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Moss and lichen diversity in Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park, Bukidnon,

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George R. Puno
Central Mindanao University


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Int. J. Biosci. 2018

International Journal of Biosciences | IJB |

ISSN: 2220-6655 (Print) 2222-5234 (Online)
Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 248-258, 2018


Moss and lichen diversity in Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural

Park, Bukidnon, Philippines

Andrea G. Azuelo1, George R. Puno*2

College of Education, Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon, Philippines
College of Forestry and Environmental Science Central Mindanao University, Musuan,
Bukidnon, Philippines

Key words: Conservation strategy, Floristic, Habitat preference, Taxa

http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/12.3.248-258 Article published on March 30, 2018


The study aimed to identify the mosses and lichens in terms of species richness and composition; document their
distribution across different habitats; assess the conservation status; and identify several conservation strategies
affecting the floral species and recognize its ecological importance in the ecosystem. Samples were collected
through transect walk along the established 2-hectare biodiversity monitoring plot. Each species was classified,
identified and described according to its diagnostic characters using field lens and microscopy examinations.
Findings of the study revealed an overall total of 136 nonvascular species of these, 65 mosses, belonging to 35
genera and 19 families. The lichens had 71 species belonging to 18 genera and 11 families. Taxonomic characters
based on habitats, leaf arrangement and orientation, stem structure, and sporophyte characters for the mosses
and the growth form for the lichens were used to identify into families, genera and species. The species are
confined on tree trunks, decayed logs, twigs and litters and on moist rocks. Moss and lichen cover ranges 30-85%
within study sites. The trend of moisture level at the montane forest reflects the highest species population.
Likewise, different microclimate regimes and substrates strongly influenced its cover and species composition.
Local assessment for the species was observed as endemic, threatened, endangered and possibly new. Three
moss species were found endemic, 1 endangered and 1 species as possibly new. The overall floristic assessment
should be carried out to establish a foundation for their protection and ecological impact to the environment.
* Corresponding Author: George R. Puno  [email protected]

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Introduction pollution since they are vulnerable to environmental

The distribution of epiphytic mosses and lichens change and are excellent indicators of climate change;
assemblage in the montane forest of natural parks in and as model system for research; some species are
the Philippines have been poorly documented. In fact, used in herbal medicine; invaluable in the
very little is known about moss and lichen diversity construction of moss gardens; few species plays a
and their distribution within the forest ecosystem of ‘keystone’ role in mineral cycling and regulation of
Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park (MKaRNP). microclimate in the forests canopy; they provide food
Literature search reflect very few research data as to and habitat for a host of invertebrates (Shevock,
its richness, composition and distribution pattern of 2001). They play important role in the dynamics of
nonvascular flora. understory vegetation as well as soil structure, soil
stability and interception and retention of water
Recent evidence on studies of tropical montane forest (Bates et al., 2000).
are among the biologically richest ecosystems
worldwide, both in terms of flora and fauna Lichens are also nonvascular plants, small with slow
(Bruijnzeel et al., 2011). Bryophytes are diverse group growth and thrive in cool environment in higher
of primitive plants and the second largest group of forest elevation with about 20,000 species worldwide.
land plants to angiosperms (Mishler, 2001; Shaw and They are a symbiosis between a fungus, the
Renzaglia, 2004). They differ from the flowering mycobiont, and a photosynthetic organism, either a
plants primarily by lacking vascular system for green alga or cyanobacteria species, the photobiont.
transporting fluids throughout the plant and They have a wide variety of growth forms, the main
reproduce by spores (Shevock et al., 2014). These morphology types such as crustose, foliose and
groups included the mosses, liverworts and fruticose. These groups also grow on a wide range of
hornworts. Ecologically, they are an important substrate both natural and man-made and obtain
component of tropical montane forests, both in terms their required nutrients and water quality from the
of ecosystem functioning, biomass and biodiversity atmosphere thus, are highly sensitive to atmospheric
(Holtz et al., 2002). And play a significant role in the changes and are excellent bioindicators of
water balance and nutrients cycling. environmental quality (Dyer and Letourneau, 2007;
McCune, 2000).
Generally, the bryophytes are nonvascular plants,
small, green, simple, spore-bearing and unique Foliose, crustose and fruticose group of lichens
among land plants in having relatively large comprise about 18,000 to 20,000 species worldwide.
perennial, photosynthetic, and free-living, haploid In the Philippines, the lichens are about 1,108 taxa
gametophytes, unbranched diploid sporophytes that distributed in 137 genera, 789 species and 253
remain attached to the maternal gametophyte varieties. Some species are of great medicinal value
throughout their lifespan, thus it is heteromorphic in such as their antibiotic properties, some with
their lifespan (Shaw and Beer, 1999). Recently, they protolichesteric acid such as use in the preparation of
include approximately 25,000 species worldwide and some anti-cancer drugs. Others are for food for many
was divided into three separate divisions, namely: animals, for dying purposes, perfume industry and
Bryophyta (mosses) with 15,000 species, the some as acid-alkaline indicators (Wolesly, 1960).
Marchantiophyta (liverworts) with 8,500 species and
Anthocerophyta (hornworts) with approximately 300 Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park is considered as a
species. These groups are all moisture-loving plants natural park in May 5, 2000, under Presidential
and grow on a wide variety of substrates but differ in Proclamation 305. It has an estimated area of 55,692
their anatomical features. Most importantly, the hectares (ha), of which 24,732.18 ha consist of the
bryophytes play significant role in the ecosystem in a strict protection zone or the protected area (PA) while
variety of ways such as biological indicator of air approximately 30,889.25 ha make up the buffer zone

