Effect of Human Disturbances On Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGFR) in Dodoma City, Central Tanzania

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Effect of Human Disturbances on Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGFR) in

Dodoma City, Central Tanzania

Article · May 2020

DOI: 10.37284/eajfa.2.2.156


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3 authors:

Canisius John Kayombo Chrispinus Rubanza

Forestry Training Institute Dodoma University


Richard A. Giliba
The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology


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East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

East African Journal of Environment and

Natural Resources
eajenr.eanso.org EAST AFRICAN
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Print ISSN: 2707-4234 | Online ISSN: 2707-4242 ORGANIZATION
Title DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/2707-4242

Original Article

The Woody Plant Species Diversity, Composition and Dominance of

Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) in Dodoma City, Central
Canisius John Kayombo1*, Chrispinus D. K. Rubanza2,
Richard Alphonce Giliba3 & Almas Kashindye3
1 Department of Botany, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
2 College of Natural and Applied Science, University of Dodoma
3 Forestry Training Institute, Olmotonyi. P. O. Box 35091, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
* Author for Correspondence email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

Article history: ABSTRACT

Received: 22 Feb 2019 Plant species diversity, composition and dominance are important entities in
Accepted: 14 Mar 2019 understanding vegetation types. The wood plant species include; trees, shrubs,
Published: 26 Mar 2020 and woody climbers (lianas/vines). The study was conducted at Mahungu
Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) in 2015 to investigate the woody plant
Keywords: species diversity, composition, and dominance. Systematic random sampling
was applied whereby a total of 36 plots of 2500 m2 were set in the seven (7)
Trees, Shrubs, Lianas, transects at an interval of 400 m. Woody plant species were identified for their
Diversity, Dominance,
botanical nomenclature, determined for their abundance. GPS was applied to
Evenness, Mahungu
locate plots, aligning transects and recording coordinates for plot site and map
Green Belt Forest
Reserve, Dodoma. production. 100 m tape was used to set the plots. H' and ID were applied for
species diversity and dominance. A total of 129 woody plant species were
identified belonging to 38 families and 89 genera. The H' ranged from 0.1831
± 0.0021, with an overall total of 4.271 while ID ranged from 0.004657 ±
0.000015 with a total of 0.02079 an implication of high wood plant diversity,
as the higher the H', and the lower the ID the higher the diversity. MGBFR
consists of high woody plant species diversity. Further study should be done to
assess all plant forms of MGBFR, education provision to community,
establishment of ecotourism industry to sustain the forest reserve.

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

Kayombo, C., Rubanza, C., Giliba, R., & Kashindye, A. (2020). The Woody Plant Species Diversity, Composition and
Dominance of Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) in Dodoma City, Central Tanzania. East African Journal of
Environment and Natural Resources, 2(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

Kayombo, Canisius, Chrispinus Rubanza, Richard Giliba, and Almas Kashindye. 2020. “The Woody Plant Species Diversity,
Composition and Dominance of Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) in Dodoma City, Central Tanzania”. East
African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources 2 (1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125.

Kayombo, C., Rubanza, C., Giliba, R. and Kashindye, A. (2020) “The Woody Plant Species Diversity, Composition and
Dominance of Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) in Dodoma City, Central Tanzania”, East African Journal of
Environment and Natural Resources, 2(1), pp. 1-13. doi: 10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125.

C. Kayombo, C. Rubanza, R. Giliba, and A. Kashindye, “The Woody Plant Species Diversity, Composition and Dominance of
Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) in Dodoma City, Central Tanzania”, EAJENR, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-13, Mar. 2020.

