever raised and annual ecosystem revenue until fund reaches $1B
Fund Distribution
The following is excerpted from our investor pitch deck.