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(DENR-PENR Bukidnon, 2018) located in the central Department of Science and Technology (DOST-
section of Bukidnon with the Mindanao Central PCAARRD) (Fig. 1.). The local climate is cool and
Cordillera. The park covers the City of Valencia and humid, with the mean daily temperature during the
the three municipalities of Pangantucan, Talakag, and conduct of the study ranges from 15ºC (night) and
Maramag, all in the province of Bukidnon. The land 25ºC (day). The elevation of the study site ranges
within the boundary of the mountain of Mt. from 1340-1650 meters above sea level (masl). Its
Kalatungan Range is still declared as timberland with understory vegetation is characterized by tree ferns,
identical vegetation cover. Its terrestrial status is shrubs, herbs, vines palm, and bamboo trees. The
considered extremely highly critical. The environment canopy and subcanopy branches showed distinct
exhibits richness in vegetation reflecting the diversity and rich vascular and non-vascular epiphytes.
of the montane forests. However, the said forest in Generally, the forest landscape appears undisturbed
the buffer zone of the protected area was found with old growth forest on the forest floor. Several
dramatically disturbed with pressing issues and species of fauna were noted such as unique species
concerns relative to land cover conversion for agro- of invertebrates such as the insects, ants, and moths
industrial use. in association living with the bryophytes and
lichens. Likewise, some vertebrates were observed
Recently, the current state of knowledge of the during the conduct of the study such as bats, birds,
mosses and lichen taxa in the Philippines need to be snakes and amphibians.
crypto magically explored. This should include the
identification of its unique and micro-
environmentally niches that are very limited in extent
and threatened by various factors, In fact, as observed
Philippine Forests seemed to be ecologically
disturbed for some are converted into agricultural
landscape. Thus, it is seen that most nonvascular life-
forms show emphasis of their distribution in a limited
number of classes of land use intensity. More so, the
continued forest denudation activities and the
alarming natural calamities affecting mosses and
lichens flora need immediate attention before they
are lost in the biosphere. Taxonomic data on mosses
and lichens could hardly be obtained. Thus the
present research report looks into their systematics
and ecological status distributed in Mt. Kalatungan
Natural Park, Bukidnon.
Fig. 1. Location of the study site.
Materials and methods
Study Area Field Sampling
The study area was conducted at MKaRNP, The fieldwork was carried out employing a transect
Bukidnon, Philippines, passing through Barangay walk from the campsite to the identified area. A
Portulin, Pangantucan, Bukidnon. The site is also handheld global positioning system (GPS) was used
within the upper portion of the Muleta Watershed, to collect coordinate points for the exact geographical
the study site of the Integrated Watershed Research locations of the study area. The mosses and lichens
and Development Project funded by the Philippine species were sampled randomly in all microhabitats
Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural within the study sites. Each species was assessed by
Resources Research and Development of the noting their habitat preferences.