Kayombo, Canisius, Chrispinus Rubanza, Richard Giliba, and Almas Kashindye. “The Woody Plant Species Diversity,
Composition and Dominance of Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) in Dodoma City, Central Tanzania”. East
African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Vol. 2, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 1-13, doi:10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125.

the woody plant species that are lower in size than

INTRODUCTION the typical trees, usually less than 6 m tall, they bear
slender and multi-stems. Woody climbers are also
The floristic composition and diversity of a certain called liana are climbing woody plants or woody
area depends on the time and the habitat types in leaning plants (Beetnje, 1994). Biological diversity
which data were collected (Evangelista et al., often has immediate significance to traditional
2016). Green belt is an area of vegetation or a mass societies whose people live close to the land and
plantation of pollutant-tolerant trees around a city, water (Primack, 2002).
on which building is restricted for mitigating air
pollution by intercepting, filtering and absorbing Worldwide the land is covered by a variety of flora
pollutants in a sustainable manner (Missanjo et al., of which the prominently seen are the woody plants
2015; UNEP, 2007)). According to UNEP (2007) (Moore et al., 1995) and humans have relied on the
and Da Silva (2009), open spaces are refugees and plants for survival and pleasure (Owen-Smith &
nature reserves set aside for the sake of protecting Cooper, 1987). The dependence on plants persists
species other than human beings. Malimbwi (2004) and almost everything we do is influenced either
and Kupnick (2001) stated that the diversity of plant directly or indirectly by plants (Tunholi et al.,
life is an essential factor underpinning of most of 2013). The world uses plants to make clothes,
our terrestrial ecosystems. The woody plant species strings, ropes, resin, lumber, musical instruments,
including shrubs, lianas and trees that provide sports equipment, furniture, fabrics, cardboards,
construction materials, energy source, carbon source of energy and these are only a small part of
dioxide sinks, protection of erosion, windbreak, their importance to us (Thijs, 2014). In the tropics
rainfall regulation, and food and many other useful alone it has been estimated that 2,500,030,000
goods and services (Bein et al., 1996; Naughton, species are in use for various purposes (Heywood,
2007; Malmer & Nyberg, 2008; Mugasha et al., 1992). Green belt forest reserves represent a
2010). Trees are woody plants that are the largest potential approach towards the enhanced supply of
and most prominent of all plant forms of the world ecosystem goods and services in many urban and
plants usually with a single stem called a trunk and peri-urban areas in the tropics including Dodoma
when more than a single stem they are Municipality (URT, 2007).
differentiated from other woody plant forms by
their height and diameter which is always the Tanzania with an area of 945,000 km2 has high
largest of all other woody plants forms. Shrubs are plant species diversity (Ruffo et al., 2002). There

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

are over 9,000 plant species of higher plants in erosion protection function. However, scant
Tanzania, many of which are so-called endemic information exists on plant species diversity,
species, meaning that they are only found in composition and dominance. This study aimed to
Tanzania. (Ruffo et al., 2002; Temu and Nsolomo, investigate the woody plant species diversity,
2000). The threatened woodland plant species composition and dominance of MGBFR in
include Brachystegia spiciformis, B. microphylla, Dodoma Municipality. Mahungu GBFR is among
B. boehmii, Isoberlinia angolensis, Pterocarpus three remaining green belt forest patches after the
angolensis, P. tinctorius, and Pericopsis angolensis change of land use from conservation of vegetation
(Baldus & Siege, 2003). According to the National to settlement. The other outstanding forest patches
Beekeeping Programme (URT, 2004), Tanzania included Chimwaga and Hombolo. MGBFR as a
has about 38.8 million ha of forests that make up part and parcel of Dodoma municipality with high
44% of the total land on the mainland. The forests plant species diversity was established by CDA in
also support wildlife, as well as provide regulation 1973 so as to carter for firewood, recreational,
of temperature and rainfall, prevention of landslides windbreak and climate regulation (URT, 1973),
(Kupnick, 2001), however little information exists however, inadequately has been done to investigate
on their diversity, composition and dominance of the plant species diversity, composition and
plant species in the forests. dominance. It was hypothesized that there were
significant differences in plant species diversity and
According to Polhill (1988), botanical assessment dominance within the woody plant categories but
has been proved to provide database of the localities significantly unevenly distributed. The associated
of plants. The world accommodates enormous plant research questions focused on the woody plant
species diversity with a variety of values to both species diversity, composition and dominance.
human beings and wildlife (Sapieha, 2008). The
African continent contains high plant species MATERIAL AND METHODS
diversity not well explored (Geldenhuys, 2013. The
rich plant species of Tanzania have been surveyed Description of Study Area
at a very general level by botanist such as Ruffo et
al. (2002) who explored the food plants of MGBFR is situated 10 km west of Dodoma
Tanzania, while many specific small areas have not Municipality Centre along the road to Bahi district
been studied yet. Central Tanzania in which (Figure 1). According to the CDA (URT, 2007), the
Dodoma region is situated comprises of high Mahungu is positioned in the Dodoma Municipality
diversity of native woody plant species including woodland plain. The northern end of the forest
Acacia tortilis, A. benthamii, A. mellifera, A. reserve is situated at 60 23’ 5” S and 350 45I 42’’ E,
polyacantha, A. senegal, Commiphora spp., continuing to the south at 60 18’I 7’’ S and 350 48I
Maerua decumbens, Albizia tanganyikensis, A. 9II E, also, 60 15’ 07’’S and 60 51’ 2’’ E to the west
petersiana, Lonchocarpus eriocalyx, Combretum and 60 08’ 33’’S and 35040’ 08’’ E to the eastern end
spp., Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia of the forest reserve (Garmin GPS). The altitude
globiflora, Sclerocarrya birrea, Markhamia ranges from 1141 metres for the lowest, while the
acuminata, and Curroria vulubilis beautifying the highest undulating peak is 1380 m above sea level
environment. (Garmin GPS). MGBFR borders the three villages
which are Nala in the northern and western side,
The Capital Development Authority Plan (URT, and Zuzu Village in the southern side of the forest,
1976) highlighted the green belt forest reserves both being in Nala ward. In the eastern side, the
including Chimwaga, Mbwanga, Mlimwa, Kige, forest reserve borders the Mbwanga Village which
Ihumwa and Mahungu as among important areas is in Kizota Ward (Figure 1).
for recreational purposes, firewood supply and soil