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These serve as their substratum confined at tree Inventory of moss species in their order with most
trunks, soil, logs, rocks, twigs, branches, litter, and numbered families are: Meteoriaceae, Orthotrichaceae,
exposed roots and on upper leaf surfaces, the voucher Fissidentaceae Hypnaceae, Pterobryaceae,
specimens were placed in their individual packet and Leucobrayceae, Hypnodendraceae, Racopilaceae,
properly labeled with detailed and accurate Polytrichaceae, Thuidiaceae, Sematophyllaceae,
information gathered at the time of collection. Neckeraceae, Mniaceae, Dicranaceae, Calymperaceae,
Bryaceae, and the least species is represented by the
Species Nomenclature families of Entodontaceae and Hookeriaceae (Fig. 2).
Identification of the specimens was based on taxonomic Similarly, the most species-rich among the lichen species
characters and a microscopy examination was done on is represented by their order of families namely:
those species which exhibited unique characters using Parmeliaceae, Lobariaceae followed by Physiaceae,
field lens and dissecting microscopes. Some standard Pertusariaceae, Lecanoraceae, Collemataceae,
manuals, books, keys, checklist, monographs and related Gyalectaceae, Cladoniaceae, Ramalinaceae, unidentified,
literatures were used. and the least species is represented by Coccocarpiaceae
and Graphidaceae (Fig. 3.). There are species under
Assessment of Conservation Status
study belonging to unidentified species. These group of
Assessment of conservation status as to endemicity,
species need further verifications on their distinct
threatened or endangered was also employed using
morphology characters.
existing literature from the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. More
importantly, local assessment on both moss and
lichens species was carried out as to its medicinal and
potential properties was given preference. The data
was taken from secondary resources obtained from
literatures and science reviews.

Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics such as frequency counts and
Fig. 2. Families, genera and species count of mosses
percentage distribution of species in different
in Mt. Kalatungan Range Natual Park, Bukidnon.
microhabitats of the forest were used to analyze the data.

Results and discussion

Species Richness
The collected nonvascular flora mosses and lichens
revealed a total of 136 species. Of these, it comprised
65 species of mosses belonging to 35 genera and 19
families. For the lichens, there are 71 species
belonging to 18 genera and 11 families (Table 1).
These data was s gathered through alpha taxonomy.

Table 1. Total count of family, genera and species of

moss and lichen flora in Mt. Kalatungan Range Fig. 3. Families, genera and species count of lichens
Natural Park, Bukidnon. in Mt. Kalatungan Range Natual Park, Bukidnon.
Plant Family Genera Species
Mosses 19 35 65 The epiphytic floral species exhibited were closely
Lichens 11 18 71
Total 30 53 136 linked to their habitats on the landscape. It appears
that one should consider the pattern of the species

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diversity and assessing each to include its potential

habitats in an ecosystem. The data indicated that the
mosses were found in close association with their
substrate similarity. The study presents similar
findings with Vitt & Belland (1997) that moss species
richness is closely related to microhabitat diversity.

Further results indicated that mosses generally

epiphytic growing on trees, decayed litter and logs,
fallen branches, twigs and rocks, soil and surface
leaves. The data results reflect that several moss and Fig. 5. Habitat preferences of lichens.
lichen species were present and are confined to
different microhabitats. According to Holtz et al, (2002) the understorey or
forest floor plays a much more important role as
This explains that mosses are substrate specific for habitat for mosses. Thus, the difference in terms of
some may occur temporarily available to small species richness and microhabitat differentiation of
microhabitats such as on decayed logs, soil, leaves and the species correlate with differences in climate and
rocks (Fig. 4 and 5). However, the microclimate of the forest composition.
prevailing area of the species is significant thus they
grow on almost fallen twigs/branch and tree trunk and As reported, it is very essential to document and
in all substrates which might be attributed for its most record non-vascular species within potential sites as
favorable climate. added information.

Species Composition
For the lichens, a total of 71 species under 18 genera
A comparison of the nonvascular species is presented
and 11 families were collected along the transect walk.
with microhabitats / substratum. The distribution of
The largest family belongs to Parmeliaceae and the
mosses differ in their microhabitats in the study site.
least is represented by family Cococarpiaceae and
Graphidaceae with single species. Lichens collected
At the montane forest site, decayed log, litters and
are moisture dependent and shade-adapted.
trunks are the richest microhabitats of epiphytic
mosses. Similarly, fallen branch, trunks and logs are
The presence of Lobariaceae and Collemataceae in the
the richest habitats for lichens (Fig. 4 and 5.).
transect walk indicated that the two families are more
frequent in humid forests (Balaji and Hariharan,
2013). More importantly, the total number of mosses
and lichens has been shown to be strongly associated
with moisture and vegetation types (Dynesius and
Zinko, 2006).

The given floristic studies noted that diversity of the

nonvascular flora can be explained in terms of large
number of different habitats found on large green old
forest growth. Likewise, the diversity of bryophytes
assemblages was assessed through species richness
and species distribution–range type growth forms
Fig. 4. Habitat preferences of mosses. and life strategies.