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

Figure 1: A Map of Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR)

Source: Field survey, 2015.

Vegetation and Climate of MGBFR savanna shrub-thicket land with scattered trees and
grassland patches interrupted with trees and shrubs
The MGBFR being in the Dodoma region is within (Plate 1). The common plant species include Bussea
the natural plains marked by woodland patches, massaiensis, Commiphora coerulea, C. ugogensis,
open grassland with little or no tree or bush cover. C. africana, Acacia tortilis, A. senegal, Maerua
The types of ground cover of Dodoma are wooded decumbens, Combretum apiculatum, Grewia
grassland and bushes with thickets (URT, 2014). forbesii, Brachystegia spiciformis, Sclerocarrya
The bush tends to be leafless and dry in the dry birrea, Julbernardia globiflora, Delonix elata,
season, but springs to luxuriant life during the rains Markhamia acuminate, Euphorbia candelabrum,
when the whole countryside turns a brilliant green. and Terminalia sericea as indigenous taxa, mixed
Woodlands form the remainder of the area, with the with exotics to include Peltophorum pterocarpum
heaviest concentrations on the hills of the CDA and Tamarindus indica.
(URT, 2014). The vegetation of MGFR is dry

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

Plate 1: Woodland vegetation of MGBFR

Bussea massaiensis

Julbernardia globiflora
Terminalia sericea

Grewia forbesii

Euphorbia candelabrum

Climate of MGBFR 2002). The average rainfall for Dodoma town is 570
mm, and about 85% of this fall in four months
MGBFR being in Dodoma region has a dry savanna between December and March. Rainfall is
type of climate, which is characterized by a long dry somewhat higher in the more agriculturally
season lasting between late April to early December productive parts of Mpwapwa and Kondoa districts.
and a short single wet season during the remaining Rainfall in Dodoma region is not only low but it is
months. The region lies in a rain shadow behind the rather unpredictable in frequency and amount,
mountains area of Dodoma in the eastern side particularly in the month of January in which most
(United Republic of Tanzania, 2002). The crops are generally sown (URT, 2002).
temperature in the region varies according to
altitude but generally the average maximum and Fauna
minimum for October to December are 31 0C and
18 0C respectively. The corresponding figures for The Forest Reserve accommodates a variety of wild
the cool dry season of June –August are 27 0C to 28 animals such as Mongoose, dik dik, spotted hyena
C and 10 0C to 11 0C (degree centigrade) (URT, (Crocuta crocuta), hares (Lepus microtis), snakes