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Fig. 6. Some mosses in Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park: A) Pogonatum macrophyllum Dozy & Molk.; B)
Fissidens nobilis Griff.; C) Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par.; D) Neckeropsis lepineana (Mont.)
Fleisch.; E) Syrrhopodon tristichus Nees ex Schwaegr.; F) Hypnodendron vitiense Mitt. in Seem.; G)
Symphysodontella subulata Broth.; H) Hypnodendron diversifolium Broth & Geh.; I) Pterobryopsis
gedehensis Fleisch; J) Leucobryum arfakianum C. Müll. Ex Geh.; K) Macromitrium semperi C. Müll.; L)
Racopilum johannis-winkleri Broth.

Some mosses displayed uniqueness on their external of the mosses were noted such as cushions, mats,
and anatomical morphology features. Each species pendant, tails, turfs and feathers as shown in Fig. 6.
was described on the bases of their taxonomic They are both pleurocarpous and acrocarpous.
characters such as habit, habitat, leaf arrangement, Further, other significant information reflect to show
leaf cells, sporophyte characters and rhizoids potential medicinal values of some moss species
(Yamaguchi, 1993). Further, the identified life forms collected in the area studied (Fig 6A, 6B and 6C).

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These include Pogonatum macrophyllum Dozy & visual assessment such as color, size and shape and
Molk., Fissidens nobiis Griff., and Rhodobryum reproductive structures such as apothecia structured
giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par. The lichen taxa in the forms differs among the macrolichens. It was found out
montane forest had exhibited unique features with that more prevalent are the foliose lichen during the
respect to growth forms and substratum preference. time of collection. Further, some lichens species
Some examples of the lichens are examined during the collected in the area were identified to have some
study is presented in Fig. 7. As gleaned on the data, medicinal potentials (Fig 7A, 6B and 6C).

Fig. 7. Some Lichens in Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park: A) Lobaria pulmonaria (L) Hoffm; B) Usnea
longissima Ach.; C) Usnea articulate L. Hoffm.; D) Heterodermia echinata (Taylor) Culb.; E) Graphis hiascens Fée;
F) Lecanora leprosa Fée; G) Cladonia sp.; H) Lecanora sp.; I) Usnea flammea Stirt; J) Usnea nidulans Motyka.

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The present investigation via transect walk of the characters between the forest floor habitat and those
moss and lichen flora within the two-hectare on epiphytic on tree trunks. As shown, the
biodiversity monitoring plot is characterized by a distribution of the lichens with the most species-rich
difference in heights or elevation, microclimate microhabitats are on fallen branch (46%), followed by
structure, particularly in moisture (humidity) which trunk (43%), and decayed log (11%) respectively.
is about 85%, light availability and the exposure of the
species between canopy of trees. This findings During the fieldwork, there was a low-temperature
obtained similar results with the study conducted by range (16-18ºC) and humidity (70-95%). As noted,
Gehrig-Downie et al. (2013), that the high species in the distribution and species composition appeared to
the lowland forest may be due to their complex show correlated with humidity and light regimes in
architecture of the area and its epiphytic diversity determining the composition of the moss and lichens
coincided with the high moisture level. More communities.
importantly, the meteorological observations during
the field work is associated with the daily occurrences The type and number of microhabitats are important
of moving fogs thus causing high relative humidity. predictors of the number and type of species present.
In fact, important habitat for bryophytes and lichens
Cryptogam Microhabitats include large rotten logs, large trees and snags and
The distribution of mosses as to habitat consistently higher in old-growth compared to young
differentiation (Fig. 4.) reflects the microhabitat forest (Arsenault and Goward, 2000).
preferences of the species. The distribution showed
that the most species-rich microhabitats are on trunk Assessment of Status
(Corticolous; 28%), followed by decayed log (23%), Local assessment of mosses revealed 1 possibly new
moist soil (18%), hanging or epiphytic (12%), fallen species belonging to Fissidentaceae family (Table
branch (11%), moist rock (6%) and decayed litter (2%) 2) and 1 species for the lichens belonging to the
respectively. The results showed similar findings with family of Physiaceae (Table 3). Three (3) endemic
Holtz et al. (2002) that the forest floor plays an species namely: Ectropothecium ferrugineum (C.
important role as habitat for epiphytic mosses. Müll.) Jaeg., Symphysodontella subulata Broth.
and Thuidium beguetense Broth. ex Bartr. were
On the lichens species (Fig. 5.), these findings show reported by Tan and Iwatsuki (1991). One
remarkably distinct for the species of lichens and endangered species namely: Pogonatum
appeared differently due to differences in structural macrophyllum (Dozy & Molk.) Lindb.

Table 2. Some medicinal mosses in Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park, Bukidnon.