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

such as Puff adder (Bitis arietans), Cobra (Naja index of dominance; pi = proportion of each plant
naja), a variety of insects, birds including Franklin species in the sample plots.
(Franklin alatamaha).
Woody plant species evenness (J)
Sampling Technique and Reciprocal (R)

Systematic random sampling was employed for Woody plant species evenness (J) was calculated
data collection. This method provides a chance for through:
any element to be included during the study
(Agresti & Finlay, 2008). The first plot was set 𝐽 = 𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝑠)
randomly at a distance between 50 m to 100 m from
the forest edge, trailed systematically at an interval and the reciprocal (R) was obtained from
of 400 m. Agresti and Finlay (2008) stated that the
systematic random is a probabilistic sampling 𝑅 = where R = Reciprocal; 1 = constant; ID =
which is applied to avoid the edge effect. However, Simpson index of dominance.
this method is useful in the mostly close to
homogenous type of vegetation. The observed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
woody plant species were recorded for their
scientific names and determined for their Woody Plant Species Diversity and
occurrence and plant specimens were collected and Composition
shipped to the National Herbarium of Tanzania
(NHT) and Forestry Training Institute (FTOH) for A total of 129 woody plant species were identified
identification. Sampling unit was a rectangular plot at MGBFR belonging to shrubs, lianas and trees,
of 50 m x 50 m [2500 m2] as per Modified belonging to overall 38 families and 89 genera
Whittaker (Stohlgren et a., 1995) consisting 5 x 5 m (Table 1). Of the 129 woody plants, 68 were trees
[25 m2] subplots for evaluating the shrubs. This was (53%), 49 were trees (38%) and only 11 species
a basic unit from which the researcher wishes to (9%) belonged to woody climbers (Figure 2). The
extract data shall be determined (Sarma, 2006). diversity index is a mathematical measure of
This entails the set of items or individuals selected species diversity in a community. Diversity indices
from a larger aggregate or population about which provide more information about community
the research wishes quantitative information composition; they also take the relative abundances
(Sarma, 2006). The parameters of interest were the of different species into account (Kent and Coker,
woody plant species, as variables to be investigated 1992). The plant diversity index measures a variety
(Sarma, 2006). The sample size was 36 calculated of plant taxa existing in a particular area. It may
from coefficient of variation formula; consider at family, genera or species diversity level
𝐶𝑉 2 ∗𝑡 2
(Leinster & Cobbold, 2010).
𝑛 = 𝐸 𝑒 Where CV = coefficient variation; t (at
5%) = student t test; E = allowable error Figure 2: Pie chart showing species diversity
percentage per category
Data Analysis

Shannon Wiener Diversity Index (H')

Data were analyzed using Shannon wiener for

woody plant and Simpson indices for species
richness and dominance (Kent &Coker, 1992;
Sarma, 2006). Shannon Wiener (HI) is calculated
using: H' = -∑pilnpi; where; H' = Shannon wiener;
pi=proportion of each plant species in the sample
plot, and ln = natural logarithm. Simpson index of
dominance (ID); D = ∑pi2; where: ID = Simpson

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

The number of stems of plants species forms The index of diversity calculated was 4.271 (Table
usually varies among themselves. The MGBFR 2). This implied very high woody plant species
revealed to have the highest number of stems of diversity within such a relatively small area with
shrubs per hectare, followed by trees and lianas only 600 hectares. The high woody plant species
were ranked the least (Table 1). The number of diversity implied moderate disturbance to the
stems contributes to the computations of the vegetation, a situation that could have stimulated
diversity and dominance indices (Kent & Coker, the growth of more other woody plant species. The
1992; Giliba et al., 2011). total protection of vegetation my lead into low
species diversity as only the opportunistic plants
Table 1: Total number of woody plant species will grow, while many others may fail to compete,
stems per hectare. and thus diminished diversity of plant taxa. The
other scenario is that excessive disturbance to plant
Unit Tree Shrubs Liana Total species such as charcoal, clearing for farms and
measure overgrazing may lead to complete damage of plant
species and finally desertification. In the case of
Per MGBFR, the presence of a moderate disturbance in
hectare 171 244 32 447 most of the areas has stimulated higher diversity,
while in the southern part, where excessive damage
Woody Plant Species Index of Diversity (H') from grazing and browsing was revealed, the
and Dominance (ID) woody plant species diversity is rather facing a high
rate of decrease in number.
The value of diversity index entails the level of
plant species diversity to whether is high or low.

Table 2: Total families, genera, species and H' for woody plant species of MGBFR in 36 plots

Variable Families Genera Species H'

Value 38 89 129 4.271

Out of 129 woody plant species, only 17 (13.2%) with the index of dominance less than 0.043 were
(Figure 3) woody plant species were ranked as the considered as the least dominant. The most
highest built on biodiversity and dominance dominant woody plants were 17 (Figure 3) and
indices, 15 (11.6%) were medium (Figure 4) while included Grewia forbesii, Euphorbia cuneata,
the rest 97 (75.2%) were termed as the least Canthium burtii, Julbernardia globiflora,
according to this research judgment. Those woody Cassipourea mollis, Margaritaria discoidea, Abrus
plant species diversity indices of 0.077 to 0.183 schimperi, Stigmatorynchus melliferus,
were treated as the most dominant. Commiphora coerulea, Tennantia senii,
Dichrostachys cinerea, Terminalia sericea,
Most, Medium and Least Dominant Woody Plant Commiphora mossambicensis, Combretum
Species apiculatum, Maerua triphylla, Grewia biclor, and
Grewia similis (Figure 3).
Those with index of diversity of 0.076 to ± 0.043
were judged as the medium dominant, while the rest

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

Figure 3: Most dominant woody plant species

While the moderate dominant woody plant species Tapiphyllum velutinum, Tricalysia ovalifolia, Vitex
were Schrebera trichoclada, Markhamia strikeri, Vepris glomerata, Xeroderris stuhlmanii,
acuminata, Allophyllus africanus, Combretum Ximenia americana, Delonix elata and
collinum, Dalbergia arbutifolia, Steganotaenia Zanthoxyllum chalybeum (Figure 4).
araliacea, Vernonia amygdaliana, Ochna ovata,
Figure 4: Pie chart showing the moderate dominant woody plant species.

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

Woody Plant Species Families Anacardiaceae (5), Combretaceae (8), Burseraceae

(7), Capparaceae (8) and Euphorbiaceae (9). The
Out of 38 families, only 8 of them were ranked as rest of the families got only 1 to 3 species each and
the medium and the most dominant grounded on the were ranked as the least dominant according to this
total number of species per family. Those with research (Table 2). 85 woody plant species
above 10 woody plant species were considered as contributed to the most dominant families, and this
the most dominant in terms of number of species. was 66.7% of all 129 woody plant species identified
Those were: Rubiaceae (16) and Fabaceae (28), at the surveyed site. The rest families with a total of
whereas those with 5 to 10 species were ranked as 43 species (33.59375%) were occupied the least
moderate and included; Lamiaceae (5), number of species (Table 3).

Table 3: Total number of woody plant species per family percentage

Family name Total no. of species Percentage (%)

Fabaceae 28 21.7
Rubiaceae 16 12.4
Euphorbiaceae 9 7
Capparaceae 8 6.2
Burseraceae 7 5.4
Anacardiaceae 5 3.9
Combretaceae 8 6.2
Lamiaceae 5 3.9
Total most dominant families 85 66.7
The least dominant families 44 33.3
Overall total families 129 100