Species Medical Uses
Rhodobryum giganteum For cardiovascular problem and nervous P-hydroxycinnamic acid
(Schwaegr.) Par. prostration; to cure angina; anti-hypoxia 7-8 dihydroxy coumarin
BRYACEAE antipyretic, diuretic and antihypertensive
(Asakawa, 2007)

Fissiden snobilis Diuretics and hair growth stimulation tonics

Griff. FISSIDENTACEAE as antibacterial agent for swollen throats and
other symptoms of bacterial infection

Pogonatum macrophyllum To reduce inflammation and fever, as

Dozy & Molk. detergent diuretic, laxative and hemostatic

Plagiomnium sp. For infections and swelling (Azuelo et al.,


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Table 3. Some medicinal lichens in Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park, Bukidnon.
Species Medical Uses Active Components
Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Applied to cuts as antiseptic and healing agent (Guarrera Stictic acid, consictic
Hoffin. LOBARIACEAE et al., 2008). Used for indigestion, malnutrition in acid, and norstictic
children, abdominal distention, ascarid infestation, acid
burns and scald, edema due to kidney inflammation,
local swelling, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and
severe aching of skin. Drink decoction or apply powder
to affected area (Hu et al., 1980; Wang and Qian, 2013).
Parmotrema Tea drunk to relieve discomfort from kidney disorder or Catechin, purpurin,
Reticulatum (Taylor) M. venereal disease. The tea is commonly prepared in late tannic acid and
Choisy PARMELIACEAE afternoon and left for one night before being drunk reserpine
(Pennington, 1969).
Usnea articulate L. Treatment for stomachache. A handful is chewed fresh Fumarprotoccetraric
Hoffm. PARMELIACEAE and the juice swallowed, it is bitter but relieves the pain acid
after a while (Kokwaro, 1976). Used for wounds and skin
bruises (Brooker et al., 1987).
Usnea longgisima Ach. For treating cancer, tuberculosis and ulcers (Yazici and Evernic, diffractaic,
PARMELIACEAE Aslan, 2003; Odabasoglu et al., 2006). Used to heal bone barbatic, and 4-0
fractures. Washed, air dried, soaked overnight in salted demethylbarbati
water, and placed over affected part (Sharma, 1997). acids

Medicinal Value: An Ethnobotanical Perspective The mosses and macrolichens is closely related to
Some medicinal mosses and lichens collected were large and varied microhabitats and is characterized
identified based on literature search. The medicinal with scattered trees and restricted habitats, thus both
uses and their active components is presented in species show remarkably distinct and diverse in their
Tables 2 & 3. For the moss species, this include 3 morphology structures.
medicinal mosses namely: Fissidens nobilis Griff.,
Pogonatum macrophyllum (Dozy & Molk.) Lindb., Generally, the distribution of mosses are strongly
Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par. and epiphytic on tree trunks which is represented by the
Plagiomnium sp. For macrolichens species, 4 plants family Meteoriaceae and the least families are
were noted with medicinal properties namely: Lobaria represented by Hookeriaceae and Entodontaceae
pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm., Parmotrema reticulatum while macrolichens distribution are closely epiphytic
(Taylor) M. Choisy, Usnea articulata L. Hoffm., and which is represented by Parmeliaceae and the least is
Usnea longissima Ach. (Table 8). Both species exhibited Cococarpiaceae and Graphidaceae on the tree trunks
antimicrobial activity, antipyretic, diuretic, antiseptic, and fallen branch.Local assessment of status of
antihypertensive, anticancer and healing effects. mosses and lichens revealed one possibly new species.

Conclusion One endangered species namely: Pogonatum

The montane and mossy forest of MKaRNP have macrophyllum (Dozy & Molk.) Lindb. and three
exhibited diversity on the presence of mosses and endemic species namely: Ectropothecium
macrolichens species and with great diversification of ferrugineum (C. Müll.) Jaeg., Symphysodontella
their microhabitats. Results revealed a total taxa of subulata Broth and Thuidium benguetense Broth. ex
136 of mosses and lichens species belonging to 65 Bartr while on macrolichens, three species are of
species, 35 genera and 19 families, while 71 medicinal value such as Lobaria pulmonaria (L.)
macrolichen species with 18 genera and 11 families. Hoffm., Parmotrema reticulatum (Taylor) M. Choisy,
Usnea articulata L. Hoffm and Usnea longissima Ach.
At the time of sampling, the forest exhibited high Both species exhibited antimicrobial activity,
species richness since the forest is characterized by antipyretic, diuretic, antihypertensive, and anticancer
mixed tall trees and closed canopy and high humidity. or healing effects.

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258 Azuelo and Puno

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