Woody Plant Species Evenness (J) and Index of both the index of diversity and the dominance
Dominance and Evenness indices rely on the frequency, and that the higher
the individual plant species frequency, the higher
For evenly distributed taxa we would expect to get the index of diversity as well as the dominance
a value of 1, but in this case, we have more than index. The dominance, just like the diversity index
one, an implication of high variation in species is very useful as it entailed the species evenness and
occupancy. Most of the woody plant species got richness (Giliba et al., 2011).
small dominance index (D), but contributed to the
diversity for MGBFR, as each of them had Dominance Index and Reciprocal as a
occupied a portion in the locality even though were Determinant of Diversity
at such small coverage (Ratner, 2015). The larger
the species occurrence for the most dominant The calculated overall index of dominance of
woody plants the lower the diversity as few 0.02079 with a reciprocal of 48.1 implied high
opportunistic higher plants will cover the area, woody plant species diversity for MGBFR. As a
while variation in species remains relatively low rule, the lower the index of dominance in the scale
(Giliba et al., 2011). Simpson’s index (D) gives a of 0 and 1, the higher the diversity. Also, the close
strong weighting to the dominants. It is also easily the value to 1, the lower the species diversity and
understood (Hill et al., 2002). The woody plant vice versa. But the lower the reciprocal, the lower
species that got the highest index of dominance the diversity while the higher the reciprocal entails
also, got the highest diversity, the moderate also got higher the diversity (Kent and Coker, 1992).
moderate dominance index, whereas the least in
terms of diversity index were equally ranked the
least in terms of dominance index. This is because

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

Woody Plant Species Evenness (J) and Central Tendency of Woody Plant Species
Reciprocal (R)
The study findings came up with the highest mean
The woody plant species, with J of 2.0237 (revealed stems belonging to the shrubs shadowed by trees,
that they were not evenly distributed, as some of and lianas were the least (Table 4). Shrubs got the
them were the most dominant, others were highest standard deviation (20.1), followed by
moderate and the rest were the leas dominant. The lianas (17.8) and trees were the least in terms of
evenness (J) was 2.0237. On the other hand, the standard deviation. This meant shrubs deviated
higher R (48.1) revealed high plant species most of all other woody plant forms. Lianas
diversity in MGFR. The plant species evenness is (222.5%) fell under category with the highest
related to the richness (S) (Shirima et al., 2015). dissimilarities of stems in the plots, whereas the
trees (38.1%) were ranked the second, while shrubs
(32.9%) were least varied among all others. The
standard error for the woody plants showed that
shrubs got the highest figure (3.35), followed by
lianas (2.96) and trees (2.72).

Table 4: Central tendency of woody plant species

Variable Tree Shrub Liana

Mean 42.83 60.92 8
Standard deviation (STDV) 16.3 20.1 17.8
Coefficient of variation 38.1 32.9 222.5
Standard error 2.72 3.35 2.96

continuous occurrence haphazardly such as

CONCLUSION charcoal making and overgrazing.

MGBFR patch accommodates relatively high MGBFR is such a potential area in terms of
woody plant species diversity. The woody plant biological diversity, hence recommendations area
species that occurred most in the research site were made that: ecotourism establishment as among
the most dominant and got the highest diversity and environmentally friendly project; Determination of
dominance indices. Woody plant species high all plant species of MGBFR habits including herbs,
diversity implied moderate anthropogenic sedges, grasses, lianas, trees and shrubs, education
disturbances that could have stimulated the use campaigns by Dodoma city, encourage woodlot
regeneration of most woody plant species that could development at household level, awareness
fail to grow under excessive competition from the creation on safety and negative impacts generated
most dominant woody plants, whereas excessive from environmental damage, provision of
damage leads to massive loss of plant diversity and environmental conservation education to include,
thus leading to desertification. There is a linear enhance non-woody income generating projects,
relationship between the increase in the discourage settlement expansion into the remaining
independent variable and the dependent variable. forest patch, funds should be made available
Total protection may encourage high plant species through out to manage the forest patch, minimize
diversity, but in long run it may lead to low political based emotion decisions, enhance
diversity due to few species overwhelming the alternative sources of energy to the local people.
weaker ones. The families that got a larger number
of plant species were also, considered as the
dominant from that angle. The legal and illegal
activities had an impact on woody plant diversity,
whereas the illegal ones dominated due to

East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.2.1.125

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT composition, Richness and Diversity in

Miombo Woodland of Bereku Forest Reserve,
Many thanks are due to the community of the Tanzania. J. Biod, 2(1), 2-7.
University of Dodoma for their constructive
material and moral support throughout my research Kent, M. and Coker, P. (1992). Vegetation
carrier. Also, appreciation is extended to the former Description and Analysis. A practical
CDA Environmental Director (CDAED) for approach. Belhaven Press. Floral Street,
granting me permission to pursue my study at London.
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